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Medici: Masters of Florence - Season 1 Medici: Masters of Florence is a captivating historical drama television series that

Medici: Masters of Florence - Season 1

Medici: Masters of Florence is a captivating historical drama television series that first premiered in 2016. Set in 15th-century Italy, the show takes us on a journey through the tumultuous lives of the influential Medici family, who were renowned for their wealth, power, and patronage of the arts.

The series revolves around the rise of Cosimo de' Medici, brilliantly portrayed by Richard Madden (known for his role as Robb Stark in Game of Thrones). Cosimo finds himself thrust into the position of head of the Medici banking dynasty, following the mysterious death of his father. As he navigates the treacherous political landscape of Florence, Cosimo must balance his duty to his family with his desire for a more just society.

Dustin Hoffman (Rain Man, The Graduate) delivers a captivating performance as Giovanni de' Medici, Cosimo's father and the founder of the family's banking empire. Hoffman's portrayal of a shrewd and pragmatic patriarch adds depth to the series, as we witness his influence even after his untimely demise.

Another standout in the cast is Stuart Martin, who portrays Cosimo's younger brother, Lorenzo de' Medici. Stuart breathes life into the charismatic and indulgent Lorenzo, whose hedonistic lifestyle often clashes with Cosimo's more reserved demeanor. Lorenzo's relationship with his wife, Clarice Orsini, played by Annabel Scholey (Being Human), also adds a layer of complexity to the storyline.

The series further explores the Medici family's intricate connections to renowned artists of the Renaissance. Pivotal characters such as Sandro Botticelli, played by Sebastian De Souza (The Borgias), and Donatello, portrayed by Lex Shrapnel (John Carter), bring a touch of artistic genius to the narrative. Their interactions with the Medici family highlight the symbiotic relationship between politics and art during this transformative period in European history.

The production design and cinematography of Medici: Masters of Florence are visually stunning, effortlessly recreating the opulence and grandeur of Renaissance Italy. The series beautifully captures the architecture, costumes, and landscapes of the time, immersing viewers in the heart of Florence during this pivotal era.

With its intricate plotlines, political intrigue, and remarkable performances, Medici: Masters of Florence delves into the themes of power, ambition, and the cost of pursuing one's vision. As Cosimo grapples with the challenges of maintaining control over the bank while defending the democratic ideals of Florence, the series masterfully explores the fragile balance between personal desires and the greater good.

The soundtrack of Medici: Masters of Florence, composed by Paolo Buonvino, perfectly complements the series' narrative. Buonvino's score encapsulates the emotion and drama of each scene, heightening the tension and adding depth to the characters' struggles. The show features an incredible blend of classical and contemporary sounds, further immersing the audience in the rich tapestry of the Medici's world.

If you're interested in discovering the captivating world of Medici: Masters of Florence, enhance your viewing experience by listening to the immersive soundtrack. You can play and download the sounds here, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the epic scope of the series. The score will transport you to the medieval streets of Florence, where power, art, and ambition collide in a mesmerizing tale of the Medici dynasty.

Medici: Masters of Florence is not only a visually stunning and historically accurate series, but also a captivating exploration of one of the most influential families of the Renaissance. With its compelling performances, intricate plotlines, and evocative soundtrack, the show is a must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of gripping drama alike.
A banker doesn't make an offer without the chance of a good return
A banker who wants to be an artist.
A bankrupt cannot be a member of the Signoria, Signor Maso.
A bill of sale. For hemlock.
A case for war has been made.
A coldness. And he has locked me out of his heart.
A courier from Siena.
A cynic might argue the Council is happy its ambassadors failed.
A difficult situation? Oh, well, my apologies.
A flying buttress imbedded in the dome itself.
A foolish man lives for himself.
A fragrant offering to our Lord by his humble servant,
A giant mountain! Dirt, mixed with coins, upon which...
A gift? From whom?
A hero's welcome!
A leech growing fat on the blood of the people.
A letter from my father.
A letter from the Pope. Read it.
A lot has happened while you were away. Piero has won the vote in the Signoria.
A maggot crawling its way through your flesh
A man determined to die should be allowed to run headlong
A man must live his own life.
A man of great wealth and power.
A man who chose the hard and narrow path.
A man who turned once could be turned again
A man who would pull down the house of God?
A moment of your time. Holy Mother Church...
A mother has lost her husband and son.
A new one off tax to pay for an army,
A new world is here. A world of business and trade.
A peasant. A laundress, Messer.
A result obtained in blood.
A slip with your mark was given to Guadagni this morning,
A stallion may mount a donkey and get a mule. I like mules.
A statement of intent? I say we grant exile, not death.
A successful journey?
A truce?
A tyrant that brought the sword to this city.
A wise man lives with a purpose.
A woman of your intelligence should not delude herself.
A world where if you are born poor,
A world where men are awarded for their ideas and initiative,
About rich men entering the kingdom of heaven?
Above all else, I must res
Acquit Cosimo! Cosimo has done no wrong!
Admit it. You told Cosimo about the engagement.
Advises the man who's yet to fall in love with a woman?
After all these years.
After all, we are both bankers.
After drinking a cup of wine, she said it tasted off
After you lied to me about your father's death,
After you murdered the surgeon who conducted our father's autopsy.
After your father refused to allow Lorenzo to marry Rosa,
After your grandfather.
Against a man many of us have considered a friend
Against heaven, and against you.
Against my wishes.
Ah, here are the records.
Ah, Messer Medici.
Ah, Signor Pazzi. Good to see you here today.
Ah, the man I'm looking for killed someone.
Ah! Wait, wait.
Albizzi calls our money "dirty gold."
Albizzi carried the vote.
Albizzi guards are in the Signoria.
Albizzi had a classical education.
Albizzi had him arrested for corruption because you bribed him.
Albizzi has changed the guard. Shut us out of Cosimo's cell.
Albizzi has forced Guadagni to convene the Signoria.
Albizzi has the government in a stranglehold.
Albizzi holds the Signoria in an iron grip.
Albizzi is a man of faith, and the Pope has certain...
Albizzi is determined. Lorenzo told me
Albizzi is marrying off his son to Isabella Contarini in secret.
Albizzi is outmatched.
Albizzi punishes anyone who speaks out with levies and confiscation.
Albizzi said it was a grave sin to take your money.
Albizzi stopped me from seeing my husband because of the letter that you gave him.
Alerting his killer, will only make him harder to catch.
Alerting the killer will only make him harder to catch.
Alessandra Albizzi believes it was you who ordered their deaths.
Alessandra Albizzi believes it was you who ordered their deaths.
All I can do is let nature take its course.
All I have left in the world.
All I point out is that...
All I wish...
All I've got in my own name is a vineyard.
All ladies go to the gentleman in black.
All our family's good deeds are in humble service to God.
All our good deeds...
All right then, Medici.
All that matters is to win back Florence.
All the builders, carpenters, see the clerk here!
All the lines in the drawing radiate from it.
All the money was withdrawn and the bank has collapsed.
All the tithes and taxes that flow to the Curia
All this fussings.
All those funds belong to the Pope. We cannot touch them
All those who are loyal to the city shall join us.
All to the aid of his own fame and wealth.
All told, that would result in a net dowry of, uh...
All you needed was to be paid.
All, so you could just throw it away on, on, on youthful passions.
Almighty God.
Almost, uh, 70,000 florins.
Although he's picking a very odd time to fulfill his childhood dreams
Although, cloth isn't the only beautiful thing we returned with.
Always allow them to take the lead.
Am I simply to watch and wait as my daughter in law dies?
Am I to assume she is a good conversationalist after all?
An assurance from the great Cosimo de' Medici
An eternal monument to the majesty of our creator,
An illusion of sorts. Perspective
An innocent man fears nothing.
An ordained cardinal and voting member of the Curia.
And 20 years too late.
And a grateful guest of this republic that I relay this to you...
And a mortal sinner's soul burns in everlasting fire
And a sign of things to come.
And abandons you to suffer the consequences!
And Albizzi suspects.
And Albizzi was a far more worthy adversary
And all our sins.
And all the while, you were just feeding information to Venice.
And already he neglects his family. Hmm.
And also I expect your bank to secure all my future ventures.
And as leaders of Florence, we are responsible for those sins.
And as long as that continues, we're all doomed.
And as of today, we can see no end to this present crisis.
And as you will see...
And asks him to postpone replacing you until the bank transfer is complete
And become puppets under Visconti's authority,
And besides, Messer Medici, it is the law.
And besides, you will be my guest.
And bringing new life into the world is never a curse.
And even if they weren't, I would lack support.
And Florence cannot have its procession of the Magi without the Medici.
And Florence must seize its place.
And for recognizing these present families
And from there we might take the city of Florence.
And fully ordained.
And get the Pope back where he belongs.
And give you more time to use his funds.
And God will save you from this plague.
And have married into a noble family.
And have nothing but blistered feet to show for it.
And he died before we were allowed to.
And he expects us to pay for it?
And he has this theory he calls perspective.
And he is ready to fight for you, his army is camped outside of Rome,
And he was loyal to my father,
And he will need you to keep him on course.
And he will speak tomorrow at the Signoria,
And he's made it quite clear that there's no room left for...
And honest trades!
And how?
And hundreds more providing bricks and supplies.
And I advise you to keep the peace.
And I am proud of you.
And I am very grateful.
And I am yet to meet a banker who has not been accused of usury.
And I can see that men are back at work, and... and that there is
And I don't even know if they'll allow me to speak.
And I fear for Isabella's safety.
And I had my eye on his horse.
And I have accepted that, I will grow used to that,
And I have sins of my own. But as long as we can breathe,
And I must thank you for your hospitality.
And I shall be eternally grateful to your family.
And I thought he's not gonna be able to pay this,
And I told him it couldn't be from you, but it was too late.
And I trust you will not disobey me.
And I will instruct you on what you do with it.
And I wish all of you to share my compassion for this woman.
And I won't.
And I wouldn't be surprised if others follow the Pope's lead.
And I, of course, will be glad to offer my services.
And I'm planning to resume construction
And if we do not act now, we may never get another chance.
And if you oppose the war, then many others in the Signoria will vote with you.
And it is Cosimo who did this!
And it is not my place to question the wisdom of building it or the..
And it requires no pillars, no sponge stone,
And it was found in your saddlebags.
And it will be your fault, Rinaldo! This city will be destroyed!
And it will be, at least for a decade more.
And it's no secret that you and he were close.
And it's true Cosimo hasn't lain with her for weeks.
And leave with a sword in your belly? I think not.
And loot the home of Lupo Corona.
And me.
And mercy for the agent that contacted me, he...
And more besides.
And more keep coming every day.
And my... wealth seems repellent.
And never forget that. All right.
And never once that I complained or blamed you.
And no mountain of dirt and coins.
And not enough time admiring the man that you have become.
And nothing, not even his exoneration, will bring him back.
And now Cosimo hides behind his gold
And now I find myself forced to sell my daughter's hand.
And now I find myself wondering about some of the things he may have done.
And now I'm freed by your hand,
And now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.
And now Medici, Medici asks for mercy.
And now you bear a heavy burden.
And now you have a chance to weaken him.
And now you must save them both!
And now you will have consequences.
And poor Cosimo is only trained in bookkeeping.
And preferred people to work for them.
And scrounge the capital to start this bank and raise this family,
And see only what is staring you in the face.
And seize all documents pertaining to his wealth,
And so I stand with them.
And so the Medici begin to fall.
And so we must win. And I'll gather evidence in father's favor.
And so will I.
And so you see, as de facto leader of this city,
And some say they dreamt too large.
And swords grow rusty if they are not used.
And that money will enable him to recruit and equip an army,
And the accounts show, quite clearly,
And the city stagnates under their influence.
And the families will be at war with us.
And the killers have escaped.
And the Pope will finally have his tithes.
And the Pope's tithes will not last indefinitely.
And the teachings of Christ!
And the workers fear they will catch the plague if they go inside.
And their son's sons to realize those dreams.
And then again, maybe I have
And then they die, and what they expect ceases to matter.
And then we march on the Signoria and secure our position once and for all.
And there are more ways for a woman to be indispensable
And there are those that would use it against me.
And there was no interest charged.
And there will be no chance of bribery tomorrow.
And there will be no hope of recovery until peace is restored.
And these bills of trade will become payable.
And they prosecute them endlessly.
And they've just given me the perfect excuse.
And this information does not leave this house.
And this is the only convent in our records,
And this man's a goldsmith, he's not an architect.
And to answer your question, it isn't going particularly well.
And to build this dome with a usurer's coin,
And to me too, it seems. We were wrong to accuse you.
And to the Medici.
And today they will speak through you. Hmm?
And vice versa.
And war has been the instrument of their power,
And we are prepared to invest
And we are trying to save the life of an innocent man.
And we know he is banker to the Pope.
And we must appear powerful, now more than ever.
And we won't gut you yet.
And we'll call him Lorenzo.
And when he was a boy, he played in that vineyard many times.
And when I die, it'll be up to my sons
And when it's ready, I know it's time to harvest.
And why would you do that?
And with it, has bought power.
And with Lorenzo de' Medici.
And yet foremost in your mind is the completion of a building.
And yet I notice that word of his poisoning has not spread.
And yet I say otherwise.
And yet I still did everything I could to secure your return.
And yet now, you accuse me of this?
And yet since his arrival here,
And yet you did not leave.
And yet you do nothing to pursue the man who did.
And you are accused of attempting to overthrow the city of Florence.
And you are to be a grandfather.
And you honor God by serving this family, and our bank.
And you know that
And you must lead us. For the glory of Florence.
And you never said sorry. Not once.
And you once told me...
And you think this man can defeat Visconti?
And you will be loyal to me, and only to me.
And you will be my eyes and ears on what is now the richest bank on earth.
And you will establish yourself as the indisputable heir apparent.
And you will let the Signoria rule over you?
And you will or so help me,
And you, young man, you shall have my daughter as a bride.
And you?
And you.
And you'll find every one of them has an alibi for that night.
And you're del Giudice, the mason.
And you're here to ensure that I won't either.
And your beauty will fade within weeks
And your father will be too.
And your own father's death,
And yours is to serve this family.
And, perhaps, you sense... now is the time to seize it after all.
And, uh, who knows, in time your affections may grow.
And... save this family.
Another time, perhaps.
Any other information that you can give me?
Any strangers in my home at this moment concerns me
Anyone could have taken that dagger from my saddles and killed Tancredi!
Anyone foolish enough to take it could be next in the dock.
Anyone, Cosimo!
Are we not made in God's image?
Are what make possible the beauty that you so worship.
Are you all right?
Are you always so quiet?
Are you certain of this sin?
Are you deaf? Answer me.
Are you entirely serious?
Are you familiar with the properties of hemlock?
Are you giving me a lecture on the evils of extravagance?
Are you jealous?
Are you quite well, Messer de' Medici?
Are you serious?
Are you so depraved as to believe there is no honor or faith in Rome?
Are you sure that you have everything you need?
Are you sure there isn't anything you wish to confess?
Are you sure we're backing the winner this time?
Are you sure you're up to such a challenge?
Aren't they beautiful?
Aren't you worried?
Arise, please.
Around 15,000 ducats.
Arrest him!
Arrest this man at once.
Arrest this man for corruption.
As blunt as ever, I see.
As hard as it is, that's the reality. And we must learn to fit in.
As if I don't have enough to deal with, with tonight's dinner.
As Jesus said:
As soon as you tell me what your friend here
As the city's new commander,
As to transfer the proof of your guilt from an old bag to a new one?
As we are both men of business, shall we speak terms?
As we sit here, conspirators are plotting our downfall.
As we speak, all that stands between the Colonna family and the Curia
As you are doubtless aware, Cardinal Cossa is highly qualified...
As you choose
As you wish.
As you're aware, Your Holiness,
At least give him a chance.
At least he's doing something!
At least let our families not die in hunger.
At least not until he is acquitted.
At least remain until Cosimo returns. He will be so sad to have missed you.
At once.
At one third their face value.
At present, Holy Mother Church is fatally divided.
At the mint.
At the same time, she started making cow eyes at Marco Bello.
At the slave market in Genoa before you know it!
Back this way.
Bad things in service of a greater good?
Be honest.
Beautiful horse, though. White stallion. He ran up quite a big bill.
Beauty doesn't matter without food in your stomach,
Because he always treated me with respect.
Because I should have been the one to drown, not Damiano.
Because it benefits my family, of course.
Because no one has ever attempted to build a structure of this scale.
Because not one of you knows how to complete this glorious edifice.
Because they had dreams, Cosimo.
Because you were.
Because, my friend, you get what you pay for.
Before sundown.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
Before you leave, I have some things I want you to take.
Being jailed for treason and facing execution
Believe me, there are no secrets in the servant's quarters.
Believe me.
Bertolo is only 19. Must he be put to death for sodomy?
Bertolo! This is my new friend, Cosimo.
Besides, my father always encouraged me to count my blessings.
Between the guilds and merchants that lent land from him,
Beware, Messer Medici.
Beyond the Venitian territories.
Bianca. A true woman
Big, ugly bastard from Milan. Dangerous cutthroat.
Bills of trade as yet unpaid.
Bishop Vitelleschi's conquest of Rome will take place,
Bless me, Father.
Bless our generous benefactor,
Bless you, sister.
Blood will run in the streets and your position will be secure.
Born of an old and personal rivalry.
Both committed to the modern world of commerce and trade.
Both holy and secular.
Both she and the baby were dead.
Break into the house of the late Lupo Corona.
Bring back Medici!
Brother intends to complete the dome in the cathedral.
Brother, a word later, about the money.
Brother, diplomacy has failed.
Brother, you were always to lead the life of a banker.
Building his dome atop our cathedral, treating the sick there during the plague.
Built a cathedral so enormous no one could complete it?
Built so many centuries ago by the ancients.
Burn Florence?
But also amenable to you and your family.
But as you will come to realize, society functions best
But every day as Medici's impunity persists,
But everyone knows he ruled this so called republic.
But god fearing men of faith.
But God will surely punish the unrepentant sinners responsible.
But he has no head for it.
But he needs your help. We all do
But he only acquired the bag a fortnight ago
But he prevailed in the end.
But he wants us to believe he's our friend.
But he won't be banking with you any longer.
But he wouldn't even give you that.
But heed my words:
But his tithes will be used for a spiritual purpose.
But how can they hold anything against you?
But how can you enjoy yourself here?
But how did you manage that? There's no money left to bribe him with.
But how many years will it take to build? We cannot wait that long, Cosimo.
But I am not ungrateful for your support, however belated.
But I am not... Florence's master.
But I am pleased with you
But I cannot sign such a letter whilst blood is spilt in Rome
But I could do no such thing.
But I did not know I was being used.
But I grew to like him, admire and even love my husband sometimes.
But I have been a good and loyal wife these many years.
But I have complete trust,
But I must put Albizzi in his place.
But I prefer simpler garb
But I saw him in the Signoria with Rinaldo,
But I suspect that her mercy ends...
But I told her it was for the best. That she could rely on me.
But I too have dreams.
But I will put my name to the contract.
But I will show he has corrupted our morals with idolatrous art.
But I will show he has used his connection to Rome to cover the fact
But I won't forget this.
But I wonder, do you understand the price you've paid?
But I would not have come, had I known this man was invited.
But I'll have to sell it.
But I'm afraid that I will need more than a letter
But I've lost many good men,
But if I force the Signoria to move against Albizzi,
But if Lorenzo invades, you'll be a hostage.
But if this is the only way to bring you to justice before the Signoria,
But if we leave it broken like this between us,
But if you ever speak to me like that again,
But in matters of the Signoria at least, we had an understanding with your father.
But in the wider world, you need my wealth and power.
But in truth, I suspect he did not wish to be tainted by scandal.
But it does mean we get to live. Accept.
But it does not mean you cannot know peace.
But it has spared Florence.
But it is absolutely inconceivable that a murderer
But it is his sin that has wrought this anguish upon our city!
But it means a great deal to the people of Florence
But it seems this was unexpected for us both.
But it was a place of punishment. Hell.
But it was your idea to blackmail Orsini. Your brother never would have dared.
But it's best that you are informed of this.
But last time I spoke at the Signoria, I made a complete fool of myself.
But more than that is beyond us.
But my architect and engineer, Filippo Brunelleschi, he...
But my father's working on it. I'm working on it.
But my hands are tied. I cannot risk causing further instability to Florence
But my wealth can help bigger and better men,
But no one who says that deserves to be.
But not suitable for a Medici, so Father got rid of her.
But not with your drawings.
But now and then, the truth needs a little help to be told.
But now that he's gone, she may try to protect herself
But of his friend,
But only... if we persevere.
But our enemies continue to circle us even with Albizzi gone.
But our republic cannot afford to lose!
But perhaps this child is an opportunity for both of us.
But prices are low in Florence this year.
But remind him it is in everyone's interest to keep the Medici bank afloat.
But she refused. She said she had something more valuable.
But some losses, once borne,
But spending so much on this army...
But surely you can appreciate one cannot be particular
But that is far more than this union is worth
But the apothecary does sell such a poison.
But the baby could change the way he feels about her.
But the church cannot be consecrated until it has a dome.
But the g**** what the vine leaves behind.
But the hard facts of war.
But the merchants whose livelihood depends on trade,
But the truth is, you've resented me since I was a boy.
But the world is changing.
But there is a room waiting for me at Santa Maria Novella.
But there is no longer a need for it.
But there is no mercy in his heart.
But there will never be a mule in the Medici family.
But there's one thing I think we can disprove.
But they need more men and weapons.
But this does.
But this is not the time for learning exercise.
But this letter proves...
But this war rages on.
But this, condottiero, Sforza, has killed and maimed many of our men.
But times have been hard. Droughts, plagues.
But to God's all seeing eye, your sins may be monstrous
But to raise up the weak.
But to the Medici for feeding their families.
But to think that I could live with that man's death on my conscience...
But two domes
But used to provide for the many.
But war is always painful, Cosimo
But we are not only fighting for the Medici legacy,
But we enjoy God's favor too.
But what good is an ally weakened by a despot?
But what he stood for, cannot be destroyed.
But what if the only thing you expect me to do is
But what of this special guest I've been hearing about?
But while these lovely new jobs drain our accounts,
But would he?
But would long remember I advocated for surrender, and hate me for it.
But you are mistaken if you think it will make me reverse my decision
But you are welcome to speak to him inside.
But you know that I could not do this.
But you must not.
But you must understand it was a difficult situation.
But you obeyed him when it came to us
But you should... you should look around you.
But you were nothing but a child with a paper sword.
But you, signore, are here today
But you've always been selfless. Even as a little girl.
But your father deemed her an inappropriate match.
But your place here is tenuous at best.
But, but no quarrel could ever have provoked me
But, Mother, this was not concern,
But, my love, how are we going to do that?
Buy his silence if you have to,
By a single unpaid loan to the King of England.
By being stuck in these wretched hills.
By claiming her mongrel's a Medici, but your husband is not the father.
By marrying beneath me.
By our grandfathers and their fathers before them.
By showing the beauty of man, do we not depict the beauty of God?
By siding with the Albizzi.
By the same sort of tyranny of which Rinaldo is accused.
By the time I'm finished, Rome will look redder than that.
Can I speak with you? Alone?
Can never be undone
Can we get started, please, gentlemen?
Can you leave us, please?
Can you really not come with us?
Can you stand?
Can't have you going to every party alone.
Can't I draw something more interesting?
Can't you see his game?
Capable of taking back Rome.
Cardinal Attavanti has my vote. I see no reason to change it.
Cardinal Cossa!
Cardinal Torelli.
Care for some wine? I think we could all use a glass.
Careful though,
Centuries of prosperity ruined
Change that, and one by one, his followers will fall away.
Charged that my father made a profit of 50 Florins on a loan
Charlatans. And impostors!
Clerical accounts...
Clothes on your back, or a roof.
Come back next time, I'll give you a real blessing!
Come back! You can't go in there!
Come on!
Come on. You're not the prim little Florentine you pretend to be.
Come with me.
Come with me.
Come with us.
Come, brother, there's work to be done.
Come, Emilia.
Come. I hate to think of you alone here.
Come. Join us.
Come. We have wine and music for you.
Complete it? Now?
Confess and your soul may be saved.
Confident in justice. I'm delivering this to Sandro Tarugi.
Congratulations on your engagement, Messer Foscari
Considering your flirtation with Ezio Contarini.
Constructs in its humble service to God?
Contessina de Bardi is to be your now bride, Cosimo.
Contessina de' Bardi, Cosimo de' Medici.
Contessina de' Bardi?
Contessina has done well to get us this information.
Contessina has invited the Cavalcanti family
Contessina, why did Cosimo go to the Signoria?
Contessina, will you not eat?
Conviction that wealth was not to be hoarded by the few,
Corona's loyal guard confirmed it with his dying breath.
Cosimo assures me that this could sway the Signoria in favor of exile.
Cosimo believes this family will survive without him, but it won't.
Cosimo cannot make the decisions now, so I must
Cosimo de' Medici
Cosimo de' Medici and Florence stand against my enemies.
Cosimo de' Medici has great wealth.
Cosimo de' Medici is indisposed.
Cosimo de' Medici made a donation.
Cosimo de' Medici means to make himself out a tyrant
Cosimo de' Medici must be found innocent.
Cosimo de' Medici must be released!
Cosimo de' Medici was found guilty by this court!
Cosimo de' Medici, banker to the Pope.
Cosimo de' Medici, have you seen him?
Cosimo de' Medici, will you be represented by your son?
Cosimo de' Medici!
Cosimo de' Medici.
Cosimo de' Medici.
Cosimo de' Medici's treason has taken three forms.
Cosimo has been found guilty.
Cosimo has been found guilty. They're planning to execute him tonight.
Cosimo has never been in this position.
Cosimo is not alone in his absence, Signor Albizzi.
Cosimo will act as a friend, until you find his knife in your back.
Cosimo will destroy as many lives as necessary to climb into power.
Cosimo will speak in his own defense today.
Cosimo, don't be silly.
Cosimo, I beg you, can we just talk as brothers?
Cosimo, I know you believe in the cathedral,
Cosimo, I, I've stood by you.
Cosimo, is it true?
Cosimo, this family needs your marriage to succeed.
Cosimo, we barely have enough money to feed ourselves.
Cosimo, we have barely enough funds to pay off a cheap whore.
Cosimo, what are you doing here?
Cosimo, your brother loved your father. He would never do such a thing.
Cosimo! Cosimo, what is it?
Cosimo? Come and look at this.
Cosimo's life has been dedicated to this city.
Cosimo's minion has been loitering around the city,
Could ever be the Papal banker.
Could you give this letter to Sandro?
Couldn't sleep?
Cousin! I did not expect to see you here.
Cousin. What's the matter?
Cover yourself.
Curse on you, Medici! You caused this!
Darling, are you unwell?
Daughter, do you know how naive you sound?
David, symbol of Florence.
Days ago, I was made an offer by an agent of your enemy, Milan.
Days ago, you said.
Death to Albizzi! Death to Albizzi!
Death to Albizzi! Death to Albizzi!
Death to Albizzi! Death to Albizzi!
Death to the traitor
Despite fleeing for his life,
Despite my very best efforts, it is likely Rinaldo will die.
Destroying the dome will not end this plague!
Deus qui beatam Maria semper Virginem,
Deus qui beatam Mariam semper Virginem
Di Cecco says 100 Florins is nothing to a man such as yourself.
Did Father teach you nothing?
Did they provide a reason for this inhumanity?
Did you have anything to do with the death of my father?
Did you just expect them to wait while you toss more money into loans,
Did you kill Tancredi with this?
Did you really love that Rosa girl more than your own father?
Did you think I wouldn't find out?
Died a thousand years ago.
Do I have your votes, gentlemen?
Do it!
Do it.
Do it.
Do me this favor.
Do not force my hand.
Do not imagine that our great republic is a democracy.
Do not presume to lecture me, woman.
Do not underestimate what it takes to scale such heights.
Do we have any guarantees he'll change his mind
Do we not all sometimes do...
Do we understand each other?
Do well tomorrow.
Do you believe him?
Do you believe him?
Do you have a question, Rinaldo?
Do you have an answer for the Duke? His messenger grows impatient.
Do you have any idea how much that might cost us?
Do you know who owned this?
Do you know who the father of your child is?
Do you love her?
Do you not see it it's in his interest for you to believe that?
Do you really doubt me?
Do you really not know what your own husband did?
Do you really want to face prison for a pointless search?
Do you remember Sandro Tarugi?
Do you take so little interest in my happiness?
Do you think I'm the only one who believes it was him?
Do you think it had something to do with Marco Bello leaving?
Do you think she's been poisoned?
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
Do you?
Does my husband realize what's happening here?
Does our Lord truly forgive all sins, Mastro Malavolti?
Does she have everything she needs?
Does that justify murder?
Don't be a fool. He plays them, like a pipe.
Don't be concerned, son. This folly will only hasten their demise.
Don't be so naïve.
Don't get up.
Don't give Albizzi cause to do you more harm in the Signoria.
Don't let things end with her the way they ended with your father.
Don't let your last words be lies.
Don't panic.
Don't talk like this. There is still hope.
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