Aargh! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
About the future of the agenting business. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
About this giant movie, because I haven't been able to see it until yesterday. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Absolutely the most vile, disgusting thing I've ever fucking seen. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Actually I had sex with the texter yesterday also. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ah, but, John, I just did. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
All that money's gonna be mine someday.. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
An UberX, actually from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
And all my teachers said I had tremendous taste from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
And that things really change for me. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
And you have that same thing in you from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
And you think people will confuse our baby with him? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
And, E, you've done good too from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Anyone can make. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari, am I gonna lose a shit ton of money on this movie? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari, are you fucking crazy? You can't land there! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari, we sure do appreciate you coming out here. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari, you got invited from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari. John Ellis keeps calling. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari's retired. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
As a small but pivotal role in Hyde. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
At least a year. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
At least pretend to respect him. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Because, I don't know if you know this.. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Breathe in from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
But if you don't leave right now, I really will call security. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
But in Vince's movie... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
But just know that I will enjoy sneaking up behind you... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
But pregnant women can get very horny from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Call your boys at Grindr from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Congratulations. You have a brand new baby girl. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Definitely. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Do you even know her? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Do you know I haven't even been held in six months? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Doesn't like the movie that I made. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Don't be ridiculous. There's a whole beach out there from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Don't call from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Don't worry, we'll handle it. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Don't you fuck me from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Downey's great. I love Downey. He's just a little long in the tooth from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
E did hesitate when we asked him if he would help from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
E! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
ERIC: It's not Vince's. It's Turtle's from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
ERIC: Stop. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Even a few I turned down. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Everyone, make sure you fill out a non disclosure agreement... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Everything okay with Travis? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Excuse me. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Film! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Film! Film! Film! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Four pivotal scenes. He's amazing from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Fuck! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Get in the car! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Get the fuck out of here. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Good point. E, say something. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Great, a Titanic reference. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He could care less about business. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He just resigned from the studio. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He means angry. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He probably hasn't even watched it yet, Vin from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He's almost 60. I don't have to answer to this shit. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Hello? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Hey, Liam. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Hey, Warren. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Hey. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
How are you? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
How the hell are you gonna fix his face with editing? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I agree. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I already did. She sent me straight to voicemail. Twice from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I can't believe I'm gonna say this... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I can't believe there's nothing we can do. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I can't believe you were with Emily and you didn't tell us. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I do not know from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I don't cook for people who are trying to pitch me from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I don't ride a bike from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I got a big ego. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I have no understanding of what you're saying. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I hear you have other offers. Can you tell us, will you run another studio? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I hope the people that respect you... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I just got finished talking to a classroom of 8th graders... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I know it's not your looks or your personality. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I like it from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I love the honesty. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I realized I rushed into marriage because I'm searching for something. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I really need an answer, Ari. Time is running out. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I really need to do something different than anything I've ever done. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I should probably go talk to her from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I tried, Eric. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I want your cock. From Melanie from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I was actually managing a Sbarro's. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I went over there later, after she was done watching the movie with Travis. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I'm dealing with it. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I've already run five miles and fucked like an adult film star. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
If only we could see it, Ari from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Is it me? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
It's a new movie idea I had. Don't use that word at school. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Jesus from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Johnny. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Just cut me. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Larsen, you heard what happened. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Like one of those guys from big tobacco when they were up there lying to Congress from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Like, today or always? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Look, I know this is weird.. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Look, Sloan, I love you, okay? You know that. And there's nobody else I'd rather be with. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Maybe from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Maybe you wanna finance something for me to star in. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Mentos, The Freshmaker from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Molly from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
MORGAN: You've probably seen him, he's been in just about everything. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Motherfucker! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Must have a big buyout, though, no? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
My studio, Ed. Don't force me to revoke your parking privileges. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
NARRATOR: Sadly, all good parties must come to an end from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
No one under 250 pounds ever has the balls to talk to me. Should've known better from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
No. Even though that is so amazingly generous, this is so much more important to me from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
No. I've been verbalizing it. There's a difference. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
No. Okay, great. Well, why don't we turn those cameras off? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Nobody leaves. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Not from you, Dana, who I used to... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Not near me, please. Let me see. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Oh, my fucking God. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Oh, my God. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Oh, my God. This could be it. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Okay. Look. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Om. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
One of which is to leave my nutsack in the Mediterranean. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Or maybe those skinny pills he's taking are filled with estrogen from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Raw Emotion with Johnny Chase. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Really? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Really? I didn't think they'd come. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Relax knowing that from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Sbarro's? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
See what I'm saying? Let's go! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
She's amazing. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Something meaningful. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Sorry. I haven't seen the movie yet. I... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Tap or I'll break it. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Tell them to build a big fucking bomb shelter. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Thanks. But I was only in the first Aquaman from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
That pretty boy director is locked out... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
The commitment that these two men are about to make... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
The good life wasn't meant for me. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
The good news is.. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
The twins, right? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
There was Sal Turtle Assante, another friend from the neighborhood... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
These guys with money always get women out of their league from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
They wanted to confirm that there's something wrong with the movie... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
This should be fun from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
TRAVIS: Vinnie Chase! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
TURTLE: Mm hm from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
TURTLE: Ronda Rousey, the fighter. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
TURTLE: Where's your car? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Uh, any notes before I get started? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Until I'm wrong. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Victim Number Three on The Mentalist. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Vince, is that your girl? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
VINCE: Guys. Did you know Emily was seeing Armie Hammer? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
VINCE: I'm not scared. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Vinnie has been on sets before, so I expected more from him. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Vinnie, I'm blown away. Blown away. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
WALSH: Mr. Suit. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
We caught up with Chase and his entourage on the set of his directorial debut, Hyde.. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
We don't need him. I'll put up the eight million. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
We met at Coachella a few years ago, remember? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
We're looking at you. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Well, I can't wait to hear the fucking fairy tale you spin from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What are the odds of that? A billion to one at least from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What are you looking at? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What are you looking at? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What did I do wrong with my life? This is a normal Tuesday afternoon? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What time did you guys have sex? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What, you don't think my brand's doing fine already? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What'd we tell you? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Where are you headed with this? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Who has since moved on from the agency business... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Who's the girl? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Why is there enough food here for 300? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
With Turtle. They lived in my house rent free for the first year. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Yeah from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, man. Call somebody who can kick me in my nuts. I need a vasectomy. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, sure. Why not? You're clean. I trust you. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Yes. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Yet, many were surprised when you let Vince direct this movie. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Yo, E! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You better check because, apparently, he has very strong swimmers. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You couldn't last 30 seconds with me if your life depended on it. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You guys enjoy your salads. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You guys wanna come with? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You know what I'm auditioning for tomorrow? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You really saying I should've kept away from her because of him? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You're 15 over from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You're cute from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You're too good looking to be insecure. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
.. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
...if you control your own physical universe. Om. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Anything! Pray! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari, relax. It won't be dark for at least an hour. When everyone's seated, it will be. Let's go from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari. Heh heh. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Ari. I'm not going back to work, Vinnie. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
As far as what? Well, as far as the big breaking news. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Don't worry. His moping has never affected me. I'm not moping from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
DRAMA: Hey, baby bro. Welcome. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
ERIC: Later. VINCE: Later. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Euripides. Aeschylus. Douchebag. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Follow me home. Seriously? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He didn't like the movie? What didn't he like? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He doesn't like the movie? It doesn't matter. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
He's having trouble finishing. Meaning that I can go all night. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Hey, is that E? No. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Hey, Vince. Buddy. I need a favor. Yeah. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Holy shit. What? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
How long have you lived here? A couple of months from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I don't. Well, we think you do. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I got it. Fucker. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I just wanted to take you to dinner! Fine! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I know you have some issues with my brother. Yeah. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
I'll call him. Fine. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Isn't that the girl he banged last night? I think so. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Lloyd wanted a ******* wedding? No. My house, my God. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
MELISSA: Don't. It could be about the Texan or Vince. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
MORGAN: This pizza place, in fact. Nice pic. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
My life is over. No, it isn't, Ari. Relax. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
No break? Nope. Torn labrum. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
No way. Not a chance. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Not everything in the world is about you. ERIC: Seriously, Drama. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Oh, and Ari? What? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Really? EMILY: Yeah. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Really? VINCE: Yeah from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
RONDA: Because I didn't know. TURTLE: I didn't know either from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Says he wants to replace me with a hologram. Can they even do that? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
She's got the armbar! That's not good! from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Sloan. Yeah. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
So what? So I love her. Get in the car from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Sure is. You wanna meet her? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Sure. Sure. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Tap out, Turtle! Time? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Thanks, Ari. Congrats again on the baby from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
This is Alyssa Miller. Hi. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Turn the whole power off. Well, I don't know how to. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What girl? Dad, the... from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
What, Ari, no suit? Not tonight, DV. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Wife might even give me a pass for her. Ha ha ha. from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
WOMAN: Ari! Ari! I can't now, Jess from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, it would've been, even by your standards. Would've been? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You beg me to text you sexy stuff all day. I know from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You ever think about playing basketball? You ever thought about signing me? from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
You know, fuck you, Favreau from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[ALL GROAN] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[ALL LAUGHING] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[ARI LAUGHS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[CELL PHONE RINGING] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[DANCE MUSIC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[DANCE MUSIC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[DRAMA AND ERIC LAUGHING] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[GONG SOUNDS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[GRUNTS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[HORN HONKS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[INDISTINCT CHATTER] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[MOANING] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[MUSIC STOPS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[PHONE RINGS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[PLAYING WEDDING MUSIC] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[RINGING STOPS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[RINGING] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[TRAVIS & ARI LAUGHING] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[TRAVIS LAUGHING] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[WHISTLES] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[WOMAN MOANS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard
[WOMAN MOANS] from Entourage (2015) Soundboard