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War Room (2015) War Room is a compelling and inspirational movie that was released in 2015. It explores the power of

War Room (2015) Soundboard

War Room is a compelling and inspirational movie that was released in 2015. It explores the power of prayer during difficult times and how faith can transform lives. The film was directed by Alex Kendrick and produced by Stephen Kendrick, who have gained recognition for their other successful Christian films such as Fireproof and Courageous.

The plot revolves around the lives of Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, played by T.C. Stallings and Priscilla C. Shirer, respectively. Tony is a successful salesman, but his personal life is falling apart. His marriage to Elizabeth is on the verge of collapse, and their daughter Danielle is caught in the middle of their constant arguments. Elizabeth, feeling helpless, discovers the power of prayer and establishes a "war room" in her home, a place solely dedicated to communicating with God.

As Elizabeth embarks on her own spiritual journey, she crosses paths with Miss Clara, portrayed by Karen Abercrombie. Miss Clara becomes Elizabeth's mentor, teaching her the significance of prayer in every aspect of life. Through Miss Clara's guidance, Elizabeth learns how to fight her battles on her knees and develop a deep and personal relationship with God.

As the film progresses, Tony starts to notice a positive change in Elizabeth. Curiosity leads him to discover her war room and realize its purpose. Intrigued, he begins to question his own choices and seeks spiritual transformation. Tony's character undergoes a significant growth as he learns the power of prayer and its ability to heal wounds and restore relationships.

War Room offers a poignant message that resonates with audiences of all backgrounds. It emphasizes the importance of faith, forgiveness, and the power of prayer in overcoming life's challenges. The film tackles themes such as marital problems, financial struggles, and parenting difficulties, providing hope and encouragement to viewers facing similar situations.

The performances in War Room are outstanding, with T.C. Stallings and Priscilla C. Shirer delivering heartfelt portrayals of Tony and Elizabeth. Their chemistry on screen is palpable, and they effectively convey the emotional turmoil their characters are experiencing. Karen Abercrombie shines as Miss Clara, her presence and wisdom leaving a lasting impact on viewers.

The direction by Alex Kendrick is skillful, capturing both the ordinary and extraordinary moments of the characters' lives. The fast-paced editing and visually striking cinematography enhance the overall viewing experience.

The movie's soundtrack, composed by Paul Mills, beautifully complements the narrative and evokes a sense of spiritual reflection. The music enhances the emotional depth of the scenes and emphasizes the themes of hope and redemption.

If you want to experience the moving story of War Room, you can easily watch or download the film online. There are various platforms where you can find it, offering a convenient and accessible way to enjoy the movie. Additionally, the film's soundtrack is available for purchase, allowing you to immerse yourself in its inspirational melodies.

Whether you are seeking personal growth, looking for guidance in your relationships, or simply looking for an uplifting story, War Room provides an enriching and inspiring cinematic experience. It reminds us of the power of prayer and how faith can make a profound difference in our lives. So, gather your loved ones, sit back, and let War Room guide you on a journey of spiritual transformation.
A few weeks ago
A glass of my favorite wine
A little bit?
A prayer strategy. Yes.
After you've already been terminated.
All right, let's blow them away
All right, so the speed scores will be added to the freestyle scores.
All right. We're getting started right now with the speed round
Allright, guys
Already did.
And all the tiles are brand new
And another thing.
And apologize for taking it
And deceive you and divide you from the Lord and your husband!
And fight
And get out in Jesus' name!
And got a couple gospel songs
And He helps us to give it to others, even when they don't deserve it.
And He sent me Elizabeth Jordan.
And he thinks it's my sister's fault. Can you even believe that?
And he will flee
And he will flee
And help me love him
And I already told you about getting held up, so..
And I am gonna get started on that foot massage you've been asking for
And I confessed it
And I had to give her mouth to mouth?
And I hate saying this..
And I haven't been very loving to your mother either
And I just can't wait to see what you guys do out there
And I kept asking myself, why?
And I learned how to fight
And I repented, and I begged God to forgive me.
And I was deceiving you
And I was disappointed
And I was... l was bitter, Elizabeth. I was so bitter
And I'll be back to check on you in a little while
And I'll take two scoops of Butter Pecan, please. In a cup
And I'm hurting this family
And I'm still so angry at him
And if you girls would kindly shut the door, you won't have to smell it anymore
And in His word
And just in case you forgot, he has already defeated you
And men don't like it when their woman's always trying to fix them.
And my feet are killing me
And my girlfriends and I get together on Friday afternoons for coffee
And my God is in charge
And my God is powerful
And now for the final team in our freestyle competition
And quiet, you know? It seems mature
And rob me of a blessing? I'm paying, we're all eating
And she starts laughing so hard, her face turned bright red
And thanks for the new driver.
And that means being flexible
And that means there's no place for you here anymore
And that you regret what you've done
And the last time I checked, I make four times what you do.
And the next month you'll be asking for the same thing, Liz
And the way you praying for me
And then I started spending more time with the Lord,
And then I thought we could grab a milkshake at Chick fil A's, if that's okay?
And then you got to get out of the way and let Him do it!
And this just happened now?
And trust.
And we thank you for taking care of our family
And we wanted to be near our kids and grandkids to help mentor them
And what is that smell in here?
And when I last visited Leo's grave,
And will stand on Your word above all else
And you believe he was early 20s?
And you better not have somebody on the side
And you can write your prayer requests in there, your favorite verses
And you double checked your numbers
And You keep taking care of me when I don't deserve it
And you need to do your fighting in prayer!
And you sure can't have my man
And you told him to put it down in Jesus' name?
And you're still here
And your heavenly Father, who sees what's done in secret, will reward you
And, Tony, I've never seen anybody do what you did
And, you know, I think this is best of all, the floor is original hardwoods
Are you gonna spend whining about your husband?
Are you not eating your ice cream, Elizabeth?
Are you still gonna do that flip?
Ask Him for forgiveness. Then choose to believe Him
Asked Mandy to give me everything she could for the next couple months
Babe, look. I told you, I got this. You... Look
Because I needed to confess what I've done and ask for your forgiveness.
Believe me, lam, too
Build him up as the man you intend him to be
But even then, God was showing me what to do
But I am His before I'm yours.
But I deserved to get fired
But I don't want to lose my marriage
But I know you can hear me
But I need to get right with you
But I need you, right now
But I shouldn't 'cause He always wins
But I still have a scar
But I would consider myself a spiritual person.
But I'm asking you, please,
But I've come that you may have a life, and have it abundantly
But I've gotten right with my family. I've gotten right with God.
But I've learned that my contentment can't come from you
But if God is fighting for her,
But if he's not getting it from me, he's got to be getting it from somebody
But scripture does say to go into your inner room and pray in secret.
But some things are just none of your business
But that's not why I did it. I did it...
But the Bible also says
But the Lord is faithful
But then you showed back up
But this, this is not who I wanted to be
But we're gonna take that nervous energy and we're gonna turn it into rocket fuel
But we've fired salesmen before, and well, life goes on.
But you know all this
But you know what? I really think it was good for Danielle
But you were really good, Danielle. I mean, I was impressed
But, Ms
But, you know, we loved it, but we knew it was time for a change,
By cleaning out your closet?
Can we talk?
Can you ask your mom? My mom already gave part of the money.
Can you tell Danielle I'll be back to get her after practice?
Check it out. Heimlich, $200
Coleman, Tony Jordan's here to see you.
Coleman. Tom
Coleman's expecting you and Tom's in there, too
Cynthia married a loser
Cynthia, it's not gonna do you any good to fight about it
Daddy, why are they here?
Danielle, have you seen my gym bag?
Danielle, I'm so sorry
Danielle, you're my daughter
Darren getting a job?
Did you hear me? Both of you, give it to me now
Do it for me
Do it, and do it now!
Do you?
Don't be mad, Mom! I hardly get to text anybody!
Don't let me push too hard, Lord.
Don't tell anyone my mom was eating chips in the closet, okay?
Don't you think that this has been one sided
Dude, I don't think you understand how important this is
Dude, you married her, junk and all
Elizabeth, it comes down to this.
Elizabeth, just so I know,
Elizabeth, there's not room for you and God on the throne of your heart
Even Tom was impressed, and you know that's hard to do
Except this time, I can't
Excuse me
First up is the Moon Jumpers
For anyone who turns to Him
For we have all sinned. So, really, none of us deserve grace
Forgive me
Forgive me, please
From the insanity of doing the same thing over and over
Get it going. Get it going for me.
Give me your money right now.
God is a good defense attorney. Trust it to Him
God knows he needs it
God, I need you
God, we thank you for this food
Good to see you.
Gosh, I wish I could've met him
Have a nice day, ma'am
He did?
He died for you. Even when you did not deserve it
He is killing your faith and he's trying to destroy your family
He just kept saying that since we were all okay,
He left. He got a call from his boss and had to go
He makes all these little flirtatious comments to other women..
He may just be padding numbers, but there's a pattern here
He shows no interest in anybody but himself.
He was a crucial part of this process
He was pointing a knife at you
He was prompting me to fight for Leo, to pray for Leo, and I refused.
He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
He would look at what the enemy was doing,
He's off in his own world being top salesman somewhere
Hello, Tony
Help him love me again
Help me to support and respect him. I ask for your help to love him
Her heart is just breaking and I was completely unaware
Here come the SkipSations!
Here we go. Comets on three. All right, one, two, three
Here we go. Got the turn.
Here we go. Two hot cups of coffee
Here you are, sir. Hope you both have a wonderful evening
Here's my last report card.
Hey, Daddy
Hey, Danielle
Hey, Danielle.
Hey, girls
Hey, what are you doing?
Hey, why don't you go change? Just come practice with your daughter
Hey, you know what?
Hey. Just roll with it. Okay? All right, come on now
Hold on, brother
How much money did you make?
How much of the one hour we got together today
How you doing?
I admit, when I first started praying in there, 10 minutes seemed like an eternity
I almost cheated on you, Liz
I almost did it
I asked God to send me someone that I could help
I can do better, Danielle
I can't give you your job back,
I didn't think you were coming home till tonight
I didn't? My son's the city manager
I do think it would be appropriate to return the $19,000 back to the company
I don't even know where to start.
I don't know
I don't know that he deserves grace
I don't know that that was a wise thing to do
I don't know where you are, Devil,
I don't like the man I've become,
I don't think I've been a very good dad to you
I enjoy the drive.
I expected you to hit the ceiling, Liz
I feel like I can run around the block a few times
I felt the same way
I forgive you
I forgive you
I found your gym bag next to the washing machine
I go grocery shopping, an occasional doctor's visit,
I got something for you. Why don't you have a seat on the couch?
I got this, don't worry about it
I had an interview today. And I got offered the job on the spot.
I hear him
I just did
I just don't understand why you treat me this way
I just got really busy,
I just lost my job!
I just love these old houses. They have so much character
I just need to bring you something back that belongs to the company,
I just need you to sign for this package.
I know
I know I got a big mouth.
I know I haven't prayed like I should
I know that I haven't... I haven't followed you like I should
I love you too, Daddy
I mean, how long have you been doing this?
I mean, it needed to be cleaned out
I mean, Tom just wanted to throw me in jail
I need a minute. All right? I'll be right back.
I picked up a couple more houses to sell this morning
I pray for Your hand of protection and guidance!
I pray that You open their eyes so that they can see Your truth, Lord
I realize that
I should've just waited till later to bring it up
I sure could use some of that.
I surrender my rights to you as Lord
I think it helped her to realize how important it is to be aware of who's around you, so..
I think we should all move on
I think we should at least do that
I thought about it
I thought they had to sign for what you gave them
I thought your jump roping routine was gonna be something simple
I told her we really wanted to do more but we just couldn't right now
I understand
I understand. It's all right. I'm sorry for getting so worked up about it
I used to spend so much time with my girlfriends before my job..
I want Him speaking to me like that
I want you to write down everything that you can think of that he's done wrong
I wanted to ask you
I was deceiving them
I was fighting against my own marriage and my family.
I was sorry to see this happen
I will
I will
I will fight for our marriage
I wish I lived at your house
I would rather have a man chasing Jesus than a house full of stuff
I'd just rather have a good marriage than more money
I'd like to see the church in you, bro
I'll call you girls down in a few minutes
I'll go start dinner
I'll have one scoop of Cookies and Cream, okay?
I'll see you in church
I'll tell you what
I'm asking you not to tell anybody I was eating chips in my closet
I'm asking you, please,
I'm doing something I should've done a long time ago
I'm eating my favorite dessert
I'm in here, Danielle
I'm just having some private time
I'm not a good man.
I'm prideful
I'm putting powder in my shoes
I'm selfish.
I'm so sorry
I'm sorry, I just thought I should call Tony
I'm sorry, Liz.
I'm sorry.
I'm starving. Let's eat.
I'm telling you, I can do this job
I've already downloaded a couple prayer apps,
I've asked God to help me
I've been keeping some for myself each time I take samples to a client
I've never seen a man take total responsibility for his wrongdoing,
I’m struggling
If he's doing something wrong, don't let him get away with it
If I got bonuses every time I saved somebody's life?
If I were you, I would get my heart right with God
If they do that stunt in the competition, they'll win.
If you would forgive me
If you've got something to confess, then confess it
In Jesus' name I pray
In prayer first
Including arrest?
Is he sending out resumes or making calls, anything?
Is she not allowed to eat chips?
Is that you were sincere in your desire to make it right,
It doesn't even come from my husband.
It was good
It was my bonus plan
It was my selfish pride, Elizabeth
It's almost like it's baked in
It's either Him or it's you. You need to step down
It's not here
It's not some sort of buffet where you get to pick and choose what you want
It's not your fault, Rick
It's only half the pay, but if we're wise, I know we can make it
It's probably all I've thought about the past two days
It's time for you to fight the real enemy!
It's time for you to take off the gloves and do it!
It's your job to love him, to respect him and to pray for the man.
Jennifer wanted to know if l could spend the night
Jennifer, how's your family?
Jennifer's mom is coming to pick Danielle up in a few minutes,
Jesus is the Lord of this house
Jesus shed his blood on the cross
Just because you argue a lot doesn't mean that you fight well.
Just said he wants five minutes of your time
Left, left, right
Let me get this straight
Let's hear it for the Comets!
Let's hear it for the Speed Angels!
Let's hear it for the Super Skippers!
Let's just go get a late night snack. Okay? And I'll try it again
Like $1,000, if they're ugly
Like, in a funny way
Listen to me
Listen, I do love you, Danielle
Listen, I need to tell you something
Listen, I need you to sign that we came for the car
Listen, I'll just pick up some new properties while you look for a different job
Listen, I'm not asking for $5,000 anymore
Listen, she just needs one month's rent and a car payment
Listen, Tony just got home. I need to call you later
Listen, why don't you go inside
Listen, you did the right thing
Liz, I could be prosecuted for this
Liz, I'm not rubbing your feet
Liz, you heard me, right? I just got fired!
Look, I appreciate you guys meeting with me
Look, I know you're on your way home, but we just wanted to say thanks
Lord, forgive me
Lord, I've been so angry at Tony,
Lord, we need a generation of believers who are not ashamed of the gospel
Ma'am, we'll take the house.
Man, I would love a foot rub.
Maybe means no.
Mike, I don't know, man. Some other closet
Mike, I'm just tired of her. Okay? All right? I said it
Mike, look, we've been friends for a long time,
Mom, are you okay?
Ms. Clara, I really can't tell you how much your friendship means to me
Ms. Clara, you have a habit of backing me up in a corner and making me squirm
My God is faithful
My God is good
My God is good, and He's faithful
My joy doesn't come from my friends
My joy is found in Jesus
My mind was just racing, so I took it out on you
My question to you is this
No matter the consequence
No more
No, baby, mine's hot.
No, I'm not saying that we're not gonna help. We're still talking about it
No, no, no, Tony! I don't want you to smell my feet.
No, no, no. Tony, don't touch my feet
No, no. I don't think they let parents do that.
No, really. I wasn't willing to admit how much help I needed
No, you don't
No. I'm not hungry anymore
No. No! No
No. Well, yes. But no
Not yet
Not yet as in he's trying?
Nothing? Look at you getting all uptight
Now for the Speed Angels!
Now I have a hard time even wanting to leave
Now I want you to think about it before you respond, okay?
Now I'm nervous
Now if I'm gonna do it, I wanna do it right. So let's try it again
Now it's time I give you what you deserve.
Now let's give it up for the Tigers!
Now listen, did they forgive me for not helping them out?
Now see,
Now that's good!
Now this is my second favorite place.
Now we just have to pray and wait.
Now you put that knife down right now in the name of Jesus
Now, be grateful for your blessings, but lift your needs and requests to Him
Now, Dr
Now, I tried for years to fix Leo, but I couldn't do it
Now, I used to do what you and your husband are doing,
Now, if you want victory, you're gonna have to first surrender
Now, Ms. Clara, you're meddling
Now, we're still gonna get together for our little chats, right?
Now, your husband certainly has his issues, but he's not your enemy
Oh, Jesus! All right, baby, I'll talk to you soon
Oh, my goodness, it feels so good
Oh, sweet Jesus
Okay, I'll think about it
Okay, we can do that
Okay, well, I'm gonna go change
Okay? So that means no income. No company car. No health coverage
Okay. I got some good news for you.
Okay. Okay, we will. Just please, put the knife down
Okay. So, we'll just do what we gotta do
Okay. Yeah, I can do that. I'll see you at 10:00.
Okay. Yeah, I'm a paramedic
Okay. You can just set it right there, Danielle
One, two, three, go
Or is no longer in service
Or not yet as in he's still sitting on the couch playing video games?
Or understand who we're really fighting against.
Please don't let him do this
Please help me! Please!
Please, take over.
Praise You, Jesus!
Raise them up, Lord, that they will proclaim
Raise up a generation, Lord, that will take light into this world
Raise up more that will call upon Your name!
Raise up those that love You and seek You and trust You!
Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees,
Really? You seemed calm earlier
Remember what we talked about? We'll be the last thing they see
Resist the devil,
Resist the devil,
Resist the devil, and he will flee.
Right? CPR, $400
Right. Now when you write that down, don't leave out Jesus
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy
See, I told you, Elizabeth. I told you that God would fight for you
See, I wasn't the same woman back then
See, that's the kind of relationship with God I want
See, you're fighting the wrong enemy
She is
She texted me on my new smart phone on the way over here
She understood. But we did skip dessert
She's fine. She's over at Jennifer's house. They're having a sleepover. Yeah
She's got a job, but it's not enough
She's on my Double Dutch team.
Slow down, I'm old. You know, I'm old now. Okay, here we go
So go back to Hell where you belong and leave my family alone
So God can hit your husband.
So I've chosen to believe you
So if it's bleeding, I'm not gonna keep eating my salad
So if you don't mind me seeing myself out, I'll give you your evening back
So let's start the freestyle competition
So take your lies, your schemes and your accusations,
So the answer is still no
So you see, you,
So, in my mind, I was ready to defend myself
So, let me get this straight
So, now I'm supposed to go and tell Danielle her daddy might be going to jail?
So, that's it?
So, they, like, start talking about doing the worst routine ever
So, what does a normal week in your life look like?
So, what's been going on here?
So, you know, I'm praying for God to fight for me
So, you're trying to do CPR on my personal life now?
Someone's been praying in this closet
Sometimes I don't get you, Liz
Stand in his way
Submit to God
Submit to God
Take over
Tell me
Thank you
Thank you so much
Thank you, Jesus
Thank you, Jesus
Thank you, Lord
Thank you, Ms. Williams.
Thank you, Tony. We'll try them out.
Thank you.
Thank you. We will
That goes for the both of us
That hate to be lukewarm
That man is running out of time, Ms. Clara
That there is salvation in the name of Jesus Christ!
That was her choice when everybody told her not to
That was sick, man! That was sick.
That wasn't very convincing
That we can't ask Him to forgive us while refusing to forgive others
That we may proclaim You King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
That will not compromise when under pressure!
That would be my shoes, Jennifer.
That's good, Liz
That's one of the reasons we're in the mess we in
The Bible says that no one is righteous, not even one
The Firecrackers
The judges' scores are in
The one that wants to distract you
The only answer I can come up with
The real enemy?
The thief comes only to steal
The way things are tight with money
Then I see your closet,
Then I want two days to think about it
Then pray for the heart of your husband,
There are days I do. Sold a house this morning, so that was good.
There has got to be a God in Heaven!
There's love in my heart for Tony, but it's just buried under a lot of frustration
There's ways around that, Liz
They sell it right over there
They've come to get this car, Danielle
Think you can do that?
This can change everything for her
This house is under new management and that means you are out!
This is a present for my daughter. I can't wait to give it to her
This is crazy. You know that, right?
This was a treat for me, Elizabeth
To be the new director at the community center
To do what?
To help me
Tony, he's completely unaware
Tony, I think we'll be fine
Tony, I've been thinking about your visit
Tony, if you won't do it for her,
Tony, isn't that Tom?
Tony, it doesn't make sense that you would do this
Tony, no! No!
Tony, what are you doing?
Tony, what he does is not Cynthia's fault
Tony, what's going on?
Tony, you gotta take these back
Tony! Please help me! Please!
Tony? Coleman's waiting for you in the conference room
True, and since we've been friends a long time,
Trying not to think about it
Twice. Tony's inventory is off, Rick.
Veronica Drake. I work for Mr. Barnes.
Very few of us know how to fight the right way,
Wanna take these popsicles outside, eat them on the back porch?
We all deserve judgment
We all need help every now and then
We can't even afford this house anymore
We fight for power,
We give you a high salary with awards and benefits and trips,
We saw the same thing last week when he left Asheville
We were just too busy chasing our careers
We'll be impressive. All right? Listen, I know you guys are nervous
We'll talk about it later, baby, okay?
We're sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected
Well, good
Well, hello. Come on in. You must be Elizabeth
Well, I haven't got anywhere with Tony
Well, I hope it takes your breath away
Well, I know a lot of people probably would've given him their money
Well, I think you love me a little bit
Well, I'm sorry, but he's making it hard, not just on you but everybody around you
Well, if it's hot, then I'll drink it
Well, if it's your favorite, I'd like to try it
Well, if you'll sign an agreement to that effect,
Well, it was actually your daughter
Well, it's so good to meet you.
Well, let me help you with that. No reason to waste perfectly good ice cream
Well, listen, I got something I need to tell you
Well, my son drops in for an hour or two during the week
Well, that's almost three pages
Well, the master bath was updated recently, but she kept the original tub
Well, then just write down the highlights
Well, you wanna pray?
What award did I win last week on my team?
What do you want, Liz?
What else am I supposed to do?
What happened to your closet?
What is it?
What is this?
What is this?
What jump rope tricks did I just learn to do?
What time are you supposed to be there?
What would it be?
What you did was wrong
What you have there is fourth quarter projections
What, no sarcastic comment?
What's in the box?
What's my team name?
What's that?
What's the other move, Danielle? Okay, wait
What's wrong?
Whatever happens, we trust God, right?
When I told you what happened with my job,
When Leo died, we were not on good terms.
When was the last time you heard of a woman giving up some closet space?
Whenever my parents are together, they just fight
Where's Danielle?
Which means I help people while I'm helping people
While his daughter is growing more and more calloused to him every day
While my husband is rubbing my feet
Who said that it was your responsibility to fix Tony?
Who will worship You with their whole hearts, Lord
Why are they taking Daddy's car?
Why did you do that?
Why do you promote helping out in 3O minutes when it takes 45 to get here?
Why would you bring this in now?
Why would you do that?
Why, Tony?
With What?
Would you like to stay for dinner? You're welcome to eat with us
Yeah, but you did it.
Yeah, I'm gonna do the flip. And that's not all
Yeah, it is
Yeah, look, about that
Yeah, that would be awesome!
Yeah, they do. But no parents do 'cause they can't keep up.
Yeah. I agree
Yeah. I finished up everything pretty early, so..
Yeah. I love you, too. Bye
Yeah. I think so
Yes, I do.
Yes, ma'am?
Yes, ma'am.
Yes. What do you need?
You and the girls hanging out today?
You are done!
You are good and You are mighty and You are merciful!
You are Lord.
You both deserve better from me
You can jump in the freestyle competition. They'll let you
You can't fire Him and He'll never retire!
You can't get the job for him
You can't have my daughter
You can't have my marriage
You don't enjoy your job?
You don't know that
You get all of her, bro
You go ahead and work on that,
You got extra veins popping out that wasn't even there before
You got to plead with God so that He can do what only He can do.
You have played with my mind
You just gonna roll with it?
You know we love you, right?
You know what I'd really like right now?
You know what my mama used to say to me?
You know what, I'm kind of glad you didn't have that dessert tonight
You know what? I don't make much sense when I'm tired.
You know, I don't care
You know, they really appreciated the $500 we gave them though
You know, what concerns me is that you could've easily been killed
You must be really tired
You need to find a young woman to invest in, and I'll do the same
You need to trust me, okay? So, like that
You never told me that your son was the city manager!
You take your time, and then you listen
You want hot sauce?
You were stealing samples and selling them
You were the answer to my prayer
You won an award last week?
You're fighting God?
You're nervous
You're really good
You're sorry?
You're the district manager. You gotta cal! this in
You're the most important thing in the whole world to me
You've been a gift from God to me
You've done it again
You've got to teach other young wives how to fight
Your daughter and anyone else that the Lord brings to your mind
Your thoughts about your husband are almost entirely negative, aren't they?
All right? You guys are with me? Yeah
Amen. Amen.
Are you nervous? Oh, yeah!
Are you really doing this for me? Yeah, come on now
But now it can't just be the both of us
But you're not giving them my money. Your money?
Coffee will be ready in a couple of minutes. Sounds good.
Coleman, it's time to call the authorities. Not yet
Coleman? Hello, Tony
Did he say when he'd be back? No, ma'am
From Rick? I think so
Good grief! Daddy, why don't you jump with us?
Good to see you. All right
Good work. Thank you
Having a good day? I am, thank you
Heard we got the Holcombe account. Yes, we did
Hey, Danielle. Hey
Hey, hey
Hey, how are you? I'm good
Hi, Elizabeth. Hi, Coleman
How was your trip? It was good
How's Elizabeth? She's good.
I like it. And you got one, too? Yep, I sure did
I'm just tired of her junk
I’ll pay for it. Oh, no, no, no. I'm paying for it
I’ll take my stuff to the room. All right
Is that all? Really? Tom
Keep going! You got it!
Mom, did you bring my snack? Yeah, baby, I got it right here.
Oh, really? Dad, it's an open league
Okay, good. Listen, I just spoke with the judges
Okay. Thank you
Really? Did he seem angry? I couldn't tell
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