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Created for the Synthwave Dojo 2023 October challenge.
Tempo: 80 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: 707
Key: Db
Mode: dorian
Notes in scale: [Db, Eb, Fb, Gb, Ab, Bb, Cb, Db]
chord progression: [ii7, IV, vi7sus4, I]
ii7 , Ebm7 , notes: [Eb, Gb, Bb, Db]
IV , GbM , notes: [Gb, Bb, Db]
vi7sus4 , [...] , notes: [Bb, Eb, Fb, Ab]
I , Dbm , notes: [Db, Fb, Ab]
Rhythm: Include a t...
Tempo: 75 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: Roland TR-808
Key: F#
Mode: lydian
Notes in scale: [F#, G#, A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F#]
chord progression: [I, II, vii, I]
I , F#M , notes: [F#, A#, C#]
II , G#M , notes: [G#, B#, D#]
vii , E#m , notes: [E#, G#, B#]
I , F#M , notes: [F#, A#, C#]
Melody: Use chord tones on stron...
Tempo: 125 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: Linn
Key: C
Mode: aeolian
Notes in scale: [C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C]
chord progression: [i, iv, v, iv]
i , Cm , notes: [C, Eb, G]
iv , Fm , notes: [F, Ab, C]
v , Gm , notes: [G, Bb, D]
iv , Fm , notes: [F, Ab, C]
Melody: Use non-chord-tones on weak beats
Melody Pattern: W...
Tempo: 129 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: TR626
Key: F
Mode: dorian
Notes in scale: [F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F]
chord progression: [i7, VII, ii]
i7 , Fm7 , notes: [F, Ab, C, Eb]
VII , EbM , notes: [Eb, G, Bb]
ii , Gm , notes: [G, Bb, D]
Rhythm: Include a 16th kick in your groove
Melody: Start on the Tonic
Tempo: 110 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: Linn
Key: G
Mode: lydian
Notes in scale: [G, A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G]
chord progression: [I7, I, II, V]
I7 , GM7 , notes: [G, B, D, F#]
I , GM , notes: [G, B, D]
II , AM , notes: [A, C#, E]
V , DM , notes: [D, F#, A]
Rhythm: Include a cowbell in a fill
Melody: Use chord tone...
Tempo: 75 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: Linn
Key: Ab
Mode: dorian
Notes in scale: [Ab, Bb, Cb, Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab]
chord progression: [i7, V, VII, III] (I did mix them up a bit)
i7 , Abm7 , notes: [Ab, Cb, Eb, Gb]
V , Ebm , notes: [Eb, Gb, Bb]
VII , GbM , notes: [Gb, Bb, Db]
III , CbM , notes: [Cb, Eb, Gb]
Tempo: 99 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: Linn
Key: G#
Mode: phrygian
Notes in scale: [G#, A, B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#]
chord progression: [i7, II, i, vii]
i7 , G#m7 , notes: [G#, B, D#, F#]
II , AM , notes: [A, C#, E]
i , G#m , notes: [G#, B, D#]
vii , F#m , notes: [F#, A, C#]
Melody Pattern: Write a melody with the p...
Tempo: 90 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: TR626
Key: A
Mode: aeolian
Notes in scale: [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A]
chord progression: [i7, iii, VII7, iv]
i7 , Am7 , notes: [A, C, E, G]
iii , CM , notes: [C, E, G]
VII7 , G7 , notes: [G, B, D, F]
iv , Dm , notes: [D, F, A]
Rhythm: Include a 4th snare in your groove
Created for the Synthwave Dojo January 2024 challenge
Lead melody created By Kipple Factor
Tempo: 80 bpm
Timing: 4/4
Total length: 60-90s
Drums: 707
Key: G#
Mode: phrygian
Notes in scale: [G#, A, B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#]
chord progression: [i, VII, II, III]
i , G#m , notes: [G#, B, D#]
VII , F#m , notes: [F#, A, C#]
II , AM , notes: [A, C#, E]
III , BM , notes: [B, D#, F#]
Rhythm: Include a cowbell in a fill
Melody: En...