Ah, it's salty. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 2
Ah, nuts. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 3
Ah, the Chicago way, I see. Alright, what do you suggest? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 4
All right. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 5
All wrong way, idiot. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 6
Are you done? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 7
Are you even trying? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 8
Arrivederci. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 9
Avenge me. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) 0
Betrayed, vanquished, defeated. Thou art brutus. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) -
Brilliant. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) =
Buh-bye. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) q
But I was wearing boots of striding. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) w
Come over here. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) e
Congratulations. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) r
Could you hang out for a bit? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) t
Did you forget how to walk? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) y
Doctor Slaughter seems kind of sad and lonely to me. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) u
Don't be ridiculous. Of course I have. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) i
Don't get too cocky. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) o
Don't tempt. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) p
Don't worry, a cleric spell can heal you right up. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) a
Ever been to the comic book store? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) s
Excuse me, Sir, might I solicit your aid in a quest? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) d
Fear not, my friend, for the cavalry is here. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) f
Feel the wrath of nerd rage. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) g
Fighting me is only going to make you look lame. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) h
Follow me, good Sir. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) j
For the love of God, will you help me out already? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) k
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ear. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) l
Get a hold of yourself. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) z
Get out of my way, idiot. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) x
God. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) c
Good day my friend. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) v
Good day Sir. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) b
Good Morrow. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) n
Good, can't find D20 for saving throw. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) m
Have you ever been to the old observatory? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) Q
Have you ever been to the principal's office? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) W
Have you ever played a game of grottos and gremlins? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) E
Have you fulfilled your oath? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) R
He must have rolled real love for intelligence. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) T
Here comes the level 5 attack. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) Y
Hey retard, watch where you're going. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) U
Hey, give me back my bike. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) I
Hey, I was watching that. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) O
Hey, settle down. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) P
Hey, thanks, Jim. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) A
Hey, you wanna play crudos and Kremlin sometime? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) S
Hey. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) D
Hey. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) F
Hey. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) G
Hmm. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) H
Hola. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) J
Holy moly. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) K
How could you be this bad? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) L
How do you do, my lady? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) Z
I apologize, but a game master's work is never done. I'll see you around. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) X
I calculated my odds to be better than that. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) C
I can't believe I won. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) V
I can't believe we won. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) B
I can't wait to get out of here. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) N
I carry a D20 on me everywhere I go. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) M
I could really use your help with this. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) <
I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) >
I don't understand why more people don't play RPG's. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) !
I don't understand. Your strike against the jocks has only incensed them. They hurt us more than ever before. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) @
I feel like my head is going to explode. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) #
I guess they're not teaching walking in the special kid classes yet. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) $
I guess you guys really are that dumb. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) %
I hate that jerk. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) ^
I hate this stupid thing. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) &
I hear there's an insane asylum around here where they do experiments on kids who get expelled from bullworth. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) *
I heard jocks don't have to go to school on Fridays. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) (
I heard someone from our school helped the town kids wreck our campus. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) )
I heard that Ted is so dumb he flunked kindergarten twice. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) ~
I heard that the old observatory is haunted and that everyone should stay away from. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) `
I just want this to be over with. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) |
I knew we'd win. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) "
I know where Johnny Vincent went. He's in a nuthouse getting illegal experiments performed on him. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) '
I know who the culprit is. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) ?
I need you to do me this favor. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) /
I really didn't mean that. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) ,
I saw the whole thing, if you want to know who did. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully) .
I think I hurt my hand. I'm gonna take off. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I think I might have Bo. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I think I might spend too much time playing RPG's. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I think I've had enough. I'll see you later. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I thought retards were supposed to wear helmets? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I thought we had a chance there. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I was just playing. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I will avenge you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I wish I had a Unicorn. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I wish I was a Centaur. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I wonder if girls will ever like me. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I wonder if they carry battle togs. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I would they're congregating by the football field. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'll give you whatever you want, just stop. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'll never do your homework again. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm casting a haste spell. Soon I'll be moving so fast you won't be able to see my attacks. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm furious. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm going to say it slow so you'll understand me. You are not wanted here. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm gonna go snicker. Snack on your rear end with my vopel sword. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm so not worth your time. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm so sure. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm sorry I let you guys down. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm sorry, but I can't go on any further. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm sorry, but I cannot delay my quest to save the Princess from the Dragon clan any longer. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm such a fat mess. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm surprised you know so many words, Jimmy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm the big winner, yeah. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm the President of the G&G club. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm tired of doing your stupid homework. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I'm your superior in every way. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I've once spent thirty straight hours playing GNG. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
I've written better. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Idiot. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
If my Bo doesn't get you, my fist will. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
If only I could find a way to free them, I could begin to build my arm. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
If the rumor about kids cheating is true, that's really gonna screw up the curve. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
If you don't mind. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
If you're so tough, why don't you come back over here? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
In the world of G&GI am known as Zurlon, a God like level 30 L fighter slash Sorcerer. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Internal organs bleeding. Ohh, life signs fading. Beam me aboard. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Is it just me, or does Mr. Galloway seem a bit off to you? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
It is felt like ages since I've seen you last. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
It'll get better one day. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
It's charisma. You're dumb stat jerk. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
It's only a flesh wound. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Kill yourself already. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Kudos to you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Laughing from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Layoff the sweets the balloons. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Learn how to walk. Genius. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Leave me alone, Jimmy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Leave me alone. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Let's make this fun just anyone have a sword or Mace? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Look, it's a new preppy wannabe. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Looks like you failed your saving throw. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Magic missile attack. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Maybe if I ignore him, he'll walk away. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Moron. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
My dad calls me daddy's little embarrassment because I'm not good at sports. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
No way. I won. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
No, Sir, not yet. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
No. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Not again. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Not fair. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Of course I lost. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Of course you'd think that. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Offer the right award and I will aid you in your quest. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Oh my God, I hope that's a candy bar. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Oh, oh, right in my Jabberwocky. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Oh, that's too bad. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh God ohh I think I'm gonna put. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh it hurts. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh need resurrection scroll. Ohh. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh that's so funny I forgot to laugh. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh the whoa. The jocks have been persecuting us relentlessly, relentlessly. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh this is never going to end. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, gross. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, please call a cleric. I need a healing spell. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, that was disgusting. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, you're way smarter than I am. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Ooh, who's that sexy man? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Oops, I need to watch where I'm going. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Pardon me, for I need your trusty steed. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Pardon me, good Sir. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Please don't do this. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Please let me be. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Please tell me you didn't pay for that. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Proudest shocks have started loitering about the comic book shop. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Quit being a cry baby. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Read it. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Say it. Don't spray. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sayonara. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Scatter them over the football field. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
See you next fall. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Shut up. Do you want to get your butt kicked by a nerd? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sir Melvin is ready to age you if the rewards are fair. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
So I was thinking. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
So it looks like the preps and the greasers are finally gonna have a. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
So the big tough guy is going to pick on a nerd, is that it? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
So what? You beat a nerd? Big deal. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Someone told me that you can get an A in gym class if you beat someone up in front of Mr. Burton. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sometimes I have trouble telling what is real and what is fake anymore. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sorry. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Suck less noob. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sucks to be you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sure thing. I'll get your back. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sweet Christmas that stinks. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Sweet. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Take it easy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Thank God they're not hitting me. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Thank you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Thank you. I will reward you handsomely. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
That guy is going to get a vicious payback one day. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
That hurts just looking at. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
That is so wrong. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
That was very foolish, because you can only cast that spell once before you forget it. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
That's cool. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
That's exactly what I need. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
The game master has a quest for you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
The guys from my G Club have got the check this out. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
The usual fee. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
There is no way I'm going to lose. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
There's gotta be some sort of secret entrance out of this place, because how else is everyone sneaking out of here at night? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
There's no way I'm going to win. I mean you. There's no way you are going to win. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
These wandering monsters are preventing me from purchasing the most recent grottos and gremlins expansion sets. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This feels so good dude. This is someone else for a change. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This is for you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This is so much more fun on this side of the face. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This is so sad. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This is very sweet of you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This is why I hate the real world. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This makes me so mad. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This place just keeps getting worse and worse. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
This school is so pathetic. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Uh, I have to go. I have an AV club meeting to attend to. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
UNGUARDED! from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Very funny. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Very mature. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Vomiting from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Wanna give me a hand? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Was that an ORC or a jock? I think I might be losing my grasp on reality. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
We are going to destroy you. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
We are so rad. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
We got this thing. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
We stink. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
We've located the layer of the British jocks. If you drive them off, we'll reward you handsome. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Welcome to the bottom of the food chain. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Well, hey there, Jimmy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Well, that sucks. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What a disgrace. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What do you want? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What else is new? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What kind of store doesn't carry wizard hats? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What was that for? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What, you don't think I'll hit you because I'm a nerd? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
What's up, Jimmy? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Whatever I own, you can have it. Just don't do this. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Whatever, lame brain. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
When I see you again, you're dead. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Where are my rings of protection when I need them? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Where's my coke of invisibility when I meet? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Who has time for real jobs? I just spent the last 8 hours making arrows in a video game. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Why are you prepping kids? Just leave us alone. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Why did I even bother? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Will this ever end? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Will you quit? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Would King Arthur refuse Lancelot? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Wow. Who did that? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Wowzers. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah, I already know that. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah, Jimmy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah, well, you're a level 23 jerk. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Yes, excellent plan. That should really teach them. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You are a really good guy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You call that art? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You can't beat me. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You can't get away from me, for I am wearing my boots of striding. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You cannot harm me, for I am wearing my rings of protection. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You guys don't stand a chance. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You have earned it. And don't forget about the wenches. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You have no code of honor. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You idiot. Dropouts never learn. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You need to go the other way. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You really are gullible, aren't you? from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You really do stink. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You really shouldn't cut your own hair. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You recovered my precious documents. Thank you, Sir. You are a noble man indeed. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You returned so soon. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You wanna fight? Let's go. I'm wearing my boots of ass kickers. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You you don't wanna fight me. Uh, you might break a sweat and then your clothes will get all soggy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You'll always be stupid. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You're a moron, Jimmy. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You're dead, bandersnatch my boots of striding. Grant me super speed. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You're dumb even for a chimp. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You're such a jerk. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You're such a jerk. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You're such an idiot. There is no way that is true. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
You're the coolest kid at this school. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Your best bet is to shut up now before I jam my D20 up your nose. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Your protection shield safeguards you for now, but I am a powerful sorcerer and will one day have my revenge. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Your quest is not complete, knave. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Your quest, young Jimmy, is perilous, but the rewards are glorious. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)
Zip it, Jimmy, or suffer my wrath. from Melvin O'Connor Soundboard (Bully)