A bit of exercise for you, a Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 2
A drunk. I'm not surprised. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 3
All right, Hopkins, that's enough. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 4
All right, you escaped your beating. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 5
An excellent reason to lay some beats on someone. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 6
Anger management is overrated when you can beat people. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 7
Are you carrying a weapon? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 8
Are you disrespecting my authority? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 9
Are you looking for a beat? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) 0
Are you looking for a trashing? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) -
Are you looking to get punish? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) =
Be quiet. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) q
Beat the evil doer. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) w
But but I'm a prefect. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) e
Careful now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) r
Carry on. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) t
Classes are starting get going. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) y
Clever boy, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) u
Did he really get away? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) i
Did I hear someone around? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) o
Did I hear the sounds of an evil doer? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) p
Did you do that on purpose? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) a
Do not be an evil doer. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) s
Do not go the wrong way. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) d
Don't be insane. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) f
Don't be stupid. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) g
Don't beat me, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) h
Don't disrespect the prefect. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) j
Don't trifle with me. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) k
Don't you be sneaking away over there. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) l
Duty calls. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) z
Evil diller. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) x
Evil door. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) c
Explosions won't help you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) v
Gary said you turn up, there's no way you're getting. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) b
Get back here right now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) n
Go go classes are starting. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) m
Go to class now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) Q
Good, do my work for me. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) W
Good. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) E
Goodbye, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) R
He's getting away. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) T
Here's your brush. Get to work you pee on. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) Y
Hey, come here with. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) U
Hey, new kid, go to the principal's office. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) I
Hey, you break it. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) O
Hmm, where can you have gotten? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) P
Hmm. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) A
Hopkins don't mess us up or I'll have to beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) S
Hopkins that is a wrong way. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) D
Hopkins this way. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) F
Hopkins, I need your. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) G
Hopkins, I really love trashing you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) H
Hopkins, just take off the damn shoes. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) J
Hopkins, you better help me. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) K
Hopkins, you're? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) L
How disgusting. Someone should be trashed for this. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) Z
How do you do that? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) X
Humph. Well done. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) C
Hurry up, classes are starting. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) V
I am going to beat you now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) B
I am over here. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) N
I am so gonna trash you for that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) M
I can't wait for someone to break a rule so I could beat. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) <
I don't ever want to graduate and give up being a prefect. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) >
I don't know what to do. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) !
I don't like it at all and wanna beat someone to feel better about myself. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) @
I got you, you alcoholic miscreant. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) #
I have a very special traffic in mind for that jerk. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) $
I have to beat some evil tours. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) %
I have to find him before I could beat him. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) ^
I hope that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) &
I hope that's not what I think it is. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) *
I hope you enjoy that as much as I do. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) (
I really need to beat someone soon. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) )
I really should discipline you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) ~
I saw that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) `
I should beat you for being up so late. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) |
I should beat you for defacing that wall. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) "
I should beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) '
I should fix you up good. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) ?
I suppose that's OK. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) /
I think I just might beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) ,
I wanna find out whoever is responsible for this and beat them. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully) .
I was hoping for someone to be. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I will beat the perpetual. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I will beat you for the. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'll beat you later, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'll let it slide this time. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'll teach you a lesson. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm a prefect and you're a victim. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm a prefix. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm busy. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm getting angry just looking at this. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm glad you told me this. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm gonna break you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm gonna enjoy putting the herd on you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm gonna make you hurt, punk. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm laying beats on you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I'm not sure what to think about that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I've been wanting to do that for a long time. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
I've got more important things to worry about. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Is that an illegal weapon? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Is that shirt some sort of a joke, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Is your nose clean, Hopkins? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
It's gotta be someone to beat. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
It's making me so angry. I wanna beat someone. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
It's time to pay back the faculty for all their kindness. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Just don't make any trouble. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Just keep your nose clean. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Just take it and shut. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Keep doing that and I'll beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Keep talking, Hopkins. Keep talking. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Keep your nose clean. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Listen closely, Hopkins. I don't want you to mess. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Looking for a late night beat? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Looking to get trash? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Make it you're gonna mow the lawn at bull. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Maybe I should abuse my authority and pick on someone innocent from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Maybe it was nothing. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
No need for complex reasons where a simple beating will do. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
No one to beat, what a let down. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Now where did that little evil dewer go? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Oh, look who's decided to join us today. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh I'm fair, ohh. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh it stinks. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, I should have won. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, that should not have happened. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, that was not how it was supposed to turn out. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 1 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 2 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 3 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 4 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 6 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 7 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 8 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Pain 9 from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Riding in the walls is against the rules. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Screaming from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Setting off fireworks is a beating offense. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Shouldn't we be patrolling or some? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Show some respect. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Shut up, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Shut your mouth, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Shut your mouth. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Someone needs to be punished for this. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Someone should be beaten for that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Stay vigil. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Stop sneaking around. Get up. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Stop so I could beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Stop that, or I'll beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Stop that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Stop. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Stop. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Students are not allowed here. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That does it. I'm laying the smack down. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That hurt you much more than it hurt me. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That is illegal. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That is unacceptable. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That was added. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That'll be all, Hopkins. You may go. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That's against the rules. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That's prefect material right there. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
That's reckless. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
The weapons are for prefects. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
This is my favorite part of the job. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
This morning I woke up and said I'm going to pummel Hopkins today. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
This really stinks. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Those clothes say please beat me. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Time to clean up the. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Uh, the others will avenge me. Uh. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Uh, you'll get yours soon enough. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Underage drinking? Uh, you're in big trouble now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Very good, Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Watch your mouth, boy. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Well, well, well. If it isn't Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
What are you doing here? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
What are you trying to do, Hopkins? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
What do you think you're doing here? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
What is that in your hand? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
What was that? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Who did that? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Who is disrespecting my authority? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Who wants some of this? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Why are you not in bed? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Why are you not in class? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Why are you trying to beat me, Hopkins? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Why are you wearing those pants? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Why don't I just trash you instead? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Why must you have the hair of a reject? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah, that's likely. You just want to relax for a bit, but OK. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Yo go change into your uniform. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Yo, what is that in your hand? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
Yo, why are you not in class? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You are useless. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You are you cutting class? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You better come this way if you know what's good for you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You better go to bed right now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You better not be skipping. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You better run along and make yourself useful. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You brought it on yourself, Buster. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You can run, but I'll still beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You come over here and take your beats. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You could do a little public service. It'll do you good. Go mow the. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You get to class. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You had that coming, moron. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You have crossed that line. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You have it coming. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You just became number one on my list. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You looking for a beating? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You should be in class now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You should be keeping a low profile Hopkins. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You should not be out. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You should not have done that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You should not have done. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You should not have done. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You suck so much, you should get beat. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You ugly kid, you're in serious trouble now. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You wanna beat it? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You wanna escape your beating evil dealer? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You want me to beat you? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You will pay for your disrespect. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You won't get away with that. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You'll get what's coming to you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You're a man. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You're beginning to make me angry. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You're calling a bear. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You're coming with me. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You're lucky I have someone more important to. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You're not very smart, are you, Hopkins? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
You're stupid hat makes me wanna beat you. from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)
はは? from Seth Kolbe Soundboard (Bully)