A 1, 2, 3, 4! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 2
A 1, 2, 3, 4! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 3
A shiny penny to whomever takes down these Skylander intruders! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 4
A symphony of pain! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 5
A symphony of pain! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 6
Air guitar! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 7
Alright. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 8
Alright. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 9
And the crowd goes wild! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) 0
As fun as that sounds, I think I'm gonna leave that part up to you. But I would like to borrow Kaos for a spell here. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) -
Attention, loyal subjects: Skylanders have been spotted. Let's take this blast from the past and blast THEM into the past! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) =
Big bad woofer soundcheck, take 1,000,000! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) q
Can't bring me in again on this mission. Union rules. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) w
Check...check...Delta 9M at bat.... from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) e
Check...check...hello...is this thing on? from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) r
Cool! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) t
Cool! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) y
Did you enjoy the show? from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) u
Didn't catch my drift... from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) i
Don't forget, this isn't a solo! You can call upon your new bandmate here! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) o
Don't stop the music! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) p
Effort 1 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) a
Effort 2 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) s
Effort 3 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) d
Encore, encore! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) f
Excellent. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) g
Excellent. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) h
Flying high! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) j
Get ready to cry WOLF!! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) k
Get those Skylanders, future bad guys! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) l
Good to know they still respect their former emperor. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) z
Got it! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) x
Got it! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) c
Growl from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) v
Guess I'd better set a little trap for them then, eh? from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) b
Guess that was my swan song. :( from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) n
Guitar! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) m
Ha! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) Q
Have you ever considered just wrecking their ship? from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) W
Have you ever considered lowering ticket prices? from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) E
Hehheh. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) R
Hellllo Skylands! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) T
Helloooooo Skylands! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) Y
Hey, this isn't working! We should've gone back in time already! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) U
Hop smash! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) I
Hop smash! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) O
Hot licks, hot licks! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) P
Howl from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) A
Howl 2 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) S
Howl 3 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) D
Howl 4 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) F
Howl 5 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) G
Huh. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) H
Huh. On second thought, if the Queen wants Skylands, she can have it for now. But the future...that's all mine. Time to make this a one way trip. Ta ta! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) J
Hurt 1 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) K
Hurt 2 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) L
Hurt 3 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) Z
I'd say you're a virtuoso! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) X
I'll make short work of this puzzle! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) C
I'm impressed! And I don't say that very often. About others. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) V
I'm in the groove! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) B
I'm ready to rock anytime, Skylander! Feel free to bring me in! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) N
I'm REALLY ready to rock this time! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) M
If I learned how to play the harp, I can certainly handle this. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) <
It may be time to consider changing your tune, Skylander!! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) >
It may be time to consider changing your tune, Skylander. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) !
It's funny, because it's true. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) @
It's like I'm sort of getting a backstage pass here, ha! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) #
It's showtime! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) $
It's SHOWTIME! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) %
Laugh 1 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) ^
Laugh 2 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) &
Laugh 3 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) *
Laugh 4 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) (
Laugh 5 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) )
Laugh 6 from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) ~
Let there be rock! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) `
Let there be rock! ARROOOOO... from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) |
Let's GO! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) "
Let's GO! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) '
Let's show these Skylanders that they picked the wrong time to travel forwards into! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) ?
Like the sound of that! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) /
Looks like I'm a little late to the party. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) ,
Looks like this show hit a low note. *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3) .
Misson accomplished! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Money! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Music to my ears! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Nah, let's just fight instead! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Nice! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Nice! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Now if you'll just hold still! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Oh yeah! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Oh yeah! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Oh yeah! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Oh, really? Watch...THIS! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Oh, that? That's just for my own personal amusement. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Oh, you Skylanders will pay for this transgression...sadly, not with pennies, but perhaps with something perhaps even MORE valuable! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Oh. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Ok, Skylands, let's rock! Hahahahaha! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Ok. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
On with the show! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Orchestrate the hate! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Perfect. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Powered up and ready to go! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Quite like the costume change! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Ready to bring in the headliner? *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Ready to rock? from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Right on! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Right on. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Shockwaves! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Show's over, portal master! For now... from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
SKYLANDS! Are you ready to ROCK?!?! (And by that, I mean explode!) from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
So...this is what they do, eh Kaos? Just fly in, land somewhere nearby, and eventually mess up your plan? from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Sounds like the play in my song! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Success! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Super sonic! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Supersonic! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Sweet! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Sweet! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Take THAT! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Take that! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Taking music to new heights! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Test...test...check... from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3... from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Thank you and goodnight! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
The majesty...of rock! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
This venue's nice, but doesn't exactly draw a big crowd. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Those Skaletones are really more of a opening act anyways. I'm the headliner! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Time for a solo! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Time for a solo! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Time for a solo! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Treasure! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Very exciting to be back on tour! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Victory in G minor! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Wanna see a wolf go wild? Tag me in! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Well done, well done! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Well, well, well. Look who's managed to attend my big concert, some 10,000 years into the future! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
What, you don't have pennies here? Well, that's my next order of business, then. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
What's up with those Skaletones? I mean, a skeleton playing music. Ridiculous. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Whoof. Back to you, Skylander. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Woohoo! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Woohoo! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Ya know, Skylander, we don't have to fight. Together, we could RULE this place. There's no Kaos, no Doom Raiders, and you can get pizza here in 30 seconds or less! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
YAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Yeah! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Yeah! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
YEAH!! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Yes. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
Yes. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
You do, in fact, rock! *plays bone harp* from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
You know the funny thing about the future, Skylander? Stuff from the past keeps coming back into style! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
You're probably wondering when the laser light portion of this concert is going to take place. How about...NOW! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
...OOOOO!!! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
*growls* I was kind enough to take you on tour, but you appear to be hogging all the spotlight! Prepare for your swan song, there will be NO encore! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
*sniffs* I smell something just for us villains! from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)
*whimpers* I mean, *howls* I wasn't scared or anything. from Wolfgang - Skylanders Trap Team - Villain Voices (English) (PlayStation 3)