Male Voice Countdown #male #man #human #voice #raw @hooman188 from Male SFX 2
Deepsigh #male #sigh #breath @killerplanet from Male SFX 3
Gagged Scream #male #scary #foley #horror @Kreastricon62 from Male SFX 4
Cough #male #sick #foley @Kreastricon62 from Male SFX 5
I Serve His Will #male #phrase #titan #warhammer #voice @aivanf from Male SFX 6
No Backboard #male #acapella #rapping #vocal #vocals @grafezzy from Male SFX 7
A #male #voice @chimeric from Male SFX 8
A Character Yell11 #male #masculine #cry #roar #gamedev @Potapooo from Male SFX 9
A Ha 1 #male #human #emotions #speech #vocal @marcello777 from Male SFX 0
A Pokemon Christmas Present Charizard #male #charizard #spoken #vocal #talking @balloonhead from Male SFX -
A8P2 Transformed 3 #male #hps #harmonic #vocal #sms tools @islijepcevic from Male SFX =
Adiccion A La Música #male #one shot sample #spoken #vocal #addiction @quetzalcontla from Male SFX q
Adult Male Coughing #male #raw #zoomh5 #voice #twenty year old @jmbland94 from Male SFX w
Adventuresofmudkip Radiosequenceanswerme #male #nidorino #request #mudkip #vocal @balloonhead from Male SFX e
Adventuresofmudkip2 #male #nidorino #request #mudkip #vocal @balloonhead from Male SFX r
Affirmative 2 #male #word #military jargon #jargon #spoken @alean from Male SFX t
Affirmative 2 #male #word #military jargon #jargon #spoken @alean from Male SFX y
Ahh Yeah #male #yeah #deep #sample #speech @BaDoink from Male SFX u
Aie X5 #male #french #human #aie #voice @laurent3.0 from Male SFX i
Airplane Mssg 01 #male #madrid #spanish #plane #english @Manicciola from Male SFX o
Alean 2Klicks Distorsión1 #male #comms #military jargon #communication #voice @Hludowig from Male SFX p
Alitalia Audio Recording Flight Female #male #flight #spoken #alitalia #vocal @Eelke from Male SFX a
Alitalia Audio Recording Flight Male #male #flight #spoken #alitalia #vocal @Eelke from Male SFX s
All Day N Night #male #acapella #rapping #vocal #vocals @grafezzy from Male SFX d
All Of It #male #guy #speech #voice #woman @nuncaconoci from Male SFX f
Anything #male #anything #offered #assent #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX g
Are You Stupid? You Have To Listen To Me #male #spoken #voice #man #human @FunnyVoices from Male SFX h
Atrocious Regulation #male #dj #host #deep #regulation @Beetlemuse from Male SFX j
Ave Maria Speech #male #talking #speech #human #voice @islijepcevic from Male SFX k
Bad Singer (Male) - Mal Cantante (Masculino) #male #masculina #dumb #cantando #voice @sergeeo from Male SFX l
Bang #male #exchange #argument #vocal #bang @nuncaconoci from Male SFX z
Batman #male #aroung #talking #speech #goofing @lakethepondling from Male SFX x
Battle Laugh #male #yelling #angry #attack #defiant @dreamstobecome from Male SFX c
Be Careful Vocal #male #sentence #spoken #request #vocal @Duisterwho from Male SFX v
Beans #male #human #food #spoken #person @agngqnjbeat from Male SFX b
Before After Remix Of 177154 Plaedo Befriending.. #male #177154 #american #rap #plaedo @Timbre from Male SFX n
Beginner #male #word #apple #level #windows @bogenseeberg from Male SFX m
Best Shot #male #cowboy #voice @PaulOrrDotCom from Male SFX Q
Big Apple Brits #male #request #voice #voice over @shawshank73 from Male SFX W
Big Frunking Scream Comped #male #scream #compressed @TheWonderful... from Male SFX E
Bitch #male #bitch #vocal #man @Sami Kullström from Male SFX R
Bitch #male #pain #painn #angry #expletive @nuncaconoci from Male SFX T
Blessed By Rafztar #male #blessed #acappella #male vocal #singing @rafsystems from Male SFX Y
Blowing Your Nose #male #owi #sickness #blowing nose #ill @Rehanjo from Male SFX U
Boobs #male #boobs #deep #dark #human @balloonhead from Male SFX I
Breaking To Attack #male #sample request #aircraft #radio #man @AlienXXX from Male SFX O
Breathing #male #mouth #man @MKayPanda from Male SFX P
Brian Titi01 #male #spoken #vocal #talking #speech @wjoojoo from Male SFX A
Bring Di Wickedest Sound Bosh (Posh) Wc #male #posh #request #wickedest @Timbre from Male SFX S
Brrl #male #raw #beatbox #vocal #unprocessed @Manazoid from Male SFX D
Brutal Hello #male #brutal #hello #voice #scream @Baltiyar13 from Male SFX F
Bubble Poping Sound With Mouth #male #owi #plop #spit #pop @BerduSmith from Male SFX G
Buddhist Chants #male #pray #religious #buddhist #nichiren @zagi2 from Male SFX H
Burping Sounds #1 #male #belch #vocal #burp #human @deleted user... from Male SFX J
But That, Is Not All #male #mono #voice @arytopia from Male SFX K
But, It Is Not All #male #mono #voice @arytopia from Male SFX L
Caesar's Evil Laugh (German Dub) #male #laughter #evil @Horknis from Male SFX Z
Call With Damage #male #spoken #request #vocal #mechanic @.Andre Onate from Male SFX X
Candycrushinvite #male #show #overlords #robot #candy @balloonhead from Male SFX C
Cannabis Vocal #male #smoke #drugs #vocal #high @Duisterwho from Male SFX V
Cartoon Voice Bean Set #1 - Common Greetings, You.. #male #hey #hello #bye bye #hi @FritzSounds from Male SFX B
Châu - Nếu Chẳng Có Gì #male #character #viet #voice #cartoon @SieuAmThanh from Male SFX N
Cheeky Laughing - Male 1 #male #laughing #cheeky #human #vocal @pianeur akw from Male SFX M
Cheeky Laughing - Male 2 #male #laughing #cheeky #human #vocal @pianeur akw from Male SFX <
Cheeky Laughing - Male 3 #male #laughing #cheeky #human #vocal @pianeur akw from Male SFX >
Chirp #male #request #vocal #chirp #speech @balloonhead from Male SFX !
Chuckles #male #multiple #chuckle #laugh @se2001 from Male SFX @
Circus Normal #male #horror #circus #deep #dark @balloonhead from Male SFX #
Classic Narrator Voice Over Sample #male #language #deep #speaking #english @qubodup from Male SFX $
Clean #male #speech #speech enhancement #clean #sentences @dpsa from Male SFX %
Clearing Throat And Coughing #male #owi #clear throat #vocal #48000khz @NebbiaOne from Male SFX ^
Cool Voice Vocal #male #word #spoken #cool #vocal @dersuperanton from Male SFX &
Copy That Forming Up #male #sample request #aircraft #radio #man @AlienXXX from Male SFX *
Correct #male #vocal #affirmative #american #words @Thel200ster from Male SFX (
Cough #male #human #unhealthy #sickness #blowing nose @grantorino551 from Male SFX )
Cough #male #unhealthy #sickness #blowing nose #coughing @Duisterwho from Male SFX ~
Cough Male #male #owi #human #sick #cough @MihirFreeSound from Male SFX `
Cough Male #male #vocal #voice #coughing #man @klangfabrik from Male SFX |
Coughing #male #lungs #coughing #sick #cough @Eelke from Male SFX "
Coughing 001 #male #human #unhealthy #sickness #blowing nose @frenkfurth from Male SFX '
Coughs And Throat Clearing #male #unhealthy #ill #throat clearing #uncomfortable @ProductionNow from Male SFX ?
Count 30 To 0 #male #spoken #30 #vocal #zero @balloonhead from Male SFX /
Countdown #male #words #spoken #vocal #countdown @ckvoiceover from Male SFX ,
Crazy Ass Vocal 2 #male #vocal sample #vocalizations #vocal #vocal drop @.Andre Onate from Male SFX .
Crewman Call #male #pirates #sales #black #human @Mateusz Chenc from Male SFX
Css Counterstrike #male #gamesound #vocal #counter strike #human @FuelStream from Male SFX
Dark Times Come To Our Earth #male #unprocessed #raw #low #words @dzedrit from Male SFX
Deep Oh No #male #deep #oh no #voice #man @7kestrel from Male SFX
Despective Words In Spanish. Insults. Insultos. H.. #male #talk #voice @aitormoti69 from Male SFX
Dinglebang #male #deep #ditty #silly #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Disarm Yourself #male #spoken #robot #vocal #warning @carmsie from Male SFX
Distant Whistle #male #whistling #whistle #human #reverb @AlexMurphy53 from Male SFX
Dj Dumi In The Mix #male #djdrop #deep #djid #human @balloonhead from Male SFX
Dj Ini 1 #male #deep #dark #radio #vocal @balloonhead from Male SFX
Dj Shouting At Music Festival #male #dj #concert #spoken #music festival @tvilgiat from Male SFX
Dj Tli #male #dj #drop #request #british @Stewartcolbourn from Male SFX
Dmyra Caterwalling V5 23 #male #acapella #mumble #random #caterwauling @dmyra from Male SFX
Download It Now #male #radio #voice #voice over #voices @alphahog from Male SFX
Dr.z #male #vocal #human @himawarisan from Male SFX
Drink Tea #male #drinking #tea #man @vox artist from Male SFX
Drop It Deep Voice #male #dj #male vocal #drop it #drop @dersuperanton from Male SFX
Du Bist Der Hoerer Wir Sind Das Radio #male #german #text #hoerer #vocal @balloonhead from Male SFX
Ducks Quacking To Each Other #male #ducks #quacking #female #duck @Owen Garcia from Male SFX
Dude Dude #male #man #mouth #speech #talk @nnus from Male SFX
Dumb Moans #male #human #unprocessed #lunatic #tascam @savvah from Male SFX
Dune Ambience With Birds, Wind Through Conifers, .. #male #bulderen #hert #bulderende #deer @jorickhoofd from Male SFX
Emergency Message #male #spoken #vocal #speech #words @Developer Jake from Male SFX
Esfuerzo #male #esfuerzo #voz #hombre #voice @Pipe98x from Male SFX
Everything Exists #male #spoken #text #request #vocal @splatbot from Male SFX
Evil Deep Laugh By Man #male #evil laugh #scary #horror #threatening @F.M.Audio from Male SFX
Evil Laugh, Male 3X #male #human #evil #laugh #voice @Kinoton from Male SFX
Exclamacion #male #men #speech #human #child @Pipe98x from Male SFX
Exclamación #male #vocal #human #surprise #voice @Pipe98x from Male SFX
Exclamacion Golpe #male #hit #punch #vocal #human @Pipe98x from Male SFX
Exhalacion #male #breath #human #hombre #respiracion @Pipe98x from Male SFX
Experimental Dreamscape (Voice) #male #pitch shift #hallucination #voice #dream @Speedenza from Male SFX
Expression?? #male #speech #pain #verbal #indeed @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Farting #male #farting #human #owi @BiancaBothaPure from Male SFX
Fear Itself #male #mid atlantic #vocal #speak #speech @CaptainYulef from Male SFX
Feel Festival #male #melodie #vocal #whistle #human @42danke from Male SFX
For The Beat Makers And The Song Producers Music .. #male #freestyle #vocal stem #truth #rap @Duisterwho from Male SFX
For Your Safety Please Remain Seated #male #for #over #please #seated @BrandonTGN from Male SFX
Four Voices Whispering 5 #male #voices #dream #horror #effect @geoneo0 from Male SFX
Four Voices Whispering 5 Wecho #male #voices #dream #horror #effect @geoneo0 from Male SFX
Free Laughing #male #spoken #vocal #sample #psychotic @bigspider95 from Male SFX
Freesound Freeword #male #free association #text #speech #words @stomachache from Male SFX
French Villain #male #villain #voice #bad #actor @Darkspritean... from Male SFX
Frustrated Scream 02 #male #loud #scream #frustration #echo @Jackie makes... from Male SFX
Fx Sigh Male #male #owi #sigh #vocal #breath @ForTheHorde68 from Male SFX
Game Over #male #word #words #spoken #vocal @ckvoiceover from Male SFX
Game Over Sound #male #over #game #speech #voice @dersuperanton from Male SFX
Game Over Voice 2B #male #over #robot #vocal #sample @SoundEffects... from Male SFX
Game Time #male #stereo #voice @arytopia from Male SFX
Game's On The Line Here #male #old #field recording #crowd #close game @SoundsExciting from Male SFX
Gasp #male #vocal #breath #human #gasp @iokera from Male SFX
Groan By Adam #male #pain #human #groan #words @seachangeau from Male SFX
Groaning #male #pain #groan @vmgraw from Male SFX
Groove 01 #male #word #processed #vocal @Department64 from Male SFX
Growling #male #vox #vocal #male vocal @angryscarydo... from Male SFX
Gruñido Señor #male #bravo #vocal #voz #human @Pipe98x from Male SFX
Guy - Hi Hello Haha #male #haha #talking #hi #speech @TheAtomicBrain from Male SFX
Guy Jumps #male #jumping #vocals only #indoor recording @vadersfear from Male SFX
Ha! 01 #male #human #voice #speech #man @8bitmyketison from Male SFX
Hablando Con Mis Amigos Chinos #male #speak #chinese #iespauclaris #playtime @IESPAUCLARIS from Male SFX
Halloweenintro #male #spoken #text #horror #halloween @balloonhead from Male SFX
Halo #male #spoken #vocal #gentle #human @balloonhead from Male SFX
Hello #male #hello #vocal @Sami Kullström from Male SFX
Hello Im Your Phone #male #phone #voice @alphahog from Male SFX
Hello Scream Male Loud #male #vocal #scream #shout #speech @dersuperanton from Male SFX
Help Me Mp3 #male #help #creepy @deleted user... from Male SFX
Hero Take 2 #male #spoken #request #vocal #words @TRXone from Male SFX
Hey Check Your Blood Sugar #male #deep voice #dark voice #vocal #bloodsugar @balloonhead from Male SFX
Hit It 01 #male #hit #it #vocal @TapeJunkie from Male SFX
Hit It 01 Processed #male #hit #it #vocal @TapeJunkie from Male SFX
Hmm Ahh #male #ah #ahh #hm #question @esperar from Male SFX
Hmm Reflexion Male Voice Thinking #male #thinking #reflexion #hmm #human @daalvinz from Male SFX
Hmmmmm #male #hmm #vocal #person #human @ckvoiceover from Male SFX
Hölderlin - Patmos #male #poetry #voice @Kai Hansen from Male SFX
Holyshit #male #spoken #vocal #male vocal #vocal sample @balloonhead from Male SFX
Homey's Phone #male #ringtone #voice @alphahog from Male SFX
Homme Sac Poubelle #male #mouth #man @teamthreesome from Male SFX
Hotteaslurping #male #tea #drink #slurp #drinking @Feibel1 from Male SFX
Houston We Have A Problem #male #stereo #voice @arytopia from Male SFX
How I Lost My Sandals #male #lost #verbal #explanation #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
How Together A Hotdog #male #vocal #son #teach #voice @balloonhead from Male SFX
Hugme Test #male #voice #words @Connum from Male SFX
Human Male Snoring #male #snoring #human #man @Scott Snailham from Male SFX
Human, Man, Caughing #male #mouth #caugh #human #man @golovlev.sound from Male SFX
I Don't Effin' Want That #male #spoken #profanity #vocal #disgusted @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
I Don't Know (Whisper) - Male #male #perplexed #words #spoken #word @Iceofdoom from Male SFX
I Don't Think So.. #male #vocal #english #voice #words @itinerantmon... from Male SFX
I Really Did Drop It #male #multiple #verbal #drop it #profanity @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
I Wanted To #male #verbal #discussion #vocal #conversation @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
I Will #male #will #intent #words #declaration @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
If You Can't Get Past It... #male #observance #verbal #vocal #speech @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Ignis Aurum Dry #male #mono #voice #whisper @arytopia from Male SFX
Ignis Aurum Dry Rev #male #mono #voice #whisper @arytopia from Male SFX
Iii Like It2 #male #like #vocal #voice #expression @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Imagination #male #vocal #imagination #finally #voice @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Intimidating Walking Footsteps Boots Carpet #male #footsteps #boots #carpet @daboy291 from Male SFX
Ipa Meowvoice 04 D#3 #male #d #meow #vocal #chromatic @ipaghost from Male SFX
It S Him #male #quiet #s #fear #voice @iccleste from Male SFX
It S You #male #s #anger #gasp #fear @iccleste from Male SFX
It's Coming #male #vocal #voice over #voice acting #vocals @RoivasUGO from Male SFX
It's Just A Personal Thing #male #spoken #discussion #vocal #voices @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Its The End Of The Line #male #horror #its the end #vocal #demonic @roosterdude from Male SFX
Jordansbing #male #bing #vocal #person #jordan @Harrisando from Male SFX
Keep It Up #male #verbal #vocal #speech #words @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Kid Saying Man #male #words #spoken #english #vocal @soundsofawesome from Male SFX
Kid Ya Coming Walla #male #multiple #dx @CalGre from Male SFX
Kiss 4 #male #human #emotions #speech #vocal @marcello777 from Male SFX
Kloki Intro #male #german #deep #speech #human @balloonhead from Male SFX
Kloki Outro #male #german #deep #speech #human @balloonhead from Male SFX
Know More #male #robot #speech #robotic #android @carmsie from Male SFX
Laugh #male #laugh #man @yrdn from Male SFX
Laugh 076 #male #evil #recording #laugh #voice @Obokralipsis from Male SFX
Laugh1 #male #loud #laugh @max cristos from Male SFX
Laugh3 #male #dumb #laugh @max cristos from Male SFX
Laughing Gas #male #vocal #gas #deep #dark @balloonhead from Male SFX
Laughter #male #vocal #amused #human #voice @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Lets Go #male #vocal #lets #words #english @metrostock99 from Male SFX
Lockout #male #door #trickery #shove #lock @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Long Kiss #male #kiss #long @max cristos from Male SFX
Lotsoftimes #male #speech #voice @acquirk from Male SFX
Love Hurts [Vocals] #male #spoken word #male vocal #english #vocal stem @InnZoom from Male SFX
Loving Rant About Mohamed #male #islam #speech #muslim #comedy @SamuSounds79 from Male SFX
Lupitaaaa #male #names #spanish @chrontrax from Male SFX
Macbetch Chorus 2 #male #speech #shakespeare #vocal #macbeth @andrew x from Male SFX
Macbetch Chorus 3 #male #speech #macbeth #vocal #chant @andrew x from Male SFX
Maggie's Diner Documentary Narration #male #male voice #spoken #speech #words @JapanYoshiTh... from Male SFX
Malcolm Ow 1 #male #pain #spoken #speech #words @itsadequate from Male SFX
Male "Oh Yea" Scream, Success #male #success #vocal #human #voice @Diegorinio from Male SFX
Male Burp #male #rude #belch #burp #clean @Trogg from Male SFX
Male Dress Shoes Fast Walk Distant #male #dress #shoes @tlcolbe from Male SFX
Male Exhale During Sleep #male #sleep #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Male Fighting Sounds (Screaming, Dodging, Breathi.. #male #panting #fighting #breathing #dodging @Alexamin from Male SFX
Male Groaning, Mumbling #male #owi #groaning #mumbling #sighing @Luzanne0 from Male SFX
Male Grunt Uh #male #agh #fighting #argh #uh @Cigaro30 from Male SFX
Male Hiccup #male #drunk #vocal #hiccup #mouth @lipalearning from Male SFX
Male Laugh #male #humorous #guffaw #funny #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Male Laugh Hysterical 01 #male #human #vocal #rofl #laugh @BlackDeath1996 from Male SFX
Male Laughter 01 24Bit 48Khz #male #laugh #laughing #human #voice @arbernaut from Male SFX
Male Mmm #male #deep #mmm #human #voice @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Male Saying Ben #male #ben #request #vocal #inquisitive @balloonhead from Male SFX
Male Scream Pain Torture #male #pain #scream #torture @martian from Male SFX
Male Scream2022 #male #scream #2022 #year @NIKITAKAVRIG... from Male SFX
Male Screaming #male #666moviescreams #rode #shouting #shout @AlbertTrepat from Male SFX
Male Screaming Out Loud #male #666moviescreams #rode #shouting #shout @AlbertTrepat from Male SFX
Male Screaming Out Loud #male #666moviescreams #rode #shouting #shout @AlbertTrepat from Male SFX
Male Sigh Ml 1 #male #sigh #relaxed #voice @MLaudio from Male SFX
Male Snore #male #snore #dormindo #ronco #sleeping @AdrianoAnjos from Male SFX
Male Sreaming #male #666moviescreams #rode #shouting #shout @AlbertTrepat from Male SFX
Male Vocal Glitch Godlike Voice #male #arcade #i #indie #lo fi @AsaMakes from Male SFX
Male Voice │ Hey 01 #male #spoken #young #vocal #speech @Alba Mac from Male SFX
Male Voice Lines #male #voice #vocal @LordEvilM44 from Male SFX
Male Voice Saying, "Pesky Children" Kind Of Croak.. #male #sentence #vocal #pesky #female @michellelind... from Male SFX
Male Voice Whispering Sorry - English #male #words #spoken #vocal #speech @Jagadamba from Male SFX
Male What Ver 1 #male #confusion #boy #what #male @szayelb from Male SFX
Malexmedia Man Scream #male #man #recording #scream #screaming @malexmedia from Male SFX
Man Apologizes #male #italy #speak #vocal #sample @maurolupo from Male SFX
Man Gasp Of Breath #male #deep #breath #speech #vocal @ckvoiceover from Male SFX
Man Scream #male #pain #666moviescreams #grito #human @irenearandap... from Male SFX
Man Sings "Lololo" #male #vocal #choir #human #ambient @maurolupo from Male SFX
Man Sings "Looo" #male #vocal #choir #human #ambient @maurolupo from Male SFX
Man Sings "My Way" #male #vocal #choir #human #sing @maurolupo from Male SFX
Man Sneezing #male #sneezing #sneeze #human #man @jmayoff from Male SFX
Man Snoring #male #sleeping #mouth #human #snoring @Shamewap from Male SFX
Man Tarzan Roar 001 #male #man #funny #voice #roar @Martina Leit... from Male SFX
Mans Heart Full Of #male #human #spoken #request #vocal @balloonhead from Male SFX
Marasma Sound #male #stereo #voice @arytopia from Male SFX
Marriage #male #words #spoken #text #request @balloonhead from Male SFX
Me Ajuda 3 4800 24Bit #male #human #vocal #words #voice @rubenslutero from Male SFX
Me Hurt Sounds #male #pain #ouch #damage #hurt @BOAAY from Male SFX
Messages Whisper #male #mono #voice @arytopia from Male SFX
Mocking Laughter #male #creepy #mocking #laugh #fun @Apheo from Male SFX
Monday Night Crazy #male #laugh #crowd #people #vocal @wjoojoo from Male SFX
Monk Sing Temple Mastered #male #sfx #synthesizer #pray #horror @szegvari from Male SFX
Monk Sing Temple Mastered Reverb Pyramid #male #sfx #synthesizer #pray #horror @szegvari from Male SFX
Mouth Deep Sound #male #beatbox #vocal #mouth #human @lazarotorres... from Male SFX
Move Away From The Wheelbarrow #male #voice #voices @alphahog from Male SFX
Multi Belch #male #belch #vocal #digestion #burp @itinerantmon... from Male SFX
Mushino - Burning From The Inside 04 #male #mushino #vocal #human #accappela @mushino from Male SFX
Nah! #male #human #vox #vocal #speech @8bitmyketison from Male SFX
Negative #male #no #negative #vocal #will not @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Nervios #male #nervious #speak #nervios #human @Pipe98x from Male SFX
New York Cabbie #male #old #voice #driver #vocal @Airborne80 from Male SFX
Next Presentation 002 #male #words #announcer #spoken #deep @scotcampbell from Male SFX
Nick Ahhyeah #male #shout #yell @Nickleus from Male SFX
No X5 #male #gotcha #hahaha #vocal #chickenshit @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Not Today. Not Tomorrow #male #vocal #deep #declaration #not @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Nothin Explicit #male #exchange #discussion #explicit #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Nowwhat #male #words #spoken #vocal #speech @zein.hg from Male SFX
Ode To Joy Words 1 #male #unprocessed #spanish language #human #voice @ERufian from Male SFX
Oh 1 #male #oh #understanding #surprise #awe @esperar from Male SFX
Oh Fuck #male #fuck #vocal #oh @Sami Kullström from Male SFX
Oh My God #male #omg #oh my god #shocked #surprised @xtrgamr from Male SFX
Oh Noes #male #no #oh no #despair #frustration @Junuxx from Male SFX
Oh Noes 2 #male #oh no #despair #frustration #surprise @Junuxx from Male SFX
Oh X7 #male #oh #ooh #french #human @laurent3.0 from Male SFX
Oh Yeah #male #yeah #vocal #oh @Sami Kullström from Male SFX
Oh! (Male) #male #ohh #interest #piqued interest #oh @DrFortyseven from Male SFX
Ohh No #male #deep #oh no #vocal #voice @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Once He Was Just A Boy #male #hero #show #tv #intro @metrostock99 from Male SFX
Oral Fight In Community #male #vocal #afro #community #fight @Julien Nicolas from Male SFX
Os 122Bpm Vox Verse1 Wet #male #spoken #distorted #vocal #english @CharlyBeck from Male SFX
Os 122Bpm Vox Verse2 Wet #male #spoken #distorted #vocal #english @CharlyBeck from Male SFX
Os 122Bpm Vox Verse3 Wet #male #word #spoken #distorted #vocal @CharlyBeck from Male SFX
Other Radio Stations #male #spoken #ident #commercial #jingle @aarongbuk from Male SFX
Ouchie #male #pain #ouch #wilhelm #ow @ryandeschamps from Male SFX
Pant #male #man #pant @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Party Low C #male #spoken #vocal #male vocal #vocal sample @NobodyYouKnowOf from Male SFX
Pcmd50 Explanation #male #vocal #talking #speech #human @wjoojoo from Male SFX
Perfect Timing #male #perfect #timing #voice @Kamimaia from Male SFX
Phone Vibration #male #vocal #a cappella #voice #human @LucionFrostBurn from Male SFX
Pitx Yauuh #male #shout #voice @pitx from Male SFX
Pops With Mouth #male #mouth #pop @fernandobati... from Male SFX
Pov: Hot Guy Tells You Sweet Things As You Fall A.. #male #soft #relaxing #asmr #soothing @RockstarCowboy from Male SFX
Power Off #male #power #assist #bluetooth #voice @bogenseeberg from Male SFX
Power On #male #power #assist #bluetooth #voice @bogenseeberg from Male SFX
Producer Brokezart #male #producer #producer tag #deep #dark @balloonhead from Male SFX
Pullinit #male #speak #woman #man #stretch @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Push The Limits #male #deep #space #science fiction #vocal @Fynixx from Male SFX
Queque In Supermarket #male #poetry #voice #speech #cash @MidianPoet from Male SFX
Quick #male #responses #vocal #female #quick @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Ralfhutterworking #male #voice @fectoper from Male SFX
Random Guy Singing In Brazilian Portuguese #male #voice #portuguese #singing @GabeSings from Male SFX
Reconcile Our Nation #male #normal #spoken #deep #dark @balloonhead from Male SFX
Reverse Voice Echoing #male #word #human #spoken #effect @ProjectsU012 from Male SFX
Riguss #male #spoken #vocal #dark #deep @balloonhead from Male SFX
Risasags Must Contain Only Letters A Z, Digits 0-.. #male #word #female #spoken #text @rojopeche from Male SFX
Riverjordantag - Barrythewhite #male #request #deep #voice over #tag @BarryTheWhite from Male SFX
Robot Statements #male #spoken #robot #vocal #speech @carmsie from Male SFX
Running Man On Pavement #male #pavement #running #human #gravel @AlfredHitch from Male SFX
Rusure #male #question #hmm #are you sure #query @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Rusure #male #spoken #vocal #are you sure #query @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Samplerequest Helloanyonehere #male #sample request #voice @firefreak from Male SFX
Santi Productions (Half Paulstretchreverb) #male #djdrop #request #vocal #radio @balloonhead from Male SFX
Sbroperaproject Cjb #male #male vocal #sbroperaproject #spoken #vocal sample @hlprmnky from Male SFX
Scots Standard English #male #fife #spoken #accent #vocal @urbaneguerilla from Male SFX
Scream #male #vocals #scream @vmgraw from Male SFX
Scream3Flashanimation #male #scream #man #boy #speech @ScratchLogo4.0 from Male SFX
See It? #male #exchange #male female #vocal #conversation @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
See You Next Time - Neil Williams Male Voice Over.. #male #next #over #speech #human @VoiceoverNeil from Male SFX
Sergey #male #words #spoken #vocal #speech @arthuryul from Male SFX
Shadeneversoundedsogood #male #never #good #so #shade @balloonhead from Male SFX
Shamanvoice #male #deep #throat #human #shaman @ASHTORETHCULT from Male SFX
Ship Shape #male #old #spoken #ships #over @aarongbuk from Male SFX
Short Kiss #male #kiss #short @max cristos from Male SFX
Short Oww #male #pain #hurt #2019 #ow @Xcallono from Male SFX
Shortfilm Voice #male #spoken #vocal #voice over #dark @balloonhead from Male SFX
Shut Up Mate You're Boring #male #mono #voice @arytopia from Male SFX
Sick Man Trying To Breathe #male #sick #breathe #man @hadescolossus from Male SFX
Sifflet Didge #male #didgeridoo #didjeridu #musical instrument #australian @nicolasdrweski from Male SFX
Singing Bus Driver, Vancouver Translink Line 209,.. #male #field recording #bus #voice #singing @pepe31 from Male SFX
Sinister Laugh #male #laugh #sinister #male #deep @realmadpuppy from Male SFX
Sneeze #male #people #sneeze #human #man @Zabuhailo from Male SFX
Sneeze Male Jgray #male #sneeze #sound effect #human @JGrayArt from Male SFX
Sneeze Male Speed Normal #male #sneezing #raw #mouth #human @Manim8 from Male SFX
Snoreloop #male #snore #sleep #human #mouth @Kragnour from Male SFX
Some People Take Offense Ikyn #male #scot #scots #scottish #voice @arytopia from Male SFX
Somebody Please #male #help #distorted @deleted user... from Male SFX
Sonidos Puerto - Venta, Barcos, Comentarios, Sire.. #male #accent #barcelona #barceloneta #interview @barcelonetas... from Male SFX
Souls #male #souls #voice @agrilledfish from Male SFX
Spanish Request #male #love #phrases #self #spanish @wadaltmon from Male SFX
Speech47 #male #spoken #vocal #speech #english @MetrocopRussell from Male SFX
Ssr Tagline (3) #male #soundz #spoken #vocal #strange @strangesound... from Male SFX
Standinmyway #male #bad #villain #deep #voice over @ArtOrDie from Male SFX
Steve Jeff Anette Tony Martin Frank Jerry #male #stereo #voice @arytopia from Male SFX
Strange Male Scream #male #666moviescreams #rode #shouting #shout @AlbertTrepat from Male SFX
Strange Male Scream #male #666moviescreams #rode #shouting #shout @AlbertTrepat from Male SFX
Strange Salesman #male #horror #creepy #villain #actor @Darkspritean... from Male SFX
System Off Line #male #voice #voice over @alphahog from Male SFX
Systen Online #male #voice #voice over @alphahog from Male SFX
T Minus Ten #male #space #spoken #vocal #edm @Fynixx from Male SFX
Take 6 3 11 04 Pm 057 059 Burp Funny Blooper 046-.. #male #belch #blooper #burp #human @Gerent from Male SFX
Take That You Scoundrel #male #voice #dumb #wacky #goofy @BlockFrog from Male SFX
Talking Bah! #male #annoying #vocal #talking #speech @slimclic from Male SFX
Tata Stan Brian01 #male #spoken #vocal #talking #speech @wjoojoo from Male SFX
Teenager Boy Shouting 'Okaay Maa' #male #spoken #human voice #vocal #shout @The Egyptian... from Male SFX
Testing Mike And Sanity #male #male vocals #vocal #vocals #gibberish @lunarsight from Male SFX
Thai Buddhist Monk Chant #male #human #chant #buddhist #monk @Alex hears t... from Male SFX
Thank You #male #word #verbal #spoken #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
That Again #male #spoken #vocal #speech #voice @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
That Boy There's Body Boarding With A Bottle Of W.. #male #accent #funny #silly #vocal @FreqWincy from Male SFX
That Boy There's Body Boarding With A Bottle Of W.. #male #accent #man #funny #irish @FreqWincy from Male SFX
That's It #male #word #human #spoken #vocal @TheyCallMeTr... from Male SFX
The Bear Went Over The Mountain #male #nursery rhyme #childrens song #folk song #public domain @stomachache from Male SFX
The Freesound Blog: Community Update December 2018 #male #spoken #freesound #narration #voice @stomachache from Male SFX
The Freesound Blog: Community Update December 2019 #male #spoken #freesound #narration #voice @stomachache from Male SFX
The Nail #male #observation #the nail #spoken #verbal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
The Prophet #male #old #spooky #human #prophet @sabotovat from Male SFX
The Raven 100 Bpm #male #speech #poetry @pinehadmz from Male SFX
There Will Be Pain #male #pain #there #male #deep @Airborne80 from Male SFX
Thinking! #male #thinking #deep #beatbox #vocal @slimclic from Male SFX
This Is The Moment (Hardstyle Sample For Kendona) #male #dance #vocal #sample #hardstyle @RoivasUGO from Male SFX
Thissampleismine #male #property #sample #statement #voice @WIM from Male SFX
Threewaysradio #male #deep #three ways radio #radio #vocal @balloonhead from Male SFX
Throat Sing #male #throaty #vocal #throat #voice @boobaloo from Male SFX
Tin Man Respect #male #spoken #robot #vocal #speech @carmsie from Male SFX
Tony Speakingwsam #male #persona tony #voice #bot #ivr prompt @tommylee4200 from Male SFX
Torrt Skrik #male #shout @mjohansson from Male SFX
Touch Grass They Said #male #voice #frustrating #one shot #screaming @LucionFrostBurn from Male SFX
Traffic Jammed2 #male #request #sample #unprocessed #voice @shawshank73 from Male SFX
Tweet #male #tweet #request #vocal #speech @balloonhead from Male SFX
Two Sneezes #male #sneeze #sniff #human @thomas evdok... from Male SFX
Uh #male #word #vocal #uh #voice @Sami Kullström from Male SFX
Ultimate Free Voice Over Request Response #male #language #deep #speaking #english @qubodup from Male SFX
Um #male #word #ease #vocal #speech @johnnypanic from Male SFX
Urinate #male #fx #water #human #campusupf @chemicla1 from Male SFX
Various Male Grunts #male #pain #exhausted #grunts #high @InfrawaveSound from Male SFX
Vendedor #male #mexican #market #seller @rattatatiana from Male SFX
Vn650221 #male #spoken #applauding #female #dutch @Bram from Male SFX
Vocal - Slowed, Distorted #male #monster #vocal #slowed #distorted @starvingpony from Male SFX
Vocal Improvisation 2 #male #fx #vocal #improvisation #human @quetzalcontla from Male SFX
Vocal One Shot - Yes Y'all #male #shot #human #yo #oneshot @Duisterwho from Male SFX
Vocals - Man Singing Note #male #vowels #vocal #choir #vocals @TheEndOfACycle from Male SFX
Vocodex Sprachen Zee Deutch (Tone2 Gladiator Und .. #male #voice #robot #vocoder #speech @laffik from Male SFX
Voice Raa!-Mp3 #male #angry #upset #vocal #deep @JD Brick Pro... from Male SFX
Voice Reel Ng Advertising 1 #male #male voice #spoken #voice reel #australian male voice @NicholasGla from Male SFX
Voice Reel Ng Commentator Sports #male #male voice #spoken #voice reel #australian male voice @NicholasGla from Male SFX
Voice Reel Ng Fear #male #male voice #spoken #voice reel #australian male voice @NicholasGla from Male SFX
Voice Reel Ng Kid And Baboon #male #male voice #spoken #voice reel #australian male voice @NicholasGla from Male SFX
Voice Reel Ng News Reader #male #male voice #spoken #voice reel #australian male voice @NicholasGla from Male SFX
Voice Reel Ng Romance #male #male voice #spoken #voice reel #australian male voice @NicholasGla from Male SFX
Voice Saying Techno #male #dance #effect #vocal #fx @gis sweden from Male SFX
Voice Shout #04 #male #field recording #unprocessed #vocal #raw @bolkmar from Male SFX
Voice Sound #male #beatbox #vocal #human #desk @yutaaaaaaaaaa from Male SFX
Voice5 #male #song #birthday #hoarse #voice @vumseplutten... from Male SFX
Voxflowers #male #male vocal #vocal #vox @InnZoom from Male SFX
Watcher Detected01 #male #voice #robot #vocal #vocoder @jamesgilsenan from Male SFX
Watcher Spotted01 #male #voice #robot #vocal #vocoder @jamesgilsenan from Male SFX
We're Very Thirsty #male #vocal #voice #voice over @alphahog from Male SFX
Weekend #male #speech #here #broadcast #american @aarongbuk from Male SFX
Welcome To Esn Erasmus Party #male #words #spoken #welcome #erasmus @balloonhead from Male SFX
Welcome To The Bayou #male #request #vocal #human #voice @balloonhead from Male SFX
Welcome To This Podcast #male #spoken #podcast #deep #words @Audeption from Male SFX
Well Don't You Forget It #male #human #vocal #words #voice @jcpartri from Male SFX
Whispering 'Gotta Go' #male #sentence #spoken #human voice #vocal @The Egyptian... from Male SFX
Whispering Midnight #male #whisper #midnight #request #vocal @balloonhead from Male SFX
Whistle (Male) - Various #male #owi #emotive #vocal #whistle @shorzie from Male SFX
Whistle Soundsmith #male #whistle @Lunardrive from Male SFX
Who S There #male #there #quiet #who #s @iccleste from Male SFX
Who's Jo Daddy #male #voice over @alphahog from Male SFX
Whueee #male #group #vocal #shout #human @farbe m from Male SFX
Why You Came Little Girl #male #question #echo #female #polish @panta rei from Male SFX
Woah Voice #male #woah #8 bit #voice @Guinamun from Male SFX
Wow - Pegas - 01 #male #wow #vocal #speech #human @PegasusCZ from Male SFX
Wow #male #word #wow #yeah #amazing @MChuckster from Male SFX
Xhuman136 #male #drum #beat #bpm #vocal @BaDoink from Male SFX
Yell 1 #male #frightened #scared #vocal #human @tim.kahn from Male SFX
Yell 2 #male #frightened #scared #vocal #human @tim.kahn from Male SFX
Yes - British Male #male #northern #british #soldier #voice acting @theuncertainman from Male SFX
Yo #male #saying #short #vocal #yo @stickman from Male SFX
You Are Sick 004 #male #word #human #spoken #vocal @scotcampbell from Male SFX
You Cannot Harm Me #male #spoken #robot #vocal #speech @carmsie from Male SFX
You Chicken #male #jerk #spoken #challenge #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
You Know #male #mono #request #unprocessed #voice @shawshank73 from Male SFX
Young Male Short Cough #male #voiceline #cough #voice #human @Taykiraro from Male SFX
Your Are Now Live With Deejay Bee #male #dj #deejay #intro #speech @balloonhead from Male SFX
Your Gonna Die 1 #male #vox #vocal #male vocal @angryscarydo... from Male SFX
Your Now In The Mix With Beats By Hadouken #male #djdrop #deep #speech #radio @balloonhead from Male SFX
Your Past... #male #verbal #comfort #maxim #vocal @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
Zing Zing #male #polyphonic #voice #zing @laopengyou from Male SFX
Zombies #male #666moviescreams #horror #zombies #voice @clavellmorenet from Male SFX
000 - Awww Yeah #male #vocal #english #sexy #voice @madnessxd from Male SFX
01 - Michael Gleason - Hummm #male #jazz #male #vocal #background @mjg gjm +xyz from Male SFX
1 "Elaine, My Queen, You Are The Brightest Diamon.. #male #love #romance #voice #king @theoctopus559 from Male SFX
01 13 Footsteps, Tile, Male Barefoot, Jumping #male #barefoot #jump #jumping #tile @SpliceSound from Male SFX
01 22 Footsteps, Tile, Slippers, Running #male #run #footstep #fast #tile @SpliceSound from Male SFX
01 23 Footsteps, Tile, Slippers, Jumping & Scuffs.. #male #scuff #footstep #jump #tile @SpliceSound from Male SFX
01 Warsounds #male #tief #deep #krieg #dark @balloonhead from Male SFX
2 "Elaine, My Queen, You Are The Brightest Diamon.. #male #romantic #love #romance #voice @theoctopus559 from Male SFX
2 "I Am So Lucky To Have You In My Life #male #love #lovve #romance #voice @theoctopus559 from Male SFX
2 Alcohol #male #human #alcohol #verbal #discussion @nuncaconoci from Male SFX
2.1.2 Bar #male #spoken #vocal #24 bit #voice @theargosy from Male SFX
3 "Elaine, My Queen, You Are The Brightest Diamo.. #male #romantic #love #romance #voice @theoctopus559 from Male SFX
3 "I Am So Lucky To Have You In My Life #male #romantic #love #romance #voice @theoctopus559 from Male SFX
03 No I Have Not Sir Try Asking Someone Else #male #spoken #request #vocal #words @balloonhead from Male SFX
03 Pianomagic Flying Track 12 - 1 #male #reverse #creepy #strange #vocal @johntrap from Male SFX
9, Bwg #male #isis #spoken #text #address @stomachache from Male SFX
24) #male #human #spoken #us #speech @neilraouf from Male SFX
11876 Bad Male Jeer #male #man #laughter #laugh #bad @Robinhood76 from Male SFX
070303 There's No Such Thing As Vacation #male #mantra #vocal @mantratrailer from Male SFX
203066 Counting 1 To 20 Lofi Mp3 20 12000 #male #low bitrate #lo fi #artifact #speak @AlienXXX from Male SFX
20140629.Conversation.spanish #male #field recording #joke #spanish #voice @dobroide from Male SFX
20201210 A Visit From St Nicholas #male #spoken #vocal #male vocal #voice @Algaeman from Male SFX
'Dajiah' (Request) #male #word #name #request #dajiah @kwahmah from Male SFX
"Monday 7:54 Am" #male #monday #answering machine #clock #communication @Beetlemuse from Male SFX
"Peppy" Voice #male #spoken #request #vocal #english @djlarson3 from Male SFX
"Phew" - Relieved Male #male #human #relieved #whoosh #woosh @Iceofdoom from Male SFX
"Time's Up!" -Angry Male #male #authoritative #assertive #angry #up @Iceofdoom from Male SFX
"Time's Up" - Calm Male #male #assertive #up #vocal #s up @Iceofdoom from Male SFX
"Welcome To Rave Part 5" #male #dj #over #welcome #request @Kodack from Male SFX
[ Mpooman ] Coughing Sounds (High Quality) #male #unhealthy #sickness #ill #flu @MPooman from Male SFX