Main Content
1. Trap Team (Main Title)
2. Tale of the Trap Team
3. The Gulper Invades the Soda Festival
4. Soda Springs
5. Soda Springs (Indoors)
6. Soda Springs (Combat)
7. Soda Springs Mega Bouncepad
8. Cymbal Swell
9. Villain Battle
10. Choose Villain's Fate (Trap or Bounty)
11. The Gulper Grows
12. The Gulper
13. Belch of the Gulper
14. Level Complete (One Star)
15. Level Complete (Two Stars)
16. Level Complete (Three Stars)
17. Level Complete (Four Stars)
18. Arrive at The Academy Meet Mags
19. Skylander Academy
20. Skylander Academy (No Drums)
21. Skylander Academy (Persephone's Treehouse)
22. Skylander Academy (Magic Gate)
23. Skylander Academy (Game Room)
24. Skylander Academy (Library)
25. Skylander Academy (Secret Passages)
26. Cloudcracker Prison Break
27. Buzz's Know It All Briefing
28. Know It All Island
29. Know It All Island (Melody)
30. Know It All Island (Indoors)
31. Know It All Island (Combat)
32. The Stone Heads Awaken
33. Know It All Island (Turret)
34. Know It All Island (Back Tracking)
35. A Troll Tank!
36. Battling Troll Reinforcements!
37. Troll Reinforcements (Turret)
38. The Story of Mt. Flynn more
39. Chompy Mountain (Explore Long)
40. Chompy Mountain (Explore Short)
41. Chompy Mountain (Indoors)
42. Chompy Mountain (Wishing Well)
43. Mabu Defense Force Escort
44. Chompy Mage's Balloon
45. Chompy Mountain Ramparts
46. Chompy Mountain Caverns (Intro)
47. Chompy Caverns (Rescue the Mabu)
48. Chompy Caverns (Combat)
49. Chompy Head Spire
50. Chompy Mage
51. Chompy Mage Trapped
52. Kaos Plans Sabotage
53. Tessa and Whiskers Fly In
54. Phoenix Psanctuary
55. Phoenix Psanctuary (Combat 1)
56. Phoenix Psanctuary (Combat 2)
57. Vine Bridge Grows
58. Roost of the Blocker Birds
59. Roost of the Blocker Birds (Combat)
60. Rain Flower Grotto
61. Feather Bed Hatchery
62. Phoenix Psanctuary (Birdcage)
63. Free Range Rollers
64. Chef Pepper Jack's Omelette of Doom
65. Chef Pepper Jack's Omelette of Doom (Arena Battle)
66. Kaos Interrupts Pepper Jack
67. Song Bird Warm Up
68. Song Bird (No Bass)
69. Song Bird (Full)
70. Song Bird
71. The Zepplin's Defenses
72. The Zepplin's Defenses (Beta)
73. Take Down the Airship's Defenses!
74. Onboard the Chef Zepplin
75. Chef Zepplin Combat
76. Chef Zepplin Mega Bouncepad
77. Chef Zepplin (Command Kitchen)
78. Serving Up Skylander
79. Chef Pepper Jack
80. Chef Pepper Jack (Percussion)
81. Kaos In Need of... Assistance
82. Cali and Mags Investigate Storm
83. Rainfish Riviera
84. Rainfish Riviera (Combat)
85. Rainfish Riviera (Indoors)
86. Rainfish Riviera (Using the Crane)
87. The Submarine Pen
88. The Big Ol' Rainfish
89. Rainfish Captured
90. Rainfish Riviera (Unused)
91. Rainfish Riviera (Unused Combat)
92. Rainfish Riviera (Unused Indoors)
93. Information Squid Imposter!
94. The Swamp of Bad Decisions
95. Spirestone Graveyard
96. Spirestone Graveyard (Indoors)
97. Spirestone Graveyard (Bridge Barrel Roll)
98. Spirestone Graveyard (Combat)
99. Crossing Monster Marsh
100. Monster Marsh Combat
101. Unused Monster Marsh
102. Village Breaks Apart
103. Bad Dreams
104. Bad Dreams (Melody)
105. Dreamcatcher Escapes
106. Sleeping Observatory
107. Telescope Towers
108. Telescope Towers (Jack In The Box Bridge)
109. Telescope Towers (Conversation)
110. Telescope Towers (Combat)
111. Telescope Towers (Cosmic Chamber)
112. Bouncepads to Observatory
113. Telescope Towers (Unused)
114. Telescope Towers (Water Descent)
115. Telescope Towers Fight Prelude
116. Dreamcatcher Nightmare
117. Storm at Mill
118. Mystic Mill (Mabu Defense Flagship)
119. Mabu Flagship Lands
120. Mystic Mill Ambush
121. Mystic Mill
122. Mystic Mill (Combat)
123. Mystic Mill (Indoors)
124. Mystic Mill (Nature Bridge Puzzle)
125. The Mystic Mill is Saved
126. Outer Sewer Arrival
127. Supreme Sewer Exterior
128. Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink
129. Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink (Combat 1)
130. Sewer Descent 1
131. Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink (Combat 2)
132. Sewer Descent 2
133. Supreme Sewer Exterior (Unused)
134. Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink (Beta Exterior)
135. Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink (Beta)
136. Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink (Beta Combat)
137. Doom Raiders Need a Portal Master
138. Wilikin Factory Doesn't Sell Churros
139. Wilikin Workshop
140. Wilikin Workshop (Indoors)
141. Wilikin Band Cafe (Bad)
142. Wilikin Band Cafe (Good)
143. Wilikin Railcar Station
144. Wilikin Railcar Station (Indoors)
145. Wilikin Railcar Station (Combat)
146. Wilikin Factory
147. Wilikin Factory (Combat)
148. Wilikin Factory (Crane Area)
149. Wilikin Factory (Using the Crane)
150. Path to Dr. Krankcase (Unused)
151. Path to Dr. Krankcase
152. Path to Dr. Krankcase (Combat)
153. Meet Krankcase
154. Dr. Krankcase (Part 1)
155. Dr. Krankcase (Part 2)
156. Krankcase Builds a Minion
157. Wolfgang Destroys Flynn's Ship
158. Outside the Clocktower
159. Time Town (Cogs Puzzle)
160. Time Town
161. Time Town (Music Box)
162. Time Town (Indoors)
163. Time Town (Combat)
164. Time Town Mega Bouncepad 1
165. Time Town Mega Bouncepad 2
166. Time Town Ambush
167. Time Town Ambush (Percussive)
168. Time Town Ambush (Percussion Only)
169. Time Town Ambush (After Combat)
170. Krankcase Quest
171. Time Town (Diorama Drama)
172. Wolfgang Escapes
173. Wolfgang's Future
174. The Future of Skylands (Arrival Platform)
175. The Future of Skylands
176. The Future of Skylands (Combat)
177. The Future of Skylands (Taxi Ride)
178. Astro Bug Zapper
179. Sub Orbital Plaza
180. The Future of Skylands (Containment Corner)
181. The Future of Skylands (Big Bad Woofer)
182. The Future of Skylands (Woofer Power Conduits)
183. Big Bad Woofer Shut Down
184. Wolfgang Fight Intro
185. Wolfgang's Concert
186. Wolfgang Rock Sting
187. Golden Queen Threatens Skylands
188. Meet Up With Buzz's Squadron
189. Operation Troll Rocket Steal
190. Operation Troll Rocket Steal (Drums Only)
191. Operation Troll Rocket Steal (Indoors)
192. Troll Rocket Base
193. Rocket Launch Starts
194. Mission Con Troll Battle
195. Infiltrating the Air Pirates' Base
196. Skyhighlands via Autogyro
197. Skyhighlands
198. Skyhighlands (Indoors)
199. Skyhighlands (Combat)
200. Skyhighlands (Combat 2)
201. The Waterworks
202. Skyhighlands (Unused Autogyro)
203. Skyhighlands (Unused)
204. Skyhighlands (Unused Combat)
205. Golden Queen Found
206. Desert Eye in the Sky
207. The Golden Desert
208. The Golden Desert (Combat)
209. Chompy Worms
210. Golden Desert Bouncepad (Short)
211. Golden Desert Bouncepad (Long)
212. Golden Queen Kidnaps Cali
213. The Golden Desert (Temple)
214. The Golden Desert (Temple Combat)
215. Golden Desert Arena Crowd
216. Golden Desert Arena Combat
217. Royal Temper Tantrum
218. Cali's Check Up
219. Lair of the Golden Queen
220. Lair of the Golden Queen (No Melody)
221. Lair of the Golden Queen (Conversation)
222. Lair of the Golden Queen (Combat)
223. Lair of the Golden Queen (Combat 2)
224. Seat of Flowing Gold
225. Lair of the Golden Queen (Unused)
226. Lair of the Golden Queen (Unused Combat)
227. Golden Queen Emerges
228. Golden Queen
229. The Queen Transforms
230. Giant Golden Queen Chase
231. Kaos Threatens You
232. A Bond Betrayed
233. The Ultimate Weapon
234. Kaos Taunts
235. Ultimate Weapon Bouncepad
236. Inside the Weapon
237. Defy and Fall
238. Kaos Controls the Controller
239. Traptanium Kaos (Part I)
240. Traptanium Kaos (Part II)
241. Traptanium Kaos (Part III)
242. Traptanium Kaos (Part IV)
243. Skylander Academy Officially Open!
244. Lockmaster Imp
245. Lockmaster Imp (Beta)
246. Meditations on Boom!
247. Gramophone
248. Arena Battle
249. Arena Battle (Unused)
250. New Elemental Adventures
251. To Catch a Thief, You Must...
252. Midnight Museum
253. Midnight Museum (Combat)
254. Midnight Museum (Indoors)
255. Midnight Museum (Indoor Combat)
256. Midnight Museum (Hall of Trials)
257. Nightshade... Engaged!
258. Nightshade
259. Investigate the Light Pilars
260. Sunsc****r Spire
261. Sunsc****r Spire (Combat 1)
262. Sunsc****r Spire (Crystal Underpass)
263. Sunsc****r Spire (Combat 2)
264. Sunsc****r Spire (Secret Platform)
265. Sunsc****r Spire (Combat 3)
266. Sunsc****r Bounce 1
267. Sunsc****r Bounce 2
268. Sunsc****r Bounce 3
269. Sunsc****r Bounce 4
270. Sunsc****r Cavern Fall
271. Sunsc****r Bounce 5
272. Sunsc****r Bounce 6
273. Luminous in Disguise
274. Luminous
275. The Fury of Evilon
276. Kind Kaos
277. Mirror of Mystery
278. Mirror of Mystery (Indoors)
279. Mirror of Mystery (Troll Mech Escort)
280. Mirror of Mystery (Evil Mabu Invasion)
281. Mirror of Mystery (Evil Reflections)
282. Mirror of Mystery (Combat)
283. Mirror of Mystery (Doom Helm Pass)
284. Evilon DefeatedHappy Glumshanks
285. Flynn's Autobiography
286. Seek Out the Trolly Grail
287. The Nightmare Express
288. The Nightmare Express (Indoors)
289. The Nightmare Express (Combat)
290. The Nightmare Express (Troll Tanks)
291. The Nightmare Express (The Grail is Taken)
292. Riding The Nightmare Express
293. The Nightmare Express (Inside Freight Cars)
294. Light Elemental Gate
295. Dark Elemental Gate
296. Kaos Doom Challenges
297. Temple Doom Challenge
298. Temple Doom Challenge (Build Phase)
299. Temple Doom Challenge (Low Combat)
300. Temple Doom Challenge (High Combat)
301. Temple Doom Challenge (Outro)
302. Boss From the Box
303. Box Boss Defeated
304. Kaos Challenge Completed
305. Marsh Doom Challenge
306. Marsh Doom Challenge (Build Phase)
307. Marsh Doom Challenge (Low Combat)
308. Marsh Doom Challenge (High Combat)
309. Klockworks Doom Challenge (Build Phase)
310. Klockworks Doom Challenge (Low Combat)
311. Klockworks Doom Challenge (High Combat)
312. Klockworks Doom Challenge (Low Combat Dark)
313. Klockworks Doom Challenge (High Combat Dark)
314. The Villain Vault
315. Sheep Creep
316. The Gulper (Villain Vault)
317. Tussle Sprout
318. Buzzer Beak
319. Slobber Trap
320. Bruiser Cruiser
321. Broccoli Guy
322. Chompy Mage Stinger
323. Chompy Mage (Villain Vault)
324. Shrednaught
325. Chill Bill
326. Cuckoo Clocker
327. Bomb Shell
328. Chef Pepper Jack (Villain Vault)
329. Brawlrus
330. Masker Mind
331. Brawl and Chain
332. Chomp Chest
333. Eye Scream
334. Eye Five
335. Hood Sickle
336. Pain Yatta
337. Dreamcatcher (Villain Vault)
338. Shield Shredder
339. Krankenstein
340. Rage Mage
341. Fisticuffs
342. Scrap Shooter
343. Dr. Krankcase (Villain Vault)
344. Cross Crow
345. Blaster Tron
346. Wolfgang (Villain Vault)
347. Grinnade
348. Threatpack
349. Tae Kwon Crow
350. Bone Chompy
351. Grave Clobber
352. Bad Juju
353. Golden Queen (Villain Vault)
354. Smoke Scream
355. Nightshade (Villain Vault)
356. Luminous (Villain Vault)
357. Chompy
358. Mab Lobs
359. Trolling Thunder
360. Lob Goblin
361. Kaos (Villain Vault)
362. K TROLL
363. Cash Prizes!
364. K TROLL (Request Hour)
365. K TROLL (Cash Prizes)
366. K TROLL (95.5)
367. K TROLL (Medley)
368. K TROLL (Rock Medley)
369. K TROLL (Country Medley)
370. K TROLL (International Medley)
371. K TROLL (Electronica Medley)
372. K TROLL (Retro Medley)
373. K TROLL (Ska Medley)
374. Academy Statue (Arbo)
375. Skeletones Showdown 1 (Arbo)
376. Skeletones Showdown 2 (Arbo)
377. Academy Statue (Dreadbeard)
378. Skeletones Showdown 1 (Dreadbeard)
379. Skeletones Showdown 2 (Dreadbeard)
380. Academy Statue (Pipsqueak)
381. Skeletones Showdown 1 (Pipsqueak)
382. Skeletones Showdown 2 (Pipsqueak)
383. Academy Statue (Mags)
384. Skeletones Showdown 1 (Mags)
385. Skeletones Showdown 2 (Mags)
386. Academy Statue (Flynn)
387. Skeletones Showdown 1 (Flynn)
388. Skeletones Showdown 2 (Flynn)
389. Academy Statue (Kaos)
390. Skeletones Showdown 1 (Kaos)
391. Skeletones Showdown 2 (Kaos)
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