Main Content
1. th Realm
2. Track 107
3. Track 108
4. Track 109
5. Track 110
6. Track 111
7. Track 112
8. Track 113
9. Track 116
10. Track 117
11. Track 118
12. Track 121
13. Track 122
14. Track 123
15. Track 124
16. Track 127
17. Track 131
18. Track 134
19. Track 135
20. Track 136
21. Track 138
22. Track 139
23. Track 140
24. Track 142
25. Track 143
26. Track 146
27. Track 149
28. Track 150
29. Track 151
30. Track 152
31. Track 153
32. Track 154
33. Track 155
34. Track 156
35. Track 157
36. Track 158
37. Track 159
38. Track 160
39. Track 161
40. Track 162
41. Track 163
42. Track 164
43. Track 165
44. Track 171
45. Track 174
46. Track 175
47. Track 176
48. Track 177
49. Track 179
50. Track 180
51. Track 181
52. Track 182
53. Track 183
54. Track 184
55. Track 185
56. Track 186
57. Track 191
58. Track 192
59. Track 194
60. Track 195
61. Track 196
62. Track 197
63. Track 198
64. Track 199
65. Track 204
66. Track 205
67. Track 207
68. Track 208
69. Track 209
70. Track 210
71. Track 211
72. Track 212
73. Track 213
74. Track 214
75. Track 215
76. Track 216
77. Track 218
78. Track 219
79. Track 221
80. Track 222
81. Track 224
82. Track 225
83. Track 234
84. Track 236
85. Track 240
86. Track 242
87. Track 243
88. Track 244
89. Track 247
90. Track 248
91. Track 261
92. Track 263
93. Track 264
94. Track 265
95. Track 267
96. Track 268
97. Track 270
98. Track 271
99. Track 272
100. Track 668
101. Track 673
102. Easter event first task complete
103. Easter event complete
104. A Farmer's Grind
105. A Forgotten Religion
106. A Taste of Hope
107. A Thorn in My Side
108. A Walk in the Woods
109. Adventure
110. Agility level up
111. Air Guitar
112. Al Kharid
113. Alchemical Attack!
114. All's Fairy in Love & War
115. Alone
116. Altar Ego
117. Alternative Root
118. Ambience2
119. Ambience3
120. Ambience4
121. Ambient Church Happy
122. Ambient Church Moody
123. Ambient Church Spooky
124. Ambient Jungle
125. Animal Magnetism cutscene track
126. Another Slice of H.A.M. Grand Opening
127. Anywhere
128. Arabian
129. Arabian 2
130. Arabian 3
131. Arabique
132. Arachnids of Vampyrium
133. Arboretum
134. Arcane
135. Architects of Prifddinas
136. Armadyl Alliance
137. Armageddon
138. Army of Darkness
139. Arrival
140. Artistry
141. Ascent
142. Assault and Battery
143. Athlete's Foot
144. Attack 1
145. Attack 2
146. Attack 3
147. Attack 4
148. Attack 5
149. Attack 6
150. Attack level up (normal)
151. Attack level up (with unlocks)
152. Attention
153. Autumn in Bridgelum
154. Autumn Voyage
155. Awful anthem
156. Aye Car Rum Ba
157. Aztec
158. Back to Life
159. Background
160. Bait
161. Ballad of Enchantment
162. Ballad of the Basilisk
163. Bandit Camp
164. Bandos Battalion
165. Bane
166. Barb Wire
167. Barbarian Assault tutorial
168. Barbarianism
169. Barking Mad
170. Baroque
171. Barren Land
172. Basic Stone Entrance (Player Owned House)
173. Basic Wood Entrance (Player Owned House)
174. Beetle Juice
175. Beneath the Stronghold
176. Beyond
177. Big Chords
178. Billy & Bob (Garden of Tranquility)
179. Blistering Barnacles
180. Blistering Barnacles (Rum Deal)
181. Bloodbath
182. Boaty
183. Bob's on Holiday
184. Body Parts
185. Bone Dance
186. Bone Dry
187. Book of Spells
188. Borderland
189. Box of Delights
190. Brain Battle
191. Breeze
192. Brew Hoo Hoo!
193. Brimstail's Scales
194. Bubble and Squeak
195. Bunny's Sugar Rush
196. Burning Desire
197. Buying skillcape
198. Cabin Fever
199. Camelot
200. Castle Wars
201. Catch Me If You Can
202. Cave Background
203. Cave of Beasts
204. Cave of the Goblins
205. Cavern
206. Cellar Song
207. Chain of Command
208. Chamber
209. Charter
210. Checking health of cacti
211. Chef Surprise
212. Chest Looted! (Barrows)
213. Chickened Out
214. Chompy Hunt
215. City of the Dead
216. Clan Wars
217. Claustrophobia
218. Close Quarters
219. Coil
220. Cold War cutscene
221. Competition
222. Completed Schematics (Between a Rock)
223. Complication
224. Conspiracy
225. Construction level up (every 10 levels)
226. Construction level up (normal)
227. Contest
228. Cooking level up (normal)
229. Cooking level up (with unlocks)
230. Corporal Punishment
231. Corridors of Power
232. Country Jig
233. Courage
234. Crafting level up (normal)
235. Crafting level up (with unlocks)
236. Creature Cruelty
237. Creeping Vines
238. Crystal Castle
239. Crystal Cave
240. Crystal Sword
241. Cursed
242. Dagannoth Dawn
243. Dance of Death
244. Dance of the Meilyr
245. Dance of the Nylocas
246. Dance of the Undead
247. Danger Ahead
248. Dangerous
249. Dangerous Road
250. Dangerous Way
251. Dark
252. Darkly Altared
253. Darkmeyer
254. Darkness in the Depths
255. Davy Jones' Locker
256. Dead Can Dance
257. Dead Quiet
258. Deadlands
259. Death
260. Deep Down
261. Deep Wildy
262. Defence level up (normal)
263. Defence level up (with unlocks)
264. Denath Cutscene (Shadow of the Storm)
265. Desert Heat
266. Desert Voyage
267. Devils May Care
268. Diango's Little Helpers
269. Dice loss (Death Plateau)
270. Dice win (Death Plateau)
271. Dies Irae
272. Dimension X
273. Distant Land
274. Distillery Hilarity
275. Dogs of War
276. Domain of the Vampyres
277. Doorways
278. Dorgesh Kaan nursery theme
279. Dorgeshuun City
280. Dorgeshuun Deep
281. Down and Out
282. Down Below
283. Down by the Docks
284. Down to Earth
285. Dragontooth Island
286. Dream
287. Dream minigames (Lunar Diplomacy)
288. Dreamstate
289. Drunken dwarf
290. Duel Arena
291. Dunjun
292. Dwarf Theme
293. Dwarven Domain
294. Dynasty
295. Eagles' Peak
296. Easter Jig
297. Egypt
298. Elf Singing
299. Elvarg's Theme
300. Elven Guardians
301. Elven Mist
302. Elven Seed
303. Emotion
304. Emperor
305. Entering Dreamland (Lunar Diplomacy)
306. Escape
307. Espionage
308. Etceteria
309. Eve's Epinette
310. Everlasting
311. Everlasting Fire
312. Everywhere
313. Evil Bob's Island
314. Expanse
315. Expecting
316. Expedition
317. Exposed
318. Eyeglo Battlefield Cutscene Jingle
319. Eyeglo Expulsion Jingle
320. Eyeglo Fluffy Transforms Jingle
321. Eyeglo Saboutage Jingle
322. Eyeglo Spirit Tree Jingle
323. Fade test
324. Faerie
325. Fairy dragon cutscene
326. Faith of the Hefin
327. Faithless
328. Fancy Stone Entrance (Player Owned House)
329. Fanfare
330. Fanfare 2
331. Fanfare 3
332. Fangs for the Memory
333. Far Away
334. Farming Amulet
335. Farming level up (normal)
336. Farming level up (with unlocks)
337. Fe Fi Fo Fum
338. Fear and Loathing
339. Fenkenstrain's Refrain
340. Fight of the Basilisk
341. Fight or Flight
342. Find My Way
343. Fire and Brimstone
344. Fire in the Deep
345. Firemaking level up (normal)
346. Firemaking level up (with unlocks)
347. First sunshine (Death to the Dorgeshuun)
348. Fishing
349. Fishing level up (normal)
350. Fishing level up (with unlocks)
351. Fletching level up (normal)
352. Fletching level up (with unlocks)
353. Floating Free
354. Flute Salad
355. Food for Thought
356. Forbidden
357. Forest
358. Forever
359. Forgetful Jingle Last
360. Forgetful Jingle Mid
361. Forgetful Jjingle Open
362. Forgettable Melody
363. Forgotten
364. Fossilised
365. Fremennik style Wood Entrance (Player Owned House)
366. Frogland
367. Frostbite
368. Fruits de Mer
369. Ful to the Brim
370. Funny Bunnies
371. Game intro1
372. Gaol
373. Garden
374. Garden of Autumn
375. Garden of Spring
376. Garden of Summer
377. Garden of Winter
378. Gauntlet completion
379. Getting Down to Business
380. Ghost Bouncer
381. Gill Bill
382. Gnome King
383. Gnome Village
384. Gnome Village 2
385. Gnome Village Party
386. Gnomeball
387. GOAL! (Gnomeball)
388. Goblin Game
389. Goblin Village
390. Golden Touch
391. Got a Ticket! (Brimhaven Agility Arena)
392. Grand Exchange offer complete jingle
393. Greatness
394. Grim Grammaphone Kick
395. Grim Piano Demo
396. Grimly Fiendish
397. Grip of the Talon
398. Grotto
399. Grow Grow Grow
400. Grumpy
401. H.A.M. and Seek
402. H.A.M. Attack
403. H.A.M. Fisted
404. Handsand Cutscene
405. Harmony
406. Harmony 2
407. Haunted Mine
408. Have a Blast
409. Have an Ice Day
410. Hawaii 5 Ogre
411. Head to Head
412. Heart and Mind
413. Hells Bells
414. Herblore level up (normal)
415. Herblore level up (with unlocks)
416. Hermit
417. High Level Alchemy
418. High Seas
419. High Spirits
420. Hitpoints level up (levels 2 49)
421. Hitpoints level up (levels 50 99)
422. Hoe Down
423. Home Sweet Home
424. Horizon
425. Hunter level up (even numbered levels)
426. Hunter level up (odd numbered levels)
427. Hypnotized
428. Iban
429. Ice and Fire
430. Ice Melody
431. Ice Troll Caves
432. Illusive
433. Impetuous
434. Impetuous 2
435. In Between
436. In the Brine
437. In the Clink
438. In the Manor
439. In the Pits
440. Inadequacy
441. Incantation
442. Inferno
443. Insect Queen
444. Inspiration
445. Into the Abyss
446. Intrepid
447. Intro Cutscene (Contact!)
448. Invader
449. Iorwerth's Lament
450. Island Life
451. Island of the Trolls
452. Isle of Everywhere
453. It's not over 'til...
454. Jaws of the Basilisk
455. Jester Minute
456. Jolly R
457. Joy of the Hunt
458. Juliet Dies Jingle
459. Jungle Bells
460. Jungle Hunt
461. Jungle Island
462. Jungle Island Xmas
463. Jungle Troubles
464. Jungly 1
465. Jungly 2
466. Jungly 3
467. K'klik appears (Recipe for Disaster)
468. Kanon of Kahlith
469. Karamja Diary all easy tasks complete
470. Karamja Diary all hard tasks complete
471. Karamja Diary all medium tasks complete
472. Karamja Diary easy task completed
473. Karamja Diary hard task completed
474. Karamja Diary medium task completed
475. Karamja Jam
476. Kicked out of Weiss
477. Kingdom
478. Knightly
479. Knightmare
480. Kourend the Magnificent
481. La Mort
482. Labyrinth
483. Lagoon
484. Lair
485. Lair of the Basilisk
486. Lament
487. Lament Cutscene 6
488. Lament for the Hallowed
489. Lament of Meiyerditch
490. Land Down Under
491. Land of Snow
492. Land of the Dwarves
493. Landlubber
494. Last King of the Yarasa
495. Last Man Standing
496. Last Man Standing! (TzHaar Fight Pits)
497. Last Stand
498. Lasting
499. Lava is Mine
500. Legend
501. Legion
502. Let s go diving! (Recipe for Disaster)
503. Life's a Beach!
504. Light Creature Flight (Tears of Guthix)
505. Lighthouse
506. Lightness
507. Lightwalk
508. Little Cave of Horrors
509. Lonesome
510. Long Ago
511. Long Way Home
512. Looking Back
513. Lore and Order
514. Lost Soul
515. Lotr Jingle 1
516. Lotr Jingle 2
517. Lower Depths
518. Lucid Dream
519. Lucid Nightmare
520. Lullaby
521. Lumbering
522. Lunar Isle Entrance Jingle
523. Mad Eadgar
524. Mage Arena
525. Magic Carpet Ride
526. Magic Dance
527. Magic level up (normal)
528. Magic level up (with unlocks)
529. Magic, Magic, Magic
530. Magical Journey
531. Major Miner
532. Making Waves
533. Malady
534. March
535. March of the Shayzien
536. Marooned
537. Marzipan
538. Masquerade
539. Massacre
540. Mastermindless
541. Mausoleum
542. Maws, Jaws & Claws
543. Meddling Kids
544. Medieval
545. Mellow
546. Melodrama
547. Meridian
548. Method of Madness
549. Miles Away
550. Mind over Matter
551. Mined out
552. Mining level up (normal)
553. Mining level up (with unlocks)
554. Miracle Dance
555. Mirage
556. Miscellania
557. Mizgog Cutscene
558. Monarch Waltz
559. Monkey Badness
560. Monkey Business
561. Monkey Madness
562. Monkey Madness II quest complete
563. Monkey Sadness
564. Monkey Trouble
565. Monster Melee
566. Moody
567. Mor Ul Rek
568. Morytania
569. Morytanian Mystery
570. Mother Ruckus
571. Mountain Daughter quest complete
572. Mouse Trap
573. Mudskipper Melody
574. Museum Medley
575. Mutant Medley
576. My Arm's Journey
577. My2arm Love Theme End
578. My2arm Love Theme Short
579. Myarm Cooking Human Jingle
580. Mystics of Nature
581. Mythical
582. Narnode's Theme
583. Natural
584. Nether Realm
585. Neverland
586. Newbie Farming
587. Newbie Melody
588. Night of the Vampyre
589. Nightfall
590. No Pasaran
591. No Way Out
592. Nomad
593. Norse Code
594. Nox Irae
595. Null and Void
596. Ogre the Top
597. Oh dear, you are dead!
598. On the Frontline
599. On the Shore
600. On the Up
601. On the Wing
602. On Thin Ice
603. Oncoming Foe
604. Oriental
605. Out of the Deep
606. Outpost Cutscene
607. Outpost Cutscene 2
608. Over to Nardah
609. Overpass
610. Overture
611. Parade
612. Passed exam
613. Path of Peril
614. Pathways
615. Penguin Performance
616. Pest Control
617. Pest Control Loss
618. Pest Control Win
619. Pharaoh's Tomb
620. Phasmatys
621. Pheasant Peasant
622. Pick & Shovel
623. Pinball Wizard
624. Pirates of Penance
625. Pirates of Peril
626. POH Hosidius Intro
627. Poles Apart
628. Postie Pete
629. Power of the Shadow Realm
630. Prayer level up (normal)
631. Prayer level up (with unlocks)
632. Predator Xarpus
633. Preservation
634. Preserved
635. Prime Time
636. Principality
637. Puzzle Completed (Forgettable Tale...)
638. Quest
639. Quest Completed (1)
640. Quest Completed (2)
641. Quest Completed (3)
642. Ranged level up (normal)
643. Ranged level up (with unlocks)
644. Rat a Tat Tat
645. Rat Hunt
646. Rat Pits loss
647. Rat Pits victory
648. Ready for Battle
649. Regal
650. Reggae
651. Reggae 2
652. Reign of the Basilisk
653. Relics
654. Rellekka
655. Rest in Peace
656. Revenants
657. Right on Track
658. Righteousness
659. Rising Damp
660. Riverside
661. Roc and Roll
662. Rock Cutscene
663. Rogue Trader (Completed)
664. Rogues' Den (Completed)
665. Roll the Bones
666. Romancing the Crone
667. Romeo Cutscene
668. Romper Chomper
669. Roots and Flutes
670. Royal Cutscene 1
671. Royal Cutscene 1 Extended
672. Royale
673. Rugged Terrain
674. Rumble In Da Jungle Jingle
675. Rune Essence
676. Runecraft level up (normal)
677. Runecraft level up (with unlocks)
678. Sad Meadow
679. Safety in Numbers
680. Saga
681. Sailing Theme 2
682. Sailing Theme 3
683. Sarachnis
684. Sarcophagus
685. Sarim's Vermin
686. Scape Ape
687. Scape Cave
688. Scape Crystal
689. Scape Five
690. Scape Ground
691. Scape Home
692. Scape Hunter
693. Scape Main
694. Scape Original
695. Scape Sad
696. Scape Santa
697. Scape Scared
698. Scape Scrambled (2005 Easter Event)
699. Scape Soft
700. Scape Wild
701. Scarab
702. School's Out
703. Scorpia Dances
704. Sea Minor Shanty
705. Sea Shanty
706. Sea Shanty 2
707. Sea Shanty Xmas
708. Serenade
709. Serene
710. Servants of Strife
711. Settlement
712. Shadowland
713. Shanty Claws Sea Shanty
714. Sharp End of the Crystal
715. Shine
716. Shining
717. Shining Spirit
718. Shipwrecked
719. Showdown
720. Sigmund's Plan
721. Sigmund's Plan (Death to the Dorgeshuun)
722. Sigmund's Showdown
723. Sins of the Father quest complete
724. Slayer level up (normal)
725. Slayer level up (with unlocks)
726. Slice of Silent Movie
727. Slice of Station
728. Slither and Thither
729. Slug a Bug Ball
730. Slug Mayor Cutscene
731. Smithing level up (normal)
732. Smithing level up (with unlocks)
733. Snowflake & My Arm
734. Sojourn
735. Song of the Elves
736. Sorceress's Garden centre
737. Soul Fall
738. Soulbane Cutscene 1
739. Soundscape
740. Spellbook Swap
741. Sphinx
742. Spirit
743. Spirits of the Elid
744. Splendour
745. Spooky
746. Spooky 2
747. Spooky Jungle
748. Spotted by Vanstrom! (Darkness of Hallowvale)
749. Spy games
750. Spying on the Sinclairs
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