1. Neo Geo Opening Theme (ADK Version) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
2. We Are 'the ADK!' (ADK Logo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
3. Canon of Evil No. 2 (Opening) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
4. March No. 2 (How to Play) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
5. What Is Your Choice (Player Select) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
6. Make One's Appearance! (Jo Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
7. Levy Fight! (Jo Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
8. Spirit (Jo Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
9. Man of Spirit (Joe Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
10. March No. 1 (Clear) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
11. Win Or Lose... (Win, Lose Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
12. Yangtze Poem (Lee Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
13. Lee Enters (Lee Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
14. The Man Who Sells Danger (Lee Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
15. Symphony No. 1 (Lee Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
16. The Severe Man (Sheen Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
17. Be Seized with Fear (Sheen Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
18. Winners (Sheen Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
19. Your Life Is in Danger (Sheen Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
20. Ups and Downs (Kisarah Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
21. I'm Chocked with a Thousand Emotions (Kisarah Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
22. Enlightenment (Kisarah Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
23. As Long as One Lives (Kisarah Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
24. Fuuma's Village Poem (Fuuma Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
25. Fuuma Enters (Fuuma Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
26. Rule of Fuuma (Fuuma Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
27. Rule of Fuuma 2 (Fuuma Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
28. Hold Up! (Bobby Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
29. Free Dancing (Bobby Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
30. Take It Easy (Bobby Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
31. Now What Do I Do (Bobby Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
32. Black Panther Poem (Leonhalt Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
33. Leonhalt Enters (Leonhalt Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
34. Epitaph in Desert Storm (Leonhalt Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
35. Epitaph in Desert Storm 2 (Leonhalt Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
36. Hey! (Go Jingle) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
37. Come Right Here!! (Go Demo) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
38. A Night of Love and Noise (Go Main) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
39. Burn, Stupid Man (Go Critical) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
40. A Preposterous Art 1 (Jo, Leonhalt Crazy Death Blow) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
41. A Preposterous Art 2 (Lee, Sheen, Fuuma Crazy Death Blow) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
42. A Preposterous Art 3 (Kisarah, Bobby, Go Crazy Death Blow) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
43. Long Night in Summer (Jo Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
44. Hurricane (Lee Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
45. Chance! (Sheen Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
46. Endless Dream (Kisarah Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
47. Stranger (Fuuma Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
48. Dance Tonight (Bobby Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
49. Lost Your Heart (Leonhalt Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
50. Dear Friend (Go Ending) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
51. Eternal Intoxication (Continue) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
52. My Fight is Done (Game Over) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
53. March No. 3 (Ranking) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
54. Long Night in Summer (Jo Ending, short edit) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
55. Hurricane (Lee Ending, short edit) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
56. Endless Dream (Kisarah Ending, short edit) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
57. Stranger (Fuuma Ending, short edit) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
58. Dance Tonight (Bobby Ending, short edit) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
59. Lost Your Heart (Leonhalt Ending, short edit) from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
60. Unused BGM 1 from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
61. Unused BGM 2 from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music
62. Unused BGM 3 from Aggressors of Dark Kombat 痛快GANGAN行進曲 - Video Game Music