Acrocanthosaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 2
Albertosaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 3
And please enjoy your stay in Jurassic Park. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 4
Ankylosaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 5
Attention patrons, before entering the park, Please remember to hand in your injury waiver forms at the front desk. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 6
Attention patrons. Before visiting the park, Please remember to throw away all food items as the scent might cause mild excitement and aggressive behaviour in the dinosaurs. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 7
Attention patrons. Jurassic Park cannot be held responsible for any items damaged or eaten while in the park. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 8
Caution if for some reason you get separated from the main tour group, please do not roam the park. Find the nearest tree and proceed to climb it. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 9
Caution once inside the park, please refrain from taking photographs near the electric fences. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) 0
Cryolophosaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) -
Giganotosaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) =
Kakaru datasource. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) q
Mega Raptor, which means huge robber, was a fast moving bipedal carnivore just like its famous cousin the Velociraptor. But the megaraptor, as its name suggests, was much larger. It was about 8 met... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) w
Megaraptor. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) e
Pack us up on asaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) r
Spinosaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) t
Stygimoloch. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) y
Styracosaurus. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) u
Suchomimus means crocodile mimic. Since the head of this dinosaur strongly resembles that of a crocodile. Terentius refers to a part of the Sahara Desert called Tinayre. That's where the fossil of ... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) i
Suchomimus torrentes. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) o
The Acrocanthosaurus is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) p
The Acrocanthosaurus lived during the Early Cretaceous Period, 105 to 115,000,000 years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) a
The acrocanthosaurus, or high spine lizard, named so for the spikes growing out of its spine, was a bipedal carnivore that was roughly 12 metres long and six meters tall. It had a large head, 1 1/2... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) s
The Albertosaurus is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) d
The Albertosaurus or Gorgosaurus was a small early tyrannosaurid. This bipedal carnivore, whose build was slightly smaller than most of its cousins, was nine metres long, 4 metres tall and weighed ... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) f
The ALBERTOSAURUS was found on Earth 80 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) g
The Ankylosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 65 to 70 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) h
The Ankylosaurus or fused lizard was a heavenly armored plant eating dinosaur. Measuring about 7 to 10 meters long, 2 meters wide and a little over 1 metre tall, it weighed in at about 4500 kilogra... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) j
The Ankylosaurus was the last of the Ankylosaurus's family. It was the largest member of this family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) k
The Cocoro Datasource is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) l
The cocoro datousaurus means sharp toothed lizard. It was approximately 13 1/2 meters long, stood 4 meters tall at the hips, and was a heavy 7250 kilograms. This dinosaur was an extreme meat eater ... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) z
The Cryolophosaurus lived in what is now Antarctica during the early Jurassic period, roughly 190 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) x
The cryolophosaurus, meaning frozen crested lizard, was a bipedal meat eating dinosaur about 6 meters long, 3 1/2 meters tall and weighed in at about 1350 kilograms. The characteristic feature of t... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) c
The Giganotosaurus is the largest meat eating dinosaur ever discovered. It was 14 meters long, 4 meters tall at the hips and tipped the scales at an incredible 7250 kilograms. While this made it sl... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) v
The Giganotosaurus is the largest member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) b
The Giganotosaurus roamed the earth during the Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) n
The Kakuro Datasource lived during the Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) m
The Megaraptor lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 87 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) Q
The Microraptor is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) W
The pachycephalosaurs, or thick head lizard was a plant eating bipedal Dome headed dinosaur. Roughly 6 meters long and three meters high. It weighed about 1800 kilograms. Its skull was up to 25 cen... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) E
The Pachycephalosaurus is a member of the Ornithischia Order. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) R
The Pachycephalosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 65 to 76 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) T
The Spinosaurus appeared on Earth during the Cretaceous period, approximately 110 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) Y
The Spinosaurus is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) U
The Spinosaurus, or spiny reptile, was the largest of all the carnosaurs. Its brain was large compared to the size of its body. This biped stretched roughly 10 to 12 meters long, 5 meters tall, and... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) I
The stage of Moloch lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 65 to 76 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) O
The Stitchy Moloch is a member of the Ornithischia order. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) P
The stygimoloch, which means demon from the river Styx, was a Dome headed bipedal herbivore. At only two metres long and one metre tall, the stygimoloch made-up for its size with its ferocity. Its ... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) A
The Suchomimus Forensis lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) S
The Suchomimus Terentius is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) D
The Triceratops is the most famous member of the ceratopsian family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) F
The Triceratops lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 65 to 72 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) G
The Triceratops, or three horned dinosaur, was a quadruped herbivore that stretched about 9 meters in length, 3 metres in height, and weighed anywhere from 5400 to 11,000 kilograms. It had a short ... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) H
The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) J
The Tyrannosaurus Rex roamed the earth roughly 70 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) K
The Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the largest carnivores ever to walk the Earth. It could measure up to 14 meters in length and was about 6 meters tall. It could weigh up to 6350 kilograms. It's eno... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) L
These direct asaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 65 to 76 million years ago. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) Z
They cry a lot. The hours is a member of the theropod family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) X
This direct asaurus is a member of the ceratopsian family. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) C
This direct asaurus, or spiked lizard was a plant eating quadruped about 5 1/2 meters long, roughly 2 1/2 meters tall, and had weighed 1800 to 2700 kilograms. It had a large Bony frill on the back ... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) V
Triceratops. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) B
Tyrannosaurus Rex. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) N
Welcome to the Jurassic Park dinosaur gallery. Here we depict some of the dinosaurs you might encounter. In our part, we've spared no expense to provide you the most accurate recreations of these p... from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation) M
While in our gallery, please refrain from feeding, touching, disturbing, annoying or inciting the dinosaurs in any way. from Museum Voicelines - Warpath: Jurassic Park - Voices (PlayStation)