Ah. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 2
Ah. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 3
Altogether. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 4
And you, you helped me find them. Thank you. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 5
Bt2060010ra0 from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 6
But I wish there was a way to make more fly at once. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 7
But why? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 8
Can we go now? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 9
Come join me. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) 0
Come on, let's swing across and look for a path. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) -
Come on. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) =
Come over here. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) q
Comma. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) w
Dandelions. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) e
Do we have to go? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) r
Do you think we should check the other side? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) t
Don't worry, it's safe now. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) y
Fd ra chat rapunzel from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) u
Fd ra chat rapunzel from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) i
Fd ra chat rapunzel from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) o
Fd ra chat rapunzel from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) p
Gentle sora. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) a
Here. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) s
Hold on. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) d
Huh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) f
Huh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) g
Huh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) h
Huh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) j
I can do this. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) k
I can't believe how wonderful this is. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) l
I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this moment. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) z
I just knew the outside world would be full of amazing things. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) x
I never imagined the forest would be so big. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) c
I think they want us to have this. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) v
I think we could reach the rock that's sticking out over there. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) b
I want to see what's at the top of that hill. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) n
I will. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) m
I wonder where this leads. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) Q
I'm so glad you came to visit. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) W
I've never been around this many people before. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) E
I've never seen a bird like you. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) R
I've never seen so many flowers. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) T
I've painted everything I can see from my window, but now I get to see it all up close. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) Y
If only we had a big gust of wind. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) U
It's chilly, but it's so nice. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) I
It's like the world goes on forever. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) O
It's so pretty. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) P
Keep dancing. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) A
Listen, they're singing for us. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) S
Look at all this water. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) D
Look Sora, I got my hair braided. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) F
Look, the flowers are growing on top of the water. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) G
Look, they made a tower. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) H
Look. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) J
Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) K
Maybe we should try the cavern again. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) L
Mother said the world was dangerous. I'm starting to see that. She was right. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) Z
No. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) X
Nothing's going to stop me from seeing the lanterns. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) C
Oh no, now we have to climb back up. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) V
Oh, am I supposed to smile? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) B
Oh, it's cold. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) N
Oh, maybe they want to show us something. Let's follow them. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) M
Oh, there they are. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) <
Ohh look I see some birds this way. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) >
Ohh look the birds are back. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) !
Ohh my gosh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) @
Ohh my gosh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) #
Ohh no, you're not picking on these rabbits. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) $
Ohh no. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) %
Ohh of rainbow. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) ^
Ohh right. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) &
Ohh sora. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) *
Ohh what? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) (
Ohh, it's so refreshing you have to come in. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) )
Ohh, they're leaving. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) ~
Ohh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) `
Ohh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) |
Ohh. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) "
OK. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) '
Over here. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) ?
Rabbits. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) /
Sara, you're not going to leave us here, are you? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) ,
See, I told you I wasn't afraid. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4) .
See. It feels nice. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Shall we go again? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sí. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Slowly. Slowly. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
So did you think of any good ideas? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
So yeah, I thought that might work. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora over here. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora scattered the ones over there. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora, are you coming in? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora, can you climb up to that ledge? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora, this looks like a good place to cross. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sora. How about another dance? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Sorry Sora, but I won't be swinging you across anymore chasms. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Thank you. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Thank you. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Thanks. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
That's. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
The birds flew that way, Sora. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
The birds haven't come down yet. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
The outside world is even better than I dreamed. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
The water is incredible. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
They're flying. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
They're just like the floating lights. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
This is amazing. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
This is so fun. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
This way sora. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Those bells must be coming from the Kingdom. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Wait, come back. I must have startled them. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Wait, I thought we were going to see the lanterns. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Wait. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
We'll get those monsters this time. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
We're ready to go. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
We've got to get rid of those monsters. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Well then, let's look for a way up. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
What will mother think? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
What? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
What? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
What? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
What's that? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Where do you think the rabbits went? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Whoa. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Whoa. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Whoa. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Woohoo. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Would you like to dance? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
You have to try this. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
You scared them. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
You were wonderful. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
You'll be fine. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
Your turn. from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
あ。 from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)
今日は。 from Rapunzel - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Character Voices (Allies) (PlayStation 4)