A. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 2
Ah ha ha ha ha ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 3
Ah, you little vermin are way too stupid to understand what you're getting yourselves into this time. You've done it. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 4
Ah, you thrashed me mate. No worries, you'll soon be up against much worse. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 5
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 6
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 7
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 8
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 9
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) 0
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) -
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) =
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) q
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) w
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) e
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) r
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) t
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) y
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) u
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) i
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) o
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) p
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) a
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) s
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) d
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) f
Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) g
Ahh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) h
Ahh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) j
Ahh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) k
Alright. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) l
Are you there crash crash crash are you there? Crash the air crash? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) z
Belio. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) x
Bonjour. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) c
Boy. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) v
Bra. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) b
Break out the butter, I'm gonna make toast. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) n
But Doctor Cortex, who, we haven't determined the cause of past failures. Moron. This bandicoot will be my general, and he will lead my cortex commandos to world domination. This time I shall reign... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) m
Bye, bye. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) Q
Car. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) W
Chou. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) E
Crash Bandicoot for the last time give the crystals to me. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) R
Crash Coco. If you have already retrieved a levels crystal then you will find a floating clock when you enter for the second time. This floating clock activates time trial mode. Grab it and the clo... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) T
Crash Coco. Remember, it is not only doctor Cortex that we battle. Beware of Uka Uka, my children. He is a far more dangerous enemy than anyone can imagine. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) Y
Crash Cortex isn't gonna use the crystals to contain the planets energy. He's going to harness the force and use it to power the Super cortex vortex he's built on his space station. One blast in th... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) U
Crash I have discovered that the opposition is being masterminded by Doctor Nitrus Brio, the inventor of the evolvo ray. Brio was responsible for our misunderstandings in the past. He forced me to ... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) I
Crash what do you suppose happened to Cortex? And what about the cortex vortex? It's still up there. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) O
Crash, crash, crash. Why must you always muck in my mud? Oh look, I have a mask helping me too. We will find out which one is more powerful soon enough. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) P
Crash, my boy. You are more than halfway there. But I'm sure you've noticed that things are getting harder. The last 10 crystals will be the hardest to gather, and my. Our enemies will be sending t... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) A
Crash, thank goodness. I hacked into Cortex's computer and found detailed schematics for an improved cortex vortex and a suspicious looking space station. I'm not sure, but Cortex might be trying to. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) S
Crash. I haven't got much time. Cortex is almost completed. The new space station. Something's not right with his statement. Beware the tricks he's talking. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) D
Crash3 Intro Cinematic gen en from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) F
Crashes that you? I've been looking everywhere. I don't have much time to tell you this. You have to be careful. Trusting Cortex seems a little unwise. Crash. I can't keep the data path open much l... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) G
Darn you, crash bandicoot. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) H
Defeated again. This is not fair. Maybe I should retire to a nice big beach with a nice big drink and a woman with nice big bags of ice for my head. It's not over by the boat. There are still thous... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) J
Developed by Vicarious Visions. It's crash bandicoot. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) K
Dude yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) L
Engine, you fool. She's telling him everything. Ah, yes, we're we're we're back now. Pardon the Interruption. Crash, bring me crystals. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) Z
Fat. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) X
Fat. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) C
Game over. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) V
God. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) B
God. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) N
Good show, crash. The Komodo brothers obviously lacked your metal. But now's not the time to get cocky. There are still many crystals to obtain. Remember, the world is counting on you. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) M
Goodbye, mate. Dingo dials, the name and UKA. Uka and Cortex gave me orders to bring the crystals to them during the ice ages. So give me the goods and shove off or I'll roast, yes. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) <
Got you and cortex. One tiny. Get crystals and bring them to big Colosseum in Rome. Crash. Leave them for tiny or crash. Car crash. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) >
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) !
Ha ha ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) @
Ha ha ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) #
Ha ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) $
Ha ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) %
Ha ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) ^
Ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) &
Ha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) *
Hahaha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) (
Hahaha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) )
Hahaha. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) ~
He. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) `
Hé. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) |
He. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) "
Helio. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) '
Hello. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) ?
Hello. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) /
Hello. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) ,
Hello. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4) .
Hello. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hello. Hello. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hello. Hello. Hello. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Here, here, here. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hey. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hey. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hey. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hey. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hey. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hi. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hi. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hi. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hi. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hmm. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hmm. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hmm. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hmm. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Hmm. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Huh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Huh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Huh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Huh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Huh. Huh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Huh. Huh. Huh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
I see that Ripper Roo failed to prove much of a challenge yet again. But back to business. There are crystals to be gathered, 20 to be exact. The planets will align shortly, all 13 of them, and thi... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
I'm sorry. This is the part where I'm supposed to be angry, full of rage, incensed beyond belief. Once again you have outsmarted and out spun my best henchman. I should be rather upset, shouldn't I... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
It's Crash Bandicoot 2 cortex strikes back. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
It's Crash bandicoot wart. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
It's crash bandicoot. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
It's funny how history repeats itself yet again. Engine has failed to defeat you. For this we must destroy you. Ohh my aching head. I'm not feeling myself these days. So the end is insight. Gather ... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Jajaja. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Like that the cortex St give the 20 crystals you've collected to me. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Listen up. We are not without enemies. Some of them you may even recognize. Although they cannot harm you inside this warp room, they can attack you on the way to the next one. To get to the next w... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Look up at the doorways. There is a big crystal shaped slot. Fill all 5 crystal slots in this warp room by retrieving 1 crystal from each of the five areas. Only after we have filled all of the slo... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Merde. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Moolah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Move on. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Move. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
My tie is up, but yours soon will be too. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Nah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No, I agree. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No, no, no crash. To save the world I need crystals, crystals. One more time they look like this crystals crash. Go back through one of those doors and bring me crystals. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No, no, no, crash, I said. Bring me the crystals. Now get back in there. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No, you cannot be not a prisoner of time again. The tying Twister machine could not hold itself together. We were lucky to escape. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
No. Love. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Non ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Now you're on my time, you little skunk. Give me the crystals. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Oh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohh. Probably. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohio. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ohio. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Oholah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
OK. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
OK. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Ooh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Panda. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Poo. Yeah, yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Quoi ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Really. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Right now you've gone in, done it. Them crystals are mine. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Right. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Right. Well. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Rude. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Rush Coco stole the pretty crystals. Tiny tech dump back in gladiator arena. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Rutabaga. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Rutabaga. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Rutabaga. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Sad. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Sam. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
So you are helping cortex gather crystals, yet you have acquired a gem. Interesting. Yeah, well crash, know this. As long as you are allied with cortex, you are my sworn enemy and I will do anythin... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
So you pesky little rats aren't going to back off, eh? Just you'll continue to gather crystals and see what I do. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
So you want to go with your rounds. When this is over, we'll see who is obsolete. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
So, Crash Bandicoot we meet again. Walker and Doctor Cortex want me to teach you all lesson? Well, I made a few modifications to my mechanics since our last encounter, so back off or be deleted. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Sorry. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Soul. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
The. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Umm. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss Dingodile Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss Dingodile Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss Dingodile Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss Dingodile Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrCortex Frustration from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrCortex Frustration from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrCortex Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrCortex Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrCortex Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrCortex Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrCortex Taunt from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrNGin Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss DrNGin Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KoalaKong Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KoalaKong Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KoalaKong GruntFlex from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg Death from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg Death from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg Death from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg Death from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosLg ShakeOff from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosSm Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss KomodoBrosSm ShakeOff from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss NitrusBrio Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss NitrusBrio MonsterTaunt from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss PapuPapu Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss PapuPapu Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss Pinstripe Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss Pinstripe Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss Pinstripe Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Jump from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Jump from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Jump from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Jump from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Taunt from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss RipperRoo Taunt from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss TinyTiger Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss TinyTiger Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss TinyTiger Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO Boss TinyTiger Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO BOSS TinyTiger Recover from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO CHAMP Crash PainLight from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO CHAMP Crash PainLight from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO CHAMP Crash PainLight from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Effort from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Laugh from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
VO NPC Coco Pain from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
We are ready, Craz, would you like to do the honors? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Well done children. By defeating Tiny, you have unlocked the gate to the next time travel area. Go back to the center of this time Twister and save your progress if you wish. From there you will se... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Well done, crash. I knew I could rely on you. Now listen carefully. These holograms are hard to maintain. During the course of my intellectual pursuits, I have stumbled across a force that threaten... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Well, haven't we gotten far for a pair of fuzzy marsupials? I am doctor nefarious Tropy, master of time and the creator of the very time Twister machine. You see before you, Uka, Uka and Doctor Cor... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Well, well, well, if it isn't Crash Bandicoot welcome. I apologize for the crude means used to bring you here, but I'd rather expect a written invitation would have been turned down. I need your he... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Well, you've crashed a few parties before, but I never expected you to make it this far. If you don't turn back, I will put the 1000 years of suffering on you and the entire universe. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Well. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
What is your problem, Bandicoot? I will not ask you again to bring me the crystals. Obtain the remaining 5 crystals, crash and bring them to me. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Who? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Whoa. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Whoa. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Why? Why must you continue to be a thorn in our side? Who, what? Where was I? Ohh. Tiny was a good fellow. He hated every one and everything. But a good heart nonetheless. Please be more reasonable... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
With you. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wow. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wrong. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Wrong. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah, go. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah, God. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah, you laugh. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah, you you have acquired all of the gems. Incredible. The crystals are not the only means of harnessing planetary energy. Yeah, the gems have that ability as well, and with them I can destroy th... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. Ah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yes, it is true that Vanderpool is brought all the crystals and all of the gems. To me, ultimate power is mine. The world as we know it is about to end. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
Yes, my plan is nearly complete and I have you Crash Bandicoot to thank for it. Engine what's happening? What's that? Is she stealing our signal? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
You haven't seen the last of me, Crash Bandicoot. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
You insolent insignificant morons. By defeating Anthropy, you have placed us all in grave danger. Crash Coco you must realize that this time twist a machine is very delicate. Without doctor entropi... from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
You're hanging. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
You're right. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
3 crystals. Not bad. I see you are getting the hang of it. I need to conserve power. I will communicate with you again after you retrieve the 5th Crystal. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
10 of 25 crystals, you're on your way. I'm running low on power, so communication from this point will be difficult. Remember, I'm counting on you. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
À. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
À. from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
あ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
あーあ。 ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ、ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ああはははは。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
あははは? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
いい。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
う、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うふんうんうんうん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわー。 三。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわーっ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわーっ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわああ。 クリスタルズあ、フコース。 どう? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわぁぁぁうん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うわはあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん、ああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん、うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん、まあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええええ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええええ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ええええ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
おー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
グラファー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ゴーン。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
コロナ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
じゃあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ジャバー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
せ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
だから。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
チャオ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
なるほど。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
なるほど。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ねえ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ねええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
バー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
バー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
バー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はあはあううん? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はい。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はい。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はいええ? from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
はっはっはっは。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
パパ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ハハハハハハ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
バロー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ふーん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ふーん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ふう。 うん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ふふ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ふふああ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ふふふ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
へえうん。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ボタバラ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
まあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
まあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
まあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ママ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
もう。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
やあ。 はあ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ヤフー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ユーチューブ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ライン。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
らららら。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
わあまま。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
ワッハッ。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
わわー。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
多分。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)
裏。 from Character Voices - - Voices (PlayStation 4)