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Mario ahthatcharlesmartinetniceitalianboy
Mario allyouitsallyoubaby
Mario andthankstoalltheartiststhemusicpeopleeverybody
Mario arguingwithdk
Mario comebackhereyoubigmonkey
Mario eyah
Mario gametitle
Mario goodjob
Mario haah
Mario haha
Mario hahagotcha
Mario heeiiuuh
Mario herewego
Mario herewegoagainagain
Mario herewegoagainhoohoo
Mario hereyoulikeitsaminimario
Mario heycomebackhere
Mario heydkareyouokay
Mario heyitsokaydontcry
Mario hmm
Mario hoocoo
Mario hoohoo
Mario hugh
Mario hurryhurryhurry
Mario italiangibberish
Mario jump1
Mario jump2
Mario jump3
Mario jump4
Mario laughingwithminimariosandtoaddkroar
Mario letsagetagoing
Mario letsagoelevator
Mario letsagolittleguys
Mario mamamia
Mario mamamia2
Mario mamamia3
Mario mamamiatimesup
Mario ohconfused
Mario ohconfused2
Mario ohtheengineeringmamamia
Mario ohyeahdontforgettothankmrmiyamoto
Mario oof
Mario snore1
Mario snore2
Mario stopnotagainwithdk
Mario thankyouverymuchfortoplayingmygameses
Mario unh
Mario unlockingdoor(okiedokielet'sago)
Mario uwooh
Mario waha
Mario waha2
Mario wahoo
Mario waytogo
Mario wediditgoodjoblittleguy
Mario wellthatwassurefunihadagreattime
Mario whatareyoudoingwhatsgoingonhere
Mario wuh
Mario yeehaw
Mario yeh
Mario yippee
Mario youknowigottasayitsnicetohavealittleminimario