Are you Heidi's heart? from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 2
Are you OK there? Pit hates has got some raunchy breath. That's really the least of your concerns. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 3
At this point, hitting up has got to be better than heading down. Oh, so gross. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 4
Equipped again? from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 5
Hades has overstepped his boundaries by exploiting and desecrating souls. He's disrupted the balance between the Earth, the heavens, and the underworld. He must be stopped. You must stop him. It's ... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 6
Having fun? Titty fat? I'll put a lid on it. Yeah, shut up. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 7
Hello there. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 8
Hello. If Burrito's army is attacking, they're doing an awfully quietly. At least I'm doing something pit. I'm really slacking myself. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 9
How is there a grind rail in here? from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 0
Huh. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) -
Huh. What's that? The reader can't seem to mind her own business. Pardon me if you will. I must go entertain my guests. Hello. If Veridis army is attacking, they're doing an awfully quietly. At lea... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) =
I guess I better smash them up. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) q
I guess I'd better catch it. It's actually pretty cute, especially when you compare it to his bowels. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) w
I thought using souls to create monsters was evil, but at least those souls are being used in some other life. Hades in the underworld have taken this too far. They've stolen so many souls that the... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) e
I won't be needing the three sacred treasures. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) r
I'm trapped, all right, no panicking, just got to focus on defeating these enemies. Cells of hades. Hear my words and. See, my actions are something, something. I'm going to reign death on you. I c... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) t
I've been so looking forward to your arrival. Pitty Pat hates, hates pit Katie. This song. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) y
If it weren't for that explosion, I never would have found you. I'm sure glad you did. It's good to see you, pit. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) u
If my strats have enough homing ability, maybe they'll go over these walls. Some forward dash charge shots should help get the job done. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) i
If only Lady Palatina were here to help me. She'd be so grossed out. Unfortunately for you, I have a stomach of steel. So that's why I can't communicate with Lady Palatina. And you're just lost wit... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) o
It looks like there's a way forward, pit. Thanks, Lady Palatina, but you have to be careful, pit. You're too handsome to lose. Now that's something we can both agree on. I'm really starting to lose... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) p
It's finally time for you to square off against haides. Are you ready? I am so ready. I carb loaded and everything's great. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) a
It's pretty convoluted in here. This is definitely the weirdest place I've been to yet. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) s
Lady Palatina, can you hear me? Hello. I guess you can't hear me. Well I'd better start wiping out bad guys. These guys are like grosser versions of Underworld monsters. Ohh my don't tell me you're... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) d
Look, no need to lurk all creepily. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) f
No is is that just. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) g
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Get out of their pit. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) h
No, that felt good. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) j
No. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) k
Not the three sacred treasures. What? No, not quite so tough now, are you? Are you? from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) l
Ohh not not bad Kitty fat. That's right, you'd better watch yourself. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) z
Ohh what is all this? from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) x
Ohh yeah. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) c
Ohh. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) v
Ohh. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) b
Ohh. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) n
Ohh. Where am I? from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) m
OK self, pull it together. Out of my way monsters. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) Q
Pardon me if you will. I must go entertain my guests. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) W
Precious ohh. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) E
So where is this castle? Haitis doesn't have one. What, the Lord of the Underworld can't even afford a roof over his head? No, no, it's not like that. This is his realm. So he could be anywhere in ... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) R
Stop eating things. It's bad enough that you eat souls, but souls are delicious. They're like bacon. They taste good on everything, but if you eat them you completely remove them from existence. Yo... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) T
Surprised. Yeah. How did you just punch yourself? Ohh no. You're making me feel bad and when I feel bad I get hungry. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) Y
That really hurt. But hey, at least I'm not dead. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) U
That wasn't very goodbye. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) I
This grind rail just keeps going and going and going and going. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) O
Wait, come back here. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) P
Weird. I thought grind rails were like a gift from the gods. I'm hurt. Have you forgotten that your dear friend Hades is a God too? But why would you help me get to my destination? What's in it for... from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) A
Well. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) S
What a pain. I need to get ahead of it instead of chasing it. And watch out for fake spit. Thanks Lady palatina. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) D
What are these cells? I'll just bust through them. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) F
Who do I spy with my little eye? The three sacred treasures? Even your darkness can't hide from the light. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) G
You know what, pitty Pat, you're looking mighty tasty down the. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) H
You know, pretty I'll miss you when you're gone. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) J
Your heart wasn't even in it, and I'm still just talking to myself. from Chapter 23 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)