Ah, it's a mimic, cutie, but strange. Could the arm have brought it here? from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 2
Ah, the child is so annoying there are gaps in it that exposed the core. Keep circling around the shield and shoot the openings. You might want to take care of those outer guns too. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 3
An elevator into a torture chamber. Convenient. Hades, did you put that treasure box there? Me, I would never. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 4
But it is kind of crooked. Something seems to have distorted it. The nerve of those arm. How dare they mess with your godly powers. Sorry about that pit. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 5
Enemies incoming. They're firing on me. I'm not even sure what they are. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 6
Fear the wrath of my pyro blasters. Space weirdos. Kaboom, kaboom, baby. Yes, let's let Pyron take care of this. We'll take the other side of the islands. Good plan. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 7
Hey, look, an exo tank. Hey, look, who cares? It doesn't make sense. I certainly didn't put it there. Well, since it's here, I might as well use. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 8
Huh. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 9
Huh. Are those enemies waving at me? They're not saying hello, if that's what you're asking. Those are enemies are known as sarams. They're attacks can confuse you, so don't stop to say hi. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) 0
I placed a grind rail up ahead for you. Thank you very much. Don't thank me yet. It didn't turn out exactly as I'd hoped. It got a little weird. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) -
I'm feeling the healing. I hope for your sake that's a hot spring and not some other kind of puddle. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) =
I've never seen anything like this. These things are tough. But what are they? Huh. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) q
Is this the future? We are a must have stolen materials from all over to build this place. I wonder how many other planets were harvested to make it for being patched together. Everything seems pre... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) w
It's it's ransacking the earth. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) e
Man, this is not easy. That rotating shield is your main problem. Anticipate when the gaps and the shield will appear. When the shield is right in front of you, do a forward dash charge shot. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) r
No, no, no. No, no, no, no. What elegance, what Grace, what disturbing brutality. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. What elegance, what Grace, what disturbing brutality. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) t
No. Nice one, Kitty. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) y
Not a problem. I eat weird for breakfast. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) u
Ohh I'm so sleepy. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) i
Pulverized. Let's see what happens. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) o
So I should just keep going down this way? I'm picking up high energy readings from the base of the tower. You can head there, I think. No. Sounds like someone's losing her nerve. I guess I'd bette... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) p
So that's what I need to destroy. Only one way to find out. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) a
Sorry to drag you out so early, but we've got an emergency. We have a big problem. Bigger than all of us. Gods, huh? What is that? from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) s
Taking out targets like that is the key to moving past certain obstacles. Or I could just go woohoo and fly over them entirely. You know I can't enable the power flight right after you've used it, ... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) d
The center of that platform is an elevator down. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) f
There's a jump up ahead. You're gonna fall. You're gonna fall. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) g
There's a path down through that tower. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) h
There's another treasure box, all hail the goddess of obvious. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) j
They're organized, but who's giving the orders? Maybe they're a new unit of the forces of nature. Come on now, do they look natural to you? Morning decoders. Don't tell me you two are behind this. ... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) k
This is out of control, the armor blowing up the earth and then taking the pieces for themselves. If they're like bees, what are they doing with it all? Making honey variety. It was you and Hades w... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) l
This is the last of the grind rails. Watch me stick the landing. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) z
Tyron since his danger. And no pyrones sees it. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) x
Villains are no match for Pyra. Pyron. The sun God pyron. That one. It only this wackos. The sun God. Well, that's what he calls himself anyway. Yeah. So all together. Good, good. Pyron loves a par... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) c
We're heading to the center of the RMI Islands. That tower is the key to stopping all this devastation. Prepare for land battle, OK? from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) v
Well that didn't go very well. I think we should just leave this to pit. Ohh sure you want me to pick up your dry cleaning too? Now, now. Pit viridi has faith in you and so do I. I know you can han... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) b
Where's it going? Get back here, hot spring. Don't worry, there are stairs to your right that will take you to it. I love you, hot spring. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) n
Woohoo, hot spring. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) m
You're right there, citizen AOK. Thanks for your help Byron Pitt. Let's regroup. from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) Q
Your attacks are making that bag low counterattack. Couldn't you have mentioned that earlier? from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) W
Your boy pit gets an A for effort. I don't know what I'd do without him. Ah, that's really nice of you, Lady Palatina. You're the reason I go on fighting every day. It seems we have a little mutual... from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS) E
うん。 from Chapter 15 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)