A big beautiful expensive car. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 2
A big house and lots of clothes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 3
A Mercedes-Benz a limousine. You must really be dreaming. Those cars are very expensive. We don't have that much money. Would you buy a Jaguar if we had enough money? Sure I would. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 4
A watch and some other things, and you haven't always given them back to me. I'm upsetting you, I don't want to upset you and you want to borrow more. Forget it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 5
Ah, I found the insurance papers. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 6
Ah, I've won. You have. How did you win? Well look, you're right, good playing thanks, but you've still won most of the games tonight. Well, yes, I have. But you won that hard game last night. That... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 7
All give me a holy stop singing. Fine, I like singing you sang yesterday and you sang the day before. In fact, you've sung almost every day this month. It's too much. Gee, I'm sorry. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 8
All of it all the money, the lawyer said yes. All of it, isn't it amazing? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 9
And 2nd. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard 0
And a Jaguar. We would have enough money to buy lots of clothes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard -
And all these clothes. You're right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard =
And Are you sure you wouldn't really prefer a cart? That basket looks as if it's about to break. Whoops No, it's no problem. I'll be all right, all right Superman. Well, we're finished here. Let's ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard q
And besides, would we really be happier if we had all of those things? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard w
And even if I had known her well, why would she have left me much anyway? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard e
And have a chauffeur to drive it, a Jaguar. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard r
And her other friends don't see as much. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard t
And I lent you my radio last week and you still have that too, but I'm still listening to it, and I've lent you money a shovel. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard y
And I put them in a bowl. And mix them to make batter I see. Then I put the batter in a greased baking pan. And bake it in the oven. Did you make that cake? This cake. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard u
And I'm standing today. Have you always stood when you could sit? Yes I have. I like it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard i
And if it were money that she left you, we could eat a meal in a restaurant, in her memory. Or we could buy something nice to remember her by. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard o
And if we had enough money, we could buy a big beautiful house. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard p
And if we weren't living in this expensive house, we would have more money to help people like the poor, the sick and the hungry. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard a
And one can of tomato soup. And shall I get a can of lentil soup too? Wait, are you about to get that brand? Why yes, what's wrong? Let me check the ingredients first. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard s
And our car. It doesn't mean much gas. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard d
And the taxes on our new small house are really low. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard f
And then I went. What do you see? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard g
And there's a letter from a lawyer. Do you think this could be a bill? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard h
And will I buy more days on which to wear those clothes, don't be silly. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard j
And. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard k
And. You'll wear those rags that you're wearing now until you're old and Gray. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard l
Applications interviews I sought a new job once. It was not easy either. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard z
Are they my size? I don't know. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard x
Are you going to freeze that food? Yes, I am, why? I don't want to eat the pie right now and I already have too much meat in my refrigerator to eat this. Don't you think you might have too much in ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard c
Are you OK? Yes, but my hands hurt. I hung here for almost a minute. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard v
Are you spinning atop? Yes, I am. I haven't spun one of these since I was a boy. Did you do that a lot? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard b
Are you sure I should come so early? I've come at 6:00 o'clock before to find the door locked and you still at work. But you came at 6:00 o'clock last Monday, and I was here. But that was a holiday... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard n
Are you sure you'll be all right carrying that basket? Don't you want to get a cart? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard m
Are you writing a letter? Yes, I am. I'm writing a letter to my father. Do you write to him often? Yes, I write to him every week. How many times have you written to him this month? I've written to... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard Q
Aren't we happy now? Ohh yes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard W
Aren't you? Yes I am. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard E
Because I like to lie on the sofa. I've always lain on a sofa when I've watched TV. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard R
Because if we hired 1. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard T
Because we don't have any. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard Y
Before all the money is in our bank account. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard U
Besides, what is the problem with meeting the lawyer? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard I
Bill said that he doesn't feel very comfortable here. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard O
Bring me the first week. Yeah, come on. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard P
But don't worry, I have experience. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard A
But I didn't know my aunt well, so I'm sure she didn't leave me much. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard S
But I wonder how life would be if we had them. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard D
But if we had enough money. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard F
But if we had enough money. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard G
But it's made me hungry. I have an apple. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard H
But last week I had dreamt I eat a cow a cow. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard J
But shouldn't we save it? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard K
But still I do think about it sometimes. We did have a lot of fun, didn't we? Yes. We did. Hi Maria We're going to go change clothes and could you please bring us coffee on the veranda? Yes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard L
But we didn't communicate with each other, so I didn't expect it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard Z
But why do we need huge clauses? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard X
But you're right. We don't see them much now, do we? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard C
Can you come? Yes, I'd be happy to. What time? Can you come at 6:00 o'clock? 6:00 o'clock from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard V
Catch the ball. I caught it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard B
Caught it well thanks. I have practice. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard N
Chicken. And some corn. Last week I froze some strawberries too. Oh no, my foot, Ouch. My nose, oh. What are you doing? I'm cutting wood. I want to make a table. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard M
Choose another. The white one with the blue stripes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard <
Come on in. We'll watch some TV. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard >
Could he be advertising? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard !
Could somebody be sued? Why would anybody want to do that? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard @
Did something bad happen? Did did somebody die? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard #
Did you find out? Yes. It's 2:00 o'clock. But she didn't speak English. She spoke Spanish. So I asked her in Spanish, Spanish, do you speak Spanish? Yes. I can speak a little Spanish. I didn't know... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard $
Did you hurt yourself? Yes I did. I banged my knee on this table. It's right in the middle of the room. That's a bad place for it. Have you heard yourself on it before? Yes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard %
Did you sit in the chair yesterday? No, I sat on the sofa. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard ^
Do you ever think back to the days when we were poor? Yes, sometimes. I'm glad we don't live that way now. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard &
Do you feed them often? I feed them every week. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard *
Do you have much experience seeking jobs? Yes, I've sought jobs many times before. It's not easy, but I know how to do it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard (
Do you miss them? Yes, I do. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard )
Do you remember the applesauce I made last December? Was it good? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard ~
Do you remember what we wished for? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard `
Do you swim here often? Yes I do. I've already swum here three times this week. Really, that's a lot. I swam here yesterday, but I didn't see you. That's right, I didn't swim yesterday. I was shopp... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard |
Do you think I should even bother to meet this lawyer? Yes, I do. She may have left you a blanket or a chair or $25.00, but it would be nice to have something to remember her by. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard "
Do you want some help? Sure. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard '
Eggs. And butter. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard ?
Excuse me, could you please tell me what time it is? Perdon no ablo English. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard /
First I put charcoal in the grill. Then I put lighter fluid. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard ,
First of all. Nobody has any reason to sue us. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard .
First they called my friend's name. Then my friend went to the front of the room and a man asked him to raise his right hand and swear how did he swear? Well, he swore like this. He raised his righ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Gosh, what happened? Why are you weeping? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Have more than one Gee, thanks. Now how many have you kept? I have from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Have you given back my book yet? Yes, I have. Well, I can't find it. When did you give it back to me? I gave it back to you on Tuesday. What did you do with it after that? Ohh I remember I gave it ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Have you noticed that we don't see Bill and France as much anymore? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Have you sat on the sofa many times this week? No, I haven't. I've sat on it only three times this week. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Have your shorts ever cost that much before? No, they haven't. Do you think these shorts cost too much? No, I don't think so. They look good, so I think they're worth it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Haven't you ever wept cutting onions? Sure, I cut some onions last week and wept, but it's no big deal. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
He slept badly at home last night. So he's sleeping here now. How long has he slept? He's slept for three hours. What are you doing? Sweeping the wall is it very dirty. Yes it is. I've swept it thr... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
He stole my record player. And my TV. No, we can't watch TV. This is terrible. Why me nobody has ever stolen anything from me before? I'm not rich. You'd better call the police. Oh, you're right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Here it is and I bequeath the remainder of my estate to my nephew who I believe has a good heart. That's nice of her. But the remainder of her estate, after she has given things to others that won'... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Here you are. I don't have the exact change. Well, let's onesie be OK. You'll be fine. Thank you. OK, muscles you'll be able to carry those bags to the car, won't you? Because you're strong, aren't... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Here's the cereal I propose. We get cornflakes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Hey come on, hurry up don't take all day I'm working as fast as I can. Well if you don't finish by 5:00 o'clock you'll have to work overtime tonight and I won't pay you because you shouldn't finish... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Hey, my friend was in your class for two months last year. You taught her English in the morning. Was she in the beginning group or the advanced group? I'm not sure but her English is pretty good n... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Hey, what are you doing? I'm feeding the ducks. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Hi, what do you have there? I have some oranges. May I have one, sure? Here. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
How about that brown one? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
How much did they cost? They cost $35. That's a lot. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Huh, that was scary. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I am hitting the nail with the hammer. Present. I am giving the present to my friend. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I am lifting the box for you. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I am standing beside the tree. I am standing behind the tree. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I am standing next to the tree. I am standing near the tree. I am standing near the tree. I am standing far from the tree. I am walking from the tree to the car. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I am walking around the tree. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I am walking to the car. I am standing in back of the car. I am standing on the car. I am sitting in the car. I am standing in front of the House. I am standing next to the garage. I am looking thru. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I bought bread like that here last week. It's good quality. You should buy some. OK, good idea. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I built them in 20 minutes. Well have fun, thanks. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I can say I do a job or I undertake a job. What are you teaching? I'm teaching English. How many years have you taught English? Oh, I've taught English for eight years. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I chose the brown one and I chose the white one, but you didn't like them. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I didn't know. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I don't know. Well. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I don't see them, but I usually lay papers only on this table. Have you ever laid papers in another place? Well, yes. I've laid papers on the table in the other room, sometimes. Ah, check that table. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I fed them for six weeks now. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I fed them last Tuesday. And I fed them the Tuesday before. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I feel sick. I have a bad headache. Have you felt sick all day today? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I finished sawing a board. And now I'm winding up this cord a long time ago I wound cords like you are, but now I wind them around boards. Have you ever wound a cord around a board? You know, I hav... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I have some shorts here which somebody gave me. I don't need them. Would you like some? Well, yes, that's kind of you. I need another pair. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I hid $200.00 last month. And today I've hidden $150. So in all. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I hope wait a minute. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I hurt myself on it last month and two weeks ago. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I just cut this apple in half. Would you like some? Thank. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I lay on a sofa when I was a boy. And I lie on sofas now. The cup is falling. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I left at 9:00 o'clock. So you're early today, right? Now. I've left it 8:00 o'clock every morning this month, but yesterday was different. Yesterday was a holiday, so I left the House late. Oh, I ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I like carpentry. It's good exercise. Ah. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I might even buy a limousine. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I never had a chance to do anything for her. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I only have two dresses. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I play games with him and yesterday when he was very scared and clung to my leg a lot, I took him to the park. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I rang the doorbell but no one answered. I'll ring again. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I really wear that many clothes. I can't even think about it. We both wear our clothes for so long. We don't need that many. Look at your sweater. You've had this sweater for 10 years and you wear ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I see a person in a strange costume. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I think that if we didn't live here, they would come to see us more. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I think we're being selfish. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I think you talked about her once before a few years ago. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I want to invite you to go to the movies. I can't understand what you are saying. Say it again. I said I want to invite you to go to the movies. Now I understood that. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I was 6th St. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I was eating gallons of vanilla ice cream really. Is that the first time you've dreamt that you were eating gallons of ice cream? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I was thinking the same thing. Do you think we really ought to? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I was. On 6th St. And. I was riding my bicycle. And then I have. You've told me the same thing three times. I think you need to see a doctor. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I wish I had known about it. Well. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I wish they visited us more. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I wish we could go to Florida. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I wish we had a swimming pool. I wish we had beautiful China and silverware and glasses. Wish, wish. Wish that's all they are. They're just wishes. We have to work. We make enough money to pay our ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I won't. This one has no onions. Shall we get a can of that? Then? Yes, let's I'll look at the list. We have everything we're finished. Let's go to the checkout line. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I wonder how I hear the mail. I wonder how many bills we have today. Ohh, don't talk about bills, I'm still dreaming about a Jaguar. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I would feel a lot more comfortable if we had our old friends back. How about you? Our new friends are OK. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I would have gone to the funeral. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'd like to go on Saturday at 7:30. I didn't understand you. Please say it again. I'd like to go on Saturday. You've said it twice and I haven't understood you either time. Let's hang up. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'll do it for you. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'll do it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'll drive this piece of junk until we die and. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'm digging a hole. Did you dig all of it by yourself? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'm glad this car didn't breakdown in the supermarket parking lot. What would we have done if the car had broken down? I don't know. We wouldn't have had enough money to get the car fixed. So we wo... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'm hiding the money. I don't want burglars to find it. You shouldn't hide it there. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'm riding my bike, but it's late, it's hot now. It's already 11:00 o'clock. That's OK. I like the heat. When did you begin riding this morning? I began writing at 10:30, really not until 10:30. Ha... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'm showing it. You bid it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I'm thinking about my father. Have you thought about your mother too? Yes, I have. I thought about her yesterday. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've always ground my apples. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've caught a lot of balls recently because I've played baseball. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've chosen to wear these pants. But which shirt should I choose? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've dug lots of holes before. But it's so big an elephant could go into it. Why are you digging? That's a secret you'll see. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've hidden $350.00. Wow. That's a lot of money. You shouldn't have it there. Where should I hide it? Don't hide it. Put it in a bank. The bank. I don't know it will be safe there. OK I will. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've lost them. I put them on top of the car while I was opening the door. And drove away with them on top of the car. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've shut it. Thanks, I shut it earlier, but somebody opened it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
I've wept for two minutes and I can't stop what? Why have you wept? And why can't you stop? Because I have to finish cutting these onions. Oh, and I thought it was something bad. It is. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
If anybody did sue us, they couldn't get any money from us. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
If I had known that she had died. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
If I had taken her out to a park. If I had cooked meals for her, I could understand this. But I never did anything for her. Could you have done something that you had forgotten? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
If we had a lot of money, we could buy a lot of clothes to fill them what? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
If we had been writing to each other. I would have known about her death. That's sad. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
If we had enough money to buy a big house. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
If we still had that big expensive car, we would spend a lot of money for gas. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Is the sun shining? Yes, it is. As it shown all day. Yes it has. Did it shine yesterday? Yes it did. It's shown in the morning but not in the afternoon. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It isn't like any sandwich I've tasted before. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It might be big enough for a king to live in it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It reminds me once I had a toothache and my cheek swelled. It really hurt until after I went to the dentist. Now watch the balloon again. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It was a wonderful restaurant. And it is fun to shop and expensive stores. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It will be all for you. And yes Maria, thank you. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It's called just so stories. Have you read The Jungle Book? Yes, I have read it. It was good. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It's cold in here. Would you shut the door, please, OK? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It's fun, but you might get hurt. I won't get hurt. A girl slid on this floor last month and got hurt but not me. I've slid on floors since I was three years old. I know how to do it. Watch. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It's shrinking. That's right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It's shrunk a lot now. Once again, it reminds me of something what? Well, once I left a piece of cake out in a hot room. I forgot it. After two days I found it, but it was very small. It really shr... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
It's swelling. OK. I'm finished. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Jelly do with it. Of course we can spend it. We can buy the things we want. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Let's go to the produce section next. Providence. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Let's save some and let's spend some. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Look at it. It's swollen a lot. Don't you think you're right? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Look at those birds. They're flying very high. Yes, they are. Where have they flown from? They've flown from the north part of the United States and where are they flying to? I don't know. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Look, one boy is floating and one boy is sinking I see. Why is that? Well. I don't know. Why don't you ask? I will. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Many people have hidden money under their mattresses, but burglars often find it. How much have you hidden there? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Maybe it was old. It sure is hot today. The temperature has risen from 76 degrees this morning to 96 degrees now. But that's not surprising. It rises like that. Every summer it rose like that last ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Maybe she left you something really. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Maybe you should choose your clothes by yourself. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
More birds flew over this place last year. There aren't so many this year. I wonder where the others are. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
My friend and I were in the courtroom. And the judge and the lawyers were there too. And what happened? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Never. This is the first time. That's your problem. You must teach her to give you the Frisbee she thinks you are just playing. When you try to get it. Ohh. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No one's home. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No problem. I'll be all right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No we don't. They don't call or come to see us often like they used to. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No, I'm not. I usually leave at this time. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No, I've drawn 2 pictures before. When did you draw them? I drew them early this morning. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No, I've run only two miles, but. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No. It doesn't look right with my tie. Well, you know what you want. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No. It is heavy. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
No. No way. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Nothing I guess. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Now give the Frisbee to me, come on. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Now watch this balloon. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Now we can buy a big house. A Jaguar car and lots of clothes. Let's buy them. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Now we can live the life we have always wanted to live, so let's live it look. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Now what do you mean a new car? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Now you know that we don't have enough money to buy a new car. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Oh no, I'm not dreaming but I will not believe this is happening. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Oh, I remember I forgot to put it in the refrigerator last night. When I've done that before, the milk has always stunk. I know what you mean. I left some milk out last week and it's thanked too. T... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Oh, you speak Spanish. OK. For favor Kris. Son Las dos gracias. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Ohh from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Ohh give me a holler, please stop singing. Why I like singing. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Ohh help. These don't fit, they're too tight. OK, try another pair. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Ohh It's from a lawyer of an aunt I scarcely knew. My aunt Jasmine. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Ohh my arm hurts. I've held this Jack for 15 minutes. Here you hold it. I held it this morning. I don't care, I've held it too long. I want you to hold it. Where are you driving your car? I'm drivi... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
OK, but I bet we have 3. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
OK, here it goes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
OK, I'll meet him. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
OK, I've beaten it. Yes, yes now to it. All right? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
OK, please come at 7:00 o'clock. Is that better? Yes it is. I'll see you at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow night. Goodbye bye bye. There now it's your turn. Here's my play. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
OK. You're right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
On the charcoal. And then. I lift the charcoal with a match. Did you light it in one place or in many places? I lit it in many places. I've always lit it in many places so it would burn in many pla... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
One time I quit a job paying $5 an hour and found one paying $5.75 an hour with a nicer boss, so I know I can do it well. I can't stop. If you want to quit, do it. Clear out now. Where are the insu... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Or no, I wouldn't have gone to the funeral because I wouldn't have had any money to go to the funeral. But I would have sent some flowers. But I didn't know that she had died. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Our car and chauffeur are nice. Do we really need them? We had our old car. We wouldn't have to tell the chauffeur when and where we want to go. We were more independent. And the repairs and insura... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Our new life is beginning. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Really big. Big enough that we could have a party in one of them. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Really. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Right, I'll do it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
She lived in Houston and I lived here. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Should I wind it like this? Yes, like that. All right? I like this way of doing it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Should we spend all of the money? Shouldn't we save some of it? Let's save some and spend some. If we save it all and we don't spend any. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
So let's do it. Let's sell all of these things. OK, let's do it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
So we can do it. Let's do it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 01 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 02 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 03 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 04 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 05 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 17 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 21 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 23 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 31 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 37 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 38 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 39 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 47 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 49 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 50 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 75 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 76 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 78 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 83 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 87 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 88 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 94 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 97 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 109 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 110 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 111 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 119 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 139 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 145 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 149 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 150 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 151 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 152 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 153 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 156 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 157 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 174 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 177 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 181 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 186 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 195 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 208 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 230 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 233 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 234 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 236 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 237 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 238 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 250 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 254 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 255 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 257 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 258 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 259 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 260 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 262 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 263 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 303 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 322 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 323 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 349 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 350 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 359 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 360 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 377 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 378 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 379 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 384 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 385 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 390 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 391 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 392 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 416 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 417 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 422 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 443 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 447 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 449 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 451 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Sound 452 from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Take some go in there and put them on. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Thanks Jim. Please put the car in the garage. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Thanks, but I think maybe I paid too much for them. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
That's true. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
The chair broke. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
The lawyer wants to see you. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
The word undertake means the same, as do. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Then we'll spend the rest of our lives in that dump. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
There is a gas bill. There is a credit card bill. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
There's a chair, why don't you sit? No, I like to stand. I stood yesterday. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
They don't fit. They're too big. Well, all the others are the same. These shorts just haven't fit. They're too big or too small, too tight or too loose. You're right, I'm sorry, but when I was at t... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
They're nice people. I didn't mean that they weren't nice people. I just mean that I wouldn't say some things to them that I could say to our old friends. Yes, I understand, but that's the rich life. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
This is our name on the bill, isn't it? Why don't you? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
This is the bread section. What kind of bread shall we choose? They have white. Why don't wheat and pumpernickel? I think coral reef is the most nutritious. I suggest we get that. And I'd like to g... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
This is the simple life and it's the life for us. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
This simple life is great. And how about these clothes? We feel really comfortable in these clothes. If you still had all those, uh, dresses and shoes, you wouldn't feel this comfortable. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Throw the ball here, OK? You threw the ball well, thanks, I've thrown the ball a lot recently. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
To see often, cling to your leg. Yes he does. He's clung to my leg a lot in the last few days because his mother hasn't been home much recently and he's afraid to be alone. What do you do to help him? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Two dozen shirts. 20 pairs of pants, a dozen skirts and well. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Until then I won't do anything different. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Wait a minute. I lent you $7.00 last week and you still have it, but I'll give it to you. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Wait, withdraw both the nails. I've withdrawn both the nails. No, you haven't look you withdrew 1 nail but not the other. Ah, you're right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Water. Sugar. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We are. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We could buy a new house. We could even have 3 bedrooms. 3 bedrooms we could have. 7 bedrooms. And there could be an exercise room. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We could do that if we weren't spending so much money on the House, the car and these clothes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We could have 7 bedrooms with huge closets. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We could keep on like this. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We couldn't hire a lawyer. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We couldn't pay him. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We have a home. It's old and it's small, but it's a place to live. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We haven't hired a lawyer. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We really don't need this big house fancy car. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We see different people now than we would see if we lived the way we did before. But we don't have to live like that. If we lived the way that we used to, we wouldn't have to worry about what we wo... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We still had that big expensive house. Our taxes would be four times as much. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We would be happier if we sold it. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We would see them more, wouldn't we? Save a lot of money. You're right, we would. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We would. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We'd be back with our old friends. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
We'll drive the Mercedes-Benz tonight. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well hello, did you sleep well, yes I did. But I dreamt. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well, Are you sure this isn't a dream? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well, I guessed 3 bills, but there are only two. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well, I suppose the children would like it if we got it, but I wouldn't. It tastes like paper. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well, it's the first time I've dreamt I was eating ice cream. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well, let me read the part of the will that applies to you. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well, OK. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well, we can afford it. We have the money. Right, But I'm worried about the future. We could be saving money for our old age instead of spending it on this high living. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well. I hadn't noticed. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Well. She has died. Oh, that's too bad. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What a beautiful house. Has always wanted. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What a mess. Did the person steal anything? I yes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are they doing? They're fighting, that's terrible. Are you going to stop them? Well, they're brothers and they're having fun. Don't worry, they won't hurt each other. How long have they been f... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are we get there? I don't remember all the good the list. We'll need cabbage, cucumber, radishes, apples and plums. OK, let's go. I'll get the fruit and you get the vegetables. OK, OK. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you cooking? I'm cooking chicken and steak on a grill. It smells good. Tell me how did you start the fire this fire? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you doing? I'm filling out a job application. You were seeking a job. I didn't know that. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you doing? I'm grinding apples. Why are you doing that? I want to make applesauce. But you can buy applesauce and cans at the store, I know, but the applesauce tastes better if I grind the... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you doing? I'm paying bills. Have you paid many bills this week? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you doing? I'm sitting in the chair. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you doing? What did you say? What are you doing? Please say it again. I said what are you doing? I can't hear you. I've said it two times. I'm not going to say it again. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you making? I'm making a cake. How do you do that? I take flour. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What are you thinking about? I'm thinking about my father. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What did you find? Wow, I found $2.00. You are lucky. Yes, I've never found $2.00 before. Have you ever found any money before? Yes, I have. I often find a little money, but I've never found this m... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What do we get here? We're going to get two cans of mushroom soup. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What happened to you? I had an accident, well tell me about it. I was riding my bicycle 6th St and I yes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What happened? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What is this? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What kind of a car would you buy? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What shall we get then? Could you get some brand cereal? Yes, that would be good. Let me get some of that. By the way, isn't that basket getting a little heavy? Isn't it going to hurt your arm if y... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What time is it now? It's 8:00 o'clock. What time did you leave yesterday? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What time is it? I don't know. Why don't you ask that person over there? OK. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What we said we would do if we had enough money. Well now. This is one time in our life that we have enough money. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What's the matter? This dog brought the Frisbee to me, but she won't give it to me. How many times has she brought the Frisbee before? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
What's wrong? This milk stinks really. Why is it too old? I don't know. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
When did you last have them? I last had them when I went to the store and. Ohh no. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
When did you lose them? I lost them this morning. Well, you ought to go back to the store parking lot and look for the. I've lost things before and found them. I lost a notebook last year and when ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
When did you read it? I read it last year. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
When do you want to go to the movies? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Where are you going? I'm going to my car. Why are you going to your car to get my sunglasses? You're always going to your car. You went to your car 10 minutes ago. Why did you go to your car? You p... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Where did I put my briefcase? You put it behind the chair, all right? Have you put it behind the chair before? Yes, I have put it there often. Now I'm putting it on the table. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Whoa. I might buy a Jaguar. Or a Mercedes-Benz? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Why are we going to the supermarket today? Because we don't have enough food in the house and we are going to need more for dinner tomorrow. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Why are you putting money under your mattress? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Why are you running? I'm running for exercise. Where did you run yesterday? I ran in the park. Have you run far today? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Will you eat cornflakes if I get them? Yes I will and we will need one other kind of cereal. How about tough tweet? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Wow. Have any chairs ever broken under you before no. This is the first time a chair has broken under me. Why did it break? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yeah, hey all right? What happened? My team beat the other team really. Yes, they've beaten every team they've played this year. Wow, I think they could beat any team if they play like they played ... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yeah. I made it. It looks good for how many years have you made cake? I've made cakes since I was a boy. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes I have. Did you feel sick yesterday? No, I only felt sick last night. And I felt sick all day today. You should see a doctor. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes I will. I've quit jobs before and found better ones. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes it is. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes they are. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes we could. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, I've paid a lot of bills this week. I paid the telephone bill on Monday. And I'm paying the electric and gas bills today. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, it was delicious well. I ground the apples for that. Applesauce. OK, I think you're right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, it was hard, but I dug all of it. How long have you been digging? I've been digging for three days. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, it's very strange. Have you ever seen a costume like that before? No, I haven't have you. Well, I saw someone wearing a gorilla costume once. That was strange. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, my friends and I spun tops a lot, sometimes weed spin too. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, that's true. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, yes, another bite. Bite it again. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes, you're right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Yes. I know what you mean. I guess. I miss that too. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You already told me that. Sorry. I'm confused. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You can choose what you want to wear every day. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You can set your boxes and bags on the ground. What you might drop your boxes and bags. You should set them on the ground OK. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You could have 40 dresses. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You dreamt you ate it a whole cow. Yes. It's crazy, isn't it? It sure is. You dream a lot, don't you? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You know I love this house. But I think we ought to sell it and buy a smaller house. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You know? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You know? This House is costing us a lot of money. The taxes on it are $8000 a year. I know. And the electric bills aren't cheap either. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You know? We've given a lot of money to the poor this year. Could we have given so much money to the poor if we still had that expensive House and that big expensive car? No, no way. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You said. OK. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You sang yesterday and you sang the day before. In fact, you've sung almost every day this month. It's too much. I'm sorry. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You took it. Now you know, isn't it good? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You were right. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You're at was a fine woman. Yes, I think she was. I wish I knew more about her. But she lived far away and we didn't write to each other. Well, she was a very quiet person but she was very smart an... from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You're fast, have you cut wood much before? Yes, I've cut lots of wood. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You're in your aunts will. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You're right, but it still isn't comfortable. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You're right. Why would a lawyer send us a letter? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You're still dream. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
You've hurt yourself a lot on it. You should move it to the side, then you won't hurt yourself. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
Your work is finished for today. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
3 pairs of pants, 2 skirts, 5 shirts, and maybe 5 pairs of shoes and you don't have many clothes either. So why do we need huge closets? from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
20 pairs of shoes. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard
1245 oranges So enjoy your four oranges, four, wait a minute. You gave me only three. But I have nine oranges. And I kept 5. So you must have 4. But I don't. I have 3. 3 + 5. Equals 8. from At Home With English ft. Greg Thomson Soundboard