Alright, hold on a sec. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 2
Also understand who you're talking to and what works best for them. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 3
And corn Pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boys and I did he and back in those days. But I'm not. Let's get the show on the road warning radioactive zone detected I'm fucking sexy and I'... from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 4
And corn Pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boys and I did he and back in those days. Let's get the show on the road running radioactive zone detected. What does your listening to silo so... from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 5
Arnold shop no cap dog. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 6
Bro, I'm gonna tell you right now. I don't care if you're gay. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 7
But enough of this palaver. Let's get the show on the road running radioactive zone detected. What does your listening to silo soy and rescale only on big coin. Twitter. Yeah go fuck yourself. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 8
Can you just shut the fuck up for a minute? from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 9
Come on, come on, there's. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard 0
Didn't space is trying to get black pussy while he claims he's getting pussy from his, his professors and the chicks in his classes. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard -
Do you like Raspberry Jelly in your asshole, Nathan? from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard =
Dropping seizing these bitches like my name is Genghis Khan talking all this shit what the fuck are you doing? Dropping needle bitch and get your life together because I'll tell you right now you c... from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard q
Dumb triple valves with the mask in my picture dog. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard w
Embassy Suites has a better breakfast in the Holiday Inn Express. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard e
Gigantic beta male. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard r
He gets this for his behavior. This is the only reason we're doing this. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard t
He has the nature of a woman. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard y
He's trying to get some pussy in here. No cap. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard u
Hey there were there were some tweets that I thought were quite offensive. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard i
How does pizza rolls taste motherfucker? from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard o
I also understand frame of reference. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard p
I am cool. I can keep up with you guys. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard a
I apologize to you, Sir. Publicly in front of God and everyone else, does a speaker and listener. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard s
I can care less about the white people. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard d
I create original content you don't create shit dude. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard f
I don't care. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard g
I don't care. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard h
I don't get why folks the benefit of the doubt. I don't give a fuck about their feelings. I don't care about them. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard j
I don't know if I want to go with the Harley or Honda. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard k
I don't know people's reasons for targeted harassment. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard l
I don't know. There's a lot of evil mother fuckers that control other peoples lives out there. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard z
I don't want to be a part of a space where people find it OK to constantly abuse and insult and ridicule one another. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard x
I I write, you make great points right there. I completely agree with what you're saying because at the end of the day, what we're all here to do is to go to the truth. We're looking for the truth,... from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard c
I just don't want to talk about it. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard v
I just wanna be left alone. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard b
I just willingly chose to go the white collar job route in order to fund my future. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard n
I know Nathan. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard m
I think he's an idiot. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard Q
I treat people with respect. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard W
I try to be respectful. I try to be polite. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard E
I want to travel the world on a motorcycle and make videos and explore the world. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard R
I was weak. I was a city person. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard T
I'll tell you right now. Then them ugly chicks by the end of that nine weeks looking very good. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard Y
I'm getting my degree in finance. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard U
I'm interested in other things. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard I
I'm joking, I'm joking, I'm joking. I'm not joking. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard O
I'm not gonna be tolerating fucking trolls. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard P
I'm taking classes right now for finance. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard A
I've always tried to take the High Road. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard S
I've been doing this shit for four years, brother. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard D
I've been talking since 18 showed up since. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard F
I've changed a lot. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard G
If y'all don't like it, you can all go fuck yourself. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard H
Is this a dude or a chick? from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard J
It it's it's childish is what it is and it's a bully tactic if anything. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard K
It's not acceptable. This is unbecoming. It's it's not acceptable behavior. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard L
It's ridiculous. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard Z
It's what I want to do with my life. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard X
Leave me alone. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard C
Like my heart's racing and I feel uncomfortable with this, so I can't think too far. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard V
Listen, if you block someone you were bothered by them. That's what puppy did to me and several other people. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard B
Man, I'm telling you, I I'm I'll abuse the fuck out of this thing. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard N
Maybe they're trying to push me to suicide. I don't fucking know. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard M
Mother fucker doesn't know a God damn thing and he ain't smart enough to shut the fuck up and listen and learn. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard <
My ass cousin was stabbed by a North African in Bali. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard >
My mom's a cock blocker. I was so pissed at her. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard !
Nathan Berry's a fucking pussy ass faggot beta male cock sucking fag. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard @
Nathan, so it wants me to let you know. Stop taking advice from boomers and to shut the fuck up. Alright, just shut the fuck up. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard #
No one has the right to harass other people. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard $
No way in hell I want anyone on the back of my bike except my shit. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard %
No, I can't tell if you're trolling me right now. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard ^
Oh Jesus. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard &
OK, we're going to bully people over and over and over again. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard *
OK, what's your point? from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard (
On the create. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard )
Or change the name, change the name, it's my name my show. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard ~
Puppy you're a fucking alcoholic little bitch for blocking everyone. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard `
Puppy your fucking disingenuous alcoholic. Go get some fucking help. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard |
Put your fucking immature bitch made ass mother fucking shit. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard "
Satan is your daddy. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard '
She's a 30 year old freshman in college that lives in the dorms. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard ?
Son, because he's half of me. How are the beta when you're a bigger bitch than me? from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard /
Tell me a bad example to be on. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard ,
That makes no sense. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard .
That's a cult mentality. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
There's no reason to consistently harass me everywhere I go. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
There's something in this space. There's Bitcoin, Twitter, community. I like to recall respect. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
They don't like that I'm a 31 year old who trying to go to college to better my life. They disagree with what I'm doing. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
This guy right? No 'cause that's the same thing. That's the truth all the time. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
This is a beautiful. This is bully behavior of a fucking tyrannical fucking asshole. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
This is not like real life. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
This is prime example of why I'm racist. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
This is your brain on log scale space. In 1930 the Republican controlled House of Representatives in an effort to alleviate the effects of the anyone, anyone, the Great Depression passed the anyone... from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
Toxic half an hour. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
Unfortunately, the Internet is given people the power to be abusive and harassing and insulting without consequences. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
Wait, say again. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
We're going to keep bullying you. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
We're trying to have serious conversations over here. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
Yes. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
Yo, this is another reason why I'm so racist. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You can trust people just don't trust the devil inside them. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You can't use that name, that's my name. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You don't control shit. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You don't have to agree with it, that's fine. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You don't shop. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You know I love my Guinness and foreigners and and dark bears, but today, back to the IPA. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You know this is a safe space for almost beta males. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You will only make me evil. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You're in trouble, more honest with myself. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You're not gonna talk over me. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You're so full of shit dude. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
You're talking about somebody being emotional, and then you you fucking make a bunch of leaves and LinkedIn. And I'm not gonna clear shoe, I'm not gonna care. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard
Your life is so fucking irrelevant and meaningless, dude. from Ree Scale Bitcoin Twitter Soundboard