Exterior approach , stop and switch oft from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 2
Exterior attempts to start with very flat battery; birdsong in background from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 3
Exterior bonnet closed from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 4
Exterior bonnet opened with a creak from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 5
Exterior electric window, wound down from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 6
Exterior electric window, wound up from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 7
Exterior fast approach and skid to stop, tickover to fade from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 8
Exterior fast approach from left, skid to stop, switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 9
Exterior fast pass right to left through puddles from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard 0
Exterior four attempts to start engine from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard -
Exterior freewheeling in close perspective from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard =
Exterior medium approach from left, stop and switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard q
Exterior medium approach from right, splash through puddle, stop, switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard w
Exterior medium approach from right, splash through several puddles, stop, switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard e
Exterior medium pass from right to left from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard r
Exterior medium speed pass left to right on cobbles from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard t
Exterior nine short, angry blasts from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard y
Exterior one person enters car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard u
Exterior one person exits car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard i
Exterior reverse approach and switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard o
Exterior reverse pass left to right from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard p
Exterior single attempt to start engine from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard a
Exterior single bleep rec from close perspective, as for arming from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard s
Exterior single short blast from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard d
Exterior slow freewheeling in close perspective from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard f
Exterior slow pass right to left through puddle from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard g
Exterior start and medium depart to left on wet road from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard h
Exterior start and reverse, stop and switch off (rec near exhaust) from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard j
Exterior start and series of failed attempts to engage gear from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard k
Exterior start and slow depart to right from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard l
Exterior start and stall engine from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard z
Exterior start, attempts to power out of muddy ditch with wheel spin, switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard x
Exterior start, attempts to power out of muddy ditch, wheelspin then drive away from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard c
Exterior start, fierce revving and switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard v
Exterior start, gear crunch, reverse towards mic, misfiring and depart to left from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard b
Exterior switch on and depart to right from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard n
Exterior switch on, fast skidding departure to left from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard m
Exterior two attempts to start engine with stalls from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard Q
Exterior two bleeps from close perspective, as for disarming from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard W
Exterior two horn blasts from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard E
Exterior two people enter car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard R
Exterior two people exit car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard T
Exterior pass from left to right, sounding horn with doppler effect from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard Y
Interior attempts to start with very flat battery from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard U
Interior bonnet closed, recorded inside car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard I
Interior bonnet release activated from inside car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard O
Interior eight short, angry blasts from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard P
Interior electric window, wound down from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard A
Interior electric window, wound up from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard S
Interior five short, angry horn blasts from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard D
Interior four short, angry blasts from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard F
Interior freewheeling downhill with brake squeal at end from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard G
Interior gear stick jiggled in neutral from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard H
Interior manual sunroof shutter closed from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard J
Interior manual sunroof shutter opened from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard K
Interior manual sunroof wound open from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard L
Interior manual sunroof wound shut from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard Z
Interior manual window wound down from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard X
Interior manual window wound up from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard C
Interior one person enters car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard V
Interior one person exits from car from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard B
Interior reversing and manoeuvring on muddy ground from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard N
Interior seat belt put on from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard M
Interior seat belt take off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard <
Interior severe brake and skid, stalling engine from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard >
Interior severe brake and skid, tickover to fade from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard !
Interior single attempt to start engine from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard @
Interior single horn blast from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard #
Interior start and stall engine from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard $
Interior start, attempts to power out of muddy ditch, wheelspin, switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard %
Interior start, gear crunch, handbrake and slow reverse, tickover, switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard ^
Interior start, series of tailed attempts to engage gear, with heavy revving from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard &
Interior switch on and fast pull away, drive fast, slow and switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard *
Interior switch on, squeaky continuous operation, switch off from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard (
Interior twelve short, angry blasts from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard )
Interior two attempts to start engine from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard ~
Interior two short blasts from Peugeot 205GT 1982 1300cc petrol (car misfiring quite badly) Soundboard