Arc welding machine, switch on, attempt to strike arc, fall, switch off from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Arc welding machine, switch on, strike arc 2nd attempt, weld off from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Arc welding machine, switch on, weld off from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Arc welding machine, switch on, weld, lose arc, restrike, weld, off from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Can of spray paint shaken from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Chisel hammered and wood levered up from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Chisel hammered with mallet from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Chisel sharpened on grindstone from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric drill, short burst freewheeling from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric drill, single hole in metal sheet from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric drill, single hole in thick metal bar from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric drill, single hole in wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric drill, single hole in wood, jams, is freed from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric grinder, freewheels from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric grinder, short burst on metal sheet from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric hoist assembled, with metal clattering noise from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Electric jigsaw, small piece of wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
File, formica with squealing on some strokes from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
File, metal from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
File, wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Floor nail hammered, changing rhythm with hammer ring from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Floor nail hammered, faster rythm with hammer ring from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Floor nail hammered, slow rhythm with hammer ring from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Glass hammered from smashed front door pane, surround levered up from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hacksaw, piece of metal, cut piece falls on floor from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hacksaw, small piece of Formica from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hacksaw, small piece of Formica, cut piece falls on floor from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hand drill removed from toolbox from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hand drill, 2 holes in wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hand drill, single hole in metal from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hand drill, single hole in metal, jams, is freed from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hand drill, single hole in wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Hand saw through sheet of plywood, saw jams on some strokes from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Large spanner dropped from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Large tack nail hammered from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Nail pulled from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Nail pulled from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Nail pulled from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Nail pulled from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Planing, piece of wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Sanding, edge of plywood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Sanding, paper folded then small piece of wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Sanding, sheet of metal from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Sanding, small piece of wood from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Screwdriver removed from toolbox from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Small nails dropped on bench from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Small nails dropped on bench, one falls on metal surface from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Small spanner dropped from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Spanner removed from toolbox from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tack miss hit twice and then hammered in from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tack nail hammered from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tack nail hammered from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tack nail hammered from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tenon saw, small piece of wood, close perspective from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tenon saw, small piece of wood, steady rythm from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tenon saw, small piece of wood, variable rythm from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tool box closed from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tool box opened from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Tools removed from box and put on bench from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Wood levered with chisel, splinters from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Workshop door closed from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard
Workshop door opened from D.I.Y. and Building Soundboard