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A soldier is a spy.
A spy? Oh, oh, right. You're probably sneaking up on somebody to stab them. Oh, I bet you're about to do it too. They can't hear me. Can they do a video on this thing?
A surprise to no one.
Abort. Abort.
Activate the charge Doctor.
Admirable shot.
After you。
Ah, flipping.
Ah, Mon Dieu.
Ah, much better.
Ah, so sixes finally came crawling to the spy. About time.
Ah, stab wounds. My favorite type of wound.
Ah, the cart has stopped.
Ah, they have been shown who is the boss.
Ah. Ah. Ah.
Ah. Ah. Ah.
Ahora en mí.
All in a day's work.
All right, take it easy.
Already I haven't wiped the blood of my knife from the last round.
Always a pleasure spy.
And flip.
And it is done.
And it is done.
And spy crab.
And the spy crab.
And then this.
And we're done. Off to hang myself.
And we're done. Time to shower.
And when the spy saw the breadth of his achievement, he wept. For there were no more backs to stab.
Another day, another back with a gaping stab wound.
Another day, another back with a gaping stab wound.
Another successful mission.
Anytime you're ready.
Are you ready?
As if I would get blood on a $3000 suit. Come on.
As long as nothing supernatural happens, this should be easy.
At least you died for honour and my amusement.
At your pleasure, Doctor.
Behold your winner.
Big Finish.
Bonjour spy it is I Francis is talking France. I have the job for you. Yes, we baguettes. Sorry. I do have a job for you. It's not French, though. Sorry.
Boo you repulsive Bushman.
Booty latte.
Bureau it.
Burn in hell, you mumbling a bomb nation.
But of course.
But of course.
But of course.
Caputo's crepitus.
Century ahead?
Cheers doctor.
Cheers engineers.
Clearly, they were outclassed.
Come help me capture this.
Come on, I don't have all day.
Come on, I don't have all day.
Come on.
Come on.
Come stand on the point, you idiot.
Come stand on the point, you imbecile.
Come stand on the point.
Contract complete. Thanks, Bye.
Contract fulfilled. Nice work.
Damn it, we are losing ground.
Dancing it is the forbidden dance.
Deos Invictus.
Did I throw a wrench into your plans?
Did you forget about me?
Didn't feel a thing.
Do it quickly. Do it quietly. Just get it done. Spy.
Do not leave the cart.
Doctor, if you please.
Does it hurt when I do that? It does, doesn't it?
Dominated you fatuous fat headed fat man.
Dominated you, Mushmouth freak.
Don't feel bad. You did a fine job tossing your little balls around.
Earl the Dosey doe.
Enough practice Time to start playing.
Everyone Porsche.
Everyone, back to the base partner.
Excellent. A new rank.
Excellent. The count's moving back.
Fast rate.
Feel the barn be the barn. Ha ha.
Finally a comp class that can bring some class with it.
Finally, Comp mode is worth playing because you can play as me.
Finally, sixes comes to its senses and welcomes a spy to its ranks.
Finally, Sixes is worth playing because you can play as me.
Finally, some recognition.
Finally, they've recognized our brilliance.
Finally, you've come to your senses and welcomed a spy to your ranks.
Fine job.
Fine, let's flip.
Fire. Fire. Fire.
Flipping time.
Flipping time.
Follow me, Doctor.
For someone else, that might have been a challenge.
For someone else, that might have been a challenge.
Gentlemen, I'm back.
Gentlemen, let's push a dead man to hell.
Gentlemen, this game is as good as ours.
Gentlemen, we've done it.
Get to the bomb cart.
Get to the cart.
Get to the cart.
Giddy up now to hell.
Go right.
Go to hell and take your cheap suit with you.
God help us.
Good day to you, Might.
Good Lord, you fight like a woman.
Good. I still look magnificent.
Happy trails, laborer.
Have Corse.
Hello again, dumbbell.
Help me capture the point.
Help me defend.
Here lies Scout. He ran fast and died a virgin.
Here, buy yourself some talent.
Here, go buy a nicer hat.
Here, keep the change.
Here, that's what you're worth.
Here's what I have that you don't a functioning liver, depth perception and a pulse.
Hey Spy, it's Pauling. Interested in some extra work?
Hey, dum Salaris.
Hey, spy calling. I took care of that DNA test for you. You owe me one and I'm cashing it in. Take care of this.
Hey, spy, it's Paulie.
Hmm, not bad.
Hmm, well, maybe I'll ask miss polling out.
Hmm. Excellent.
How would you like the spy now?
How's that bottle of Scrumpy now?
Howdy, Palmer.
I am going to filet you like a salmon.
I am going to fillet you like a salmon.
I am going to hack you up like cord wood.
I am going to puncture you like a juice box.
I am not easily impressed and yet you have impressed me.
I am the champion.
I am the deadliest man I know, but you are a close second.
I am the prettiest Unicorn.
I am the prettiest Unicorn.
I am uncocking a bottle of 1942 Chateau backstab.
I am victorious.
I appeared to have burst into flames.
I appreciate your help.
I believe it, so I can't achieve it.
I can feel the Unicorn Friendship magic coursing through my veins.
I claim these points for France and the unicorns.
I claim this point for a unicorns.
I could use a hand defending here.
I did all I could.
I do believe I'm on fire.
I dominate you, you sluggish simpleton.
I feel like an idiot.
I feel like winning. Who's with me?
I feel Trey Ball.
I fly.
I hate you.
I have a good feeling about this game.
I have a tie. I'm wearing it. It's silk and it costs $9000. I do not need another one.
I have been shown who is the boss.
I have expensive tastes.
I have never been more ready.
I have returned.
I like my enemies, like I like my wines. I let them breathe for a moment.
I like my teams like I like my romances in groups of 6.
I make it look easy.
I murdered your toys as well.
I must be dreaming.
I never really was on your side.
I require assistance.
I should have won.
I spare no expense on luxuries.
I take to the air.
I think I've developed a test for winning. Let's do it again.
I think not.
I think we'll win this game.
I will never stop.
I will stab this memory out of my skull.
I'll be seeing you.
I'll give it a good home.
I'll see you in hell, you handsome rogue.
I'll take it.
I'll tell Miss Paulinger occupied.
I'll tell your mother hello.
I'm afraid not.
I'm back.
I'm back. You sub normal half.
I'm Bruce Tripudio.
I'm coming for you.
I'm going to butcher you like a pig.
I'm going to carve you like a Partridge.
I'm going to carve you like a pumpkin.
I'm going to gut you like a Cornish game hen.
I'm going to hack you up like codwood.
I'm going to puncture you like an old tire.
I'm looking at your X-ray and I'm afraid you suck.
I'm not going to stab you. I'm not going to stab you. Ha. I stabbed you.
I'm not just any Unicorn. I am the prettiest Unicorn that ever was.
I'm ready when you are.
I'm waiting.
I've gotten out of worse sc****s than this.
I've merely finished what your liver started.
Idiot, come stand on the point.
If some instantarium.
If there are any unicorns prettier than me, I will find them, I will follow them, and no one will ever see those unicorns again.
If there's one thing I hate, it's a Tide game.
If there's one thing I love more than winning, it's ranking up.
If you speak of this, I will kill you.
Imputum fulminos.
In our midst.
In vocal monoculus.
Incoming coming.
Is this more? Yeah.
It looks like we've been busy.
It seems I am not the only spy.
It seems we've been given a promotion.
It should be a crime to look this good.
It should be a crime to look this good.
It's a privilege to be killed by a man who looks this good.
It's about time they recognized our brilliance.
It's perfect.
It's the only one of its kind, and it's mine.
It's the reaching hour.
It's... perfect! (TF2 Spy)
Ja ja ja ja ja.
Ja ja ja ja.
Jarratti no.
Job well done, spy.
Just lay your weapons down and walk away.
Kaboom indeed, you drunken Wretch.
Kaboom to you, Sir.
Keep up the pressure. We haven't won yet.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Laughter really is the best medicine.
Le Pierce do resistance.
Leave me hanging and you will regret it.
Let me get straight to the point.
Let us butt heads.
Let us commence.
Let us dance, gentlemen, dance like no one shooting at us.
Let us dance.
Let us move.
Let us play.
Let us play.
Let's begin.
Let's get to work.
Let's give this Wretch his final reward.
Let's play some sixes.
Let's push them back.
Let's see. Yes, good. They still look magnificent.
Let's settle this like gentlemen.
Like a wolf among the Lambs.
Like a wolf among the Lambs.
Like so.
Listen up, gentlemen. Time to get serious.
Mailed a tie.
Many thanks.
May I borrow your earpiece? This is Scout. Rainbows make me cry, although.
May I make a suggestion? Run.
Maybe your colleagues will send a man next time.
Medic. Medic. Medic.
Mission accomplished.
More defense required here.
Mortis, son and Mataris.
Move these machines up.
Move these things up.
Much appreciated, Doctor.
My appreciation, Amigo.
My God.
My hands against your hands.
My head.
My knife is sharp. My watch is wound. My ski mask is freshly laundered. Time to win.
My pleasure.
Never send a scout to do a unicorn's job.
Nice shot.
Nicely done, Spy. I'll be in touch.
No coffin can contain me.
No worries mate.
Non ?
Not much of a quick draw, are you partner?
Not our finest moment.
Nothing personal. I just had to shut you up.
Now, gentlemen, cross the bridge.
Now, gentlemen, grab all that you can.
Of course we won.
Of course we're up.
Oh dear, I've made quite a mess.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh Oh.
Oh please.
Oh please.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Oh, come on.
Oh, come on.
Oh, fantastic.
Oh, fat man, please, this is getting awkward.
Oh, good. A concussion.
Oh, mad.
Oh, please, just stay down.
Oh, soldier, who will they ever find to replace you? Anyone.
Oh, too bad this wasn't a pie eating contest.
Oh, yes.
Oh, you almost healed me to death that time.
Oh, you are quick as a little Bunny, weren't you?
OK, don't get too excited.
On three.
Our best skills are still ahead of us.
Our influence grows.
Our skills have been acknowledged.
Our work is finally being recognized.
Over here.
Paper. I should have chosen paper.
Park Tom. Diabolos.
PayPal obfuscates rock.
PayPal smothers rock.
Pepper envelopes rock.
Perhaps they can bury you in that van you call home.
Place a dispenser here.
Place a sentry here.
Place a teleporter here.
Power poll invium.
Promise not to bleed on my suit and I'll kill you quickly.
Push everyone.
Push the cart.
Push, push.
Push, you idiots.
Push. Damn you.
Queen's rules.
Quickly get to the island.
Rank up.
Right here.
Rock obliterates scissors.
Rock paper scissors.
Rock. I should have chosen rock.
Sacre Bleu.
Scissors cuts paper.
Scissors. I should have chosen scissors.
Shall I carry us to victory? I don't mind.
Shock. Blood loss. Infection. Oh, I love stabbing.
Simply just ahead.
Six healthy backs just waiting to be stabbed. Ah, there's that new back smell.
Size Mella.
Slap it now.
Slap it now.
Slap my hand.
Slap my hand.
So many backs, so little time.
So your deadly skill is jogging. Mine is murdering people.
Some are born great, others have greatness thrust into their sternums.
Some assistance please.
Somebody stop that cart.
Sorry to horn in.
Sorry to pop in announced.
Spy among us?
Spy appalling here. This contract just came in.
Spy calling here. Take a look at this.
Spy headleft03
Spy here.
Spy is Pauling Got a Black bag job?
Spy Johansson unkillable scoundrel.
Spy just between you and me, you should really watch that ski mask. Like, once there's visible stink lines coming off that thing. Anyway, I need a favor.
Spy laughevil01
Spy laughhappy03
Spy laughshort02
Spy laughshort03
Spy laughshort04
Spy miss polling here.
Spy mvm resurrect09
Spy Pauling here. This contract is high priority.
Spy sapping sentry
Spy sf12 goodmagic07
Spy sf13 influx small04
Spy sf13 influx small05
Spy taunt exert
Spy taunts05
Spy You're as unkillable as you are handsome.
Spy, gentlemen.
Spy, I've got a custom contract, your eyes only.
Spy, it's Paul.
Spy, It's Pauling utmost discretion on this one.
Spy, it's Pauling. I need something done quietly.
Spy, it's Pauling. I never gave you this. Got me.
Standing next to the bomb.
Stay close to the cart.
Stop that cart, you idiots.
Stop that cart.
Superior shot.
Taunt spy buyalife bill select
Taunt spy buyalife bill throw
Tell no one of this.
TF2 I am ze spy
Tf2 spy ehm
TF2 Spy no
TF2 Spy on on on
TF2 Spy: MeeM
Thank you for being such a dear friend.
Thank you my friend.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you, Labour.
That is a diet I call death.
That last game was just a warm up.
That scout is a spy.
That spy is an enemy.
That spy is not one of us.
That was unfortunate.
The bridge is down, gentlemen.
The bridge is down.
The bridge is down.
The card is supposed to move forward.
The cart isn't moving, gentlemen.
The demo man is a spy.
The Dosido.
The engineer is a spy.
The game is ours.
The Heavy is a spy.
The match is ours.
The Medic is a spy.
The moves I have all of them.
The outcome was never really doubt.
The Pearl of my collection.
The Pyro is a spy.
The robots are at the gate.
The robots are taking the gate.
The robots have taken the gate.
The sniper is a spy.
The world will thank me for this, you monster.
There's no room for two pretty unicorns.
These won't be the first corps I've disposed of in the dead of night.
They beat us once, They will not beat us again.
They can bury you in the tomb of the Unskilled soldier.
They moved. They just sneak up on you.
They should call you whiner's doctor, no?
They will not beat us again.
They'll never see us coming.
They're black Scottish Cyclops, now extinct.
This cup point is now under the iron Hoof of Unicorn Fairy Land.
This dead man belongs in hell. Let's take him home.
This is but a doorway.
This is not a trick.
This next game is ours.
This one's nasty. I thought of you, Spy.
This way Dr.
This will be the last time you see me.
Time for the killing stroke.
Time to assassinate some calories.
Time to flip.
Time to make that ugly face a little prettier.
To the left.
To the right.
Today I am a pony God.
Today we will emerge victorious.
Tom Thumb.
Too easy.
Too easy.
Trust me.
Up high.
Up you go.
Up you go.
Very nice, very nice.
Very nice, yeah.
Very nice.
Very nice.
Very nice.
Victory is ours.
Was there ever any doubt?
Watch and learn.
We all knew you were a spy.
We are a game down. Time to get serious.
We are not out of this match yet.
We are tied. Unacceptable.
We are tired, gentlemen. Let's get this done.
We did it. I mean, of course we did it.
We did it. I mean, of course we did.
We earned this.
We have been promoted.
We have done it.
We have gained the acceptance of our inferiors.
We have ranked up.
We have won the battle. Now let's win the war.
We must stop the bomb.
We need to stop that cart.
We ranked up.
We should go easy on them. They're playing with a handicap. They do not have me on their team.
We won. Let's do it again.
We're a game up. Let's do that again.
We're not out of this yet.
We're tied. We might as well be losing.
We're tied. We must correct this immediately.
We're winning, but of course.
We've got to stop that bomb.
Well done my friend.
Well done us.
Well now.
Well played.
Well, off to visit your mother.
Well, that was idiot idiotic.
Well, the moment has passed back to work.
Well, the moment has passed back to work.
Well, this was a disappointment.
Well, time to win.
Weren't you supposed to be good at dodging?
What a disaster spy tf2
What a disaster.
What did I miss?
What did they expect?
What do you think?
What have you done?
What the hell is that?
What the hell?
What's the matter? Fat got your tongue?
Who among you is man enough to dance with me?
Who else is ready to win?
Who is with me?
Who will join me?
Who will join me?
Who will pay me?
Who? Who? Huh.
Why don't we just give up partner?
Why is it always this time of year we get assignments like this?
Why is the cart not moving?
Winning is my only vice.
With my apologies.
Would someone care to help me capture this?
Yes my friend, we have done it.
Yes my friend, we have done it.
Yes, good times for all.
Yes, good. We're done.
Yes, my friend.
Yes, the counts moving back.
Yes, yes, spinning, happy memories.
Yippee Ki yay my dead, illiterate friend.
You are all incompetent cowards.
You are an amateur and a fool.
You are an embarrassment to spies everywhere.
You are green within thee, I can tell.
You are such a bad doctor.
You died as you lived morbidly obese.
You died as you lived, running away.
You disgust me, fat man.
You disgust me, Filthy German.
You disgust me.
You don't need to tell me I am the prettiest Unicorn. I know I am the prettiest Unicorn.
You earned this rank.
You got blood on my suit.
You got lucky.
You have done well.
You imbecile, you've doomed us all.
You know hiding won't save you.
You live in a man.
You look like death warmed over.
You suck.
You want his spy. You want it?
You're all of you, quite out of your depth.
You're Handsome Devil, Don't you ever die.
Your move.
Your precious sandwich won't save you now, fatty.
5 sacks of flour to carry on my back to victory. If I must.
6 unstabbed backs, smooth, healthy, untouched by knife wounds. I do love a blank canvas.
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