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Xayah, the Rebel from League of Legends, stands confidently with her signature feathers and vibrant outfit.

Xayah - League of Legends

Xayah Soundboard from League of Legends (LoL). League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games.
A doo doo balba do do do do mister scatman booty too I don't do that do do do do do do in other words
A doo doo papa doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo what do do do
A victory for the vastia
After this how about we get some human food a nice dinner chocolate that's not what I really chocolate
Ah silence so golden like rick on kinda miss him even if he is noisy
All out of second chances sorry
All right
All right who's next
All women desire con like they know what to do with them
Alright let's go this way or that way stick to the plan we have a plan we always have a plan oh really
Am I good to you the best
Am I supposed to be intimidated right now not sure what's going on
And that's where plucky optimism gets you
And they won't be needing that anymore
Anime missing
Another minor annoyance reduced to rubble
Another vestine victory
Are you having fun over there I can't hear you over all the fun i'm having
Arvest in essence fades with each passing day
As far as obstacles go that was about a three out of ten
Baby what did I tell you close enough
Bastine feathers a kingly gift
Be right back will you know these things you you can know these things
Better fly
Blah blah
Block the hits for me please
Bored now
Bossy comma utah
Brick on slap this fool for maine
Bringing the pain
But how much does it cost for maine
But is it really OK
But they were in my way
Call me cute again
Came back
Can I just hate you to death
Can I start it up you wanna start it of- let's start it of-
Can we just stay here we must keep moving
Can you feel the magic flowing I can
Can't find him
Canon F for effort
Chaos is the preferred state of nature
Cheap up
Compromise is so and satisfying
Compromise it's a pain
Cut by a feather so delicate
Dajing seems to be a weak spot of years
Dance like your life depends on it
Darling yes pay attention to me
Deal with them
Death was a nice vacation from the tedium but nothing good can last I suppose
Death was nice and peaceful thanks for ruining it
Did I do that now that was me who's counting me i'm counting
Did I tell you I love you yes but say it anyway I love you
Did it I did it do I do do do why did it do whatever duba duba duba doo boo do do do do do do do do down
Did you notice the sky it's lovely not as beautiful as you
Did you see that that was amazing nice job babe
Did you see the clothes those guys were wearing yeah gross
Didn't see that coming
Die little inanimate spy
Do I make you happy work on every day of my life
Do I really need this yes
Do they deserve it they deserved it
Do we need any of these fools not a single one
Do you love me because i'm beautiful or because i'm sexy now love is so cruel
Do you remember our escape route yes i'll take that as a no
Do you remember the plan no but let's do it
Don't embarrass me
Don't feel bad they're just magically animated sheets of cloth
Don't leave without me
Each totem that falls strengthens the visteon cause
Eat it
En route
Ever been stabbed by a feather
Every drop of bastine blood spilled is a waste
Every time you do that it drives me crazy wow i'll have to do it more often then
Eyeball in the grass
Fine i'll just be over here sharpening my feathers
Firearm dhan far
Found one killed it
Get down with me
Get my back
Get out there and take a bullet for me like a gentleman
Good hench men are hard to find
Good thing I didn't do anything embarrassing
Got what they deserved
Guys up
Ha ha ha
Hang back
Headed to you
Hear my words
Here I come
Here I come
Hey I have a plan you have a plan yeah i'll go on instinct that's the opposite of a plan
Hey I need you here never mind just go that way no one can control main that's right babe
Hey i'm not gonna kill you she is say hi honey hi
Hi yeah come on
Honey what are you doing die looking this good
Hook me up with that magical creature discount
How am I supposed to work with whatever this is
How can humans not hear the magic there too busy building things why because they're afraid
How do you like me today more than yesterday less than tomorrow
How long do we fight until we are free until magic is free after lunch
How long since we last dance too long
How many days are my favorite
How many fights we gotta win all of them
How will we know if the plan works will still be alive
Humans are so very blind
Hurray they all died
I ain't gonna kill you she is nice to unmeet you
I always find a weak spot
I always wanted to be buried and resurrected in this outfit
I am rockham what's with the accent trying something new you like it no no I do not
I am totally pulling this off
I can dance right now but there's more work to be done
I can never resist an invitation at dance
I can't do this alone
I can't even I don't know where to begin
I can't wait to burst your bubble
I don't see him
I don't speak compromise
I don't want to hurt you space dragon we could be such good friends
I don't want to spell vestine blood rang ghar
I got you thanks babe
I hate everyone today even may not you baby
I hate everyone today I know it'll make you feel better murdering everyone
I hate flowers tiny skulls stuffed with twigs on the other hand
I hate surprises unless i'm doing this surprising
I have a cunning plan really what is it i'm not gonna tell you that's the really cutting bit
I have your back
I have your back
I know i'm being price gouged but i'll splurge
I leave nasty scars
I love watching you killed my love killing for you let's make out
I love you I know
I make chaos dance
I must know their every move
I need a strategic viewpoint
I need help
I need you to be more careful beam me I can't see you die also black is a terrible color on me
I never walk into a trap unprepared
I prefer to work at night because the sun bright yuck
I put your back into it
I really hate anyone who's not me or work on
I swear you will be the death of me i'm fine with that me too
I think scars are sexy OK i'll get more
I think we're supposed to laugh now at what
I think you intimidate human females yeah so it's kind
I want to buy all the things
I want to show I adore your enerji
I want to travel the world with you
I want your happiness to evaporate
I warned you oh wait did I crap my fault
I wasn't joking when I said nothing stands in my way
I wasn't listening to what you said but I sure am outraged
I will punch your soul in the face
I will rest when our homelands are restored
I will unblock the rivers of a sty in essence
I wish they could have seen the looks on their faces
I'll do whatever needs to be done twice just to be sure
I'm a humble entertainer really darling yeah i'm the best
I'm going now where anywhere not here that's where
I'm going rogue there's a surprise
I'm going to murder you a thousand times
I'm handling it dear are you I was I i will
I'm insulted I don't know
I'm just an ordinary girl an ordinary girl with an infinite supply of death quills
I'm lucky to have you know i'm the lucky one
I'm on the move
I'm on the move
I'm overcome with emotion
I'm so tired you gotta rest honey everyone is depending on me everyone can wait
I've been underemployed is sacred obelisk are too
If I vanish what would you do I would never be whole again
If love is feeling so deeply for another that you want to chew your way under their skin then I love rock on
If our existence is everyone else is chaos so be it
If rick on were here i'd make out with him until his ears bled he loves it when I do that
If things go wrong they always go wrong they don't always go wrong mostly they mostly go wrong that's why i'm here
If we do this right only one of us gets shot
If we get separated i'll find you we won't get separated you're already wandering off no i'm not only a little
If you don't want to do this so I want to you're only here because of me freedom fighting is a good look for me
If you need me whistle you know how to whistle don't you is not whistling
Ionia 's meddling birthday or rebellion
Ionia used to be so nice before humans tamed all that wild cataclysmic magic
Ionians never learn
Is this another time line where I beat you up again
Is this ethically sourced
Isaiah yeah you sexy
It needed to be done
It's gonna be OK we can do this I know that
It's only a little prick
Just enough
Keep it together
Keep them distracted that shouldn't be a problem
Kiss me honey why now give them a pretty last image
Let me add brick on is very enthusiastic
Let's cut into ribbons
Let's have a look see joey
Let's show him what we got happily
Like this I did did did did did they do did did abba duba doo doo but I deleted it it boo
Listening such a simple concept
Look alive
Look alive
Look sharp baby what don't die
Lost visual
Mages too insufferable to live
Magic is again unfettered
Magic is not some river that can be easily channeled it is a churning see that goes where it pleases
Majors are lucky if they can cast a minor hex
Make me look good and i'll make you look good got it
Make them remember they'll never forget
Maybe I overdid it
Might be missing
Mila I help right could have done it without you mellie
Mind if I cut it in work on be my guest
Move your feet or lose some toes
My dance with me ends in blood
My feathers are priceless
My last nerve is long gone
My name
Nature bends towards chaos given or break
Nature is wild and untamed not balanced
No one will block my path
No push that little mommy I just wanna take you home
No you're looking out for maine always
Nothing is ever easy but that was really easy
Oh crap
Oh I was born to ruffle feathers
Oh I wasn't finished with these fools yet
Oh I wasn't finished with these fools yet
Oh yeah let's get down
OK last time it was totally my fault what was good answer
OK so we're doing this
OK watch out
OK who invited the yordle
On it
On my way
On my way
Once magic was everywhere or as the vastia say all posad
Oops you're bad
Oops you're bad
Ouch i'm going to need some aloe
Pandaemonium follows me everywhere I go it's like a puppy I once fudd
Plants safe baby I don't do safe
Please don't make me try hard i'm not in the mood
Poor construction no standards
Quit crying it's just a feather
Rebellion puts the fire in my blood
Rebellions thrive on intelligence
Rickard has arrived I saw you everyone can see you that's what I like
Sabotage looks so good on me
Sabotage takes patience and time and lots of feather daggers
Said get him
Say that to my feathers
See the enemy know their mind
Service tire named the world we named the trees the wind the mountains we know their power
Shame you could've been so useful alive
Shoddy construction through and through
Should I show them the dance show them the dance
Should we give them a fighting chance only if we want to have fun
Sit down
Smartest louder than a massacre really
Smile and nod honey can we leave now
So this mission are we are you pretending to be dumb well I don't have to remember the plan if you do
So you can keep up with maine
Sometimes I have to watch my own back
Sometimes people die for a good cause namely mine that's why i'm an optimist
Spiders are my spirit animal
Stay sharp
Still alive
Suhla lash
Takaka you use the secret call is everything alright that sounds good
Take him down
Talking to anybody about anything is never on my to do list
Talking to people makes me want to stab them so I do
Tavern brawls just seem to find maine
Thank you anytime
Thank you honey
Thanks for the dance
Thanks for what not saying I told you so
That help appreciated
That one
That was beautiful baby
That was for the best idea
That was of a sty in farewell isn't augustine farewell when you say hola bash I was trying to have a moment rick on
That was too easy but so much fun
That's my baby there's nothing
The fights here by main it's the same fight
The next one to call me edgy is getting choked to death
The style will sing songs of you I promise
The world owes the vastia a great debt i'm here to collect
There's more than one way to blind an enemy
These guys look silly bunch of weirdos
They couldn't keep up with you only you can work on
They drop something their guard
They finished
They mindlessly marched right to their deaths like everyone in knock sis
They say I don't know when to quit like that's a weakness
They should really get a refund from those masons
They're gone
Things are getting ugly
This is a preemptive no
This is ambush territory
This is by your design
This is how I deal with unwanted attention
This is over priced but I must have it
This is the plan right it is now
This reminds me of our first dates good times
This was our world first
Thousand cuts is only the beginning
Threading the needle
Title bitterbrush
Told you work on let's not gloat much
Too bad those tails weren't lives
Trees for the sake of us both go far away
Tromba yes
Uh-huh who damn it
Untied that mystical not
Use your words can't punch it
Victors of the soul authors of history time to write our chapter
Violence is my favorite form of negotiation
Volume cash buses or my bae
Wait for maine
Wait magic powered sword legs is this a joke
Wasn't she just a ray of sunshine I hate sunshine
Watch out
Watch your tongue and your back
We asked you to join
We gotta go
We pledged ourselves to each other in the middle of a tavern brawl the whole place reeked of vomit sweat and blood that was so romantic
We rise
We were not made to fight each other
We've astia are only half of our full glory
Well i'm bored
Well probably label me a war criminal one day but not today
Well that's done
Well that's just an invasion of privacy
Well they tried to stop me
What are those things humans wear on their feet shoes I need shoes red ones I need them so bad
What do you wanna do later I can think of something
What shall I cutoff
What the heck I deserve it
What the hell were you thinking yes I wasn't I never think thinking
What would you do if I died I would burn this world of the ground and build a castle from the ashes where I would live alone forever oh that's sweet
What's after this another road another horizon good
When are we going to do this soon baby slow down
When I dance I lead
When i'm done with ionia i'll comfort amasea
Where are we going you forgot the plan no yeah hey have you seen this cape
Where can I get one of those delightful cortana god clutch purses does it come in purple the god not the bag
Where did you get all these wonderful things
Where do we go wherever our hearts desire
Where they trying probably but there are two of us
Who do I hit one of them
Who does your wardrobe fire them immediately
Who is that gorgeous thing over there now is not the time darling
Why do they break so easily they aren't made like us pity
Why do you never say yes 'cause then I wouldn't get to hear you ask
Why not
Woo shake those tail feathers baby
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Xayah - League of Legends Sound
Yeah I think we got a problem thank or no I know we gotta problem
Yeah someone to throw knives at
Yep easy peasy
Yo little help
Yordles are the reason no one takes us vastia seriously
Yordles why did it have to be yordles
You are stunning and beautiful thank you darling yes I was definitely talking about you honey
You betray your heritage ari
You call that a rebellious nature
You call that being a vampire
You can't tell me you weren't impressed with watt just generally i'm amazing
You going somewhere
You gonna marry me today ask me again tomorrow but I always do
You got it
You hungry can we talk about this later but food
You know I love you what we have is greater than some human word
You love it when I slap fools yeah no I do
You OK better now
You OK i'm fine you're pushing yourself too hard it has to be done
You OK thanks
You remember the afte waterfall yeah i'd like to go there again
You see that I couldn't miss it
You sure about this it has to be done be safe like you can talk
You want it
You want to be mortal you are my tackle
You're cute today eyes on the prize baby
You're doing this
You're gross never change
You're not bad for someone who isn't rick on
You're talking is not improving this wonderful silence
You're thinking about maine i'm a little busy that's very upsetting
You're welcome thank you
Zicha out
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