A book? Ohh just needs someone to turn the pages for me. from Galio - League of Legends 2
A paginated collection of words. from Galio - League of Legends 3
Ah, come here. from Galio - League of Legends 4
All I've seen much. Not sure I understand it, but it it happened. from Galio - League of Legends 5
And they made me to stop magic. And yet I hate when it's gone. from Galio - League of Legends 6
Armor trying to makes you feel like you made a stone. from Galio - League of Legends 7
At last, a change of scenery. from Galio - League of Legends 8
Back to your whole giant crawly worm. from Galio - League of Legends 9
Belts are little tight. from Galio - League of Legends 0
Bend me. from Galio - League of Legends -
Big boss. from Galio - League of Legends =
Both wings. from Galio - League of Legends q
Bring it. from Galio - League of Legends w
But a point down. from Galio - League of Legends e
But to sleep then? from Galio - League of Legends r
Climb up here and say that to my face. from Galio - League of Legends t
Cloth will protect my rock hard skin. from Galio - League of Legends y
Come get some. from Galio - League of Legends u
Could someone please get the pigeons out of my head? from Galio - League of Legends i
Crack. from Galio - League of Legends o
Crunch. from Galio - League of Legends p
Did we win yet? from Galio - League of Legends a
Didn't know I fight you yesterday, or was that a different puny thing? from Galio - League of Legends s
Do I get to cross that? Ohh. Please say yes. from Galio - League of Legends d
Do not raise your claws at me, furry Crowley man. from Galio - League of Legends f
Doesn't come with instructions. from Galio - League of Legends g
Don't have long. Let's fight. from Galio - League of Legends h
Excuse me, but which king are we on now? from Galio - League of Legends j
Feel the praise. from Galio - League of Legends k
Feel the woosh. from Galio - League of Legends l
Fight me no. from Galio - League of Legends z
Fight me, small warrior person. from Galio - League of Legends x
Flap. from Galio - League of Legends c
Freedom punch. from Galio - League of Legends v
From the frozen loom. Whatever that is. from Galio - League of Legends b
Galio - League of Legends Sound from Galio - League of Legends n
Gargoyle. No. I'm more of a magic nullifying Colossus. from Galio - League of Legends m
Get behind me, huddled masses. from Galio - League of Legends Q
Get your guard up. from Galio - League of Legends W
Glacial. Ohh that sounds big. from Galio - League of Legends E
Going somewhere? from Galio - League of Legends R
Going to sleep means saying goodbye. from Galio - League of Legends T
Good thing I don't bleed. from Galio - League of Legends Y
Good thing I don't have ears. from Galio - League of Legends U
Greetings fellow Lords thing, let's fight. from Galio - League of Legends I
Greetings, giant glowing mineral. I must break you. from Galio - League of Legends O
Ha ha ha ha ha. from Galio - League of Legends P
Hello beautiful. What are you doing here? from Galio - League of Legends A
Hey World Eater, I got something you can snack on. It's my fist. from Galio - League of Legends S
Hey, you don't mess with the Marcia. Ohh, I saw you thinking about it. from Galio - League of Legends D
Hi, Michael. from Galio - League of Legends F
Hmm, looks red. from Galio - League of Legends G
Honor. from Galio - League of Legends H
Hope you'll go. from Galio - League of Legends J
How about first? from Galio - League of Legends K
How strange no one bothered to sculpt you. from Galio - League of Legends L
I always wonder what lies beyond this land. Something to fight, I hope. from Galio - League of Legends Z
I came to chew bubble gum and kick butt and I'm all out of butt. from Galio - League of Legends X
I cracked. from Galio - League of Legends C
I didn't choose to come to life, but I definitely prefer it. from Galio - League of Legends V
I don't break easy. from Galio - League of Legends B
I don't fight small things come back with something bigger and meaner. from Galio - League of Legends N
I don't know what this is. I bet it's great though. from Galio - League of Legends M
I don't know why life chose me. But I'm glad it did. from Galio - League of Legends <
I fell in love with the crag beast once. Ohh wasn't meant to be. from Galio - League of Legends >
I fought a house once. I'm pretty sure I won. from Galio - League of Legends !
I got the big guy. from Galio - League of Legends @
I grumble. from Galio - League of Legends #
I hate murder. from Galio - League of Legends $
I haven't been to many places, so I might as well like this one. from Galio - League of Legends %
I know it's completely unfair. I didn't ask to be this impressive. from Galio - League of Legends ^
I know ohh where it is a ring. from Galio - League of Legends &
I like pie in person things. from Galio - League of Legends *
I like you, small blue thing. You're the one who doesn't change. from Galio - League of Legends (
I love walking. It sounds like Thunder. from Galio - League of Legends )
I might be made of stone, but that doesn't mean my heart is. from Galio - League of Legends ~
I sleep. I wake. I break things. from Galio - League of Legends `
I wish, Mountain said fists. That'd be a good fight. from Galio - League of Legends |
I'm a big man with big needs. from Galio - League of Legends "
I'm apparently I'm some sort of big deal. from Galio - League of Legends '
I'm going. You try moving 300 tons. from Galio - League of Legends ?
I'm sorry. I just woke up. Were we fighting? from Galio - League of Legends /
I'm supposed to be a symbol of what? I'm not so sure. from Galio - League of Legends ,
I've always wanted to fight the son. Let's go spaceman. from Galio - League of Legends .
Ice fished. from Galio - League of Legends
It doesn't fit, but guess I'll just hold it. from Galio - League of Legends
It's hard to be a symbol when you've got a soul. from Galio - League of Legends
It's like a weaker version of me. from Galio - League of Legends
It's not easy when everyone looks up to you. from Galio - League of Legends
It's poncho Clark. from Galio - League of Legends
It's time to move. Shake off the Moss. from Galio - League of Legends
Joke time. from Galio - League of Legends
Justice. from Galio - League of Legends
Knuckle up. from Galio - League of Legends
Let me do the heavy lifting. from Galio - League of Legends
Let us make violence, fellow rock man. from Galio - League of Legends
Let's do this then. from Galio - League of Legends
Let's get rowdy. from Galio - League of Legends
Let's move. I've got people to inspire. from Galio - League of Legends
Lloyd salt. from Galio - League of Legends
Looks like I'll have to punch down. Way down. from Galio - League of Legends
Lost in heads. from Galio - League of Legends
Magic goes in, might comes out. from Galio - League of Legends
Majestic is not what I'm supposed to be. from Galio - League of Legends
Make me stronger purple zapping stick. from Galio - League of Legends
Might need to loosen that a few 100 notches. from Galio - League of Legends
More ammo. from Galio - League of Legends
Must be some powerful magic around here. from Galio - League of Legends
My middle name is justice galeo. Justice. Justice. from Galio - League of Legends
My wings versus yours. Let's go. from Galio - League of Legends
My wings, your face. from Galio - League of Legends
Next. from Galio - League of Legends
No dead guy in my toes. from Galio - League of Legends
No ohh. from Galio - League of Legends
Not a fair fight. from Galio - League of Legends
Now this will be a fight for the ages. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh looks good to stretch my wings. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh matches. I love the way they squish. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh the world it goes boy in a flash. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh use it as a toothpick. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh you have right body. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh, but giant crystal all fighting. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh, I loved the Marcia. It's the only place I've been. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh, that was glorious. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohh. from Galio - League of Legends
Ohm. from Galio - League of Legends
One people year is 50 gallio years. from Galio - League of Legends
Oops, friendly fire. from Galio - League of Legends
Or I can take it? from Galio - League of Legends
Or you're not going back on the pedestal. Not yet. from Galio - League of Legends
Ours would be a fight for the ages. They'd find pieces of us for miles around. from Galio - League of Legends
People break. from Galio - League of Legends
People live such tiny lives. from Galio - League of Legends
People vanish and new ones take their places. It must be magic. from Galio - League of Legends
Pick on someone my size. from Galio - League of Legends
Protect me, tiny ice shield. from Galio - League of Legends
Punch. from Galio - League of Legends
Punching time. from Galio - League of Legends
Punchy spikes. from Galio - League of Legends
Quick hide in my crevices. from Galio - League of Legends
Rest in my ample shade. from Galio - League of Legends
Right. from Galio - League of Legends
Road of ages sounds old. from Galio - League of Legends
Rookes. Dangerous roulettes. Fire it up. from Galio - League of Legends
Roy Cooper. from Galio - League of Legends
Slow it down. from Galio - League of Legends
Smashing power amplified. from Galio - League of Legends
Smersh. from Galio - League of Legends
Smush. from Galio - League of Legends
So cold that it makes me feel all warm inside. from Galio - League of Legends
So many things to squash. from Galio - League of Legends
So what do you people do when you're not fighting? from Galio - League of Legends
So what's it like living underwater, fordney whales? from Galio - League of Legends
Somehow I always end up in the center of everything. from Galio - League of Legends
Splat. from Galio - League of Legends
Squish, squish, squish. from Galio - League of Legends
Squish. from Galio - League of Legends
Step roided up. from Galio - League of Legends
Stone cold. from Galio - League of Legends
Stone on stone. from Galio - League of Legends
Summon your God painted priestess, and we'll see who's mightier. from Galio - League of Legends
Take the first swing. from Galio - League of Legends
Take your shot. from Galio - League of Legends
That builds into something. from Galio - League of Legends
That last a worthy opponent. from Galio - League of Legends
That's it. from Galio - League of Legends
The best defense is me. from Galio - League of Legends
The best offense is a good magic absorbing Colossus. from Galio - League of Legends
The guy that made me, he was pretty good, right? from Galio - League of Legends
There's only room for one of us. from Galio - League of Legends
They just don't make tollways big enough. from Galio - League of Legends
They say I made a petrol sight. I say I'm more guts. from Galio - League of Legends
This is perfect. I too am very old. from Galio - League of Legends
This never gets old. from Galio - League of Legends
Through your face. from Galio - League of Legends
Throw off. from Galio - League of Legends
Time to make an impact. from Galio - League of Legends
Tiny. from Galio - League of Legends
To plug my cracks. from Galio - League of Legends
To the chin. from Galio - League of Legends
Too easy. from Galio - League of Legends
Torture. from Galio - League of Legends
Tragedies worse when you can do nothing about it. from Galio - League of Legends
True battle. from Galio - League of Legends
Turn right to Marcia. from Galio - League of Legends
Uh-huh. from Galio - League of Legends
Unleash your power magic frozen fist. from Galio - League of Legends
Unpark. from Galio - League of Legends
Uppercut. from Galio - League of Legends
Vanquished. from Galio - League of Legends
Wanna go? from Galio - League of Legends
Warned. from Galio - League of Legends
We don't have to fight. Let's do though. from Galio - League of Legends
We'll take you all on. from Galio - League of Legends
Well met, Giant shopping man. from Galio - League of Legends
Well, hello there handsome. from Galio - League of Legends
Well, I wish they'd chiseled me. A friend, someone who won't break. from Galio - League of Legends
What are you looking at? from Galio - League of Legends
What awful material were you sculpted from? from Galio - League of Legends
What should I break next? from Galio - League of Legends
Which way is the fun? from Galio - League of Legends
Who wants to get protected? from Galio - League of Legends
Who's still standing? from Galio - League of Legends
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ohh. from Galio - League of Legends
Whoa. I didn't know how to tell you. from Galio - League of Legends
Wing blast. from Galio - League of Legends
Wing punch. from Galio - League of Legends
Woof. from Galio - League of Legends
Would you like to ride on my massive shoulder? from Galio - League of Legends
Yeah, never been much of a reader. from Galio - League of Legends
Yeah, no. from Galio - League of Legends
Yeah. from Galio - League of Legends
Yes, now that's a fellow I can punch. from Galio - League of Legends
Yes. from Galio - League of Legends
You know, exchange this for a size 7000. from Galio - League of Legends
You look horrid. I should give you the name of my sculptor. from Galio - League of Legends
You speak a lot. Loud, talky thing. from Galio - League of Legends
You young girl person, can you stay and accompany me wherever I go? from Galio - League of Legends
You're a charvin. I swear I've met at least three others. from Galio - League of Legends
You're a Sentinel. I'm a Sentinel. We should fight. from Galio - League of Legends
You're from space, huh? I'd fight space. Bring it on. from Galio - League of Legends
You're going to need some mending. from Galio - League of Legends
1st. from Galio - League of Legends
4. from Galio - League of Legends
4. from Galio - League of Legends
あはあ。 from Galio - League of Legends
はい。 from Galio - League of Legends
はは? from Galio - League of Legends
はは? from Galio - League of Legends
ほほ。 from Galio - League of Legends