Boris - 350 million pounds a week from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - a historic mistake from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - absurd to obey from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - all your options are good from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - brexit has not damaged our country from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - confidence and zap from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - cost of getting out virtually nil from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - do not underestimate from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - doggerland from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - go whistle from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - higgeldy piggeldy nations from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - keep going for as long as it takes from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - little benefit from single market and customs union from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - meet our obligations from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - not a plague of boils from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - not about spam and cabbage from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - pound is stable from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - rights completely protected from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - talking without detail from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - tiger in the tank from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - uk shaping the modern world from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - usa very enthusiastic about free trade deal from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - vindicated by history from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - we export tv aerials from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - we want to be less insular from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - we will continue to be europeans from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - weight lifted from british business from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - were not going to be paying in from Brexit Soundboard
Boris - win win for all off us from Brexit Soundboard
BRExit from Brexit Soundboard
David - agreement will favour the eu from Brexit Soundboard
David - confident of a good outcome from Brexit Soundboard
David - constructive ambiguity from Brexit Soundboard
David - difficult to read what we intend from Brexit Soundboard
David - follow us from Brexit Soundboard
David - I am calm not clever from Brexit Soundboard
David - I rule nothing in nothing out from Brexit Soundboard
David - its getting a bit tense from Brexit Soundboard
David - its going incredibly well from Brexit Soundboard
David - nobody pretended this will be simple or easy from Brexit Soundboard
David - only last two months matter from Brexit Soundboard
David - sectorial analysis from Brexit Soundboard
David - the risk is worth it from Brexit Soundboard
David - time as a pressure point from Brexit Soundboard
David - very good lawyers from Brexit Soundboard
Laim - I want governments deal from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - blaming the media from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - chicken obsessed media from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - citizens first not politics from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - easiest in human history from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - full confidence in pm from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - how we conduct ourselves from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - intemperate language from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - not having a deal would be bad from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - old men of brussels from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - reach agreement civilly from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - rule takers sellout from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - sclerotic inward looking europe from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - self defeating pessimist from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - shock therapy required for eu from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - stealing brexit from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - this is not just about europe from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - too lazy and too fat from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - tremendous opportunities out there from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - we cant be blackmailed from Brexit Soundboard
Liam - we have to maintain access to eu from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - a plan for britain from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - brexit means brexit from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - certainty and clarity from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - every vote for me from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - no deal better than a bad deal from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - no need for an election from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - red white and blue brexit from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - strong and stable leadership from Brexit Soundboard
Theresa - we should stay inside eu from Brexit Soundboard