Ahh from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
All the time, not just on Election Day from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
All wrong from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
All you can talk about from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Ambition refusing to pay for solutions from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Amongst those elected to lead us there from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And come here saying that you are doing enough from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And fairytales of eturn and economic growth from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And imported and exported goods in from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And once we become aware we change from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And rescue that child and without that from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And so on so many years this may sound from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And that i refuse to believe from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
And that you understand the urgency from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Apart from clever accounting and from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Applause from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Are dying from the climate crisis from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Are making it look like real action is from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Around it goes in just three weeks we from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
At least some level of panic how do you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Aware of what is going on then they will from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Back on their promises to increase from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Basically not doing anything well which from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Because from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Because that's what the united science from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Because the changes required are still from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Being done from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Beyond human control from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Bockting permafrost every fraction of a from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Budget will be gone without seeing the from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
But every second and every hour it is from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
But it does not come from the from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Calls for to avoid destabilizing the from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Cars are coming at full speed from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Change and that is the hope because we from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Change your behavior if there's a child from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Climates so that we have the best from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Consumption they do however include the from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Counting emissions reductions and moving from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Countries account for almost 80 percent from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Countries are finding clever ways around from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Creative PR from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Crisis and if the people are not fully from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Crisis finding holistic solutions is from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Crowd cheering and clapping from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Cuts at the source but of course just from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Cutting our emmissions from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Degree matters so there it is again this from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Degrees because even a one degree people from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Desperate for any sign of hope well I'm from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Distant dates and saying things which from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Do not include from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Dollars in fossil fuels from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Emissions elsewhere these pledges don't from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Emissions of greenhouse gases by so on from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Entire ecosystems are collapsing from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Evil from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Experience is that the lack of awareness from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Fail us from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Feeling the slightest bits of anger and from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Focus on so please tell me how do you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
For a few years then the remaining from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
For hope from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
For more than 30 years from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
From the people the people who have been from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Full picture we will not solve this from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Gestrande greta from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Give the impression of that action is from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Governments or corporations it comes from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Greenhouse gas emissions has to stop to from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Greta thunberg message from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Greta thunberg sings swedish death metal from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Greta thunberg suck from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Greta thunberg x fat boy slim right here right now from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Happening when in fact almost nothing is from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Have democracy and democracy is happen from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Having to take real action like double from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
History has come from the people we do from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
How dare you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
How dare you (1)+ from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
How dare you (2)+ from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
How dare you continue to look away from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
How dare you ear**** from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
How dare you pretend from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
How do you communicate this without from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Huuhh from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
I do not want to believe that from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
I have been fortunate enough to be able from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
I should be back in school from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
I should not be up here from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
I would really like to know since the from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
If you really understood this situation from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Im one of the lucky ones from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Impressive at first glance but even from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
In an emergency in an emergency you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
In fact every great change throughout from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Include the immediate yearly reduction from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Indeed have some work to do but some of from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Instead it seems to have turned into from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Invested one point nine trillion u.s from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Irreversible chain reactions from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Irreversible chain reactions such as from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Is my message this is what I want you to from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Is necessary to stay within the from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Is no sense of urgency whatsoever our from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Is not leadership this is not leading from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Is the same everywhere not the least from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Is where we are now and around and from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Is where we draw the line from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Just reducing emissions is not enough from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Kept on failing from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Leaders are not behaving as if we were from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Melting glaciers polarize and throwing from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Money from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
More than others recently a handful of from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
My childhood from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
My message is from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Not have to wait we can start the change from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Not put pressure on the people in power from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Nothing if high emission continues even from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Nothing is being done about this without from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Nowhere in sight from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Of our CO2 emissions while the poorest from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Of total emissions the richest 10% of from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Of your co2 from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
On my generation from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
On the other side of the ocean from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Only gives us a 50 percent chance from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Or loss and damage this has to stop from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Out of the air from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Paris agreement global banks have from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
People are dying from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
People are suffering from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
People can change people are ready for from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Percent of global emissions the G20 from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Pledges do not include aviation, shipping from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Possibility of countries to offset their from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Possible chance to avoid setting of from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Public opinion that runs the free world from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Raising their ambition from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Rates needed for wealthy countries which from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
React to these numbers without feeling from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Real danger is when politicians and CEOs from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Remaining tiny budget zero in 2050 means from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Respond to the facts that basically from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Rich countries pledged to reduce their from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Right here right now from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Right now we, the people, thank you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Sense of urgency how can we the people from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Simply not acceptable to us from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
So many percent by this or that date or from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Some kind of opportunity for countries from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Sounding alarmist from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Standing in the middle of the road and from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Stay below 1.5 degrees we need to keep from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Suck from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Sucking hundreds from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Telling you there is hope I have seen it from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Than good from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Thank you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
That barely exist from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The biggest danger is not inaction the from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The carbon in the ground only setting up from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The people our leaders can get away with from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The politics needed that does not exist from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The popular idea from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The science had been crystal clear from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The world is waking up from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
The world's population to produce half from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Their emissions overseas and working from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
There will not be any solutions from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
This is all wrong from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
This is misleading because most of these from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Those numbers from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Though the intentions may be good this from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
To become climate neutral or Net Zero from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
To do to act and without pressure from from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
To negotiate loopholes and to avoid from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
To tell it like it is from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
To travel around the world and my from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Today despite what you might hear from from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Toxic from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Toxic air pollution from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Unaware but are now starting to wake up from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Uncomfortable you immediately run out from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Understand that we are facing a real from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Underway will most likely do more harm from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
We are in the beginning of a mass extinction from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
We will be watching you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
We will have to live with the consequences from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
We will never forgive you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
We will not let you get away with this from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
What the cop should be all about but from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
What we need is real drastic emission from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
When the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Whether you like it or not from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Why is it so important to stay below 1.5 from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Will define our future right now we are from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Will enter a new decade a decade they from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
With your empty words from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
World leaders and I still believe that from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Wu from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
Yet from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
You all come to us young people for hope from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
You are failing us from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
You don't look away because it's too from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
You have stolen from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
You have stolen my dreams from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
You say you hear us from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
You will come to us young people from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
10 Years from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
50 percent account for just 1-10 we from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
50 Percent maybe acceptable to you from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
100 companies are responsible for 71 from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard
[Applause] from Greta Thunberg Ultimate Quotes Soundboard