Alphabeti spaghetti? from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Alphabetti Spaghetti from Red Dwarf Soundboard
And in this case you're about to do the largest splits you'll ever do in your life I get blown up then bits of you do from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Anyone said sick I miss her all to see justin alcott or is this a bad time from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Brace yourself for a bit of a shot list of what I just saw you die the body to brace yourself thinking much of a chance like that you ample bracing time didn't even pause well i'm sorry i've just h... from Red Dwarf Soundboard
But now on read walkers run bike week five hundred from Red Dwarf Soundboard
But we don't get stopped by the cops market with your rat asked from Red Dwarf Soundboard
But you would not profit by it you would gamble your safety from your android is this the human value you call friendship document is star trek crap it's too early in the morning from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Can you be two things simultaneously could take you sir in some ways you're bright sensitive and caring and other ways you're an irresponsible curry obsessed moron from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Cool cool down my diodes and call me frank from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Emergency emergency there's an emergency going on from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Excuse me gentlemen while having humiliating panic attack under the scanner table from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Fish from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Fished to death from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Hello how can I help you fish today's faces trial telegram enjoy your meal fish today's fish is trout alacran enjoy your meal fish today's fish is trying to like rapid enjoy your meal crazy today's... from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Honey I hired a smarter lawyer instead of the brain dead pompous stupid head get I ended up with you defended yourself from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I consider it an insult my backside it was cold to sit here growing carbuncles true such putrid adolescents lush from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I don't believe i'm here I have not seen it all the time from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I don't feel think stacy is willing creates a static field of time so just as X rays can't pass through lead time cannot penetrate the stasis field so although you exist in our existing time in few... from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I don't want you to planning on but it does appear as a very tightly possibility that they may very well in all likelihood possibly be a nonhuman lightbulb open from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I give up i'll be back for breakfast from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I know this game is called cat and mouse and there's only one way to win don't be the mouse what are you saying i'm saying the mouse never wins unless you believe those lying cartoons from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I peed in his mom 's team on had yellow T shirts for a week from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I turned into a frog from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I'm sorry everyone but we may have to have sandwiches for lunch from Red Dwarf Soundboard
I've been diagnosed as being quirky and unstable spend my nipple nuts understand me to alaska from Red Dwarf Soundboard
If mechanoids could farm i'd be under my first bag by now from Red Dwarf Soundboard
It's a five five one seven stroke W thirteen al first sim mode and the interface circuit with a built in five double nine X RDP oh how did you know from Red Dwarf Soundboard
It's an alkali oh yes what it called seven franklin lithic mixed reality and richard exceed accidentally jackson from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Just kind of crashed a bit crashed a bit all of who just lay there and they didn't talk to me anymore after a couple years I figured out they must be dead from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Like these hey you monkey clean up the floor you got no style or sophistication oh i'm sorry from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Load it on them that is a steaming pile of hotspur from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Man beans up in the hat of bear strangler mcgee he thought the mighty brief ormari stupid which are you boy sorry what were the choices again from Red Dwarf Soundboard
May I remind you of space core directed three four one two four three four one two four no officer with false teeth should attempt oral sex in zero gravity from Red Dwarf Soundboard
My hand shakes less reliable the plumbers estimate from Red Dwarf Soundboard
New nickname was never ace maybe ace hole from Red Dwarf Soundboard
No chance you metal dust from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Now I have my principles listed you think you can buy me with promises of power and glory you really think OK i'll do it from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Oh dear what is the fat is lost a bit of weight actually actually he's lost quite a bit of everything from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Oh it's my shadow shadow looking guy i'm looking nice my shadows would you not wanna team we are unbelievable OK team this way from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Oh my god it's going to kill us from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Oh my god it's killed us from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Oh yes that's good from Red Dwarf Soundboard
On the other hand we have lister who and let's be fair to him is a complete give from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Radial jump just let me check therma sandwiches contractors telephone money dandruff brushed animal footprint chart an one triple thick condom from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Red Dwarf Holoship from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Red Dwarf Rimmer Dad from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Red Dwarf Smeghead from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Red Dwarf Soundboard Sound from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Red Dwarf Theme from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Right in your own time if you'd like to stop space vehicle proceed with the cargo bay doors and off into outer space from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Rimmer would be effectively dead hey things are looking up already from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Room at the escape pod is not an option why not escape last thursday and having a few beers couldn't be bothered moving so I used the release mechanism the bottle up net from Red Dwarf Soundboard
See you in three million years you'll be dead when I really from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Smeg head from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Smeg Sake from Red Dwarf Soundboard
So this is really mean no style gumbo with teeth the ******* could use the place of worship from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Somebody saves before a wet me cakes from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Something to be proud of me just once and now man i'm so hungry I just happening from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Sunset clause water park who is the big fat dick twitch next i'm assuming we're still the kids favorite sport from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Through the whole amount database collected every single option there three realistic alternatives one sit here and get blown up stand here and get blown up jump up and down shout at me for not bei... from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Too slow chicken marengo from Red Dwarf Soundboard
TV shows and we all huddled together like this and whisper for awhile before we answer it looks like we know what we're doing from Red Dwarf Soundboard
We're talking about the trigonomic SUV four dimensional space you simple minded game boy from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Well we know what to get you for christmas a double lobotomy in ten rolls of rubber wallpaper from Red Dwarf Soundboard
What are you doing i'm giving you a big wet smog with noodles of tommy tongue from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Who gives a smeg from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Who in the heck are you they called me the key here that he from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Yeah i'm so excited all six of my nipples are tingling from Red Dwarf Soundboard
Yeah when you should take a look at my wardrobe it's so big it crosses the international time zone but it's three o'clock when my shirts are it's seven in the morning for my fax from Red Dwarf Soundboard