A horned toad can tell you which way to go from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
A horse the horses belong to these gentlemen more than likely that is i'm sure they'd sell you one from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
A man like wales lives by the feud from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
A man's got to do something for a living these days from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
A real frog strangler from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
A sweet tobacco posy is the rose of alabama from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Abe watch out he's probably got another pistol in there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
About a long time since we had anything to drink around here or anything else from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Actually I was looking to gain an edge from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
After his lucy passed on he didn't show much interest in women from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Ain't one of my generals from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Alive no sir from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
All raise your right hands so I can take your oath from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
All right I want you men to raise your right hands what for so you can pledge loyalty to the union from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
All right let's move out from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
All right we can get to work dusting first from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
All that a fellow has to do is ride into that union camp down there raise his right hand and swear you'll be loyal to the united states from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Alrighty i'll get you a horse from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Always wanted to face out one of these big pistol fighters they raise all the fuss about from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And each year he is pushed further across the plains from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And every spring when the grass turns green and the comanche moves north he can rest here in peace butcher some of our cattle and jerk beef for the journey from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And get those gents whatever they're drinking you too ma'am from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And he said boy! you boys sure look civilized! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And how about you sir just a few bottles left you won't regret it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And I could rope my arms I fling round rose of alabama from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And I further swear that though I be murderous from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And i'm saying that men can live together without butchering one another from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And if we try riding instead of thinking well we'll end up hanging by a rope by nightfall from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And now the white man is sneaking up on me again from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And recognize that it is one nation from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And she says you are a great warrior and that she sort of belongs to you for what you done for her from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And so there is iron in your words of life from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And thank you lord for getting us together in texas from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And thanks a lot for josey wales who you changed from a murdering bushwhacker on the side of satan to a better man in time to deliver us from the philistines from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And the one second from the left he had scared eyes he wasn't going to do nothing from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And then from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And there's an old saying to the victors belong the spoils from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And there's another old saying senator from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And they said a man could get rich on reward money if he could kill you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And treading lightly is not my way from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And we're going up there and set things aright from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And when we get over there there won't be any need for you to go inside from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And when we had thought about it long enough we declared war on the union from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
And your word of death it's here in my pistols and there in your rifles from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Angels of mercy come to santo rio! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Any more of them you think from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Anybody gets hit slap iron to it that's the fastest way to stop the blood from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Anything from missouri has a taint about it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Anyway she says when she come to that trading post she didn't know this man zukie limmer was selling liquor from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Anyway the three of them they've been chasing this outlaw and it just so happens old ten spot here knows all about it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Anyway this outlaw fellow he went up against five pistoleros from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Are you all right from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Are you just going to sit there or you going to see what he wants from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Ashes to ashes dust to dust from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Away from mississippi's veil with my old half ear for a sail I crossed upon a cotton bale to the rose of alabama from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Beaver from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Beaver ain't no good no more from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Because of what you did here today i've got to kill that man from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Because one didn't know where the shots were coming from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Been on his trail along with this other fellow over here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Benny! come out! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Besides it ain't supposed to be easy to sneak up behind an indian from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Better go with them boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Bill longley creed taylor and all them other taylors down in gonzalez from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Bloody bill is what they call me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Bring in this damn insurrectionist rebel from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
But he's coming back no matter how long I wait my lover is coming from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
But I been thinking I think it's them who owes an apology from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
But i'll hold on until you fellows get out of sight all right from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
But ten bears will move no more from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
But that one on the far left he had crazy eyes figured him to make the first move from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
But they put up a good fight and died the best they could from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
But you never can tell these comanches from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
By coincidence I happen to have a bottle of this remarkable elixir I could let you have for that exact amount from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Call benny back there on the horse from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Can you do that I can from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Can you hear me boy now if you see me get up you stay there understand from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Can you shoot a rifle i'll try from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Can't say as I blame you for that only good business to play it safe from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Captain redlegs terrill and five men against josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Captain terrill I want you to currycomb the countryside from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Captain terrill is a bloodthirsty son of a bitch! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Captain terrill is the regular federal authority now from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Chato chato sit down from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Cherokee huh yeah from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Cheyenne chief black kettle he figures that she did not resist enough from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Chief! chief! chief from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Clouds are like dreams floating across a sky blue mind from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Comanche comanches all right from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Comancheros from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Comancheros trade liquor and guns to comanche for horses from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Comanches they won't like us killing these friends of theirs we better get moving from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Come around here bitch come around here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Come here now you listen to me I want you looking real good when we get to ten bears you understand from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Come on from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Come on in let's get you cleaned up josey! no no! josey! no! josey! josey! no! josey! no! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Come on kid let's get this over with damn it! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Come sit down oh i'm so glad to see you! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Cottonwoods live oaks wild horses antelope lots of quail from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Could we play a song for you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Could we play something you like come on from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Creek with good water trees cattle black tailed deer from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Cullen baker and captain bob lee been fighting over in fannin county from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Damn you senator! you promised me those men would be decently treated from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Did you come all this way to gawk if you don't work you don't eat around here didn't figure you for a loafer from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Dismount disembark children from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Do you dance no me neither from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Do you know it no I think it was if from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Do you really think you can shoot all those men down before they shoot you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Doing right ain't got no end from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Don't hold back on account of me I can ride from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Don't look at it boy it'll just make you get feelings in it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Don't swallow nothing but the juice from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Dying ain't much of a living boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Dying ain't so hard for men like you and me it's living that's hard when all you ever cared about has been butchered or ****d from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Each year he has met with one of your bluecoat generals from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Easy he brought them all in didn't he all but one from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Endeavor to persevere from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Every last mother's son of them wants that money you've got on wales' head from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Everybody's looking for you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Everyone else has done it but us we're the last of the holdouts from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Fighting for the just cause! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Figured we'd give you some ferrying business from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Five thousand dollars to the one who gets him from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Fix yourself from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Fletcher good to see you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Fletcher i'm giving you a commission from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Fletcher was in with them it was a trap! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Fletcher you go with captain terrill from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Forget about that jamie from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Fresh that little gal will bring maybe 20 horses from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
From governments you don't always get a fair word or a fair fight i've come here to give you either one or get either one from you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
General sherman has come with more promises from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get down here boy lay across his neck keep him down there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get me 10 muskrats and 30 beaver pelts and i'll give you red cloth from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get moving boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get out of the way! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get ready little lady hell is coming to breakfast from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get something specially nice for laura lee for when I come back in the spring from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get that back! bring it back! bring that barge back! bring it back! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get up girl get up! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Get up goddamn it! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Give me a bucket of that choc from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Glad you stopped me when you did I might have killed her from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
God almighty! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Goddamn indian squaw! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Good because I ain't hauling you all over hell's creation dribbling blood over half of missouri from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Good friend of mine from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Got a nice dutch oven in the fireplace here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Got nowhere to go from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Got to be an indian to know those things from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Governments don't live together people live together from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Grandma says it's our home it is all of ours from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Grandma you've got to tread lightly now we're here in texas from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Grandpa samuel and uncle enoch fell prey to comancheros from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Grannie i'd rather have you sit right there with a bucket of powder and do the loading from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Had to be him he had this scar right on his face right here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Halt! what's going on come on get him from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He ain't going to hold up no ferry from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He congratulated us and he gave us medals for looking so civilized from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He died a proud member of senator jim lane's redlegs from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He got three of them before they cut him down from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He is a looter and a pillager! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He is dead he sure is dead dead all right from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He knows he can do the best for us on the back of a horse from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He might as well ride along with us hell everybody else is from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He told me that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He was killed in the border war by missouri ruffians from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He was traveling with an old injun and a squaw and some old lady and a scrawny girl from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He won't come back from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He'll be riding here in the morning from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He'll be waiting there for us senator from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He'll try to pick us off one by one he'll never do it at best he'll get two or three up front there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's a guerrilla fighter he figures he can carry the fight to the enemy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's from missouri where they're all known to be killers of innocent men women and children from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's going down into the valley to kill ten bears and as many of the men as he can from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's going to bring that cavalry over fast as he can yeah from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's got the first move I owe him that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's heading north now but he'll turn southwest head for mexico from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's heading north now riding with a renegade indian from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's still there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
He's the worst enemy those men have! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hell i've been here way too long as it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hell man can't you get her to shut up from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hell man can't you get her to shut up (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hell pledge loyalty to the union you ought to have us turn around and bend over from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hell we showed these boys anyway from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Help us out now from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Help us! help us from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Here have some beef jerky from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Here take a little drink of this from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Here we go come on come on yeah yeah from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Here you go have a drink and think about it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Here's the man you asked for sir from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hey there josey! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hey you! want to buy some indian scalps from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Him and me will ride we've got a touch of the cramp from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
His name was josey wales yeah that's it josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hold it real still from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hound him senator from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Hound this wales to kingdom come from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How about the one on the right from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How come you're doing this then i've got nothing better to do from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How did you know which one was going to shoot first from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How is it with stains from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How many of them eight maybe nine horses and a couple of carts from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How might you know that grannie from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How much for all this stuff three dollars from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How much for the ferry ride ten cents from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
How will he do that and come back here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Howdy howdy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Howdy howdy (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Howdy howdy (3) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Howdy howdy there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I advise you to turn back captain from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I advise you to turn back you can catch him later from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I ain't doing it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I ain't holding back on account of you you thick headed grasshopper from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I am deeply sorrowed to hear this from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I am sorry to hear that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I am ten bears from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I bet we are at that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I came here like this so you'll know my word of death is true and that my word of life is then true from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I came here to die with you or live with you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I can identify him and i'd certainly be glad to share in any reward from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I could have missed from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I could see him through this window when he shot my partner from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I didn't know others hadn't surrendered from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I didn't know which way to go from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I didn't mean to offend him from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I didn't surrender neither but they took my horse and made him surrender they have him pulling a wagon up in kansas i'll bet from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I do declare from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I do seem to recall him telling me something about a daughter who was a little odd from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I don't believe no five pistoleros could do in josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I don't believe that story about josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I don't hear nothing from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I don't recollect that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I don't suppose you'd know anything about him but from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I don't want to hear wales is dead I want to see wales dead from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I feel as pert as a rutting buck from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I feel real good josey we got them whupped from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I got a picture postcard of it here have a look from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I got him! I got me josey wales! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I got it right here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I guess some fellows just don't like to be called high rollers from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I guess we ain't going to see that little navajo girl again I guess not from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I guess we all died a little in that damn war from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I guess you were right I ain't that old after all from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I had such beautiful clothes I was taking to our ranch from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I had to come back I know from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I have a fine woman and two sons but they all died on the trail of tears from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I have heard you're the gray rider from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I heard a joke about missouri once something about how people from missouri are always saying show me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I heard general joe shelby and some men refused to surrender from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I kind of liked her but it's always like that like what whenever I get to liking someone they ain't around long from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I knew that would bring you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I know how you feel i'm a hoosier myself from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I lost my sweet lover in the dirty old mines from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I made this chain for you I braided it from my hair from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I mean he was of the finest sort from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I never been so glad to see another indian from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I never thought i'd see you again grandma from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I never thought of them that way from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I notice when you get to disliking someone they ain't around for long neither from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I pledge that I will be loyal to the united states of america from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I pledge that I will be loyal to the united states of america (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon he wrote you all about me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon not from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon not fletcher from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon so from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon so (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon so (3) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon so (4) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon that's true from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I reckon we won't be coming back this way from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I rode with him I got no complaints from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I seen him ride side by side with bloody bill from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I think he's still alive from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I think i'll go down to mexico to try to find him from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I think i'll try to tell him the war is over from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I think it's more like old habits than old age from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I think that's all there is but they have horses packing antelope so I figure they're not a raiding party from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I thought you might be someone who would sneak up behind me with a gun from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I told you to stay inside from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I used to have power now old age is creeping up on me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I used to know these things when I was young but when I got civilized I forgot all these things from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I was going to mention that to you as soon as I got the chance from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I was just wondering I suppose that mangy hound's got no place else to go either from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I wasn't about to face him down alone from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I will from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I will abide by its law that I will never bear arms against it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I wish I was in the land of cotton old times there is not forgotten from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I wish you all lots of luck from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I wonder where she ever got that idea from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I wore this frock coat in washington before the war from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I wouldn't have any other kind! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'd have been halfway to mexico by now except for that crazy squaw I can't understand a word she says from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'd just as soon shoot you now except it'd be hard to drag your body to where we can get our price for you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll be coming with you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll be damned! look at this! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll be dropping back from time to time probably just to hole up from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll be looking for a horse from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll be needing this for squirrels and such from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll be shooting out of that door from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll make do something's wrong from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll make do something's wrong until you get going from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll tell you this jerky put it on our bill from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'll tell you what we'll all just amble over to that store from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm afraid I don't really know too many songs from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm an indian all right but here in the nation they call us the civilized tribe from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm due an even split from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm getting better at sneaking up on you like this from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm glad there will be a man around to take care of things from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm going in boys i've had enough from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm going to ply my wares down in texas from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm gonna go have a look see from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm heading into the indian nations from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm here for either one from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm just giving you life and you're giving me life from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I'm looking for josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I've got some unfinished business in missouri from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I've got something to show you mr wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I've had enough of your money senator from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I've heard of that name some said you'd be headed this way from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
I've seen a lot today i've seen patrols of soldiers all day from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If I don't make it I want you to know i'm prouder than a game rooster to have rid with you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If I figure this right we're facing the sun from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If I was looking for a place to hole up i'd pick this one from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If josey wales comes back here we'll buy him a drink from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If that's what happened then josey wales must be dead from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If they ride with ten bears they will come back from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If we ride in the open there's enough posses over in south missouri to start another war from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If you fall they'll let you die keep walking from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If you hear shooting and me headed back north get back on that horse he'll get up with you and you head south now you hear from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If you look good enough I might outbid old ten bears and take you for myself from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
If you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win that's just the way it is from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Imagine a grown man doing that for his own kid from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
In past years my friend and I were of service to your tom turner and now we are at your service from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
In the sweet by and by we shall meet in the beautiful shore from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
In the sweet by and by we will meet on that beautiful shore from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
In the sweet by and by we will meet on that beautiful shore (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Indian this mr wales is a cold blooded killer from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Is it bad josey it's bad from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Is something wrong nope from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Is that right miss rose from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Is that the kind of dumb jokes they teach to pretty girls in kansas from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It ain't your pa! now shut up! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It can do most anything from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life or death from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It might boost your price from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It shall be life from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It was but when the silver run out the thriving run out from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It'll be there all right yes ma'am i'm sure it will be from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It's a regular paradise we're headed to from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It's a watch chain from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It's been nice riding with you chief from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It's him abe it's him we got the josey wales abe! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It's not right this damn woman doing something like this to me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It's sad that governments are chiefed by the double tongues from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
It's so beautiful from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
John jumper chilly mcintosh buffalo hump and jim pock mark and me i'm lone watie from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey I want to thank you for what for saving my life from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey i've got to tell you something i'm scared of dying josey from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey wales (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey wales they say he's coming into texas won't come through here though from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey wales! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey we best be on our way from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Josey! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Judging by these tracks there's maybe 40 50 horses ahead of us from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Just get off the horse from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Just looking us over I guess from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Just the store with grannie hawkins up there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Kansas was all golden and smelled like sunshine from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Keep this fire going keep an iron on it red hot from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Killed 50 60 men from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Killed simp dixon over in cotton gin from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Kind of young ain't you kid to be riding with this rabble from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Knew him quite well actually from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Laura lee right through this window from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Lee might have had to surrender but we didn't from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Let me be i'm finished with you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Let wales be from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Let's go! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Let's have a drink to the damned silver running out gave us some peace and quiet here! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Lige take a look under that blanket from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Little josey! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Little squaw likes the bucks huh from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Look at those boys over there with tied down guns bounty hunters come out of a war got no other way to make a living from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Look away look away look away dixieland from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Look i've got some beer some good brewed choc it's on the house from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Look you tell her I don't want nobody belonging to me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Look! that's josey! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Looks like a family of hogs just moved out of the seat of these britches from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Looks like a parley from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Lord thanks a lot for bringing us to this place from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Lots of nice elements from missouri coming west from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Lots of southern boys been getting into trouble here in texas from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Lots of work to do down in texas from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Mad dogs them guerrillas! you look sideways at them they kill you! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Make it nice and slow so I can count the hairs on that hand from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Maybe it was six could have even been 10 from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Me and miss rose were ducking for cover from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Might you be the mother of tom turner whose crooked river ranch is over by blood butte from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Mind you drop water on them occasionally and keep them damp from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord he is trampling out the vintage from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Mm hm from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Moonlight I want you to go to this door you fire through here all right from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Move faster! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Move out! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Move your left hand down and unbuckle that pistol belt from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Mr chain blue lightning himself from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Mr lightning from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Mr wilson! good morning hello mr wilson from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Much obliged grannie from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Muskrat what the hell's that muskrat from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Must be 5000 lawmen in texas right now can't get them all from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
My name is fletcher fletcher that's right mr fletcher from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
My son was true blue mr wales he never lied from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
My son's ranch he found before the war near a town called santo rio from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
My sonny boy kept his nose to the grindstone providing a future for me and his daughter there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Name's josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Nasty habit young fellow you born in a barn from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Near a place called blood butte from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Never heard of comanches traveling in two wheeled carts from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Never heard of nice things from missouri coming west from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Never paid no him no mind you were there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Never turned his back on his folks or his kind from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Never would have figured that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Nice seeing you mr wilson from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No I wouldn't from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No no sir you got to come up with something more from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No offense meant none taken from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No offense none taken from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No signed paper can hold the iron it must come from men from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No sir I don't from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No there's a trading post right near the creek nation from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
No way wales could get to the nations from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Nod damn you! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Not many men west of here we're getting into comanche country from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Not quite alone from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now ease them pistols out from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now get everything done from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now here here's the money for bringing the others and there'll be more for josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now if one of you has to take that old woman over there she might be worth maybe one donkey from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now just ease your hands down take them guns out butt first so's you can get hold of them you understand from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now mr josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now remember when things look bad and it looks like you won't make it then you got to get mean I mean plumb mad dog mean! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now shut up from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now spit! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now that's a very good bargain for you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now them poultices be laced with feather moss and mustard root from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now we're really going to show these palefaces something! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now you just do that cousin you bring that old pistol right out from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now you take five men and go up there and get josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Now you'll kill us I suppose from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh brown rosie rose of alabama a sweet tobacco posy is the rose of alabama from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh brown rosie the rose of alabama from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh brown rosie the rose of alabamy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh I noticed that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh my god! it's josey wales! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh no no mr josey wales! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Oh no texas is full of rebels from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Only an indian can do something like this from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Only an indian could do something like that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Only song I can think of is rose of alabama from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Only way you handle them from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Or the following spring from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Out there your son told you this was out there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Pa and daniel died at the hands of that low down murdering trash out of hell that done them in from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Pa I got the gold right here pa from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Pa is that you pa from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Pa! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Pa! pa! pa! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Personally I don't think much of hoosiers neither from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Pull lemuel from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Pull lemuel pull! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Put it down from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Put the rifle down too from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Reckon i'm right popular from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Reckon so from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Reckon there's a nice reward out for us about now from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Redlegs from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Regulators are all over the place looking for him from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Right boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
River rolled the crickets sang the lightning bug he flashed his wing from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Run for it fletcher it's a trap! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Same here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Sang a little song while he sewed it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Saw him heading north out of town with a renegade injun from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Say you're an indian aren't you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
See that nose scar know what that means to a cheyenne one too many bucks from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
See when you pull his teeth he's harmless as a heel hound from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Seems like we can't trust the white man you bet we can't from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Seems like you was looking to gain some money here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Senora please sit down you must be very very tired from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Sergeant said this kid tried to ride through their camp they got him from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She ain't for sale I mean she ain't mine she works here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She also wants you to know that although he beat her a lot nothing happened between them from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She got some supplies and our horses and followed us around from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She said we was the only kin she had from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She says she's navajo but she was captured by the cheyenne from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She was back at the trading post got in some kind of trouble from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She was violated by one of the bucks of the arapahos from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She's not going to mexico with us from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
She's not going with us from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Shoot him now! shoot him now! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Show me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Shut up kid from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Shut up lige from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Shut up lige (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Shut up lige! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Sim carstairs is the name mister from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
So first change you get I want you to jump in that wagon there and put on one of your best little dresses from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
So they took away our land and sent us here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
So will it be from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
So you'll be josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Soldiers were here looking for you about two hours ago from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Some cavalry between us and the nations from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Some of them would like to have the sun behind their back that's always a good idea from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Some of you men get down there prepare to fire from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Sometimes trouble just follows a man from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Sounds like hard men to do business with from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Spilling! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Still there what the hell does he think he's doing don't know from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Stranger you're in luck! I just happen to have the perfect thing here for cramps from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Sweet tobacco posies from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Tell her we'll need a lot of clean bandages and a boiled poultice for a bullet wound in a hurry from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Tell him to shut up from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Tell them to head north from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Tell you what move on back move on back! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Tell you zukie you put her on the bill too from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Ten 20 more miles and we'll be safe in the nations from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Ten bears he got travis and chato from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Ten bears is going to want a fresh woman! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Ten bears is the greatest comanche war chief but he's angry from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Ten years i've been ferrying kansas redlegs union cavalry missouri guerrillas you name it! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Texas huh from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Thank god they all been disarmed now except for a few of the nastiest ones who they're busy running down from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That I might miss from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That I will let's see I will abide by its law that I will never bear arms against it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That meal was damn good i'm going to take up tepee living if it's like this from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That old lady don't know the trouble she can get into talking like that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That one in the center had a flap holster and he was in no itching hurry from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That sure is a sweet sound to the ears wouldn't you say so mr wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That'll be me from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's a mighty nice horse you got there mister would you sell it we will give you a good price from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's bad luck the silver running out from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's mighty decent of you mister been a long time since anybody bought a drink around here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's my word of life from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's real nice it really is from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's right from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's right (2) from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's true I ain't promising you nothing extra from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
That's what I figured from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The bear lives here the wolf the antelope the comanche and so will we from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The bluebellies will give you a better burial than I can boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The bullets were flying and people running every which way church bells were ringing from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The gold me and josey robbed from the bank pa from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The horned toad says we should go to mexico from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The lord gives the lord takes away from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The name's anderson from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The sign of the comanche that will be on our lodge from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The war's over our side won the war now we must busy ourselves winning the peace from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The wheat is from kansas and the molasses comes from missouri from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
The words of ten bears carry the same iron of life and death from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Their sign is the dirty nose sign from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Then he can take up his horse again and go home from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Then we go back and get fletcher from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Then we'll go back get fletcher from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Then we'll turn southwest and head for mexico from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Then you will die from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
There is iron in your words of death for all comanches to see from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
There is such a thing in this country called justice from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
There's buckwheat cakes and injun batter makes you fat or a little fatter from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
There's no gold he's crazy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
There's some riders coming up behind us from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
These freebooters are a slander to kansas attacking innocent women like this from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
These here crosses are to fire rifles through up and down side to side from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
These men are common outlaws nothing more from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
These things you say we will have we already have from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
These two fellows down here is texas rangers from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They ain't honest from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They call us civilized because we're easy to sneak up on from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They can't shoot through it but they might dig a hole in it and drop down maybe in the back bedroom from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They did did they from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They don't look too proud now do they from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They got horses to trade from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They said we would be happier in the nations from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They say you killed your own men from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They say you're a hard put and desperate man from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They sneaked up on us and they told us we wouldn't be happy here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They stood us in a line from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They teach other things from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They took our pictures and the newspaper said indians vow to endeavor to persevere from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They were decently treated they were decently fed and then they were decently shot from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They won't miss you maybe they'll forget you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They'd catch up to us by the end of the day from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They'll be coming after you there's nowhere you can go to get away from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They'll get around to it eventually from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They'll give us full amnesty then yep from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're coming from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're coming after us we've got to take to the brush! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're following us couple of horses far off moving fast from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're going down to mexico I think i'll join them from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're going to heel and hog you to a barn door from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're hollering for me to come over! I can't hold on from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're packing heavy they may return from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They're with the union from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
They've had men on guard here night and day from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
This ain't santo rio my son tom turner said it was a thriving place from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
This boy was brought up in a time of blood and dying and never questioned a bit of it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
This here linsey woolsey shirt I got that all you boys wore from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
This is what you give those indians where's the real stuff from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
This ought to give him an edge from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
This rain is giving us the from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Those lying blue scumbellies! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Those poor pilgrims from kansas from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Those regulators would pay plenty to the man who could identify josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Thought you could use some help from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
To hell with them fellows buzzards got to eat same as worms from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Tom turner knew what he was doing from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Too many folks around here with thin skin from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Trade women too from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Turn back are you crazy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Two doors front and back right in sight of one another from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Use pistols at short range more fire power and less reloading from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Verminous lying missouri scum! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Wagon tracks but I never seen tracks like these from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Wait a minute! he's in my place I recognized him too from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Wales may be back in a year or two from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Walls and ceiling two feet thick all made out of mud nothing to burn from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Watch him I seen him do some things from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Watch it he's meaner than a rattler and twice as fast with them pistols! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Watch out for that horse! watch out you stupid son of a bitch! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Watch out! back him up! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We best hurry on josey from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We can start working our way through now boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We didn't have no ma so pa did all the fancy needlework for me told me not to tell no one from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We dressed ourselves up like abraham lincoln from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We get josey wales and it ends from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We got him lige from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We got him now we'll get these two first then the others from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We got reward money coming from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We got us the josey wales! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We have endured hardship of the worst sort on the way out here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We remember that old piece rosie come here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We stopped those bushwhackers pretty good during the war from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We thought about it for a long time from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We told him about how our land had been stolen and our people were dying from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We were just telling these fellows a little story about an outlaw passed through this way a while back from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We wore them because we belonged to the five civilized tribes from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We'll do without molasses from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We'll gonna have to wait till they bed down then walk through quiet from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We'll have whiskey all around comanchero brand from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We'll need half a side of bacon 10 pounds of beef jerky 20 pounds of horse grain from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We'll only hunt what we need to live on same as the comanche does from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We're from kansas jayhawkers and proud of it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We're going to santo rio! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We're heading north men let's ride from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
We've got to clean up this country from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Weighted him down with lead from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Welcome to texas mr lone watie from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Welcome welcome gentlemen please come aboard howdy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well at least we're known for something from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well done thank you from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well good luck from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well he'll have to run for it now and hell is where he's headed from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well i've been meaning to get one yeah from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well let's see you say those horses belong to them pilgrims from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well mr lightning move a muscle twitch a finger and i'll splatter your guts all over the wall from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well mr lone watie from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well no matter it's good to see a high roller wander through from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well not a hard man to track leaves dead men wherever he goes from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well sir this is the very best thing for those who can't handle their liquor from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well the one that everyone's so scared of from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well we've got something in this territory called the missouri boat ride from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well what can you expect from a nonbeliever from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Well! I am rose rose of santo rio from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What about these cougar pelts going to put them on our bill too from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What are we going to do stay right here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What are you talking about from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What did you say your name was friend from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What do you say mr wilson from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What do you take for the squaw from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What does a man from missouri say if someone asks him to see a missouri mule and he says 'show me' from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What gold is he talking about from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What have you got over there from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What have you got there muskrat from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What others wales and the kid are the last ones from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What say from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What the hell does he want from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What the hell is this redleg doing here from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What we've got to do is space some time between them and us from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What'll you have from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What'll you have whiskey from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What's all that paint about it's my death face from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
What's in it I don't know various things i'm only the salesman from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
When I say move you move real slow like molasses in wintertime or I drop that hammer from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
When we finished he shook our hands and said endeavor to persevere from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
When we get to the nations I want you men to fan out from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
When you get to town get some nice dresses for the ladies you hear from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Where are we headed the indian nations it's a good place to hole up and get you healed up from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Where are you headed from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Where i'm going they know how to handle that kind from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Where the hell are you going fletcher from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Where'd you ever get an idea like that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Where's he going from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Whereabouts is this ranch from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Which side is this man on senator from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Whiskey he says! how about something else well beer then from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
White men have been sneaking up on us for years from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Who are you talking about from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Who is that he's just a boy he's got a fever from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Who the hell is this woman from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Who you calling rabble you blue scumbelly from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Who's that josey wales from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Whoa whoa from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Whupped them again boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Whupped them again didn't we from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Whupped them again josey from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Why don't you stay here redlegs from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Why don't you stay with us be our partner from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Why I appreciate your concern I am glad to find manners at last here in the wilderness from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Will you sign this affidavit sign I sure will from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Wish we had time to bury them fellows from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
With pleasure! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
With us now wait a minute I got you a horse you're on your own now from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Works wonders on just about everything huh from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Would you rather be riding with comancheros grannie from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yeah from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yeah all right let's take them out in the sand from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yeah first the silver run out of the santo rio then the people run out then the whiskey then the beer run out from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yeah I always heard there were three kinds of suns in kansas sunshine sunflowers and sons of bitches from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yeah I guess that's the truth from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yeah sure pays to have an edge yeah all kind of edges from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yeah well it's a nice one it will come in handy I thank you for it from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yes friends yes! this is a positive remedy for weariness turgidity of the bowels and from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yes sir from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yes sir it was down in monterey mexico a little while back from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yes sir! it was josey wales all right! from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
Yoke five thousand gold simoleons walked right in right to us from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
You a bounty hunter from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
You and me didn't ride all that way for that from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard
You are a game rooster boy from The Outlaw Josey Wales Soundboard