A man should have a hobby
But what is there anything so terribly wrong about making a decision and wanting to hurry
Can I trade my car in and take another
Can't buy off unhappiness with pills
Do you go out with friends well a boy's best friend is his mother
I just pulled over have I broken any laws no ma'am then i'm free to go
I stepped into a private trap back there and i'd like to go back and try to pull myself out of it before it's too late for me too
I'm in a hurry and I just wanna make a change
I'm sorry I didn't mean it to sound uncaring
Is anything wrong of course not am I acting as if there's something wrong frankly yes
Is your time so empty
It's a strange hobby curious uncommon too oh I imagine so
Oh I thought i'd gotten off the main road I knew you must have nobody ever stops here anymore unless they've done that
Oh we can see each other we can even have dinner but respectably in my house with my mother's picture on the mantel and my sister helping me broil a big steak for three
She sounded strong
Sometimes we deliberately step into those traps I was born in mine I don't mind it anymore
When you're married you can do a lot of things deliberately
Yes sometimes just one time can be enough
You got a headache it'll pass headaches are like resolutions you forget them as soon as they stop hurting
You make respectability sound disrespectful