A mental disorder from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 2
Adopted from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 3
Ah yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 4
Ah, right. from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 5
All I can say is I i didn't phone you from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 6
All kinds of things from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 7
All right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 8
Alright alright long as we try to find out or try to understand what's happened and we don't know so from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 9
Alright yeah about let you answer it then from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard 0
Am I able to locate any from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard -
Am I just don't bother I just let it but you know I mean from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard =
And from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard q
And if you have remember yet that forget the program now without lady went round to visit alex here that is she polish or something then she went round hit ryan and he was grateful knee when he was... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard w
Anyway from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard e
Anyway nice this week too from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard r
Are you doing well from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard t
Are you making drugs? from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard y
Are you saying that from our house somebody from you from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard u
As long as I can make my calls out and and and uh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard i
Available what's happening isn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard o
Baby from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard p
Bank holiday from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard a
Bank holiday from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard s
Be married an irish girl from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard d
Booking from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard f
Born in london from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard g
Brandon chase from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard h
But from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard j
But anyway um long as it keeps you going and occupied that's life isn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard k
But straightforward from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard l
Bye from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard z
Bye from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard x
Certified from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard c
Damage from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard v
David from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard b
David from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard n
David from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard m
Do you do you think we should come out of the year rip or should we stay in the europe from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Q
Do you have any rooms available? from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard W
Do you have relatives in London? from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard E
Don't know from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard R
Don't know your number from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard T
Er from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Y
Everybody should have something to do from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard U
Feature speaking from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard I
Finchley from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard O
Fishing from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard P
Four days from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard A
From india from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard S
Girl crush line from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard D
Good day from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard F
Good idea from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard G
Goodbye from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard H
Goodnight from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard J
Ha ha from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard K
Ha ha ha from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard L
Ha ha ha from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Z
Ha yeah OK from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard X
Haha yeah which way you going from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard C
Have you always lived in london from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard V
He must have seen some changes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard B
He wanted to stay out from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard N
He won't be prosecuted or anything like that from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard M
He's not that kind of person is is mines going I think he's on drugs and I think he's saying do you want some drugs and all this kind of thing that I mean i've known him for quite a long time but t... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard <
Hello from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard >
Hello from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard !
Hello from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard @
Hello from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard #
Hello david from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard $
Hello david from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard %
Hello say again please from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard ^
Hi david from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard &
Hi doctor yeah that be alright wouldn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard *
High rock chicken from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard (
Holy house from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard )
Hopefully from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard ~
How are you doing from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard `
How you doing anyway alright from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard |
I from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard "
I are you are you i'm open for business from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard '
I didn't bring it you said this last time from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard ?
I didn't call you but uh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard /
I didn't find you from this also don't know how come that's cool from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard ,
I don't know how from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard .
I don't know if you know what you doing he fell from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I don't know what number yard is from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I don't mind phone in like but uh the right we understand a lot of people won't be simulated about it and and they probably won't understand the situation anyway from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I don't think so from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I had no I didn't ring from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I have my big house further down but uh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I haven't phoned him at all. from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I hear what you say but I don't understand it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I mean the farmers not like they always complain this out another because they're they're assured wilder in that issue rid of from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I mean you know you could customers nuisance calls but the thing is I don't think he's responsible for his actions really from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I miss tree alright from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I never found you I don't know how he got this number from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I remember the chat before when you took it on but uh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I think because he's not switch on property just born in random numbers from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I think he knows when he phones from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I think he's dreaming from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I think it's mine just going from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I think they get mixed up somewhere from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I think you from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I understand yeah yeah yeah from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I used to have an uncle in london in ellington from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I will see you before now from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I would prefer from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'll just pick the phone up now from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm from the langdale chase from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm i'm just saying about X E X it's a UK ek sitting from europe is it is it a good idea or a bad idea from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm i'm saying everybody needs to have something to do don't know from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm in the lake district in windermere from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm living in the lake district from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm missing time from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm not quite sure what I wish I was mines working have you any idea from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I'm not sure where finchley is from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
I've got the phone here and and nobody 's being on it far as I not unless uh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
If it comes on again with a funny accent and you're not sure just say oh you might just say well it depends how you look at it but I just I don't i'm not bothered either way but you might just say from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
If you would like to come to england and bring a friend with you I might be able to pay your fair to arrive from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
In a nice friendly way to try and get it on track into the right direction but the thing is is is the type of salary you know if somebody went and said but brown to him and said this out and the ot... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
In cumbria from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
In Cumbria. It's north of Manchester. from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
In testing from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Is it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Is it better to be outta beautiful in europe from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Is it national fella but it been that tense lately and all kinds of things it's been falling for last couple weeks from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Is that david from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Is there any drugs available from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Is there is there a welfare establishment that could look into it or not rather than make a big scene over it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Island from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
It might be on medication or something from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
It probably will gain self in trouble from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
It seems to be unable to cut to continue the conversation in a rational manner as to make any sense out of anything from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
It was a long time since I went to london from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
It's a shame that they might cause trouble for him because not entirely his fault when when you mine goes you just don't know what your doing but perhaps now you know through discussion it's a bit ... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
It's not in the text of regarding street drugs it's regarding if it's any drugs at all it will be to do with getting mixed up with everything from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Just been busy checking some papers here and and the phone rang and others picked it off from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Let's see what can be done about i'm not too sure mind the calls you know but there will be a lot of people that will mine them and no doubt some people will take offense no doubt some people repor... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
London from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Lots of people don't want me like that over my years i've been here from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Lovely day today from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Maybe from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Medication from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Nice from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Nine from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Nine o'clock from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Nineteen from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Nineteen sixty from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No I didn't say what's your problem I said does anybody know what's going to happen with the breakfast from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No I haven't called you david I don't know what's why don't know where the problem is bad never called from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No I haven't either from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No i'm not living in london there now from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No it wasn't made you know from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No it's alright from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No just now that's all from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No no from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No no no I said that you know I mean from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
No no nothing like that no no no no from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Now i'm seventy six from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh OK from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh one five three nine four from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh that sounds in order number from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh that was amy idra for me today said he was an island but how are detected how it was him was after he started doing it was like a split personality started doing the irish accent then he started... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh who is it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh you do you know ma'am uh when you go to victoria street the man outside sweeping the street from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Oh you from you up again from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
OK from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
One from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
One or two people fall in phoning me open asking me why did the form them from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Over the years from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Per person from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Picture from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Possibly from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Possibly from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Possibly yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Probably from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Probably from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard Sound from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right OK from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right OK from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right right right right from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Right she would happen from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Rooms available from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Rush from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Say again from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Say again david didn't either from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Seventy from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Seventy pounds from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Seventy six from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
She's a bit disabled from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Should be talking about it be talking about looks and then and then and then it will say something about I have a bed and breakfast in windermere from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Six from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Sixty from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
So i'll how can I explain that to you from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
So we said to him from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
So we'll see whether it goes ahead or it doesn't go ahead or from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Sounds that way from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Stimulant from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Straight isn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Strange is I can understand that from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Strange isn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Sure from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Surprise from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Syfy gets back on again he might back off a little bit now from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Telephone BT from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
That happens all over the country now doesn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
That's how it is from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
That's how it is these days isn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
That's the message of the type of salary is I mean there not enough I like windows done but if we get a confrontational dude it's just deny everything from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
The fox is alien from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
The man 's losing his mind or something it on out which direction that might go from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
The mines not responsible for your actions from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
The oven is brexit out the at the minute from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
There must be a cross a cross section I just add a lady on the line from london and she asked me did I fall on her from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
These mines going unfortunately from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Thirty five hundred from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
To mean that she is mad when people 's minds start going that's what happened you know I mean it's coming into the season so whether that would put him back on track or not I don't know I doubt it ... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Tony medication first nice from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Tried from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uh no from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uh that's it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uh that's strange because this is a guest house from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uh yeah yeah from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uh yes I think yeah from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uh-huh from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Uhm yeah it's I have been saving calls and they also know who it is from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Um from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Unless he gets medication properly and I don't know I think he's got medication I don't think he's taking it properly from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Unless you unless you put this number in on your phone and then press something from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Victoria street from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
We bought it along will at least twenty years ago for about six hundred thousand from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
We'll have to see what happens because it's the time of the brexit is running supposedly running out isn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well because of this brexit they come down a little bit more and even if it whichever way the brexit gorge it'll take two or three years for anything to happen with the properties anyway from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well i've done exactly the same when it's running dissent from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well i've tried to do is just listen to what he says rather than say anything else more than that from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well that's that's where I live from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well when I see you again sometime i'll shout and say hello to from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well yeah this that's about it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well you are used medical ones from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Well you don't know what you're paying for these days from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Whatever you do in life as long as it keeps you going that's fine from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
When he talks about drugs is I know she's mine goes up absent on enough type thing from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
When they phone me here from India, I try and pull their leg a little bit from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
When you walk up to the station I see you sometimes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Where are you calling from from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Which county is it in from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Who's calling new from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Why did you call milk from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Windermere from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Would you like to come and live in england from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah but yes but I i hear what you say but what what were the impression I get is when he makes the call is not it says something and then the next line of sentence is not corresponding with the fi... from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah he was in it is lington from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah it is i'm not sure I will respond to that really because the way I would see it is is not of sound mind is it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah it seems that way from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah it's a it's changes that because I never found you know from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah rather funny really from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah really yeah after wonder how are you getting on on that back street their college road isn't it from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yeah we could do that from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Years ago in the nineteen sixties from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes I think so from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes I understand from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yes, I'll have the room, yes from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
You doing OK from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
You follow a man from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
You know the little cottages you go up to the station with the all the little birds outside from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
You know you know me i'm a local person from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
You might have done that movie from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
You should see the excitement that creates between them from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
You tell me from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard
Yup from RG's Neighbour Peter Soundboard