About what? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
All right, here it goes. You aren't really here. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
And I saw you OK in your room, passed out with a VR headset on. Customer service said that one of us needed to put on the headset and come get you. And that's why I'm here. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
And it is password protected with the security code that only a child would know. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
And so, is there any way you'd? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
And there's something I need to tell you. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Argh! from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Bill Cosby. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Butters. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Can I talk to you? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Can we talk to your supervisor, please? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Cartman. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Corey Lansky. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Could I please have one of your piping hot farts in my mouth? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Eric Cartman. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Even the dumbest lie can have big consequences. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Excuse me, if my little brother has been getting some athletes hormones, then who has been getting ice medication? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
He's just changing a lot. He walks around angry, telling me I'm stupid and only talks about his sex. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Hello. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Hello. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Hello. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Hello. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Hello. There are certain networks that we see as harmful to our families and we want them removed, please. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Hey. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
How do you murder a stuffed animal? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
How's it going? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I can't even get a minute of peace before that bitch walks in holding the cell phone out like this and talking on speakerphone. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I just want to be by your side while you do it. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I just want to know what medication my little brother has been getting from you and why. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I just wanted to see if maybe you want to do finger paints with me. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I know it's hard to believe, but you have to trust me. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I love Cartman's farts. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I need to talk to you. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
I'm going to tell you something, and I need you to believe me. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
If some of us are on PS fours but the rest of us are on Xboxes, then we all can't play together online. See, this is all about committing to one machine. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
It's my little brother. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Knock it off right now. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Kyle. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
My name is Kyle Broflovski. Can you tell me if I purchased an Oculus Rift headset there? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Nobody wants to hear your God damn conversations, you little bitch. You're not that important. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Oh my God, will you check his records please? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Or if you sold one to an Eric Cartman. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Somebody's teaching our parents Minecraft. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Something is wrong with my brother and it might be your fault. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Sorry, kid. Guess we have the wrong house. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Stan. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
There's an app which can actually allow kids to block things that their parents watch on television. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
They take that shit off speakerphone. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
This isn't funny. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
This isn't funny. Age isn't funny. Dying isn't funny. So shut the fuck up. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
We all have to agree on one system. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
We heard that you might be teaching Minecraft to adults. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
We need help. Our friend is in a coma. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
We'll stop it with that. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
What exactly can I do to help? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
What part of being infected with the deadly disease do you find funny? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
What part of this is funny to you? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Why do people talk on their phone like that? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Will you please tell your dad to leave me alone? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Would you please just open your wormhole? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Yeah, our friend had been missing for a few days, so we went and checked on him and he's in a coma wearing your headset. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
You know, could you? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
You mean he's actually stuck in virtual reality? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
You taught them Minecraft. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
You're a fat skank and your tits belong in a more. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
You're a murderer. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Your dad was on my line yelling at me all night and after I finally fell asleep, I woke up Saran Wrap to a tree with penises on my face. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Your Weiner is not 13 inches long. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Yummy, yummy, yummy. Can I please have Carmen's Farts in my tummy? from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Yummy, yummy, yummy. I want Cartman's farts in my tummy. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park
Yummy, yummy. I want your farts in my tummy. from Kyle Soundboard - South Park