A collection will be designed for her by the greatest couturier in Paris. from Funny Face (1957)
A magazine must be Iike a human being. from Funny Face (1957)
A magazine must have... from Funny Face (1957)
A means to an end. from Funny Face (1957)
A rendezvous at the opera. Two seats. from Funny Face (1957)
A sinister place in Greenwich Village. Come on, girls. from Funny Face (1957)
A woman can be beautiful, as well as intellectual. See facing page. from Funny Face (1957)
About the guest of honour. Where is she? How does she Iook? from Funny Face (1957)
Ah! Monsieur et Madame Barker de Florida. from Funny Face (1957)
Ahh! Here it is. from Funny Face (1957)
All for a girI who does not appear. from Funny Face (1957)
All good Americans from Funny Face (1957)
All I want is $53.95. from Funny Face (1957)
All that is delicious is not nutritious. from Funny Face (1957)
All the things we can do from Funny Face (1957)
All we want to say is from Funny Face (1957)
All you do is sit there. I make my speech to the press, from Funny Face (1957)
Alors! Your picture will be in all the newspapers? from Funny Face (1957)
Alright, girls, we've got to get cracking. To work and to Paris. from Funny Face (1957)
Alright, here we go. from Funny Face (1957)
Alright, Marcel, lights! from Funny Face (1957)
Alright, Marion, let's go. from Funny Face (1957)
Alright, run! from Funny Face (1957)
Alright! from Funny Face (1957)
Alright. Go! from Funny Face (1957)
Alright. Hit it. from Funny Face (1957)
Alright. More. More. More! from Funny Face (1957)
Alright. Now, give him a kiss. from Funny Face (1957)
Am I here? from Funny Face (1957)
Am I supposed to go over to DuvaI's now? from Funny Face (1957)
An empathicalist should feel me asking for unemployment insurance. from Funny Face (1957)
An invitation to Flostre's home is a great honour, from Funny Face (1957)
And $10.50 for The Egyptians Fourth to Seventh Dynasties from Funny Face (1957)
And acquainting them with empathicalism? from Funny Face (1957)
And as hard to get as an invitation to... from Funny Face (1957)
And bees Iove from Funny Face (1957)
And bury the beige. from Funny Face (1957)
And father of empathicalism. from Funny Face (1957)
And flash a smile that folks come flocking to see from Funny Face (1957)
And he's going to Iet us photograph the collection before the opening. from Funny Face (1957)
And her ineffable charm. from Funny Face (1957)
And how is the facing page? from Funny Face (1957)
And how! If you modeI, I can get you bookings. from Funny Face (1957)
And I couId certainIy use a reIease. from Funny Face (1957)
And I get a trip to Paris every year. from Funny Face (1957)
And I have been in every corner of Tallahassee. from Funny Face (1957)
And I Iove too? from Funny Face (1957)
And I see no functionaI advantage in a marvellous mouth. from Funny Face (1957)
And I'll never be abIe to pick up HaroId's Iaundry. from Funny Face (1957)
And if I add, your funny face appeaIs to me from Funny Face (1957)
And if it won't speak to me, it won't speak to anyone. from Funny Face (1957)
And it's no more than we would do unto ourselves. from Funny Face (1957)
And join the jubilee! from Funny Face (1957)
And now, the finale of the collection. Wedding Day. from Funny Face (1957)
And on this shelf, materialism, and on this, psychopiscoparalysm. from Funny Face (1957)
And once you know, oh how from Funny Face (1957)
And out the doorway from Funny Face (1957)
And pink's for the Iady with joie de vivre from Funny Face (1957)
And send it on a tour. from Funny Face (1957)
And she Ioves from Funny Face (1957)
And since you've come such a Iong way to taIk with me, from Funny Face (1957)
And six stitches in my ear. from Funny Face (1957)
And some thrills I can't define from Funny Face (1957)
And starting to take up from Funny Face (1957)
And that includes the kitchen sink from Funny Face (1957)
And that you not only look like, but you are, a mess of worms. from Funny Face (1957)
And that's what from Funny Face (1957)
And the Braque and Hieronymus Bosch come to $22.75. from Funny Face (1957)
And the man from IstanbuI will be at the presentation. from Funny Face (1957)
And then? from Funny Face (1957)
And there is not the slightest excuse for plum, or puce from Funny Face (1957)
And they Iove from Funny Face (1957)
And they Iove from Funny Face (1957)
And they'll ask me all sorts of questions. from Funny Face (1957)
And we will Iose that eviI spirit called voodoo from Funny Face (1957)
And whispering trees Iove from Funny Face (1957)
And you'll be IoveIy from Funny Face (1957)
And you'll be IoveIy as a carouseI, too from Funny Face (1957)
And you're... from Funny Face (1957)
Any more than every American meets the President. from Funny Face (1957)
Anything you don't understand, you call small talk. from Funny Face (1957)
Are not respected by the group, the group cannot exist. from Funny Face (1957)
Are there no models who think as well as they look? from Funny Face (1957)
Are we all gonna hang around, or get somebody else? from Funny Face (1957)
Are you alright? from Funny Face (1957)
As a matter of fact, I rather feeI Iike expressing myseIf now. from Funny Face (1957)
As a mere accessory of physiological processes from Funny Face (1957)
As charming as you. from Funny Face (1957)
As I Iove you? from Funny Face (1957)
As one Iady to another... from Funny Face (1957)
Ask him to pick me up at the cafÈ. from Funny Face (1957)
At most, a synthetic beauty. from Funny Face (1957)
At once, or Mr Flostre will hear about this. from Funny Face (1957)
Attack Flostre and you attack the things I believe in. from Funny Face (1957)
Attendez! We are ready for your show. from Funny Face (1957)
Avaricious, av... from Funny Face (1957)
Babs, take this to Kaiser Delmont. from Funny Face (1957)
Banish the black, from Funny Face (1957)
Be charming and answer their questions. from Funny Face (1957)
BeautifuI! from Funny Face (1957)
Because if you Ieft, you'd be picked up for vagrancy. from Funny Face (1957)
Because you are intellectual, always thinking. from Funny Face (1957)
Bells from Funny Face (1957)
Bells are ringing, flowers blooming, angels singing. from Funny Face (1957)
Bells! from Funny Face (1957)
Birds Iove from Funny Face (1957)
Bon. Entrez. from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour, bonjour. from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour, Paris from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour, Paris from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour, Paris from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour, Paris from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour, Paris from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour! from Funny Face (1957)
Bonjour! from Funny Face (1957)
Bring her back, girls, alive! from Funny Face (1957)
Burn the blue, from Funny Face (1957)
But before you move... from Funny Face (1957)
But except that you are very charming, I don't know you. from Funny Face (1957)
But he's also a man. He's more man than philosopher! from Funny Face (1957)
But I am a man. And you're a woman. from Funny Face (1957)
But I couIdn't care Iess from Funny Face (1957)
But I need you now. from Funny Face (1957)
But so hypnotic from Funny Face (1957)
But tell her if she's gotta think, think pink from Funny Face (1957)
But this would be a violation of all my principles. from Funny Face (1957)
But you can chase that hoodoo from Funny Face (1957)
But you ought to get to bed early. The camera picks up everything. from Funny Face (1957)
But you weren't Anna Karenina. The bird wasn't Prince Charming. from Funny Face (1957)
But, Padre, we're not here to marry. from Funny Face (1957)
By all means, Iet us taIk. from Funny Face (1957)
C'est Jo! from Funny Face (1957)
C'est moi, c'est vous, c'est grand, c'est tutu from Funny Face (1957)
C'est triste! from Funny Face (1957)
Can I trust how I feeI? from Funny Face (1957)
Can one kiss from Funny Face (1957)
Can you make me some enlargements? from Funny Face (1957)
Can't do it with make up from Funny Face (1957)
Can't we walk and get friendly, or better acquainted, or something? from Funny Face (1957)
Children! from Funny Face (1957)
Chosen to represent a great American fashion magazine, Quality. from Funny Face (1957)
Clap a your hands from Funny Face (1957)
Clap a your hands from Funny Face (1957)
Clap your hands from Funny Face (1957)
Clap your hands from Funny Face (1957)
Clap your hands, slap your thighs, gimme that beat, boy... from Funny Face (1957)
Climb that stair a from Funny Face (1957)
Come along and join ourjubilee! from Funny Face (1957)
Come in. from Funny Face (1957)
Come on and show me the best from Funny Face (1957)
Come on, drop the books. from Funny Face (1957)
Come on. from Funny Face (1957)
Come, all you children, gather around from Funny Face (1957)
Consciemment ou inconsciemment, from Funny Face (1957)
Corbillard from Funny Face (1957)
Couldn't I stay? The professor wants to talk to me. from Funny Face (1957)
Curtain! from Funny Face (1957)
Cut down the steam. That's wonderfuI. That's it. from Funny Face (1957)
D for dreary. from Funny Face (1957)
D for dull and for depressing, from Funny Face (1957)
Dans nos meilleures sculptures... Et dans notre meilleure littÈrature. from Funny Face (1957)
Darling from Funny Face (1957)
Darling, guess who this is. You'll never guess! from Funny Face (1957)
Deep, Marion. Profound, Marion. from Funny Face (1957)
Dick Avery started working on the pictures. from Funny Face (1957)
Dick, I thought it wouId never happen. from Funny Face (1957)
Dick, that gives you a week to photograph her. from Funny Face (1957)
DismaI and deadIy! from Funny Face (1957)
Do all of this? from Funny Face (1957)
Do I make myseIf cIear? from Funny Face (1957)
Do some window shopping from Funny Face (1957)
Do we Iook Iike peopIe who gape all day? from Funny Face (1957)
Do what I tell you. Don't worry about it. from Funny Face (1957)
Do you know what the word "empathy" means? from Funny Face (1957)
Does it show? from Funny Face (1957)
Don't be silly. Everybody wants to be kissed, even philosophers. from Funny Face (1957)
Don't bother. I'll throw myseIf out. from Funny Face (1957)
Don't even ask. The thought of her makes me shudder. DreadfuI girI. from Funny Face (1957)
Don't Iisten to her. She is a chiId. from Funny Face (1957)
Don't Iook Iike such an amateur. from Funny Face (1957)
Don't say another word. from Funny Face (1957)
Don't you dare! from Funny Face (1957)
Don't you know Ben Franklin wrote about this thing at length? from Funny Face (1957)
Don't you remember me? Jo Stockton? from Funny Face (1957)
Don't! Stop! from Funny Face (1957)
Dovitch, I can't wait to tell you about my feature for the next issue. from Funny Face (1957)
Dovitch. I want to see you. from Funny Face (1957)
Down the Champs ElysÈes from Funny Face (1957)
Dr Post, who runs a shop I worked in, has contacts in severaI universities. from Funny Face (1957)
Drive in pink from Funny Face (1957)
Drop the books. from Funny Face (1957)
DuvaI can't show his collection without you. from Funny Face (1957)
DuvaI needs measurements. Where is she? from Funny Face (1957)
DuvaI! I can't hear myseIf think, and I'm trying to think in French. from Funny Face (1957)
Elle estperceptible dans tout ce qui nous touche. from Funny Face (1957)
Embarrassing me in front of Professor Flostre! from Funny Face (1957)
Empathicalists have a very firm way with hostile vibrations. from Funny Face (1957)
Empathy is to project your imagination from Funny Face (1957)
Empathy. Is it something Iike sympathy? from Funny Face (1957)
Er, Miss Prescott, please. from Funny Face (1957)
Et maintenant from Funny Face (1957)
Etudiez la statue un instant. Je reviens tout de suite. from Funny Face (1957)
Every girI in Quality has grace, eIegance and pizzazz. from Funny Face (1957)
Everybody come along from Funny Face (1957)
Everybody come along and join the jubilee! from Funny Face (1957)
Everything on the great horizon from Funny Face (1957)
Everything that you can think from Funny Face (1957)
Everything's rosy from Funny Face (1957)
Excuse me, DuvaI. Where is Jo? from Funny Face (1957)
Feels so gay, feels so bright from Funny Face (1957)
Feels so good when you stop. from Funny Face (1957)
Finding another worId from Funny Face (1957)
Flostre may be the quiz kid, from Funny Face (1957)
Flostre part au cafÈ et on est dÈj‡ en retard. Au revoir. from Funny Face (1957)
For fashion pictures for Quality magazine. from Funny Face (1957)
For her appearance, her grace, her poise... from Funny Face (1957)
For I have to have the answer from Funny Face (1957)
For I need you, and you need me from Funny Face (1957)
For me from Funny Face (1957)
For miles and miles and miles from Funny Face (1957)
For worlds I'd not replace from Funny Face (1957)
For you, my dear, I promise never to grow oId. from Funny Face (1957)
Forget her. This is the other girI I'm taIking about. from Funny Face (1957)
Forget it and relax. We've been working too hard. from Funny Face (1957)
Fountains. from Funny Face (1957)
Frankly, dear, your modesty reveals to me from Funny Face (1957)
Friends, you saw enter here a waif, a gamin, a IowIy caterpillar. from Funny Face (1957)
From now on, girls... from Funny Face (1957)
From the Arch of Triumph from Funny Face (1957)
Gather around, you children! from Funny Face (1957)
Gentlemen, may I tell you that you look like a mess of worms? from Funny Face (1957)
Get her up here. Order books. from Funny Face (1957)
Get them quiet, DuvaI. I'll be back. from Funny Face (1957)
Get to work. I'll take care of Dick. Leave it to me! from Funny Face (1957)
Gimme some, gimme some Dixieland beat! from Funny Face (1957)
Girls, back to work. Gentlemen, that will do. from Funny Face (1957)
Girls, girls, girls, girls. Take this to all the designers. from Funny Face (1957)
Girls, I want these books rearranged. from Funny Face (1957)
Go out dancing but just remember one thing from Funny Face (1957)
Good morning, Miss Prescott. from Funny Face (1957)
Good morning, Miss Prescott. from Funny Face (1957)
Good. A IittIe smiIe. from Funny Face (1957)
Good. Alright. Now, la steam! from Funny Face (1957)
Good. Now give her some flowers. Flowers. Arms full. from Funny Face (1957)
Good. Now, where is Jo? from Funny Face (1957)
Good. One more, please. from Funny Face (1957)
Good. We'll put you to work. from Funny Face (1957)
Good. You're not only a model, you're an actress. from Funny Face (1957)
Goodbye. from Funny Face (1957)
Great. That's great. from Funny Face (1957)
Had no plan for a man from Funny Face (1957)
Hallelujah from Funny Face (1957)
Hallelujah! Hallelu... Hallelu... from Funny Face (1957)
Hang five in pink from Funny Face (1957)
Has Ieft me in the Iurch from Funny Face (1957)
Haven't poor people like us a right to make a living? from Funny Face (1957)
He Ioves from Funny Face (1957)
He is a marvellous photographer. from Funny Face (1957)
He would be barred from all the other fashion magazines. from Funny Face (1957)
He'll never hound you, step on the ground you... from Funny Face (1957)
He's more excited about it than any of us. from Funny Face (1957)
He's the only... from Funny Face (1957)
He's your Prince Charming, isn't he? Well, get happy! from Funny Face (1957)
Head up a IittIe. You're so happy. from Funny Face (1957)
Hello there. from Funny Face (1957)
Hello! from Funny Face (1957)
Hello. MonsieurAvery? He just Ieft. from Funny Face (1957)
Here is our theme. Here is our answer. Pink. from Funny Face (1957)
Here it comes from Funny Face (1957)
Here it is. Clothes for the woman who isn't interested in clothes. from Funny Face (1957)
Here she is. from Funny Face (1957)
Here. I think we ought to use her in the shot. Miss, come here, pIease. from Funny Face (1957)
Hey, diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle. from Funny Face (1957)
Hey! from Funny Face (1957)
His interest in me is anything but intellectuaI? from Funny Face (1957)
Hold it, boys. Beethoven isn't working. Try Brahms. from Funny Face (1957)
Hold it! from Funny Face (1957)
Hold it. Ready? from Funny Face (1957)
Hold it. Ready? from Funny Face (1957)
Hold it. Ready. from Funny Face (1957)
Holy Moses! You look fabulous! from Funny Face (1957)
HoteI Savoyard? M. DickAvery, s'il vous pla@t? from Funny Face (1957)
How can you possibly make a model out of that? from Funny Face (1957)
How could you be so rude? from Funny Face (1957)
How dare you Ieave me in the street Iike this! Taxi! from Funny Face (1957)
How do you do, boys? from Funny Face (1957)
How do you do? I'm Dick Avery. from Funny Face (1957)
How do you think I feeI when you don't show up? from Funny Face (1957)
How Iong has this been going on? from Funny Face (1957)
How Iong has this been going on? from Funny Face (1957)
How Iong has this been going on? from Funny Face (1957)
How Iong have you been in Paris? from Funny Face (1957)
Hundreds of people. from Funny Face (1957)
Hurry. Over here. from Funny Face (1957)
I aIways knew someday from Funny Face (1957)
I am jeopardising my position with Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, from Funny Face (1957)
I am, but it's caught on something. from Funny Face (1957)
I asked you to Ieave. That is my right. from Funny Face (1957)
I assume you mean me, too. from Funny Face (1957)
I came from New York just to see you. from Funny Face (1957)
I can see that. Do you ask men to dance with you? from Funny Face (1957)
I can still see them when I cIose mine. from Funny Face (1957)
I can't beIieve it. I thought you'd be oId. from Funny Face (1957)
I can't tell you how sorry I am. from Funny Face (1957)
I can't tell. Do they Iook pIeased? from Funny Face (1957)
I can't, Babs, I got my hands full. from Funny Face (1957)
I cannot keep them waiting. I must make an announcement. from Funny Face (1957)
I certainIy envy you that. from Funny Face (1957)
I couId cry saIty tears from Funny Face (1957)
I didn't come here to enroI in a miIitary schooI. from Funny Face (1957)
I didn't reaIise we made such a mess. from Funny Face (1957)
I do what I do for a Iiving. It has to do with suppIy and demand. from Funny Face (1957)
I don't bIame him. I hurt him too much. from Funny Face (1957)
I don't know what you mean. from Funny Face (1957)
I don't know. I just asked. from Funny Face (1957)
I don't think jokes about FIostre are funny. from Funny Face (1957)
I don't want my eyebrows up or down. I want them where they are. from Funny Face (1957)
I don't want to sound Iike the personneI department, from Funny Face (1957)
I don't want to stop. I Iike it. Take the picture. from Funny Face (1957)
I don't want you spending your Iife retouching my pictures. from Funny Face (1957)
I feeI a hostiIe vibration. from Funny Face (1957)
I find myseIf at an awkward disadvantage. from Funny Face (1957)
I had no idea they were coming, or what got into Dick. from Funny Face (1957)
I had no idea. Nobody toId me. from Funny Face (1957)
I hate to admit it, but she's right. from Funny Face (1957)
I have asked you here to meet the woman seIected to represent from Funny Face (1957)
I have no desire to be kissed by you, or anyone eIse. from Funny Face (1957)
I have no doubt that in Iess than ten years, from Funny Face (1957)
I have no illusions about my Iooks. I think my face is funny. from Funny Face (1957)
I haven't seen a woman in two weeks in anything but pink. from Funny Face (1957)
I Iove Paris. from Funny Face (1957)
I Iove these cIothes and the IittIe church. And I Iove you. from Funny Face (1957)
I Iove your funny face from Funny Face (1957)
I Iove your funny face from Funny Face (1957)
I Iove your funny face from Funny Face (1957)
I Iove your funny face from Funny Face (1957)
I just feeI so dishonest in this wedding dress. from Funny Face (1957)
I knew you wouId not Iet us down! from Funny Face (1957)
I know how you feeI, even if you think I don't. from Funny Face (1957)
I know what they're here for and it is not guidance. from Funny Face (1957)
I know you can show how from Funny Face (1957)
I know you don't mean any harm, but you are in everyone's way. from Funny Face (1957)
I know. I said things I shouIdn't have. She got upset. from Funny Face (1957)
I make a deIivery and find myseIf being pillaged and pIundered. from Funny Face (1957)
I must phiIosophise with all the guys from Funny Face (1957)
I never want to go home. I Iove Paris! from Funny Face (1957)
I put myseIf in your pIace and I feIt that you wanted to be kissed. from Funny Face (1957)
I said I'd be there, and I will. from Funny Face (1957)
I said you'd be there at 10:30am. from Funny Face (1957)
I shouIdn't design a collection for you. from Funny Face (1957)
I simpIy cannot reIease this issue the way it is. from Funny Face (1957)
I stayed to heIp you put these back. from Funny Face (1957)
I suppose we'll be going home soon? from Funny Face (1957)
I think her face is perfectIy funny. from Funny Face (1957)
I think I can change your mind. from Funny Face (1957)
I think perhaps you had better stay here with me, huh? from Funny Face (1957)
I thought I was! from Funny Face (1957)
I want a IittIe rouge here. She needs a marvellous mouth. from Funny Face (1957)
I want marvellous pictures. Give me a Iot of pizzazz. from Funny Face (1957)
I want shoes and stockings in this coIour. from Funny Face (1957)
I want the whoIe issue pink. I want the whoIe country pink! from Funny Face (1957)
I want to apoIogise. She wasn't worth fighting about. from Funny Face (1957)
I want to see the den of thinking men from Funny Face (1957)
I want to step out from Funny Face (1957)
I want to wander from Funny Face (1957)
I was full of seIf defences from Funny Face (1957)
I was taught that I ought not expose my inner senses from Funny Face (1957)
I went through all this nonsense to meet this man. from Funny Face (1957)
I went to the cafÈ. She isn't there. from Funny Face (1957)
I work here, and I'm in charge in her absence. from Funny Face (1957)
I worship everything he stands for. The way he thinks. from Funny Face (1957)
I wouIdn't Iike to swear in court, but I have an idea. from Funny Face (1957)
I wouIdn't take you to Paris if I didn't think you'd work out. from Funny Face (1957)
I'd be in Paris now if I couId afford it. from Funny Face (1957)
I'd go far before I'd find a sweeter pan from Funny Face (1957)
I'd swim the ocean wide from Funny Face (1957)
I'll bet you've been here all these years from Funny Face (1957)
I'll check the Iights, then I make my speech. from Funny Face (1957)
I'll do that. from Funny Face (1957)
I'll give you a guarantee from Funny Face (1957)
I'll go to FIostre's tonight and bring her back. from Funny Face (1957)
I'll have her here tomorrow morning at ten without faiI. from Funny Face (1957)
I'll Iet you out. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm afraid I've disappointed you. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm afraid it's all my fauIt. I thought you'd make a good modeI. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm enchanted,... Miss Stockton. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm going to seIect a girI to be the Quality Woman. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm hurt, and disappointed, and... from Funny Face (1957)
I'm Ieaving now, and if anyone makes a move to stop me from Funny Face (1957)
I'm in such a IoveIy state from Funny Face (1957)
I'm Jo Stockton. Can you heIp me? from Funny Face (1957)
I'm not interested in your peopIe. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm ready. What are you gonna do? from Funny Face (1957)
I'm responsibIe for you. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm so excited about meeting you, I forgot to introduce myseIf. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm so sorry. It was too Iate. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm so tired it's an effort for me to say I'm tired. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry about the troubIe. I didn't reaIise. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry if I spoiIed a print. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry, I'm nervous. I've never done anything Iike this. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry, Mr Avery, we don't stock what you're Iooking for. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry. I didn't see you up there. Are you aIright? from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry. I don't know what's the matter with me. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry. Perhaps we shouId've asked your permission first. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sure he got it. He didn't want to taIk to me. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sure that in all America there's no empathicaIist from Funny Face (1957)
I'm thinking this is taking a Iong time, from Funny Face (1957)
I'm throwing a shindig to christen the Quality Woman. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm trying, but I've never fished before. from Funny Face (1957)
I've been at the cafÈ all day. I'm terribIy sorry. from Funny Face (1957)
I've never been so humiIiated in all my Iife! from Funny Face (1957)
I've never seen these peopIe in Tallahassee, from Funny Face (1957)
I've written editoriaIs on it for years. from Funny Face (1957)
Ieaving to the passionate music of Tristan undIsolde. from Funny Face (1957)
If he has found you, chiIdren from Funny Face (1957)
If I Iet this go through, I will have faiIed the American woman. from Funny Face (1957)
If I send paper to the American woman, I will have Iet her down. from Funny Face (1957)
If I went to Paris, it wouId be to go to EmiIe FIostre's Iectures. from Funny Face (1957)
If it comes into the home it must contribute. from Funny Face (1957)
If it is, you'll be in Paris. You can see your Professor Whosis. from Funny Face (1957)
If onIy to weave a spell from Funny Face (1957)
If onIy you knew how anxious I am to taIk to you. from Funny Face (1957)
If she's here, she Iooks invisibIe. from Funny Face (1957)
If the rights of the individuaI from Funny Face (1957)
If this is some sort ofjoke... from Funny Face (1957)
If we don't get this fixed, you may never see HaroId again. Let's go. from Funny Face (1957)
If we'd be happy from Funny Face (1957)
If we'd be happy from Funny Face (1957)
If we'd come a few minutes Iater, you'd have found out for yourseIf. from Funny Face (1957)
If you can't Iick 'em, join 'em and if you can't join 'em, Iick 'em! from Funny Face (1957)
If you girIs onIy knew how important posture is. from Funny Face (1957)
If you got a IittIe pink from Funny Face (1957)
If you Iay one finger on me, I will call your embassy. from Funny Face (1957)
If you see her, hang on to her. from Funny Face (1957)
If you weren't so serious, this wouId be terribIy funny. from Funny Face (1957)
Il n'y a plus rien from Funny Face (1957)
Il n'y a qu'un seul remËde from Funny Face (1957)
Ily a un autre couple qui s'appelle Barker de Florida. from Funny Face (1957)
Imported all the way from Napa Valley, CaIifornia. from Funny Face (1957)
ImpossibIe! You're in the fashion worId. from Funny Face (1957)
In cities Iike Omaha and Detroit and... from Funny Face (1957)
In desperation, one does not examine one's avenue of escape. from Funny Face (1957)
In fact, I feeI wonderfuI. from Funny Face (1957)
In the 60 years of Quality magazine, this hits rock bottom. from Funny Face (1957)
In the meantime, be my guests. from Funny Face (1957)
In the Rue de Ia Paix from Funny Face (1957)
In your swing from Funny Face (1957)
Inspired by the Quality Woman, from Funny Face (1957)
Is it fun? from Funny Face (1957)
Is it reaI? from Funny Face (1957)
Is this my Achilles heeI? from Funny Face (1957)
Isn't it time you reaIised from Funny Face (1957)
It all suggests age. I mean, maturity. from Funny Face (1957)
It doesn't speak. from Funny Face (1957)
It feeIs wonderfuI, but it's not me. from Funny Face (1957)
It is your opportunity. It will be your evening. from Funny Face (1957)
It just can't Iie around. from Funny Face (1957)
It staggers me nobody's thought of it before. from Funny Face (1957)
It wouId be hypocrisy for me to Iend myseIf to this. from Funny Face (1957)
It'll be better when we get through with it. from Funny Face (1957)
It's a great gimmick. Any of these modeIs wouId be aIright. from Funny Face (1957)
It's all in the know how from Funny Face (1957)
It's based on empathy. from Funny Face (1957)
It's chi chi and an unreaIistic approach to seIf impressions. from Funny Face (1957)
It's hard to expIain, but it's all part of empathicaIism. from Funny Face (1957)
It's in the pubIic domain. from Funny Face (1957)
It's most immoraI for us to quarreI from Funny Face (1957)
It's movingIy dismaI. We couIdn't have done better if we'd designed it. from Funny Face (1957)
It's my newest project. When you hear it, you will drop. from Funny Face (1957)
It's no joke. If we do her over and fix her up, she'd be great. from Funny Face (1957)
It's not the happiest day of my Iife. No one's waiting for me anywhere. from Funny Face (1957)
It's thrilling! It makes me cry for the CaroIines. from Funny Face (1957)
It's time you woke up to your responsibiIities. from Funny Face (1957)
It's too Iate. from Funny Face (1957)
It's too ridicuIous even to think about. from Funny Face (1957)
It's up there a from Funny Face (1957)
Itsabuchi, hmm? from Funny Face (1957)
Jazz up the Latin quarter from Funny Face (1957)
Je suis complËtement dÈrangÈe from Funny Face (1957)
Je suis... terribly sorry. from Funny Face (1957)
Je vous dÈteste! from Funny Face (1957)
Jo, give me the works. Heartbreak, Ionging, tragedy. from Funny Face (1957)
Jo! from Funny Face (1957)
Jo! Jo, where are you? from Funny Face (1957)
Jubilee today from Funny Face (1957)
Just fine, thank you. How are you? from Funny Face (1957)
Just hand them to me. from Funny Face (1957)
Just Iisten and repeat after me. from Funny Face (1957)
Just pretend that Marion can read. from Funny Face (1957)
Keep away from me, you! from Funny Face (1957)
Keep in mind that you're a woman who thinks. from Funny Face (1957)
Keep in mind that you're a woman who thinks. from Funny Face (1957)
La. from Funny Face (1957)
Ladies and gentlemen of the press, my friends. from Funny Face (1957)
Ladies, feast your eyes on our Quality Woman. from Funny Face (1957)
Laura, everything goes pink! from Funny Face (1957)
Leave it to Dick to find a delicatessen in Paris. from Funny Face (1957)
Let me in. from Funny Face (1957)
Let us Iead the way from Funny Face (1957)
Let's all Iet our hair down from Funny Face (1957)
Let's forget it and get this over with. from Funny Face (1957)
Let's give 'em the old pizzazz. from Funny Face (1957)
Let's hurry. We might have to pick up Harold's laundry on the way. from Funny Face (1957)
Let's kiss and make up from Funny Face (1957)
Let's kiss and make up from Funny Face (1957)
Let's kiss and make up from Funny Face (1957)
Let's turn into a couple of friendly vibrations. from Funny Face (1957)
Lettie, remember that creature in the book shop? from Funny Face (1957)
Lettie, take an editoriaI. "To the women of America..." from Funny Face (1957)
Lettie, what is the name of Dick Avery's hoteI? from Funny Face (1957)
Lettie! Have you seen Jo? from Funny Face (1957)
Light up the Louvre museum from Funny Face (1957)
Lights! from Funny Face (1957)
Like Jean PauI Sartre from Funny Face (1957)
Living is easy from Funny Face (1957)
Longer. from Funny Face (1957)
Look at her. She's reading. from Funny Face (1957)
Look at it as if you understand it. As if it understands you. See? from Funny Face (1957)
Look at me, I'm all at sea from Funny Face (1957)
Look up the airstay. from Funny Face (1957)
Look what you've done! Bursting in here Iike a hoodIum. from Funny Face (1957)
Look, Marion, I'd Iike to try it again. from Funny Face (1957)
Look, stop. from Funny Face (1957)
Lousy, rotten good for nothing! from Funny Face (1957)
Lovely. from Funny Face (1957)
Ma tÍte Èclate from Funny Face (1957)
Maggie, is there any news? from Funny Face (1957)
Maggie, she's new. from Funny Face (1957)
Maggie, where's Dick? from Funny Face (1957)
Maggie, where's Jo? Have you seen her? from Funny Face (1957)
Maggie? from Funny Face (1957)
Mais entrez donc. from Funny Face (1957)
Mais quandje I'ai vu from Funny Face (1957)
Make it a totaI of $52.75, and there's $1.20 for the taxi. from Funny Face (1957)
Make sorrow incidentaI from Funny Face (1957)
Make you sigh, or to die from Funny Face (1957)
Makes your day, makes your night from Funny Face (1957)
Marion Iooks smarter aIready. from Funny Face (1957)
Marion might Iook better in a different background. from Funny Face (1957)
Marion, dear, what are you reading? from Funny Face (1957)
Marvellous! from Funny Face (1957)
Marvellous! from Funny Face (1957)
Marvellous! from Funny Face (1957)
MatÈrialise les plus nobles aspects de la nature humaine. from Funny Face (1957)
May I heIp you? from Funny Face (1957)
May I present the Quality Woman! from Funny Face (1957)
Maybe at the top of the EiffeI Tower, or the bottom of the Seine. from Funny Face (1957)
Maybe she's in a traffic jam. How should I know? from Funny Face (1957)
Maybe you should give them a chance... from Funny Face (1957)
Melons from Florida. from Funny Face (1957)
Merci. from Funny Face (1957)
Messieurs et mesdames. from Funny Face (1957)
Might do what? from Funny Face (1957)
Minute Men From Mars. from Funny Face (1957)
Miss Prescott's secretary will deaI with you. from Funny Face (1957)
Modelling may not be as bad as you think. from Funny Face (1957)
Monsieur, Gigi would like to dance. from Funny Face (1957)
MonsieurAvery? MonsieurRichardAvery? from Funny Face (1957)
Mort, froid, et massacrÈ from Funny Face (1957)
Most people think they're beautiful dresses on beautiful women. from Funny Face (1957)
Mr Avery will be by in five minutes. from Funny Face (1957)
Must you go? I was just beginning to know you. from Funny Face (1957)
My dear, Iet me do the apoIogising. I behaved abominabIy. from Funny Face (1957)
My dear, you mustn't assume guilt for something that was unavoidable. from Funny Face (1957)
My philosophic search from Funny Face (1957)
My work is pleasant, the pay is excellent, from Funny Face (1957)
My, my, my...! from Funny Face (1957)
Neither do you, which brings us to why I'm here. from Funny Face (1957)
Never mind what I'm going to do. Just say "go". from Funny Face (1957)
Nice of you to say so, but it was me... from Funny Face (1957)
No more jokes. But let's be friendly. We have to work together. from Funny Face (1957)
No use to break up from Funny Face (1957)
No wedding? Quel dommage! from Funny Face (1957)
No, I... Oh, Dick, she was just great! from Funny Face (1957)
No, I'll have to have the beginner's course on that one. from Funny Face (1957)
No, I'm not mad, I... from Funny Face (1957)
No, not too much steam. from Funny Face (1957)
No, thanks, I'm busy. Didn't Gigi tell you? from Funny Face (1957)
No, thanks. I've got to go to bed. from Funny Face (1957)
No, that's not the way we Iook when we're thinking of Itsabuchi. from Funny Face (1957)
No, why does a chicken cross the road? from Funny Face (1957)
No, you mustn't mix them up. from Funny Face (1957)
No. There's no reason why someone brilliant shouldn't be young. from Funny Face (1957)
No. Why? from Funny Face (1957)
None of you seems to realise you're trespassing on private property. from Funny Face (1957)
Nonsense. If the project comes off, we'll all be heroes. from Funny Face (1957)
Nonsense. Marion can be very deep. from Funny Face (1957)
Not everyone interested in empathicalism meets him, from Funny Face (1957)
Not showing my collection. I'm ruined. from Funny Face (1957)
Not too much. I don't want a cycIone. from Funny Face (1957)
Not yet. I haven't toId you what a phoney you are. from Funny Face (1957)
Nothing serious from Funny Face (1957)
Nous sommes icipourphotographie, pour la magazine de la fashion. from Funny Face (1957)
Nous sommes voyager ici pour la meditation. from Funny Face (1957)
Now for you and me from Funny Face (1957)
Now I feeI that I really shouId face the consequences from Funny Face (1957)
Now she's gonna get even. from Funny Face (1957)
Now that the poor thing is dead... from Funny Face (1957)
Now the hostile vibrations have gone... from Funny Face (1957)
Now what's this all about? from Funny Face (1957)
Now, just a moment... from Funny Face (1957)
Now, let's see. from Funny Face (1957)
Now, mademoiselle. from Funny Face (1957)
Now, tell Marion about the books so that we can get out of here. from Funny Face (1957)
Now, turn around. Fabulous! from Funny Face (1957)
Now, wait a minute. Just a minute. from Funny Face (1957)
Now, wait, we're spirituaI singers on a tour and... from Funny Face (1957)
Now, we won't be a moment. from Funny Face (1957)
Oh oh, the reaI Barkers. from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, 's wonderfuI from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, 's wonderfuI from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, chÈri. from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, how could I be a model? from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, I feeI that I couId meIt from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, it goes beyond sympathy. from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, it's you. from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, it's you. Well, come on in. from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, mais quelle mariÈe charmante! from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, Marion's... from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, no! from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, no. from Funny Face (1957)
Oh! from Funny Face (1957)
Oh! Oh, no! from Funny Face (1957)
Oh? What's empathicalism? from Funny Face (1957)
Oh... from Funny Face (1957)
OK, that's it. That ought to do. from Funny Face (1957)
On how to be charming from Funny Face (1957)
On how to be IoveIy from Funny Face (1957)
On how to be IoveIy from Funny Face (1957)
On me demande from Funny Face (1957)
On ne m'avaitpas dit qu'ily aurait un mariage aujourd'hui. from Funny Face (1957)
On the proposition that in union there is strength from Funny Face (1957)
On the road from Funny Face (1957)
On the sands of time from Funny Face (1957)
On you it Iooks cute, sugar. from Funny Face (1957)
One never talks to Maggie Prescott. One only listens. from Funny Face (1957)
Or a means to a beginning, according to how it works out. from Funny Face (1957)
Or chartreuse from Funny Face (1957)
Or we can show you the south from Funny Face (1957)
Oui, madame. from Funny Face (1957)
Oui? Qui est vous? from Funny Face (1957)
Our cares will fly away from Funny Face (1957)
Pardon, monsieur. from Funny Face (1957)
Peace through understanding is the only real... from Funny Face (1957)
People there think, and do things. Useful things. from Funny Face (1957)
Photographing silly dresses on silly women. from Funny Face (1957)
Pink is now the colour to which you gotta switch from Funny Face (1957)
Pink toothpaste too from Funny Face (1957)
Pink's for all the famiIy from Funny Face (1957)
Pink's for all the famiIy from Funny Face (1957)
Play in pink, all day in pink from Funny Face (1957)
Please tell me what this is about. from Funny Face (1957)
Please, let's get this show on. from Funny Face (1957)
Poor Anna Karenina. from Funny Face (1957)
Pretend you caught a fish. Pull it out. from Funny Face (1957)
Professor Flostre is the greatest living philosopher, from Funny Face (1957)
Professor, I Iove every broken bone in your body! from Funny Face (1957)
Professor, they want to make a fooI of you. from Funny Face (1957)
Pulling my clothes and cutting my hair. from Funny Face (1957)
Put them back. Please talk to her. It'll take me hours. from Funny Face (1957)
Quels noms? from Funny Face (1957)
Razzle, dazzle and spread the news from Funny Face (1957)
React to it. Just... say it. from Funny Face (1957)
Remember trouble must be treated just like a rebel from Funny Face (1957)
Right. Now, ready? from Funny Face (1957)
Ring a dem bells from Funny Face (1957)
Ring a dem bells from Funny Face (1957)
Ring a dem bells out from Funny Face (1957)
Ring a dem... from Funny Face (1957)
Ring a dem... from Funny Face (1957)
Ring a them, ring a them Ring a them, ring a them from Funny Face (1957)
Roses are red, the violets are blue, from Funny Face (1957)
Run as fast as I can and don't Iet the balloons go. from Funny Face (1957)
Run as fast as you can and don't Iet the balloons go. from Funny Face (1957)
Run! from Funny Face (1957)
Runs around here Iike he owns the magazine. from Funny Face (1957)
Salaud! DÈgueulasse! from Funny Face (1957)
Say, Iisten! from Funny Face (1957)
Self appraisal often makes us sad from Funny Face (1957)
Send it to the deviI from Funny Face (1957)
Shall I throw myseIf under the train? from Funny Face (1957)
She did this to me, with a statue that cost 200,000 francs. from Funny Face (1957)
She doesn't approve of fashion magazines. from Funny Face (1957)
She is a rare creature... chosen from hundreds from Funny Face (1957)
She put herself in your place, so put yourself in her place. from Funny Face (1957)
She stabbed her Iover because she hated him. from Funny Face (1957)
She was here, but she's disappeared. from Funny Face (1957)
She was magnificent! You should've seen her! from Funny Face (1957)
She'd devour us all. from Funny Face (1957)
She'll show up. The girI has integrity. from Funny Face (1957)
She's a fashion editor. Get 'em out! from Funny Face (1957)
She's agreed to go to Paris. She can hardly wait. from Funny Face (1957)
She's at her hotel, but she won't take messages. from Funny Face (1957)
She's filled with virtues. Only she's not wasting them on us. from Funny Face (1957)
She's fresh. from Funny Face (1957)
Should come here to die from Funny Face (1957)
Show up where? from Funny Face (1957)
Sir, I owe you a drink. from Funny Face (1957)
Slap your thighs from Funny Face (1957)
Slap your thighs from Funny Face (1957)
Small talk? I suppose you think the neckline of a dress from Funny Face (1957)
So I bribed the desk cIerk into Ietting me copy her phone messages. from Funny Face (1957)
So ring a dem bells from Funny Face (1957)
So that you actually feeI what the other person is feeIing. from Funny Face (1957)
So where is she? from Funny Face (1957)
So why can't... you Iove from Funny Face (1957)
So won't you Iove me from Funny Face (1957)
Somehow we gotta from Funny Face (1957)
Something is wrong. from Funny Face (1957)
Something missing, I know from Funny Face (1957)
Song and meditation tonight at my salon." from Funny Face (1957)
Sounds great, but what is it? from Funny Face (1957)
Stand here, please. There's a good place. Fine. from Funny Face (1957)
Steve, tip that back Iight down a bit, will you? OK. from Funny Face (1957)
Stop! from Funny Face (1957)
Straighten up, shoulders back. from Funny Face (1957)
Suivez moi. Il me semble qu'ily a une erreur. from Funny Face (1957)
Suppose we Ieave my bones aIone and give me my $53.95? from Funny Face (1957)
Swim in perfume, and a new Iove affair every hour on the hour. from Funny Face (1957)
Sympathy is to understand what someone feels. from Funny Face (1957)
Take her, and whatever you do, don't Iet her out of your sight. from Funny Face (1957)
Thank heavens. I thought you'd stand us up again. from Funny Face (1957)
Thank you. from Funny Face (1957)
Thanks. from Funny Face (1957)
That dancing is nothing more than a form of expression or release? from Funny Face (1957)
That he is speaking at the cafÈ and that they are Iate. from Funny Face (1957)
That is a piece of sculpture by ltsabuchi. from Funny Face (1957)
That is a piece of sculpture by ltsabuchi. from Funny Face (1957)
That just can't go wrong from Funny Face (1957)
That thing from the book shop? from Funny Face (1957)
That way it won't be a totaI Ioss. from Funny Face (1957)
That way. from Funny Face (1957)
That would be novel in a fashion magazine. from Funny Face (1957)
That you should care from Funny Face (1957)
That you should care from Funny Face (1957)
That'll be me. Sorry. from Funny Face (1957)
That's a killer. from Funny Face (1957)
That's all you have to know. You're happy. Now, run! from Funny Face (1957)
That's alright. What's all the desperation about? from Funny Face (1957)
That's for me from Funny Face (1957)
That's for me from Funny Face (1957)
That's for me from Funny Face (1957)
That's for me from Funny Face (1957)
That's great. from Funny Face (1957)
That's great. Just Iike the movie. from Funny Face (1957)
That's it! Maggie, you ought to be president. from Funny Face (1957)
That's not what I came to taIk about. from Funny Face (1957)
That's not what I heard. from Funny Face (1957)
That's quite obvious. You might just as well be flying a kite. from Funny Face (1957)
That's sinister enough. from Funny Face (1957)
That's very rude, refusing to dance with Mimi. from Funny Face (1957)
That's what Maggie said. from Funny Face (1957)
That's what you've been talking about! Why didn't you say? from Funny Face (1957)
That's where she'll be tonight. from Funny Face (1957)
The air will do her good. She was very pale. from Funny Face (1957)
The bird is Prince Charming, turned into a bird by a sorcerer. from Funny Face (1957)
The bones are good. from Funny Face (1957)
The books are here. from Funny Face (1957)
The books on this shelf pertain to empiricism, from Funny Face (1957)
The clock must be fast. He just hasn't got the message yet. from Funny Face (1957)
The correspondent from Madrid will be able to make it. from Funny Face (1957)
The correspondent from ****stan has accepted. from Funny Face (1957)
The curtains will open and you dazzle 'em! from Funny Face (1957)
The day you've dreamt of. You're marrying the man you Iove. from Funny Face (1957)
The dresses is gotta be showed. Let's get this show on the road! from Funny Face (1957)
The eyebrows up, a Iight powder. from Funny Face (1957)
The facing page Iooks as intellectuaI as a snake. from Funny Face (1957)
The great American tourist from Funny Face (1957)
The great American woman, who stands out there naked, from Funny Face (1957)
The greatest philosopher since Aristotle. from Funny Face (1957)
The hair is awfuI. It must come off. from Funny Face (1957)
The hair, the dress. It's perfection. from Funny Face (1957)
The Herald Tribune has brought a correspondent from Sweden. from Funny Face (1957)
The Iiving is high from Funny Face (1957)
The man who Ioves you. from Funny Face (1957)
The man you Iove more than anyone is inside the church waiting for you. from Funny Face (1957)
The Modigliani is $12.50, from Funny Face (1957)
The most discriminating publication in the world, Quality. from Funny Face (1957)
The most sensible approach to true understanding and peace of mind. from Funny Face (1957)
The Quality Woman must have grace, elegance and pizzazz. from Funny Face (1957)
The railroad is going to paint a whole train pink from Funny Face (1957)
The way is clear from Funny Face (1957)
The White House. from Funny Face (1957)
The woman who thinks must come to grips with fashionable attire. from Funny Face (1957)
The world looks good to you from Funny Face (1957)
Then I gotta confess from Funny Face (1957)
Then I will come. Perhaps we can do usefuI things together. from Funny Face (1957)
Then we can show you the west from Funny Face (1957)
Then you'll be IoveIy as a hoIiday from Funny Face (1957)
There are tears in her eyes. from Funny Face (1957)
There is a magicaI moment waiting for us. from Funny Face (1957)
There was a Iot to be done. from Funny Face (1957)
There was no one here when I came in. from Funny Face (1957)
There were chills up my spine from Funny Face (1957)
There'll be plenty of hair cut, and it won't be mine. from Funny Face (1957)
There's a plane to New York at 10:30pm and I'm on it. from Funny Face (1957)
There's no need to be formaI or cute about it. from Funny Face (1957)
There's no time for talking. Tell us on the plane. from Funny Face (1957)
There's nothing to be nervous about. You're in Paris, the Tuileries. from Funny Face (1957)
There's one. from Funny Face (1957)
There's something missing from Funny Face (1957)
There's still one place I've got to go from Funny Face (1957)
These are not my clothes. from Funny Face (1957)
These gentlemen are waiting to do her face, hair. from Funny Face (1957)
They all say the same thing. Everyone in Paris is Iaughing. from Funny Face (1957)
They are too elemental. from Funny Face (1957)
They came to see me, not you. from Funny Face (1957)
They don't care about anyone's feelings. from Funny Face (1957)
They Iook too much aIike. They're too pat. Mix them up. from Funny Face (1957)
They promised they'd get my message to him before he boarded. from Funny Face (1957)
They understand me through the way I feeI, and the tone of my voice. from Funny Face (1957)
They were Ient for tonight. I'm being presented to the press. from Funny Face (1957)
They'll want to know who does your hair, from Funny Face (1957)
They've been waiting for you at DuvaI's all day. from Funny Face (1957)
They've gone. from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink, think pink from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink, think pink, think pink! from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink! Think pink if you want that quelque chose from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink! Think pink on the Iong, Iong road ahead from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink! Think pink when you shop for summer clothes from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink! Think pink, and the world is rosy red from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink! Think pink, and you're Michelangelo from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink! Think pink, it's the Iatest word, you know from Funny Face (1957)
Think pink! Who cares if the new Iook has no bust? from Funny Face (1957)
This deals with epiphenomenalism, which has to do with consciousness from Funny Face (1957)
This fussing and fretting is getting my goat from Funny Face (1957)
This girI will represent everything the magazine stands for. from Funny Face (1957)
This has got to be illegaI from Funny Face (1957)
This is grand from Funny Face (1957)
This is great from Funny Face (1957)
This is just paper. from Funny Face (1957)
This is my second and Iast encounter with you Iunatics. from Funny Face (1957)
This is no time to discuss our differences. from Funny Face (1957)
This is not a Ioss of integrity. It is a means to an end, and... from Funny Face (1957)
This is the first time I've seen you Iack imagination. from Funny Face (1957)
This is your idea? from Funny Face (1957)
This is your wedding day. from Funny Face (1957)
This isn't funny. You don't belong here. from Funny Face (1957)
This kid's a IittIe confused. from Funny Face (1957)
This must be the place. from Funny Face (1957)
This time, let's see if we can't get with it. from Funny Face (1957)
This time, let's see if we can't get with it. from Funny Face (1957)
Those people. from Funny Face (1957)
Though you're no Mona Lisa from Funny Face (1957)
Though you're no Queen of Sheba from Funny Face (1957)
Three hours. It is the uItimate in concentration. from Funny Face (1957)
Through the Saint HonorÈ from Funny Face (1957)
To get me over to DuvaI's to modeI their collection. from Funny Face (1957)
To see from Funny Face (1957)
To show the richest and the poorest from Funny Face (1957)
To which you gotta switch from Funny Face (1957)
Today, you're just a simple little girl. from Funny Face (1957)
Tout d'un coup, je savais bien Queje I'ai aimÈ from Funny Face (1957)
Try pink shampoo from Funny Face (1957)
Try pink shampoo from Funny Face (1957)
Try to stay with us for a while. Duval shows the collection on Friday. from Funny Face (1957)
TWA will Iet me know if we can have a pink pIane. from Funny Face (1957)
Un moment de passion engageante Je le dÈtestais from Funny Face (1957)
Un moment, s'il vous plaÓt. from Funny Face (1957)
UntiI we get in. As they say, if you can't Iick 'em, join 'em. from Funny Face (1957)
Very good, Marion. One more, please. Last one. from Funny Face (1957)
Vous retrouverez tout cela from Funny Face (1957)
Wait a minute. Don't go away mad. from Funny Face (1957)
Wait till you see what I've got. The girI. The Quality Woman. from Funny Face (1957)
Waiting for me to tell her what to wear. from Funny Face (1957)
We are proud to bring you a new collection by PauI DuvaI, from Funny Face (1957)
We begin with Hors d'Oeuvre. from Funny Face (1957)
We can go on Iocation. An intellectuaI hang out. from Funny Face (1957)
We can never reconcile our differences. from Funny Face (1957)
We can show you the north from Funny Face (1957)
We don't have to communicate with words. from Funny Face (1957)
We don't usually barge in that way. from Funny Face (1957)
We is goin' from Funny Face (1957)
We may as well get started. Babs, get that dreadfuI thing off of her. from Funny Face (1957)
We need each other, dear from Funny Face (1957)
We open the cocoon but it is not a butterfly that emerges. from Funny Face (1957)
We ought to Iook Iike one Iady to another. from Funny Face (1957)
We should all go straight to our hotels and get some rest. from Funny Face (1957)
We sit at your feet, ignorant, but so willing. from Funny Face (1957)
We think freely here. If a girl wants to dance with a man, she asks him. from Funny Face (1957)
We throw ourselves at your mercy. from Funny Face (1957)
We want the shop as a background from Funny Face (1957)
We want to sit at your feet and Iearn. from Funny Face (1957)
We'll make a twosome from Funny Face (1957)
We'll mention the shop in the magazine. from Funny Face (1957)
We'll only do unto you for a moment, from Funny Face (1957)
We'll scoop every other magazine. from Funny Face (1957)
We'll see. For now, just wonderful, noble self sacrifice. from Funny Face (1957)
We're cold, artificial and without sentiment. from Funny Face (1957)
We're fortunate to have found out these things now. from Funny Face (1957)
We're here to take pictures. from Funny Face (1957)
We're in the same boat from Funny Face (1957)
We're just going to take a few pictures. from Funny Face (1957)
We're not inhibited by outmoded sociaI conventions. from Funny Face (1957)
We've been calling you on the telephone for hours. from Funny Face (1957)
We've come to see Flostre. Professor, Maggie and I need guidance. from Funny Face (1957)
We've got to get to DuvaI's. from Funny Face (1957)
We've started the campaign. There isn't time to get someone else. from Funny Face (1957)
Well, give it a yank. from Funny Face (1957)
Well, hello. How are you? from Funny Face (1957)
Well, how was that? from Funny Face (1957)
Well, I hate to throw a wet bIanket... from Funny Face (1957)
Well, I mean, a phiIosopher and professor. from Funny Face (1957)
Well, I'll have no more of it. I don't want my hair cut. from Funny Face (1957)
Well, just this Iast picture, then you'll be through. from Funny Face (1957)
Well, Mr Tallahassee, how we doin'? from Funny Face (1957)
Well, run out and get him! It's urgent! from Funny Face (1957)
Well, what do you know! from Funny Face (1957)
Well, where is she? from Funny Face (1957)
Well, you fixed everything! from Funny Face (1957)
Well. from Funny Face (1957)
Wet your Iips. from Funny Face (1957)
Wet your Iips. from Funny Face (1957)
What a beautifuI bride! from Funny Face (1957)
What a woman ought to think from Funny Face (1957)
What about a girI with character, spirit and intelligence? from Funny Face (1957)
What about my collection? Without her I cannot show it. from Funny Face (1957)
What about these pictures? from Funny Face (1957)
What am I going to tell him? from Funny Face (1957)
What am I going to tell them? from Funny Face (1957)
What are they doing? They've been hours. from Funny Face (1957)
What are you doing here? You Iook ridicuIous! from Funny Face (1957)
What are you thinking? from Funny Face (1957)
What did you say? from Funny Face (1957)
What do you mean? from Funny Face (1957)
What does that mean? from Funny Face (1957)
What I feeI from Funny Face (1957)
What sort of pictures? from Funny Face (1957)
What were they saying about Flostre? from Funny Face (1957)
What you call funny, I call interesting. from Funny Face (1957)
What you eat, drink, what sheets you sleep on. from Funny Face (1957)
What? Oh, why did I ever... from Funny Face (1957)
What's got into you? Have you any idea... from Funny Face (1957)
What's the clue to pursue? from Funny Face (1957)
What's the matter? from Funny Face (1957)
Whatever are you doing? from Funny Face (1957)
When a man Iooks at a woman the way FIostre Iooks at you... from Funny Face (1957)
When I say go, waIk down with fire in your eyes and murder on your mind. from Funny Face (1957)
When I'm done, you'll Iook Iike... from Funny Face (1957)
When we can work in harmony from Funny Face (1957)
When we're done, you can spend all your time making small talk. from Funny Face (1957)
When you can be fancy free from Funny Face (1957)
When you can feeI Iight and gay from Funny Face (1957)
When you hear that Dixieland, you gotta clap your hands from Funny Face (1957)
Where have I been all these years? from Funny Face (1957)
Which shelf for materialism? from Funny Face (1957)
Who goes to Paris for Iectures? from Funny Face (1957)
Who's buying the wine? from Funny Face (1957)
Whose presence or absence makes no difference... from Funny Face (1957)
Why can't we both agree? from Funny Face (1957)
Why don't you photograph trees? from Funny Face (1957)
Why raise a storm up if we'll just warm up? from Funny Face (1957)
Why, we's the two most friendly vibrations you ever seen. from Funny Face (1957)
Will I see you any more? from Funny Face (1957)
With more than beauty from Funny Face (1957)
Would there be any value in my contacting philosophers from Funny Face (1957)
Would you mind if I had my own conversation with this lady? from Funny Face (1957)
Would you mind telling me what all this is about? from Funny Face (1957)
Yeah, I'm the one you sue. from Funny Face (1957)
Yes, $50 worth if necessary. from Funny Face (1957)
Yes, I know. from Funny Face (1957)
Yes, thank you. Can I heIp you? WouId you Iike a book? from Funny Face (1957)
Yes, the show! Our personaI Iives don't matter! from Funny Face (1957)
Yes? from Funny Face (1957)
Yes. D for down. from Funny Face (1957)
Yes. Pity it isn't her wedding. from Funny Face (1957)
You are here. That's all that matters now. from Funny Face (1957)
You are mad, aren't you? from Funny Face (1957)
You can board your plane now, monsieur. Pleasant flight. from Funny Face (1957)
You can get a IittIe wink from Funny Face (1957)
You can talk to him and go to his lectures. from Funny Face (1957)
You can titter and jeer from Funny Face (1957)
You can't be serious. from Funny Face (1957)
You can't blame me for feeling amorous from Funny Face (1957)
You can't blame me for feeling amorous from Funny Face (1957)
You can't do this to him, or to all the others. from Funny Face (1957)
You can't do this to me! Come back! from Funny Face (1957)
You certainly made friends and influenced people. from Funny Face (1957)
You couldn't have a more loyal disciple of empathicalism than I. from Funny Face (1957)
You didn't even give me a headache. from Funny Face (1957)
You don't find Flostre in cafÈs, except on special occasions. from Funny Face (1957)
You don't have to be friendly to work together. Acquainted will do. from Funny Face (1957)
You don't need a college degree from Funny Face (1957)
You don't need dough from Funny Face (1957)
You fill the air with smiles from Funny Face (1957)
You gotta be happy from Funny Face (1957)
You gotta be jolly from Funny Face (1957)
You gotta be merry from Funny Face (1957)
You gotta clap your hands from Funny Face (1957)
You gotta... if you wanna get to the promised Iand from Funny Face (1957)
You have all the qualities of Peter Pan from Funny Face (1957)
You have come across this statue. It says something to you from Funny Face (1957)
You have the most penetrating eyes. from Funny Face (1957)
You haven't quite got it. Now, Iisten carefully. from Funny Face (1957)
You haven't? By now I thought you two'd be buddies. from Funny Face (1957)
You Ieave his feet aIone. from Funny Face (1957)
You Iive on the Seine, and you're trying to catch a fish for Iunch. from Funny Face (1957)
You Iook absoIuteIy fabuIous. How does it feeI? from Funny Face (1957)
You Iook as if you've been jiIted. from Funny Face (1957)
You just gotta wake up from Funny Face (1957)
You know who I am. from Funny Face (1957)
You may never know that kiss again, or Iove again. from Funny Face (1957)
You might as well tell me never to eat again. from Funny Face (1957)
You must see Greenwich Village. It's our Left Bank. from Funny Face (1957)
You put yourself in the wrong place. from Funny Face (1957)
You run around, ignorant of the fact that I can have you put in jaiI. from Funny Face (1957)
You said she would be here at ten this morning. It is now past five. from Funny Face (1957)
You said that you were so exhausted from Funny Face (1957)
You see how much we accomplish when you appear? from Funny Face (1957)
You should be ashamed of yourself. from Funny Face (1957)
You talk a lot about empathy. Ever do anything about it yourself? from Funny Face (1957)
You told him to go and he went. He flies at 10:30pm. from Funny Face (1957)
You told me that you had to rest from Funny Face (1957)
You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees. from Funny Face (1957)
You'd come along from Funny Face (1957)
You'd go to a party every night, drink champagne, from Funny Face (1957)
You'd have a ball. from Funny Face (1957)
You'll be as IoveIy as can be from Funny Face (1957)
You'll give me my way from Funny Face (1957)
You'll meet each other in somebody's place. from Funny Face (1957)
You're furious at Tristan. from Funny Face (1957)
You're IsoIde. You're a queen. Now, go, go, go! from Funny Face (1957)
You're just not fishing. from Funny Face (1957)
You're making things difficult. You don't own empathicalism. from Funny Face (1957)
You're not exotic from Funny Face (1957)
You're not gonna tell him anything. You'll never see him again. from Funny Face (1957)
You're only a pebble from Funny Face (1957)
You're quite welcome. from Funny Face (1957)
You're talking like a man. from Funny Face (1957)
You're the authority on how to be IoveIy. from Funny Face (1957)
You're the saddest bride I've ever seen. from Funny Face (1957)
You're too important forjeopardy. Relax. She will be here without fail. from Funny Face (1957)
You're walking out of the opera, from Funny Face (1957)
You've gone out of your mind. from Funny Face (1957)
You've got a Iot of from Funny Face (1957)
You've got a Iot of personaIity for me from Funny Face (1957)
You've got balloons. There's a sudden shower. You're very happy. from Funny Face (1957)
You've made my Iife so gIamorous from Funny Face (1957)
You've outgrown me. from Funny Face (1957)
You've said enough, Mr Avery. from Funny Face (1957)
Your Iover has just kissed you goodbye. from Funny Face (1957)
Your mouth suggests to me burgundy velvet. from Funny Face (1957)
Your sunny, funny face from Funny Face (1957)
Your sunny, funny face from Funny Face (1957)
Your sunny, funny face from Funny Face (1957)
Your sunny, funny face from Funny Face (1957)
Your sunny, funny... from Funny Face (1957)
'S awfuI nice 'S awfuI nice from Funny Face (1957)
'S marvellous 'S marvellous from Funny Face (1957)
'S wonderfuI 'S wonderfuI from Funny Face (1957)
(crowd) Bonjour! Bonjour! from Funny Face (1957)
(knock at door) (woman) Is that girI in there? from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) Marion, over here. Who are those? from Funny Face (1957)
(woman sobs) Pourquoije I'ai tuÈ from Funny Face (1957)
A Iarge order, so she can't refuse. $50 worth? from Funny Face (1957)
A U L Y. Orly. O R L Y. from Funny Face (1957)
AllÙ? (chatter) from Funny Face (1957)
Alright. This is where I get off. from Funny Face (1957)
And then what happens? We go home. from Funny Face (1957)
And you're still here? I'm still here. from Funny Face (1957)
Are you making a fooI of him? Me? from Funny Face (1957)
Are you ready? (Jo) Just about. from Funny Face (1957)
Are you the owner? No, Dr Post is. from Funny Face (1957)
BeautifuI! I don't beIieve it. Maggie, what did I tell you? from Funny Face (1957)
Betty Hayes? She's in jaiI. from Funny Face (1957)
Bonsoir. Vous Ètiez formidable. Merci. from Funny Face (1957)
Bravo. Your defence rests. from Funny Face (1957)
But I came here to taIk. We'll taIk. from Funny Face (1957)
C'est tragique! You can say that again. from Funny Face (1957)
Catch! (Jo screams) from Funny Face (1957)
Come on, Jo. What's the matter? from Funny Face (1957)
Come on, Maggie. Well, Iook at her. from Funny Face (1957)
Come on, sugar. Alright, darlin'. from Funny Face (1957)
Command performance! Come on, Mama. We're on. from Funny Face (1957)
Did she say where she was going? I understand now. from Funny Face (1957)
Did you get him? No. We'll get him at the airport. from Funny Face (1957)
Do I Iook grubby enough? Yeah. How's the beard? from Funny Face (1957)
Do you Iive in Greenwich Village? Of course. from Funny Face (1957)
Don't come any closer. Why are you behaving like this? from Funny Face (1957)
Don't tell me I did that! You? from Funny Face (1957)
Florida. That's us. De Tallahassee. from Funny Face (1957)
Flostre, there you are. Professor, we need you. from Funny Face (1957)
Flostre? Yeah. from Funny Face (1957)
For the Iast time... You're getting tiresome. from Funny Face (1957)
Full of pizzazz. Come on. from Funny Face (1957)
Get out of my house. I'm not ready to Ieave. from Funny Face (1957)
Give 'em the old pizzazz. I'll try. from Funny Face (1957)
Good. Get her in another outfit. Put on the shebop. from Funny Face (1957)
Have they gone? They've gone. from Funny Face (1957)
Here's what I want you to be. I know. I'm a princess at a ball. from Funny Face (1957)
How about Lucy Brand? On her honeymoon. from Funny Face (1957)
How can you be in Iove? I'm a bIack sheep. from Funny Face (1957)
How did the wedding pictures go? Wonderfully. from Funny Face (1957)
How Iong before we can begin? We're ready. from Funny Face (1957)
I am exhausted. I know how you feeI. from Funny Face (1957)
I am. I understand more than you think. from Funny Face (1957)
I can put myseIf in your pIace. Maggie, that's empathy! from Funny Face (1957)
I can't find it! How are you spelling it? from Funny Face (1957)
I can't stop. Take the picture. Stop! from Funny Face (1957)
I couIdn't do it. Let me be the judge of that. from Funny Face (1957)
I never touched him. Go away! from Funny Face (1957)
I shouId have known. You shouId've heard what he said. from Funny Face (1957)
I... Quite aIright, mademoiselle. from Funny Face (1957)
I'll be there. Promise? from Funny Face (1957)
I'm hurt and... Right, a creature of tragedy. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm not promising anything. You don't have to. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm not. This is all your fauIt. from Funny Face (1957)
I'm sorry, but... Shush. from Funny Face (1957)
If you're saying that the wine... Let me show you something. from Funny Face (1957)
Il est un photographer de fashion. Fashion?! from Funny Face (1957)
Is this some sort of a gag? I know who he is! from Funny Face (1957)
It's not? No, it is a bird of paradise. from Funny Face (1957)
It's the same subject. I haven't met FIostre. from Funny Face (1957)
Just a Iovers' quarreI. A what? from Funny Face (1957)
Just after Iunch. Professor, don't beIieve them. from Funny Face (1957)
Later. Why don't I come back Iater? from Funny Face (1957)
Le Savoyard. Get me the number. from Funny Face (1957)
Let me study the possibilities. Now you are talking. from Funny Face (1957)
Lettie, you'd better come out here. I've got the books she ordered. from Funny Face (1957)
Maggie! Ssh! I'm calling again. from Funny Face (1957)
Me? You're selling a book to that girI. from Funny Face (1957)
Merci, monsieur. Come back soon. Thank you. from Funny Face (1957)
Monsieur, your bill is ready. I know. 352,428 francs. from Funny Face (1957)
Not going to see him again? That's what I said. from Funny Face (1957)
Now what? Just you Iisten. from Funny Face (1957)
O˘ est Flostre? Pourquoi? from Funny Face (1957)
Oh, no. What's the matter? from Funny Face (1957)
Oh! Oh, no! from Funny Face (1957)
On the floor? Yes, drop them. from Funny Face (1957)
Only you can fulfil that potential. This is it. from Funny Face (1957)
Paris? Yeah. Look at it this way. from Funny Face (1957)
PauI DuvaI? Yes, PauI DuvaI. from Funny Face (1957)
Professor? Call me Emile. from Funny Face (1957)
She didn't show? She did not. from Funny Face (1957)
She gave you 18 stitches? And a gashed Iip. from Funny Face (1957)
She's not at the hoteI. Forget about her. from Funny Face (1957)
So did I. Aren't you surprised? I'm overcome. from Funny Face (1957)
Somewhere with books. A book store. from Funny Face (1957)
Sort of Iike a dog. ObviousIy, you don't understand. from Funny Face (1957)
Staggers you, doesn't it? I can't beIieve it. from Funny Face (1957)
Such a beautifuI bride. This is not my dress. from Funny Face (1957)
Talks incessantly. The body's good. from Funny Face (1957)
Tell DuvaI I'm sorry. Where are you going? from Funny Face (1957)
Than whom? I'm sorry. I'm Jo Stockton. from Funny Face (1957)
The gowns were sewn on her! I'm facing ruin! from Funny Face (1957)
The grand finale. I'm getting nervous. from Funny Face (1957)
The more the merrier. They are here. from Funny Face (1957)
They are not from Tallahassee! They ain't even from Miami. from Funny Face (1957)
They don't Iook dispIeased. (Duval) Everyone. from Funny Face (1957)
They don't Iook happy. They don't Iook unhappy. from Funny Face (1957)
They don't understand English. You were talking English. from Funny Face (1957)
This is Dick Avery. Professor? I thought you'd be oId. from Funny Face (1957)
Through with what? She might do. from Funny Face (1957)
To get to the second floor! You is a genius! from Funny Face (1957)
We are so Iate aIready. I want to heIp. from Funny Face (1957)
We have trouble. She's a thinker. She's also a talker. from Funny Face (1957)
We'd be working together every day. I'll modeI. from Funny Face (1957)
We'll talk about that later. What are you doing? from Funny Face (1957)
What about you? Me? I wouIdn't be caught dead. from Funny Face (1957)
What do you think of Flostre? Don't change the subject. from Funny Face (1957)
What shall I say? Tell them it was all my fauIt. from Funny Face (1957)
What sort of questions? It's remarkabIy simpIe. from Funny Face (1957)
What's the matter? The song's a bundle of laughs. from Funny Face (1957)
What's wrong? I don't know which way to go. from Funny Face (1957)
When did you realise this? Today. At about two o'clock. from Funny Face (1957)
Where is she? I don't know, she was here... from Funny Face (1957)
Who's Gigi? I am Gigi. from Funny Face (1957)
Why did you do that? Empathy. from Funny Face (1957)
Why don't you trust these people? Because I know them well. from Funny Face (1957)
Why not throw some empathy my way? I still don't know what you mean. from Funny Face (1957)
Would you like a tour of Paris? No, we're not tourists. from Funny Face (1957)
Would you please sit down? Leave me alone! from Funny Face (1957)
Yes. Use our darkroom. from Funny Face (1957)
You and that girI... Why not? from Funny Face (1957)
You come from Greenwich Village. I'm moving uptown. Yonkers. from Funny Face (1957)
You must do the collection! Later. I've got to get to Dick. from Funny Face (1957)
You should. Sit down. from Funny Face (1957)
You were there! I'm just so nervous. from Funny Face (1957)
You're very unhappy. What happened now? from Funny Face (1957)
You've heard it all before. Have you Iost your mind? from Funny Face (1957)
Your brother? Professor Flostre. from Funny Face (1957)
Your empathy is a IittIe one sided. Get out! from Funny Face (1957)
..and mad. from Funny Face (1957)
..blood and brains and pizzazz. from Funny Face (1957)
'S marvellous from Funny Face (1957)
'S marvellous from Funny Face (1957)
'S paradise 'S paradise from Funny Face (1957)
'S what I Iove from Funny Face (1957)
"At 10:15, Dick Avery called." from Funny Face (1957)
"At 11:30, Dick Avery called." from Funny Face (1957)
"At 11:30, Dick Avery called." from Funny Face (1957)
"At 12:16, Professor Flostre called." from Funny Face (1957)
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." from Funny Face (1957)
"Would be delighted if you would join us. Emile Flostre." from Funny Face (1957)
(all speak at once) from Funny Face (1957)
(all) I'm strictIy tourist from Funny Face (1957)
(all) No, Miss Prescott, don't say that. from Funny Face (1957)
(all) No, Miss Prescott, you mustn't say that. from Funny Face (1957)
(all) There's something missing from Funny Face (1957)
(announcer) Monsieurs et mesdames, Jonquille. from Funny Face (1957)
(applause) from Funny Face (1957)
(band tunes up) from Funny Face (1957)
(beeping) from Funny Face (1957)
(beeping) from Funny Face (1957)
(bell rings) from Funny Face (1957)
(bell rings) from Funny Face (1957)
(belljingles) from Funny Face (1957)
(both) Bonjour, Paris from Funny Face (1957)
(both) There's something missing, I know from Funny Face (1957)
(chatter) from Funny Face (1957)
(children singing) from Funny Face (1957)
(clattering) from Funny Face (1957)
(clock strikes) from Funny Face (1957)
(crowd) Bonjour! from Funny Face (1957)
(Dick) Driver, stop here. from Funny Face (1957)
(discordant dramatic music) from Funny Face (1957)
(excited chatter) from Funny Face (1957)
(excited chatter) from Funny Face (1957)
(fanfare) from Funny Face (1957)
(fastjazz) from Funny Face (1957)
(Flostre) I may go next year. from Funny Face (1957)
(gasps) from Funny Face (1957)
(horn blows) from Funny Face (1957)
(Jo) ..there's so much you can teach us. from Funny Face (1957)
(Jo) I'm ready. from Funny Face (1957)
(Jo) IntellectuaI gratification is nonexistent. from Funny Face (1957)
(loudspeaker) Attention! Attention! from Funny Face (1957)
(man) C'est tragique! from Funny Face (1957)
(man) Marion, give me a Iong Iook. from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) A fantastic idea. from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) Do keep it to yourself! from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) Goodbye. I'll be in touch. from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) Nowhear this. from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) Taxi! from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) What do you think? from Funny Face (1957)
(Miss Prescott) What does that one say? from Funny Face (1957)
(mooing) from Funny Face (1957)
(music moves up tempo) from Funny Face (1957)
(phone rings) from Funny Face (1957)
(rings) from Funny Face (1957)
(Spanish music) from Funny Face (1957)
(Tristan undlsolde by Wagner) from Funny Face (1957)
(whispers) Don't give me away. from Funny Face (1957)
(woman screams) from Funny Face (1957)
(woman) He doesn't answer, madame. I will give you the desk. from Funny Face (1957)
(women) Hurry up. from Funny Face (1957)
(women) You've made my Iife so gIamorous from Funny Face (1957)
$7 for the postimpressionists from Funny Face (1957)
$50 to get her up here. We'll have to drug her to get her to Paris. from Funny Face (1957)
$53.95. from Funny Face (1957)