A case with four stones in it! from The Fifth Element (1997) 2
A cherry. from The Fifth Element (1997) 3
A few cells still alive. It's more than I need. from The Fifth Element (1997) 4
A fifth... from The Fifth Element (1997) 5
A little... from The Fifth Element (1997) 6
A magic fountain flowing with non stop wine, women and... from The Fifth Element (1997) 7
A perfect replica of the old opera house... from The Fifth Element (1997) 8
A perfect replica of the old opera house... from The Fifth Element (1997) 9
A shorter name? from The Fifth Element (1997) 0
A word on firepower: from The Fifth Element (1997) -
Able to bring life to the farthest reaches of the universe. from The Fifth Element (1997) =
Again? Don't worry, I'll get it. from The Fifth Element (1997) q
Ah! I remember you now. from The Fifth Element (1997) w
Akanit, take command. from The Fifth Element (1997) e
Aknot, is that you? What an ugly face. from The Fifth Element (1997) r
Aknot, we are connected to Earth. from The Fifth Element (1997) t
Aliens ahead. Spread out. from The Fifth Element (1997) y
All because of one little cherry. from The Fifth Element (1997) u
All night long. from The Fifth Element (1997) i
All of the four stones should go around. from The Fifth Element (1997) o
All right, I'm up. from The Fifth Element (1997) p
All the calibres are overshot. from The Fifth Element (1997) a
All units assist in pursuit of yellow cab, level 2. from The Fifth Element (1997) s
All we have to do is send someone to get the stones. from The Fifth Element (1997) d
And do you have any idea where it's heading? from The Fifth Element (1997) f
And don't tell me your machine is broken again. Those things are good for 1000 years. from The Fifth Element (1997) g
And for the grand finale, the all new ice cube system. from The Fifth Element (1997) h
And from what I'm looking at, intimate is this stud muffin's middle name. from The Fifth Element (1997) j
And he's got something to say... from The Fifth Element (1997) k
And here the Emperor of Kodar Japhet and his lovely daughter. from The Fifth Element (1997) l
And here we have Roy Von Bacon, king of laser ball. from The Fifth Element (1997) z
And here we have Roy Von Bacon, king of laser ball. from The Fifth Element (1997) x
And here, a weapon against evil. from The Fifth Element (1997) c
And I need that to get back to the garage and get the cab a six month overhaul. from The Fifth Element (1997) v
And I suppose you're just gonna leave me on the lunar surface to freeze my ass off. from The Fifth Element (1997) b
And I'll be a hound on the trail of the sexiest man of the year: D man, your man... from The Fifth Element (1997) n
And I'll be in Fhloston in less than four hours. from The Fifth Element (1997) m
And I'm definitely too thirsty. from The Fifth Element (1997) Q
And in return, I'll spare yours... from The Fifth Element (1997) W
And it must pop, pop, pop! from The Fifth Element (1997) E
And it's Mr. Shadow on the line. from The Fifth Element (1997) R
And Miss Gemini Croquette in person... from The Fifth Element (1997) T
And now champagne! from The Fifth Element (1997) Y
And now we enter what must be... from The Fifth Element (1997) U
And place your hands in the yellow circles. from The Fifth Element (1997) I
And she's looking for the address. Easy. from The Fifth Element (1997) O
And so on and so forth. from The Fifth Element (1997) P
And that's it? from The Fifth Element (1997) A
And the priest is guiding them directly to the temple. from The Fifth Element (1997) S
And the stones? Did you find their wreckage? from The Fifth Element (1997) D
And then the weapon against evil should work. from The Fifth Element (1997) F
And this is the one... from The Fifth Element (1997) G
And this is? from The Fifth Element (1997) H
And this perfect fare, she got a name? from The Fifth Element (1997) J
And to finish the job, all the Zorg oldies but goldies. from The Fifth Element (1997) K
And we have no idea how to stop it. That's the problem. from The Fifth Element (1997) L
And what about you, my dear Aknot? Did you bring me what I asked you for? from The Fifth Element (1997) Z
And worse, they fight for hopeless causes, honour. from The Fifth Element (1997) X
And your love... from The Fifth Element (1997) C
Any idea when you're gonna be getting to the point? from The Fifth Element (1997) V
Any kind of green you want... from The Fifth Element (1997) B
Any survivors? from The Fifth Element (1997) N
Any survivors? from The Fifth Element (1997) M
Anybody else want to negotiate? from The Fifth Element (1997) <
Anyone care to explain? from The Fifth Element (1997) >
Anyway, we're in love. from The Fifth Element (1997) !
Are you okay? from The Fifth Element (1997) @
Arrow launcher with exploding or poisonous gas heads. from The Fifth Element (1997) #
As soon as we finish lunch. from The Fifth Element (1997) $
At least 50. from The Fifth Element (1997) %
At least I won lunch. from The Fifth Element (1997) ^
At least the cat comes back. from The Fifth Element (1997) &
Autowash. from The Fifth Element (1997) *
Autowash. from The Fifth Element (1997) (
Autowash. from The Fifth Element (1997) )
Aziz, light! from The Fifth Element (1997) ~
Aziz, light! from The Fifth Element (1997) `
Backup unit, zone 18. from The Fifth Element (1997) |
Bada big boom. from The Fifth Element (1997) "
Bada boom. from The Fifth Element (1997) '
Because I love you. from The Fifth Element (1997) ?
Because she's been on a long trip. from The Fifth Element (1997) /
Because... from The Fifth Element (1997) ,
Because... from The Fifth Element (1997) .
Been a mistake. There's been a mistake. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Better do what they say. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Big boom. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Big boom. Big bada boom. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Big. Big bada boom. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Big... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Billy, no! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Blue eyes... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Boom. Big bada boom. In the cab. Here, look. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Boom. Yeah, I understand "boom". from The Fifth Element (1997)
Bravo! Bravo! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Bravo! Bravo. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Break for 30 seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x ray. Ideal for quick, discreet interventions. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Bring me the priest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Buddy, I'm waiting all day here. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Bump into each other, sparks happen... Yeah she knows it's a multi pass. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But 500,000... from The Fifth Element (1997)
But I want you to know that I am fighting for a noble cause. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But if evil stands there... from The Fifth Element (1997)
But if it is... from The Fifth Element (1997)
But it wasn't easy. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But listen, if you don't do something right now, we're all gonna die. You understand? from The Fifth Element (1997)
But she's more fragile than she seems. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But the door! How we gonna get out the door? from The Fifth Element (1997)
But there is no worry. I was there in time. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But they are really pissed off! Hold on! from The Fifth Element (1997)
But this is not possible. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But to exterminate life. All forms of life. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But wait. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But what the hell am I supposed to do with an empty case? from The Fifth Element (1997)
But who cares? from The Fifth Element (1997)
But you can still count! It's easy. Look at my fingers. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But you must drink a lot of coffee, being a priest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
But you only... from The Fifth Element (1997)
But you, no trouble. from The Fifth Element (1997)
By the way, I have a recording of her talented voice. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Calm down. Calm down. You show me what you did, take me through step by step. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Came here about a month ago asking about the stones. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Can I talk to you for a second? Just talk to you for one second? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Can you please open the passenger door? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Can you please spread your legs... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Cheers. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Chicken. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Chicken. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Close all borders and declare a state of general alert. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Coffee's not really my speciality. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Come on, get in. For one minute, all right? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Come on. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Come, come on! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Come, come, come, come. Give me this. Give me this. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Coming at you live from Fhloston... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Coming at you live from Fhloston... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Commander, I have a ship in trouble requesting permission to dock for repairs. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Commercial! Commercial! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Confirmed. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Congratulations on winning the contest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Congratulations. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Contest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Control room. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Crystal green. from The Fifth Element (1997)
D Don't worry, sir. I know my man. He'll calm things down. from The Fifth Element (1997)
D Don't worry, sir. I know my man. He'll calm things down. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Dallas? Korben Dallas? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Dallas? Korben Dallas? from The Fifth Element (1997)
David? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Destroyed... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Did you hear something? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Do you have... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Do you know where I can get something to wear? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Do you understand me? Do you hear me? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Do you understand? Listen. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't "come on ma" me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't bother. We have one for you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't breathe. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't come back without the stones. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for conversation, but maybe you can just shut up for a minute! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't move! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't move. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't shoot me, please. I'm on a vacation. I won a... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I I'm not armed! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Don't watch all day, sweetie. It'll rot your brain. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Done. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Dot. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Down. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Earth. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Element. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Emergency! Emergency! from The Fifth Element (1997)
End of transmission. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Every 5000 years. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Every five minutes, it's something. A bomb or something. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Every weapon has a manual. I'm sure this has one too. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Everyone take a stone. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Everything is going as planned. All I have to do now is go to the airport, take his place... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Everything you created... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Excuse me, dear. Excuse me. Excuse me, please. Excuse me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Excuse me, General. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Excuse me, sir. The council is worried about the economy heating up. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Excuse me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
F Fifth... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Father, I know she's been through a lot, but we don't have much time. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Father, I'm so glad to see you. It's the most extraordinary thing. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Father, they've killed the professor! They're monsters! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Father, this is government business now. I'll keep you informed. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Father, this is the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Father, you should go home now, get some rest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Father. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Fifteen seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Final call for Fhloston Paradise. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Fine. Fine. Just, just fine. I'll have the... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Finger, I drive a cab now, not a space fighter. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Finger, I was on my way over to see you, and a big fare fell in my lap. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Finger's gonna kill me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Fire burns. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Fire one million. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Fire. from The Fifth Element (1997)
First one was from my wife telling me she's leaving. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Five nine... from The Fifth Element (1997)
For now. from The Fifth Element (1997)
For security reasons, the hotel must be evacuated. from The Fifth Element (1997)
For the archives. from The Fifth Element (1997)
For the honour. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Forever. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Forgive me, lord. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Forty five seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Four on the right. Two on the left. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Four stones! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Freeze those knees my queens because Korben's in the place and he's on the case. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Friends? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Fuelled and ready to go. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Gathering together the four elements of life: water, fire, earth, air... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Gemini Croquette's to Fhloston Paradise. from The Fifth Element (1997)
General alert. from The Fifth Element (1997)
General Munro, how nice to see you in the 5000 block. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Get in. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Get out of there! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Get out of there. Can you hear me, Staedert? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Get the case in. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Give it permission to enter our territory with our warmest regards. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Go to Fhloston and get the stones. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Go with God. Be safe from evil. from The Fifth Element (1997)
God! from The Fifth Element (1997)
God. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Gonna need some... Anyone got some matches? Matches? We need some fire. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good boy. I will take it to them. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good fortune for you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good God! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good job, David. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good morning. Sleep well? Me too. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good philosophy. See good in bad. I like. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good shit, man. Put the heat over here, man! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good thing for me it's not loaded. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good, good. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Good. I'll meet you at my factory. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Green like what? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Growth rate is at 27 percent. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Growth rate is at 27 percent. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hand over the stones. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hands up! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hang on. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hang on. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Have a nice day. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Have served us well. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Have served us well. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Have we arrived yet? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Have you taken off already? from The Fifth Element (1997)
He said to wake you gently. from The Fifth Element (1997)
He'll have to negotiate. from The Fifth Element (1997)
He's so talented, don't you think? I just love him. He's so sexy. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hello, Ms. Diva. I'm Fog. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hello? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hello? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Helm 108! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Helm to 108. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Help. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Help. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Her name is Plavalaguna. She's a diva. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Here are your tickets. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Here it is. Peaceful, serene, boring. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Here, come on. How the hell do you get yourself into these positions? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Here, the good. Here, the evil. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Here. Take it, go ahead. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hey, dog brain, Finger here. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hey, lady... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hey, man, give me some heat, man! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hey, Ray! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hey, you! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hey! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hey! You're on my foot. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hi. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hi. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hi. from The Fifth Element (1997)
His desires... from The Fifth Element (1997)
His dreams... from The Fifth Element (1997)
His most intimates of intimates. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Honour's killed millions of people. Hasn't saved a single one. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hootchie kootchie koo... from The Fifth Element (1997)
How about some nice Thai food to apologize? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How are the stones? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How are you today? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How big? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How do they expect us to find anything in this shit? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How do you open these stones? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How do you open these stones? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How many of them are out there? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How much time do we have? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How was it? from The Fifth Element (1997)
How your entire empire of destruction comes crashing down... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Humans act so strange. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Hurry! The wall is closing! from The Fifth Element (1997)
I am Korben Dallas. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I am not going. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I am the servant. It is my mission. I should never have given it to you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I am their contact on Earth. They will come for me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I am very disappointed! from The Fifth Element (1997)
I am... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I believe a little compensation is in order. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I bet you lunch. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I brought the girl, remember? The redhead. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I can't believe it. Shit. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I can't. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I didn't come here to play Pumba on the radio. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I didn't know your size, and I found you this make up box. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't believe this! from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't know love. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't know who the hell, but they're everywhere. Where...? from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't know. And even if I did know, I wouldn't tell somebody like you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't like uninvited guests. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't like warriors. Too narrow minded, no subtlety... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't need one. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't want a million women. I just want one. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't want an incident. Do you hear me, Staedert? from The Fifth Element (1997)
I don't want one position. I want all positions! from The Fifth Element (1997)
I drive a cab. This is me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I found him. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I found it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I got all the snakes. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I got it. Everything here we need to know about Fhloston Paradise... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I have 19 more meetings after this one, professor. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I have a different theory to offer you, sir. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I have no matches. Does anyone have matches? No matches. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I have the perfect one. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I I... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I I've never negotiated. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I know this is the key. I know it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I know this music. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I know you, Dallas. "Fine" ain't in your vocabulary. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I know, you don't want to be disturbed except if it's Mr. Shadow... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I know. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I know. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I know. I know. I'm not proud of what I did. I had no choice. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I love her, but she hates the military. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I love you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I managed to contact the Mondoshawan. They deplore the incident but accept our apologies. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I mean, look. It's the greatest find in history. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I need a tan. I need a cocktail. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I need to talk to someone! from The Fifth Element (1997)
I never felt this way before with a human. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I play the rest of the song after the concert because right now it's time... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I prefer to remain anonymous. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I repeat... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I said one minute. Ruby, hold this gun. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I saved this seat for you, Father. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I see one of 'em. They're warriors, and they're ugly. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I should be there, not you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I shouldn't have done that. I was wrong to kiss you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I shouldn't have kissed her. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I stopped smoking. If I knew... Father, you smoke? from The Fifth Element (1997)
I think it's anticipating the attack. Anticipation denotes intelligence. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I think mine is broken. Why I gotta get the broke one? from The Fifth Element (1997)
I think that... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I think this is the door. There's no name and no number. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I think we need a flying unit here. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I thought he was dead. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I thought he was gonna kill me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I thought maybe from one of the smaller companies, where noone would notice. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I told you I did not want to be disturbed. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I told you. Perfect. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I want the stones. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I want this operation to be discreet as possible. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I want your best man to go undercover. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I was built to protect, not to love. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I was in labour for days, and this is how you repay me? from The Fifth Element (1997)
I was so afraid I wasn't gonna make this flight... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I will be among you... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I will be among you... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I will do as you command, but please, hurry, you still have time. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I will fulfil my mission! from The Fifth Element (1997)
I will pass the knowledge until your return. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I wonder. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I... Korben, I realize that you must be pretty mad at me... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'd like to take a few pictures... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll buy you one, man. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll call you back in two hours. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll explain everything. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll get it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll give you the president. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll have the four stones you asked for any time now... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll have to address the Supreme Council in 10 minutes. Just the facts, General. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll take the mission. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll take you on vacation when we're done. I swear. A real vacation. A real vacation, just you and me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'll tell you what I do like though: a killer. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm glad you got your memory back, because you're gonna need it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm going to be famous. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm gonna go and try to see if I can see something a little closer. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm here. I'm here. It's all right. It's all right. Everything's okay now. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm leaving. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm looking for a priest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm not armed! I'm not armed! from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm not finished yet. I'm up to V. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm on a mission. A very important mission. And I work for some very important people. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm on vacation. It's a... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm really sorry to have to resort to these methods, Mr. Wallace... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm really sorry to interrupt you, but... from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm so bad with names. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm so glad to hear you, Aknot. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm so sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm too old, too tired and too hungry to go chasing some hot rod. from The Fifth Element (1997)
I'm, in fact, encouraging life. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If I hadn't come to get you, you'd be in big trouble. Do you understand that? from The Fifth Element (1997)
If I'd won a trip, I'd know about it. Someone would've notified me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If it's war they want, it's war they'll get! from The Fifth Element (1997)
If its speed remains constant, in an hour and 57 minutes. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If somebody hears this, come and get me. I'm in the first row. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If we don't get these stones open in five minutes, we're all dead. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If we make the fog. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If you don't want to talk to your mother, just avoid me like usual. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If you mind, you can tell your old buddy Finger what happened. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If you take the weapon, we'll be defenceless when evil returns. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If you want out... from The Fifth Element (1997)
If you want something done, do it yourself. from The Fifth Element (1997)
If Zorg really wants them... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Imagine for a moment that this... from The Fifth Element (1997)
In 300 years, when evil returns... from The Fifth Element (1997)
In a hotel. from The Fifth Element (1997)
In great shape. He'll protect you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
In me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
In reality, you and I are in the same business. from The Fifth Element (1997)
In reality, you and I are in the same business. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Is that what you call a survivor? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Is that your idea of a discreet operation? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Is this the way priests use their paid vacations? from The Fifth Element (1997)
It doesn't suit you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It was an ambush. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It was nothing, really. It was just a helping hand. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It won't be easy. There's a big charity ball in Fhloston tomorrow. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It'll be entering the atmosphere in 40 seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's Aknot. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's for the Supreme... from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's light. The handle's adjustable for easy carrying. Good for righties and lefties. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's like a battle plan. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's moving towards the ship. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's my lucky day. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's not bizarre. It's the divine language. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's not only advancing, it's moving at incredible speed. We're having trouble following it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's not possible. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's Planet Fhloston, in the Angel Constellation. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's sending radio wavelengths. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's spoken throughout the universe before time was time. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's taking shape. from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's... from The Fifth Element (1997)
It's... It's... It's a... It's a... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Its structure has just solidified on the surface. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Jean Baptiste Emmanuel... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Just a minute, please. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Just bring me those stones. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Just kidding. Kidding. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Just like driving a cab. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Just stay here for one minute. I promise. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Just thought you might remember me from the cab. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korban, they've been blaring your name out on the radio for the last hour, you big ape. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben Dallas! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben Dallas. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben Dallas. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben Dallas. We got him. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, I got a headache, Korben. This ain't me. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, Leeloo. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, my man, I have no fire. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, my man. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, sweetheart, what was that? It was bad! It had nothing! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, there's a general on the phone. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, wa... Korben, what are you looking for? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben, you know how my poor body's failing me. You have to take me on this trip. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben! Oh, my God, Korben Korben Korben. Another one coming, Korben. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben. Korben, it moved! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben. Korben, my man, you know how to stop this, right? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben. Korben! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben. Korben! Korben, my man, you know how to fly this thing? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben. They're coming. Korben, they're coming. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Korben. You understand? from The Fifth Element (1997)
L L Lucky day. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ladder on 18. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ladies and gentlemen, something's happening. I think we're being attacked. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the Federated Territories. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ruby Rhod... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ladies and gentlemen, we've begun our descent toward Fhloston Paradise. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to paradise. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Last call for Fhloston Paradise. Hurry up. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Learning our history, the last 5000 years that she's missed. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leave him one crate for the cause. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo Dallas. Multi pass. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo Minai Lekarariba Laminai Tchai Ekbat De Sebat. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo, Korben. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo, wake up honey, wake up. You have to help us. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo, we are not on vacation. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo! Leeloo! Listen to me! Listen to me. Listen! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leeloo. Leeloo! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Leloo Dallas. My wife. We're newlyweds. Just met. You know how it is. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Let me do it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Let's see it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Let's see it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Life, which you so nobly serve... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Like driving a cab. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Like the last two I got were important. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Like tree green, emerald, pond green. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Like what? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Like you've settled into a wonderful life. Heard you lost your job. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Listen, bring me your hack for a six month overhaul. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Listen, I know you're very tired. I know you're very tired. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Listen, I only have one Korben Dallas on my list, and he's already checked in, okay? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Listen. You guard this with your life, or you're gonna look like this guy right here. You green? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Long legs, great skin. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Look at all these little things. So busy now. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Look out! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Look out! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Look, I am your friend. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Look, lady, I only speak two languages: English and bad English! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Lord, I know he was about to discover everything. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ma? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Major Dallas, I first would like to salute a warrior. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Major Iceborg will accompany you as your wife. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Major, how many points? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Major! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Major! Major! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mangalores. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Master! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Maybe it's a charade. A game or something. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Maybe it's two miles. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Maybe you better let me hang on to this one for you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Me protect you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Me, fifth element. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Might be important. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Miss? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Money is of no importance. from The Fifth Element (1997)
More dignified. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Move! Move! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. Dallas? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. Kim, you should go. This'll take a minute. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. Korben Dallas? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. Perfect better be polite. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. President, Major Dallas has the five elements on board... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. President. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. Rhod! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mr. Zorg's office. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Mrs. Dallas, this is the president. On behalf of the Federation, I would like to thank you... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ms. Plavalaguna wants you to know how glad she is that you're here. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Much better. Thank you Aziz. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Multi pass. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Must be an old picture. from The Fifth Element (1997)
My compliments, little lady. from The Fifth Element (1997)
My costs have tripled. from The Fifth Element (1997)
My dear Aknot, how about those two planes you borrowed? from The Fifth Element (1997)
My lord. from The Fifth Element (1997)
My lord... from The Fifth Element (1997)
My man, what you doing? from The Fifth Element (1997)
My man? My man, my man, w what's this thing with all these numbers? from The Fifth Element (1997)
My man. from The Fifth Element (1997)
My philosophy, Mr. President, is shoot first and ask questions later. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Negative. I am a meat Popsicle. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Neurocharged assault model. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Next to Ruby Rhod! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Nice apartment, major. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No fire! No energy! No nothing! You know I have a show to run here, you know? from The Fifth Element (1997)
No idea... You have no idea. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No no, I can't possibly be your husband. I'm too old. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No troops. No big operation. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No, no, no. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No, no! Left! from The Fifth Element (1997)
No, no. Sure, sure. Sure. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No! from The Fifth Element (1997)
No. from The Fifth Element (1997)
No. Take it. I don't need it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Nobody does who she is. No file, no ID, nothing. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not far now. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not gonna open it? Could be important. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not one or two or three, but four! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not ready. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not really. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not really. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not there. No no, please, no no, please, not there. Please, don't! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Not yet sir. All we know is, it just keeps getting bigger. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Nothing, sir. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Notice how each one is useful. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now a real killer when he had picked up the ZF 1... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now all we've got to do is to find a way of getting there. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now, David is... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now, please, go to the diva, collect the stones and meet me at the temple. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now, take this empty glass. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now, think about all those people that created them. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now, would you settle down and explain this to me calmly. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Now. Yes. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Of Fhloston Paradise! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Of life. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh I get it. You wanna make your only mother beg, is that it? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh so you don't know you won a trip to Fhloston Paradise for two for 10 days? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot about the autowash. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, I'm sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, my God, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, this... this is amazing. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, my God. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, my God. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, my God. Korben Dallas, Korben my man, Korban Dallas is in trouble. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, no. I'm so sorry. I forgot your food. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, of course, Munro! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, professor. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, right. Okay. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Oh, yes, yes. I'm sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay and I put my hands on the top like this, and I said: from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay General, I want to show you something here. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay sir. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay, Ruby. See you tomorrow at 5. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay, so tell me. How many points you got left on your license? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay, we got the guy. Wasn't easy, but we bagged him. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay, we're safe for a while. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Okay. There's a ball of fire 1200 miles in diameter heading straight for Earth... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Old friends. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Old tricks are the best tricks. from The Fifth Element (1997)
On air with General Staedert in 30 seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997)
One million. Fine, sir. from The Fifth Element (1997)
One minute to total evacuation. from The Fifth Element (1997)
One minute. from The Fifth Element (1997)
One point has been removed from... from The Fifth Element (1997)
One shot... from The Fifth Element (1997)
One shows a million degrees, the others minus 5000. from The Fifth Element (1997)
One, as a member of the Elite Special Forces Unit of the Federate Army... from The Fifth Element (1997)
One, two, three, four, five... from The Fifth Element (1997)
One, two, three, four, five... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Only one. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Open the door. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Or she will die. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Or the engineer? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Otherwise, I turn him into cat food. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Pack everything up! We're out of here! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Paradise! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Parasites in the main ventilation. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Pass your knowledge to the next priest as it was passed on to you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Perfect. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Perfect. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Perfect. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Please enter your license. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Please keep your hands on the wheel. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Please put your arms up and follow our instructions. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Please report infractions immediately to the spaceport. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Please, stay calm! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Please, understand. They are our friends. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Please! Please! Please! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Pop it, D man. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Power increase. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Prehistoric. from The Fifth Element (1997)
President on the line. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Priest Vito Cornelius, expert of astreophenomenon. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Priest, you and those before you... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Priest, you and those before you... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Priest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Priest. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Probe will attain its objective in five seconds. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Push that little yellow button to load it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Put him in the docking garage. Inform security. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Put your hand on it. Got it? Hold on. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Quiet! Quiet! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Quiver, ladies. Quiver. He's gonna set the world on fire. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Rain... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Recommendation? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Reconstruction complete. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Remember? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Revenge is at hand. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Right here from 5 to 7. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Rocket launcher. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ruby Rhod at your service for two hours with lucky Korben and the manager of this supergreen hotel... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Ruby. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Salute. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Scanner imaging has confirmed the dark planet dead. from The Fifth Element (1997)
See the snake, Billy? The ultimate evil. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Seem to want to destroy it. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Send out a probe. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Seven on the left. Five on the right. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Seven, six, five... from The Fifth Element (1997)
She has the stones with her. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She is perfect. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She just dropped in on me. Started speaking this bizarre language. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She knows that the military ruined my last marriage from The Fifth Element (1997)
She needs your help... from The Fifth Element (1997)
She'll give you what you've come to get after the concert. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She's been asleep for quite a while, you know. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She's going to sing at a charity ball in Fhloston Paradise in a few hours. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She's got a tattoo on this arm here. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She's looking for a priest named Vito Cornelius. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She's not my bride. She's my fare. from The Fifth Element (1997)
She's supposed to contact this person... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Shit. Three coming, Korben. Three! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Shooting will only make it stronger. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Short. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Showtime. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Shut up, shut up! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Shut up! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sir, are you classified as human? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sir, can you put your hands in the yellow circles, please? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sir, Ruby Rhod is the biggest radio star. It's a great honour to be on his talk show. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sir, we're finally getting something. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Six, five, four, three... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Six, seven, eight... from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sleep regulator operative in zone one, Captain. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sleep. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Smoke you! from The Fifth Element (1997)
So I sent David here to come and pick up my boarding pass. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So I've got some time, then. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So shall we. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So tell me, my man, you happy here in the big world? from The Fifth Element (1997)
So tell me, my man... from The Fifth Element (1997)
So there's no use for me other than this. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So those children can grow up big and strong and have children of their own... from The Fifth Element (1997)
So tomorrow, from 5 to 7, you're gonna give yourself a hand. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So tomorrow, from 5 to 7... from The Fifth Element (1997)
So tune in to Radio Cosmos. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So what if the federal government scattered your people to the wind. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So what you're telling me, Father, there's nothing that can stop this. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So when is the snake act supposed to occur? from The Fifth Element (1997)
So you are merchants after all. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So you're gonna slowly turn around and put your hands on the floor. from The Fifth Element (1997)
So, what you're saying is, you don't know what this is. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Some heat over here, man! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Some very good words in V. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Some woman. Claims to be Korben's mother. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Soon. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry sir, you can't stay here. There's a bomb in the hotel. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry to have disturbed you. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry, honey. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry, sir. Boarding is finished. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry! from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry! Sorry, my man. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sorry. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Spreading terror and chaos." from The Fifth Element (1997)
Staedert, do you hear me? Get out of there. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Staedert, what happened Staedert? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Staedert. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Staedert. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Stay here. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Stolen? from The Fifth Element (1997)
Stones not safe on Earth anymore. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Supreme being, the ultimate warrior, created to protect life. from The Fifth Element (1997)
Sure you will. from The Fifth Element (1997)