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Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Star Trek Into Darkness is a thrilling sci-fi film released in 2013. Directed by J.J.

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Star Trek Into Darkness is a thrilling sci-fi film released in 2013. Directed by J.J. Abrams, this movie takes the audience on an epic journey through space as the crew of the USS Enterprise faces a dangerous enemy. The talented cast includes Chris Pine as Captain James T. Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock, and Benedict Cumberbatch as the enigmatic villain. With stunning visual effects and intense action sequences, Star Trek Into Darkness captivates viewers with its engaging story and memorable characters. To immerse yourself in the sounds of this incredible adventure, you can play and download them here.
A considerable debris field between our ships.
A fact for which I am immeasurably grateful
A five year mission, Spock!
A one man war against Starfleet.
A one man war against Starfleet.
A region uninhabited for decades.
A remnant of a time long past.
A sentient being's optimal chance
A shuttle of highly trained officers is on it's way to your location.
A smokescreen to conceal my true identity.
A subtle shift in magnetic output
A targeted comm burst to Harrison's location.
A wise choice, Mr. Spock.
Abbot: Admiral Marcus, sir.
Absolutely not.
Access port 101A of the other ship.
Acting Captain Sulu to Shuttle Bay 2.
Activate the cryogenic sequence.
Actually, Carol, I won't.
Actually, I'd be happy to speak
Actually, Scotty just quit.
Admiral Marcus, you're under arrest.
Admiral Marcus. I wasn't expecting you.
Admiral, get out of the chair.
Admiral, listen...
Admiral, sir, he's not on Earth.
Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew.
Affirmative, sir.
Affirmative, sir.
Against a Starfleet Admiral, I'd really like
Against the inner casing.
Alexander Marcus needed to respond to
All due respect, Commander, but we're not going anywhere.
All out war with the Klingons is inevitable, Mr. Kirk.
All right, then!
All right, there! There! We can lose them there.
All right?
All right.
All right. Let's go get this son of a bitch. Kirk out.
All right. We better hop to it.
All that I ask is that you spare them.
All that information is public record.
Also, preemptively firing torpedoes
An Arabic proverb attributed to a prince who was
An emergency C section on a pregnant Gorn.
An uncivilized threat in a civilized time
An unexpected malfunction, perhaps in your warp core
And after every single person aboard your ship suffocates,
And almost got everyone under your command killed.
And as a large boarding party would be detected,
And engineering staff in the weapons bay.
And enough with the metaphors, all right? That's an order.
And experienced what he felt at the moment of his passing.
And fired on our ships half a dozen times.
And for that he needed a Warrior's mind.
And he is the man responsible for this act of savagery.
And he will not hesitate to kill
And I didn't win any points for that.
And I simply didn't want to burden you
And I want to know why.
And I wasn't expecting to get word
And I will consider that apology.
And I'm not the only one who's upset with you. The Captain is, too.
And if he doesn't play nice, you're not afraid to use them.
And if you interrupt her now, you will not only incur the wrath of the Klingons
And in case you weren't listening,
And in league with the fugitive John Harrison,
And in the name of those we lost,
And innate knowledge of that ship.
And is hiding on the Klingon homeworld,
And it is, by it's very definition, immoral.
And it's not me.
And let me tell you, those little bastards bite.
And Marcus would have us in a cage.
And now it is our duty to carry out that sentence
And now some madman's using it to hop across the galaxy!
And now you think it's a good idea to pop open a torpedo
And retrofitted to hide this cryo tube.
And return him to Earth so he can face judgment for his actions.
And seeing as I've just committed an act of treason
And the Klingon Empire have been high.
And the only reason why you are still alive
And the very reason I felt it necessary
And then he gave them to me.
And then he purposely crippled your ship
And therefore find my opinion valid.
And they're gonna torture us.
And they're on board your ship, Captain.
And this,
And those words?
And to honor those who lost their lives
And training our officers to gather intelligence
And under no circumstances are we to allow this man
And we'll be on our way once the warp core is repaired.
And what exactly would you like me to do
And what will you do when you get them?
And what's worse is you using blind luck
And when I did, I had every reason to suspect
And who is going to lead us? You?
And who we must be again.
And yet, the more the merrier.
And you don't respect the chair.
And you would have no chance of escape.
And your boyfriend's second guessing me every chance he gets.
And your permission to go after him.
And, if I'm wrong about that,
Anger. Confusion.
Any provocation could lead to an all out war.
Any sign of them?
Are the torpedoes in the weapons bay?
Are you crazy? Whoever you are.
Are you drunk?
Are you giving me attitude, Spock?
Are you out of your corn fed mind?
Are you really gonna do this right now?
Are you Starfleet or private security?
Are you writing?
Are you?
As a mission of this duration has never been attempted,
As a reflection of my not caring.
As acting Captain, I order you to abandon this ship.
As Admiral Pike was dying,
As few members of the crew as possible.
As I am again your First Officer, it is now my duty
As most of you know, Christopher Pike,
As part of our defensive strategy,
As you know,
Ask a 300 year old frozen man for help?
At great cost. Yes.
At maximizing their utility is a long and prosperous life.
At my one o'clock.
At Starfleet H.Q., right here
At the Klingon homeworld goes against...
Attention, John Harrison.
Automated Female Voice: Attention, all decks.
Automated Female Voice: Attention, all decks.
Automated Female Voice: Core misaligned. Danger.
Automated Female Voice: Danger. Core misaligned.
Automated Female Voice: Docking clamps one, two, and three are released.
Automated Female Voice: Evacuation protocols...
Automated Male Voice: All moorings retracted.
Automated Male Voice: Engines compromised.
Automated Male Voice: Radiation protection is required in this area.
Aye, Captain.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir. I was just explaining to this gentleman
Be done at this point.
Be seated.
Because he dared you to.
Because I am better.
Because it's shielded.
Because Mr. Spock detonated a cold fusion device
Because you are my friend.
Because you look like private security.
Before anybody else dies because of him.
Behind the deflector dish! I'll flip the switch!
Believing that his superior intelligence
Betrayed and decapitated by his own subjects.
Better hurry.
Between the approaching structures,
Blue security clearance now permitted for airlock access.
Bones, get that thing off my face.
Bones, thanks for helping out.
Bones, what are you doing with that tribble?
Bones: But, Jim, without Mr. Scott on board,
Bones: Jim!
Bones: Oh, no, no, no!
Bones: Why the hell did he surrender? Kirk: I don't know.
Bones: Yeah, and that's gonna render him inert!
Boy, you're a real comfort.
Broadcast shipwide, for the record.
But as a result of the destruction of Vulcan,
But every now and then I can make a good case.
But he just took out a squad of Klingons single handedly.
But I could stun your ass and drag you out of that chair.
But I have a feeling you'll know it when you see it.
But I made a mistake.
But I was discovered.
But I will need some help.
But if it's any consolation,
But if we try to revive him
But if we're stuck here much longer, they will find us.
But it may be possible to beam you down, sir.
But please, he cannot know that I'm here...
But please, he cannot know that I'm here...
But redundant now that I am back aboard the Enterprise.
But right now I need your help.
But that of Lieutenant Uhura as well.
But that's not it.
But that's not who we are.
But the Enterprise is too large.
But there has got to be an exception.
But there is a nearby planetoid.
But they were mine and they were mine alone.
But to hunt you down and destroy you.
But to kill you and your entire crew.
But to resign my duties.
But we need these torpedoes on board.
But we were condemned as criminals, forced into exile.
But you already knew that, didn't you, sir?
But, Dad,
By an unmarked Federation ship.
By concealing them in the very weapons
By now, some of you have heard what happened in London.
By the time we arrive.
By the time we get back.
By the way, if I caused you any problems, I am sorry.
By your Admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause.
Can we beam him up?
Can we beam them up to the ship?
Can you beam someone down?
Can you imagine what would happen if we woke up the rest of his crew?
Can you or can you not?
Cannot guarantee destination.
Captain Kirk is en route to you now.
Captain Kirk, without authorization
Captain Kirk.
Captain, before you launch, you should be aware there is
Captain, did the indigenous life forms see you?
Captain, given your awareness
Captain, he can't seem to hear you.
Captain, I believe you have made the right decision.
Captain, I strongly object.
Captain, it was never my intention...
Captain, the ships are aligned.
Captain, the ships are aligned.
Captain, there is debris directly ahead.
Captain, they're gonna want to know why we're here.
Captain, they're scanning our ship.
Captain, without your display compass,
Captain, you need to adjust your target destination
Captain! I'm getting a reading I don't understand.
Captain! Stop! Everybody on this ship is going to die
Carol Marcus. Your new science officer
Carol: Dr. McCoy,
Carol: It's quite clever actually.
Carol: To understand how powerful these weapons are,
Chair's all yours, sir.
Chekov: Captain on the bridge!
Chekov: Captain on the bridge!
Chekov: Captain on the bridge.
Chekov: Engineering to bridge.
Chekov: Ninety seconds to detonations.
Chekov: There's too much damage.
Chris? Everything okay there?
Christine, yes. How is she?
Clear the area!
Clear the room!
Clearly you want to, so tell me,
Come on, Bones! It's gonna be fun.
Come on, Scotty.
Commander John Harrison. He's one of our own.
Commander John Harrison. He's one of our own.
Commander Spock? Frank Abbot, U. S. S. Bradbury.
Commander, he's not going to make it.
Commander, I have that transmission as requested.
Commander, I see now I should have alerted you
Commander, our trash exhaust is aimed at
Comms are down, sir.
Concealed her identity to board the ship.
Confirm order.
Contact Starfleet, let them know we have Harrison in custody,
Continue the work we were doing before we were banished.
Conveniently stranding you on the edge of Klingon space?
Coordinates confirmed.
Coordinates not far from Earth.
Copy that.
Could help us protect ourselves from whatever came at us next.
Could set off a chain reaction which would kill
Could you replicate the process?
Crew of the Enterprise,
Crewman: Sir, the central power grid is failing!
Currently locked onto your location.
Damn it, man, I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician!
Damn it, man! That was our ride! You just stunned our ride!
Damn right I did.
Danger. Core misaligned.
Darwin: The warhead's gonna detonate in 30 seconds, sir!
Data says it was highly volatile.
Designated Section 31.
Despite your attempt to convince me otherwise,
Destroying the Enterprise. Stand by.
Did you defeat him?
Did you find the manual override?
Did you hear that? I called him Perfect Hair. [LAUGHS]
Distant quadrants of space.
Do it, do it!
Do not drop those shields,
Do we have use of the transporters?
Do you accept my resignation or not?
Do you copy? Do you copy? Scotty?
Do you hear me? The radiation will kill us!
Do you know what this is, Captain?
Do you understand why I went back for you?
Do you understand?
Doctor, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Doing what I can, sir. Doing what I can.
Don't agree with me, Spock. It makes me very uncomfortable.
Don't be so melodramatic. You were barely dead.
Dr. Marcus asked for the steadiest hands on the ship.
Dr. Marcus.
Dr. McCoy, are you all right?
Dr. McCoy, you inadvertently activated a torpedo.
Dreadnought class.
Drop your shields.
Due respect, sir, but photon torpedoes run on fuel.
During the Mudd incident last month fueled and flight ready.
Earth's perimeter sensors have not detected
Engage emergency lockdown! I hope you don't get seasick.
Engineering manually dropped us out of warp, sir.
Ensign: Imminent collision detected!
Enter 3517 by 2598.
Enterprise to Spock. Spoon!
Evacuation protocols initiated.
Evacuation protocols initiated.
Evacuation protocols initiated.
Evasive maneuvers! Get us to Earth! Right now!
Even if we get the warp core online, we've still got to redirect the power!
Even if you got away without a trace, war is coming.
Every living thing on this ship.
Every single one of you.
Except I didn't!
Except that you have lied about your identity.
Fire them at the Klingons? End 72 lives?
Fire when...
Firstly, I will kill your Captain
Five years in space. God help me.
Flight check's complete. We're good to go, sir.
For centuries we slept,
For reasons unknown, John Harrison has just declared
For reasons unknown, John Harrison has just declared
For the next two hours, he is.
For whomever was responsible,
Forget about seniority.
Former captain of this ship and our friend,
Fortunately mine are perfectly functional.
From all official records.
From, say, firing one or more of six dozen torpedoes
Genetically engineered to be superior
George: Let's call him Jim.
George: What is it? WINONA: It's a boy.
Get me a cryo tube, now!
Get this guy out of the cryo tube.
Give him to me
Give me a minute.
Give me one reason why I should listen to you.
Give me one way to do it.
Give us a minute.
Given the circumstances,
Given the information provided by Mr. Scott,
Go and take a look.
Go get him.
Good thing you don't care about dying.
Good to see you, Jim.
Gravity systems are failing. Hold on! Hold on!
Guard 3: Go, go, go! Guard 4: Cover me!
Guard 13 Fire!
Guard: Admiral.
Guess what I found behind Jupiter.
Guess you're with me.
Had the mission gone according to plan, Admiral,
Happened to see a starship rising out of their ocean!
Harrison: The torpedoes,
Has successfully detonated.
Have been aware of our interference.
Have Doctors Marcus and McCoy landed on the planetoid yet?
He convened a special tribunal, to which I was not invited.
He could.
He had me recite the Captain's Oath,
He has asked to see us right away.
He has taken refuge in the Ketha Province,
He is brilliant, ruthless,
He killed Khan's crew!
He killed Pike, he almost killed you,
He put those people in those torpedoes.
He saved 800 lives. I dare you to do better.
He sent you to use those weapons.
He used my friends to control me.
He's 300 years old.
He's been transferred.
He's gone to the one place we...
He's gonna catch up with us, and when he does,
He's in engineering, sir.
He's locking phasers on us, sir!
He's our only chance to save Kirk!
He's playing you, son, don't you see that?
He's the one who talked you into joining Starfleet, wasn't he?
Hello. Captain, can you hear me?
Help me not be.
Her five year mission,
Hey, ladies. Jim Kirk.
His communicator is working.
His death is on me.
Hitting your target destination is mathematically impossible.
Hoping when we awoke, things would be different.
How about Starfleet confiscating my transwarp equation?
How advanced, Doctor?
How did you find me?
How do you choose not to feel?
How many are there?
How much of Khan's blood is left?
How would you be expected to break bone?
How'd you catch him?
How's our core?
How's our ship?
I accept your surrender.
I already did, sir. And you're no gonna like it.
I am ashamed to be your daughter.
I am detecting a single life sign in the Ketha Province.
I am not doing that man any favors!
I am sorry, Lieutenant. I could not hear what you said.
I am Vulcan, sir. We embrace technicality.
I am,
I calculate the odds of him attempting to kill us at 91.6%.
I can only assume the Admiral is your father.
I can save her.
I can't hold this position.
I can't reach Spock. I need Khan alive.
I can't.
I cannae guarantee we can withstand the heat!
I cannot allow you to do this.
I defer to your good judgment, Captain.
I didn't say anything.
I didn't.
I do apologize for that.
I do not know.
I do.
I don't have time for a lecture, Scotty.
I don't know exactly what you're looking for,
I don't know that we can maintain that kind of altitude.
I don't know what to say.
I don't know, Commander. I'm having trouble
I don't know. That's why I forged my transfer
I don't mean to tempt fate here, but where is everybody?
I don't think I am, sir. What would you have done?
I don't want you hurt, but I want to take him out.
I gave you my ship because I saw a greatness in you.
I had designed,
I had experienced those feelings before,
I had no choice but to escape alone.
I hate this!
I have a reputation?
I have activated the device, Captain.
I have fulfilled your terms.
I have made a vow never to give you information
I have neither the information
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
I have no idea, but they were bowing to it.
I have no incoming signal.
I heard what you said.
I incorrectly assumed that you would be truthful in your captain's log.
I know the best way to the bridge.
I know what it says! Which is why I'm running
I know you better than you think I do.
I know you do!
I know, I know! I can see that.
I mean, who else are they gonna send out?
I need you to approve those weapons.
I need you to help me out with something.
I only know what I can do.
I order you to abandon the ship!
I put them there.
I received a message from a Starfleet officer,
I request my command be reinstated
I saved your life, Spock.
I see you, Kirk, you're 200 meters ahead of me
I surrender.
I synthesized a serum from his superblood.
I take full responsibility for my actions.
I think he can save Kirk.
I think so, sir.
I think that's your problem right there.
I think you'd find my insight valuable, Captain.
I thought this sector was abandoned!
I told Marcus we were bringing a fugitive back to Earth.
I took a tactical risk and I woke that bastard up,
I tried to smuggle them to safety
I understand regulation, but every decision I've made...
I want to know how.
I want you to know why I couldn't let you die.
I was authorized to end you!
I was demoted and you were reassigned.
I was never going to spare your crew.
I was simply attempting to use your vernacular to convey an idea.
I watched you murder innocent men and women.
I watched you open fire
I will consider that an apology.
I will do everything I can
I will personally lead a landing party
I will remain behind and divert all power
I will target your life support systems
I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long range torpedoes
I will walk over your cold corpses to recover my people.
I Wish I had.
I would be happy to accompany you on the away team.
I would be happy to accompany you on the away team.
I would not recommend engaging the prisoner further.
I wouldn't have risked my First Officer's life
I'd rather not do that in front of your daughter.
I'd rather not talk about it, sir.
I'll deal with you in a...
I'll do anything you want.
I'll make this quick.
I'll meet you in the shuttle bay.
I'll see you in 90 seconds.
I'll take it from here.
I'm aligning our ship now.
I'm aware that I have no right to ask this of you.
I'm Carol Marcus.
I'm fine, sir. My apologies.
I'm fine.
I'm glad you could be a part of the family.
I'm going to make this very simple for you.
I'm going to miss you.
I'm injecting Khan's platelets into the deceased tissue of a necrotic host.
I'm not going to kill you, sir.
I'm not gonna take ethics lessons from a robot!
I'm opening the door. I'm going in.
I'm planning on returning Khan to Earth to stand trial.
I'm pretty sure we're helping him.
I'm rerouting the detonation processor.
I'm running. Stand by.
I'm running. Stand by.
I'm scared, Spock.
I'm sorry, Captain, just two seconds.
I'm sorry, that was inappropriate.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure engineering will have us all patched up
I'm trying. I'm trying
I'm working my way back.
I've been assigned to the Enterprise by Admiral Marcus.
I've got Khan's crew.
I've got you, Captain!
I've just never sat in the chair before.
If he really wanted to damage Starfleet,
If he really wanted to damage Starfleet,
If I can be of assistance,
If I transmit Khan's location to you now,
If I'm not in charge,
If it isn't Captain James Tiberius Perfect Hair!
If it were to erupt, it would wipe out the planet.
If Spock were here and I were there, what would he do?
If they are not mine, Commander, I will know it.
If this volcano erupts, the planet dies.
If utilized in a rescue effort,
If we don't get power or shields back online,
If we don't get power to stabilize the damn ship!
If we go in there, we'll die!
If you ask me, it's already begun.
If you can hear us, Mr. Scott,
If you come across this man and fear for your life
If you destroy our ship,
If you do not surrender to them immediately,
If you don't let me speak to him.
If you test me, you will fail.
If you think you're safe at warp, you're wrong.
If you want to know why I did what I did,
If you want to know why I did what I did,
If you weren't also throwing me under the bus.
Ignore me and you will get everyone on this ship killed.
In a room full of unarmed Starfleet officers.
In all those torpedoes, Captain.
In enemy space, leading to one inevitable outcome.
In exchange for what?
In the first place!
In the torpedoes and she is a weapons specialist.
In the wreckage of Harrison's ship.
In this situation, logic dictates...
In three minutes, Captain.
In three minutes.
In violation of your orders.
In your travels, did you ever encounter a man named Khan?
Inside it right after a civilization
Intellect alone is useless in a fight, Mr. Spock.
Is because I am allowing it.
Is capable of destroying a ship full of innocent people.
Is Commander Spock on board, sir?
Is dead.
Is my family, Kirk.
Is that what we are now?
Is there anything you would not do for your family?
Is there something I can help you find, sir?
Is this shuttle prepped to fly?
Isn't that right, Mr. Chekov?
Isn't that right, Mr. Sulu?
It cut out. I'm working to get them back.
It doesn't matter. Scotty...
It doesn't seem odd to you that he'd target an archive?
It is fortunate that the consequences
It is my function aboard this ship to advise you
It is not gonna be all right.
It is optimal for you to take
It is true I chose not to feel anything
It is unlikely that he will come willingly.
It is what you would have done.
It must be a coolant leak. I need time to find it.
It seems apt to return you to your crew.
It was a top secret branch of Starfleet
It was only logical.
It was the transfusion that really took it's toll.
It would be invisible to Klingon sensors.
It would be revealed to the indigenous species.
It'd be all out war.
It's a miracle.
It's a pattern with you!
It's a radioactive catastrophe waiting to happen.
It's four square meters, tops.
It's going to be okay, son.
It's gonna be like jumping out of a moving car,
It's got us. Give me all six fuel cells.
It's hard to get out of it once you've had a taste,
It's just sometimes I want to rip the bangs off his head.
It's like bombing a library.
It's locked to stun.
It's nice to have a family.
It's not coming at us from Kronos.
It's not logical. It is a gut feeling.
It's not?
It's okay. I've done it before.
It's our only chance to preserve his brain function.
It's the modifications, you know, the enhancements.
It's the way you described the survey of Nibiru in your captain's log.
It's too dangerous to try and open
It's why you gave me your ship.
It's you, Spock.
Jim, get her the hell out of here!
Jim, you're not actually going down there, are you?
Jim, your vitals are way off.
Jim! The beach is that way!
John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken
Jump! Jump!
Just for trying to do what's right!
Just give me two seconds, all right, you mad bastard!
Just let me do it!
Just let them live.
Just listen to him, Scotty. It's gonna be all right.
Just stand by. Stand by.
Just turn around.
Keep him in an induced coma.
Khan and his crew were condemned to death as war criminals.
Khan Noonien Singh is the most dangerous adversary
Khan, Scotty. Scotty, Khan.
Khan, use evasive action!
Khan: I see your 72 torpedoes are still in their tubes.
Khan: This way.
Khan: Well, Kirk,
Khan's cells regenerate like nothing I've ever seen,
Kirk to Shuttle One.
Kirk to Shuttle One.
Kirk: Any idea what caused it?
Kirk: Attention, crew of the Enterprise.
Kirk: Dr. Marcus.
Kirk: Dr. McCoy, may I remind you, you are not there to flirt.
Kirk: ETA of the incoming ship.
Kirk: Good. Any activity from the Klingons?
Kirk: I know! We're not going to the beach!
Kirk: I looked up "John Harrison."
Kirk: I need to beam Spock back to the ship.
Kirk: I'm not aligning with him, I'm using him.
Kirk: Is there a problem, Mr. Scott?
Kirk: Mr. Chekov, how we looking down there?
Kirk: Mr. Sulu,
Kirk: Mr. Sulu, make sure that K'normian ship is ready to fly.
Kirk: No, I'm familiar with your compulsion
Kirk: Per Starfleet regulation,
Kirk: Spock, I'm telling you, this is why he called. I can feel it.
Kirk: Spock, pull the trigger.
Kirk: Spock!
Kirk: Spock.
Kirk: Status report, Mr. Spock. [GRUNTS]
Kirk: There will always be those who mean to do us harm.
Kirk: This isn't going to work.
Kirk: Well, can you figure out where he went?
Kirk: Wonderful!
Kirk: You hear that? Congratulations, Spock.
Kirk: You tell me.
Laddie, there's a switch...
Launching activation sequence on
Leaving me no choice
Let me explain what's happening here.
Let me know what you find.
Let's hope it doesn't, sir.
Letting those torpedoes on board the Enterprise is the last straw!
Lieutenant Uhura, did you let Starfleet know
Lieutenant, do we have an open channel to Mr. Spock?
Lieutenant, from our current position, is it possible
Lieutenant, how's your Klingon?
Lieutenant, I need you to assemble all senior medical
Lieutenant, move Khan to med bay.
Lieutenant, sound evacuation, all decks.
Listen! Wait!
Loaded and ready to fire. What are they?
Locals are out of the kill zone.
Located behind the aft nacelle.
Logic? Oh, my God! There's a maniac
London was not an archive.
Long range and untraceable,
Look, we're gonna open a torpedo. The question is how.
Lower shields.
Lower your shields.
Make sure he stays down.
Man 1'. You are cleared to enter the hangar.
Man 2: U.S.S. Vengeance, bridge crew
Man: [ON PA] Attention, personnel.
Man: I can save her.
Marcus took my crew from me.
Marcus used me to design weapons.
Marcus would finally have the war he talked about.
MARCUS'. I don't take your meaning.
May I know the details of your plan?
Maybe if we had a direct line of sight.
Maybe our data was off.
McCoy to bridge.
Mr. Chekov, did you break my ship?
Mr. Chekov, give me some good news.
Mr. Chekov. You've been shadowing Mr. Scott.
Mr. Scott raises yet another point...
Mr. Scott, I understand your concerns,
Mr. Scott, where are you?
Mr. Scott? [GROANS]
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