A cool horse, or something like this, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
A few extra pounds on the bike this year. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
A fight has broken out, and not surprisingly, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
A huge deal for me, you know? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
A lot of Oxycodone in his blood, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
A man on drugs if you're not on drugs? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
A Saint Bernard is the first responder. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
A serene landscape that was completely juxtaposed from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Abrams: The France 2 coverage of the 1982 Tour de France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Absolutely. Yeah. I disagree. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Actually going through some pretty weak stuff. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
After that, I passed out, but not before, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
After that... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
After three months, Ditmer owed from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ah fuck! (snorts) Ah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ah! What a crazy hypothetical question. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
All right, calm calm down. We were just doing our job. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
All that built up lactic acid can finally be ejaculated. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
All vying for a common goal? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Also, some insulin and anabolic steroids, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
An African was going to win the Tour de France! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And and I would hand them this magic piece of plastic from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And all my Nigerian brothers and chicks. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And all of these are for sale. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And all start drafting for each other. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And as is with every accident near Switzerland, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And be shouting, "African music!" from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And dozens of fans. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And for a brief moment... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And for doing so, he was disqualified as a cheetah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And for this, I received... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And fuck Marty Hass with his fake African ass! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And had to register as a cyclist to bring my bike on the road, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And he seemed proud of what everyone could see from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And he's making quite a mess from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And I did it with nothing but my own blood, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And I haven't seen Adrian since. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And I realized, "Hey, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And I won it. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And I'm like, "Dad! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And I'm riding right alongside the riders, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And in love made me so upset, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And in so doing, I became something of a gay icon. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And interest in the Tour has dwindled nearly to nothing. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And it appears Adrian is now untying the rope for some reason. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And it looks like we've got a beautiful fan up ahead! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And it's the most common type of blood cell in your body. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And just when you think it's over, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And likely never will. (chuckles) Right, guys? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And nobody ask me if I'm cheating on my wife, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And openly discussing the use of performance enhancing drugs from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And over some of the most treacherous mountain ranges on the planet. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And prove all of you wrong! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And put on Bob Marley, "Legend," from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And put the kibosh on the fracas. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And smooth, taut hamstrings from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And started to feel, like, "I want to get to know him better," from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And strong fingers. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And taken a couple MDAs. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And that's what it's like in Africa. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And that's when the cyclists take turns breaking the wind at the front of the pack. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And the downstairs of a horse. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And the following day, the field narrowed even further from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And the whole thing, like, really played out, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And the winner is... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And then I'm getting the living shit from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And there was a hormone from monkey testicles from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And there would be no losers. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And they announced it with a bizarre commercial. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And they would give me the cool thing. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And this included the former president from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And this is how I became a boxer. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And throughout his life, Slim excelled at many different sports, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And to no one's surprise, it's JuJu in the lead. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And what's he paying for? Spilling the milk? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And you are like a... champion. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And you give all the money back, for instance, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
And... I bless the rains down in Africa. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Anyway, Gustav Ditters was blood doping, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
As a boxer, it was offensive to me. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
As far as endurance goes, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
As he blasts past other riders, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
As he continues to burn up the mountainside. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
As the town of Basel has gathered to greet from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
At a pace most sprinters achieve on flat land, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
At a young age, Marty established himself as the country's best cyclist, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
At least one sandwich from Arby's. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
At some point during the three week race, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
At the 1982 Tour de France with performance enhancing drugs. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Athletes took drug abuse to a level never seen before or thereafter, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Attempting to traverse from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Austrian muscle freak Gustav Ditters is in the center of it. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Baton: Oh man. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Baton: Oh yeah. Oh God. Oui! Hass: Oh yeah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Beat out of me. (boxing bell dings) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because I don't know if you know this, but Africa's from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because everyone else was on bicycles made out of wood. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because he was in this huge debt, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because he wasn't the only black athlete... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because I am woman, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because I am. Ah! I'm kidding. (people gasp) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because I couldn't draw fast enough. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because I hated Marty Hass. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because I said it was true right away. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because I was also on... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because my heart was just so full, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Because we showed it to you at the beginning. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Before we went behind that wall, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Being here in France, I miss it back home, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Being your first Tour, were you rattled by anything? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Big news at the Tour de France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Both: To drag me away from you. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Both: What? And I think I just might. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But a great deal of 'em fight like little bitches. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But at any rate, it's gonna take a lot... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But everyone behind him expends way less energy. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But he did eventually, as you know, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But how do you tell the story of a bike race, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But how exactly does it work? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But I am a a peaceful person. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But I can ride very fast. (cameras clicking) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But I think after what I do here today, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But if a they end the race, then I am punished for what? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But it is also perhaps the most controversial. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But it is weird. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But many suspected something had, literally. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But no, no, no, that's that's not true. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But not the way you'd expect. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But now it's Marty giving a strong push! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But obviously struggled to stand out like his uncle, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But on a serious note, Rex, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But one rider, Italy's JuJu Peppi, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But that day, he lived and won the yellow jersey, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But then I got fired from Henson, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But then one day my bicycle was stolen. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But they didn't know the bike was stolen. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But we found one former cyclist from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But what they really didn't know is that I love bicycles. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But when you blow records away and burn up a mountain from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But with no major injuries, the race was expected from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
But, you know, this is a sport from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Call my dad, man! Call his a papa! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Call my dad! Basta! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Can he stay up? Oh no! Oh no! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Certainly did not do its job explaining credit cards to the people of Finland. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Conducting my interviews during the race, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Crazy things will happen. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Creating supermen in Superman spandex, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Cyclists are hunks. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Cyclists are incredible athletes from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Cyclists dope to get their VO2 max levels up, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Delivering oxygen to all the cells of the body. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditman Klerker Klerken. Ditmen Klerken. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditman Klerker. Ditmen Klerken. Did I get it? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditmen Klerken. Ditmen Klerken. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditmer Klerken held a press conference. (reporters shouting) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditmer sent every rider a note saying from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditmer, Ditmer. There are reports that you asked every rider from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditmer: "Hey, if you don't want to be drug tested, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ditters: Everyone was cheating. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Does that mean that you could keep your job? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Don't put that in the movie. That, um... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Each night, the depleted muscles from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Each unwilling to take the lead. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Edgar Wright: Stage 13 of the Tour de France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Even taking into account the past 10 days' rest, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Even though life on the farm was perfect, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Everybody's just slowing down. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Everyone think I cannot do what a man can do. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Everyone... except for me. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Everything I did that day, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Excuse me a moment. Just getting word from the home office. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Extra hard to keep up with you out there. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Fabienne: Who is that? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Feeling strong, ready for the race? Woo! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Fighting and his outfits that he claimed to be made from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
First of all, why is going down on his wife payment for this guy? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
First one to ever do it, baby. Woo! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
For $50,000 if they did not want to be drug tested. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
For a dozen reasons at least. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
For a news team to capture. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
For a whole genre of cross dressing sports films from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
For about from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Found a way to fuck us over again. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
From the lovebirds. Whoa ho! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
From this anonymous guy. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
From you. That's what I was gonna say! Shall we do it in harmony? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Fuck Marty Hass! Fuck him! Fuck him! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Fuck you! Next question. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Fuck you! Tomorrow I will ride incredibly fast from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Fucking the shit outta Fabienne. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Full of love for Marty. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Getting closer! Getting closer! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Getting the scoop straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Give me the blood! Give me the blood! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Give me the Gatorade! (both shouting) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Got another three weeks to go. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Guess what else? I can make cheese, yo! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Gustav did add a foreign substance to his body. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Gustav, my question is, can you ride fast? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Guys came out flying on bikes! Man, I wanted to be on a bike so bad. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Half the world will tune in. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: And JuJu didn't die that day, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: And just then... (heartbeat stops) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: And one by one, nearly every participant from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: Blood doping. Most people are familiar with the term, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: But he was far from alone that year. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: But the slow riding suddenly came to an end from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: But what no one knew was that the color barrier from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: By stage 14, Marty and Adrian were from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: Day one, 207 kilometers from Basel to Mohlin, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: He died... with his dick out. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: In an attempt to quell the media frenzy, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: It was all Marty, all alone, heading into Paris. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: Jabin Dolchey was known for two things: from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: Jabin's punch kicked off the most massive scuffle in Tour history. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: JuJu wasn't the only one suspicious of Gustav's newfound energy. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: Over the next seven days, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: The 1982 Tour de France was the most eccentric bike race from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: The disciplinary cunnilingus shown in the commercials from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: Their romantic tryst from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: There were still other firsts at the '82 Tour, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: There's an "honor among thieves" code in cycling, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hamm: Whether it was effective or not, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Has to do with the fact that credit cards from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Have great sex, wake up a the next day, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Have you ever had that? I was like, "Where's my Nerds? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He also had apparently eaten from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He found himself in cycling's first battle of the sexes. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He had clearly smoked some crystal meth and/or crack, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He is absolutely tearing up the Pyrenees like a man possessed. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He rarely associated with actual Nigerians. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He used Jabin's flailing legs from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He was an odd bird, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He was riding with the greatest cyclists in the world. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He will be the champion of the 1982 (bike bell dings) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He's got a gun! What? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He's perfectly still for optimum wind resistance! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
He's practically dancing on the pedals from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Here in Nigeria, we hate Marty Hass. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Here we are, the beginning of the end of the 1982 Tour de France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Here we are, Tour de France, day two, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Here we have some footage of him grabbing Jabin Dolchey. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Here's one now, arriving all the way from the United States, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hey, come on. How do you beat from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hey, hey, bella senora! (echoes) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hey, hey, hey. Slow down, man. He can't take that. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hey. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Heya, Huey! Do you wanna play a numbers game? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hi, I'm a red blood cell, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hi, Slim. Welcome. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
His uncle was Jackie Robinson, who, of course, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ho, ho, ho, ho, what a hot chick. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Honeycut: Adrian Baton, the great French mystery. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Honeycut: I'm gonna have to work from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Honeycut: Well, this is just awful. (all shouting) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
How are you holding up at this pace? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
How can you ride a bike with a... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
How is he doing this? (heart beating faster) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
How you say? You say "pussy." from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I actually paint what the experiences are like, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I am a man, you are a man. We don't shave our legs. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I am not cheetah, yeah? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I beat the shit outta that kid, man. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I call it groundbreaking footage for film, period. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I could feel nothing else. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I couldn't get cycling out of my head. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I did in self defense. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I didn't pay Ditmer. What I to do? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I do not know what has got into this guy. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I ended up having sex with a from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I got a Schwinn bicycle, and, man, I would ride from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I gotta see about something over here. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I guess that explains how he kept up with the pros. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I had no fear when I ran into Rex, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I lose a sight of the road! Man: Hey, JuJu! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I love it here. Stopping the race from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I love you. Je t'aime. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I loved Marty Hass. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I make some good cheeses. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I mean, he was right there in the front of the pack from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I mean, I was the first black man in the Tour de France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I mean, no. Fuck! No. I mean no, I mean it's not not true. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I promised to keep her secret from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I proved that a woman can cheat at cycling as well as any man. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I remember, making everybody promise from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I rocked a trifecta, and I passed out. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I started to notice, like, little things about him, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I still get emotional when I think about it. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I still really don't love watching cycling. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I still ride a bike every day, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I think maybe Marty knew I was woman somewhere deep inside him. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I think that applied in this case. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I totally understand what Slim did. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I wanted to be the first black something too. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I was never a cheetah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I was originally an animator for Sesame Street, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I was really impressed, what a great rider Rex was. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I will now field questions. Woman: Gustav! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I won the Tour de France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I would see something, like a cool car from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'll fucking kill you!!" from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'll watch French sports all the time from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'm a better fighter than I am a cyclist." from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'm a never die, not on a bicycle. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'm eligible to win this thing. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'm just a guy on a bike following a homosexual couple from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'm like, "Dudes, what happened to the plan?" from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'm not a milkman. I'm a cyclist. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
I'm standing here with the legendary Gustav Ditters. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
If I didn't know that he was a she from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
If they paid him $50,000, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
If you put cheetah blood in you, it wouldn't make you a cheetah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
If you take too strong a dose of amphetamines, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
In an unprecedented decision, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
In fact, at this point, I have no idea why we're even out here. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
In fact, I could feel nothing at all, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
In the autopsy, they found out from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
In the history of cycling, in large part due to the fact from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
In the race was disqualified for sending the bribe money. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
In what has now become known as the Tour de Pharmacy, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Including the appearance of Marty Hass, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Indeed I am. You know, I miss it. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Is is that true? Yeah, that's true. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Is absolutely burning up this mountain... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Is there no honor amongst blood diamond thieves? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Is, I think, one of the best films. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It appears Rex Honeycut was riding from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It is Gatorade. I will drink it now. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It is not blood. It is not blood. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It is truly an honor to be here to represent Africa, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It just all really suited me. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It looked really close from the other angle, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It seemed the Tour would be canceled. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It should be noted, though, that I am probably from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It was a very fucked up year for bicycle riding. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It was ferocious and full of electricity. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It was my first time talking in public as a man... from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It was the French news wave. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It was worth it... (door closes) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It was... felicity. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It wasn't just impressive footage from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's a terrible crash! (crashing) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's arguably the best film. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's beautiful out here. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's kind of what I felt like when I did the drug. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's much harder on the rider in the front, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's really peaty. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's the lyrics to the Toto song, "Africa." from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
It's too good of a line. I want to get it right. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Jabin Dolchey! Speed the competition! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Jackie fucking Robinson! (bottles clinking) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Jamaica is not in Africa. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Je t'aime! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Jeez, I sure did after. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Jesus! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Jon Hamm (narrating): The Tour de France, the crème de la crème of cycling. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
JuJu now relieving himself, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
JuJu Peppi not surprisingly at the front of the pack. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
JuJu was on EPO and cocaine. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
JuJu, you take the lead. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Just because I have cheetah blood does not make me a cheetah! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Just been working the farm with Fabienne. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Just between us, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Just go with it, Marty! Ride the wave! That is not helping, Slim! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Just One of the Guys, Nobody's Perfect, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Just to kinda brainstorm new ways of shooting things. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Kill these white motherfuckers! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
KultaBank issued the first Finnish charge card, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ladies and gentlemen, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ladybugs, Juwanna Ma Juwanna Mann from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Let's burn this motherfucker down! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Like platelets... Hey oh! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Like taking bribes from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Like, a really well written script. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Like, sometimes they'll run out of Nerds candy. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Looks almost like you could play a real sport. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Lost the race, lost my girl, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Luckily, we only have to tell the story of five of them. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man 2: I don't know. Somebody fucked up. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man 2: Just wait till he goes to the bathroom, then we all leave. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man: Holy shit! (crashes) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man: Oh my God! (crashes) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man: Oh, cool, yeah. (continues speaking) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man: Wait. Did you just admit to being on drugs? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man: Well, fuck. Who why did why did you bring him here? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man: What are we supposed to do with this guy? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Man: What? Man 2: From the wrong Fab Five. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Marty and Adrian became the first publicly out gay athletes, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Marty and Adrian shared the yellow jersey that day. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Marty Hass. Marty Hass. Africa! What's up, Africa? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Marty: It was it was heartbreaking to try to go it alone, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Marty: Oh, I was I was just, uh, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Marty's father owned a diamond mine from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Marty's right. It's just the five of us. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Minutes ahead of the pack. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Most beautifully covered by the French news channels. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Most hard core cyclists know from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Must be softened in readiness for the torture ahead. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
My parents bought me the bike out of van, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
My uncle was the first black something. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
My whole life, people have been referring from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Near Nigeria's capital... (boy giggles) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Nearly $16 million U.S. to KultaBank. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Nearly all 170 of them. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No one would ride in front, so from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No spectators line the streets. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No, I never, uh... I never did see Marty again. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No, no, no. Oui. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No, they're pulling over for a break. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No! Adrian, what are you doing? (panting) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No! Adrian! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No! Don't burn my shop down! I'm on your side! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No! No! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No! No! Please! I'm naked! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
No. (continues speaking French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Now you guys are never going to believe me from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Number one, baby. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Of testing all the riders for doping, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Of the 170 riders entered, only five did not send checks. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Of the entire race. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Of the UCI, Ditmer Klerken. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh my God! He's fucking dead! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh my shit, he is fine! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh no! My legs are getting all shaky, man! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh, I'm not familiar with that. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh, that's when you, um, puke and shit and jizz at the same time. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh, this is from when I did meth. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh, we have to try every drug on our banned list, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oh. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
On Earth?" A cheetah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
On his cruiser! He's caught up to Marty! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
On the bicycle. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
One of the most important elements of cycling is drafting, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Only now it's to deliver our dairy. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Only thing I'm racing now is the expiration date on our milk. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Or something like that, and that was strange, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Ortetamine, Bunolol, and Labetalol. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Otherwise her sacrifice would've been for nothing. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oui! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Our job is perhaps the most important in the bloodstream. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Oxabolone and Nandrolone. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Passing cars have absolutely no clue that an event of any kind is taking place. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
People dope. Yeah. They risk their lives, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
People: Whoa! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Phentermine as well. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Please! No! No! I beg you! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Plus he had apparently huffed ethanol from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Probably to ward off breast growth. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Psyched, psyched, psyched to be there, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Pushing his body to its absolute limits! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Quite possibly the most difficult climb from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Raloxifene and Tamoxifen from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Real Africans didn't like that song, "Africa." from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Real competitive, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Really seem to be enjoying each other's company out there. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Really? You think that people will start from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Require deep tissue massage from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Rex Honeycut: Well, the atmosphere is positively electric from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Right, but as a cyclist, it's essential, isn't it? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Right, right, like the song. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Right. (chuckles) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Right. For example, oftentimes, it'll get pretty warm there. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Right. Sure. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Right. Yeah, because they gotta ship 'em in, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Robinson: Well, it's not my turn either. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Robinson: What the fuck, dude? We said we were gonna take turns in the lead. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Seeing another black man on a bicycle was from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Sesame Street was also unhappy from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Setting records is standard protocol for the Tour de France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Showing no signs of fatigue. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Shut the fuck up! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Since he died, you know? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Slim is back on the Tour! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Slim Robinson is back! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Slim Robinson was sports royalty. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Slim Robinson was still back on the outskirts of Marsan. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Slim Robinson! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Slim Robinson. Hey. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Slim, you've done an amazing job, riding slowest today. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So Gustav figured, "Why not add red blood cells from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So I can remember the effects of each drug. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So that men could fuck in the hills. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So the rest of us could draft. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So this is a first, uh... (scoffs) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So we know what we're dealing with. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So we were all competing to be in the back. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So you can see how similar the two drugs are. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So, a lot of people think of me as a boxer, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So, this is what I painted while I was on amphetamines. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So, this is why I had to disguise myself as a man. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So, you can see that meth is a very different drug than the other two. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So... (chuckles) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
So... there would be no winners from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Some estrogen receptor modulators, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Somehow, Marty Hass from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Someone smells of lilac. Is it her? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Sometimes you just need a time out. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Sorry, I just noticed the crew is mostly women. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Stage 19. Just two days remain from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Stop! We're just attacking ourselves! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Stupendous. I'm Mick Porterhouse and (sniffs hard) Woo! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Suffice it to say, during this section, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Suspicions arise. (glass shatters) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Sweat, and tears, and extra blood! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Take it easy on him! I think I'm gonna evacuate my bowels! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That an African couldn't have won that race. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That bicycle all over New York City. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That cycling was invented from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That he had cooked down into a broth that he drank. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That is a sure thing. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That is if I don't pass out immediately. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That makes me even hornier than the picture of a cyclist. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That technically, since I've ridden every stage of the race from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That virtually every rider in the race was doping, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That was Ditman Klerker. That was Ditman Klerken. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That was Ditmar Klerken. Ditmen Klirken. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That was Ditmar Perper. (sighs) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That was Ditmer Perten. Was that "Perten"? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That was it. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That was just a shocking moment of television. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's a basketball player? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's bonkers! Well, some interesting new developments in the race. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's his name, okay. But he was crazy, though. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's right, my boy! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's right, you heard it. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's Slim Robinson, taking a moment from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's so bizarre. I was gonna say, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's something for people to think about from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's where I met Fabienne. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
That's why he was lying. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The the shaving of legs. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The 187 kilometer ride from Fontenay sous Bois from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The 1982 Tour de France has officially begun! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The final five, which I am dubbing The Fab 5. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The first black French dairy farmer. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The first day was canceled, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The first ever African cyclist. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The function of the red blood cell. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The Michigan basketball team who ultimately became much more famous. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The monotony continues. (man yawns) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The most watched sporting event on Earth, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The only riders left in the race. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The race starts now! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The race was boring. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The reason every rider was on drugs in the '82 race from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The riders crawled across France, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The riders who have come from all over the world. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The riders' bulging, shaved quadriceps from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The story of 170 extreme personalities from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The Tour de France to continue from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The UCI has decided to allow from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The UCI has just informed me from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The UCI should have understood that. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The water bottle created, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The way I say cheetah or the way I say "cheat ah"? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The way the French cover their sporting events is gorgeous. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
The... stakes are medium! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Then celebrated that night with a well earned massage. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Then he would go over to the jukebox from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
There was also Letrozole and Cyclazadone, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
There. You talking about Marty Hass? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
There's some shit that's about to go down. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
These five riders will forever be known as The Fab 5. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
These men are literally trying to tear one another apart. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
They are absolutely neck and neck right now! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
They can act as a super powerful aphrodisiac. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
They can act as a super powerful aphrodisiac. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
They wouldn't get drug tested that year. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This is one for the record books! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This is the most important shit that has ever happened ever! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This is when I did crack cocaine, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This performance is off the charts! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This was the French news wave. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This wasn't the French new wave. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This wasn't the French new wave. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
This year, I'll be on the bike, riding alongside the riders, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Those dudes shouldn't be singing about Africa. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Through flat plains from Basel to Nancy. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To call Jackie Robinson "Slim's uncle"? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To kick other riders in the face. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To me as the nephew of Jackie Robinson. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To really enjoy life. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To resume the following day, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To take turns riding up front from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To the finishing line at the Champs Elysées. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To the ugliness that was about to ensue. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
To understand doping, we must first understand from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Today a man tell Gustav I cannot ride fast, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Trace amounts of Norethandrolone and Furazabol. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Uh, and then something weird happened. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Uh, I'm not familiar with that. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Um, my crashing into Rex from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Under the guise of anonymity. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Until he found cycling, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Up and over some of the most breathtaking hillscapes in the world. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Very lilac and very hot. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wait! What's this? Ladies and gentlemen, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Was a very tiny, misshaped penis. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Was a woman named Victoria Young. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Was considered manslaughter, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Was I happy that a black man won the Tour de France? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Was the best decision I ever made. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Was the first black man in professional baseball. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Was well documented. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We are in for an incredible finish! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We are the delivery men, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We can do this together. No, you do it for us, Marty. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We don't have that in Napa. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We produce dairy here milk, yogurt and cheese. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We saw him spill the milk, so why is she drinking milk in the very next scene? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We tied a rope to our bikes from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We work alongside the other blood cells, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
We would always be together. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Well, it's only day two. Don't kill yourself. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Well, that moment really set the groundwork from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Well, to see Marty in the lead from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Well, Tour's over. (scoffs) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Well, you seem very, very proud of your homeland. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Were introduced to Finland the year before. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Were it not for a forsaken water bottle. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
What are you having trouble with? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
What do you think about that, Gustav? Fucking hell, mate. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
What the fuck is in his shorts? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
What the hell is this? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
What's a basketball player look like? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
When a rowdy fan awoke a sleeping giant. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
When I finally found out who stole my bicycle, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
When I took a large dose of amphetamines, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
When JuJu Peppi took his fatal tumble off a cliff. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
When you put a crazy person from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Where do I even come up with this stuff? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Where he could break the color line. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Where's my Nerds?" Honeycut: A Nerds shortage in Africa? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Which is a good sign. Is a not my fault! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Which is a thing that cyclists actually do, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Which means the debt has not been fully repaid, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Which was very white. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
While simultaneously being in a heterosexual relationship. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Who have tied their bikes together. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Who was bold enough to speak frankly from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, Rex. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Whoa! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Whoa! The dude was a chick! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Why punish me? Look at me. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With 3.5 billion viewers, it is far and away from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With an engine in his bike. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With his record setting pace. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With literally hundreds of dollars on the line, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With my creation of the character Huey Black. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With only five guys, you really got to know each of them. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With only five riders left, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With only the five remaining cyclists, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With the finest oils available from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
With the upper body of an alien from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Woman: Oh man! Man 2: It ripped his dick off! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Would not be the only barrier to fall that year. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Would you like to see them? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: A perfect backflip from Rex! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And Gustav Ditters making good on his promise. (shouting) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And here we go! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And here we go. Looks like we're finally getting a race. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And here we go. Looks like we're finally getting a race. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And here's Marty Hass approaching the finish line. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And I have to say, Marty and Adrian, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And JuJu went in for the grope and is losing balance! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: And that's not all. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: Here we are, Stage 2, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: Here we are, stage nine, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: Here we go! He's into the tuck for the downhill. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: JuJu's opened an impressive lead from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: Look at that form! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: Now being passed by an old lady. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: People are beginning to stand, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: The race starts now. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Wright: The riders still holding tight in the peloton. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, burn it down! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, excuse me for one moment. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, hi. Can you ride fast? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, I mean, look where we are. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, it's a confusing commercial from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, so, what's next for you? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, we gotta work together, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah, well, it's not my turn. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yeah. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yes. Fuck Marty Hass! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
Yes. This is what happens when you train super hard, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You ever seen the dudes in the band Toto? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You gotta take it down a notch out there, JuJu. You're going too hard. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You know, I love tending the land, milking the cows, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You know, I think it's a bit of a shame that from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You know, nobody wanted to do the work. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You know, representing Nigeria from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You know, Rex, riding like this has given me a chance to really stop and look around. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You know, there's an old saying in Nigeria: from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You look like you're going to be carrying from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You probably could, but it would take forever. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You put a little coke a in your nose, take a shit, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You really cared. It was just super strong character development, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You'll notice the woman doesn't climax, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
You're not taking this bike! You tell Slim's uncle from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
...and I think I nailed it. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
...and the white blood cells, who are the police force around here. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
...because I did what I set out to do. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
...JuJu Peppi's heart exploded. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
...where he went to an all American private school. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
...where he went to an all American private school. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
...who are the construction men... Ow! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
'cause I should've been focused on winning. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
"and you won't be. Thanks you guys, Ditmer. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
"Drag me away from you, from this great interview." from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
"from the creature with the highest VO2 max level from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
"How can you ride without the dick and the balls? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
"make a check out to Ditmer Klerken from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
"PS, if you tell anyone about this, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(acoustic guitar music playing) (birds chirping) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(all chattering) (whistle tweets) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(angrily) What the fuck did you say to me? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(Armstrong speaks, distorted) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(Armstrong speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(Baton speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(Baton speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(bell dings) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(bicycle bell dings) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(bicycles whizzing past) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(birds chirping) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(birds chirping) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(breathing heavily) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(buzzer sounds) Hamm: Not to be confused with the Fab Five, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(calmly) Slim Robinson by a long shot. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(cheering) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(cheering) Fuck Jackie Robinson, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(cheers, applause) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(cheery music plays) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(chuckles, speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(chuckles) Silly. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(clicks) Ah! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(cyclists moaning loudly) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(Delibes' "Flower Duet" playing) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(distorted voice) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(distorted voice) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(distorted voice) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(distorted voice) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(distorted voice) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(distorted voice) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(distorted voice) ♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(door opens) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(dramatic music plays) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(engine revs) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(groans) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(groans) (crowd gasps) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(grunting in unison) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(grunts) Hey! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(heart beating) ...nearing the top of the Pyrenees from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(heart beating) Unbelievable! JuJu Peppi's legs pumping away, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(high pitched tone) Hamm: The animator of the proceeding piece from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(laughs) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(laughs) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(laughs) Ooh! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(laughs) Ooh! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man 2 speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man 2 speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man 2 whispering) That's Chris Webber. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man shouts) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man speaks) Oh shit. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(man whispering) Who's that? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(men groaning) Yay! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(officer speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(people screaming) Man: What the fuck? Jesus Christ! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(phone buzzing) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(pop music playing) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(pops) (shouting) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(roars) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(rock music playing) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(romantic music playing) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(shouting, grunting) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(shouting) (screaming) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(shouting) How is he doing this? from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(shouting) Please put me down! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(shouting) Wright: Slim is moving at an incredible pace from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(shouts in French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(shouts) (bikes clack) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(sighs) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(sniffs) Oh, yes, uh, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(somber music plays) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks Finnish, gasps) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks French) No! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(speaks French) Woo! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(video game music playing) When I was a kid, from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(wailing) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(whimpers) Wright: Adrian Baton is, in fact, a woman. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(window blinds rustle, clack) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
(woman speaks French) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ (film projector clicking) from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ Hass: It was a tough day. from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)
♪ ♪ Pigs! Pigs! from Tour De Pharmacy (2017)