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Baby Mama (2008) "Baby Mama" is a comedy film released in 2008 that centers around the quirky relationship between Kate

Baby Mama (2008)

"Baby Mama" is a comedy film released in 2008 that centers around the quirky relationship between Kate Holbrook (Tina Fey), a successful single businesswoman, and Angie Ostrowiski (Amy Poehler), a carefree woman who becomes Kate's gestational surrogate. Directed by Michael McCullers, this hilarious movie showcases the challenges and hilarious moments that arise as these two women navigate pregnancy and their unexpected friendship. With a talented cast including an ensemble of brilliant comedic actors like Sigourney Weaver, Greg Kinnear, and Dax Shepard, "Baby Mama" is a laugh-out-loud comedy that will have you in stitches. Enjoy the sounds of this film by playing and downloading them here.

A chick with a dick:
A cute, cute squirreI:
A Iot of condos going up:
A Iot of rich peopIe getting what they want:
A nanny is someone you trust to take care of your baby after it's born:
A positive attitude:
A surrogate mother is someone you trust to take care of your baby before it's born:
A time machine?
AIex! AIex!
AII of our surrogates undergo extensive background checks:
AII of this stuff is our gift to you:
AII right, here's your bIue green aIgae
AII right, Iadies, there's no need to yeII:
AII right, then you're going to have to take a seat:
AII right, you got no right to cut me out of this deaI:
AII right, you:
AII right:
AII right: This is your foIic acid and this is your pre nataI vitamin:
AII right! AII right! Hey! Hey!
AII right! Good sIow jam!
Ain't no good gonna come of this:
AIso incIuded in your premium package,
AIso, Barry wouId Iike to use mostIy found and recycIed materiaIs:
AIso, I don't think you wanna pick a fight with Jamba Juice:
AIthough, I do have a new ginger body spIash that I've been dying to try:
AIways been my motto:
ALL: (SINGING) Happy birthday to you
ALL: (SINGING) Happy birthday to you
ALL: Yes!
An oId co worker of mine, actuaIIy:
And a yeast bowI for the tabIe:
And Barry on the pIane to surf camp:
And CarI toId me you were going to get somebody eIse:
And do it! SwaIIow it:
And faII in Iove and get married,
And frankIy, it makes me a IittIe bit crazy
And get the peopIe in the neighborhood on our side,
And great men do great things:
And he's fat, and I'm afraid the baby's gonna be fat:
And here's my baby:
And how many of you are pIanning on using toxic Western medications
And how's it going?
And I aIso own Super Fruity Smoothies:
And I came here for you:
And I can take your questions one at a time:
And I can take your questions:::
And I didn't think it wouId turn into anything,
And I didn't want to risk being on a waiting Iist:
And I don't need no reason
And I feeI Iike that direction does not incIude you: CarI!
And I feIt Iike every baby on the street was staring at me:
And I Iet a friend of mine dress me:
And I keep reminding him that she is pregnant:
And I might be a IittIe bit jeaIous:
And I reaIized something:
And I stiII aspire to meet someone
And I thought maybe it was my hormones, you know what I'm taIking about?
And I want a baby now: I'm 37:
And I want it to be so beautifuI that peopIe want to get married in it:
And I was just practicing the ancient Japanese art of karaoke:
And I was reaI, you know, horny, because of aII the hormones:
And I write down these ideas when I'm haIf asIeep,
And I::: I Iove Christopher so much,
And I'II be back with this:
And I'II have a bottIe of water:
And I'II whisper to you the secret of success:
And I'm here to share my experiences with you:
And Ieave Kate thinking you stoIe the baby:
And if there's one thing Oprah taught me,
And in about two weeks, you can take a home pregnancy test:
And it can be in commerciaIs, and you'II make a Iot of money:
And it made me feeI so important:
And it was a mistake: I mean, it was a:::
And it's just country:
And it's just me and two fatties:
And it's yours:
And moIecuIes and proteins and the hair foIIicIes,
And Mom is here, in case you die:
And one of these Iies, that's so easy to spin out of controI:
And our mommies and mommies, Iesbian Iovers:::
And psychoIogicaI testing:
And somebody eIse wants to say hi: Hey:
And stick it under my recIaimed BarnWood coffee tabIe!
And that drives you crazy:
And that's how we roII:
And that's why I took you here:
And then Angie Iied to Kate, and Kate Iied to me,
And then cash the checks: One, two, three:
And then I reaIized that I am:::
And then I wake up, and I have these IittIe notes that say things Iike,
And then I was crying, so CarI and I did it:
And then Iet the press find us?
And then teII her, Iike my first ex did me:
And then you're gonna be busted:
And these peopIe wouId pay, Iike, you know, $50,000, in order to:::
And they never make any sense:
And they're gonna connect the dots:
And we've been together ever since:
And what is surrogacy if not outsourcing?
And you are? I'm Rob Ackerman,
And you do wanna get paid, right?
And you kind of wonder to yourseIf,
And you see some bIoated CEO invoIved in a scandaI,
And you shouId go home and get some rest,
And you take the test, she's gonna know:
And you're proof of that:
And you're proof of that:
And you're saying hurtfuI things: It's understandabIe:
And your weirdo air conditioning, I don't know how to work it:
And, Angie, being pregnant makes you feeI vuInerabIe and sensitive:
And, you know, it's nice to feeI:::
Angie needed some IegaI heIp, so I'm heIping:
Angie what is that?
Angie, bottom Iine, you're carrying Kate's baby,
Angie, cats can do this: Come on:
Angie, I don't have time to expIain arithmetic to you:
Angie, I'm gonna go get a ginger carrot juice,
Angie, I'm gonna put my baby inside you:
Angie, it's gonna be fine:
Angie, just eat it, okay? Bye:
Angie, Red BuII?
Angie, that is just the greatest news!
Angie, what kind of food is this for a pregnant woman?
Angie, you can stiII have a totaIIy different Iife:
ANGIE: (SINGING) Don't speak I can't even take it
ANGIE: I Iive right here:
ANGIE: I mean, I think I've got pIans, but I'II definiteIy caII:
ANGIE: I'm starving!
ANGIE: So, are you pissed that no one ever married you?
ANGIE: The secret of success:
ANGIE: Wow: This is a nice view:
Angie? What?
Angie's not reaIIy my sister:
Anyone eIse?
Are gonna go towards rebuiIding
Are you asking me out?
Are you crying? No:
Are you famiIy?
Are you foIks famiIiar with the raw food vegan movement?
Are you gonna teII him about me?
Are you having fun?
Are you saying:::
Are you two stiII together?
Are you waking up?
As soon as we got home, and the procedure didn't work:
As your pregnancy progresses,
AshIey turned us onto it:::
Aye, aye, sir:
Back of your hand, back of your hand:
Bad news peopIe, party's over:
Barry, the time:
BasebaII mitt in the backseat:::
BeautifuI day! What couId possibIy go wrong?
Because for a singIe woman,
Because I have some extras that I keep for houseguests:
Because I reaIIy hope that you Iike me, Angie,
Because I think she's becoming morbidIy obese:
Because I'd reaIIy Iike to get one of those printouts to hang over my desk:
Because I'm asking you for a very big favor, you know:
Because of where you work, I never wouId have::: Oh, God:
Because sometimes when I work a reaIIy Iong day,
Because there's a Iot of girIs there sitting on the bench
Because they're very bad for the environment:
Because this is the kind of seIfish, science fiction shit
Because working is awesome and being married sucks!
Because you Iook very sIeepy and tired:
Better schooI, better apartment, better situation:
BickneII: She is a piece of work:
Big one: Whoa:
Big one! Whoa!
Bitch, I don't know your Iife!
Boy, somewhere in there I have an oId SaIt n Pepa CD:
But he never asked me to not be his wife either,
But I am gonna stay here untiI I figure out what to do:
But I came around to the idea, or she put a speII on me:
But I do have a daughter:
But I have to swing by my son's graduation:
But I just woke up one day,
But I know that I have the right to a Iawyer:
But I think it's best to wait untiI the pregnancy is far enough aIong
But I wouId rather be shot in the face than eat this stupid food:
But if you were a man doing the same stuff, you'd just be a dick:
But it sort of is:
But it's disgusting, okay?
But kind of tough, you know, going up against the man:
But she sIept with him? No, she's not my sister:
But then I started spotting, and I thought that was my period,
But then it'II ruin her week, so maybe I shouId wait tiII Friday:
But they took a picture of it just to make sure it's growing right:
But unIike a Iot of you,
But why do these women do it? Is it just for the money?
But with my heIp you can stiII be a mother:
But you ended up teaching me how to be a mother:
But you know what reaIIy made this IittIe angeI possibIe?
But you're so::: OId?
But your partner:
But, Kate, you must remember that a surrogate is not your empIoyee,
But, you know, at first, I was a IittIe worried about a witch carrying my chiId,
By some poor, underpaid woman in the third worId:
Bye, AngeIa: Adios:
Bye, Jean:
Can I get an Orange You GIad I Didn't Say Banana?
Can we pIease have a quickie in the car?
Can we::: Yeah, you want to::: I eat meat:
Can't wait to not watch this: You and I need to go out:
Caps aII over the outIets, cabinets, everything:
CarI couIdn't Ieave the house 'cause he's trying to win a radio contest:
CarI is an inventorIentrepreneur:
CarI Loomis, Your Highness:
CarI, after spending time with Kate,
CarI, don't say something stupid:
CarI, I don't wanna do any of this anymore:
CARL: That's the song!
CaroIine? She's crazy: It is Iike Iiving with a chiId:
CAROLINE: Good morning:
Cash or credit?
CHAFFEE: Thank you:
ChemicaI free food in the worId:
ChiIdren in Japan can understand that:
CIever names, they caII it WeBeSoCa,
CIose the door, CarI:
CIose your eyes, open your mouth,
Come in: CertainIy:
Come on, it feeIs Iike I'm shitting a knife: Okay:
Common Iaw:
CongratuIations: Good, good:
CongratuIations: Yeah:
CooI it, you're my Iawyer:
Corporate juice pimps:
Corporate: You know when you're watching the news,
CouId I have a moment aIone with Kate, pIease?
CouId the baby Iook Iike you at 18 weeks?
CriminaI records, credit reports, medicaI histories
Decision made:
Decorate the nursery together, pick out a crib:
Did I teII you? I found a Iocation for the new store:
Did you do that, AshIey?
Did you ever find that apartment you were Iooking for?
Did you give someone a hair foIIicIe or a viaI of your bIood?
Did you just stick your gum under my coffee tabIe?
Did you provide a DNA sampIe, Mr: Loomis?
Did you stick aII this gum under here?
Didn't take:
Different dads? Yes:
Do come in:
Do something about them vomit chunks, girI!
Do you have a discount poIicy if you're reIated to one of the girIs that's gone wiId?
Do you know how stupid it is to smoke at aII,
Do you need a toothbrush?
Do you need me to get out of here?
Do you pIan on hiring a nanny?
Do you think it couId Iook Iike me yet?
Do you think it's too much if I ask Angie to caII me every day?
Do you think you're at an Arby's right now?
Do you want to go back to my:::
Does your sister want to come with us?
Don't get me wrong:
Don't say that again:
Don't touch it when I'm touching it:
Don't worry: This couch is more comfortabIe than it Iooks:
Dr: Pepper, PringIes, Tastykakes?
Either way it's your baby:
Embarrassed: I fainted in the deIivery room:
Enjoy it, Kate: This is your baby:
Everybody do a shot of this pea soup:
Everybody's aura gives off a different coIor?
Everything just got way out of hand:
ExceIIent: Be right back:
Excuse me:
Excuse me: These are mine, right?
Expecting a baby?
Expecting what, a sociaI security check?
FeeI it:
For DNA testing, before we do anything drastic:
For the great stretch of deIivery:
FormerIy? Yeah, now he makes
Freedom of speech, Iook it up, it's in the thing:::
Fruit smoothies:
Get out of my car:
Get out of my way!
Getting an earIy jump on your baby proofing:
GirI, that's vomit!
GirIs just wanna have fun
GirIs just wanna have fun
GirIs! GirIs!
Give me some drugs: Give me this: You don't need drugs:
Give me the essence of this sheII:
Gonna try to find some other IowIife you can use
Good morning and thank you:::
Good morning: HeIIo:
Good morning: Thank you for being here so earIy:
Good night, squirreI:
Good: Very good:
Got a smiIe:::
Got an iPod adapter, Ieather trim: Check that out, feeI that:
Got this pIace aII by yourseIf? Must have a reaIIy fancy job:
Great, she's just::: She's beautifuI:
Great: WeII, I'm gonna put this fruit in your refrigerator:
GuiIty feet have got no rhythm
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Stefani
Have you considered adoption?
Have you read this?
Have you thought about using a surrogate?
He aIways says that:
He Iooks Iike a Iaundry bag fuII of meat:
He just started:
He never officiaIIy asked me to be his wife,
He said ''Have a big penis:''
He waited a whoIe month before he touched my boobs:
He wanted to marry me, and I wanted to focus on work:
He was my Justin TimberIake:
He'II know I'm hiding something: I'm the worst Iiar:
He's in the stock market:
He's trying to take that from you!
Hear that? What?
HeIIboy? No, that's CarI's iguana:
HeIIo, I'm AngeIa:
HeIIo: I'm Chaffee BickneII:
Her name's Angie: WeII, she might be my surrogate mother:
Here comes the pitch!
Here you go: You got it? Yeah, I'm good:
Here, drink this!
Here, Iet me give you some money for gas:
Here's my question: ExactIy what portion of your profits
Here's one: I can have a baby, and you can't:
Here's what I'm asking:
Hey, have you seen this one before?
Hey, I brought you a picture of the baby:
Hey, I gotta say,
Hey, I Ieft CarI:
Hey, I know it's your sister's baby shower,
Hey, I'm Iooking for a new apartment:
Hey, Iet's dance! Okay!
Hey, Kate:
Hey, TyIer:
Hey: What are you doing?
Hi, CarI:
Hi, I'm CaroIine,
Hi, nice to meet you:
Hi, there: Hi:
Hi: How are you feeIing?
Hi: How are you?
Hi: How can I heIp you?
Hi: WeII, we got your bIood work back:
HoId on, CaroIine:
HoId on:
HoIy shit!
How about we start with a IittIe community outreach
How am I gonna taIk through a door?
How can you be pregnant?
How can you be the 103:7th caIIer?
How can you charge $4 for one mango?
How couId you do that?
How did it get in there? It's a miracIe:
How do you do?
How far aIong are you?
How Iong is your sister in town?
How Iow?
How is the baby?
How is this any different?
How many of you are pIanning on doing naturaI chiIdbirth?
How many peopIe are you interviewing before you make your decision?
How'd you know that?
How's business?
How's everything?
How's the energy in this site?
I aIso put a stack of cIean toweIs for you in the bathroom:
I am a great man:
I am a Leo, and I am 5'9'':
I am certain that I am better than you:
I am paying her to have::: Hi: Stop taIking now:
I am!
I booked you a room here, untiI we sort this out:
I can go: Dave?
I can read peopIe's energies:
I can read those auras:
I can see how she Iikes you so much: Kate?
I can't cash that check: I can't take any of Kate's money:
I can't swaIIow it:
I can't wait:
I couIdn't have been more specific:::
I deserve that:
I did take something for Iiver spots when I was pregnant with you,
I did:
I didn't actuaIIy hear:::
I didn't cry in meetings: I didn't wear short skirts:
I didn't Iike it sometimes, but you made me grow up:
I do that, too:
I do, but I mean,
I don't even know if that's reaI: You probabIy peed on it:
I don't know anything about being a mother:
I don't know if she's eating right:
I don't know what you're crying about:
I don't know what you're taIking about: :::stiff ones::: No?
I don't know when I'm gonna teII her:
I don't know: What do you mean, you don't know?
I don't know!
I don't think that's a good idea:
I don't think that's her:
I don't want my kid born addicted to high fructose corn syrup:
I don't want to::: This is why I can't Iie to him:
I feeI a IittIe dizzy:
I feeI reaIIy bad because Karen and I are fighting a Iot,
I feIt weird about it:
I fooIed myseIf:
I found out he was effing around on me, so we got into a huge fight:
I found this sheII whiIe running barefoot through the Toronto airport:
I get incredibIy angry:
I got it: It's going:::
I got to get a bus to take me to the hospitaI:
I got to get a bus to take me to the hospitaI:
I grew up at 52nd and WaInut: I attended West PhiIIy High:
I had one good boyfriend before CarI:
I had reIations with those women:
I have a date with that guy, Rob:
I have appIied for an adoption, yes:
I have other things in my Iife besides my job:
I have since traveIed the worId:
I haven't been to a pIace Iike this since ever:
I haven't had sex in two weeks:
I haven't had time to cIean up:
I hope the baby's in a good position, so we can see its IittIe profiIe,
I Iike aII those words:
I Iike to come home and chew a huge wad of BubbIicious gum
I Iike to traveI for work:
I Iike your maid:
I Iike your shirt: Thanks:
I Iive in New York City in a pied a terre apartment
I Iove this episode:
I just don't Iike your uterus:
I just don't Iike:::
I just hope you put this baby mania to rest:
I just Iike making styIes and stuff: It's something I Iike to do:
I just threw up:
I keep this notepad by my bed in the middIe of the night,
I kind of feeI Iike I can evaIuate the direction my Iife is going,
I knew something was up when I saw you beating your baby bump Iike that:
I know I was supposed to heIp you have a baby:
I know my hormones are on a roIIercoaster right now:
I know you're not a fooI
I know, I know: Do this shot:
I know: I know:
I know: She's your haIf sister: She toId me:
I know!
I made my decision:
I mean, her whoIe surrogacy process is very science fictiony:
I mean, I couId've kicked myseIf:
I mean, I think it's a beautifuI thing and aII that,
I mean, I'm onIy saying because this reminded me
I mean, Iook:
I mean, that's just kind of for you:
I mean, they're not exactIy WaI Mart:
I mean, when I saw the iPod the first time, I was Iike:::
I need a::: No, I can't put it in your butt:
I never shouId have Iistened to CarI:
I put up with the weird upper management guys
I reaIIy Iike it:
I reaIIy tried to make you a baby, I swear:
I rest my case:
I sat down with Native Americans and had some amazing saImon:
I saw a thing about it on DateIine:
I see you:
I shouId have done the right thing: I just:::
I shouId have toId you the truth: And I'm sorry I didn't:
I smoked a joint with HaII & Oates during the bicentenniaI, aII of that:
I started this business because I saw a growth market:
I take it this is a paternity case:
I teII you, a pagan birth is a fascinating thing:
I think Angie might want to visit the baby a few times a year:
I think I gotta teII Rob about you and the baby:
I think I might even have signed something:
I think I'm just gonna spIit:
I think it's reaIIy important that she remain a part of the baby's Iife:
I think she wants me to rub oIive oiI on your taint:
I think that that is a great decision, Barry:
I think that was harmony:
I think the name's a IittIe more cIever than it is informative:
I think you and I view the worId differentIy:
I think you couId, too:
I think you've been to my store:
I thought Chaffee and BickneII were two different peopIe:
I thought since you guys were best friends,
I thought we couId order food and watch this DVD that I got:
I thought you might want to start eating organic:
I toId you, messy, but great:
I wanna reward you with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact:
I wanna say goodbye to you proper, okay? We owe that to one another:
I wanna spend about 15 minutes here,
I want a Birch Beer, coId, no cup:
I want a common Iaw divorce:
I want it to be made of 100% recycIabIe materiaIs,
I want it to be the biggest store we ever buiIt,
I want those drugs: No:
I want to be there for you every step of the way:
I want to open a fIagship store right here in PhiIadeIphia:
I want you to make our fIagship store Iike this sheII:
I want you to put together a press conference:
I want you two to spend more time together:
I want you, now,
I was bIond when I was a kid!
I was going to say apartment, just to be cIear:
I was gonna say Ieave a funny note!
I was just scared:
I was just trying to get some highIights:
I was swimming this morning with the doIphins in Costa Rica,
I was: I am: It's not Kate's baby: It's CarI's:
I went out tonight for the first time in a Iong time,
I wiII be the oIdest mom at preschooI?
I wiII see you in two weeks: PIease try to get some:::
I wouId Iike to say something:
I'd Iike to share something: CHAFFEE: PIease:
I'II ask the baiIiff to escort you out:
I'II ask the baiIiff to escort you out:
I'II give you a caII: You come by the store:
I'II have a Iarge steak with provoIone, no Cheez Whiz, no onions,
I'II Iet her rough me up
I'II take it:
I'II teII you what I'm gonna do:
I'm anorexic, and it's reaIIy hard, because she's so fat:
I'm at the top of my game:
I'm cIean: I'm cIean!
I'm doing awesome:
I'm dying my roots:
I'm from PennsyIvania,
I'm giving you your check earIy:
I'm going to work: FeeI better, okay?
I'm gonna bang your friends: Consider them aII banged:
I'm gonna go say hi:
I'm gonna make a decision:
I'm having a baby!
I'm having second thoughts about this Iocation:
I'm here to seek joint custody of that fetus:
I'm here: I'm here: I'm sorry:
I'm in here trying to win us Arena FootbaII tickets:
I'm joking: That's me trying to make a joke:
I'm just cIubbing:
I'm just gonna go use the:::
I'm just gonna keep trying by myseIf:
I'm Kate:
I'm Kate's sister, so:::
I'm not due for three weeks: I know:
I'm not getting good vibes here:
I'm not gonna do this:
I'm not reaIIy::: What? Isn't it wonderfuI?
I'm not smoking: I swear, I'm not:::
I'm not trying to be dramatic,
I'm not:
I'm pregnant:
I'm pregnant: What?
I'm pretty pregnant:
I'm proud of you, Jonathan: Thank you for sharing that:
I'm reaIIy digging it: Good:
I'm Rob: I'm here to pick up Kate:
I'm saying the baby might be CarI's, but it might stiII be mine:
I'm scared your friend, Angie, has me on speed diaI:
I'm so excited:
I'm sorry I broke one of your ruIes:
I'm sorry I caIIed you stupid:
I'm sorry I farted into your purse:
I'm sorry, Barry: I'm just a IittIe out of whack today:
I'm sorry, did you say poIenta or pIacenta?
I'm sorry, I think I may have overreacted back there:
I'm sorry, Kate:
I'm sorry:
I'm sorry:
I'm sorry: I'm a IittIe overIy thorough:
I'm sorry: I'm not, I thought that you were,
I'm stiII doing stuff for Doctors Without Borders:
I'm stiII Iooking for that home run, you know:
I'm the highest scorer:
I'm very sensitive to peopIe's energies:
I'm wearing a dress, Barry:
I'm::: No: I am::: Okay:
I've been gone a month:
I've had papaya on the beach at Virgin Gorda:
I've just been working a Iot, and I cannot have babies, it turns out:
I've just had it with aII these movie stars showing off:
I've never been married:
I've toasted pine nuts at the mouth of an active voIcano:
Iet aIone when you are pregnant?
If I was aIone, I mean, not pregnant, I wouId be macking on aII of this:
If you don't teII her, you'II never be abIe to Iive with yourseIf:
If you Iisten to DMX, the baby comes out going:::
If you insist,
If you need anything, anything at aII, you Iet me know, okay?
If::: When you get mad, do you stay mad for a Iong time?
Iiving with a chiId soon:
Important, usefuI?
In fact contain banana?
In the Iast 24 hours, I got cIearances on the titIes and the permits,
In this birthing cIass,
Infant: No:
Into the baby making business in the first pIace? Me:
Is at Ieast 15,000 square feet in the next cooI neighborhood:
Is it because I wanted to introduce you to my kid?
Is not the mother of this chiId:
Is she getting enough exercise?
Is she moving around too much?
Is that a bad idea?
Is that AIex? What does she want for her birthday?
Is that an alligator?
Is that chocoIate or poop?
Is that chocoIate or poop?
Is that guy dead? Is he dead?
Is that my phone?
Is that the episode where she got her ears pierced?
Is that the face? I think:
Is that what she did was wrong:
Is that what you want?
Is there?
It becomes necessary to insert yourseIf in their business:
It can be buiIdings that we buy and tear down,
It can be open Iots:
It can take about five years to get an adoption:
It costs more to have someone born than to have someone kiIIed:
It gives you points depending on how good you sing:
It is a brochure for the PhiIadeIphia SchooI of TextiIes:
It is open now:
It is! It's stiII funny!
It takes Ionger:
It turns out they don't Iike it
It was extremeIy wrong:
It was just a different time: They didn't warn peopIe about side effects:
It was: HoId on, it's from Europe: HeIIo?
It wasn't supposed to happen Iike this:
It's ''top of the Iine safety features:'' Check this out:
It's $100,000, actuaIIy:
It's a British documentary about a woman
It's a combination of papaya juice and coffee:
It's a girI:
It's a IittIe sIow:
It's a mess, this is aII a::: It's a mess: This is a reaI mess:
It's a shirt vest kind of::: I don't know:
It's actuaIIy this way:
It's chocoIate:
It's denim:
It's embarrassing:
It's for the baby: It's safe:
It's funny, 'cause you guys don't Iook aIike at aII:
It's gonna be weird no matter what:
It's gonna raise a Iot of questions
It's good for you:
It's good if the kid's raised here, though, you know?
It's great: We just bought a house in Bucks County:
It's horribIe: Not very good:
It's horribIe!
It's Iike Jamba Juice:
It's in there: Just try:
It's just baby proof aII over the pIace:
It's just this whoIe thing is very important to me:
It's kind of Iike a witch: They have stores, I think:
It's moving: Yeah, it's a baby:
It's not an executive decision: It's reaI Iife: It's messy:
It's not mania:
It's not:
It's okay:
It's one of the reasons: WeII,
It's out of the question:
It's preventing proper impIantation:
It's probabIy because this pIace gives you a weird vibe, right?
It's so weird, 'cause I feeI totaIIy caIm:
It's that easy: What movie we watching?
It's to trust my instincts and foIIow my fear:
It's too Iate: It's too Iate:
It's twins:
It's very nice:
It's weird, isn't it? Yeah:
It's what I do:
Jamba Juice is the man?
Jamba Juice:
JeaIous? How couId you be jeaIous of me?
JiIIian wants me to take her to an exhibit of abnormaI skuIIs at the Mutter Museum:
Jonathan wouId Iike to share again:
JUDGE: AII right: HoIbrook v: Ostrowiski:
JUDGE: May I have the Iab resuIts, pIease?
JUDGE: May I have the Iab resuIts, pIease?
Just do them with Angie:
Just open it!
Just reIax:
Just sIip away in the dead of night
Just so pregnant:
Just that you have this beautifuI baby using surrogacy:
Just wanna, they just wanna
Just wanna, they just wanna
Just, you haven't caIIed me in days: I thought maybe I did something wrong:
Karaoke RevoIution or a ceII phone:
Karaoke? Yes:
Kate, buiIding a famiIy is not Iike opening one of your stores:
Kate, I gotta teII you something: I'm not reaIIy:::
Kate, I want you to spearhead this as our new vice president:
Kate, I was 30 years oId: I was starting to get Iiver spots: Liver spots!
Kate, I'm so gIad you're here:
Kate, Iet me give your baby my mojo:
Kate, join me up here:
Kate, pIease don't get a bIack baby:
Kate, you're used to being the boss,
KATE: I figured out how to beat you at this game, by the way:
Kate: I just never wanted to come back into a courtroom ever again:
KATE: So, how Iong have you two been together?
KATE: So, what we're Iooking for
KATE: WeII, we haven't reaIIy taIked about it:
KATE: What did he say?
KATE: What? ANGIE: Yes:
Kate's sister: Nice to meet you: Hi, nice to meet you:
Katherine HoIbrook hired this woman to be her surrogate,
Katie's coming out of the mommy cIoset:
Kid wouIdn't get away with shit:
KiII me: I want you to stab me with something:
Kind of Iooks Iike Kate Hudson's New York pied a terre:
Let Angie heIp you get ready for the baby:
Let me ask you a question:
Let me drive you, I'II drive you:
Let me:::
Let the record show that the DNA test indicates that Ms: HoIbrook
Let's do something: Let's ceIebrate!
Let's get started:
Let's go cIubbing: CIubbing?
Let's go with this: CaII it ''HeaIth Monster:''
Like heaIthy Ieaves:
Like if you ate a meatbaII sandwich,
Listen to it! It's a reaIIy beautifuI song!
Listen, shut her down in drive and sIam it into park
Look at her: She's got good jugs: