A bizarre situation this afternoon in the Southland. from Friends with Benefits (2011) 2
A free trip to New York. I'd be an idiot to turn that down. from Friends with Benefits (2011) 3
A little grass, a little glue... Not during pregnancy. from Friends with Benefits (2011) 4
A little too emotionally unavailable, if you ask me. from Friends with Benefits (2011) 5
A naked girl is lying on top of you and you feel emasculated? from Friends with Benefits (2011) 6
A whole year? from Friends with Benefits (2011) 7
A work ethic. I love it. That is why this country is still number one. from Friends with Benefits (2011) 8
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P... A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P... from Friends with Benefits (2011) 9
Absolutely. from Friends with Benefits (2011) 0
Actually, I didn't ask him. from Friends with Benefits (2011) -
Actually, if I'm gonna be completely honest with you, from Friends with Benefits (2011) =
Actually, never really taken anyone up here. from Friends with Benefits (2011) q
Actually, one did call me damaged. from Friends with Benefits (2011) w
After college I was really into cargo pants. from Friends with Benefits (2011) e
Alcohol. Now we're talking. from Friends with Benefits (2011) r
All fast talking and brusque, like I'm bringing home a carny. from Friends with Benefits (2011) t
All I can think to myself is, I can't wait to tell Jamie about this. from Friends with Benefits (2011) y
All I'm saying is, it wasn't so much the pilot's skill from Friends with Benefits (2011) u
All part of the illusion. from Friends with Benefits (2011) i
All right, all right. from Friends with Benefits (2011) o
All right, look, I think I should probably tell you something. from Friends with Benefits (2011) p
All right, smartass, give it five seconds. from Friends with Benefits (2011) a
All right, tell him I said hi. from Friends with Benefits (2011) s
All right, you don't wanna label it. I understand. But get her some jewelry. from Friends with Benefits (2011) d
All right! from Friends with Benefits (2011) f
All right. from Friends with Benefits (2011) g
All right. Let's find you a lady. from Friends with Benefits (2011) h
All that matters is how you look at him. from Friends with Benefits (2011) j
All you have at home is drinkable yogurt. from Friends with Benefits (2011) k
Also, you have, like, really big eyes, and that freaks me out sometimes... from Friends with Benefits (2011) l
Although, I gotta warn you, lot of cancer doctors, big assholes. from Friends with Benefits (2011) z
Am I an animal? from Friends with Benefits (2011) x
Amazing. from Friends with Benefits (2011) c
And acted out a scene from Will and Grace? from Friends with Benefits (2011) v
And also helicopters! They don't make sense to me! from Friends with Benefits (2011) b
And because you're just my buddy, I can tell you from Friends with Benefits (2011) n
And besides, I have you and Annie. I have no regrets. from Friends with Benefits (2011) m
And brain surgeons, huge perverts. from Friends with Benefits (2011) Q
And by 'purchased goods, ” I mean books. from Friends with Benefits (2011) W
And compliment me for looking at the trees and not the sunbathers. from Friends with Benefits (2011) E
And every year since. from Friends with Benefits (2011) R
And everyone's so genuine and level headed. from Friends with Benefits (2011) T
And had I known this was gonna happen, I would have shaved my legs this morning. from Friends with Benefits (2011) Y
And he gets more squirrel than an oak tree. from Friends with Benefits (2011) U
And how do you know what I look like after I have... from Friends with Benefits (2011) I
And I don't care that you failed your real estate exam, from Friends with Benefits (2011) O
And I don't think I can handle that. from Friends with Benefits (2011) P
And I know you've heard a million times, life is short. from Friends with Benefits (2011) A
And I let her go. from Friends with Benefits (2011) S
And I lost her because of something so dumb I don't even remember. from Friends with Benefits (2011) D
And I never really got over her. from Friends with Benefits (2011) F
And I think that may be one of the reasons your mom left. from Friends with Benefits (2011) G
And I thought having a dog meant you had a normal family, from Friends with Benefits (2011) H
And I was too stupid to realize it, from Friends with Benefits (2011) J
And I'm glad that you have a five date rule. from Friends with Benefits (2011) K
And if any of these cameras are hooked up to the actual Scientology Center, from Friends with Benefits (2011) L
And if I had a choice, I would be with women to my dying day. from Friends with Benefits (2011) Z
And if I'd have known this was gonna happen, from Friends with Benefits (2011) X
And it actually kinked my neck a bit. from Friends with Benefits (2011) C
And it will get eight million hits. from Friends with Benefits (2011) V
And it's out of here! from Friends with Benefits (2011) B
And just know that I am not at all crushed by this breakup. from Friends with Benefits (2011) N
And not to watch women sunbathe. from Friends with Benefits (2011) M
And now we know why you're here. from Friends with Benefits (2011) <
And right in front of us, an outdoor bar. from Friends with Benefits (2011) >
And she was really good at it. from Friends with Benefits (2011) !
And she's hilarious when she needs a place to stay. from Friends with Benefits (2011) @
And she's pretty, too. from Friends with Benefits (2011) #
And she's reading a book. from Friends with Benefits (2011) $
And shit the bed with it. Excuse the expression. from Friends with Benefits (2011) %
And since we're just friends, I don't have to be insecure about my body. from Friends with Benefits (2011) ^
And staple them to your neck. from Friends with Benefits (2011) &
And thank you for letting me stay here. It's been pretty great. from Friends with Benefits (2011) *
And thank you for ruining my mountaintop. from Friends with Benefits (2011) (
And that I love you. from Friends with Benefits (2011) )
And then just in a flash, he's gone. from Friends with Benefits (2011) ~
And then there's something, I don't know what he says right there... from Friends with Benefits (2011) `
And then we're gonna sing. We're gonna... from Friends with Benefits (2011) |
And then when the sex stopped, invite you to LA for the weekend from Friends with Benefits (2011) "
And then, when I'm at my lowest point, from Friends with Benefits (2011) '
And there'll be just as many hot girls as hot guys. from Friends with Benefits (2011) ?
And they put the music in later. from Friends with Benefits (2011) /
And this gets way more Christian. from Friends with Benefits (2011) ,
And try to fix the shit going on up in my head, if that's even possible. from Friends with Benefits (2011) .
And we're not friends any more. You made that pretty clear. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And without it compromising anything was just so... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And you need to just lock that down. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And you see, it's already coming between us and I really... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And you were yapping my ear off about how planes all fly themselves, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And you're not wrong, so learn from me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And you're trying to sell me on it. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And your crazy friend Susie across the hall told me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And, fuck, do I regret that one. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
And, hey, I love women. They're beautiful, majestic, mysterious, mesmerizing creatures. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Annie, hey. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Anniversary trip to New York. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Any worse? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Anyway, here I am. It's so good to see you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Apologies. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Are you asking me out? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Are you in the perfect situation? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Are you not an American? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Are you saying that Captain Sully wasn't a hero? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Are you serious? Why would you just assume? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Art director of GQ magazine. This is the big leagues. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
As long as you get your feet off my bed. They're disgusting. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Asshole. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Asshole. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Assuming that he leaves. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
At least I have food in the house. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Awesome. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Background check. Did you do one on me? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Bananas in the refrigerator? What are you, Puerto Rican? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Be the guy who made the bed legendary again. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because I was too damn proud to tell her howl really felt about her. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because I'm in love with her. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because I'm the only person outside the theater! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because I'm the only person outside the theater! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because if the actors had a good time making it, it must be good. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because otherwise I don't get my bonus. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because that'll be like the third time since I moved here, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because that's where she is meeting up with her husband. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because this is the happiest I have ever seen you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because we don't like each other like that. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because we were drunk. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Because you're actually friends with each other? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Before I break his fucking skull? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Before we were sex without emotion, and now we're emotion without sex. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Before you got to know my awesome personality. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Best breakup ever. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Better be. I'll cut her. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Booty call. I can take a walk around the block. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Bryce, is this for me? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Build up as many walls as possible. That's really healthy. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But everyone else did. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But friends don't go talking shit about each other, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But he's very visual, thank God. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But I didn't. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But I'm pretty sure he's Eurasian. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But if you just get in, really go for it, .. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But it'd all blow up in our faces, end badly, and we'd never speak to each other again. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But it'd be even more awesome if this happened. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But it's just sex. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But let me tell you something, what this is teaching me from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But lucky for me, we are here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But no complications. It's great! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But people do dumb shit. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But please leave a message and I'll call you back. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But please leave a message and I'll call you back. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But seriously, my door is always open. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But thank you guys for everything. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But the offers still keep rolling in, naturally. Look at me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But the quality in this town is ridiculous. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But then he has these moments of real clarity. It's hit or miss. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But then I realized we were both single again, so... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But they don't want you to get up there, so I guess that makes sense. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But this is GQ. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But this time it's actually in my apartment. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But timing was right. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But what I do remember is we drank a lot of vodka and shot a lot of guns. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But what the fuck do I know? I'm just the sports editor. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But what the hell. The whole reason you go to the market from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But would you like to come get a beer? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But you can't tell me what company you work for? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But you didn't. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But you know what will? Emotional support. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But you're actually really emotionally damaged. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
But you're not wrong, I am damaged. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
By the way, doing a piece on racism in hockey. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
By the way, why did you take your door off its lovely hinges? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Bye, Banannie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Can I get two gyro number sixes, extra sauce? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Can we stop talking about this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Can we stop talking about this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Can you get him to come out to us? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Can you imagine someone who would actually say that? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Can you imagine someone who would actually say that? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
College, med school, and I haven't slept since. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come here, you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, baby! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, get down! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, it's fine. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, Keep looking. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, ladies. Hop to. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, let's go. One last stop. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, okay? You're beautiful. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, that is awesome. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, they'll love you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, what's he think about the job? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, what's really worrying you about this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, what's your dad think about all this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on, you're here for a reason, whether you want to admit it or not. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on! Go away with me. Come on! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on. Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come on. Is something going on here? You've been acting really weird. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Come talk to me after. Give me five minutes of your time. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Completely computerized. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Congratulations, sell out! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Congratulations. Offer expires at midnight. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Could I get a steak, medium, please? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dad? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dad? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dad. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dad. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dark curls, olive skin, Cold War accent. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dede Spencer? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dede? Dede! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did Annie put you up to this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did you get her an engagement gift? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did you guys fifth date? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did you major in Planning at Headhunting College? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did you run a marathon before this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did you scoop the Times on this? I smell Pulitzer. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did you wash your hands? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Did your boobs get bigger? Mom, I'm over here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Different from what? I'm not your boyfriend, I'm your friend. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do me a favor. Don't quit or get fired before the year's up, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do these people get paid for this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do we have to power walk everywhere we go? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do you have a hot model in a bikini standing on an icecap? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do you know how many men in my life I thought were really perfect? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do you think guys care more about global warming from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do you wanna go grab some lunch? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do you want a banana or not? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Do you want more beer? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Does he say anything? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Don't laugh. This could be great. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dunkin My Tits Hynes. Com. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan never told me about your dad. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan, get... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan, I gotta stop thinking it's not me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan, I think I wanna start dating again. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan, that's actually really sweet. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan, you are not gonna shit the bed. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan, you are so good at what you do. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan, you can't name one thing that's wrong with her. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan! I got a cab. Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dylan. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Dynamite? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Empire State Building. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Especially when you move eight times. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Every girl I've been with. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Every place can be a bit lonely sometimes. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Everybody had Girbauds, we all wore them backwards. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Everyone in this city seems really violent. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Everything else? None of your business. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Everything that happens in the day, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Ex fiancé. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Exactly! Please, I knew I had him the second he got off that plane. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Exactly. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry, you cannot do this. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Excuse me. I'm Dylan. Nice to meet you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Excuse me. May I help you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Excuse me. We've been waiting a while. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Feel me, Felix? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Find someone you like and never let him go. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Fine. I'll go next. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Fine. I'm over here pouring myself a drink. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
First time you saw me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
First up is Joey Morena, who's fluent in Vietnamese from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Flapjack. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Foil wrapper... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
For confidentiality reasons, no. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Friends who have sex? What are you, in college? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Fuck, I'm pretty good at this. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Fuck! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Fuck. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Get out of here. Damaged how? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Get your... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Girl, you are preaching to the congregation. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Give me your pants. I'm coming, baby. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Go have fun with your mom. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Go show her the beach. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Go to the gym. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Go. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God, I miss sex. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God, I wish my life was a movie sometimes. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God, it's nice. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God, you are just like every other guy. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God, you totally didn't get anything that I was saying, did you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God, you're such a girl. Come on, it's my treat. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God! I thought LA was bad. This traffic is terrible. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
God. How long have we been waiting here? It's ridiculous. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Goodbye, Flapjack. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Grandpa! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Great, 'cause feet gross me out. Daddy issues. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Great. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Great. I mean, look, I've had one night stands. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Great. Welcome to New York, Ms. Penderghast. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Guilt. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Happily ever after. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Have a great night, baby. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Have fun. I think this is great. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Have you really never brought a girl home before? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He got you and cutout. Forget the douche. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He had a rough childhood. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He had a stutter. It got real bad when he was nervous. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He is the Sheryl Crow of our generation! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He reminded me a lot of your father. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He said that he didn't want the job. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He took doors off of things. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He took doors off of things. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He was going through a Kris Kross phase. Remember them? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He'll be his regular old self and everything seems fine, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's a dick. He's a dick douche. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's a guy. You gave him a five date challenge, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's at a photo shoot for the sports issue. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's emotionally unavailable, but if you'd like... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's from LA. I figured he's into all that bullshit. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's getting worse. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's gonna be fine. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's got ears like an elephant. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's not my boyfriend, Mom. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's stylish, transcendent of sport, has an ass like a kumquat. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's the reason I can afford all this beer. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
He's the smartest man I've ever known. He's the only person I'd ever go to for advice. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hello, this is Jamie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hello. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hello. You've reached Dylan Harper's cell phone. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Here we are. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Here we have Brooklyn Bridge, downtown Manhattan, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Here, here, here, I'll take it. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Here, in front of all of these people? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Here, pick a card, my lady. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey this is Dylan. Leave a message. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, baby. Oh, no, they didn't. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, bro, that was like a double McTwist 1260. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, bro. You hungry? 'Cause I'm going to get something to eat. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, check this out. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, do you want to see something really cool? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, Dylan? Jamie Rellis is in the lobby for you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, easy, dude. Don't you go casting a spell on her. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, everybody wants a shortcut in life. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, everybody! Hey! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, fuckface, you want to get your shit out of my car or what? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, hey. Hey... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, I borrowed one of your books. I hope that's okay. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, I miss you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, I want my best friend back, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, I was thinking of getting some lunch. Do you know a place? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, I'm gonna need to borrow cab fare. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, I'm here! I'm here. I'm really sorry. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, Ma. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, man, you can't be up here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, man. Tommy Bollinger, sports editor. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, maybe the guy's married or something. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, my friend gave me his house in Montauk for July 4th. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, sir, what's that tall building over there? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, Uncle Dylan. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, why didn't you tell me about your mom? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, you know what? You and I should stay friends. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey, you're still good to take Dad that week I have to go to DC for Sam's class trip, right? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey! Baby, where are you? Are you still at work? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey! We were waiting for you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey. Hold on, hold on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey. I gotta go. You have a great trip in LA and call me when you land. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hey. No skin, more pipe for me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hi, Dave from across the hall. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hi, Mr. Harper. How are you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hi, you've reached Jamie Rellis. I can't pick up the phone right now from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hi, you've reached Jamie Rellis. I can't pick up the phone right now from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hi, you've reached Jamie Rellis. I can't pick up the phone right now from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hi. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
His hair had nice body. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Hold it. Any of you gay? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How 'bout right here? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How are you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How could such an awesome girl be with this over this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How could you possibly max out an Old Navy card? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How did you know I was at Grand Central Station? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How is a girl like you single? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How is a guy like you single? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How to wear white pants to a cookout. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How'd you know I was up here? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
How's your boy Parker? Still staring at trees? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I actually never knew my dad. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I always want to see something really cool. What... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I am an asshole. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I am so glad I met you tonight. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I am. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I believe in the freedom of science fiction. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I brought you here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I can handle anything except that look in people's eyes. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I can never go out with her. She's too fucked up. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I can work with that. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I can't believe I'm doing this. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I can't believe you actually cure cancer. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I can't do this any more. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I can't see you putting on your black underpants. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I could put up a video of me mixing cake batter with my boobs from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I cracked my neck because we were on a flight for six hours, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I did? When? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I didn't even blink when I told him to go fuck himself. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I didn't say I was gonna **** her. I said I was gonna go talk to her. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I didn't. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I do miss the mornings out here. Right before it burns off, it really is beautiful. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't care how upset she is, I get her jewelry, she lights right up. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't even know if I find you attractive. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't even remember... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't know what it is. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't know what to tell you. She's not for me. I don't like her like that. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't know, it's like cracking your neck. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't know, maybe I suck in bed. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't know, you think maybe I keep my worlds apart for some crazy reason? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't know. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't know. I don't want to be the guy who took something legendary from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't say that pejoratively, I say it hopefully. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't think I can be your Prince Charming. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it after al/. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't think the three point line would have done anything. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't understand. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I don't want your pity. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I ever run into you again, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I got him to do something for you. F tale. Fairytale. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I got in touch with a guy who puts flash mobs together. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I got us coffees. Nonfat, one sugar, one Splenda. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I got you turkey, no cheese, gluten free bread. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I gotta be honest, I feel a little emasculated. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I gotta go find a place to talk. Okay. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I guess in the movies the guy pours his heart out from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I guess not. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I have a five date rule. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I have issues. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I have this thing at work. It's called Google. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I have to be on a red eye tonight back to New York. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I have to go to the bathroom. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I have to seat people in the order they came. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I haven't seen you this dumb since you got that candy corn tattoo. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just can't get myself to start looking for a replacement for him, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just don't want it to. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just feel like we should chill for a while, you know? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just got you a ticket with my miles, it's done. Meet me at JFK. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just let her go. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just need you to be my friend right now. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just really gotta go. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just said lightly around... It's like a little button. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just think we're heading in different directions. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I just... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I keep my socks on. Intimacy issues. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I kind of believe in true love. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I kind of think you're right. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know how you girls get. Tick took, tick took. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know I haven't been the best mother in the world... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know it's a hard hitting piece, but come on, you guys, it's the Internet. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know that I'm new at this, but what I lack in experience I make up for in cliches. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know we're just friends, but I'm still a lady. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know you better than you know yourself. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know you'll be fine alone. You're not a baby in a hot car. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know, right? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know. I know. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I know. I know. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I like to come up here to think. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I like to drink my yogurt. It's a timesaver. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I liked your eyes. I didn't think I'd ever seen such big, beautiful eyes. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I live in Jersey. And I ain't taking no ferry. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I love that boat. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I love that outfit. You look so sexy in that. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I love that sunsets make you cry from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean like a real girl. Not a friend. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, a horse and carriage? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, cancer being cured is awesome, but, you know, I wish someone else did it. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, I'm the only friend you have in New York. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, it is so not me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, Magnum P.I. couldn't solve the shit going on up here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, nice, but it was like talking to dirt. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, no offense to your little blog on the Internet. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, sure, we'd have fun, roll around, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, we all have our Prince Charming, you just gotta know him when you see him. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I mean, you're looking for a man to be your partner. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I meant it. It was impressive. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I messed up. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I might be able to let you see some reason. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I miss you guys, but I'm good. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I never said go up. Okay? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I owe you big time, Tommy. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I played the tuba in high school. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I really have to stop buying into this bullshit Hollywood cliché of true love. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I really want to stay friends. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I saw it in a movie. I thought I'd give it a try. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I saw you creeping out of her room the other night. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I shouldn't have said that. I was just trying to get my sister off my back. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I think I found the perfect guy to fill that job at GQ. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I think I'm gonna goin and check the tide tables from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I think we should take a break. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I thought this would be a good way to take your mind off him. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I thought we were friends. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I thought you were giving me a sign. We talked about this. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I told him you were my gay best friend, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I totally agree. Let's forget it happened. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I totally understand that, but I'm with my dad from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I wanna do a campfire, like when you were little. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I want you to meet my parents. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I wanted this? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I was a little into Harry Potter back then. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I was conned by some headhunter. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I was gonna call you this morning. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I was out pretty late last night. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I was scared. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I was sleeping standing up. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I washed my hands. With soap this time. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I went as Kris Kross three years in a row for Halloween. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I woke up one day and I said, Lorna... I'm Lorna. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I work at GQ now. It's not some little blog on the Internet. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I worked 36 hours straight. I don't even know how I got to the park. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I would believe you if you didn't lie to me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I wouldn't have shaved my legs this morning. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I... Yeah. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'd knock, but you don't have a door. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'd still go with pants to a cookout. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'd write you a check for your bonus. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll be on the stairs. Right across from you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll be right back, okay? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll crush your earlobes and make soup stock out of them. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll give you your choice of closes. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll just put these on on the bike? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll make sure he brushes his teeth, and you, don't believe anything she says. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll serve. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll tell you something that I wish I knew when I was your age. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'll wait here. Don't worry about me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm a little over 6 foot. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm a magician, not a wizard. You and your gay Harry Potter. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm actually asking you to come because it would help me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm almost there! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm asking you to show me a restaurant. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm done with the relationship thing. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm done. How was I? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm even picking him up in a hybrid. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go to bed. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm fucking with you people. This isn't a porn site. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm getting married to the man of my dreams. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm going in. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm gonna die. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm gonna have some friends over tomorrow. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm gonna have to check my schedule. I'm really busy. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm gonna kill Annie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm gonna sell you on New York. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm good. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm having trouble hearing you! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm heartbroken. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm Jamie Rellis. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm Jamie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm just gonna shut myself down emotionally. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm just gonna work and fuck. Like George Clooney. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm just kidding. Slam away. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm just playing, bro. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm just surprised she didn't try to slip you her number or something. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm just... I'm flattered, actually. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm kidding. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm looking at you right now. I can see you! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm not gay, Tommy. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm not taking that thing on the subway. I don't wanna get rolled. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm not, but I got that thing... I got stuff. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm pretty sure that's Third Eye Blind. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sneaking through an office. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry, I don't smoke. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry, not coffee. Some green tea, soy, organic hemp bullshit. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry, were you waiting for me to jump in? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry. I didn't... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry. That sucks. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sorry. Who are you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm standing right by the guy in the tie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm starting to get a mental image. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm starving. You got any gin? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm supposed to meet up with Jamie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm sure that was the line in the movie you saw. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm thinking Helvetica but I could be persuaded to Courier New. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm trying not to. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm trying not to. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm wearing the only clothes outside the theater, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm wearing the only clothes outside the theater, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm whispering in the ear of a dead man. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I'm your boss. Give me your pants. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I've also never transferred heroin in my rectum, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I've been trying to take that little monkey to pound town for years. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I've just been waiting for someone to come up to me in the park from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I've seen Seinfeld. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
I've seen your work. It's amazing. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
If a prostitute and a ruthless businessman can fall in love, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
If I did leave, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
If you keep talking to me like that, I'm not gonna come back. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
If you tell anyone about this, I will rip your ears off from Friends with Benefits (2011)
If you were his girlfriend, he never would've brought you here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
In LA, if it's 90 degrees, it feels like 90 degrees. But... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Is it your special time? They have an app for that. No, wait. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Is that life is goddamn short and you can't waste a minute of it. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Is that the Hudson River? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Is this about what happened the other night? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Is this why you were late? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Is to buy the produce, which you already got. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Is to manipulate him? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Isn't that why we started this whole arrangement in the first place? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It doesn't matter how people look at him. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It is not you at all. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It just, I don't know, feels a little collegey. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was dumb, man. Something I saw in a management book. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was electric. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was fucking Your Body ls a Wonderland! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was my grandfather's. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was nice to have met you... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was super awesome back then. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was Times Roman. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It was your dad. Greatest man I ever met. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It wasn't that good. How was your day? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It'd be really hard. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's 90 degrees, it's like 100,000 degrees. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's a huge opportunity Dylan. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's a lightning bolt! With extra powers! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's a physical act. Like playing tennis. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's been done. Dunkin My Tits Hynes.com. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's Closing Time, by the band Semisonic! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's cool, we only hooked up, like, twice. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's good to see you, buddy. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's hardwood floors, if you know what I mean. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's in the kitchen. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's just a front to protect yourself from your own vulnerability. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's just a game. You shake hands, get on with your shit. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's just surprising. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's just surprising. I always thought you were a true love kind of girl. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's Lieutenant Kali, the street artist we talked about. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's like my New York version of a mountaintop. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's like the '70s in here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's like two lanes of traffic merging into one. It takes time. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's New York! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's New York. Now hustle. Come on. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's nice to feel like you're a part of something. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's no big deal. But you will. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's not adding up to a hundred any more. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's not armor. Air still gets in. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's not going to. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's not that big of a deal. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's not Third Eye Blind. Can you believe that? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's not. It's me. I don't like you any more. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's not. T Mobile, two years. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's okay, it'll be up on YouTube. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's okay, you don't get it. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's probably Nicholas Sparks. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's so good to have you here. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's so that you know how to feel every single second. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's too easy, too predictable. Go with Shaun. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's who you want to spend all day Saturday with. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
It's your offer. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie, baby, I missed you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie, no, no, no, no, no, wait. They take this shit seriously, okay? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie, this is my nephew, Sam the Magnificent. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie, this is my sister, Annie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie, you want to get this guy out of my face from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie. Dylan's friend. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jamie's different. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Jesus. She's just a girl that I met in the Navy. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Job? Absolutely. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
John fucking Mayer! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
John Mayer. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Julia Roberts is about to put on her really tall boots. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just do me a favor? Act like you do so that I look good. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just hold on a second. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just how great you are. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just keep going! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just me? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just mother daughter. Like a Nora Ephron movie. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just pure anthropological research. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just say hello to her for me, will you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just sex. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just so you know, the movie starts in 10 minutes. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just trying to keep it realsies. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Just wrong. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Keep your hand still. I'll move the iPad. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Kiss me. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Kiss my neck. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Kudos, baby, kudos. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
LA's so nice. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Lasorda was a good pitcher, but he was an even better manager. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Let me buy you a drink. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Let me just ask you a quick question. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Let's go to the bedroom. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Let's go. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Let's have sex like we're playing tennis. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Let's hit this after lunch. Okay, guys? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Let's you and me go away together. No men, no bullshit. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Like George Clooney. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Like this. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Like you can't breathe. Like no oxygen to the lungs. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Like you had just had sex, if you know what I mean. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Like you like each other, like you love each other. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Listen to music? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Listen, I know this is probably a no because all you do is work like a dull boy, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Listen, I think we should stop this. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Listen, I'd love to take you out one night and troll for cock. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Listen, Jamie, I'm... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Listen, we'll get some coffee in you before the interview. You'll be fine. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Little faster. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look around. I'm from LA, okay? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look at all the cameras. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look at me, I'm goofy but cute. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look at what happened with my mom and my dad. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look, I can live without ever having sex with you again. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look, I know that I act all tough and I talk all tough, but really... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look, the crew's laughing. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Look, to think that you and I could just have sex from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Looks like it's about three of me. So six times three... from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Looks like New York's all out of blueberries. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Love to get your concepts on the font. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Ma? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Ma. Come on, we gotta get on the road. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Madison, wait! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Madison, will you many me? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Madison! from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Magnum P.l. couldn't solve the shit going on in her head. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Man, I don't care if you take it. I get paid regardless. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Maybe she'll listen. There's always a way. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Maybe you should care a little bit less about work from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Me neither. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Me, too. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Mom misses you. And so does Grandpa. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Mom, I'm over by the Lexington exit. Where are you? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Mom, it's Prince Charming. You should just know. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Mom, Mom, you gotta point it at the screen. You gotta tell it where you are. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Mom, this who's your daddy game is getting really old. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Mom. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My chin is ticklish, I sneeze sometimes after I come, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My dad and my sister and her son live here now. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My first order of business, lighter doors. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My friend Dave from across the hall, his oven broke, so he'll be using the kitchen. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My God! Terrible visual. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My guidebook is very simple. You wanna lose weight? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My life is already pretty great. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My nipples are sensitive, I don't like dirty talk, from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My Prince Charming? from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My sister gave me some shit. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
My sister. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
New York can be a little bit lonely at times. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Nice doing business with you, Dylan Harper. from Friends with Benefits (2011)
Nice meeting you. from Friends with Benefits (2011)