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Atlas Shrugged Part I (2011) "Atlas Shrugged Part I" is a thought-provoking film released in 2011, based on Ayn Rand's

Atlas Shrugged Part I (2011)

"Atlas Shrugged Part I" is a thought-provoking film released in 2011, based on Ayn Rand's best-selling novel. Set in a dystopian future, it explores themes of individualism, capitalism, and the consequences of a collapsing society. The movie features an ensemble cast including Taylor Schilling, Grant Bowler, and Matthew Marsden, who bring Rand's complex characters to life with their compelling performances. With its powerful storyline and visually striking cinematography, the film captivates audiences, prompting them to question the role of government, the extent of individual freedoms, and the power of personal ambition. To fully immerse yourself in the world of "Atlas Shrugged Part I," you can play and download these captivating sounds here.
A battle in wh ch one must make onee's stand clear.
A litt e ate and a ot gorgeous.
A major fire has erupted at the Wyatt Oil Field.
A meeting without your right hand man?
A monopo y. To be exact.
A motor perhaps?
A Taggart Transcontinental freight train has crashed...
A wire? Why?
Actually, beyond a few courthouses, there's not much of a government at all.
After years of excellent service from us. WYATT: From yourfather.
After, they won't matter anyway.
Agaln, I thlnk it's slgnificant In helping the broad spectrum...
Ahem. Well, I can see that the market has opened in Hong Kong.
AKSTON: Oh, don't worry, Miss Taggart. He' I find you.
All done then?
All we have to do is slip it over h s head.
An engine that uses atmospheric vacuum to create stat c electricity.
An excellent piece of sme ting or the future of this institute?
And after?
And al I wanna do right now is kiss you.
And Dagny. Mrs. Rearden, how are you?
And forget about the Stone Age and the Iron Age.
And have fu I confidence that our government...
And he said. It smells like museo de las pooplas.
And here you are, Mr. Rearden.
And I really do ove that bracelet.
And I think you'd fit in there.
And I wou d.
And I'll take you there. I'll take you to Atlantis.
And I'm gambling your new metal can do what you say it can.
And it was great PR for this company.
And it's very n ce.
And it's yours.
And one freight every other n ght? Yes.
And Rearden Metal is good.
And somewhere I have a company that's being pulled apart.
And the John Galt Line.
And then the Nat onal Alliance of Ra Iroads proposes a rule.
And this must be a secondary cooling system.
And underneath is an ocean of natural gas.
And we need to find out what it is and get in on t too.
And what are they say ng, exactly?
And what d d you wanna meet me for? Help me lose money?
And what do I care what they think?
And what on earth do you know about Rearden Metal?
And where are you gonna get financing? That is not for you to worry about.
And where those who want to be heroes llve.
And why is there media at a prvate dinner?
And zero contalnment at the moment.
And, J m, this is not a proposal.
ANNOUNCER (ON RADIO): My fellow Americans, Mr. Wesley Mouch.
Answer the quest on, doctor.
Anything else?
Are you accusing me of not do ng my job?
Are you dissatisf ed here? No.
Are you glad? Here...
Are you here from Taggart Transcontinental?
Are you leaving the city? No.
Are you saying that the American people aren't taking care of thelr own country?
Are you serious, Mr. Brady?
Are you serious? Was plann ng on g ving t to the maid for her birthday.
Aren't you curious as to how I'm able to finance this?
As far as I can tell, it doesn't mean a damn thing, one way or another.
As much authority as you had to do a backdoor deal with Orren Boyle.
As president of the John Galt Line...
As the new coordinator...
At a time of desperate stee shortages...
At the Bureau of Economic Planning and Nationa Resources, I think.
Because it's a battle.
Because it's mine.
Because now 'm begging. Ha.
Because they'ree a bunch of miserable children...
Because, Mr. Brady, if that bridge collapses...
Ben Nea y's quit.
Bottom llne, Mr. Wyatt...
BOYLE (OVER PHONE): And then we do what?
BOYLE (OVER PHONE): Did you see?
BOYLE: All right, something has got to be done about the iron ore shortage.
BOYLE: D'Ancon a has invested b lions developing their infrastructure.
BOYLE: We are work ng on a bill.
BRANSON: Breaklng news out of Wyatt Junction, Colorado.
BRANSON: Police have no leads on the disappearance of Midas Mulligan.
BRANSON: Thls week, gas prices reached a historic hlgh.
But he also bought in himself.
But hundreds of remaining staff couldn't handle it alone.
But if it does not co lapse...
But if you double cross me in any way...
But leave them the choicee.
But that tra n will run if I have to drive myself.
But walk with me.
But you don't want the pub ic against you. Public opinion, you know, can mean a lot.
But you no longer wish to work for Taggart Transcontinenta?
But you will be working? Yes, um...
But you won't. Why won't I?
But, Henry, you don't have any friends.
But, in fact, we're squeezing Dan Conway out of Colorado.
By the way, I don't care what the industry says, Henry.
Call my office first thing in the morning. I'll authorize a hundred grand for you.
Can I show you something?
Can you get me a dinner appointment with Francisco D'Anconia?
Can you imagine what will happen if this trend continues?
Can't afford to fall behind.
Cance lations. People are giving up trying to use the line.
Canceled. You've no authority.
Care to help? GWEN: Let me see what I can do.
Careful, Eddie, it's one th ng I learned from my father...
Coffee? Yes.
Colorado s our last hope.
Commercial airlines.
Continue manufacturing my main ne switches.
Cou d you turn that up, please?
Could I have a moment of your t me?
Could you tell me where to find him?
CROWD: Cheers.
D'Ancon a used h s own cash and now he has lost t all in those mines.
Dagny and I are having a negotiation, it seems.
Dagny, nobody's used Rearden Metal. We will.
Dagny, this could change the world.
Dagny, this is, uh, Mr. Brady, a delegate from the Union of Locomotive Eng neers.
DAGNY: Did he eveer mention a motor he created?
DAGNY: Do you need a ride?
DAGNY: I'm great. I'm heading up to Akston's d ner now.
DAGNY: I'm not gonna give up trying to find the nventor of that motor.
DAGNY: Ideeas?
DAGNY: It was ssued under your name.
DAGNY: It's a real mystery why the Twent eth Century Motor Company failed.
DAGNY: Looks ike an engine. HENRY: Not like any engine I've ever seen.
DAGNY: Morning.
DAGNY: Morning.
DAGNY: My pleasure. Goodbye. McNAMARA: Goodbye.
DAGNY: Not a chance.
DAGNY: Oh, no, no, no. I understand perfectly.
DAGNY: That s correct.
DAGNY: Twent eth Century Motor Corporation.
DAGNY: What did it say? It said, 'Who s John Ga t?
DAGNY: Why all these stup d altruistic urges? T's not being charitable or fair.
Did you get I I ian's invitation to our anniversary party?
Did you get in on that ore mine deal in Meex co?
Did you hear about R chard McNamara? I did.
Did you hear? Balph Eubank is here.
Did you read the hatchet job he did on Hank Rearden in his magazine?
Do what you want, Mr. Brady.
Do you and Orren Boyle have a plan for making up for the Mexican line's losses?
Do you find this amusing? Not at all.
Do you got any idea how we might contact Mr. Lawson?
Do you have any idea what's happening here?
Do you have any money? I got plenty of money.
Do you know where we might be able to find that man today?
Do you th nk it's here?
Do you think I can have the money w red to my account?
Do you think it can be stopped?
Do you understand that concept?
Doctor Stadler, I don't understand what this has to do...
Does this car get good m eage?
Doesn't everyone?
Doing their best to make it harder for you.
Don't ask me such a thing, Dagny.
Don't ask quest ons nobody can answer.
Don't bother inviting people you think are my friends.
Don't try to find me. You won't.
Don't worry. I didn't come in heree for sex.
Dr. Akston, I was wondering if you remember a young engineer...
Dr. Akston? One more question.
Early reports put much of the blame...
Eddie on the other line, I'll call you back. Hey, Eddie, what's up?
Eddie, can you give us a minute?
EDDIE: He's meeting you at 4:30.
EDDIE: Well, we've looked and we found a note.
Eddie? Yes, Dagny?
Ellis Wyatt has put Taggart Transcontinental on notice.
Ellis Wyatt, Ted Nie sen, Lawrence Hammond, Kenneth Danagger.
Ellis Wyatt?
Especially in front of the med a.
Every member must subordinate...
Everyone will be there.
Exact y what I've been thinking.
Exact y, and this creates a magnetic fie d in place long enough...
Exact y, and this creates a magnetic fie d in place long enough...
Excellent. I'll start roll ng the metal.
Excuse me? Jed Starnes.
Excuse me. I have to be heading home.
Excuse me. I just wanna make sure that Hank doesn't get hurt.
Excuse us.
File it.
Finally, a federal tax will be applied to the state of Colorado...
Find the ast owner of the factory. We'd track it back from there.
Fire crews have been brought In from as far away as Denver County...
First, I'm taking Eddie W I ers. Oh, no, no.
Fix me a drink? Of course.
For once, please, for me.
Forty thousand dollars a ton.
Francisco. I ian.
Francsco. BOYLE: Throwing away his daddy's money.
From a guy named Eugene Lawson.
Furthermore, big compan es will no onger be permitted...
GALT: My name is John Galt.
Gasol ne prices are 37.50 a gallon.
Get out of here.
Glad you could make it.
Go see your o d boyfriend, Francisco...
Good evening.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Good n ght. Good n ght.
Good to see you.
GRECO (ON TV): Simply one of the worst railroad accidents in recent history.
Grow up, Henry.
Gwen, it's beaut ful.
GWEN: Mr. Rearden's office.
Ha, ha. Whoo!
Hank, I'm on your side.
Happy anniversary.
Have you received a better offer? No.
He cou dn't even tell me why.
He did keep in touch with a professor that he had at the Patrick Henry Univers ty.
He is too smart for that. He must have something up his sleeve.
He just sa d:
He may be a slacker, but he makes business investments that pay off.
He must know something.
He quit the day after we introduced the plan.
He sa d, Happiness is a delusion of those whose emot ons are superf cia.
He thanked us and he's looking forward to the Second Renaissance. That's it.
He tries, poor thing.
He was an eng neer at the Twentieth Century Motor Company.
He'd rather back og w th any competitor than ship anything...
He's doing big things in Colorado to help the nat on.
He's in Washington now.
He's not exactly open to compet tion.
He's not? BRANSON: A banker by trade, Michael...
Hello, Henry. HENRY: Hey, Pau.
Hello, Joy.
Hello, Lillian. Congratulations.
HENRY (OVER PHONE): It's flne, Dagny.
Henry isn't nterested in anything that doesn't tie in to his work.
Henry Rearden claims that his steel is lighter than even the cheapest brands...
Henry, dear...
Henry, do you mind hold ng the 10th of December open for me?
Henry, Paul's been waiting here for hours.
HENRY: As I understand it, the company flattened the wage scale...
HENRY: Dagny, what we're doing...
HENRY: Good morn ng. Where's Wyatt?
HENRY: Good n ght.
HENRY: Hank Rearden.
HENRY: I gotta get back to my mills.
HENRY: I was watching you with the workers there.
HENRY: It's no mystery. Bad ideas brought it down.
HENRY: Okay, give me a few days. I'll meet you in Colorado.
HENRY: So after a short while, no surprise...
HENRY: This new line or us? DAGNY: Both.
Henry. Ph ip.
Henry's poured his metal today and I have the first trophy.
Here's what we are gonna do.
Hi, Dagny. Hank.
His name was Francisco D'Anconia. I know who he s.
Hit it.
Hmm. Engine parts are hard to come by these days.
Hold on. Hold on.
Honey, uh, there's someone I want you to meet.
How are you? You rogue.
How can I help you? WYATT: I'll make this qu ck.
How could I possibly have more fun than this, I Ilian?
How deep is the ocean?
How high s the sky?
How s it gonna look when we're not there to defend our own proposa?
How scandalous.
How's your man in Washington?
Hugh Akston was his name. I know that name.
I actually ca ed you in here today to offer you a promotion.
I am on strike.
I am placing a morator um on a I railroad lines.
I am. Good.
I barely have enough parts to keep the ones I have work ng now.
I be ieve you know Wesley Mouch, Rearden's man in Washington.
I bought it n a bankruptcy sale.
I came here because I want you to know I'm beginning to understand your motives.
I came here today because, well, I met your brother...
I came here tonight just to meet you.
I can make it happen.
I can see to it that the exclus ve grip...
I can't be ieve I did this. And then...
I can't speak for James, but I will be there.
I can't.
I can't. I have to get back to New York.
I did, thank you.
I didn't want to wake you.
I don't have time for it. I have to undo what they've done.
I don't know what I'm doing next week.
I don't know why I thought of calling you.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. You know what this means?
I don't need to defend my dec sion to use Rearden Metal.
I don't see any names.
I don't think it's fair that one company has its own supply.
I don't think you'll ever understand, doctor.
I don't think you've everfe t a thing.
I don't understand.
I don't wanna sell anything to you.
I found an excellent contractor to takeover the rebuilding of the Rio Norte Line.
I gave my word.
I go down alone.
I got a fam y. I need to make money.
I guess I've never felt anything at all.
I had a lovely time.
I had it made from the first pour of Rearden Metal.
I had nothing to do with the creation of that bill.
I had threee brilliant students...
I have 50 miles of my new rail tempered and ready to roll.
I have a contract with Orren Boyle. You had a contract with Orren Boyle.
I have a w fe.
I have engines I ordered two years ago and still have not received.
I have never done anything to hurt a ving creature in my entire life.
I have new steel rails coming from... That order is 13 months old.
I have ofteen said...
I have some good news.
I have some phone calls to make.
I have to be ready in six months. MAN 3: Plenty.
I have to get the Rio Norte complete y rera ed in nine months...
I haven't had any comp aints from my customers.
I heard about what Orren Boyle is up to. Call me.
I just don't want any trouble. Herbert, look.
I just hope you can defend Rearden Metal against Bertram Scudder.
I just hope you don't run into any trouble.
I know what you mean.
I know where such a p ace exists.
I know you're famous for skulking in corners, but be sociable ton ght.
I know.
I live In a place we call Atlantis.
I mean, another man wou d have given h s wfe a diamond bracelet...
I mean, rich people are gettlng rlcher. Poor people are gettlng poorer.
I need him here. Tough.
I need the name of your student who worked at Twentieth Century Motor...
I need the name of your student who worked at Twentieth Century Motor...
I neveer used the word forb d.
I no onger have interest in Mr. Mouch.
I see.
I think it's the chain by which he holds us al in bondage.
I think it's time to stand on our own.
I think that's a very selfish question to ask at a time of great economic uncertainty.
I think they must be huge.
I thought that you of all people would understand.
I thought we might take a trip, a ittle getaway.
I thought we might vis t the Twentieth Century Motor Company in W sconsin.
I thought we'd be down for a couple of weeks.
I underestimated you.
I w I act as my own contractor.
I want to learn to understand you.
I want to tell both of you something. Do you know the Buena Esperanza Pass?
I wi I get my own financing and finish the line on t me.
I will drink to that. Hear, hear.
I will not lower my business standards to your ousy level of incompetence.
I wish I could hold myself in the same esteem.
I won't allow it.
I won't be working for any railroad.
I work for the ast center of science left on Earth.
I would have happily put a rai road in Mexico...
I would never ask anyone to take a risk I wasn't will ng to take.
I' double what any other railroad is offering.
I'd really ike to figure out what happened here.
I'll advise them to refuse.
I'll always consider the ore mine as yours. No.
I'll ask for volunteers.
I'll keep that in mind.
I'll make sets for you.
I'll see what I can do. And one last warning, brother dear.
I'll sign away my other companies, but they are not getting my metal.
I'm afraid I can't. Money's tight.
I'm authorized by the government to pay you a very generous sum...
I'm back. I just want to see how you're doing.
I'm curious.
I'm El s Wyatt.
I'm going to win.
I'm gonna take a leave from Taggart Transcontinental.
I'm just here to discuss our deal.
I'm McNamara.
I'm needed here.
I'm not a fan.
I'm not interested in their opinions.
I'm not taking respons bility for any of this.
I'm on my way in.
I'm on y stating that you cannot force anyone to take that run.
I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Rearden. There's an urgent call on line two.
I'm sorry, I don't understand, are you II? No.
I'm sorry, Miss Taggart.
I'm sorry, Owen, I have to ask and I'd I ke the truth.
I'm sorry. Thank you.
I'm staking my business on it.
I'm still the president, regardless of my s ster...
I'm watching it now.
I'm wonderful. Tell me, who are you wearing?
I'm working for Frends of Global Awareness.
I've got too many expenses. Okay.
I've have come to give you my resignation. Effective immediate y.
I've never g ven you any reason to mistrust me.
I've ordered the replacement rails from Rearden Steel.
I've traveled a very long way to be here.
If I ever meant anything to you...
If it is good...
If it wasn't for you, most of these people would be left help ess.
If it's bad for the rich people, can you imagine how bad it is for me and you?
If Rearden Metal is not good, it's a physical danger to the public.
If the John Galt Line succeeds, it's gonna make Wyatt unstoppable.
If we don't comply, as of right now...
If we don't do someth ng about it, there's not gonna be a railroad.
If we're gonna bring Rearden down we shou d do it from the inside.
If Wyatt fails, Taggart Transcontinental and everyone else around h m goes down.
If you and your brother try to undermine me...
If you came here in order to rem nd me how lovely you are...
If you can answer me one simple question truthfully...
If you did, you wou dn't come.
If you intend to double cross me...
If you wanna give me f rst call on the ore produced, f ne.
If you're here for your rails...
If you're here for your rails...
If your new metal works, have you thought of the implications?
Imagine what will happen f we find the inventor and get it up and running.
In the end, he's rght.
In weeks. Our stock won't be trading anymore.
Is everything all right, Dagny?
Is he still alive?
Is Rearden Metal good or not?
Is Rearden Metal good or not?
Is t all right with you...
Is that my sister on the phone? Let me talk to her.
Is there anything that you can tell me?
Is there something going on that I shou d know about?
Is this accurate? Just one passenger tra n per day on the Mexican ine?
Isn't that what we invested in?
It gives me a chance to think.
It is tougher, cheaper, lighter than stee...
It means quitt ng, giving up.
It never went nto production. I'm not even sure the th ng works.
It proposes to limit the number of businesses...
It throws sma helium particles into heavier particles.
It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Rearden.
It was h s young assistant.
It wasn't me who passed the aw.
It will be done on time and on budget.
It will be its first showcase.
It will never happen.
It's a place where heroes live.
It's a prototype for a new engine.
It's a prototype for a new engine.
It's been national zed as Dagny predicted.
It's ca ed The Equalization of Opportun ty.
It's for the benefit of the less privileged.
It's for you to figure out. MAN: And here you are, sir.
It's good to know there are men I ke Wyatt left n the world.
It's his new meta. That metal's complete y untested.
It's his own success that provides us the tools to bring him down.
It's important that your man in Washington is fine.
It's just you don't know who's loyal these days.
It's not fair, Hank.
It's not n the public interest to let one man destroy an ent re industry.
It's nothing. It's just a useless hunk of metal.
It's original.
It's our wedding anniversary, Henry. December 10th?
It's pathetic, Lilly.
It's quite unique. It's in a position where it can help lts neighborhood needier states.
It's strong, it is safe. You know that.
It's their on y weapon, but it's a terrible one.
It's unbel evab e.
It's what they're mplying.
It's wonderful. T is.
Jim, this s your battle. I've fought mine.
Jim? What is it?
JOY: Can I get you something? MAN: A cup of coffee.
JOY: Hey, what happened to you?
Just answer the quest on, please.
Just listen and accept.
Just one ast thing.
Kel ogg, McNamara, now Nealy.
KEN (OVER PHONE): Dagny? Ken Danagger.
KNIGHT: Good evening, America, I'm Jay Knight.
KNIGHT: Good evening, and we come to The Jay Knight Hour.
KNIGHT: Our government has put a moratorium on all wage increases...
Lady, stop. You can't go in there.
Landslide closed down the supp y line for workers and the rail.
LARKIN: You shouldn't have given Phlllip that money.
Lawmakers feel the bill wlll help...
Let me be very clear, James.
Let me check my budget.
Let us say...
Like I said, we need each other.
LILLIAN: I hope you didn't come here for anyth ng.
LILLIAN: I would throw it into the fire if t would burn.
LILLIAN: You have to pose for photos later. HENRY: No.
Look at this.
Look, I came to tell you I'm leaving...
M ne.
Make sure I get a my permissions, grants, authorizations...
MAN (ON TV): Today in Colorado, the John Galt Line made a successful run...
MAN (ON TV): Today, the Rio Norte Line...
MAN (ON TV): We have breaklng news from Cheyenne, Wyoming...
MAN 1 (ON TV): The Dow Jones stock average dipped under 4000 points today.
MAN 1: It comes from the reservoir. Make sure it's clean.
MAN 1: While conflicts in the Mldeast...
MAN 1: You see it in the market's volatllity. Violent wea th loss.
MAN 2 (ON TV): The Equallzatlon of Opportunity Laws.
MAN 2: And It's fair to penallze one state? MOUCH: Please.
MAN 2: Going slow and safe, slow and safe.
MAN 2: Like a Robln Hood of taking from the rich, feeding the poor.
MAN 2: Well, what are you saying?
MAN 3: As a result, rail travel has reemerged as the only affordable means of frelght...
MAN 3: As you can see, the hlllside behlnd me is completely engulfed in flames.
MAN 3: Get two men on that side.
MAN 3: Global States Oil Corporation...
MAN 4: We're seeing an unprecedented...
MAN 6: Another government relief shlp was hijacked...
MAN: Ease off on that, big bro.
MAN: Ellis Wyatt?
MAN: Great news. Thank you, Dagny. My pleasure, thank you.
MAN: I'm sorry, Miss Taggart.
MAN: Midas Mul gan?
MAN: Move it.
MAN: My name is familiar to you.
MAN: There you go, s r.
MAN: Thls extensively In a major rallroad constructlon project in the country.
Matter of fact, I didn't try to sell the mine to James Taggart either, he came to me.
Maybe the maid wou d I ke this instead.
Maybe you should let me explain...
Maybe you should let me f nish speaking!
McNAMARA: Frankly, I appreciate working directly with you.
MIDAS: Punctual, as always. Thank you, dear.
Miss Taggart, I assure you...
Miss Taggart, you don't understand...
Miss Taggart?
Miss Taggart?
Miss Taggart? Oh. Hello, Owen, please, have a seat.
Miss Taggart.
Miss Taggart.
Most affected were the San Sebastian Mlnes...
MOUCH: Colorado is a rich state.
MOUCH: Everybody needs to share the burdens we facee.
MOUCH: They've gone to the railroads for the benefits that they provide.
MOUCH: Under my guidance, of course.
Move. Okay.
Mr. Rearden, allow me to introduce myself.
Mr. Rearden, Miss Taggart is...
Mr. Rearden?
Mr. Rearden?
Mr. Wyatt. He o.
MRS. HASTINGS: My husband died five years ago, Miss Taggart.
Must be real important.
My father was an evil man.
My first question is to Mr. Taggart.
My goa is socia progress, un versal prosperity.
My guests tonight are James Taggart, CEO of Taggart Transcontinental Railroad...
My only goa is to make money.
My pleasure, partner.
My, uh, casa es su casa, and so on.
Name your prce.
National Council of Metal Industries.
Naval ships, armor plating, even spacecraft.
Nice job.
No, because there was no doubt I prepared a meal for the two of you.
No, have him call me back. BRANSON: Changed his name to Midas...
No, he's in a meeting. May I give you his vo cemail?
No, I was busy working, but I'm not hungry anyway.
No, I'm good. Thanks.
No, I'm not.
No, Jim.
No, Phill p, I don't, but it will make you happy.
No, thank you. I walk home most nights.
No, this is no trick. I checked it al out, Jimmy.
No, you didn't. Yes, I did.
No. It's nothing.
No. The, uh, chain is approprate.
Nobody can own more than one company.
Not at all. What's go ng on?
Not much heere.
Nothing, I'm simply offering a society that cult vates individua ach evement.
Now that I'm forced to use your ra road...
Now that you have effectively closed down the Phoenix/Durango railroad line...
Now we know why you've gone off the rails.
Now, because of my actions...
Now, come.
Now, does it say anywhere on this document who designed this thing?
Now, I'm staying in town ton ght.
Now, what can be done? MOUCH: Don't you see?
Now? I have a business to run.
Odd. Mm hm.
Of course, Lillian. I'll be there. Thank you, dear.
Of course. Thank you.
Oh, excuse me.
Oh, I have no idea.
Oh, they have a weapon against you.
Oh, yeah, you want that. So?
Oh. Phillip, it is not the gift, it's the inteention.
Oh. Well, I tel you what.
Oil and gas shortages have crippled manufacturing and transportation costs...
Oil prices have caused consumers to be less reliant on trucks...
Okay, I'll bite.
Okay, what the hell is he doing here?
Okay. And what are you gonna call this new I ne of yours, Dagny?
Okay. EDDIE: Dagny?
Okay. So I guess this s our start ng point.
Once the John Galt line is comp ete, I'd like to look into th s further.
Once we see how the rails perform...
One ffty.
One hundred.
One of my best employees quit today.
One of them became a depraved playboy.
One seventy f ve.
Ooh. What is this?
Orren Boyle is campaigning for a b...
Otherwise, we're done here.
Our news team has captured this unedited footage on the scene.
Our stock will go back up.
Over 125 miles of track have been replaced in little over a month...
Owen Kellogg.
OWEN: Thank you.
Pardon me one moment.
Pardon me.
Pardon me.
Pardon us, Phillip.
Paul, it's his own fault.
Paul, th s is not personal.
People shouldn't have to worry about how they're gonna get where they need to go.
Perhaps the problem is we haven't updated that branch...
Perhaps, I can take t off your hands?
PHILLIP: Remember, there was 20 peop e... LILLIAN: I love this.
Please sit down.
Please, continue.
Please, have a seat.
Please. Cons der my s de, Miss Taggart.
Please. This way. Gentlemen.
POTTER: The State Science Inst tute...
Probab y designed to el minate excess heat generated during the process.
Pull over.
Put that in writing.
Rearden Metal, it's terrfic.
Rearden Steel. BOYLE: Exact y.
REARDEN: Have you had any dinner, Henry?
Reports are coming In that several explosions have rocked the hillslde.
Richard McNamara never showed up for work.
Richard McNamara?
Ruth Anne, why haven't you gotten me a meeting with D'Anconia yet?
RUTH ANNE: I wasn't able to get a meeting. Why not?
RUTH ANNE: Senor D'Anconia says that you bore him, Mr. Taggart.
S r. Sir.
San Sebastian, you did it cold bloodedly and with full intention.
Second, keep your cron es in Washington off my back.
SECRETARY (OVER INTERCOM): Orren Boyle is on the line.
SECRETARY: Good morning, Miss Taggart.
Service dropped...
Severa months ago, ordered Operations to cut the schedulee...
Shall I explain what I intend to do n... WYATT: No.
Shut up. You and the board are gonna transfer the Rio Norte I ne over to me.
Sir, your company is one of the few managing to survive...
Slnce you've taken the reins, that company's gone downhill.
So I think it's a good thing, yes.
So I was thinking.
So if you can have the Rio Norte complete y rera ed in nine months...
So quickly? How is that even poss ble?
So you did betray them intentionally? That's for you to decide.
So, what do you think?
So, what do you want me to do, Frisco? Do you want me to beg?
So, what do you want?
So, what's the premium to rush thesee rails?
Some of this is incred bly sophisticated.
Soon everyone will be wanting to get on the bandwagon.
Start my own company. You're leaving?
Stay dry now. JOY: See you tomorrow, Mr. Mull gan.
Taggart Transcontinental is committed to sharing the burden...
Taggart Transcontinental is done.
Taggart Transcontinental remains in your contro.
Taggart Transcontinental stocks have plummeted...
Taggart Transcontinental... Thanks.
TAGGART: Good night, Paul. MOUCH: Orren.
TAGGART: I already know about the derailment on the R o Norte Line, Eddie.
TAGGART: I can assure you that there is no need for panic.
TAGGART: What are you thinking? BOYLE: I think t's the ore reserves.
TAGGART: With any growth there can be growing pains.
TAWNY (ON TV): Taggart construction crews reached the foot of The Rockies this morning.
Thank you for everything.
Thank you, dear.
Thank you, Mr. McNamara. I ook forward to working with you as well.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. He gave a good speech.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. You're quite welcome.
Thanks, Eddie.
That bracelet for this necklace.
That bracelet for this necklace.
That factory has had a ong line of owners and the records are not complete.
That is a beautiful bracelet. Yeah.
That is how you create an unbalanced economy.
That means the railroads like Mr. Taggart's need to be flxing their railways here...
That Mexican line was helping those destitute people get back in the game.
That party took a lot out of me, Henry.
That Rearden Metal is the best materal ava lab e on the market today.
That was quick.
That was refreshing.
That you want to stop your men from working and earning a wage.
That's depressing.
That's enough, Lillian.
That's faster than any train has ever gone in th s country.
That's not all, Dagny.
That's part of the truth. What s the rest of the truth?
That's the best price you can g ve me? I could charge you double and you'd pay.
That's the name. It's your disaster.
That's very kind of you, M ss Taggart...
The accldent is yet another downturn for Taggart Transcontlnental...
The answer s no.
The Anti Dog Eat Dog rule.
The blll, In an effort to control big business monopolies, proposes...
The bottom ine is that...
The chief engineer was W iam Hastings.
The consensus of the best metallurgical authorities are h ghly skept ca.
The controversial metal bridge held up perfectly...
The Equalization of Opportunity Bill is set to appear before Congress next week.
The first train on the John Galt Line will run July 22nd.
The government we have there...
The guy is a gen us.
The intention's pure selfishness, it seeems to mee.
The John Galt Line.
The John Galt Line.
The leg slature passed the Equa ization of Opportunity Bill.
The Mexican catastrophe, for another.
The Mideast has imploded, creating a worldwide o shortage.
The mine is yours.
The Nat onal Council of Metal Industries has completed a report...
The National Council of Meta Industries...
The next time you decide to throw a party, can you stick to your own crowd?
The Phoen x/Durango has cut deep y into our bus ness.
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