A call was placed to an emergency operator named Jean Wahl... from The Hurricane (1999)
A criminal. He's a violent man. from The Hurricane (1999)
A fellow by the name of Barbieri. from The Hurricane (1999)
A lot of brave people who gave their time... from The Hurricane (1999)
A lot of very important people are exposed. from The Hurricane (1999)
A low life criminal. from The Hurricane (1999)
Absolutely. And, uh, please understand... from The Hurricane (1999)
According to Barbieri, it was signed by a Miss Lenore Harkinson. from The Hurricane (1999)
According to William Marins, two guys barged in and just opened fire. from The Hurricane (1999)
After eight years at Jamesburg, I escaped. from The Hurricane (1999)
After I take this shower that's gonna make me feel so good? from The Hurricane (1999)
Against Rubin Carter, the challenger. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ain't nobody gonna touch me. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ain't nobody putting their hands on me, Jimmy. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ain't nobody runnin' shit. I'm runnin' shit. from The Hurricane (1999)
Alabama. from The Hurricane (1999)
All I see is more proof There's no place for us from The Hurricane (1999)
All right, all right, all right, all right, all right. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right, Carter. Time's up. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right! You're free, Rubin! from The Hurricane (1999)
All right? from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. All right. Just relax. Let me handle this. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. Keep your punches up. It's gonna be a good, clean fight... from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. Let's go. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. Let's go. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. Let's touch gloves. Good luck. Okay, go to your corners. from The Hurricane (1999)
All right. Rube. from The Hurricane (1999)
All rise. from The Hurricane (1999)
All rise. from The Hurricane (1999)
All well intentioned. from The Hurricane (1999)
Alleging racial prejudice... from The Hurricane (1999)
Although you still contend you are not guilty of the crimes charged against you... from The Hurricane (1999)
Amazing and now I'm from The Hurricane (1999)
Amazing, I have heard my inner voice from The Hurricane (1999)
Amazing, now from The Hurricane (1999)
And after him... from The Hurricane (1999)
And all that's left is what's inside from The Hurricane (1999)
And also in that time, uh, there have been a lot of people... from The Hurricane (1999)
And circumvent the State Court of New Jersey. from The Hurricane (1999)
And concealment... from The Hurricane (1999)
And convicted. from The Hurricane (1999)
And defeats the undefeated Joey Cooper... from The Hurricane (1999)
And finally to the awful verdict. from The Hurricane (1999)
And for what? For murders I didn't even commit? from The Hurricane (1999)
And give him back the time he's done from The Hurricane (1999)
And give him back the time he's done from The Hurricane (1999)
And he fought back, and so you stabbed him? from The Hurricane (1999)
And he looks like he's going down! He hits the canvas. from The Hurricane (1999)
And he turned in his murder book and crime scene photos... from The Hurricane (1999)
And he was a good man. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I congratulate you on your dedication to Rubin's case. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I could see Nelson Mandela in his cell writing his book. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I don't want you to come back down here. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I learned fast. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I loved it. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I really felt sad about what happened to you. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I say, Hey, I know all you guys. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I thank you for all the things you send me... from The Hurricane (1999)
And I wanna warn you, that's all. from The Hurricane (1999)
And I was thinkin' that afterwards you and me... from The Hurricane (1999)
And I'll tell ya, folks, things are taking a surprising turn... from The Hurricane (1999)
And if Lesra wants to learn, then we can teach him. from The Hurricane (1999)
And if that's what it's gonna take, then, yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
And in the bar too. from The Hurricane (1999)
And in the left corner... from The Hurricane (1999)
And it is our duty, Your Honour, to continue to protect... from The Hurricane (1999)
And it wasn't Rubin Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
And it's heartbreaking. from The Hurricane (1999)
And it's more powerful than a fist can ever be. from The Hurricane (1999)
And it's six by six a guilty man cried from The Hurricane (1999)
And John Artis, guilty on all counts. from The Hurricane (1999)
And just a reminder, ladies and gentlemen... from The Hurricane (1999)
And my spirit. from The Hurricane (1999)
And my whole life changed. from The Hurricane (1999)
And now this wall of lies has been destroyed... from The Hurricane (1999)
And now this wall of lies has been destroyed... from The Hurricane (1999)
And one of them was? from The Hurricane (1999)
And prove you innocent. from The Hurricane (1999)
And put on that fucking uniform. from The Hurricane (1999)
And reached out to share yours with me... from The Hurricane (1999)
And realize that no one else from The Hurricane (1999)
And send a man to his destruction, and I did that. from The Hurricane (1999)
And short. You know, we figured it'd be good for you to... from The Hurricane (1999)
And since we've represented him for over ten years... from The Hurricane (1999)
And skill that I could muster... from The Hurricane (1999)
And subverted it and destroyed it... from The Hurricane (1999)
And tell him how much his book meant to me, that's all. from The Hurricane (1999)
And that goes for your friends too. from The Hurricane (1999)
And that's it! It's over! from The Hurricane (1999)
And the champion, Joey Cooper, seems to be helpless... from The Hurricane (1999)
And The Hurricane is beautiful. from The Hurricane (1999)
And the second one, and the third one after that! So come on! from The Hurricane (1999)
And there is no legal argument that you could make... from The Hurricane (1999)
And there was a man who lived across the street by the name of Avery Cockersham. from The Hurricane (1999)
And there'll be no more Rubin... from The Hurricane (1999)
And there'll be no more Rubin... from The Hurricane (1999)
And unforced disclosure of the facts... from The Hurricane (1999)
And was passed on to me. from The Hurricane (1999)
And was passed on to me. from The Hurricane (1999)
And we're gonna find something. from The Hurricane (1999)
And what if you're wrong and he does turn away? Then what? from The Hurricane (1999)
And wouldn't you normally do that yourself? from The Hurricane (1999)
And you and Bradley here are the only two people that can really help me out. from The Hurricane (1999)
And you are goin' down. from The Hurricane (1999)
And you brought me up here, you did all this stuff for me. from The Hurricane (1999)
And you can present the evidence... from The Hurricane (1999)
And you know what, Rubin? You will never be able to mention it in a court of law again. from The Hurricane (1999)
And you thought I couldn't do it myself? from The Hurricane (1999)
And you'll go to have your facial hair shaved. You know the rules. from The Hurricane (1999)
And you're telling me you're prepared to stop this young man's education... from The Hurricane (1999)
And you're the Department of Education... from The Hurricane (1999)
And, like a lot of us, you could use some help. from The Hurricane (1999)
And, pray God, not turn its eyes away. from The Hurricane (1999)
And, pray God, not turn its eyes away. from The Hurricane (1999)
And, to some degree, risked their reputations. from The Hurricane (1999)
And, uh, are you aware of the, uh... from The Hurricane (1999)
And, uh, you didn't sign the card. from The Hurricane (1999)
And, uh... from The Hurricane (1999)
Anything, you know. Anything at all. from The Hurricane (1999)
Anything. from The Hurricane (1999)
Apparently, the two gunmen entered the bar and immediately started shooting. from The Hurricane (1999)
Appeals to racial prejudice... from The Hurricane (1999)
Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise from The Hurricane (1999)
Are those the guys? from The Hurricane (1999)
As dry grass blown away into dust leaving nothin'. from The Hurricane (1999)
As far as doin' it for yourself goes, nobody can learn anything for you. from The Hurricane (1999)
As far as I'm concerned, you'd be wearing prison issued clothing. from The Hurricane (1999)
As far as I'm concerned... from The Hurricane (1999)
As for you, Rubin Carter, you're a menace to society. from The Hurricane (1999)
As heinous as the crimes for which the defendants... from The Hurricane (1999)
As to the third count involving the murder of Hazel Tanis... from The Hurricane (1999)
Ask him again. from The Hurricane (1999)
At 2:28 a.m. to report the shooting. from The Hurricane (1999)
At a moment when I can hear you. from The Hurricane (1999)
At the Nite Spot at the time of the killings. from The Hurricane (1999)
At two minutes and 13 seconds of the first round... from The Hurricane (1999)
Avery's dead. from The Hurricane (1999)
Aw, shit, Hurricane. Didn't realize it was you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Aw, that's the great thing about books, you know. from The Hurricane (1999)
B But the man's innocent, yet he's been in jail 15, 16 years. That's not right. from The Hurricane (1999)
Baked fresh this morning. Now, you take the white one. from The Hurricane (1999)
Be seated. from The Hurricane (1999)
Be seated. from The Hurricane (1999)
Because if you do, you had better strip right now... from The Hurricane (1999)
Because in the one we just saw, Hurricane Carter took the title. from The Hurricane (1999)
Because none of you have been through it. from The Hurricane (1999)
Because you can't find some goddam high school records? from The Hurricane (1999)
Because you don't know what you're doin'. from The Hurricane (1999)
Been denied. I lost the appeal. from The Hurricane (1999)
Before I make my final ruling? from The Hurricane (1999)
Before making your ruling. from The Hurricane (1999)
Before the federal judge, he's gotta look at it before he throws it out, right? from The Hurricane (1999)
Behold a son who is risen... from The Hurricane (1999)
Behold a son. from The Hurricane (1999)
Born in the Congo. Mm hmm. from The Hurricane (1999)
Both of you are in big trouble. from The Hurricane (1999)
Bradley. B R A D L E Y. from The Hurricane (1999)
But he hugs me so tight from The Hurricane (1999)
But he who bemoans the lack of opportunity... from The Hurricane (1999)
But I am a prisoner. from The Hurricane (1999)
But I do it. from The Hurricane (1999)
But I don't wanna talk about the burglary. from The Hurricane (1999)
But I thank you for it anyway. from The Hurricane (1999)
But it won't be over till they clear his name from The Hurricane (1999)
But it won't be over till they clear his name from The Hurricane (1999)
But John Artis did. from The Hurricane (1999)
But no one here is trying to replace you, sir. from The Hurricane (1999)
But of a corrupt police force and the prosecutor's office. from The Hurricane (1999)
But Rubin Hurricane Carter is no murderer. from The Hurricane (1999)
But the prosecution is correct. from The Hurricane (1999)
But then I met these friends from Canada when I had a summer job at the EPA. from The Hurricane (1999)
But there's not much I can do for you on the outside. from The Hurricane (1999)
But these people in Canada or anywhere else, they can only teach you so much. from The Hurricane (1999)
But they ain't all bad. from The Hurricane (1999)
But two jury trials? from The Hurricane (1999)
But we think that we could teach him. I mean, within... from The Hurricane (1999)
But you let it be known in no uncertain terms... from The Hurricane (1999)
But you people are a bad influence on me. from The Hurricane (1999)
But you're not gonna get me. You're not gonna get me. from The Hurricane (1999)
But you're right. Maybe I should go down there. from The Hurricane (1999)
But you're Rubin Hurricane Carter. What would you be scared of? from The Hurricane (1999)
But, uh, then again... from The Hurricane (1999)
Butcher and fight for my survival. from The Hurricane (1999)
By the New Jersey State Supreme Court. from The Hurricane (1999)
By two different juries... from The Hurricane (1999)
Call the cops. from The Hurricane (1999)
Can he talk, Doc? from The Hurricane (1999)
Can I get some whisky Yeah from The Hurricane (1999)
Can you believe that black son of a bitch? from The Hurricane (1999)
Can you make out these two men? Are these the two men who shot you? from The Hurricane (1999)
Can you right the wrong from The Hurricane (1999)
Can you see Lesra? from The Hurricane (1999)
Can't see the light of day from The Hurricane (1999)
Carter is punishing him. He's gonna... Oh, he is down, folks. from The Hurricane (1999)
Carter is the slave name that was given to my forefathers... from The Hurricane (1999)
Champion of the world! Champion of the world! from The Hurricane (1999)
Chief investigator of this case, Dominick Barbieri... from The Hurricane (1999)
Cockersham left town. Nobody could find him. from The Hurricane (1999)
Cockersham? That name was in the police report. from The Hurricane (1999)
Come a long way, huh, little brother? from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on in and get me! from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on now Get down on it from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on, come on, come on! Come on! from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on, folks. Let's go. from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on, folks. Let's go. from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on! Hurry up! from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Considered a danger to society. from The Hurricane (1999)
Convicted minutes after a true natural disaster from The Hurricane (1999)
Could we, uh, talk with your husband? from The Hurricane (1999)
Could you stand forever Could you hold it together from The Hurricane (1999)
Could you stand it Could you live for that from The Hurricane (1999)
Counsel is attempting to present new evidence... from The Hurricane (1999)
Counted 15 times a day. from The Hurricane (1999)
Cries out, My god they've killed them all from The Hurricane (1999)
Dear Lesra, Terry, Sam... from The Hurricane (1999)
Dear Lesra... from The Hurricane (1999)
Dear Rubin... from The Hurricane (1999)
Did you get any sleep? Your light's been on all night. from The Hurricane (1999)
Did you see that punch? from The Hurricane (1999)
Didn't it matter to your wife? from The Hurricane (1999)
Do the Cockershams live here? from The Hurricane (1999)
Do you see? And I am going to see to it personally. from The Hurricane (1999)
Do you understand me? from The Hurricane (1999)
Do you? from The Hurricane (1999)
Does that mean anything to you? from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't count the stars from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't ever get used to a place like this, Lesra. from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't forget to pray 'cause there'll be hard times from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't know. Come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't know. Come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't trust 'em, Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't trust 'em, Rubin. They'll turn on ya. Don't trust 'em, no. from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't trust 'em. from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't trust 'em. from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't turn away from the truth. Don't turn away from your conscience. from The Hurricane (1999)
Donnique? from The Hurricane (1999)
Down in the basement, yeah from The Hurricane (1999)
Drop this entire petition where it belongs... into the garbage. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ed? Huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
Eloquence and passion... from The Hurricane (1999)
Especially you, girl from The Hurricane (1999)
Every time I sat down to write, I could rise above the walls of this prison. from The Hurricane (1999)
Every time we try to stand up and defend our own neighbourhoods... from The Hurricane (1999)
Everybody out. from The Hurricane (1999)
Everybody stand down! Stand down! from The Hurricane (1999)
Everybody together! I can't stand it. from The Hurricane (1999)
Everybody wanted this victory, and Hurricane has delivered. from The Hurricane (1999)
Everything I lost... from The Hurricane (1999)
Except we don't have to wait till I'm a lawyer, Rube, because these guys want to help, man. from The Hurricane (1999)
Extend your arms. Palms. Turn around. from The Hurricane (1999)
Fighters, let's go. from The Hurricane (1999)
Five, six... from The Hurricane (1999)
For 19 years, the truth has been hidden... from The Hurricane (1999)
For any reason, I'll understand. You... from The Hurricane (1999)
For me, it was a miracle to see such light in a human being again. from The Hurricane (1999)
For my heart's protection from The Hurricane (1999)
For the murder of James Oliver, it is the court's sentence... from The Hurricane (1999)
For the remainder of your natural life. from The Hurricane (1999)
For these judges to tell us what this home town crowd already knows. from The Hurricane (1999)
Forgets that small doors many times open up into large rooms. from The Hurricane (1999)
Four, five... from The Hurricane (1999)
Free from The Hurricane (1999)
Freedom. from The Hurricane (1999)
From Mr Rubin Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
From St Thomas, Virgin Islands... from The Hurricane (1999)
From that moment on... from The Hurricane (1999)
From the dead. from The Hurricane (1999)
From this day till you're 21 years of age. from The Hurricane (1999)
Fuck you talkin' to? You ain't... You ain't telling me what to say. from The Hurricane (1999)
Genesis, chapter 29, verse 32. from The Hurricane (1999)
Get away from me! from The Hurricane (1999)
Get down on it Get down on it from The Hurricane (1999)
Get me outta here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Get me? By whom? from The Hurricane (1999)
Get on outta here, girl. from The Hurricane (1999)
Get outta here! Everybody! from The Hurricane (1999)
Get outta here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Get you a decent cell with a bed and some food. from The Hurricane (1999)
Giardello! from The Hurricane (1999)
Give him sufficient time to reflect... from The Hurricane (1999)
Good luck, Mr Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
Good luck, Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
Got a job to do. Wants to go to college. from The Hurricane (1999)
Got room in here for everybody! So come on! from The Hurricane (1999)
Great people... from The Hurricane (1999)
Guy was a pack rat. He must have saved every case he ever worked on. from The Hurricane (1999)
H H Hey, mister! Leave him alone! from The Hurricane (1999)
Had to take out his vengeance on the entire white race. from The Hurricane (1999)
Has a right to, uh, get another trial. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hate put me in prison. from The Hurricane (1999)
Have you ever seen anything like it? from The Hurricane (1999)
Have you reached a verdict? from The Hurricane (1999)
Having seen the truth, he can't turn his back on me. from The Hurricane (1999)
He can't read, Mrs Martin. from The Hurricane (1999)
He could have been the champion of the world from The Hurricane (1999)
He could have been the champion of the world from The Hurricane (1999)
He could've been the champion of the world from The Hurricane (1999)
He died just before the trial. from The Hurricane (1999)
He discovered that this case was built... from The Hurricane (1999)
He even signed a statement for that detective. from The Hurricane (1999)
He got the same sentence I got, and all he had to do... from The Hurricane (1999)
He is down for the count, and he is not getting up. from The Hurricane (1999)
He knows that. You know it. from The Hurricane (1999)
He looked like a bulldog with glasses. from The Hurricane (1999)
He never talked about it. He said he had to live in this town, you know? from The Hurricane (1999)
He said he can't do the time. from The Hurricane (1999)
He signed it himself. from The Hurricane (1999)
He thinks he's champion of the world. Fighter of the year, my ass. from The Hurricane (1999)
He thinks he's gonna stay in a room, and that's it. from The Hurricane (1999)
He told the police. He told 'em and he told 'em. from The Hurricane (1999)
He was seven foot, ten. from The Hurricane (1999)
He who has risen from the dead. from The Hurricane (1999)
He'd have to pick her up like a little child to kiss her. from The Hurricane (1999)
He's a kid, Sarge. He's only 11 years old. from The Hurricane (1999)
He's a private investigator. Prosecution hired him in the second trial. from The Hurricane (1999)
He's gonna rule against us. Rubin's gonna lose. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hello, boys. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hello? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hello? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hello. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hemmings. Eric Hemmings, 65660. from The Hurricane (1999)
Henceforth, from this day forward. from The Hurricane (1999)
Here comes the story of The Hurricane from The Hurricane (1999)
Here comes the story of The Hurricane from The Hurricane (1999)
Here we go. Here we go. from The Hurricane (1999)
Here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Here's stuff I wanna check out. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, Bobby, we've got another one for ya. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, come on, Lesra. Time to get up. Breakfast, buddy. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, Donnique, go for a swim! from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, listen, we left a package for you in the mail room. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, man, it's cold out here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, Rube, you made... you made it, man! You're free! Can you stand it? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, Rube. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, y'all, th this is where we go in. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey! from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey. How y'all doin'? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey. What? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hi. My name is Sam Chaiton. We spoke on the phone about the Rubin Carter case. from The Hurricane (1999)
Higher principle for which the law was meant to serve. from The Hurricane (1999)
His handwriting is on every report that... from The Hurricane (1999)
His whole life has been violence. from The Hurricane (1999)
How 'bout it, Rube? from The Hurricane (1999)
How about you? You wanna come? from The Hurricane (1999)
How do I do that? I do that by not allowing myself to want or to need... from The Hurricane (1999)
However, the extensive record... from The Hurricane (1999)
Huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
Huh? Isn't that pretty? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hurricane Could you lie down forever from The Hurricane (1999)
Hurricane, blow yourself outta here! from The Hurricane (1999)
Hurricane! from The Hurricane (1999)
I agree with Rubin. It's time to move on. from The Hurricane (1999)
I ain't got nothin' but time, so come on! I'm ready for ya! from The Hurricane (1999)
I ain't walkin' away from you. from The Hurricane (1999)
I am free from The Hurricane (1999)
I appreciate your many efforts and kindnesses... from The Hurricane (1999)
I became a prizefighter. I came back to Paterson... from The Hurricane (1999)
I beg your pardon? from The Hurricane (1999)
I began reading W.E. B DuBois, Richard Wright. from The Hurricane (1999)
I began to study. I dissected my entire case piece by piece... from The Hurricane (1999)
I boxed. I went to school. from The Hurricane (1999)
I can make sure you weren't strip searched, okay? from The Hurricane (1999)
I can send this case back to the state court... from The Hurricane (1999)
I can't even explain the pain from The Hurricane (1999)
I can't even explain the pain hear what I'm sayin' from The Hurricane (1999)
I cannot do it. from The Hurricane (1999)
I come from Bushwick in Brooklyn. from The Hurricane (1999)
I could die up here too. from The Hurricane (1999)
I could do anything. I overcame my stutter. from The Hurricane (1999)
I could do anything. I overcame my stutter. from The Hurricane (1999)
I could see Huey. I could see Dostoyevsky. from The Hurricane (1999)
I could see Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, and... and they would say to me... from The Hurricane (1999)
I could see Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, and... and they would say to me... from The Hurricane (1999)
I couldn't write you this letter just a year ago... from The Hurricane (1999)
I decided to take control of my life. from The Hurricane (1999)
I did, unless Rubin's taking me home. from The Hurricane (1999)
I didn't do nothin'. from The Hurricane (1999)
I didn't get a trial free from constitutional error and racial prejudice. from The Hurricane (1999)
I discovered that I was doing more than just telling a story. from The Hurricane (1999)
I do it really well. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't care how old he is. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't get what's goin' on here. I'm the boy's father. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know how they do it, man. It's cold out there too. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know what I told him. It was a long time ago. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know what. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know, Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know. This is what they do, man. That's their thing. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't remember anything else. And if someone tries to make me testify, that's just what I'll say. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't see your name anywhere. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't want a mess, something that I can't clean up. from The Hurricane (1999)
I done fucked everything up for everybody. You know, that shit that's all fucked up. from The Hurricane (1999)
I feel like I wanna kill somebody... from The Hurricane (1999)
I got a letter here for you from Canada. from The Hurricane (1999)
I got your black fuckin' champion right between my legs... from The Hurricane (1999)
I had spent almost half my time on this Earth... from The Hurricane (1999)
I had tasted my own blood... from The Hurricane (1999)
I have a difficult job running this place... from The Hurricane (1999)
I have asked myself, Lisa... from The Hurricane (1999)
I have to focus on the fact that I have to do the time. from The Hurricane (1999)
I hear something's goin' down. from The Hurricane (1999)
I hear things. I hear everything. from The Hurricane (1999)
I heard a couple of shots, then I saw these two coloured guys, they come out of the bar. from The Hurricane (1999)
I hereby order Rubin Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
I I... didn't do nothin'. from The Hurricane (1999)
I just can't stop reading, man. This book's about my life. from The Hurricane (1999)
I just feel like punchin' something, you know? from The Hurricane (1999)
I just know. from The Hurricane (1999)
I know what you mean... from The Hurricane (1999)
I know you told me from The Hurricane (1999)
I learned that knowledge of self and kind... from The Hurricane (1999)
I like your suit. from The Hurricane (1999)
I lose that, they gonna lose too. from The Hurricane (1999)
I made up my mind to turn my body into a weapon. from The Hurricane (1999)
I made up my mind to turn my body... from The Hurricane (1999)
I mean, we have rooms full of files. from The Hurricane (1999)
I mean, what's it to you? from The Hurricane (1999)
I never met nobody like you before. from The Hurricane (1999)
I once rode the rails with a hobo by the name of, um... from The Hurricane (1999)
I only wish you were old enough I could send you to state prison. from The Hurricane (1999)
I put us into this situation any goddam way... from The Hurricane (1999)
I ran as if on a cloud... from The Hurricane (1999)
I ran straight into the U.S. Army and a pair of paratrooper wings... from The Hurricane (1999)
I read your book... from The Hurricane (1999)
I see. So what do they do? Are they a religious group... from The Hurricane (1999)
I serve my time in a house of justice... from The Hurricane (1999)
I shouldn't cry about my own feelings... from The Hurricane (1999)
I spoke hate, and its verbs were fists. from The Hurricane (1999)
I therefore sentence you... from The Hurricane (1999)
I want to... I need to say something. from The Hurricane (1999)
I want you to divorce me, understand? from The Hurricane (1999)
I want you to know how much your book meant to me. from The Hurricane (1999)
I was a, um... from The Hurricane (1999)
I was angry, embittered with life. from The Hurricane (1999)
I was released, and I vowed upon everything holy... from The Hurricane (1999)
I was told to get you. from The Hurricane (1999)
I will bend time to my own clock. from The Hurricane (1999)
I will live neither in their cell... from The Hurricane (1999)
I wish to God John Artis had met a girl that night. from The Hurricane (1999)
I would be a warrior scholar. from The Hurricane (1999)
I would like to come and visit you, if that will be all right. from The Hurricane (1999)
I would not work in their shops. I would not eat their food. from The Hurricane (1999)
I wouldn't hurt your friend. Would I? from The Hurricane (1999)
I... I... didn't do nothin'! from The Hurricane (1999)
I'll tell you what. First one through that door is gonna die! from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm asking you to do your job, which is qualitatively different... from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm back. I'm back. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm bustin' you outta here. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm dead. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm drinkin' club soda, first of all, and I'm in here because you asked me to be here. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm free in here because there's nothing I want out here. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm gonna die in here, Mae, so... from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm gonna take your black ass down... from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm impressed. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm in the penitentiary for murder, not attempted adultery. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm just gonna slide it in here for you. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm Mrs Cockersham. What do you want? from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm only interested in the facts in this case... from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm running shit around here. Fuck is wrong? from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm s... I'm s... I'm scared. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm sorry. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm sorry. It, uh... It's over. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm startin' to like all this stuff a little too much. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm sure that Hurricane Carter had some help along the way. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm sure that Lesra wants to know what's happening with your case too. from The Hurricane (1999)
I've been locked up here for 30 years. from The Hurricane (1999)
I've been thinkin' though. from The Hurricane (1999)
I've been thinking about my life compared to yours. from The Hurricane (1999)
I've heard your statements. Uh, I'll take them under consideration. from The Hurricane (1999)
I've put a lot of good people's lives at risk. from The Hurricane (1999)
If I could do for anyone... from The Hurricane (1999)
If I gave him my heart from The Hurricane (1999)
If I take you, it's gonna be more than home. from The Hurricane (1999)
If punishment consisted of being locked in your cell... from The Hurricane (1999)
If something isn't done about you soon... from The Hurricane (1999)
If you don't want that, that's fine. That's up to you. from The Hurricane (1999)
If you feel so strongly about all this, Hurricane, why aren't you out there... from The Hurricane (1999)
If you really want it get down on it from The Hurricane (1999)
If you want him to write you back. from The Hurricane (1999)
Imagine if your life was like a hurricane from The Hurricane (1999)
Imagine you lie down forever from The Hurricane (1999)
In 1976, the State of New Jersey's... from The Hurricane (1999)
In fact, I hated everyone. I didn't even speak English. from The Hurricane (1999)
In jail. from The Hurricane (1999)
In our 19th year before the courts. from The Hurricane (1999)
In round one of this middleweight fight. from The Hurricane (1999)
In the basement Down in the basement from The Hurricane (1999)
In the basement Whoa, down in the basement from The Hurricane (1999)
In the blackness of black. from The Hurricane (1999)
In the blackness of black. from The Hurricane (1999)
In the end, the prison will vanish... from The Hurricane (1999)
In the end, the prison will vanish... from The Hurricane (1999)
In the ring no opponent escaped unscathed from The Hurricane (1999)
In this corner, from Paterson, New Jersey... from The Hurricane (1999)
In this corner, from Paterson, New Jersey... from The Hurricane (1999)
In this corner... from The Hurricane (1999)
In this middleweight fight tonight. from The Hurricane (1999)
In which you could be sure... from The Hurricane (1999)
Instead of sittin' in here drinkin'? from The Hurricane (1999)
Into a weapon that would eventually set me free... from The Hurricane (1999)
Is a very important member of this community... from The Hurricane (1999)
Is all these people out here freezing their butts off to buy books? from The Hurricane (1999)
Is one of the two men I live with. from The Hurricane (1999)
Is that I survived it. from The Hurricane (1999)
Is that pretty much it? from The Hurricane (1999)
Is the only true means to the liberation of the black man. from The Hurricane (1999)
Is the only true means to the liberation of the black man. from The Hurricane (1999)
Is to commit... from The Hurricane (1999)
It came down and then withered... from The Hurricane (1999)
It came to me as kind of a revelation that my own freedom... from The Hurricane (1999)
It doesn't look like he's gonna get up. from The Hurricane (1999)
It don't seem right. from The Hurricane (1999)
It is as if you heard my thoughts... from The Hurricane (1999)
It is finished. It's erased. It's as if it never happened. from The Hurricane (1999)
It is the sentence of this court that you be imprisoned... from The Hurricane (1999)
It is very important to transcend the places that hold us. from The Hurricane (1999)
It means she didn't have to write up a phoney ticket. from The Hurricane (1999)
It shows that there's still hope. from The Hurricane (1999)
It was not only thoughtful, but insightful on your part. from The Hurricane (1999)
It was there that I spent the next eight years learning how to maim... from The Hurricane (1999)
It was two coloured guys. They just walked in, they started shootin'. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's a juvenile case. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's a ****** with a knife. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's all there, just like Barbieri said. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's Carter, tier one! from The Hurricane (1999)
It's Della Pesca. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's dim and it's cool. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's finished. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's good. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's got like 337 pages, though, you know. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's here! He wrote us back! Home of the brave! from The Hurricane (1999)
It's here! Hey, he wrote us back! It's here! from The Hurricane (1999)
It's magic, Lesra. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's magic, Lesra. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's me. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's okay. I got it. You guys come with me. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's okay. It's okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's time for you to go. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's too slow... from The Hurricane (1999)
It's up to you. It's your search. You gotta find out what's true for you... from The Hurricane (1999)
Jeez, Lisa, you gotta smoke for breakfast? from The Hurricane (1999)
Jesus Christ. from The Hurricane (1999)
Joey Giardello is about to the lose the crown... from The Hurricane (1999)
Joey Giardello! from The Hurricane (1999)
Journalists, et cetera. from The Hurricane (1999)
Judge Sarokin presiding. from The Hurricane (1999)
Judy, who's that fine soldier standing over there at the bar? from The Hurricane (1999)
Just get me outta here. I want a new trial. Okay? from The Hurricane (1999)
Just in case love doesn't, I'm gonna bust you outta here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Just sending you two things. from The Hurricane (1999)
Just shut up. Shut the fuck up, you little skinny motherfucker. from The Hurricane (1999)
Just workin', eatin', livin' together? from The Hurricane (1999)
Just yanked a brother up and took him up to Canada, just like that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Justice. That's all I ask for, Your Honour. from The Hurricane (1999)
Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? from The Hurricane (1999)
Knock him out! Come on! from The Hurricane (1999)
Knowin' that they can take your beautiful face away from me anytime they want to. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ladies and gentlemen... from The Hurricane (1999)
Land of the free! He wrote us back! from The Hurricane (1999)
Lay in not wanting or needing anything of which they could deprive me. from The Hurricane (1999)
Leave the boy, Elston. Lesra goin' to Toronto now. from The Hurricane (1999)
Left hook, right hook, uppercut... Oh! from The Hurricane (1999)
Lesra said you were so tough. from The Hurricane (1999)
Lesra, boy, you, uh... Well, you sound more like a man every day. from The Hurricane (1999)
Lesra, short for Lazarus. from The Hurricane (1999)
Lesra's gonna have to get on with school, so... from The Hurricane (1999)
Let me ask you something, Mr Canada. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let me enlighten you... from The Hurricane (1999)
Let me have a soda, please. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let me tell you something, sunshine. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let's get 'im. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let's get outta here! from The Hurricane (1999)
Let's go. Single file. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let's go. Single file. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let's proceed. from The Hurricane (1999)
Licence and registration. from The Hurricane (1999)
Lies in my ability to do the time. from The Hurricane (1999)
Lights out. from The Hurricane (1999)
Lights out. from The Hurricane (1999)
Like 150 years old, you know, if he gon' use all these words. from The Hurricane (1999)
Like a butterfly. from The Hurricane (1999)
Lisa... from The Hurricane (1999)
Listen to me. These people aren't gonna just let that happen. from The Hurricane (1999)
Literally jumped off the page at me... from The Hurricane (1999)
Little baby, child move you from The Hurricane (1999)
Look at the signature on the card. from The Hurricane (1999)
Look carefully, sir. Are these the two men who did it? from The Hurricane (1999)
Look, I just... I just want to write him a letter... from The Hurricane (1999)
Look, if there's a card and that's what it says, then that's what it says. from The Hurricane (1999)
Look, Mae, uh... from The Hurricane (1999)
Look, Rubin, I just want you to know if this doesn't work... from The Hurricane (1999)
Look, what if I got you a pair of pyjamas from the prison hospital? from The Hurricane (1999)
Look. Look, I'm innocent, that's why. from The Hurricane (1999)
Looks like you got some foot soldiers now, huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
Lost the appeal. from The Hurricane (1999)
M Mr Martin, we've gotten to know Lesra over the past few weeks. from The Hurricane (1999)
Make it two. from The Hurricane (1999)
Man, what are we gonna do? from The Hurricane (1999)
Me too. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mm hmm. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mm hmm. He saved my life three times. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mmm, they sure don't teach it that way up in Canada. from The Hurricane (1999)
More than you trust us. from The Hurricane (1999)
Most men couldn't have stood up to that kind of torture... from The Hurricane (1999)
Motherfucker. from The Hurricane (1999)
Motherfuckers. from The Hurricane (1999)
Move, tier one! Move it! from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Beldock, I hope you understand... from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Carter was tried twice... from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Carter? from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Carter. M Mr Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Fuckin' Champion of the World. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mrs Carter, what do you think it's gonna be like being married to such a ferocious fighter? from The Hurricane (1999)
Mrs Wahl? from The Hurricane (1999)
Muhammad Ali and... and Ellen Burstyn. Bob Dylan. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mustn't be much of a book. from The Hurricane (1999)
My Avery got a good look at those men... from The Hurricane (1999)
My high school diploma. from The Hurricane (1999)
My mother told me from The Hurricane (1999)
My mother was a Pygmy. She stood four foot, one inch. from The Hurricane (1999)
My number is 45472, and my job, the key to my survival... from The Hurricane (1999)
My number is 45472, and my job, the key to my survival... from The Hurricane (1999)
My parents are alcoholics and my brother's in prison. from The Hurricane (1999)
Nauyaks. from The Hurricane (1999)
Never mind 101. I need a smoke. from The Hurricane (1999)
Never to come back to prison again. from The Hurricane (1999)
Next. from The Hurricane (1999)
Nice to have friends. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ninety days. from The Hurricane (1999)
No bullshit. You have my word. from The Hurricane (1999)
No evidence. from The Hurricane (1999)
No more Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
No more Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
No problem. from The Hurricane (1999)
No proof a burglary really took place. from The Hurricane (1999)
No witnesses, except admitted liars. from The Hurricane (1999)
No, God, no! from The Hurricane (1999)
No, I can't do it, Warden. from The Hurricane (1999)
No, I don't think you do see, Mr Broden. from The Hurricane (1999)
No, I mean, why? from The Hurricane (1999)
No, I'm not married. Mr Swinton, who you spoke with... from The Hurricane (1999)
No, no, I'm not asking you to make an exception. from The Hurricane (1999)
No, no, it was, uh... from The Hurricane (1999)
No, no, no, he's here. He just... from The Hurricane (1999)
No, no, they asked my folks. from The Hurricane (1999)
No, Sam Chaiton is the other man I live with. from The Hurricane (1999)
No, they fix up houses and sell 'em. You know? from The Hurricane (1999)
No, well, wait, Rube! W Wait! Wait. Wait. But, Rube! from The Hurricane (1999)
No, you gotta understand. We're not... from The Hurricane (1999)
No, you shut up. Just shut the fuck up, talkin' to me. from The Hurricane (1999)
No! from The Hurricane (1999)
No? from The Hurricane (1999)
No? from The Hurricane (1999)
No. I ain't got no girl. from The Hurricane (1999)
No. No, he left before I did. from The Hurricane (1999)
No. No, no. No. No. from The Hurricane (1999)
No. No. from The Hurricane (1999)
Nobody goes the distance, because it's too tough. from The Hurricane (1999)
Nobody stays the course. from The Hurricane (1999)
Nobody touches you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Nor in my own heart... from The Hurricane (1999)
Not all black people are murderers. from The Hurricane (1999)
Not for a movie or a ball game or somethin'? from The Hurricane (1999)
Not free to want? Not free to risk human contact? from The Hurricane (1999)
Not if you can do what you've done. from The Hurricane (1999)
Not only from Rubin Carter's eyes... from The Hurricane (1999)
Not tomorrow, not freedom, not justice. from The Hurricane (1999)
Not treated like a person. from The Hurricane (1999)
Now get up out of my seat. from The Hurricane (1999)
Now I wait for nothin'. I need nothin'. from The Hurricane (1999)
Now that I know you, I know it isn't right. from The Hurricane (1999)
Now you're trying to pin a murder jacket on me, huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, according to the police, the murders were racially motivated. from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, either I get outta here... from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, he was white folks... from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, I can protect you in here... from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, I'll go anywhere you want me to go in this penitentiary, Warden... from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, is there any scenario that you can imagine... from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, three cops have testified the shooting occurred at 2:45. from The Hurricane (1999)
Of the Constitution... from The Hurricane (1999)
Of them ****** hatin' cops, huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
Of you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh oh, no from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, he's a local boy. Rubin Carter, I think. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, I'll always be The Hurricane. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, it's... it's gonna take a little longer than we thought. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, no, man. Well Well, look, look, look, hold on, Rube. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, no, that's a Dodge Monaco. You don't want one of those. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, no! from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, no! from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, no. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, now tell me where can you party child, all night long from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, now tell me where can you party, child from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, shit. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, shit. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, thank you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, yeah from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, yeah. There's our man. I can feel the hate. Can you feel it? from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, you wanna fight, or you wanna dance? from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, bring it on in. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, come on. Single file, y'all. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, get out. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, I can live with those. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, let's go. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, now. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay. Sit down. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay. Sit down. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay. Well, why don't you walk us through what happened that night? from The Hurricane (1999)
Oliver goes down first. from The Hurricane (1999)
On a foundation of forgeries and lies. from The Hurricane (1999)
On how he intends to behave in this institution. from The Hurricane (1999)
On one hand, Rubin Carter has submitted a document... from The Hurricane (1999)
On the boxing card this Monday night. from The Hurricane (1999)
On the other hand... from The Hurricane (1999)
On the second count, the murder of Fred Nauyaks... from The Hurricane (1999)
On, uh, proceeding... from The Hurricane (1999)
Once I reached my hand out for help. from The Hurricane (1999)
One thought: from The Hurricane (1999)
One. from The Hurricane (1999)
One's a picture of me and my new girlfriend, Pauline. from The Hurricane (1999)
Only a racially charged atmosphere... from The Hurricane (1999)
Only The Hurricane. from The Hurricane (1999)
Only yourself from The Hurricane (1999)
Open up, Al. from The Hurricane (1999)
Open your mouth. Roll your tongue. from The Hurricane (1999)
Or kill anyone who sought to keep me in prison. from The Hurricane (1999)
Or not. Boxers, singers, writers, actors... from The Hurricane (1999)
Or worse by remote control It was done to all of us from The Hurricane (1999)
Or you might stumble from The Hurricane (1999)
Or, if you insist... from The Hurricane (1999)
Or, uh, hippies or a commune or... from The Hurricane (1999)
Palm down, right hand. Keep the line moving. from The Hurricane (1999)
Paterson was a run down town, a poor and violent place. from The Hurricane (1999)
People come and go, and, frankly, nobody lasts. from The Hurricane (1999)
People like you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Pistol shots ring out in the bar room night from The Hurricane (1999)
Please from The Hurricane (1999)
Please do not write. Please do not visit. from The Hurricane (1999)
Please find it in your hearts to not weaken me with your love. from The Hurricane (1999)
Please forgive the seemingly tardy reply... from The Hurricane (1999)
Please, don't ignore the law. No, em embrace that... from The Hurricane (1999)
Please, mister! Put me down! from The Hurricane (1999)
Pokin' your nose where it don't belong. from The Hurricane (1999)
Prizefighter. from The Hurricane (1999)
Probably two years, with a lot of work, we could get him ready for college. from The Hurricane (1999)
Proceed. from The Hurricane (1999)
Put in a prison cell but one time from The Hurricane (1999)
Put in a prison cell but one time from The Hurricane (1999)
Put in a prison cell but one time from The Hurricane (1999)
Put in a prison cell but one time from The Hurricane (1999)
Put it down. Good, good. Down. from The Hurricane (1999)
Put me in prison since I was 11 years old. from The Hurricane (1999)
Put this man in the hole. from The Hurricane (1999)
Put your clothes, your shoes, your ring, your watch and whatever else you've got in that bag. from The Hurricane (1999)
Put your hands on me not twice. You better not put your fuckin' hands on me. from The Hurricane (1999)
R Rubin, I I I can't hear you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ralph. Ralph. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rather than reason... from The Hurricane (1999)
Ready on the outside! from The Hurricane (1999)
Ready? from The Hurricane (1999)
Really, positively sure... from The Hurricane (1999)
Request granted. from The Hurricane (1999)
Resigned because he discovered the truth. from The Hurricane (1999)
Right now! from The Hurricane (1999)
Right on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Right over there. from The Hurricane (1999)
Robbed him to a point where the mind worked mechanical from The Hurricane (1999)
Room in here for everybody. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rube... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin Carter has just been freed. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin Carter has never enjoyed a full, fair... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin has, uh, asked us to give you copies of everything that we have... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin Hurricane Carter from Paterson, New Jersey... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin Hurricane Carter has defeated... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin Hurricane Carter! from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin, if you go into federal court... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin, listen to me. This judge is telling us as clearly as he possibly can... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin, the law states we have to take our new evidence back to the original trial judge... from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin, we're... we're in this together now. We just gotta hang on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin, who do you think the first man through this door has gotta be now? from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin! from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin? from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin? from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
Run! Run! Come on! from The Hurricane (1999)
Said, son, when I'm gone from The Hurricane (1999)
Second trial, ten years later, suddenly she changes her story. from The Hurricane (1999)
See that? They don't light up all the way. from The Hurricane (1999)
See, the bar didn't serve blacks, so naturally this crazy ******, Rubin Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
See, writing is a weapon... from The Hurricane (1999)
Seven years! You're goddam right it's seven years! from The Hurricane (1999)
She then calls the cops to tell them. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shh. All right. Come on, come on, come on, come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shh. It's okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shit, ain't nobody touchin' me. No goddam soul touchin' me. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shit. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shit. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shit. Motherfuckers. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shit. That's off the record, by the way. from The Hurricane (1999)
Show me your feet. from The Hurricane (1999)
Show me your feet. Okay, spread 'em. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shower's all yours. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shut the fuck up! from The Hurricane (1999)
Significance of such an action? from The Hurricane (1999)
Single file. from The Hurricane (1999)
Sir, look closer. from The Hurricane (1999)
Sit down, kid. from The Hurricane (1999)
Sit down. from The Hurricane (1999)
So I gave up all the worthless luxuries... from The Hurricane (1999)
So I'm not writing... from The Hurricane (1999)
So much for the racial motive, eh? from The Hurricane (1999)
So thank you once again. from The Hurricane (1999)
So that this court may finally see the truth... from The Hurricane (1999)
So that we can identify you immediately. from The Hurricane (1999)
So the first thing we have to do is find out exactly what Rubin's car looked like. from The Hurricane (1999)
So the police said it was 2:45 or a little after... from The Hurricane (1999)
So there was a cab there. He must have seen you leave, right? from The Hurricane (1999)
So this is a copy of the phone company's record of customer contact. from The Hurricane (1999)
So we finally got in to see your lawyers, Beldock and Friedman, the other day. from The Hurricane (1999)
So what are you doing around here at that hour? from The Hurricane (1999)
So what you want me to do, huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
So you're gonna talk, you little son of a bitch. from The Hurricane (1999)
So, I ask you to consider the evidence. from The Hurricane (1999)
So, Lesra, what'd you get? from The Hurricane (1999)
So, tell me about these folks you're livin' with. from The Hurricane (1999)
So, uh, Rubin, how's the appeal goin'? from The Hurricane (1999)
So, uh, Rubin, how's the appeal goin'? from The Hurricane (1999)
So, when he told us he wanted to go to college... from The Hurricane (1999)
So, Your Honour, this case was poisoned from the start. from The Hurricane (1999)
Somebody tries to take you down, something gets started... from The Hurricane (1999)
Son of a bitch. from The Hurricane (1999)
Special gift for The Hurricane. from The Hurricane (1999)
Spend a little time with some tall white people. from The Hurricane (1999)
Spread 'em. from The Hurricane (1999)
Stamps, paper and envelopes... from The Hurricane (1999)
Stay alive. from The Hurricane (1999)
Straight out of prison, I was a fighting machine. from The Hurricane (1999)
Stuffed in your crotch, and we couldn't see it? from The Hurricane (1999)
Sure, champ. Sure. from The Hurricane (1999)
Sykes, Carter, Tucei, line up right here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Taillights lit up all across the back like a butterfly, as the killer's car drove away. from The Hurricane (1999)
Take all the hatred... from The Hurricane (1999)
Take another look, sir. from The Hurricane (1999)
Take care of him. from The Hurricane (1999)
Take it easy, champ. Now, tell me what's goin' on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Take this out. from The Hurricane (1999)
Take this shower? from The Hurricane (1999)
Tell me what's happenin'. Come on! from The Hurricane (1999)
Than give a man not one... from The Hurricane (1999)
Than just about any kid I've ever worked with. from The Hurricane (1999)
Thank you, Your Honour. from The Hurricane (1999)
Thank you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Thank you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Thank you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Thanks. from The Hurricane (1999)
That an emergency call you took the night of the Lafayette bar murders was at 2:28. from The Hurricane (1999)
That any man who tries to put his hands on me... from The Hurricane (1999)
That book is the only thing I got left in here. from The Hurricane (1999)
That case always bothered my father. from The Hurricane (1999)
That has brought you to your knees from The Hurricane (1999)
That has not been presented before the State Court of New Jersey... from The Hurricane (1999)
That is a very slippery slope... from The Hurricane (1999)
That most inmates crave... from The Hurricane (1999)
That really matters I lost at the hand of white folks. from The Hurricane (1999)
That Rubin Carter's conviction... from The Hurricane (1999)
That the court would not hear this petition based on new evidence. from The Hurricane (1999)
That the man you saw that night... from The Hurricane (1999)
That was my father. He passed away years ago. from The Hurricane (1999)
That we are not here to second guess you or... from The Hurricane (1999)
That you be imprisoned for the remainder of your natural life. from The Hurricane (1999)
That you can't keep people back who refuse to be kept back. from The Hurricane (1999)
That you can't keep people back who refuse to be kept back. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's 'cause you're blinded by the ass kickin' I'm about to put on you. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's a pretty name, Donnique. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's how it applies to us. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's how long I've been in here. Innocence is a highly overrated commodity. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's it. It's set. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's just what I'm gonna do. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's no accident. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's not helpin' me in here, Myron. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's the smartest thing you've said all morning, Counsellor. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's what they said. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's what they've reduced you to. I mean, you've obviously elevated it to something else with Lesra. from The Hurricane (1999)
The all Army European welterweight champ. from The Hurricane (1999)
The car just went right over the centre divider... from The Hurricane (1999)
The car's taillights were similar to the getaway car. from The Hurricane (1999)
The Carter car was unquestionably the same car. There was no doubt. from The Hurricane (1999)
The clouds cracked and the heaven's gate was stormed from The Hurricane (1999)
The court will come to order. The Honourable Judge Larner presiding. from The Hurricane (1999)
The crowd is going wild. from The Hurricane (1999)
The defendants will rise. from The Hurricane (1999)
The general public from such a man. from The Hurricane (1999)
The girlie books, fags, cigarettes, the movies. from The Hurricane (1999)
The kindest thing I can say about my childhood... from The Hurricane (1999)
The kindest thing I can say about my childhood... from The Hurricane (1999)
The man the authorities came to blame from The Hurricane (1999)
The man the authorities came to blame from The Hurricane (1999)
The man you stabbed... from The Hurricane (1999)
The only way I'm ever leaving this place is if... from The Hurricane (1999)
The only way to survive was to know how to handle yourself... from The Hurricane (1999)
The people united will never be defeated. from The Hurricane (1999)
The people united will never be defeated. from The Hurricane (1999)
The people united will never be defeated. from The Hurricane (1999)
The people united... from The Hurricane (1999)
The prosecution objects forcefully here. from The Hurricane (1999)
The revolution will not be right back after a message about a white tornado white lightning or white people from The Hurricane (1999)
The revolution will not be televised from The Hurricane (1999)
The revolution will not be televised Will not be televised from The Hurricane (1999)
The revolution will not fight germs that may cause bad breath from The Hurricane (1999)
The revolution won't be no rerun, brothers The revolution will be live from The Hurricane (1999)
The shadow is doubt. The shadow is doubt. from The Hurricane (1999)
The warden wants to see you. from The Hurricane (1999)
The welterweight champion of the world, Emile Griffith! from The Hurricane (1999)
The welterweight champion of the world. from The Hurricane (1999)
The winner and still champion of the world... from The Hurricane (1999)
Then by simply choosing to never leave my cell... from The Hurricane (1999)
Then Marins was the only one who got a look at 'em. from The Hurricane (1999)
Then suddenly, and without any warning... from The Hurricane (1999)
Then you throw out all this evidence that everyone's fought so hard to get. from The Hurricane (1999)
There is hope for change in America. from The Hurricane (1999)
There is no more. from The Hurricane (1999)
There was room in my head for only one word... from The Hurricane (1999)
There. from The Hurricane (1999)
There. from The Hurricane (1999)
There's an awful lot of material. from The Hurricane (1999)
There's doubt. from The Hurricane (1999)
There's no doubt about that, but, uh... from The Hurricane (1999)
There's nowhere to run Nowhere to hide from The Hurricane (1999)
There's the bow tie lights, like Patty Valentine described. from The Hurricane (1999)
Therefore, you have two choices before you: from The Hurricane (1999)
They ain't givin' up. They said they're gonna demonstrate again. from The Hurricane (1999)
They brought me home and stuff, and the rest is what happened, man. from The Hurricane (1999)
They don't have the power. Look, I'll make you a good deal on this one. from The Hurricane (1999)
They got stripes? from The Hurricane (1999)
They had my man Carter locked in a cage like an animal from The Hurricane (1999)
They offered to educate me and they got me out. from The Hurricane (1999)
They send the cops in to bust us in our heads. from The Hurricane (1999)
They wanna toss my cell, Jimmy. They're gonna find my manuscript. from The Hurricane (1999)
They would have let him out and his nightmare would have been over. from The Hurricane (1999)
They're just a little bit too much of this stuff, you know? from The Hurricane (1999)
They're not gonna just let that happen. from The Hurricane (1999)
They're talkin' to me, Alma! from The Hurricane (1999)
They've got a cruiser on its way over to the Lafayette at that moment. from The Hurricane (1999)
Think I wanna put up a heavy bag. You know, like a big punching bag. from The Hurricane (1999)
This court does not arrive at its conclusion lightly. from The Hurricane (1999)
This court is in recess. from The Hurricane (1999)
This court is not unmoved by your... from The Hurricane (1999)
This court is not unmoved by your... from The Hurricane (1999)
This doesn't have anything to do with my case, does it? from The Hurricane (1999)
This doesn't have anything to do with my case, does it? from The Hurricane (1999)
This evidence is the key to getting you out of here, and you'll be throwing it away, Rubin... from The Hurricane (1999)
This evidence will be lost to you forever. from The Hurricane (1999)
This Federal District Court of New Jersey is now in session. from The Hurricane (1999)
This fine young fighter will be right here in Pittsburgh... from The Hurricane (1999)
This is for you. You stay strong. from The Hurricane (1999)
This is Sam, this is Terry, and this is Lisa. from The Hurricane (1999)
This is unbelievable! from The Hurricane (1999)
This is your ringside commentator. from The Hurricane (1999)
This is, in many ways, the saddest letter I've ever had to write. from The Hurricane (1999)
This petition contains new evidence... from The Hurricane (1999)
This place doesn't allow you to be human. from The Hurricane (1999)
This place is not one in which humanity can survive. Only steel can. from The Hurricane (1999)
This will be my last letter to you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Those lies show the guilt not of Rubin Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. from The Hurricane (1999)
Though you barely lived your life from The Hurricane (1999)
Three times life! That's what I got! Three times life! from The Hurricane (1999)
Three, four... from The Hurricane (1999)
Till I think I might from The Hurricane (1999)
Time now for the main event of the evening! from The Hurricane (1999)
To convict an innocent man. from The Hurricane (1999)
To permit convictions to stand... from The Hurricane (1999)
To racism... from The Hurricane (1999)
To Rubin Hurricane Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
To the state home for boys in Jamesburg... from The Hurricane (1999)
To which he is constitutionally entitled. from The Hurricane (1999)
Tonight's fight brings together... from The Hurricane (1999)
Tough for that Chunk of that to know the pain from The Hurricane (1999)
Trust me. Everything you're doing now, you're doing for yourself. from The Hurricane (1999)
Try that on, huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh uh, no visit for Hemmings today. He's in lockup. from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, collect call to anyone... from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, do you do so formally... from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, Dominick, Dominick Barbieri? from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, I couldn't find The Other America, but I got you, uh... from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, look, Mrs Wahl... from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, maybe I should add that in those ten years... from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, Mr Martin, you know, we got plenty of room. from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, this is, uh, Exhibit 11 F. from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, this. from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, those renovations? Probably the end of the month. from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, you didn't call my boy's name. from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, you know, I'm from Georgia. from The Hurricane (1999)
Uh, Your Honour, m my... my client, Mr Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
Um, y'all, look, let's just go, all right? from The Hurricane (1999)
Um, you told an investigator named Barbieri... from The Hurricane (1999)
Unaware of how high I was stepping or of anything else around me. from The Hurricane (1999)
Used books, books nobody wants any more. from The Hurricane (1999)
Visit's up. from The Hurricane (1999)
Visitors left this for you in the mail room. from The Hurricane (1999)
Wanna see something? from The Hurricane (1999)
Wanna tell me again what happened? You were there having a drink? What was that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Was lie and say I killed those people and... from The Hurricane (1999)
Was predicated upon an appeal... from The Hurricane (1999)
Wasn't in this cell when we tossed it? from The Hurricane (1999)
We do so formally. from The Hurricane (1999)
We get a rich, deep feeling of experiencing your presence. from The Hurricane (1999)
We had a running tab. from The Hurricane (1999)
We had to open it 'cause of security. from The Hurricane (1999)
We just figured that's the way it was gonna be. from The Hurricane (1999)
We just gotta hang on. from The Hurricane (1999)
We just gotta hang on. from The Hurricane (1999)
We know you were at the falls last week, and we know what happened. from The Hurricane (1999)
We met you and got to know you and realized you could accomplish some things... from The Hurricane (1999)
We work out of our home, so we're always here if you'd like to call. from The Hurricane (1999)
We, we, we get back to humanity. from The Hurricane (1999)
We'd really like to hear your voice. from The Hurricane (1999)
We'll prove it. from The Hurricane (1999)
We'll talk about your parole problem later, Bello. from The Hurricane (1999)
We're all in this together, and we're not leaving till we all leave. from The Hurricane (1999)
We're lookin' for two n****es in a white car. from The Hurricane (1999)
We're never gonna get anything there. We have to go federal. from The Hurricane (1999)
We're not leaving without you. from The Hurricane (1999)
We're okay. Thanks. from The Hurricane (1999)
We've already lost two trials, and now they've turned down my request for an appeal. from The Hurricane (1999)
We've been working on this, we've donated our services. from The Hurricane (1999)
We've moved down here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Wearing the white trunks with the black stripe... from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, doors opening, of the light outside... from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, how do you do that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, I got news for you. It don't fit. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, I had a good time with you tonight. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, I know he's smart. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, if he kept them at all, they'd be in one of those boxes. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, if we can prove she got the call at 2:28. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, it probably takes a lot of words to tell someone's life story, eh? from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, that's very kind of you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, there's not much we can do, Lesra. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, we was just out, you know, takin' a walk, right? from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, we, we assumed... from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, you know, you... you met my folks, man... from The Hurricane (1999)
Were exactly what was needed to complete this transmission. from The Hurricane (1999)
Were tried... from The Hurricane (1999)
What a disaster for Cooper. from The Hurricane (1999)
What are we gonna do now? from The Hurricane (1999)
What are you talkin' about? It's like summer for us. from The Hurricane (1999)
What do you know about doing time? Tell me about it. from The Hurricane (1999)
What do you know about what it is to be me? What do you... What do you know about being in this place? from The Hurricane (1999)
What have we got here? from The Hurricane (1999)
What have you heard, Warden? from The Hurricane (1999)
What if it was stuffed down your pants or something... from The Hurricane (1999)
What is it, you were trying to rob this man's gold watch... from The Hurricane (1999)
What is this? from The Hurricane (1999)
What is true for Lesra Martin. from The Hurricane (1999)
What the fuck are you talkin' about? from The Hurricane (1999)
What the fuck do you know about this place, huh? Huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
What the fuck they expect us to do now, huh? Motherfucker. from The Hurricane (1999)
What was the first book you ever bought? from The Hurricane (1999)
What were you doin' out so late on a Thursday night? from The Hurricane (1999)
What ya gonna do Do you wanna get down from The Hurricane (1999)
What ya gonna do Do you wanna get down from The Hurricane (1999)
What ya wanna do Do you wanna get down from The Hurricane (1999)
What you and Sam and Terry and Lesra have done for me, and the answer is no. from The Hurricane (1999)
What you have to understand is that we're here. from The Hurricane (1999)
What you say? from The Hurricane (1999)
What you think, Bucky? I know I can get me about five of'em before they get me. from The Hurricane (1999)
What? from The Hurricane (1999)
What? from The Hurricane (1999)
What'd you think, we weren't gonna find you? from The Hurricane (1999)
What's goin' on? from The Hurricane (1999)
When I started writing... from The Hurricane (1999)
When reading your heartfelt message. from The Hurricane (1999)
When the prisoners awake, I will sleep. from The Hurricane (1999)
When you came, it was like the day had started off without the sun. from The Hurricane (1999)
When you second guess your faith from The Hurricane (1999)
When you turn around from The Hurricane (1999)
When you're holding on from The Hurricane (1999)
When your life's a wall from The Hurricane (1999)
Which have as their sole foundation... from The Hurricane (1999)
Which was fanned by the police and the prosecutors... from The Hurricane (1999)
Which would allow me to consider it. from The Hurricane (1999)
While Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten foot cell from The Hurricane (1999)
Who have moved up the ladder on my black back. from The Hurricane (1999)
Who knew the truth and distorted it... from The Hurricane (1999)
Who the fuck you think you are? from The Hurricane (1999)
Who worked in the cotton fields of Alabama and, and Georgia... from The Hurricane (1999)
Who's that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Whoa whoa whoa from The Hurricane (1999)
Whoever is responsible for your present condition obviously cares a great deal. from The Hurricane (1999)
Why don't we talk about Lesra? from The Hurricane (1999)
Why not? from The Hurricane (1999)
Why you gotta go, Lesra? from The Hurricane (1999)
Why'd you do all that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Why'd you take me home? from The Hurricane (1999)
Will not be televised Will not be televised from The Hurricane (1999)
Wishes to address the court. from The Hurricane (1999)
With new evidence that hasn't been heard in the state court... from The Hurricane (1999)
Without commercial interruptions from The Hurricane (1999)
Would he tear it apart from The Hurricane (1999)
Wow. from The Hurricane (1999)
Wow. Maybe you oughta have a yard sale. from The Hurricane (1999)
Writing is... it's magic. from The Hurricane (1999)
Y'all ain't got no speakers in here. Who is that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Y'all all right? from The Hurricane (1999)
Y'all listen up now. Visits for Jones, Taylor, Harris, Ramos... from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, all right. All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, because of you, Rube, I wanna be a lawyer when I grow up... from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, but sometimes it's hard though. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, I met 'em at an EPA in Brooklyn, and, you know, they was doin' business. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, I see what you mean. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, I see you. What are y'all doin' here? from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, I, um... from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, if I take you, it ain't gonna be home. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, it's me. What's goin' on, Theo? from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, maybe I should go grab my gun, shoot me a half a dozen... from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, Rubin Carter. Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, there were plenty coloured folks in the neighbourhood... from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, they're still out. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, well, I like the summers in Brooklyn better. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, well, we hauled about what, ten tons of documents, into the apartment. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, well, you can just take me on back down to the hole. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, well... from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, yeah A hurricane forever from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah! from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. Do you have any idea where his notes might be? from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. Good, good, good. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. No more hate. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. Rube. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. Yeah, all right. Yeah, I'm up. I'm up. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. Yeah, I've got it here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. Yeah, write me back. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes, I accept... I... I accept the charges. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes, that's the story of The Hurricane from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes, that's the story of The Hurricane from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes, we have, Your Honour. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes! Yes. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes. from The Hurricane (1999)
You already have, Lesra. from The Hurricane (1999)
You are sentenced to be imprisoned for the remainder of your natural life. from The Hurricane (1999)
You are very persuasive... from The Hurricane (1999)
You assumed wrong. from The Hurricane (1999)
You been after me my whole life, Della Pesca. from The Hurricane (1999)
You been all around the world, huh, Mobutu? from The Hurricane (1999)
You betcha. from The Hurricane (1999)
You black bastard, you! Goddam it! from The Hurricane (1999)
You can feel the hate, Rubin. Don't you wanna just hurt somebody? from The Hurricane (1999)
You can't believe The world we live in is unjust from The Hurricane (1999)
You can't break me 'cause you didn't make me. from The Hurricane (1999)
You could die down there. from The Hurricane (1999)
You could really use a shower. from The Hurricane (1999)
You did it, Rube. You did it, man. from The Hurricane (1999)
You don't know shit about me. You understand? from The Hurricane (1999)
You fucked everything up for everybody, Rubin. It's all fucked up. from The Hurricane (1999)
You give them hope. from The Hurricane (1999)
You give them hope. from The Hurricane (1999)
You got a girl around? from The Hurricane (1999)
You got a lot of guts, kid. from The Hurricane (1999)
You got him, Rubin boy! from The Hurricane (1999)
You got that? Go back to where you belong. from The Hurricane (1999)
You got your answer. from The Hurricane (1999)
You hear that? from The Hurricane (1999)
You heard the man. from The Hurricane (1999)
You know anything? You don't know shit. from The Hurricane (1999)
You know that? You've learned to read. You've learned to write. from The Hurricane (1999)
You know the one. Heavy set. from The Hurricane (1999)
You know what I'm sayin, 'Just imagine if your life was like a hurricane from The Hurricane (1999)
You know, we... we've come down here to help in any way we can. from The Hurricane (1999)
You like a quick picture of you and your son, Mr Carter? from The Hurricane (1999)
You like that? from The Hurricane (1999)
You little bastard. from The Hurricane (1999)
You look nice. from The Hurricane (1999)
You put those two together, Lesra, and you have... from The Hurricane (1999)
You said it yourself. You said if we take the new evidence... from The Hurricane (1999)
You see 'em much, your people, your folks? from The Hurricane (1999)
You see it? from The Hurricane (1999)
You see that light? The one that's blinking? from The Hurricane (1999)
You see? from The Hurricane (1999)
You short punk bitch. from The Hurricane (1999)
You smell awful, Mr Carter. Why don't you take a shower? from The Hurricane (1999)
You still owe me time. from The Hurricane (1999)
You sure these aren't the men? from The Hurricane (1999)
You think I killed them people? from The Hurricane (1999)
You think I killed those people, son? from The Hurricane (1999)
You think that was an accident? from The Hurricane (1999)
You think your father used to beat your little stuttering ass? from The Hurricane (1999)
You trust a bunch of little white ass do gooders more than you trust me... from The Hurricane (1999)
You try me. from The Hurricane (1999)
You understand me? That's the only chance I got to get out of here. from The Hurricane (1999)
You understand the choice before you, Mr Beldock? from The Hurricane (1999)
You wanna be good to me, sugar? from The Hurricane (1999)
You wanna see The Hurricane? Come on up in here and see him! from The Hurricane (1999)
You wanna tell me what happened? from The Hurricane (1999)
You want me to roll over and just lay dead? from The Hurricane (1999)
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip out for beer during commercials from The Hurricane (1999)
You will not be able to plug in turn on and drop out from The Hurricane (1999)
You will not be able to stay home, brother from The Hurricane (1999)
You'll be makin' speeches when I get through with your black ass. from The Hurricane (1999)
You'll become a dangerous man in later life. from The Hurricane (1999)
You'll call me tomorr... from The Hurricane (1999)
You're black. from The Hurricane (1999)
You're in my seat, country. from The Hurricane (1999)
You're in violation of your parole. from The Hurricane (1999)
You're lettin' me get loose. from The Hurricane (1999)
You're not fuckin' welcome here. from The Hurricane (1999)
You're not welcome here, okay? from The Hurricane (1999)
You're pretty. How old are you? from The Hurricane (1999)
You're trying to climb. from The Hurricane (1999)
You're white. from The Hurricane (1999)
You've... You've made what we've been saying the truth... from The Hurricane (1999)
Your friend and brother... from The Hurricane (1999)
Your Honour must, according to the law... from The Hurricane (1999)
Your Honour, may I request a moment to confer with my client? from The Hurricane (1999)
Your Honour, we appear before you... from The Hurricane (1999)
Your letter, feelings, concerns, desires and warmth... from The Hurricane (1999)
Your life was like a hurricane A hurricane forever Imagine behind bars forever from The Hurricane (1999)
Yours. from The Hurricane (1999)
2:45. from The Hurricane (1999)
A nightclub too In the basement from The Hurricane (1999)
About what? About The Hurricane, that's what. from The Hurricane (1999)
Ain't it great? No, isn't it. Isn't it great? from The Hurricane (1999)
All night long In the basement from The Hurricane (1999)
All right! Okay. Come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
And line 'em up. What if... Line 'em up, Jimmy. from The Hurricane (1999)
And Rubin Carter took this fight right away from him here this evening. I'm okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
and then if he turns us down, we go to the state appeals court... No. No, no, no, no! from The Hurricane (1999)
And who else saw anything? Patty Valentine. from The Hurricane (1999)
Any two will do? No... from The Hurricane (1999)
Anybody call a cab? I did, unless Rubin's taking me home. from The Hurricane (1999)
Anyone talk to him? Myron tracked him down. from The Hurricane (1999)
Are you all right? Yeah? I think so. Damn. from The Hurricane (1999)
At 2:28? That's right. from The Hurricane (1999)
Avery and me were regulars. They served blacks in the bar? from The Hurricane (1999)
Baby, listen, there is still a chance. Listen to me now. from The Hurricane (1999)
Been everywhere. Shut your motherfuckin' mouth up! from The Hurricane (1999)
Brother got a lot of hostility up in him. Should I let myself go from The Hurricane (1999)
But don't tell anybody, okay? All... All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
but from the eyes of justice itself and... Uh, Your Honour. from The Hurricane (1999)
Call me Rube. Rube? from The Hurricane (1999)
Calm down. Calm down. Let that motherfucker go. Just stop it. Listen. from The Hurricane (1999)
Can he see us? Yeah, he can see you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Can you stand it? Well, open it already. from The Hurricane (1999)
Check his vitals. It's clear. from The Hurricane (1999)
Closed quote. Exactly. from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on and get down on it Where your people from, Africa? from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on in here. Back off! from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on, folks. Let's go. It's up to my son. from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on, sweet thing. Let's dance. Is his love strong enough from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on, you... No! from The Hurricane (1999)
Come on! Who wants some? Where's the key? from The Hurricane (1999)
Dear Mr Rubin Carter. And I know from The Hurricane (1999)
Della Pesca. That's the one. from The Hurricane (1999)
Didn't he resign from the case or something? He quit... from The Hurricane (1999)
Dirty son of a bitch. Watch your mouth! from The Hurricane (1999)
Do you know when we met in Brooklyn? Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Does this look like Toronto to you? Excuse me? from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't know. What is that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't you think? Yeah, well, this guy must be... from The Hurricane (1999)
Don't you want me to go, El? You should be here backin' me up. from The Hurricane (1999)
Everybody. That's good, Mae. from The Hurricane (1999)
Famous. Infamous. from The Hurricane (1999)
Five... He's up! from The Hurricane (1999)
For something that he never done Give a hand for Miss Ellen Burstyn. from The Hurricane (1999)
For what? I don't know. from The Hurricane (1999)
Four, five, six... I'll tell you that right now. from The Hurricane (1999)
Get down, get down! Stay down! Oh, Lord, what is... Let's get outta here! from The Hurricane (1999)
Get in there. I It wasn't me. from The Hurricane (1999)
Get it. Get it. Take one. from The Hurricane (1999)
Get outta here! Run! from The Hurricane (1999)
Good luck. My man. Peace, baby. Be cool now. from The Hurricane (1999)
He ain't worth it. Yeah, you wanna dance. Come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
He kept a damn diary. Oh, look. from The Hurricane (1999)
He said no. Move closer! from The Hurricane (1999)
He said no. Move closer. from The Hurricane (1999)
He's comin' over here. Uh oh. Stay cool. from The Hurricane (1999)
He's glad for me. Oh, good. from The Hurricane (1999)
Headed 'cross town, Mr Carter? Yeah. Why? You need a ride? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hello. Uh, is Mr Barbieri in? There isn't any mister. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hemmings? Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hemmings? Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, champ. Huh? Hey! from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, come on now. Take it easy. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, Hurricane, how you doin'? Hey, champ. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, this is some place, man. No. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey, this is too much, you guys. Yeah, you're right. This is too much. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hey. Poor daddy goin' home. from The Hurricane (1999)
Hmm, cute. Get down on it from The Hurricane (1999)
Hmm. My father was a big Watusi. from The Hurricane (1999)
How much do I owe you, Big Ed? Your money's no good here, champ. from The Hurricane (1999)
How'd they take it? Oh, I'd say we handled ourselves pretty well. from The Hurricane (1999)
How're you doing? About what? from The Hurricane (1999)
Hurricane done killed 'em! Clear... Clear the... Clear the tier! from The Hurricane (1999)
I ain't takin' no shit in here! Rubin, calm down! Calm down! from The Hurricane (1999)
I am that boy's father... But if they can give him more... from The Hurricane (1999)
I can't believe the warmth and beauty of your letter. Ready? from The Hurricane (1999)
I didn't... I didn't... Shut up. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't believe it! Oh! Unbelievable upset tonight. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know And she was the prettiest woman I had ever seen. from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know I don't know, I don't know from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know I don't know, I don't know from The Hurricane (1999)
I don't know I don't know, I don't know from The Hurricane (1999)
I found it. Look at this. Look. What? from The Hurricane (1999)
I got... Shut up! from The Hurricane (1999)
I know that's what his book says. Uh, two juries found him guilty, Les. from The Hurricane (1999)
I know what they doin'. I know exactly what they doin'. Are you trying to get us killed? from The Hurricane (1999)
I thought he might need some money for stamps... Believe me, darlin' from The Hurricane (1999)
I told you it was off the record. Nothin' with you is off the record! from The Hurricane (1999)
I told you, I don't want to talk to you. Mrs Wahl, please. from The Hurricane (1999)
I understand. It's probably the best. Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
I wanna know What's that? from The Hurricane (1999)
I was scared you weren't gonna let me come. Me too. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm goin' in there. Are you nuts? You wanna get yourself killed? from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm guilty. Give me my baby. from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm not so sure about that. You ready? Yeah! from The Hurricane (1999)
I'm sorry, you don't look like your pictures. I thought you'd be bigger. Hey, I'm bigger than you. from The Hurricane (1999)
In the basement Anybody call a cab? from The Hurricane (1999)
In the basement, down in the basement I got somethin' special for you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Is that good? Don't know. Don't know. from The Hurricane (1999)
Is that your father? No. My father's asleep. from The Hurricane (1999)
It's ten dollars, U.S. Oh, what you mean to me from The Hurricane (1999)
It's time. For what? from The Hurricane (1999)
It's too heartbreaking. Well, with all due respect, Mr Friedman... from The Hurricane (1999)
Jesus. Twenty five cent? from The Hurricane (1999)
John, you been drinkin'? No. All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
John, you been drinkin'? No. No. from The Hurricane (1999)
Just for a moment. Would you raise his head? from The Hurricane (1999)
Keep the line moving, please. Come on. Come on. from The Hurricane (1999)
Kelly, lock everything down! Go! from The Hurricane (1999)
Leon, help me out. I can't. from The Hurricane (1999)
Les, you okay? I'm all right. Are ya? from The Hurricane (1999)
Lesra, get up back. Dear Rubin... from The Hurricane (1999)
Lesra? No, it's Terry. I'm here with Lisa and Sam, and Lesra's here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let me tell everyone, okay? I gotta go, little brother. from The Hurricane (1999)
Let's get out of here! Come on! Let's go! Hurry up! Let's get out of here! from The Hurricane (1999)
Lisa. Lisa. from The Hurricane (1999)
Look, I don't want to go into it right now. You ain't had no business talkin' to them people. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mae Thelma, is that you? Yeah. Mama, I'll be right up. from The Hurricane (1999)
Maybe you could tell me some books to read. I can do that. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mmm, so you missed me, did you? So tell me... from The Hurricane (1999)
Move on? What do you mean, move on? Move on where? The state's biased, Myron. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Carter, I don't understand. Oh, no, no, no, don't call me Mr Carter. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Carter? Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Mr Hurricane. That you want me from The Hurricane (1999)
Mrs Barbieri? Miss. from The Hurricane (1999)
Nice to meet you. It's my pleasure, Terry. Heard a lot about you. from The Hurricane (1999)
No numbers. What colour are they? from The Hurricane (1999)
No stripes. What 'bout numbers? from The Hurricane (1999)
No, you can't call me tonight now. I'll call you tomorrow then. from The Hurricane (1999)
No! That ain't right! He's innocent! from The Hurricane (1999)
No. I wanted to be sure. from The Hurricane (1999)
No. No, me neither. from The Hurricane (1999)
No. Rubin Carter... from The Hurricane (1999)
No. No, now you listen to me. Mae, don't make... don't make this... from The Hurricane (1999)
Not here. Hey, I'm talkin' to you. Hmm? from The Hurricane (1999)
Not here. You know what? I wanna dance. You wanna come over here and dance with me? from The Hurricane (1999)
Now, all we have to do is hang on. There's nothin' to hang on to. from The Hurricane (1999)
Of whom? Of the people he was workin' with. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, any special reason? No. No, man. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, down in the basement Anybody call a cab? from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, my God. Yes. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, my God. Yes. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, shit! What's happening? What the hell is that? from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, the Canadians. Yes. Yeah, I got pictures of'em. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, where did you go Time for me to get outta here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Oh, your first book, huh? Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, Mac, open it up. Keep out of the way. from The Hurricane (1999)
Okay, Sam. Are you joining us? Yeah, yeah, yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Or tenderly use it Her name was Mae Thelma. from The Hurricane (1999)
Order in the court. No! from The Hurricane (1999)
Order! Bailiff will see to it that order prevails. No! No! from The Hurricane (1999)
Order. No! from The Hurricane (1999)
Professor. Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Relax there, Carter! What the hell's goin' on? from The Hurricane (1999)
released from prison... Yes! from The Hurricane (1999)
Right here. Rubin, what is this? from The Hurricane (1999)
Right, Rubin Carter, the fighter. Yeah, sure. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rube! We're here. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin Hurricane Carter. Is that you? Mm hmm. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin, calm down! It's me, Jimmy. Come here and talk to me. You can talk to 'em! I ain't no animal! from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin. Just bury me, please. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin. Rubin Carter, prisoner 45472. from The Hurricane (1999)
Rubin. Rubin. Rubin. Right there. from The Hurricane (1999)
Sam. Hey, Rubin. Good to meet you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Sam. Hey, Rubin. Good to meet you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Same old shit, huh, Della Pesca? Shut up! from The Hurricane (1999)
She was my supervisor. Why would your supervisor sign the card? from The Hurricane (1999)
Shit. Monaco? from The Hurricane (1999)
Shit. Political Science 101, the art of gentle persuasion. from The Hurricane (1999)
Shut up, you son of a bitch! Put me down! from The Hurricane (1999)
Similar. Right. Then in '76, Exhibit 89 C, she says, quote... from The Hurricane (1999)
So be it. It's okay, son. from The Hurricane (1999)
So how was the book sale? Great. from The Hurricane (1999)
So if you feel like you need to go home... Shh. We're not... from The Hurricane (1999)
So, uh, what time did you leave the Nite Spot? 2:30. from The Hurricane (1999)
Such a long time ago Dear... from The Hurricane (1999)
Take that, champ! Get down. from The Hurricane (1999)
Talk to 'em, Jimmy. Rubin... Talk to them! from The Hurricane (1999)
Talk to them! Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
Tell me what's goin' on. I ain't takin' no shit! from The Hurricane (1999)
Ten. Ten? from The Hurricane (1999)
Thank you, Mr Carter. You're welcome, Mr Williams. from The Hurricane (1999)
That is the law. Then we transcend the law. from The Hurricane (1999)
That's cool. Thanks, Lisa. I know you told me from The Hurricane (1999)
That's right. Lined up like this... from The Hurricane (1999)
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat Break it up! Break it up! from The Hurricane (1999)
There. Did you get The Other America? from The Hurricane (1999)
These hands were meant for more than just fighting. Would he refuse it from The Hurricane (1999)
They gon' make up something different. Mae, what you want me to do, huh? from The Hurricane (1999)
They pick us. Somebody, somewhere from The Hurricane (1999)
They're just people. Just people. from The Hurricane (1999)
They're the greatest, man. Huh. from The Hurricane (1999)
Think me and you. Me and you. See how that fits. from The Hurricane (1999)
This is 1966. Wait a minute. What are you talking about? Where are... Where are you? from The Hurricane (1999)
This is bullshit! What's goin' on here? from The Hurricane (1999)
This is our last stand, Myron. Rubin, I am begging you... from The Hurricane (1999)
This is Terry. Terry. from The Hurricane (1999)
This way now. Okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
This what you want, boy? I wanna go to college. from The Hurricane (1999)
Till I think I should Thank you. from The Hurricane (1999)
Trial transcripts, 1966. Oh. Stick to the blue cards. from The Hurricane (1999)
Valentine... Valentine first said... I know the blue cards. from The Hurricane (1999)
Wait, wait, wait, wait. What? from The Hurricane (1999)
Wait, wait, wait, wait. What? from The Hurricane (1999)
We all believe in your innocence. I've been innocent for 16 years. from The Hurricane (1999)
We can't take the risk of going federal with this. Listen to me. Listen to me! from The Hurricane (1999)
We do, Your Honour. Proceed. from The Hurricane (1999)
We just gotta get you out of here. I am not gonna be a weight hanging around your neck. from The Hurricane (1999)
We need to find a '66 Dodge Polara. Mm hmm. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, uh... Well, it's gonna be a little scary, but I'll try my best. All right. from The Hurricane (1999)
Well, what do you want to know? You're in my seat. from The Hurricane (1999)
What are you doing? I want to say something. What are you gonna say? from The Hurricane (1999)
What are you talking about, Rubin? I'm talking about lawyers, prosecutors, judges... from The Hurricane (1999)
What do you mean? I mean, what do I put on... from The Hurricane (1999)
What does it matter what night it was? Wasn't Thursday night ladies' night? from The Hurricane (1999)
What is it? I don't know. It's about a boxer. from The Hurricane (1999)
What the fuck was that? Need help? from The Hurricane (1999)
What the hell do they expect? Of course a riot broke out. Hard times from The Hurricane (1999)
What'd he say? Nothin'. He was scared. from The Hurricane (1999)
What'd your folks say? Oh, well, my dad, you know, he's happy. from The Hurricane (1999)
What's Bello doing? Bello was a lookout for a burglary up the street. from The Hurricane (1999)
What's your name? Donnique. from The Hurricane (1999)
Whatever. Hey, look, Lisa. from The Hurricane (1999)
when in a few more years... I don't have a few more years, Myron! from The Hurricane (1999)
Where is everybody? Oh, you know Canadians, man. from The Hurricane (1999)
Who is it? We're looking for an Avery Cockersham. from The Hurricane (1999)
Who's first? Shut up! from The Hurricane (1999)
Wo... Would you mind? No, I wouldn't mind. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. What, did you do it 'cause I'm black? from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, huh? Yeah! from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, I follow. Good. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, I guess I do. Mm hmm. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, I guess. You do. You give 'em hope. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, two white juries. Hey, hey, not all white people are racists. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah, well, that school sure not doin' it. Now wait just a second. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah? Shit. Hey, you okay? from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. What about you? from The Hurricane (1999)
Yeah. Just gettin' a pack of cigarettes. That's it. Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes, yes! Boo! from The Hurricane (1999)
Yes? Uh, the state is not prepared... from The Hurricane (1999)
You all right, T? Shh, it's okay. from The Hurricane (1999)
You all right? The referee is checking him. from The Hurricane (1999)
You all right? Yeah, I'm all right. from The Hurricane (1999)
You all right? Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
You all right? You know why they did this. from The Hurricane (1999)
You are no weight around my neck! Well, then you're a weight around mine. from The Hurricane (1999)
You are? Yeah. That's right. from The Hurricane (1999)
You dance nice. But he loves me so good from The Hurricane (1999)
You don't love me no more No, that's really stupid. from The Hurricane (1999)
You don't want to piss me off today. It's a book sale, Lisa, not a library. from The Hurricane (1999)
You drive. Drive your car? from The Hurricane (1999)
You gon' call me tomorrow? I'm gon' call you tonight. from The Hurricane (1999)
You know everything that you say... All right, all right, all right, all right. from The Hurricane (1999)
You know, I been thinkin'. Yeah? from The Hurricane (1999)
You know, what we wanna know is, can we get his autograph? No. No, no. from The Hurricane (1999)
You understand me? What do you suggest I do? from The Hurricane (1999)
You understand? Rubin. from The Hurricane (1999)
You understand? We'll be careful. from The Hurricane (1999)
You'll feel a lot better. At what price do I, uh... from The Hurricane (1999)
You're comin' with us. For what? from The Hurricane (1999)
You've stolen it! Aw, shit! from The Hurricane (1999)
Your name Rubin Carter? Yeah. from The Hurricane (1999)
'Cause Rubin... Rubin did it all himself, you know. from The Hurricane (1999)
'Cause you were smart and funny. from The Hurricane (1999)
'cept there ain't nobody in here to kill. from The Hurricane (1999)
'Cept you, boy. from The Hurricane (1999)
'Fore she passed away from The Hurricane (1999)