A "borrowed ladder." from Gattaca (1997)
A beautiful piece of equipment. You tell me every time I'm here. from Gattaca (1997)
A borrowed ladder at Gattaca? from Gattaca (1997)
A genetic quotient second to none. from Gattaca (1997)
A legal drug test can become from Gattaca (1997)
A son worthy of my father's name. from Gattaca (1997)
A year is a long time. from Gattaca (1997)
Absolutely, director. from Gattaca (1997)
Actually, my name was the topic. from Gattaca (1997)
After screening, we are left with two healthy boys and two very healthy girls. from Gattaca (1997)
All right, forget it. Your number, you fucking flatfoot! from Gattaca (1997)
All right, I'm sorry. I had half a glass to celebrate. from Gattaca (1997)
All right? Terrific. from Gattaca (1997)
All right. from Gattaca (1997)
All that remains is to select the most compatible candidate. from Gattaca (1997)
Although we can't tolerate a major disruption. from Gattaca (1997)
An advantage, I should imagine, in your line of work. from Gattaca (1997)
An illegal peek at your future in the company. from Gattaca (1997)
An In Valid. We're still following other leads. from Gattaca (1997)
An unaccounted for specimen. from Gattaca (1997)
An unregistered In Valid. A janitor. He disappeared a few years back. from Gattaca (1997)
And I was not as weak. from Gattaca (1997)
And kept him in the style to which he'd become accustomed. from Gattaca (1997)
And nobody would've been the wiser. from Gattaca (1997)
And that's the way it was. from Gattaca (1997)
And when a member of the elite falls on hard times, from Gattaca (1997)
And when you finally get to leave, from Gattaca (1997)
And you lose your deposit. Wait! You said 20 percent. from Gattaca (1997)
Any distinguishing marks? Tattoos, scars, birthmarks? from Gattaca (1997)
Are we brothers? from Gattaca (1997)
Are you all right? from Gattaca (1997)
Are you colour blind? from Gattaca (1997)
Are you insane? Come on! from Gattaca (1997)
Are you serious about this? I hope you're not wasting my time. from Gattaca (1997)
Are you serious? from Gattaca (1997)
Are you sure that's a good idea? You said not to change anything. from Gattaca (1997)
Aren't you, Irene? from Gattaca (1997)
As a "Valid," from Gattaca (1997)
As far as anyone's concerned, he's still a fully productive citizen. from Gattaca (1997)
As long as it's got what they want, it's the only passport you'll need. from Gattaca (1997)
Attention deficit disorder, 89 percent probability. Heart disorder: from Gattaca (1997)
Be realistic. With a heart condition like yours... from Gattaca (1997)
Be that as it may, I'm posting this immediately. from Gattaca (1997)
Because up there your legs wouldn't matter. from Gattaca (1997)
Besides, the colour doesn't match. JEROME: He's right. from Gattaca (1997)
Better than 20/20 vision. And the heart of an ox. from Gattaca (1997)
Blood for the security checks and vials filled with other traces. from Gattaca (1997)
Bodies with minds to match. from Gattaca (1997)
But for as long as I remember I've dreamed of going into space. from Gattaca (1997)
But I was told that everything... There's nothing I can do. from Gattaca (1997)
But if the glass is clean, it'll be easier for you to see me on the other side. from Gattaca (1997)
But if the man was murdered, the place will be crawling with Hoovers. from Gattaca (1997)
But no one takes the law seriously. from Gattaca (1997)
But not the desire. from Gattaca (1997)
But nothing that would stop them from from Gattaca (1997)
But something was different. from Gattaca (1997)
But then, who knows what he could do? from Gattaca (1997)
But you did once. from Gattaca (1997)
By heart, huh? from Gattaca (1997)
By the time we were playing at blood brothers, from Gattaca (1997)
Call me Eugene. from Gattaca (1997)
Can I help you? I'm looking for Jerome Morrow. from Gattaca (1997)
Can you only succeed by seeing me fail? from Gattaca (1997)
Can't we do this another time? from Gattaca (1997)
Check hairpieces, lenses, dentures. from Gattaca (1997)
Check the entry log. Alibis, grudges. from Gattaca (1997)
Come here. from Gattaca (1997)
Come in. from Gattaca (1997)
Come in. from Gattaca (1997)
Come in. from Gattaca (1997)
Come on, come on, come on. from Gattaca (1997)
Come on, I have your samples ready. from Gattaca (1997)
Come on, you coward! from Gattaca (1997)
Come on. from Gattaca (1997)
Come on. We'll miss it. from Gattaca (1997)
Congratulations, Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
Congratulations, sir. You did it. from Gattaca (1997)
Congratulations. from Gattaca (1997)
DETECTIVE: I think we can rule out suicide. from Gattaca (1997)
Did you get yours broken once? from Gattaca (1997)
Did you just make that up, or do you use it all the time? from Gattaca (1997)
Didn't the director threaten to cancel your mission more than once? from Gattaca (1997)
DIRECTOR: Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
Director... Thank you, Irene. from Gattaca (1997)
Do they know who I should thank? They found an eyelash. from Gattaca (1997)
Do you have an alibi? from Gattaca (1997)
Do you have any idea what it took to get in here? from Gattaca (1997)
Do you really want to be in there? Not in there. Up there. from Gattaca (1997)
Do you want me to prove it? from Gattaca (1997)
Do you want me to wheel in there and finish the job myself? from Gattaca (1997)
Do you want this? I'll save some for you, shall I? from Gattaca (1997)
Do you want to go dancing? from Gattaca (1997)
Does it have a name? Just some In Valid. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't clean the glass too well. What do you mean? from Gattaca (1997)
Don't eat that. It's Pluto. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't give me a hard time. Give me a break. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't leave! Am I speaking in some strange foreign language? from Gattaca (1997)
Don't say anything. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't say anything. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't say anything. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't think about it. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't touch me! Listen to me, Irene. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't touch your face. Don't swallow. Clean his teeth. from Gattaca (1997)
Don't you understand? I can't do that. Shh. You just did. from Gattaca (1997)
Draw a five mile radius around Gattaca, sweep again. Random stops. from Gattaca (1997)
Dreaming of space, Your Majesty? from Gattaca (1997)
Each day I would dispose of all my loose skin, nails and hair. from Gattaca (1997)
End of the week. End of the week? from Gattaca (1997)
Essential, as we push out further. from Gattaca (1997)
Eugene gave me his identity while I paid the rent from Gattaca (1997)
Eugene had never been called from Gattaca (1997)
Eugene prepared samples of his superior body matter so I'd pass for him. from Gattaca (1997)
Even amongst your people you must have varying levels of excellence. from Gattaca (1997)
Even if he got past our security system he wouldn't have the mental faculty or physical stamina from Gattaca (1997)
Even you are gonna tell me what I can and can't do now? from Gattaca (1997)
Every 10 years, things go our way. Tell me about the eyelash. from Gattaca (1997)
Every skinned knee and runny nose was treated as a fatal threat. from Gattaca (1997)
Every time Anton tried to pull away he found me right beside him. from Gattaca (1997)
Everybody. from Gattaca (1997)
Everything you need to last you two lifetimes. from Gattaca (1997)
Except that I am not Jerome Morrow. from Gattaca (1997)
Excuse me. from Gattaca (1997)
Far fetched, but not impossible. from Gattaca (1997)
Flight got you nervous? from Gattaca (1997)
For future reference, right handed men don't hold it with their left. from Gattaca (1997)
For the genetic elite, success is attainable, but not guaranteed. from Gattaca (1997)
For the genetic elite, success is attainable, but not guaranteed. from Gattaca (1997)
For whatever it's worth, I'm here to tell you that it is possible. from Gattaca (1997)
Forgive me for not giving you a guided tour. from Gattaca (1997)
Friday's will be all right. from Gattaca (1997)
GENETICIST: Your extracted eggs, Marie, from Gattaca (1997)
GERMAN: He's got impeccable credentials. An unbelievable expiration date. from Gattaca (1997)
Give your child the best start. We have enough imperfection built in. from Gattaca (1997)
Go to sleep. I couldn't even get that right. from Gattaca (1997)
God, I've told Cavendish. This has only been open five minutes! from Gattaca (1997)
Godliness. from Gattaca (1997)
Good evening, gentlemen. Good evening. from Gattaca (1997)
Good to see you're feeling better. from Gattaca (1997)
Hah. from Gattaca (1997)
Has it been so long you don't recognise your own brother? from Gattaca (1997)
Has the committee approved the mission? There's talk of delay. from Gattaca (1997)
Have been fertilised with Antonio's sperm. from Gattaca (1997)
Have I ever told you about my son? from Gattaca (1997)
He can't be among the elite. from Gattaca (1997)
He could run through a wall. from Gattaca (1997)
He has no living relatives. from Gattaca (1997)
He has nothing to do with this business. from Gattaca (1997)
He knows that if they miss this launch, he won't live to see the next one. from Gattaca (1997)
He may have more success exposing me in death from Gattaca (1997)
He suffered under the burden of perfection. from Gattaca (1997)
He wants to apply here. from Gattaca (1997)
He was a big time swimming star. from Gattaca (1997)
He was leading cutbacks in the programme. from Gattaca (1997)
He was right. from Gattaca (1997)
He'll be back. They have their man. It's over. from Gattaca (1997)
He'll practically live forever. His IQ is off the register. from Gattaca (1997)
He's a big fan of yours. from Gattaca (1997)
He's an In Valid. from Gattaca (1997)
He's been in hiding all these years. from Gattaca (1997)
He's dead. from Gattaca (1997)
He's ill. A little nausea. It's quite common before a mission. from Gattaca (1997)
He's nobody. from Gattaca (1997)
He's one of our best. from Gattaca (1997)
Hello, I'm your detective for the evening. Please stay here. from Gattaca (1997)
Hello, Jerome. Hello. from Gattaca (1997)
Hello, sweetheart. from Gattaca (1997)
Hello? I need you to be yourself for the day. from Gattaca (1997)
Hello? I'm here to see Jerome Morrow. from Gattaca (1997)
Here. from Gattaca (1997)
Here. from Gattaca (1997)
Hi. from Gattaca (1997)
His profile says he's 6' 1 ". from Gattaca (1997)
His profile suggests he's violent. from Gattaca (1997)
His spit was found in the dead director's eye. from Gattaca (1997)
How are you doing this, Vincent? from Gattaca (1997)
How are you, Jerome? from Gattaca (1997)
How can I help? from Gattaca (1997)
How could you be so careless? from Gattaca (1997)
How dare you question me? from Gattaca (1997)
How dare you question me. That's harassment. from Gattaca (1997)
How did you hear about me? from Gattaca (1997)
How do I explain the accident? It happened out of the country. from Gattaca (1997)
How have you done any of this? from Gattaca (1997)
How long have I got? Not long. from Gattaca (1997)
How many astronauts are there? from Gattaca (1997)
How much do you need? Twenty minutes. from Gattaca (1997)
How old? Me? from Gattaca (1997)
How tall are you? 4 foot 6. from Gattaca (1997)
How tall were you before the accident? from Gattaca (1997)
How the hell did you get up here? from Gattaca (1997)
How will this affect the mission? from Gattaca (1997)
HUGO: This is a crime scene. What's this man doing here? from Gattaca (1997)
I am. I'm not doing that. from Gattaca (1997)
I bet I could be one if I wanted. from Gattaca (1997)
I came to think of myself as others did. from Gattaca (1997)
I can wear lifts. from Gattaca (1997)
I can't be you without it. from Gattaca (1997)
I can't believe you pulled this off. from Gattaca (1997)
I committed no murder. from Gattaca (1997)
I could have gone up and back. from Gattaca (1997)
I could play the piano by that heartbeat of his. from Gattaca (1997)
I could've rented myself out to somebody with a spine from Gattaca (1997)
I didn't say you did. from Gattaca (1997)
I do. from Gattaca (1997)
I don't even know who you are. from Gattaca (1997)
I don't know how to thank you. from Gattaca (1997)
I don't know why my mother trusted God from Gattaca (1997)
I don't need any where I'm going. from Gattaca (1997)
I don't think he cleans any more. I think he's there in disguise. from Gattaca (1997)
I don't think so. from Gattaca (1997)
I don't want a change. We can't use it. from Gattaca (1997)
I endured the pain by reminding myself that when I did stand up, from Gattaca (1997)
I got it. from Gattaca (1997)
I got the better end of the deal. from Gattaca (1997)
I gotta go. Where's my sample? from Gattaca (1997)
I guess he's home. from Gattaca (1997)
I guess he's not home. from Gattaca (1997)
I guess it must be the light. from Gattaca (1997)
I guess someone beat me to it. from Gattaca (1997)
I guess that's it. Not quite. from Gattaca (1997)
I guess you know that. But... from Gattaca (1997)
I guess. from Gattaca (1997)
I had my doubts. from Gattaca (1997)
I had this crazy idea from Gattaca (1997)
I had to go to extreme measures. from Gattaca (1997)
I had you sequenced. I read your profile. from Gattaca (1997)
I hate to think of you alone in that room for a year. from Gattaca (1997)
I have a right to be here. from Gattaca (1997)
I have my books. I travel in my head. from Gattaca (1997)
I have to meet him. from Gattaca (1997)
I haven't a violent bone in my body. from Gattaca (1997)
I haven't. from Gattaca (1997)
I haven't. Christ, it's eight in the morning! from Gattaca (1997)
I hope I'm not out of line. from Gattaca (1997)
I hope it's no trouble. No, no. No trouble. from Gattaca (1997)
I kissed him five minutes ago. from Gattaca (1997)
I knew how far away I was from my goal from Gattaca (1997)
I knew it was just brave talk. from Gattaca (1997)
I know he'll do something. from Gattaca (1997)
I know something about that. What heart problem have you had? from Gattaca (1997)
I leave in two days. from Gattaca (1997)
I lied on my résumé, but my real résumé was my cells. from Gattaca (1997)
I moved around a lot, getting work where I could. from Gattaca (1997)
I must've cleaned half the toilets in the state. from Gattaca (1997)
I never did tell you about my son, did I? from Gattaca (1997)
I only lent you my body. from Gattaca (1997)
I reviewed your flight plan. Not one error in a million keystrokes. from Gattaca (1997)
I say we test again. from Gattaca (1997)
I see a lot of dry eyes. The mission director was not universally loved. from Gattaca (1997)
I see I'm not the only one who looks up every time there's a launch. from Gattaca (1997)
I stepped right out in front of it. from Gattaca (1997)
I suggest blood from the vein. from Gattaca (1997)
I think she likes us. from Gattaca (1997)
I thought you wanted to dance. Yeah. from Gattaca (1997)
I understood my blood was very different from Anton's. from Gattaca (1997)
I use it all the time. from Gattaca (1997)
I want napkins, cigarette butts, saliva off cups. from Gattaca (1997)
I want to see my smiling face on that floor. from Gattaca (1997)
I want to show you something. from Gattaca (1997)
I want to visit him. I understand you can show me the way. from Gattaca (1997)
I was alone. I find that hard to believe. from Gattaca (1997)
I was conceived in the Riviera. Not the French Riviera. from Gattaca (1997)
I was never very good at it. The investigators are coming by. from Gattaca (1997)
I was still second best. from Gattaca (1997)
I wish you had company. I have visitors. from Gattaca (1997)
I won't do that. from Gattaca (1997)
I won't lose my place in line? Your place is assured. from Gattaca (1997)
I wouldn't have it any other way. from Gattaca (1997)
I... from Gattaca (1997)
I'd be exactly two inches closer to the stars. from Gattaca (1997)
I'd give 100 percent. from Gattaca (1997)
I'd need a lot more than a drop if I was going to get anywhere. from Gattaca (1997)
I'd never been more sober, ever. from Gattaca (1997)
I'll come right away. from Gattaca (1997)
I'll handle the J. Edgars. from Gattaca (1997)
I'll probably have to pay for it. We can't stay here. from Gattaca (1997)
I'll prove it to you. Do you want me to prove it? I'll prove it to you! from Gattaca (1997)
I'll see what I can do. from Gattaca (1997)
I'll take care of that for you, Mr. Morrow. from Gattaca (1997)
I'll take it. MARIE: They won't. from Gattaca (1997)
I'll tell you at the end of the week. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm a faith birth or a de gene erate or whatever. But I'm not a murderer. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm bored. I'll call you back. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm curious, director. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm curious, director. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm following a lead. Forgive me, but I'm a detective. I follow leads. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm going out. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm going to finish this. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm going up. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm luckier than most. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm not crippled. I hurt my leg training, you moron. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm not Jerome Morrow. I'm a murder suspect. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm proud of you, son. See how much he's grown. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm proud of you, Vincent. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm scared of heights. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm sorry. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm sorry. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm sorry. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm sorry. The wind caught it. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm supposed to be sick. So you keep telling me. from Gattaca (1997)
I'm telling you... God! from Gattaca (1997)
I'm the same person I was yesterday. from Gattaca (1997)
I've eradicated prejudicial conditions: from Gattaca (1997)
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. from Gattaca (1997)
If I don't go, it'll look suspicious. from Gattaca (1997)
If I'd known you'd go belly up on me at the last gasp. from Gattaca (1997)
If it fails, all this equipment must be returned in seven days. from Gattaca (1997)
If there's anything wrong with you, I can't see it from where I stand. from Gattaca (1997)
If you don't believe me... from Gattaca (1997)
If you don't believe me... from Gattaca (1997)
If you like. from Gattaca (1997)
If you need any more, you can get it off his shoes. from Gattaca (1997)
If you refuse to tell, they take a sample from a door handle from Gattaca (1997)
If you're going to be Jerome, you better start getting used to it. from Gattaca (1997)
If you're going to pretend like you don't care, don't look up. from Gattaca (1997)
If you're still interested, from Gattaca (1997)
If you're still interested, let me know. from Gattaca (1997)
In case you haven't noticed, I don't need any rescuing. from Gattaca (1997)
In the guise of Jerome Morrow I've risen quickly in Gattaca. from Gattaca (1997)
Irene, I want you to assist the investigators. from Gattaca (1997)
IRENE: How many launches are there in a day? A dozen? from Gattaca (1997)
IRENE: Jerome! from Gattaca (1997)
IRENE: The entry log for the past week. from Gattaca (1997)
IRENE: You want the full sequence? WOMAN: Yes. Thank you. from Gattaca (1997)
Irene. from Gattaca (1997)
Irene. Irene. Irene. from Gattaca (1997)
Is it real? from Gattaca (1997)
Is the closest thing to being in the womb. from Gattaca (1997)
Is this the approach path we discussed? from Gattaca (1997)
Isn't that the man from last night? from Gattaca (1997)
Isn't there another way? from Gattaca (1997)
It also suggests he's a sick man. from Gattaca (1997)
It doesn't say you're crippled. from Gattaca (1997)
It gets to you, doesn't it? from Gattaca (1997)
It hasn't stopped the planets turning. from Gattaca (1997)
It is illegal to discriminate. "Genoism," it's called. from Gattaca (1997)
It is possible. from Gattaca (1997)
It simply means we didn't accurately gauge his potential in the first place. from Gattaca (1997)
It was the last time we swam together. Out into the open sea. from Gattaca (1997)
It was the moment that made everything else possible. from Gattaca (1997)
It was the one moment in our lives that my brother was not as strong as he believed, from Gattaca (1997)
It's a nice name. from Gattaca (1997)
It's about the director. from Gattaca (1997)
It's all right, Irene. You're excused. from Gattaca (1997)
It's all right. Luckily, we have enough. from Gattaca (1997)
It's awful about the director. Awful it didn't happen sooner. from Gattaca (1997)
It's bigger than your tin can. What are you going to do? from Gattaca (1997)
It's contact lenses or a white cane. from Gattaca (1997)
It's crucial we leave on time. This mission means a lot to you. from Gattaca (1997)
It's forgotten. from Gattaca (1997)
It's funny. from Gattaca (1997)
It's my name. from Gattaca (1997)
It's next to godliness. Isn't that what they say? from Gattaca (1997)
It's nice. from Gattaca (1997)
It's not important, Anton. from Gattaca (1997)
It's not possible. from Gattaca (1997)
It's only a matter of time, sir. from Gattaca (1997)
It's probably nothing. from Gattaca (1997)
It's silver. So? from Gattaca (1997)
It's too late for that. We're closer to the other side. from Gattaca (1997)
It's too light. from Gattaca (1997)
Jerome had the genes to get into Gattaca, from Gattaca (1997)
Jerome Morrow was never meant to be one step down on the podium. from Gattaca (1997)
Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1 st Class, is about to embark from Gattaca (1997)
Jerome Morrow. from Gattaca (1997)
Jerome the metronome. from Gattaca (1997)
Jerome, I'm sorry. What, are you out of practise? from Gattaca (1997)
JEROME: In the fridge. Door on the left. from Gattaca (1997)
JEROME: Listen, I want what I ordered. from Gattaca (1997)
Jerome... from Gattaca (1997)
Joining the police, for example. from Gattaca (1997)
Just fill in his last year. from Gattaca (1997)
Just once around the sun. from Gattaca (1997)
Just one of those things. from Gattaca (1997)
Just remember that I was as good as any and better than most. from Gattaca (1997)
Keep your lashes on your lids where they belong. from Gattaca (1997)
Knowing each stroke out was one we'd have to make back. from Gattaca (1997)
Knowing each stroke out was one we'd have to make back. from Gattaca (1997)
Leave if you want. But don't take that stuff. It's mine! from Gattaca (1997)
Let me know. from Gattaca (1997)
Let me look at that. It's all right. from Gattaca (1997)
Let's sample every employee intravenously. from Gattaca (1997)
Let's start making the rounds. from Gattaca (1997)
Life expectancy: 30.2 years. from Gattaca (1997)
Like most other parents then, they wanted their next child from Gattaca (1997)
Like others in my situation, from Gattaca (1997)
Like others in my situation, from Gattaca (1997)
Listen. It's not too late to back out. from Gattaca (1997)
Look at it. from Gattaca (1997)
Look at this. from Gattaca (1997)
Look at what a mess you're in. from Gattaca (1997)
Looked left instead of right. from Gattaca (1997)
MAN: Excuse me, sir? from Gattaca (1997)
MAN: Good luck. from Gattaca (1997)
MAN: Welcome to Gattaca, gentlemen. from Gattaca (1997)
Manic depression, 42 percent probability. from Gattaca (1997)
Maybe he can tell me why I'm ill. from Gattaca (1997)
Maybe he is an impostor and maybe the director found out. from Gattaca (1997)
Maybe I'm going home. from Gattaca (1997)
Maybe I'm not leaving. from Gattaca (1997)
Maybe it was my love of the planets or just my dislike for this one, from Gattaca (1997)
Maybe there's nothing there. from Gattaca (1997)
Me. from Gattaca (1997)
Mine's 10,000 beats overdue. from Gattaca (1997)
Much to my parents' dismay. from Gattaca (1997)
Must be. from Gattaca (1997)
My eyes are prettier. from Gattaca (1997)
My goals didn't change a lot. Vincent. from Gattaca (1997)
My God, you have changed. from Gattaca (1997)
My middle name. from Gattaca (1997)
My mistake. from Gattaca (1997)
My name is Vincent Anton Freeman. from Gattaca (1997)
My picture is everywhere. I can't turn around without seeing my face. from Gattaca (1997)
My work. That would put me behind. I appreciate your sacrifice. from Gattaca (1997)
Myopia is one of the most obvious signs of a disadvantaged birth. from Gattaca (1997)
Naturally our standard is beyond that of the common citizen. from Gattaca (1997)
Neurological condition, 60 percent probability, from Gattaca (1997)
New policy. from Gattaca (1997)
Ninety nine percent probability. Early fatal potential. from Gattaca (1997)
No matter how much I studied, from Gattaca (1997)
No more lies, Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
No one exceeds his potential. If he did? from Gattaca (1997)
No one knows he broke his back. from Gattaca (1997)
No one orders southpaws anymore. from Gattaca (1997)
No, it's not. from Gattaca (1997)
No, no. from Gattaca (1997)
No, our friend acted alone. This mission meant everything to him. from Gattaca (1997)
No, we do as we planned. from Gattaca (1997)
No, we missed something. from Gattaca (1997)
No. from Gattaca (1997)
No. from Gattaca (1997)
No. from Gattaca (1997)
No. from Gattaca (1997)
No. I don't want to give you a contaminated specimen. Get it? from Gattaca (1997)
Nobody looks at photos today. Christ, you could have my face. from Gattaca (1997)
None that you don't pay. from Gattaca (1997)
Not as lucky as some. from Gattaca (1997)
Not bad, Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
Not quite like the rest of you. from Gattaca (1997)
Not so long. from Gattaca (1997)
Not until you're upstairs. from Gattaca (1997)
Nothing. from Gattaca (1997)
Now Jerome knew I was committed. from Gattaca (1997)
Now, there are enough of the right kind from Gattaca (1997)
Occasionally we've had to accept candidates with minor shortcomings. from Gattaca (1997)
Occupational hazard. I see a great many in the course of any given day. from Gattaca (1997)
Of course it was always me. from Gattaca (1997)
Of course you got it. from Gattaca (1997)
Of course you would. Hello, Vincent. from Gattaca (1997)
Of course, now that you're here. from Gattaca (1997)
Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. from Gattaca (1997)
Of course. from Gattaca (1997)
Oh, fine. Fine! from Gattaca (1997)
Oh, I could always walk. I've been faking it. from Gattaca (1997)
Oh, shit. from Gattaca (1997)
Oh, uh... from Gattaca (1997)
Oh. Again? from Gattaca (1997)
Okay. from Gattaca (1997)
On a one year manned mission to Titan, the 14th moon of Saturn. from Gattaca (1997)
One chance in 100. from Gattaca (1997)
One man's loss is another's gain. from Gattaca (1997)
One of those who won't accept their fate, from Gattaca (1997)
Only I don't have 20 or 30 years left in mine. from Gattaca (1997)
Only one of the mission directors has come close to exposing me. from Gattaca (1997)
Only seconds old, the exact time and cause of my death was known. from Gattaca (1997)
Only you watch every one of them. from Gattaca (1997)
Or a "de gene erate." from Gattaca (1997)
Or a handshake. Even the saliva on your application form. from Gattaca (1997)
Or he still works there. from Gattaca (1997)
Our parents died thinking they'd outlived you. from Gattaca (1997)
Ow! Ah! Goddamn! from Gattaca (1997)
People. from Gattaca (1997)
Phenomenal. It's right that someone like you is taking us to Titan. from Gattaca (1997)
Please tell me you're the least bit excited. from Gattaca (1997)
Positive match. I'm impressed. from Gattaca (1997)
Pour yourself a glass, Cavendish. Thank you, sir. from Gattaca (1997)
Premature baldness, myopia, alcoholism and addictive susceptibility, from Gattaca (1997)
Premature baldness, myopia, alcoholism and addictive susceptibility, from Gattaca (1997)
Propensity for violence, obesity. from Gattaca (1997)
Quite right. Quite right. from Gattaca (1997)
Rather than her local geneticist. from Gattaca (1997)
Really? from Gattaca (1997)
Remember the '99 Chrysler LeBaron? from Gattaca (1997)
Remind me to sometime. from Gattaca (1997)
Right now, your presence is more of a threat. from Gattaca (1997)
Right? from Gattaca (1997)
Right. We would like to leave a few things to chance. from Gattaca (1997)
Seems you're everything they say you are and more. from Gattaca (1997)
Seriously. What are you going to do? from Gattaca (1997)
Seven hundred fifty million, 800 million, 850 million. from Gattaca (1997)
She said, "Why don't you try a change?" from Gattaca (1997)
Shh. from Gattaca (1997)
Simply the best of you. from Gattaca (1997)
Since nothing can stop the launch now, he's very, very cooperative. from Gattaca (1997)
So began the process of becoming Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
So how do you expect to pull it off? from Gattaca (1997)
So Jerome will always be here when you need him. from Gattaca (1997)
So kindly inform the authorities we will cooperate in any way, from Gattaca (1997)
So the In Valid wasn't involved? from Gattaca (1997)
So what? from Gattaca (1997)
So will you celebrate tonight? from Gattaca (1997)
So you didn't do it after all? from Gattaca (1997)
So you're about to go up. One week left. from Gattaca (1997)
Something's not right. He's not here. It's a blind alley. from Gattaca (1997)
Sometimes more. from Gattaca (1997)
Soon we were put to the test. from Gattaca (1997)
Sorry. from Gattaca (1997)
Start by cleaning this space. from Gattaca (1997)
Stop that! from Gattaca (1997)
Strange. What? from Gattaca (1997)
Sure you want to do this? You know you're going to lose. from Gattaca (1997)
Surgery will leave scars. from Gattaca (1997)
Table's ready? I hear you're leaving us, Mr. Morrow. from Gattaca (1997)
Take another look at my profile. from Gattaca (1997)
Ten fingers, ten toes, that's all that used to matter. Not now. from Gattaca (1997)
Test? I cannot allow you to disrupt operations any further. from Gattaca (1997)
Than he did in life. from Gattaca (1997)
Thank you, director. from Gattaca (1997)
Thank you. from Gattaca (1997)
Thank you. from Gattaca (1997)
Thanks. from Gattaca (1997)
Thanks. You never know where those swabs have been. from Gattaca (1997)
That I can live your dreams. I'm leaving this dirtball! from Gattaca (1997)
That is a relief. Who is he? from Gattaca (1997)
That my testing methods may have been compromised. from Gattaca (1997)
That my testing methods may have been compromised. from Gattaca (1997)
That night, crossing the street. from Gattaca (1997)
That piece can only be played with 12. from Gattaca (1997)
That soon? from Gattaca (1997)
That was about your hair dye. They've sent me "Summer Wheat." from Gattaca (1997)
That was it. from Gattaca (1997)
That'll get you halfway there. from Gattaca (1997)
That's a crazy idea. from Gattaca (1997)
That's a damn shame, sir. from Gattaca (1997)
That's a familiar face. Check him out. from Gattaca (1997)
That's an old edition, but I know it all by heart. from Gattaca (1997)
That's me. Come up. from Gattaca (1997)
That's not true, Irene. from Gattaca (1997)
That's the one. from Gattaca (1997)
That's want I want to see, Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
That's what it says, doesn't it? from Gattaca (1997)
The best test score in the world needs a blood test to match it. from Gattaca (1997)
The cloud around it is so thick, no one can tell what's underneath. from Gattaca (1997)
The commitment is binding. from Gattaca (1997)
The cop? Yeah. from Gattaca (1997)
The cup was used recently? from Gattaca (1997)
The detectives fear from Gattaca (1997)
The Detroit variety. from Gattaca (1997)
The idiots I have to deal with. from Gattaca (1997)
The insurance won't cover it. If he fell... from Gattaca (1997)
The launch can only be this week. from Gattaca (1997)
The man was murdered? So? I didn't do it. from Gattaca (1997)
The man who came to my door didn't exactly advertise in the Yellow Pages. from Gattaca (1997)
The only trip I'll take in space is around the sun on this satellite. from Gattaca (1997)
The only way you'll get inside a spaceship is by cleaning it. from Gattaca (1997)
The owner of the eyelash is the murderer. I'll do a cross check... from Gattaca (1997)
The scars on your legs? from Gattaca (1997)
The specimen could be from then. Nothing lies around here for long. from Gattaca (1997)
The underclass wasn't determined by social status or skin colour now. from Gattaca (1997)
The wind caught it. from Gattaca (1997)
The window for our latest launch is open for seven days every 70 years. from Gattaca (1997)
Their genetic identity becomes a valued commodity. from Gattaca (1997)
There is no gene for fate. from Gattaca (1997)
There is no gene for fate. from Gattaca (1997)
There's a 90 percent chance he's already died. from Gattaca (1997)
There's a chance my heart's fine. from Gattaca (1997)
There's a problem, Lamar. from Gattaca (1997)
There's more vodka here than piss! from Gattaca (1997)
There's nothing remarkable about the progress of Jerome Morrow. from Gattaca (1997)
There's only Wednesday left. from Gattaca (1997)
There's something there. from Gattaca (1997)
There's still millions of miles to go. It's over. from Gattaca (1997)
There's your cleaning material. Start here and clean to the back. from Gattaca (1997)
They don't care where you were born. Blood has no nationality. from Gattaca (1997)
They don't say that anymore. from Gattaca (1997)
They found him beaten so badly they had to check his name tag. from Gattaca (1997)
They found my eyelash. from Gattaca (1997)
They say being weightless from Gattaca (1997)
They think I killed the director. from Gattaca (1997)
They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness. from Gattaca (1997)
They won't accept one of their elite could've suckered them for so long. from Gattaca (1997)
They'll recognise me. I don't recognise you. from Gattaca (1997)
They'll recognise me. They won't recognise you. from Gattaca (1997)
They're sending you up there. from Gattaca (1997)
They've got you looking so hard for any flaw, that that's all you see. from Gattaca (1997)
This highly prestigious assignment was guaranteed Jerome at birth. from Gattaca (1997)
This is evidence. But it's just trash. from Gattaca (1997)
This is how I did it. I never saved anything for the swim back. from Gattaca (1997)
This is no joke. My interview is in an hour! from Gattaca (1997)
This is not the only place we can look. from Gattaca (1997)
This is not the only place we can look. from Gattaca (1997)
This is the exact height of the front fender. from Gattaca (1997)
This is the last day you will be you and I will be me. from Gattaca (1997)
This is where the In Valids are. He's an In Valid. from Gattaca (1997)
This specimen. from Gattaca (1997)
This will take a while. We may have to push things back. from Gattaca (1997)
This won't take a moment. from Gattaca (1997)
To be conceived in what has become the natural way. from Gattaca (1997)
To kill a man he never knew? from Gattaca (1997)
To limit how much of my In Valid self I'd leave in the Valid world. from Gattaca (1997)
To see they meet their potential. And exceeding it? from Gattaca (1997)
To warrant a new standard. from Gattaca (1997)
Today discrimination is a science. from Gattaca (1997)
Tragic though this event may be, from Gattaca (1997)
Twelve fingers or one, it's how you play. from Gattaca (1997)
Twenty percent. It's not negotiable. from Gattaca (1997)
Two samples, two days. from Gattaca (1997)
Two thirds of their work force fall into that category. from Gattaca (1997)
Uh... from Gattaca (1997)
Uh... from Gattaca (1997)
Um... from Gattaca (1997)
Unfortunately, my son's not all that they promised. from Gattaca (1997)
Until finally the impossible happened. from Gattaca (1997)
Up there. You, of all people. from Gattaca (1997)
Urine for the substance tests. from Gattaca (1997)
VINCENT: Come on! Help! I'm sorry. from Gattaca (1997)
VINCENT: For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess, from Gattaca (1997)
VINCENT: That's how Anton came to be. from Gattaca (1997)
VINCENT: The most unremarkable of events. from Gattaca (1997)
VINCENT: Three hundred million, 350 million, 400 million. from Gattaca (1997)
Vincent! from Gattaca (1997)
Vincent! from Gattaca (1997)
Vincent! from Gattaca (1997)
Vincent! Chronically ill. from Gattaca (1997)
Vincent! Vincent! from Gattaca (1997)
Vincent? from Gattaca (1997)
Vincent. from Gattaca (1997)
Wait. We can't stay here. from Gattaca (1997)
We checked all the service staff. from Gattaca (1997)
We didn't want... I mean, diseases, yes. But... from Gattaca (1997)
We do have one thing in common. from Gattaca (1997)
We don't look anything alike. It's close enough. from Gattaca (1997)
We found our man. It's the only specimen we can't account for. from Gattaca (1997)
We have a suspect. from Gattaca (1997)
We have to get drunk immediately. from Gattaca (1997)
We have to go back. from Gattaca (1997)
We never discussed that. I thought you were serious. from Gattaca (1997)
We played chicken. When our parents weren't watching, from Gattaca (1997)
We would want Vincent to have a brother to play with. from Gattaca (1997)
We'd close them down for days. No, take a fingertip or a urine sample. from Gattaca (1997)
We'd swim as far out as we dared and see who'd turn back first. from Gattaca (1997)
We'll go ahead as planned. from Gattaca (1997)
Well, I certainly don't. from Gattaca (1997)
Well, if I'm gonna get arrested tomorrow, I'm going out tonight. from Gattaca (1997)
Well, if I'm gonna get arrested tomorrow, I'm going out tonight. from Gattaca (1997)
Well, it could be worse. They could've found it in your eye. from Gattaca (1997)
Well, you've got all the answers. How do you explain that? from Gattaca (1997)
Well? from Gattaca (1997)
What about the interview? from Gattaca (1997)
What about the mission director? from Gattaca (1997)
What about you, Irene? from Gattaca (1997)
What are we doing here? from Gattaca (1997)
What are you doing here? I should ask you that question. from Gattaca (1997)
What are you doing, old man? My job, sir. from Gattaca (1997)
What are you doing? That's more than a day's worth! from Gattaca (1997)
What car? from Gattaca (1997)
What did I tell you? from Gattaca (1997)
What do you suggest? Go back to the scene. from Gattaca (1997)
What do you want? An apology? Oh. from Gattaca (1997)
What gender do you want? from Gattaca (1997)
What happened? from Gattaca (1997)
What happened? I'm going up. from Gattaca (1997)
What if they do find something? I'll be slightly out of their jurisdiction. from Gattaca (1997)
What is this? from Gattaca (1997)
What makes them think that? from Gattaca (1997)
What makes you think you can be me at all? from Gattaca (1997)
What other side? You want to drown us both? from Gattaca (1997)
What was he like? from Gattaca (1997)
What's all this about? from Gattaca (1997)
What's Titan like this time of year? from Gattaca (1997)
What's Titan like? Titan is exactly like this. from Gattaca (1997)
What's up there? from Gattaca (1997)
What's with the plungers, Lamar? from Gattaca (1997)
What's wrong with the machine? You've been drinking again! from Gattaca (1997)
What's wrong with the machine? You've been drinking again! from Gattaca (1997)
What's your number? from Gattaca (1997)
What's your number? What's your number?! from Gattaca (1997)
Whatever you say. from Gattaca (1997)
When I stood right beside it. from Gattaca (1997)
When I walked in front of that car. from Gattaca (1997)
When there are 1,000 other applicants with a cleaner profile? from Gattaca (1997)
When they look at you, they don't see you any more. Only me. from Gattaca (1997)
When? from Gattaca (1997)
Where are you going? I know. Just a minute. from Gattaca (1997)
Where are you going? I'm travelling too. from Gattaca (1997)
Where did they go? Where did they go?! from Gattaca (1997)
Where? from Gattaca (1997)
Where? In the corridor. from Gattaca (1997)
Where's the shore? We're too far out! from Gattaca (1997)
Which pouch? Any of them. from Gattaca (1997)
While I obsessed over an eyelash, your instincts pointed the way. from Gattaca (1997)
Who are you trying to convince? from Gattaca (1997)
Who do you have to be to be here? from Gattaca (1997)
Who lives up there? from Gattaca (1997)
Who ordered this? from Gattaca (1997)
Who were you expecting? from Gattaca (1997)
Who's going? I'd say everybody. from Gattaca (1997)
Who's your friend? from Gattaca (1997)
Why didn't my folks order one like that for me? from Gattaca (1997)
Why don't you go home? from Gattaca (1997)
Why have you done all this? from Gattaca (1997)
Why is that? from Gattaca (1997)
Why should the suspect be here? from Gattaca (1997)
Why waste money on training me from Gattaca (1997)
Why? What? There's still the height. from Gattaca (1997)
Wine needs to breathe. Remember that. from Gattaca (1997)
With all due respect, sir... from Gattaca (1997)
With all I had going for me... from Gattaca (1997)
Without predispositions to any inheritable diseases. from Gattaca (1997)
WOMAN [OVER PA]: If you have to take a substance test, report to the testing centre. from Gattaca (1997)
WOMAN [OVER PA]: Please check the latest Gattaca bulletin. from Gattaca (1997)
WOMAN [OVER PA]: Welcome to Gattaca. from Gattaca (1997)
Would a janitor come back after so long from Gattaca (1997)
Would you like to dance? from Gattaca (1997)
Yeah, looks that way. We're going to miss you. from Gattaca (1997)
Yeah, sure. Just give her a little time, she'll get used to the idea. from Gattaca (1997)
Yeah. from Gattaca (1997)
Yeah. That's a good name. from Gattaca (1997)
Yes, he did. Somebody did you a favour. from Gattaca (1997)
Yes? HUGO: We have our man in custody. from Gattaca (1997)
Yes. Quite a catch. from Gattaca (1997)
Yet you still monitor performance. from Gattaca (1997)
You are involved with the murder. from Gattaca (1997)
You are serious. from Gattaca (1997)
You can go. from Gattaca (1997)
You can't quit on me now. I've put too much into this. from Gattaca (1997)
You committed fraud. from Gattaca (1997)
You could conceive naturally 1,000 times and never get such a result. from Gattaca (1997)
You could go anywhere with this guy's DNA tucked under your arm. from Gattaca (1997)
You couldn't see, could you? from Gattaca (1997)
You crossed anyway. from Gattaca (1997)
You didn't beat me that day. I beat myself. from Gattaca (1997)
You didn't know? Oh, yes. from Gattaca (1997)
You don't know who he is, do you? from Gattaca (1997)
You don't look well, Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
You don't want to look suspicious, do you? from Gattaca (1997)
You don't. from Gattaca (1997)
You find a reason to stay. from Gattaca (1997)
You had to be a right hander. from Gattaca (1997)
You have a murderer in your midst. from Gattaca (1997)
You have him? We have him in custody. from Gattaca (1997)
You have somebody in mind? from Gattaca (1997)
You have specified hazel eyes, dark hair and fair skin. from Gattaca (1997)
You keep your workstation so clean, Jerome. from Gattaca (1997)
You know, I wasn't drunk. What do you mean you're not drunk? from Gattaca (1997)
You lent me your dream. from Gattaca (1997)
You look so right together I wanna double my fee. from Gattaca (1997)
You might get ideas. from Gattaca (1997)
You might when you get back. from Gattaca (1997)
You must be disappointed. from Gattaca (1997)
You must be drunk to call me Vincent. from Gattaca (1997)
You open up a blood bank? from Gattaca (1997)
You should be going, not me. from Gattaca (1997)
You shouldn't listen to talk. You leave in a week. from Gattaca (1997)
You sound as if you believe that. from Gattaca (1997)
You still don't understand. from Gattaca (1997)
You think he'll lie down for us now? from Gattaca (1997)
You think I should test it? from Gattaca (1997)
You understand, I take 25 percent of all you make. from Gattaca (1997)
You wanna quit? from Gattaca (1997)
You wanna quit? We're too far out. from Gattaca (1997)
You want to know how I did it? from Gattaca (1997)
You were more interested in the murder case than in me. from Gattaca (1997)
You work so hard to get away from a place, from Gattaca (1997)
You'll do something. from Gattaca (1997)
You're a foreigner. from Gattaca (1997)
You're a God child? from Gattaca (1997)
You're a navigator? At Gattaca? from Gattaca (1997)
You're engineered just like the rest of us. from Gattaca (1997)
You're flying today, aren't you? from Gattaca (1997)
You're going to miss your flight, Vincent. from Gattaca (1997)
You're in trouble. I can get you out of here. from Gattaca (1997)
You're Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1 st Class. from Gattaca (1997)
You're right. from Gattaca (1997)
You're the authority on what isn't possible. from Gattaca (1997)
You've gone as far as you can go. You come with me now. from Gattaca (1997)
You've got a substance test. from Gattaca (1997)
You've got to understand something. from Gattaca (1997)
You've opened the wine, I hope? Of course, sir. from Gattaca (1997)
Your child doesn't need any additional burdens. It's still you. from Gattaca (1997)
Your eyes look different. from Gattaca (1997)
Your hiring practises. Our "recruitment philosophy." from Gattaca (1997)
Your late colleague opposed it, didn't he? from Gattaca (1997)
Your signature needs work. from Gattaca (1997)
Yours happens to be exceptional. from Gattaca (1997)
9.3. Quite a catch. from Gattaca (1997)
30 years? from Gattaca (1997)
"Jerome Morrow." from Gattaca (1997)
"Unacceptable likelihood of heart failure." That's how they put it. from Gattaca (1997)
"utero," "faith birth," "In Valid." from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[♪♪] from Gattaca (1997)
[AIR HISSING] from Gattaca (1997)
[AIR HISSING] from Gattaca (1997)
[AIR HISSING] from Gattaca (1997)
[ALARM BEEPING] from Gattaca (1997)
[ALARM BEEPING] from Gattaca (1997)
[ALARM BEEPS] from Gattaca (1997)
[BABY CRYING] from Gattaca (1997)
[BEEPING] from Gattaca (1997)
[BEEPS] from Gattaca (1997)
[CAR HUMS PAST] from Gattaca (1997)
[CHATTERING] from Gattaca (1997)
[CHATTERING] from Gattaca (1997)
[CLICKS OFF] from Gattaca (1997)
[COUGHING] from Gattaca (1997)
[COUGHS] from Gattaca (1997)
[DINGS] from Gattaca (1997)
[DINGS] from Gattaca (1997)
[DINGS] from Gattaca (1997)
[DINGS] from Gattaca (1997)
[DINGS] from Gattaca (1997)
[DOOR BUZZES] from Gattaca (1997)
[DOOR BUZZING] from Gattaca (1997)
[DOOR CLICKS SHUT] from Gattaca (1997)
[DOOR HISSES OPEN] from Gattaca (1997)
[EXHALES SHARPLY] from Gattaca (1997)
[EXHALES SHARPLY] from Gattaca (1997)
[EXHALES SHARPLY] from Gattaca (1997)
[EXHALES SHARPLY] from Gattaca (1997)
[FLAMES ROAR] from Gattaca (1997)
[FLAMES ROAR] from Gattaca (1997)
[FOOTSTEPS APPROACH] from Gattaca (1997)
[GASPING] from Gattaca (1997)
[GASPING] from Gattaca (1997)
[GROANS] from Gattaca (1997)
[GRUNTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[GRUNTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[GRUNTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[GRUNTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[GRUNTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[HEART THUMPING] from Gattaca (1997)
[HONKS] from Gattaca (1997)
[HONKS] from Gattaca (1997)
[JAZZY MUSIC PLAYS] from Gattaca (1997)
[JEROME GROANS] from Gattaca (1997)
[JEROME VOMITING] from Gattaca (1997)
[KEYBOARD KEYS CLICKING] from Gattaca (1997)
[LAUGHS] from Gattaca (1997)
[METAL CLINKING] from Gattaca (1997)
[MOTOR HUMS] from Gattaca (1997)
[MUMBLES] from Gattaca (1997)
[PANTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[PANTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[PANTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[PANTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[PEOPLE CHATTERING] from Gattaca (1997)
[PHONE BEEPING] from Gattaca (1997)
[PHONE RINGING] from Gattaca (1997)
[PIANO PLAYING] from Gattaca (1997)
[RAPID BEATING] from Gattaca (1997)
[ROCKET ROARING] from Gattaca (1997)
[ROCKET ROARS IN DISTANCE] from Gattaca (1997)
[SIGHS] from Gattaca (1997)
[VINCENT GRUNTING] from Gattaca (1997)
[WHEEZING] from Gattaca (1997)