A couple of Roy Orbison ones. from Depeche Mode: 101 2
A fair amount of money? Just for the one show. Yup. We make it out to the right guy? Yup. from Depeche Mode: 101 3
A jolly good tour. Can't complain. from Depeche Mode: 101 4
A little bit. I'm finally getting into it so I thought I might come and buy some today. from Depeche Mode: 101 5
A lot less pressure as well. from Depeche Mode: 101 6
A lot more money than when I used to work in a supermarket. from Depeche Mode: 101 7
A lot of money! A load of money! from Depeche Mode: 101 8
A lot of people I'm sure went, "God that is a real risk for this band, from Depeche Mode: 101 9
Add it to their wardrobe tonight. I don't know. Here it is. What is it? from Depeche Mode: 101 0
After everything else, we've had nothing but grief from Depeche Mode: 101 -
Again! from Depeche Mode: 101 =
Ah. from Depeche Mode: 101 q
Ah. Oh shit! Ow, ow, ow! from Depeche Mode: 101 w
Alan has a specially prepared speech for us. from Depeche Mode: 101 e
Alan Plankerton. from Depeche Mode: 101 r
Alan, if you'll just turn your head more towards me. from Depeche Mode: 101 t
Albuquerque is known for heavy metal. Oh, what do they know? from Depeche Mode: 101 y
ALL CROONING from Depeche Mode: 101 u
All right, it's time. from Depeche Mode: 101 i
All right, now we're used to it. I can't do this. Nice, Fletch! from Depeche Mode: 101 o
All right, thank you. from Depeche Mode: 101 p
All right, thanks. Rocking. Brilliant! from Depeche Mode: 101 a
ALL TALK AT ONCE from Depeche Mode: 101 s
All you have to do is imagine that these two pads here from Depeche Mode: 101 d
ALL: # The grabbing hands from Depeche Mode: 101 f
ALL: This means nothing. from Depeche Mode: 101 g
ALL: This means nothing. This will get you nowhere. from Depeche Mode: 101 h
ALL: Whoo! Hot mama! from Depeche Mode: 101 j
Allocated to specific parts of the keyboard. from Depeche Mode: 101 k
Always. from Depeche Mode: 101 l
An optional comment is, it looks lovely with your outfit tonight. from Depeche Mode: 101 z
And again! from Depeche Mode: 101 x
And Depeche Mode means "We play butt naked." from Depeche Mode: 101 c
And do it like that, you can have it, good evening, everybody. Hello! from Depeche Mode: 101 v
And go. from Depeche Mode: 101 b
And he was a cabbie! He was supposed to be, like, driving us around. from Depeche Mode: 101 n
And he was like this big. At least, right? from Depeche Mode: 101 m
And he was like this. And I went, "Oh." from Depeche Mode: 101 Q
And how much were the programmes? I don't know. 5, 10 bucks or so? from Depeche Mode: 101 W
And I bum around. from Depeche Mode: 101 E
And I ended up actually hanging on to the door like this from Depeche Mode: 101 R
And in that area, it seems that nobody at all is playing our music. from Depeche Mode: 101 T
And keep the noise to a minimum, but that's all I can do at the moment, I'm afraid. Hello. from Depeche Mode: 101 Y
And make it look just like the picture you drew. from Depeche Mode: 101 U
And now as the final straw, we've been told we've got to finish everything an hour early. from Depeche Mode: 101 I
And paid attendance was 60,453 people. from Depeche Mode: 101 O
And respect her for that and introduce yourselves. from Depeche Mode: 101 P
And she makes everybody drive backwards. She runs the country. from Depeche Mode: 101 A
And should I wear a hat or not? A hat or not? Yes. from Depeche Mode: 101 S
And so on. You're only limited by what you can manage with your hands. from Depeche Mode: 101 D
And someone is stuck with nothing to play, from Depeche Mode: 101 F
And that was definitely a release, you know. from Depeche Mode: 101 G
And that's sometimes like a release. from Depeche Mode: 101 H
And then afterwards... And then the guy got out of the car. from Depeche Mode: 101 J
And then come back, I'm afraid. from Depeche Mode: 101 K
And then he couldn't run or anything, he couldn't do anything. from Depeche Mode: 101 L
And then he just... His trousers fell down! from Depeche Mode: 101 Z
And then I just started saying to him, "Slow down, what's going..." You know. from Depeche Mode: 101 X
And what shall I say? I'm serious. from Depeche Mode: 101 C
And without being dictated to by a higher, you know, officials. So... from Depeche Mode: 101 V
And you're listening to Mark Hill on The Alternative Dance Party From Hell. from Depeche Mode: 101 B
And your dad let you go like that? Oh, my gosh! Do you make any money? from Depeche Mode: 101 N
Andre will probably tell you that. In Austria with that cabbie! from Depeche Mode: 101 M
Andrew, great. David, if you'd... from Depeche Mode: 101 <
Are extra keys on the keyboard. from Depeche Mode: 101 >
Are we? Yeah. We're gonna stop in a truck stop and hang out. from Depeche Mode: 101 !
Are you going to get married? from Depeche Mode: 101 @
Are you shitting me?! 15 year olds across the country? Oh no! from Depeche Mode: 101 #
Art is a feeling, it's gut feeling. Yeah! from Depeche Mode: 101 $
As far as the sound goes... You've got to remember where you put them. from Depeche Mode: 101 %
As if I was playing a key on the keyboard. from Depeche Mode: 101 ^
As soon as it's rolling. OK. The tape's started. from Depeche Mode: 101 &
As you can see, I'm not looking my best at the moment. from Depeche Mode: 101 *
Ask your dad about shit on the shingles. from Depeche Mode: 101 (
At the beginning of the concert, the crowd's going wild. from Depeche Mode: 101 )
At the end of the day, I was stacking shelves, but I was very happy. from Depeche Mode: 101 ~
AUDIENCE: # Just can't get enough I just can't get enough from Depeche Mode: 101 `
AUDIENCE: # The grabbing hands from Depeche Mode: 101 |
Baby, come on! Say hello to the video camera. from Depeche Mode: 101 "
BAND: # ..We're flying high from Depeche Mode: 101 '
BAND: # Here is a plea From my heart to you from Depeche Mode: 101 ?
BAND: # I just can't get enough I just can't get enough from Depeche Mode: 101 /
BAND: # I just can't get enough I just can't get enough from Depeche Mode: 101 ,
BAND: # I'm taking a ride With my best friend... # from Depeche Mode: 101 .
BAND: # Pain will you return it? I'll say it again pain from Depeche Mode: 101
BANGS from Depeche Mode: 101
Be careful! from Depeche Mode: 101
Because the main ones, the main ones have gone out with the heat. from Depeche Mode: 101
Because you don't see your friends. from Depeche Mode: 101
BEEPING Just visiting? from Depeche Mode: 101
Before the job. from Depeche Mode: 101
Beltway? Beltparkway from here? from Depeche Mode: 101
Bit tense tonight. A lot of problems on stage. All the keyboards... We're working with no back up. from Depeche Mode: 101
Boots that are made for walking. I like them legs too. from Depeche Mode: 101
BOTTLE SHATTERS from Depeche Mode: 101
Buildings that we want to bill, the band said "We want to play there." Five grand for damage?! from Depeche Mode: 101
But also we had a couple of days off, you know, I'm feeling really tired at the moment, from Depeche Mode: 101
But I shouldn't really say that, you know. from Depeche Mode: 101
But I still didn't get a bead of sweat. Didn't you? from Depeche Mode: 101
But I'm saying going within yourself and taking out something from Depeche Mode: 101
But if you're not making money from Depeche Mode: 101
But it is within yourself cos you're using your creativity. from Depeche Mode: 101
But it's nowhere near as bad as what it was in San Francisco. I couldn't even speak then. from Depeche Mode: 101
But the fashion end of it is a different story altogether. from Depeche Mode: 101
But the pressure gets big as well. from Depeche Mode: 101
But then afterwards, from Depeche Mode: 101
But there is a bonus, though you make a lot of money. from Depeche Mode: 101
But there's certainly been times within the band, from Depeche Mode: 101
But tonight I have to do my steroids and stuff, puffer, from Depeche Mode: 101
But you don't necessarily have to do trendy things. No? No. from Depeche Mode: 101
By request, I think. from Depeche Mode: 101
Bye, Ma. Bye, honey. from Depeche Mode: 101
Can help you? Just two posters. Two posters? 20. from Depeche Mode: 101
Can you hear me? from Depeche Mode: 101
Can you read that? from Depeche Mode: 101
Challenge. It was a challenge. Yeah. Did you meet the challenge, Oliver? from Depeche Mode: 101
Chart to Ben. Darling. Thank you, Sarah. from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING AND APPLAUSE from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING AND APPLAUSE from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING AND APPLAUSE from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING AND APPLAUSE from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING IN BACKGROUND from Depeche Mode: 101
CHEERING Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
Cheers. Mama. from Depeche Mode: 101
Chris! from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on in. Bring your own underwear. from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on then, lads. from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on, a little snap. Can we get her over here too? from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on, let's get back out there. from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on, now! I want to see those hands! from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on! All the wars. from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on! He's a keyboard player. from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on! Le's hear you sing it! from Depeche Mode: 101
Come on. Come on. from Depeche Mode: 101
Concert, everyone, you evening masses. from Depeche Mode: 101
Congratulations, you have done it! I think we've all done it. from Depeche Mode: 101
Cos my hair is just like so "dude", you know? from Depeche Mode: 101
Could you pass me the Elvis one? from Depeche Mode: 101
Couldn't hit any high notes at all. It sure is loud out on that stage. from Depeche Mode: 101
Counting down. OK, come on, then, boys. from Depeche Mode: 101
Darling, I love you. Let's go now. Forget it. from Depeche Mode: 101
Dave is really playing a good joke. from Depeche Mode: 101
Decent crowd out there. from Depeche Mode: 101
Depeche Mode are making a movie and they'd like some of their fans from Depeche Mode: 101
Depeche Mode, the game! from Depeche Mode: 101
Depeche Mode. No, somebody called the other day and said Depeche Mode means "fast fashion". from Depeche Mode: 101
Design an outfit, cut it and sew it from Depeche Mode: 101
Did it work? from Depeche Mode: 101
Did they sound... What did they sound like out front? from Depeche Mode: 101
Did you bring lots of underwear? ALL: Yeah! from Depeche Mode: 101
Did you notice that, at all? from Depeche Mode: 101
Disgusting, Seventh Avenue, you know, nothing like that. from Depeche Mode: 101
DJs. from Depeche Mode: 101
Do you have any idea what that is? Does anyone know, besides me looking at the invoice? from Depeche Mode: 101
Do you have any questions? Please let me know. from Depeche Mode: 101
Do you like bluegrass? Which one do you like better? from Depeche Mode: 101
Do you like to sweat onstage? There's a question. from Depeche Mode: 101
Do you mind taking some calls and see what's on everybody's mind here? from Depeche Mode: 101
Do you think high heels or flats? from Depeche Mode: 101
Do you want any more? from Depeche Mode: 101
Does it have the listing of how old you have to be in different states? from Depeche Mode: 101
Doesn't it look neat? It's short on this side and then it goes whoo! from Depeche Mode: 101
Don't dance too much! from Depeche Mode: 101
Don't ever talk to a member of the band like that again, Harold, otherwise you're finished. from Depeche Mode: 101
Don't know enough about it. Don't know much about it? from Depeche Mode: 101
Don't look at me like that! from Depeche Mode: 101
Don't wear the hat cos you look ridiculous, from Depeche Mode: 101
Dressed for the movies. Good luck. from Depeche Mode: 101
Each song has its own set of sounds. from Depeche Mode: 101
Edward. Edward. But you knew he was Edward. No, he didn't. from Depeche Mode: 101
Erm, we're just a bit worried that from Depeche Mode: 101
Erm... from Depeche Mode: 101
Even they were laughing and they were going to see them! from Depeche Mode: 101
Even though it's the end and also a bit sad, you know. from Depeche Mode: 101
Even when you're doing that, that's not enough. You've still got more. from Depeche Mode: 101
Everything that we've tried to do has been late. We've had problems with everything. from Depeche Mode: 101
Everything we give it costs him money! from Depeche Mode: 101
Exactly. from Depeche Mode: 101
Excuse me, show time. from Depeche Mode: 101
Fashion design is an art form and a business. from Depeche Mode: 101
Fed up and wanting to go home and then you feel good for a month or so. from Depeche Mode: 101
Figured I'd look it up in the French dictionary from Depeche Mode: 101
First of all, turnstile count, 65,314. from Depeche Mode: 101
Fix that one! from Depeche Mode: 101
For now, the tape machine has moved to the side of the stage. from Depeche Mode: 101
From New York's New Music, 927 WDRE. from Depeche Mode: 101
Fucked that right up, didn't I? Write it on your shirt. I'll get Darren. from Depeche Mode: 101
Get cans. from Depeche Mode: 101
Get off the stage and let them play with those two mics. from Depeche Mode: 101
Get out of here. Get out of here, move back, right now! from Depeche Mode: 101
Get Paul down there. Get Paul. from Depeche Mode: 101
Get rid of the earring, you'll be all right. from Depeche Mode: 101
Go ahead. 'Do you like to sweat onstage?' from Depeche Mode: 101
Go! from Depeche Mode: 101
Go! from Depeche Mode: 101
Good crowd later. Wow. We'll see tonight. Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
Good evening, concert, masses, everybody, people, Pasadena! from Depeche Mode: 101
Good evening, Pasadena! from Depeche Mode: 101
Good morning. We wanted to say good morning from Depeche Mode: 101
Good night, everybody. Thank you! from Depeche Mode: 101
Good night, Sandra. Goodbye, girls! from Depeche Mode: 101
Goodbye. Goodbye. from Depeche Mode: 101
Great. Perfect. from Depeche Mode: 101
Guns 'n' Posers! from Depeche Mode: 101
Guns 'n' Posers. from Depeche Mode: 101
HAIRDRYER WHIRS from Depeche Mode: 101
Hang on, Mark, Mark, Mark. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hanging on the car and kicking him! from Depeche Mode: 101
Hard work. Did you find it... from Depeche Mode: 101
Has Mr Banger arrived yet? from Depeche Mode: 101
Have you ever heard of Grand Central Station? Never heard of that. from Depeche Mode: 101
HE CONTINUES SHOUTING from Depeche Mode: 101
He didn't have a belt on. from Depeche Mode: 101
He doesn't know about fashion, you can tell, right? from Depeche Mode: 101
He just sort of said things like, "Look, I'm driving the car." from Depeche Mode: 101
HE LAUGHS from Depeche Mode: 101
HE LAUGHS from Depeche Mode: 101
HE LAUGHS from Depeche Mode: 101
HE LAUGHS from Depeche Mode: 101
He may have worked for us for five years, but he's history! from Depeche Mode: 101
HE MIMICS KNOCKING from Depeche Mode: 101
He peeled out when we sort of first drove away from the club, from Depeche Mode: 101
HE PLAYS BLUES RIFF from Depeche Mode: 101
He ran through red lights and we were like... from Depeche Mode: 101
He said if I let my hair go black, he wouldn't go out with me any more. from Depeche Mode: 101
HE SCREAMS from Depeche Mode: 101
He started getting really... He was so big and fat and his trousers fell down, from Depeche Mode: 101
He wants to hear the band play! from Depeche Mode: 101
He was drinking Tequila. from Depeche Mode: 101
He was driving at about 90mph, screeching around every corner. from Depeche Mode: 101
He was going down to the town. from Depeche Mode: 101
He was really weird. from Depeche Mode: 101
He was standing five feet away in order to go to the bathroom. Why? from Depeche Mode: 101
He wouldn't go out with me any more. from Depeche Mode: 101
He'll kick anybody's ass before they get within ten feet of her. from Depeche Mode: 101
He'll love me bald. from Depeche Mode: 101
He's always drunk, always drunk. That's all they ever are. from Depeche Mode: 101
He's drunk, what do you want? from Depeche Mode: 101
He's had implants. 'Can I ask another question?' from Depeche Mode: 101
He's in Depeche Mode? from Depeche Mode: 101
He's ready. You get me? from Depeche Mode: 101
Hello there. How's everything? from Depeche Mode: 101
Hello, LA! God! from Depeche Mode: 101
Hello, Pasadena. No, I don't think I should say Pasadena. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hello? So you're gonna have a bald wife. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hello. Try it Newark, New Jersey, see what that. Hello, people. from Depeche Mode: 101
Here at the Rose Bowl, Pasadena. from Depeche Mode: 101
Here we come! from Depeche Mode: 101
Here we go! from Depeche Mode: 101
Here we go. from Depeche Mode: 101
Here we go. Come on! from Depeche Mode: 101
Hey, Ma. I parked your car round the corner last night. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hey, there's some chick in here. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hey, what's that pretty lady's name back there, she's nice. I like her. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hey, yeah! from Depeche Mode: 101
Hey! Hey! from Depeche Mode: 101
Hi, this is Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
Hi. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hi. I'm calling about Philadelphia. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hi. This is Teresa. I work for Depeche Mode. from Depeche Mode: 101
Hold on to your... Whatevers! from Depeche Mode: 101
Holy shit! You've got to shrink the bus to make the corner. from Depeche Mode: 101
HORN BLARES from Depeche Mode: 101
How about all together? from Depeche Mode: 101
How are you going to pay for everything, from Depeche Mode: 101
How do I get there from here? from Depeche Mode: 101
How do you guys feel? Great. Great. Great. from Depeche Mode: 101
How much money they made. You figure 23 shirts and 28... from Depeche Mode: 101
How old are you? 19. from Depeche Mode: 101
How will you get things in life? That's whoring yourself. from Depeche Mode: 101
However, I hope you enjoy wearing it. from Depeche Mode: 101
HUM OF CONVERSATIONS from Depeche Mode: 101
I assume he... from Depeche Mode: 101
I believe it's a holiday weekend, the first one where from Depeche Mode: 101
I called Vivian. Who's Vivian? The tramp. The girl that was in bed. from Depeche Mode: 101
I can understand drawing a woman's body. Or a man's body. from Depeche Mode: 101
I can't see you! from Depeche Mode: 101
I certainly wouldn't do it, I don't think, I'm not sure, I'm not sure, actually. from Depeche Mode: 101
I didn't mean to worry you, but I'm just going to go hang out, from Depeche Mode: 101
I didn't realise how loud it was on the stage. Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
I didn't, that has nothing to do with art, marrying a rich girl. from Depeche Mode: 101
I do want Roy Orbison. 20 Early Classics. from Depeche Mode: 101
I do, yes. from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't believe I'm wearing this, I really don't. It's really cool. from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't consider that art. from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't know. We should ask Jose. We can ask him what it's for. from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't move, it's all right for us. We're keyboard players, we don't move! from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't think so. It'll be a good crowd. from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't think we're in Kansas any more! Oh, my God, look at that! from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't want any Noxzema. from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't want to become something like really trendy from Depeche Mode: 101
I don't wear anything fashionable. What you wearing now, then? from Depeche Mode: 101
I dunno, what do you think? from Depeche Mode: 101
I had real problems with the sound at first, it was so hard, my vocal was so hard. from Depeche Mode: 101
I hate him. I really do. from Depeche Mode: 101
I have no idea. No. from Depeche Mode: 101
I haven't actually been... Oh, I don't know. from Depeche Mode: 101
I haven't even started counting. from Depeche Mode: 101
I hope it's not to celebrate the War of Independence. from Depeche Mode: 101
I hope not. We're gonna have ten kids. from Depeche Mode: 101
I hope you like listening to our music. from Depeche Mode: 101
I hope you puts lots of reverb on. from Depeche Mode: 101
I just don't like the music. from Depeche Mode: 101
I know it's very late in the game from Depeche Mode: 101
I know they live in east London, right? That's about it. That's all I know. from Depeche Mode: 101
I know. So much ene... Oh... That was the best. Incredible. from Depeche Mode: 101
I like drinking, I like Albuquerque and New Mexico. from Depeche Mode: 101
I like the hat too. from Depeche Mode: 101
I like them.. Yeah, I like them boots. from Depeche Mode: 101
I like your shorts, dude, they're bad. I like your shirt too, man. from Depeche Mode: 101
I mean, because in the contract, from Depeche Mode: 101
I mean, because of their background, it doesn't surprise us that much, but... from Depeche Mode: 101
I mean, I don't think you would... from Depeche Mode: 101
I mean, they had a good time, from Depeche Mode: 101
I mean, when I first heard it, I mean, from Depeche Mode: 101
I might have to go after the show. Afterwards. from Depeche Mode: 101
I opened the door and I was kicking him like this. from Depeche Mode: 101
I read it, I was just looking at it. Five grand. from Depeche Mode: 101
I said Elvis, I said boring. from Depeche Mode: 101
I saw this in a Twilight Zone movie. from Depeche Mode: 101
I think I better clear the curtain. from Depeche Mode: 101
I think I should say, "Good evening, everybody." from Depeche Mode: 101
I think I should say... Dave, I wouldn't let it play on your mind! from Depeche Mode: 101
I think I'll play the pinball. I always do that before a gig. from Depeche Mode: 101
I think we know there is an audience there. from Depeche Mode: 101
I think when it's like that, you tend to, I don't know why, from Depeche Mode: 101
I thought we'd just get a few things... from Depeche Mode: 101
I want to put something in. from Depeche Mode: 101
I want to put something in. Yeah. For field. OK? from Depeche Mode: 101
I want to tell him the T shirts sold out. In two seconds! from Depeche Mode: 101
I was actually beating him up in the car when he was driving. Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
I was thinking about everyone and I couldn't stop crying, you know. from Depeche Mode: 101
I would. INAUDIBLE QUESTION No, I have no idea. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'd been looking for a fight for a good few days. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'd just met him! from Depeche Mode: 101
I'd like to express my great thanks to you for peeing all over the toilet seat. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'd personally do something with your hair, that's fine. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'll get there. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'll have an Elvis shot glass. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'll return all of these, I promise. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'll write it down for you. What was it again? from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm calling you regards to if there's any possibility from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm glad we caught the encore! I think this is the encore! from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm glad we caught the last half of the show. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm going to do that tonight again. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm just getting into it. I'm just going to give you a good old country sticker here. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm lost. They detoured me off the highway. from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm supposed to be doing promotion here! from Depeche Mode: 101
I'm usually... from Depeche Mode: 101
I've been thinking about this. It's been playing on my mind. from Depeche Mode: 101
I've got maybe two friends in the world, real friends. from Depeche Mode: 101
I've got Oliver, I have to protect him! from Depeche Mode: 101
I've never thrown up like that before. from Depeche Mode: 101
If anything else fails we can tell the audience to be quiet and get the two acoustics out, right?! from Depeche Mode: 101
If he ever talks to me like that again, he's through. from Depeche Mode: 101
If it's loud, you can't hear because it's so... from Depeche Mode: 101
If my mom sees it, I'll be in trouble, too. Why, because I'm wearing the shoes? from Depeche Mode: 101
If my mom sees this, I'm in trouble! Your mom, what about my mom! from Depeche Mode: 101
If you let it... If I let it go back. to a different colour, from Depeche Mode: 101
Imagine how much money they raked in tonight. That's the question. from Depeche Mode: 101
In Nashville, we get about 2,000 people along. from Depeche Mode: 101
In somebody's house at a very cheap cost from Depeche Mode: 101
In the women's bathroom? In the women's bathroom. from Depeche Mode: 101
In this whole place with the roof and everything has been late. from Depeche Mode: 101
INDISTINCT from Depeche Mode: 101
INDISTINCT from Depeche Mode: 101
INDISTINCT from Depeche Mode: 101
INDISTINCT from Depeche Mode: 101
INDISTINCT from Depeche Mode: 101
INDISTINCT CHAT from Depeche Mode: 101
INDISTINCT COMMENT from Depeche Mode: 101
Is because in the early days, it was... from Depeche Mode: 101
Is it coming out? Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
Is it gonna be possible to move the stage forward in the arena? from Depeche Mode: 101
Is that all right? Yeah, that was fine. Maybe one more. from Depeche Mode: 101
Is that like the newest trend here? This is New York. And Metallica stars. from Depeche Mode: 101
Is that right? Yeah. That's us. That's us! from Depeche Mode: 101
Is this his room? Yes. from Depeche Mode: 101
It does get to the point sometimes where you feel you could actually kill someone. from Depeche Mode: 101
It doesn't make a difference, you make more money, from Depeche Mode: 101
It doesn't matter, if you're expressing yourself, that's beauty within itself. from Depeche Mode: 101
It looks pretty good. In the dark, it's really good. from Depeche Mode: 101
It seems I've interrupted something here. from Depeche Mode: 101
It seems that wherever we get radio play, we immediately do well. from Depeche Mode: 101
It sucks, but let's get to it. And get it right, yeah? from Depeche Mode: 101
It was open air. from Depeche Mode: 101
It was really loud tonight, yeah. Yeah, onstage. from Depeche Mode: 101
It will be too much, from Depeche Mode: 101
It will be too overpowering for the outfit. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's a great problem and we're doing everything that we can. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's a heavy metal bus from Depeche Mode: 101
It's a war zone around here. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's basically the same way we first started. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's for 96 pass t shirts, silver T shirts. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's from a good shop, this is. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's going fantastic. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's in French! You know French! I know how to say I'm bored in French. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's letting off some of that built up energy and tension that you just... from Depeche Mode: 101
It's not even enough for you to let out on stage. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's Noxzema, retard, it's good for your skin. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's probably just the two dates. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's to remember the people who were killed in the war, isn't it? from Depeche Mode: 101
It's very dark. from Depeche Mode: 101
It's... It's there. from Depeche Mode: 101
JANGLY ECHO EFFECT PLAYS from Depeche Mode: 101
Jay was over here. He was over here, too. Oh, Jay was over here, too. from Depeche Mode: 101
Jay, you want to stand around. You, yo! from Depeche Mode: 101
Jesus! A few too many spikes for him, don't you think? from Depeche Mode: 101
Jodie, what's the verdict? from Depeche Mode: 101
Jonathan, let's remember one thing. This building was not our choice. from Depeche Mode: 101
June 10th 18th. Just appear at Malibu, this Sunday, 7pm, from Depeche Mode: 101
Just come with us to eat. Where did you go to? from Depeche Mode: 101
Just do me one favour, please. Whee! from Depeche Mode: 101
Just get something to eat and you'll absorb the alcohol. from Depeche Mode: 101
Just look at that car in the corner. from Depeche Mode: 101
Just the two of you? Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
Just to make him happy. from Depeche Mode: 101
Just to pump up the show a bit. from Depeche Mode: 101
Keep off the road! from Depeche Mode: 101
KNOCKING from Depeche Mode: 101
Last night, Dave reckons, was the hottest concert we've ever played. from Depeche Mode: 101
Later on, I have to play a melodic harp. from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
LAUGHTER from Depeche Mode: 101
Let me see it. Let me see our total. I can't see your total. from Depeche Mode: 101
Let me see you draw an outfit, OK. from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's ask, can we ask Jose Productions? from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's do it then. from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's go! from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's go! from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's go! Come on, let's go! Fletch. from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's put half in. No, I think we need to have it in. from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's say I asked you that. from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's see what people can meet in this godforsaken country of ours! from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's see what we can... from Depeche Mode: 101
Let's start on our toll free number here. Hello, go ahead. Hello! Yes. from Depeche Mode: 101
Like a surgical blunder. from Depeche Mode: 101
Like Depeche Mode talking as opposed to... An individual? Yeah. Umm... from Depeche Mode: 101
Look at the shoes. They match the shorts. from Depeche Mode: 101
Look at... Read that contract. We're responsible. from Depeche Mode: 101
Lost. from Depeche Mode: 101
Louder! from Depeche Mode: 101
Making a movie. No way! A movie for what? Depeche Mode. Oh, really? You're joking. from Depeche Mode: 101
Man, I'm going to go hang out. from Depeche Mode: 101
Mark? Hi. Very good. I finally can contact you. from Depeche Mode: 101
Martin's the songwriter, Alan's the good musician, Dave's the vocalist. from Depeche Mode: 101
Maybe I should do that! from Depeche Mode: 101
Maybe you can do it? All right. from Depeche Mode: 101
Me and Sandra went right into the middle. from Depeche Mode: 101
MELODIC HARP EFFECT PLAYS from Depeche Mode: 101
Miss Beal? from Depeche Mode: 101
Mom! Stop looking at me like that. I'm looking at Christopher. from Depeche Mode: 101
MORE CROONING from Depeche Mode: 101
Most places in the country, we were playing to 10 15,000 people. from Depeche Mode: 101
Much exaggeration on this. from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC ENDS from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC ENDS, CHEERING Thank you! from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "A Question Of Time" by Depeche Mode # It's just a question of time from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Behind The Wheel" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Behind The Wheel" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Black Celebration" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Everything Counts" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Just Can't Get Enough" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Never Let Me Down Again" from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Nothing" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Pimpf" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Route 66" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Shake The Disease" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Strangelove" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
MUSIC: "Stripped" by Depeche Mode from Depeche Mode: 101
Mwah! from Depeche Mode: 101
My job is to keep everyone together, really. from Depeche Mode: 101
My name's John. I like them boots. from Depeche Mode: 101
My name's John. Nice meeting you. from Depeche Mode: 101
My name's Larry. Nice to meet you. from Depeche Mode: 101
Nashville. What's in Nashville? from Depeche Mode: 101
Never! from Depeche Mode: 101
Next! Depeche Mode. from Depeche Mode: 101
Ni hao, China. This is Martin Gore from Depeche Mode. from Depeche Mode: 101
Ni hao. Ni hao. from Depeche Mode: 101
Nice legs, darling! Yeah! from Depeche Mode: 101
No clothes on. What sort of dictionary are you looking at? from Depeche Mode: 101
No idea. When they die, we'll get to see! from Depeche Mode: 101
No major fuck ups. Yet. from Depeche Mode: 101
No, 32 sweatshirts, something like that. 32? from Depeche Mode: 101
No, because she lent them to me! from Depeche Mode: 101
No, but, it's not... from Depeche Mode: 101
No, I don't, er... He hasn't been back in here. from Depeche Mode: 101
No, I'm not joking. Watch the movie. You're on the step first. He's joking. See you guys. from Depeche Mode: 101
No, I've seen it! from Depeche Mode: 101
No, it was actually... I can't even remember why it happened. from Depeche Mode: 101
No, no! It's an art, in a way it is. It's an art form. from Depeche Mode: 101
No, that sounds terrible, everybody. from Depeche Mode: 101
No, the body, yes, absolutely, from Depeche Mode: 101
No, the reason I say hat is because it makes the ends break off from Depeche Mode: 101
No, you're not going to be a bum, you just marry rich! from Depeche Mode: 101
No! # ..We're flying high from Depeche Mode: 101
No! This means SOMETHING. from Depeche Mode: 101
Not bad, not bad. You got three of the words right! from Depeche Mode: 101
Not much, really. I'm just... from Depeche Mode: 101
Not really. Not really. I sort of missed. I bent it and it was like... from Depeche Mode: 101
Not true. Yes, true! from Depeche Mode: 101
Now, my hair's falling out cos I bleach it all the time from Depeche Mode: 101
Of setting up some kind of giveaways or something like that from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh oh...! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh yes. Just like Texas. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, Graceland, probably, right? Oh, that's right. What's Graceland? from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, I know why! Because he was... This guy was just crazy. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, let's go. Let's go back to the hotel. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, my God! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, my God! We're really lost. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, my God. I knew it would be a crazy trip. I've got terrible karma. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, oh! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, shit. I mean, I'm not sure about this at all. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, so you're standing behind my back from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, yeah, cab driver, yeah. Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, yeah! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh, you mean just that very moment? Hi! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh! CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh... from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh... Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh...! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oh...! from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, 26. Thank you. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, can we start the tape, please? from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, good gig. We get off on their energy, you know. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, one more time, here's Andy. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, stop the tape. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, then, let's go. Come on. Here we go. I'm nervous now. Excuse me. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, wait a minute. OK, ready? from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, we've got ten seconds to go. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK, who's next? from Depeche Mode: 101
OK! from Depeche Mode: 101
OK. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK. All that make up... from Depeche Mode: 101
OK. If you want to start the tape, give us a shout from Depeche Mode: 101
OK. Now, looking at me. Everyone looking at me. from Depeche Mode: 101
OK. OK! from Depeche Mode: 101
OK. The bus is outside. Really? from Depeche Mode: 101
OK. This here... from Depeche Mode: 101
On American Airlines, it was a bumpy flight and I'm sorry I came because this place sucks. from Depeche Mode: 101
On Black Celebration I've got several sounds from Depeche Mode: 101
On camera. On camera. from Depeche Mode: 101
ON RADIO: 'I've had no indication, but we're all ready here, from Depeche Mode: 101
On Saturday June 18th, we'll be playing a concert for the masses from Depeche Mode: 101
One of Elv's crooning ones when he got to Vegas. from Depeche Mode: 101
Ooh ooh ooh, come on! from Depeche Mode: 101
Ooh! from Depeche Mode: 101
Oooh! Come on now. I want to hear you singing. from Depeche Mode: 101
Oooh... Come on, now! from Depeche Mode: 101
Or Rose Bowl. Rose Bowl. from Depeche Mode: 101
Or we could just tail it to Phoenix. from Depeche Mode: 101
Out! from Depeche Mode: 101
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! from Depeche Mode: 101
People disappear, open up their summer houses, that kind of stuff. from Depeche Mode: 101
People who have... from Depeche Mode: 101
Phew! I'd love to be their accountant. from Depeche Mode: 101
Pretty good these fingers. from Depeche Mode: 101
Pretty mean to write in French. Terrible! from Depeche Mode: 101
Put a plus on the front of it and you're fine. from Depeche Mode: 101
Put a plus on the front of that... That's right. Go back there. from Depeche Mode: 101
Put your shoes together, this is a great picture. from Depeche Mode: 101
Putting trendy clothes on her is not my idea of... from Depeche Mode: 101
Ready for the concert? from Depeche Mode: 101
Really, look at this! Billy Bob! from Depeche Mode: 101
Really, thank you. You know why I did that? Really, though, thank you. Very much. from Depeche Mode: 101
Really? You couldn't have won, could you? from Depeche Mode: 101
Right, turn your head, now. OK. To the side. To the side. Wait, I can't see. from Depeche Mode: 101
Right! That's her. That's her. You called her? Yeah, we got the guy's name, too. from Depeche Mode: 101
Right. Come on, everybody sing it! Here we go! from Depeche Mode: 101
Right. I'll have to get this. from Depeche Mode: 101
Rock and roll! OK, start the tape. from Depeche Mode: 101
Route 66? from Depeche Mode: 101
Route 66? All right, I'm down with that. from Depeche Mode: 101
Roy Orbison. Roy Orbison? Where's Roy Orbison? 20 Early Classics. from Depeche Mode: 101
Rrrrrr! Ow! Ow! Ow! from Depeche Mode: 101
Sahara. Sahara? from Depeche Mode: 101
Save a couple of seconds. from Depeche Mode: 101
SCREAMING AND CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
SCREAMING AND CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
SCREAMING AND CHEERING from Depeche Mode: 101
See when those lights came up, everyone around us was... No. from Depeche Mode: 101
See where that grey car is? Right there. from Depeche Mode: 101
See you. I'm going to call. Good luck on your test, Sandra. Yes, good luck. Yeah, good luck. from Depeche Mode: 101
She doesn't care, she's got Andre, from Depeche Mode: 101
SHE LAUGHS from Depeche Mode: 101
SHE LAUGHS from Depeche Mode: 101
SHE LAUGHS from Depeche Mode: 101
She looks pretty. That looks nice. from Depeche Mode: 101
SHE SCREAMS from Depeche Mode: 101
SHE SCREAMS from Depeche Mode: 101
She's cute. That's Mia. Mia? from Depeche Mode: 101
She's nice. I've been noticing her all the time she's been here. from Depeche Mode: 101
Sing it loud! from Depeche Mode: 101
Sing it! from Depeche Mode: 101
Sing out loud! from Depeche Mode: 101
Sing something. Come on. They won't care here. Come on. from Depeche Mode: 101
SINGING ALONG: # Lumber up, limbo down from Depeche Mode: 101
Six, five... Come on then! from Depeche Mode: 101
Smile, motherfucker! Smile! from Depeche Mode: 101
So Andre just pushed him over he just fell over. from Depeche Mode: 101
So at the end of the day they're the same. from Depeche Mode: 101
So I just started, you know, beating him and stuff, yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
So it straight away hits your vocal chords and... Peps them up? Peps them up, yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
So it's a trend, it's people trying to look like something from Depeche Mode: 101
So it's the top 200. Depeche Mode had more songs in the top 200 from Depeche Mode: 101
So that's probably a lot to do with it as well. from Depeche Mode: 101
So then I can put the two together from Depeche Mode: 101
So this is the rock'n'roll bus, eh? from Depeche Mode: 101
So we're on the right phone? OK. OK, don't go away this time, Mark. from Depeche Mode: 101
So you can sell it. from Depeche Mode: 101
So, next pass. Pink. Thank you, JD. It's a pink pass, it's triangular. from Depeche Mode: 101
Sold out Houston. from Depeche Mode: 101
Something due to the fact that we've been on tour for nine months. from Depeche Mode: 101
Sounds good to me. from Depeche Mode: 101
Spots and open mic. from Depeche Mode: 101
Standby to blackout. Out. Standby to come back. And go. from Depeche Mode: 101
Standby to come back and open wide. And go. from Depeche Mode: 101
Standby, all spots, and open wide. from Depeche Mode: 101
Standby, everybody, for blackout. from Depeche Mode: 101
Standby, open one. from Depeche Mode: 101
Standby. And go. from Depeche Mode: 101
Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd. from Depeche Mode: 101
SYNTHESISER MUSIC PLAYS from Depeche Mode: 101
Take a right here. Take a right here. from Depeche Mode: 101
Take an egg. Take an egg. from Depeche Mode: 101
TALK OVER EACH OTHER from Depeche Mode: 101
Tell me this, what made you decide to do this? from Depeche Mode: 101
Telling her what to say, aren't you? Little ... from Depeche Mode: 101
Ten, nine, eight, seven, from Depeche Mode: 101
Than any other bands. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you very much! from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you very much! APPLAUSE from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you very much. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you very much. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you very much. Good night. Thank you. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you! from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you! from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you! from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you! Standby to blackout. Out! from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you. from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you. APPLAUSE from Depeche Mode: 101
Thank you. Bye. Mwah! from Depeche Mode: 101
That cannot be copied over and over again. from Depeche Mode: 101
That comes after a while. It gets to be automatic. from Depeche Mode: 101
That looks cool! from Depeche Mode: 101
That looks cool. Still dark at the top. from Depeche Mode: 101
That one's 450, but it's not as nice sounding. from Depeche Mode: 101
That sounds good, though, we'll have that one. from Depeche Mode: 101
That was a real intense situation as well. It was he and you? from Depeche Mode: 101
That was incredible. That was. from Depeche Mode: 101
That was more fun though. It was more fun in the supermarket? Yeah. from Depeche Mode: 101
That was the best. That was the best. No, you guys should have fun. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's fine. Nice and simple. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's great. Martin... Nice. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's it. Another. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's it. I don't know what it means! from Depeche Mode: 101
That's just a pleasant thing, you have to live somehow! from Depeche Mode: 101
That's looking... Get a shot on the white sneakers. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's nice sounding, that. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's not from within yourself, copying something. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's not true, look at Lichtenstein. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's something that you've got to capture. Excuse me? from Depeche Mode: 101
That's the desert. That is. Wow. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's the one I have. from Depeche Mode: 101
That's the whole point of it. What's fashion to what...? from Depeche Mode: 101
That's where it is. It's at the Rose Bowl. Good evening, Rose Bowl. from Depeche Mode: 101
The band are worried that it doesn't look empty. from Depeche Mode: 101
The bus is going like this and there's a horrible smell. from Depeche Mode: 101
The exaggeration of form is definitely art. from Depeche Mode: 101
The fans were screaming for them, they couldn't play any more. from Depeche Mode: 101
The first sound is... from Depeche Mode: 101
The keyboard has a total of 36 different banks. from Depeche Mode: 101
The more she does it. from Depeche Mode: 101
The next sound I have to play is further up on the keyboard... from Depeche Mode: 101
The one you said goodbye to who was in bed with your boyfriend. Right. from Depeche Mode: 101
The only way that they could rehearse quietly from Depeche Mode: 101
The people are sometimes OK, but the music's...really bad. from Depeche Mode: 101
The place doesn't look too empty. from Depeche Mode: 101
The reason we don't have a drummer from Depeche Mode: 101
The stuff that the doctor gave me in San Francisco. It's like a puffer. from Depeche Mode: 101
The tiniest streets I've ever seen. from Depeche Mode: 101
The vocals always come over extra dry. from Depeche Mode: 101
The vocals were hard. The vocals were... Everything else was horrendous. from Depeche Mode: 101
The way you're talking it sounds like something that's original. from Depeche Mode: 101
There are lawyers in this business that I have to appease. from Depeche Mode: 101
There she is. There's the girl that cooks hamburgers. from Depeche Mode: 101
There was a smell? from Depeche Mode: 101
There you go! Woah! from Depeche Mode: 101
There. from Depeche Mode: 101
There's definitely certain areas where we suffer through lack of radio support. from Depeche Mode: 101
There's green stuff, though. Is the... What desert is this? from Depeche Mode: 101
These are linked to this keyboard. from Depeche Mode: 101
These are my friends. from Depeche Mode: 101
These are my friends. God, I'm gonna kill you! from Depeche Mode: 101
These? 23 each, OK? How much? 23. from Depeche Mode: 101
They chopped up the worm, they split the worm and they ate the worm. from Depeche Mode: 101
THEY CHUCKLE from Depeche Mode: 101
They couldn't find a drummer. from Depeche Mode: 101
They do match but I can't believe I'm wearing it. from Depeche Mode: 101
They drank a lot of beer. Him and Andre. A lot of beer. from Depeche Mode: 101
They have to hide their own... from Depeche Mode: 101
THEY LAUGH from Depeche Mode: 101
They probably only hang out at heavy metal clubs. from Depeche Mode: 101
They sound a little too clear sometimes. from Depeche Mode: 101
THEY TALK OVER EACH OTHER from Depeche Mode: 101
They were... How can you describe them? from Depeche Mode: 101