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The Mummy (1999) Adventure The Mummy (1999) Adventure is a thrilling movie that will transport you to the mystical world of

The Mummy (1999) Adventure

The Mummy (1999) Adventure is a thrilling movie that will transport you to the mystical world of ancient Egypt. Released in 1999, this action-packed film is directed by Stephen Sommers and is sure to leave you on the edge of your seat.

The story centers around adventurer Rick O'Connell, played by Brendan Fraser, as he embarks on an expedition with his team in search of the lost city of Hamunaptra. Little do they know, they are about to awaken an ancient curse that brings the mummified priest Imhotep, portrayed by Arnold Vosloo, back to life.

Joining them on this epic adventure is the brilliant and resourceful librarian Evelyn Carnahan, portrayed by Rachel Weisz. Together, they must race against time to stop Imhotep from unleashing his evil and returning to full power. Along the way, they encounter treacherous traps, supernatural beings, and ancient curses that will test their wit and courage.

The Mummy (1999) Adventure not only delivers heart-pounding action but also incorporates elements of horror and humor, making it a complete entertainer. With its gripping storyline, stunning visual effects, and mesmerizing sets, this film truly brings the world of ancient Egypt to life, captivating audiences of all ages.

The cast also includes standout performances by John Hannah as Evelyn's brother Jonathan and Oded Fehr as the mysterious Medjai warrior, Ardeth Bay. Their chemistry and camaraderie add depth to the story, further engaging the viewers.

If you're a fan of adventure movies with a touch of mythology and supernatural elements, The Mummy (1999) Adventure is a must-watch. Its fast-paced plot, memorable characters, and thrilling action sequences make it an unforgettable cinematic experience.

Play and download the sounds of The Mummy (1999) Adventure here [insert link]. Immerse yourself in the gripping soundtrack, composed by Jerry Goldsmith, which perfectly captures the mystique and danger of ancient Egypt. From intense chase sequences to moments of eerie suspense, these sounds will transport you right into the heart of the adventure.

So gather your courage, join Rick O'Connell and his team, and get ready for an unforgettable journey into the world of The Mummy (1999) Adventure. With its timeless appeal and action-packed storyline, this film will keep you entertained from start to finish.
A book, actually. My brother thinks there's treasure.
A broken bottle.
A flick of a switch, and the whole place would disappear beneath the sand dunes,
A hundred of them bucks is yours if you help us win that bet.
A key! A key! That's what he was talking about!
A key?
A little help would be useful, if it's not too much trouble!
A silly Eastern superstition, I'm afraid.
According to Bembridge scholars, that's where we'll find a secret compartment
According to Bembridge scholars, the Golden Book of Amun Ra
According to these hieroglyphics, we're underneath the statue.
According to you and my brother, it's called borrowing.
After what I just saw, I'm willing to go on a little faith here.
All my clothes!
All right, then.
All the other laddies died in the sky and were buried in the sand.
Allah rest their souls.
Am a librarian.
An unholy flesh eater with the strength of ages,
Ancient burial site for the sons of pharaohs
Anck Su Namun!
Anck Su Namun!
Anck Su Namun.
Anck Su Namun.
Anck Su Namun.
Anck Su Namun's soul had been sent to the dark underworld,
Anck Su Namun's soul had come back from the dead,
And 15 of me.
And consummate the curse,
And did I panic?
And for 3,000 years, we, the Magi,
And for your eyes,
And gone down in flame and Glory,
And he left a message.
And he loved Egypt so much,
And I am going to kiss you,
And I can... I can decipher hieroglyphics and hieratic,
And I shall be invincible!
And if you cut him down, we will give you...
And if you look at the hieratic just here, well, it's Hamunaptra.
And it appears he has already chosen his human sacrifice.
And quite an adventurer herself?
And resting place for the wealth of Egypt.
And the Bembridge scholars have rejected my application form again.
And the fact that they say it's made out of pure gold makes no never mind to you?
And the key? Where is the key?
And the rewards...
And then juat now in Mr. Burns' quarters, he tried to kiss me.
And then mean it. Hit it right here.
And then there was light?
And then they slowly ate him alive?
And unlike your brother, miss,
And volume three.
And wake the others.
And we've come to ask you about it?
And what did he say?
And what else? I'm a very lonely man.
And what is that?
And what of this one?
And yourself.
And, well, I am the only person within 1,000 Miles
And, well, it looks as if he's still
Anything but you!
Apparently, he had a very good time?
Are you all right?
Are you sure we can find this secret compartment?
Are you sure you're meant to be playing around with this thing?
Are you telling me this filthy, godless son of a pig
As a Shepherd watches over his flock.
As for. Imhotep, he was condemned to endure the Hom Dai,
As long as I serve him, I am immune.
As the Americans would say, it's all fairy tales and hokum.
Awfully tempting, wasn't it?
Bad luck, old mum.
Ball up your fist and put it... Put it up like that.
Be undead for all of eternity.
Because of you, we have failed.
Because that's where I was when I found it. I was there.
Before the ritual could be completed.
Believe it, sister. That's what brought our buddy back to life?
Bembridge scholars never wrote about this.
Beni, you little stinkweed. Where you been?
Besides, I have just the thing to cheer you up.
Birthplace of Anck Su Namun, Pharaoh's mistress.
Blue gold.
Bright good morning to all.
Buried at the base of Anubis.
But for their love, they were willing to risk life itself.
But how do we know that's not a load of pig's wallow?
But I am proud of what I am.
But I do believe one of the most famous books in history is buried there.
But my research has led me to believe that the city itself may have actually existed.
But other than that...
But Pharaoh's bodyguards had followed lmhotep and stopped him
But that's all. He just wants the book, I swear.
But when I heard that you were coming, I asked him that myself.
But when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and to bring you back.
By Jove, do you really think so?
By the way,
Can you look me in the eye and guarantee me
Can you swim?
Can't believe the price of these fleabags?
Cats are the guardians of the underworld.
Come on, doggies! Give them a smack, would you?
Come on!
Come on! Give me your hand!
Come on. Let's get out of here.
Come on. Put your backs into it.
Come with me my Princess Anck Su namum.
Come with me, my Princess.
Come, come! Step over the threshold.
Compared to you, the other plagues were a Joy!
Containing the Golden Book of Amun Ra.
Could you help me find my gl...
Could you tell me how to get there?
Crown Jewel of Pharaoh SETI the First.
Cut him down!
Damn it! It's a trap door.
Damn. These guys just don't quit, do they?
Dear God, don't be ridiculous.
Death is only the beginning.
Destroy him!
Did I miss something? Are we... Are we going into battle?
Did you see that? It was walking. It was walking!
Do I bloody look all right?
Do it, lady!
Do something! Do something! Not that! Not that!
Do they know something we don't?
Do you realize we're standing inside a room
Do you really think he's going to show up?
Do you really want to know, or would you prefer to just shoot us?
Does tend to convert one.
Don't worry about the door.
Don't you close that door!
Evelyn, I appreciate you saving my life and all,
Everybody else we've bumped into has died. Why not you?
Evy, I've got it.
Excuse me, but didn't the man just say stay here?
Excuse me.
Filthy buggers. They smell, they bite, they spit.
Filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. Nothing to like there at all.
Finish the inscription on the cover, idiot, then you can control them.
For 3,000 years, men and armies fought over this land,
For all eternity, idiot.
For entering the afterlife.
For he would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind,
For his love, Imhotep dared the gods' anger by going deep into the city,
For over 3,000 yeasrs, we have guarded the City of the Dead.
For them to protect it like this, you know there's treasure down there.
For you have unleashed a creasture we have feared for more than 3,000 years.
Forget it. We're out the door, down the hall, and we're gone.
From being reborn into this world.
Gentlemen, we got us a wager. Good evening, Jonathan.
Gents, you should come and have a look at this.
George Bembridge...
Get inside! Get inside!
Get off me! Get off!
Get off me. Get off!
Get ready for it.
Get them out of the water! Get them out of the water!
Get this thing in gear, boy. Let's get out of here.
Give me frogs! Flies! Locusts!
Give me that book!
Glenlivet, 12 years old!
Go ahead. It's something I borrowed off our American brethren.
Go away.
Go, Evy! Go!
Go, go!
Go! Go!
Good chaps, every one of them, too.
Good luck, boys.
Good morning, my friend.
Good. I like this fellow.
Goodbye, Beni.
Guards in place!
Hamunaptra's a myth told by ancient Arab storytellers
Hang on, men!
Hang on!
Have a nice day, gentlemen.
Have you no respect for the dead?
Having an encounter with a 3,000 year old walking, talking corpse
He certainly wasn't as popular fellow when they planted him, was he?
He had his eyes and his tongue ripped out. How would you be?
He has to take me to Hamunaptra to perform the ritual.
He knows the location to Hamunaptra.
He married my mother, who was an Egyptian
He may be a cowboy, but I know the breed. His word is his word.
He may have been as stinky fellow, but he had good taste.
He must be more than 3,000 years old,
He must have been someone of great importance.
He said he was just looking for a good time.
He said to me it would be worth it's weight in gold.
He was the second pharaoh of the 19th dynasty,
He was to remain sealed inside his sarcophagus,
He will fear them until he is fully regenerated?
He will never eat, he will never sleep, and he will never stop.
He would bring with him the 10 plagues of Egypt.
He's fully regenerated.
He's here.
He's just leaving us here?
He's mortal.
He's not of this world.
He's still... Still...
Hell, I wouldn't trade you for a brass...
Hello, Horus, old boy.
Hello. Excuse me?
Help me!
Help me! Help me!
Her vital organs removed and placed in five sacred Canopic jars.
Here I come, laddies!
Here we go again.
Here, this for you.
Here's an inscription.
Hey, Beni!
Hey, get your ugly face off of her!
Hey, look at that.
Hey, look for bugs. I hate bugs.
Hey, O'Connell. Nice camel.
Hey, that is a neat trick.
Hey, that's mine.
Hey, tough stuff, try a right hook.
Hey, Winston! Pedal faster!
Hey! Don't you close that door!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! O'Connell! O'Connell!
High note, ha! Jonathan, please, I'm really not in the mood for you.
His neck did not break.
His powers are growing.
Hold on to this.
Home of Imhotep, Pharaoh's high priest,
How about you, darling? Would you like a little kissy wissy?
How do you know the box pertains to Hamunaptra?
How you doing?
Hurry up, Jonathan!
I already told you, I got him.
I am so very sorry. It was an accident.
I believe if I can see it and I can touch it, it's real. That's what I believe.
I believe in being prepared.
I believe you need a key to open that book.
I can read and write Ancient Egyptian,
I command you to destroy him!
I don't see your name written on it, pal.
I don't think we need to know this.
I don't wanna tell you. You'll just hurt me some more.
I found them inside our friend's coffin.
I get him, but...
I get your father and I get your mother, and...
I have done that? End of job. End of story. Contract terminated.
I just wish I could have chucked it in with the others
I know all the blather about the city being protected by the curse of a mummy,
I know my treasure.
I know when to say no.
I know. I was there. SETI's place. City of the Dead.
I know. You're wondering
I lie to everybody. What makes you so special?
I love the whole sand wall trick. It was beautiful.
I may have use for you.
I mean, the exact location?
I might have known. So, what's the scam, Beni?
I must now go on the hunt, and try and find a way to kill him.
I need a new job.
I only want four, not a whole bloody herd!
I only want four! Four!
I put up with you because your father and mother were our finest patrons.
I say, bloody good show, chaps!
I say!
I thank you.
I think not.
I think perhaps we should let the diggers open it.
I think this may be the Book of the Dead.
I think you've found something.
I thought the Book of Amun Ra was made out of gold?
I thought you might like it, you might need it for when you're...
I thought you said it was gonna kill him!
I thought you said you didn't believe in that fairy tales and hokum stuff.
I told you not to play around with that thing. Didn't I tell you?
I told you to leave or die.
I was about to be hanged. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
I was just starting to get scared.
I will give you £100 to save this man's life.
I will resurrect you!
I won't leave you! Get away from me!
I wouldn't say that.
I'd take those bigger stones first.
I'll be back in a moment?
I'll be seeing you again.
I'll have you know
I'm going downstairs, get me a drink. You want something?
I'm going to put you where you belong!
I'm here to protect my investment, thank you very much.
I'm just a local sort of missionary chap, spreading the good word,
I'm so pleased to meet you.
I'm the last of the Royal Air Corps still stationed out here, you know...
I've just got one of those faces.
I've just made a bit of a mess in the library,
I've lost everyone.
If I don't make it out of here, don't put me down for mummification.
If I have to take one more piece of junk to the curator to try and
If we're going to play together, we must learn to share.
If you dry that fellow out, you might be able to sell him for firewood.
Imhotep and his priests broke into her crypt and stole her body.
Imhotep's priests were condemned to be mummified alive.
Imhotep's priests.
Immune from what?
In 1860...
In my research, I've never heard of this curse having actually been performed.
In these hallowed grounds, that which was set forth in ancient times
Instead of sitting around here, rotting
Is he supposed to look like that?
Is it a bet?
Is located inside the statue of Anubis.
Is supposed to bring people back from the dead.
It contains within it all the secret incantations of the old kingdom.
It does exist.
It is better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path.
It is made out of gold. This isn't the Book of Amun Ra.
It is time to make you mine forever.
It looks to me like I've got all the horses!
It may just give us the time we need to kill the creature.
It says,
It speaks of the night and of the day.
It'd take us a month to crack into this thing without a key.
It's a bird. A stork!
It's a sarcophagus.
It's almost 3,000 years old.
It's an ancient Egyptian trick. You'll see.
It's because of his love for Anck Su Namun that he was cursed.
It's for the best, I'm sure.
It's just a book.
It's legs go deep underground.
It's my arm! My arm!
It's the creature.
It's the curse! Beware of the curse!
It's the curse.
It's the official Royal seal of SETI the First, I'm sure of it.
It's what first interested me in Egypt when I was a child.
It's why I came here. Sort of a life's pursuit.
It's written that if a victim of the Hom Dai should ever arise,
It's... It's... There.
Jonathan, if you don't open this door in one minute flat...
Jonathan, will you stop playing with that.
Jonathan, you're meant to catch the sun with that.
Jonathan! O'Connell!
Jump down!
Just a minute! You can't leave me behind like some old carpetbag.
Just pay the man.
Just the book, I swear. And your sister.
Keep digging.
Keep him busy.
Keep moving!
Keeper of the dead.
Kill them all!
Kill them...
Know this,
Lady, let me put it this way,
Lady, there's something out there.
Last but not least, my favorite plague, boils and sores.
Leave me! Leave me!
Leave this place or die.
Leave, all of you, quickly, before he finishes you all.
Let me get this straight.
Let me get your bags.
Let's go, Jonathan?
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Let's make sure we don't bring anyone back from the dead then.
Let's see what our friend the warden believed in.
Look at my library!
Look at that.
Look out, look out!
Look out! There's one there... O'Connell!
Look what I found.
Look what I got.
Look, I may not be an explorer
Look, the sacred spells have been chiseled off.
Look, will you listen to me? We have to do something.
Looks like the old boys at Bembridge were mistaken.
Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!
Madame, I would pay £100 just to see him hang.
Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra.
May Allah smile upon you always.
May the good Lord protect and watch over me
Maybe this place really is cursed.
Mixed up where they were buried.
Morning, Winston. A word?
Most have never returned.
Move, move, move!
Mr. Burns, Prince Imhotep thanks you for your hospitality.
Mr. Henderson! Wake up!
Mummies, my good son. This is where they made the mummies.
My body is no longer his Temple!
My eyes. My eyes...
My father was a very, very famous explorer.
My girl, when Rameses destroyed Syria, that was an accident.
My glasses. My glasses!
My Priest!
My Prince.
My tongue. He took my tongue.
My whole damn Garrison believed in this so much
My whole life, I've never found anything, Evy.
Nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance.
Never did like camels.
Never knowing what evil lay beneath it.
Nice shot.
No harm ever came from reading a book.
No one has entered in over 3,000 years?
No one's ever found it.
No other man was allowed to touch her...
No problem.
No, he scrammed out of there before we opened the thing.
No, I've never seen a mummy look like this before.
No, these men are desert people. They value water, not gold.
No! Let go of me!
No! You must not read from the book!
No. Okay.
No. You came to ask me about Hamunaptra.
Not a damn thing.
Not quite yet, it hasn't. Come on.
Not right now, it isn't.
Now it's your turn.
Now you die.
Now, I don't care how you do it, I don't care how long it takes,
Now, let's see who's inside, shall we?
Now, we just have to find out where the gold book is hidden.
Now, we're on to something.
Now, you may have killed us all,
O'Connell, sit down. We could use another player.
O'Connell, you are not leaving me in here!
O'Connell! Can you believe the cheek?
O'Connell! Jonathan!
O'Connell! O'Connell! What are we going to do?
Of course I can swim, if the occasion calls for it.
Of course I do. But sometimes I'd rather like to join them.
Of course we don't let him go!
Oh, Allah.
Oh, baby.
Oh, Beni, did you fall down? Let me help you up.
Oh, boy.
Oh, dear.
Oh, for goodness' sake, you two!
Oh, for heaven's sake, girl, it wasn't that good of a kiss, anyway.
Oh, for heaven's sake.
Oh, I think we should listen to the good doctor, Henderson.
Oh, I thought I could just astay at the fort and reconnoiter.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Now, we must watch him strangle to death.
Oh, I've dreamt about this since I was a little girl.
Oh, Jon!
Oh, look at this!
Oh, look, for goodness' sake, let's be nice, children.
Oh, look, I don't believe in fairy tales and hokum, Mr. O'Connell,
Oh, looks like it's gonna storm.
Oh, Mr. Burns. Thank goodness.
Oh, my God, I hate it when these things do that.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. It's a...
Oh, my goodness! Look at that!
Oh, my pleasure.
Oh, no, Jonathan, not another worthless trinket.
Oh, no, no, I'd never steal from a partner, partner.
Oh, no, we are not. We woke him up, and we are going to stop him.
Oh, no. What are you doing here?
Oh, please!
Oh, that's comforting.
Oh, well, back to the airfield.
Oh, what a coincidence, because O'Connell...
Oh, yeah. This just keeps getting better and better.
Oh, yes, I see.
Oh, yes, if those beastly Americans haven't beaten us to it.
Oh! I've got it?
Oh. Right.
Okay, it's time for another drink.
Okay? Perhaps I was mistaken.
On a dig down in Thebes.
On the contrary,
Once this creature has been reborn, his curse is going to spread
One more.
One more.
One reserved only for the most evil of blasphemers.
One so horrible, it had never before been bestowed.
Only you can resurrect me!
Open the book, Jonathan. It's the only way to kill him.
Or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell,
Or an adventurer or a treasure seeker
Our friend suffered the Hom Dai, the worst of all Ancient Egyptian curses,
Patience, my good barat'm. Patience.
Perhaps he will once again try to raise her from the dead.
Pharaoh's bodyguards.
Picked his pocket, actually, so I don't think it's a very good...
Please don't leave me.
Please forgive me.
Please help me.
Please tell me I've found something.
Power over the sands, and the Glory of invincibility.
Pressurized salt acid. Some kind of ancient booby trap.
Prince Imhotep does not like to be touched.
Question. Why doesn't he like cats?
Quicksand! Get back! It's quicksand?
Quit playing with your glasses and cut the deck, Burns.
Relax. I'm the map? It's all up here?
Remember our bet, O'Connell? First one to the city, 500 cash bucks.
Reporting all clear, Sir!
Rescue the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy, and save the world.
Right out from under them?
Run, Beni! Run!
Run, Evy! Go, go, go! Run!
Sacred stones,
Said to be the wealthiest pharaoh of them all.
Salt acid.
Save the girl. Kill the creature.
Say, O'Connell,
Scarab skeletons, flesh eaters.
Scramble things asbout a bit, and then rip it all out through your nostrils.
Sculpture and aesthetics,
See that? I've never seen one so big.
Seems that our American friends had a little misfortune of their own today.
Sell for you.
SETI was no fool.
She is right. Live today, fight tomorrow.
She stays here. You three, come with me.
Shut up and get me off here, Jonathan!
Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, O'Connell?
So it has begun, the beginning of the end.
So long, Beni!
So somebody threw these in with our guy,
So why don't we just go sniff out a spot of tiff in...
So, how's your friend?
So, if the black book is inside the statue of Anubis,
So, what's it say?
So, you're the one who's leading the Americans?
Socrates, Seth, volume one, volume two,
Some bloody idiot spilt his drink.
Something about bringing his dead girlfriend back to life.
Something underneath that sand.
Sons of the pharaohs!
Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.
Sounds like bugs.
Stop being so ridiculous. What exactly is this man in prison for?
Stop it! You'll kill them!
Straighten up this meshiver!
Stupid superstitious bastard.
Surprise! My good friend, you're alive!
Sweet Jesus!
T. T, t, t...
Tail set firmly between your legs, I see.
Take my hand, and I will spare your friends.
Take that, Bembridge scholars.
Take them from the top, otherwise the whole thing will cave in on us.
Take this. Stay here.
Taking Anck Su Namun's corpse to Hamunaptra, City of the Dead,
Taking the treasure with it?
Tasted just like...
Thank you. Thank you very much?
That happens a lot around here.
That proves it. Old SETI's fortune's got to be under this sand.
That reminds me? No hard feelings about the...
That serves you right.
That without orders, they marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt
That, at this precise moment, my career is on a high note.
That's a statue of Anubis.
That's all I am to you? A contract?
That's called stealing, you know?
That's the idea.
That's why!
The Bedouin and the Tuaregs believe that Hamunaptra is cursed.
The black book they found at Hamunaptra. He wants it back.
The Book of Amun Ra! I found it, Evy! I found it!
The Book of Amun Ra.
The Book of Amun Ra.
The Book of Amun Ra.
The Book of the Dead?
The book!
The Creature remains undiscovered.
The descendants of Pharaoh's sacred bodyguards, kept watch.
The desert will kill him.
The entire necropolis was rigged to sink into the sand on Pharaoh's command?
The Golden Book of Amun Ra is at Hamunaptra inside the statue of Horus.
The key? The key? What key?
The language of the slaves...
The legs of Anubis.
The Magi would never allow him to be released,
The map! The map! I forgot the map!
The one with the hook. He was looking for a key.
The only thing that scares me, Mr. O'Connell, are your manners.
The Prince must finish the job
The secret compartment should be hidden somewhere inside here.
The worst of all ancient curses.
Thebes, City of the Living,
Then get me the hell out of here!
Then he will fear nothing.
Then the Golden book must be inside...
Then we are just going to have to find some immortal ones.
There are other places to dig.
There goes that we again.
There hasn't been a single challenge worthy of a man like me.
There he is!
There was me and Daniels here.
There you are! Will you quit playing hide and seek?
There's gotta be a switch or something around here someplace.
There's only one person that can give us any answers.
There's your treasure, gentlemen.
These Americans are smart.
They are led by a woman. What does a woman know?
They can stay alive for years feasting on the flesh of a corpse.
They have become his slaves.
They mixed the books up.
They never used it because they feared it so.
They pay me only half now, half when I get them back to Cairo.
They raced deep into the desert,
They ripped out your guts and stuffed them in jars?
They say I don't have enough experience in the field.
They'd take a sharp, red hot poker, stick it up your nose,
They'd take out your heart as well. You know how they took out your brains?
This creature is the bringer of death.
This here's our statue, friend.
This I did not know.
This is a messed up country.
This is not good.
This is something else.
This is treasure.
This isn't some sort of a flimflam?
This looks like some sort of a lock.
This man must have been condemned not only in this life, but in the next.
This man was buried alive.
This one is strong.
This will fetch a mighty fine price.
This, gentlemen.
Three of their diggers were melted.
Time to close the door.
Time to go.
To amuse Greek and Roman tourists.
To find that city.
To hell with this?
To resurrect Anck Su Namun,
To stop this creature? Let me think.
Trust me. It calls for it.
Tuthmosis. What are you doing here?
Unfortunately for our friend, he was still alive when they started eating him.
Unfortunately, no.
Unlike my brother, Sir,
Until now, it was a notion I was unwilling to believe.
Until the whole of the Earth is destroyed.
Very slowly.
Wait for me!
Wait! Wait for me!
We are in serious trouble.
We are in very serious trouble.
We are part of an ancient secret society.
We are sworn at manhood to do any and all in our part to stop the High Priest Imhotep
We both found your puzzle box,
We have a lot of work to be getting along with.
We hear you boys found yourselves a nice, gooey mummy. Congratulations.
We must find the Egyptologist and bring him back to the safety of the fort
We must stop him from regenerating.
We saved him. Saved him before the creature could finish his work.
We should come up right between his legs.
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