A collection of fragments that leap around in time, from Mank 2
A couple Tammany goons came to show me the error of my ways. from Mank 3
A crusading socialist as California's political savior. from Mank 4
A deluded old nobleman who tilts at windmills. from Mank 5
A Democrat wouldn't protect your way of life? from Mank 6
A form of creative vivisection. from Mank 7
A hell of a way to spend the Sabbath, fellas. from Mank 8
A hodgepodge of talky episodes. from Mank 9
A letter from the gallant "leftenant"? from Mank 0
A maddening reminder of who he once was. from Mank -
A Mankiewicz. from Mank =
A newspaperman? from Mank q
A picture I just know you're gonna love. from Mank w
A play is never a disaster from Mank e
A poor but somewhat talented magazine writer, from Mank r
A rare bird, that. from Mank t
A sequel. from Mank y
A show of hands, who knows what a vacuum cleaner is? from Mank u
A snapshot from the Mankiewicz family album? from Mank i
A whatie? from Mank o
Absolutely. from Mank p
Absurd, sir. from Mank a
Accepting for both is the president of RKO Radio Pictures, from Mank s
Across neatly groomed lawns. from Mank d
Admittedly, a lucky break. from Mank f
After 20 years of connubial bliss, from Mank g
After November 6th. I'm joining him in Europe next week. from Mank h
Ah, Hitler, schmitler! from Mank j
Ah, I'm on my way over. Any notes from the oversight tent? from Mank k
Ah, make yourselves at home. from Mank l
Ah, Mayer. What did RKO say? from Mank z
Ah, she's a… from Mank x
Ah. from Mank c
Ah. from Mank v
Ah. from Mank b
Ah. I was thinking about that old play, The Wild Man of Borneo, from Mank n
Ah. What did you think? from Mank m
Ah… summer. from Mank Q
Aimee Semple McPherson says you're a godless commie, Upton. from Mank W
Aircraft carriers are a shitty idea, but I don't appreciate the callousness. from Mank E
All I am saying is no one can write like that. from Mank R
All I currently want is a real shower, a cocktail, and my Sara to wake up to. from Mank T
All in one film? from Mank Y
All right! No doubt you'll get your credit. from Mank U
All right. from Mank I
All that bother. from Mank O
All this talk is so much pissing in the wind. from Mank P
All you can hope is to leave the impression of one. from Mank A
Alone in his unfinished, already decaying pleasure palace, from Mank S
Aloof, seldom visited, never photographed, from Mank D
Also, very bright, bullheaded, and British. from Mank F
Always the smartest guy in the room. from Mank G
Am I persuading you at all? from Mank H
An act of purging violence. from Mank J
An idealist, you get it? from Mank K
And a handsome red fez with a silk tassel. from Mank L
And a producer in Santa Monica reports a ruptured main. from Mank Z
And a Stuka dive bomber can drop one down your stack from 500 feet. from Mank X
And all the other girls said to watch out. He was too old for me and too interested. from Mank C
And armed with all the black magic at his command, from Mank V
And assuming such a thing still exists in Hollywood, from Mank B
And Dave Chasen will cater. from Mank N
And decides to break this glass, from Mank M
And displays it to superstitious hayseeds in a giant, silk lined casket from Mank <
And don't mind Joe. from Mank >
And every time I do decide to dance, every time… from Mank !
And for that, I cannot thank you enough. from Mank @
And forget we ever had this conversation. from Mank #
And from what I understand, you're smarter. from Mank $
And having been taken from the wild, from Mank %
And he left his impeccable taste, his incredible attention to detail, from Mank ^
And he's paired with a fine gilt music box on an exquisite gold chain from Mank &
And his royal habit of s'amus ing himself from Mank *
And honestly. from Mank (
And how's Marie Antoinette coming together? from Mank )
And I am sick and tired of having my evenings end from Mank ~
And I believe that Mr. Merriam from Mank `
And I go to the mat for what I believe in. I haven't the time to do otherwise. from Mank |
And I hope, if it doesn't, from Mank "
And I only saw her for one second, and she didn't see me at all." from Mank '
And I remember you, Miss Davies. from Mank ?
And I say with Thomas Jefferson, from Mank /
And I was completely mistaken. from Mank ,
And I'm not just referring to this Depression. from Mank .
And I'm sorry I ever cared. from Mank
And it keeps going till… from Mank
And jail is not something an animal like Mayer is likely to forget. from Mank
And last, not yet among them, my brother Joe. from Mank
And let me let you in on a little secret. from Mank
And look at him. from Mank
And make a sentence gets one. from Mank
And making no goddamn excuses for it is only admirable in real life. from Mank
And Mary Pickford a virgin at 40. from Mank
And not only that, from Mank
And offer him some coffee. from Mank
And one of them crushed my testicles from Mank
And ran off to Mexico and financed a picture about the Russian Revolution. from Mank
And set fire to it. from Mank
And she… from Mank
And shelve the picture permanently? from Mank
And should be treated as such. from Mank
And start replacing their contents, raus schnell. from Mank
And started burning books. from Mank
And surrounded by vast acres reserved for use by zebras and giraffes, from Mank
And that, my friends, is a sin and an error. from Mank
And that's why he'd believe you. from Mank
And the brand spanking new Writers Guild from Mank
And the moment they do, I feel like… from Mank
And the one and only Ben Hecht. from Mank
And the other half won't work with me. from Mank
And the scientist and his creation are forced to flee from Mank
And the triumph of the human spirit from Mank
And the winner of the best original screenplay is… from Mank
And then he turns 24. from Mank
And this little home may not be much, but it's all I have left. from Mank
And tonight, we're celebrating our great friend's birthday from Mank
And using his newspapers to celebrate her change of hats." from Mank
And we're all interested in what you might share with us. from Mank
And whatever you decide, from Mank
And when all this is over, from Mank
And with an unseasonal thaw… from Mank
And you won't go to the press, because in California, that means Hearst. from Mank
And you, my friend, will lose script, money, from Mank
And you, perhaps, their Shakespeare. from Mank
And you're helping in the kitchen. from Mank
And your muscles begin to fail. from Mank
And your only competition is idiots," stop. from Mank
And, uh, careful. from Mank
Any last words? from Mank
Anybody seen anything good lately? from Mank
Anybody? from Mank
Anything you'd like to say to your coauthor, Mr. Mankiewicz? from Mank
Are being taxed out of their homes, from Mank
Are the studios moving to Florida like they've been saying? from Mank
Are we home licking our wounds or here making the best of it? from Mank
Are you certain? from Mank
Are you familiar with the parable of the organ grinder's monkey? from Mank
Are you going to say anything? from Mank
Are you here to try your luck, too, Schnutz? from Mank
Are you hoping I might absolve you of such a personal betrayal? from Mank
Aren't you disappointed that it only won one Oscar? from Mank
As a matter of fact, I do. from Mank
As a moving picture, it's more than good. from Mank
As Groucho always said, from Mank
As is Mr. Houseman. from Mank
As it must to all men, death came to..." from Mank
As Pascal once said, from Mank
As Republican state chairman elect, from Mank
As soon as FDR reopens the banks, you'll get back every penny. from Mank
As you know, from Mank
As you Yanks say, "He went out like a light." from Mank
Assisted by his faithful Sancho, from Mank
At this rate, you'll never finish. from Mank
At your age, you'd be justified in wanting out. from Mank
Baby Joe offering me? from Mank
Back from Irving's long convalescence in Europe. from Mank
Back to one. from Mank
Because he likes the way you talk. from Mank
Because I'm here in Rio making a marvelous motion picture. from Mank
Because my dashing correspondent couldn't afford a nice hotel. from Mank
Because there are no markets for them. from Mank
Because they dropped you from L.B.'s payroll, from Mank
Because true love on the big screens, from Mank
Before real folk with real troubles stone you to death. from Mank
Before we buckle down, I gather you have something to get off your chest? from Mank
Behind, he leaves his memory. from Mank
Believe what you want, but say, you think you could spare… from Mank
Bernstein is a far nicer character. from Mank
Bernstein's speech, the young woman on the ferry boat. from Mank
Besides, her pictures haven't made a dime in a decade. from Mank
Between pictures. from Mank
Bibamus, moriendum est. from Mank
Bless you, Mank. from Mank
Blind loyalty can get a little suffocating. from Mank
Boy, was he surprised. You're stronger than you look. from Mank
Boys, this is serious. We need your help. from Mank
Break wind at Hollywood and Vine, from Mank
Busker reveling in sleight of hand. from Mank
But a 50% pay cut for grips and electricians... from Mank
But all at once, not in relays. from Mank
But ask yourself, "Who's producing this picture?" from Mank
But every full moon, the monster awakens and raises unholy hell with the villagers. from Mank
But every morning, a sweet elderly woman dresses him in a fine suit of clothes. from Mank
But for this hallowed place to continue to exist, I am forced to. from Mank
But having devoted so much, from Mank
But he loved moving pictures more than he loved anything. from Mank
But he never gave back the money he promised. from Mank
But he thinks if you make nice with Mayer, you can have your old job back. from Mank
But he wrote about us for a book. from Mank
But I am writing an opera. from Mank
But I beg you, don't kick Pops when he's down. from Mank
But I can write like that, Houseman. I have. from Mank
But I don't intend to walk. from Mank
But I had to loan him a million dollars just to save San Simeon. from Mank
But I have over 200 pages in 13 days. from Mank
But I know better. from Mank
But I made sure to run into him in the parking lot after. from Mank
But I taught myself to avoid the consequences. from Mank
But in case we should have to leave, from Mank
But it was quite interesting. from Mank
But it's too radical for the boys in the back. from Mank
But nobody expects Shakespeare. from Mank
But now, there are things about us together… from Mank
But since when does anybody care what I have to say? from Mank
But that's not enough. from Mank
But that's okay, from Mank
But the best of all letters is to let her alone." from Mank
But the best of all meters is to meet her alone." from Mank
But the studios aren't moving anywhere. That's just company town propaganda. from Mank
But there are no problems that can't be solved together. from Mank
But there's a telephone call for you. Right back this way. from Mank
But they won't, and they don't. from Mank
But what did Marion ever do to deserve this? from Mank
But with credit for a risky undertaking must go the weight of real responsibility. from Mank
But you, a self anointed savior hyphenate, from Mank
But you, my friend, are an outsider. from Mank
But you, of all people, should know about that. from Mank
But you, sir, from Mank
But you're from Pennsylvania. from Mank
But you're gonna have to promise you won't laugh. from Mank
But. from Mank
By diddling all the ladies of his court. from Mank
By occupying both bedrooms. from Mank
By reputation only. from Mank
By the time she translates your red chicken scratches, from Mank
By the time you finish the first draft, which is to say, in 90 days, from Mank
C.C. for Central Casting. How you been, Mank? from Mank
Cairo, I think. from Mank
Call. from Mank
Can I get a bicarb? from Mank
Can you beat that? Not just "Ethel." "Always, Ethel." from Mank
Can you believe that? That'll take some writing. from Mank
Can't get unanimous support from his own studio? from Mank
Can't last. Who in the world takes a lunatic like that seriously? from Mank
Can't you just tell me what's on your mind? from Mank
Careful, I just might. from Mank
Careful. Thank you. from Mank
Certainly not FDR. Am I right, Rex? from Mank
Charlie Lederer and I went to a great deal of trouble to engineer this sad deception. from Mank
Charlie tells me you're up for Thalberg's old job. from Mank
Charlie's been here, Joe's been, Marion's been. from Mank
Cheerio. from Mank
Cigarette, please. from Mank
Close the door. from Mank
Close the door. from Mank
Come again? from Mank
Come on, come on. from Mank
Come on, Mank. We need guys like you to keep people like Mayer honest. from Mank
Come on! Hey. You know I'm good for it. from Mank
Come on. from Mank
Come on. from Mank
Come West to join our merry band. from Mank
Come, now, he wasn't your only admirer. from Mank
Complicated. from Mank
Congratulations, Irving. from Mank
Could it be because, in their hearts, from Mank
Could you effete political snobs please shut up and play? from Mank
Could you see me playing from Mank
Couldn't you, Pops? from Mank
Cue? from Mank
Cut! from Mank
Cut! Next setup, please. from Mank
Cut. from Mank
Cut. Do it again. from Mank
Dear Freda. from Mank
Dear Jove, did I say something I shouldn't have? from Mank
Depression weary audience can identify with. from Mank
Despite everything, the MGM ship, I'm happy to say, is full steam ahead. from Mank
Destroying in the process not one man… but two. from Mank
Did Sara put you up to this? from Mank
Didn't have to. from Mank
Different how? from Mank
Disillusioned in Congress, from Mank
Do come in. from Mank
Do it, you fucking junk dealer! I'll still be the better man! from Mank
Do not believe this. from Mank
Do tell. from Mank
Do tell. from Mank
Do you have any idea who pays half your salary? from Mank
Do you have to think about that? from Mank
Do you prefer Sidney or SJ? from Mank
Do you want him to? from Mank
Don't be alarmed, Marion. He won't be around for long. from Mank
Don't believe everything you hear at Schwab's. from Mank
Don't do this, Irving. from Mank
Don't flagellate. At least you're writing again. from Mank
Don't flatter yourself, Herman. I did it all alone. from Mank
Don't forget to vote. from Mank
Don't nose it around, but yeah, just in the nick. from Mank
Don't that chap your ass? from Mank
Don't usually trust me with sensitive information. from Mank
Don't worry, Fay. I'll find him. from Mank
Don't worry, folks. from Mank
Double or nothin'? from Mank
Drink it fast. In this heat, it'll flash to sugar. from Mank
Dulcinea. from Mank
Duly noted. Nelson Algren, please copy. from Mank
During a raging electrical storm. from Mank
Eight weeks, my friends, eight short weeks. from Mank
Either you demonstrate you can handle this, from Mank
Elizabeth Barrett Browning or Marie Antoinette? from Mank
Elsie, would you mind telling the folks at home why you're voting Republican? from Mank
Enough about Nazis. from Mank
Enough. from Mank
Especially now that Republicans seem bent on running Frank Merriam again. from Mank
Especially the boy genius from New York. from Mank
Even the dog's name is awful. from Mank
Even without the title page, from Mank
Every moment of my life is treacherous. from Mank
Everybody get up and sing with me! from Mank
Everyone ends up speaking like a constipated Oxford don? from Mank
Everyone in the English speaking world will recognize him instantly. from Mank
Everything goes. from Mank
Everything he does is for family, from Mank
Everything will thank you. from Mank
Exactly what he would say. from Mank
Excellent. from Mank
Except when it comes to selling his last name from Mank
Excuse me, friends. from Mank
Excuse me, you two, I've masses of typing to do. from Mank
Excuse me. from Mank
Exhausted, yes. Exasperated, usually. from Mank
Fastened to his neck and his neck alone. from Mank
FDR cost him the election by staying on the sidelines. from Mank
Fighters off the decks of aircraft carriers. from Mank
First positions! from Mank
First, you get the tremors, from Mank
Five thousand. from Mank
Flee from outraged peasants… from Mank
Follow me this way, sir. from Mank
For a chance in the big chair. from Mank
For a lifetime of starry eyed self absorption. from Mank
For Mr. Mankiewicz and Mr. Welles. from Mank
For myself, I don't care, Mank. Really, I don't. from Mank
For one reason or another, all of them want me to walk away. from Mank
For the $2,500 a week guy. from Mank
For the price of admission. from Mank
For uninspired studio chieftains. from Mank
Frank Merriam… from Mank
Frankenstein and The Wolf Man all rolled into one, only... from Mank
Frankly, I think what I said upset you. from Mank
Frankly, I wonder, too, but we'll find out. from Mank
Fraulein Freda is not only a nurse and physical therapist, from Mank
Fraulein Freda, empty the Mickeys from Mank
Freda, you mustn't let him intimidate you. from Mank
From back East? from Mank
From our country's terrible economic woes. from Mank
From the Spanish, for sweetness. from Mank
From those who fear his worst side, but... from Mank
Fruit rots on the ground and vegetables are dumped into the ocean from Mank
Funny, adventurous, smarter than she acts. from Mank
Furnished with shiploads of junk imported from Europe from Mank
George is fine, kid. from Mank
German U boats are starting to hunt in packs, from Mank
Get going, Jack. Muy pronto. from Mank
Giant surprise. from Mank
Give it a Eastern European look, from Mank
Give me a sign, oh, Lord. from Mank
Give me the gun, Shelly. from Mank
Given the speed, climb, and turning radius of the Messerschmitt Bf 109... from Mank
Given the state of the world, a tall order. from Mank
Given your current health, I wonder if you're up to it. from Mank
Glendale station at 7:00. Bring Sara if you like. from Mank
Go home to Fay. from Mank
Go on home. I'll be fine. from Mank
Go on. from Mank
Go to sleep, meshuggener. from Mank
Go. from Mank
God bless William Randolph Hearst. from Mank
God knows I've rehearsed it enough. from Mank
God only knows what pressure's yet to come. from Mank
Goldwyn's right for once. from Mank
Good cop, bad cop? from Mank
Good grief. Look who's here. How about that? from Mank
Good morning, Mr. Welles. You missed a big night. from Mank
Good people, everyday people, can't afford to go to the movies. from Mank
Good to see you again. from Mank
Good to see you, Mank. from Mank
Good. from Mank
Goodbye. from Mank
Got a taxi from Morro Bay. from Mank
Got what? from Mank
Gotta run. I'm doing tests for Heart of Darkness. from Mank
Grady gets a speaking part. from Mank
Guess who phoned with an offer to buy out RKO's investment from Mank
Guilty. from Mank
Ha! Come now, Mank. Upton Sinclair as Thomas Jefferson? from Mank
Ha. You're always surprising. That's why you were my only choice. from Mank
Half, and only in the interim. from Mank
Happy birthday! from Mank
Has it been that long? from Mank
Has prepared a mythical kingdom for… from Mank
Hastings. 14 October 1066, from Mank
Have at it. from Mank
Have been for years. from Mank
Have Cyclone say, "I don't mind the heat as much as I do the humanity." from Mank
Have you been laid yet? from Mank
Haven't been since we got here. from Mank
Haven't seen a horse's face in years. from Mank
Having to explain that "Le Roy" from Mank
He and the wunderkind are cutting the first draft. from Mank
He authors not one single piece of legislation in two terms. from Mank
He bought me most of it anyway. from Mank
He didn't want notes from Irving Thalberg? from Mank
He does just this. from Mank
He doesn't own MGM any more than Sam Goldwyn. from Mank
He has always been so kind to me. from Mank
He is creepers! from Mank
He is. I'm the promising brother, Joe. from Mank
He left here very upset, and he's got a pistol with him. from Mank
He lusts for voters to love him. from Mank
He must play." from Mank
He never pays for anything. from Mank
He pays half your fucking salary. from Mank
He said the phony newsreels cost him the election. from Mank
He seemed concerned about something. Is everything okay? from Mank
He thinks, "What a powerful fellow I must be." from Mank
He took the script? from Mank
He wants more than adulation. He wants love. from Mank
He wants to see me right away. Wouldn't tell me why. from Mank
He wants to turn private enterprise over to the state. from Mank
He wants to wager double or nothin' on a debt he doesn't even owe us? from Mank
He was a modest man. from Mank
He wrote a picture about the Nazis, which no studio anywhere will dare make. from Mank
He wrote that Mayer took a bribe to look the other way from Mank
He… He wouldn't come. from Mank
He'd like to speak with Mr. Houseman. from Mank
He'll get this, and the audience will too. from Mank
He's alive! from Mank
He's all right. Just sleeping. from Mank
He's an idealist, for Christ's sakes. from Mank
He's confused with Sinclair Lewis. from Mank
He's for the eight hour workday, fair income tax, better schools. from Mank
He's getting on my nerves. from Mank
He's just cut a month. from Mank
He's naturally overwhelmed by the enormous world around him. from Mank
He's on the mend, working tirelessly. from Mank
He's responsible for us getting safely out of Germany, legally and financially. from Mank
He's shit faced. from Mank
He's the most famous schlub after FDR, Hitler, and Mussolini. from Mank
Heads, you bastard! from Mank
Hedda! Louella! from Mank
Hello, everyone. Better late than never. from Mank
Hello, Tokyo? from Mank
Hello? from Mank
Hello? from Mank
Hello? from Mank
Hello? from Mank
Hello? Yes, he's here. from Mank
Hello. from Mank
Hello. from Mank
Hello. from Mank
Help! Please! Someone save me! from Mank
Helps spread the blame around. from Mank
Her husband is one of our bold lads in the RAF. from Mank
Her name… from Mank
Here in support of a friend. from Mank
Here, here, and here. from Mank
Here? from Mank
Here. from Mank
Here's to banks reopening. from Mank
Here's to your rich Canadian imagination. from Mank
Herm, can I use that? from Mank
Herman J. Mankiewicz… from Mank
Herman Mankiewicz, New York playwright and drama critic? from Mank
Herman, "And?" from Mank
Herman, I met your brother. He's a chip off the old block. from Mank
Herman, this is me. from Mank
Herman. from Mank
Herman. from Mank
Hermie, from Mank
Hermie, if a match gets anywhere near your breath, from Mank
Hermie, the guild's in its infancy. from Mank
Herr Mank sponsored my family's entry into this country. from Mank
Hey, Charlie. from Mank
Hey, hey, kid. What's up? from Mank
Hey, Mank, you remember me? from Mank
Hey, Mank. from Mank
Hey, Willie... from Mank
Hey, you made yourself court jester. from Mank
Him, I get. from Mank
Him, you fucking ingrate. from Mank
His bid goes nowhere, but we're doing something. from Mank
His leading lady is making a mid career adjustment. from Mank
His lust for power, from Mank
His name never appeared on the marquee from Mank
His ship's been sunk off Norway. from Mank
His system work in Russia, why not here? from Mank
Hiya. We have only one star. That is Leo the Lion. from Mank
Hmm? from Mank
Hmm. from Mank
Hmm. A weeping priest? from Mank
Hold still. from Mank
Hold up the Oscar, Mank. Big smile. from Mank
Hopefully, I can think of a reason before he gets here. from Mank
Houseman tells me we have you just where we want you. from Mank
Houseman, you sly thing. You slipped me a Mickey. from Mank
Houseman's bringing my notes. Think about 'em. from Mank
How about we make our Quixote… from Mank
How can I put this nicely? from Mank
How did you know? from Mank
How do you do, Mr. Mankiewicz? from Mank
How do you suppose that could happen? from Mank
How formidable people like you might be if they actually gave at the office. from Mank
How many families are like the Marx Brothers? from Mank
How stupid of me. from Mank
How was it? Mother's milk? from Mank
How you been, Mank? from Mank
How you doing? from Mank
How you managed to reach it so early in your rehabilitation, from Mank
How? from Mank
How's it gonna look if the GOP chairman himself from Mank
How's that? from Mank
How's that? from Mank
How's the performance of your leading lady? from Mank
Humph. from Mank
I ain't had so much as a walk on since Tugboat Annie. from Mank
I already made my exit. from Mank
I also remember how I spent my honeymoon in Berlin, from Mank
I always wanted better. from Mank
I am as your servant Moses, though I won't work half as cheap. from Mank
I am asking everyone in the MGM family to take a painful step. from Mank
I am asking to roll back salaries. from Mank
I am blessed to call you my friend. from Mank
I am bonkers about Movietone News. I love Lowell Thomas's voice. from Mank
I am very happy to accept this award from Mank
I am. from Mank
I assume if he wishes to drink, he's a grown man, a good man, from Mank
I believe that means right away. from Mank
I believe you've met our distinguished guest, from Mank
I brought it to my people at the studio. from Mank
I built him a watertight narrative and a suggested destination. from Mank
I came early to see where we were with, uh… from Mank
I can get you paid for the play and the adaptation. from Mank
I can tell by her voice. from Mank
I can't express in words… from Mank
I can't tell you how much it means. I'm touched you'd come. from Mank
I can't tell you what this means to him, Louis. from Mank
I cannot imagine. from Mank
I couldn't get past your secretary's secretary. from Mank
I couldn't have put it better myself, which may be why I write for the movies. from Mank
I did come see you. from Mank
I didn't know he knew what a good hand looked like. from Mank
I didn't realize. from Mank
I do have a message. You may tell him from me… from Mank
I do my best thinking before I fall asleep. from Mank
I don't even know who this Mr. Sinclair is, from Mank
I don't know if you were aware or not. from Mank
I don't know if you've ever walked a picket line. You might have to. from Mank
I don't know much about politics, but I do know this. from Mank
I don't know that writer. from Mank
I don't know what I'm saying. from Mank
I don't know who thought of it, but it keeps a lot of us off the streets. from Mank
I don't know. from Mank
I don't know. from Mank
I don't know. from Mank
I don't know. I'm so worried. from Mank
I don't make cheap horror pictures, Universal does. from Mank
I don't use humor to keep myself above the fray. from Mank
I don't want nobody calling me Poor Sara no more. from Mank
I don't want to, from Mank
I expect more of you. from Mank
I exposed myself, not entirely metaphorically, in court. from Mank
I feel 35. from Mank
I feel as though it's time we should try something new out again. from Mank
I find myself in a horrendous position, and I come to all of you on bended knee. from Mank
I forgot the love interest. from Mank
I gave you a second chance. from Mank
I got it. from Mank
I had them set you up out here so you wouldn't feel quite so confined. from Mank
I hate shop talk. I never know what's going on. from Mank
I hate to tell you, anyone who can rub three words together from Mank
I hate to think what L.B. might do if he knew you were the only holdout. from Mank
I have a job now, and I wanna keep it. from Mank
I have got such a hangover right now, there's just a fighting chance I won't. from Mank
I have it on highest authority it's the best thing he's ever done. from Mank
I have to stick around to see how it all turns out. from Mank
I haven't seen you since, what was it, Jack Gilbert's funeral. from Mank
I haven't told a soul this, from Mank
I hear you're hunting dangerous game. from Mank
I heard it from someone who knows, from Mank
I heard Pops on the phone helping to pick the president's cabinet from Mank
I hope the train ride wasn't too arduous. from Mank
I hope to climb out of this crate and into a cold martini. from Mank
I hope we won't need your sympathy, Mr. Mankiewicz. from Mank
I hope you haven't lost your nerve. from Mank
I hope, if this gets made, from Mank
I intend to make pictures with the help of real literary minds. from Mank
I just read they've opened their first concentration camps from Mank
I just saw 42nd Street. It blew my wig! from Mank
I know Freda's been sneaking you nightcaps from the cabinet. from Mank
I know that voice. from Mank
I know what I am, Mank. from Mank
I know what your answer'll be, from Mank
I know who it is. from Mank
I know you. from Mank
I know your health's not what it might be. I understand that comes first. from Mank
I know. from Mank
I live in a fishbowl, but anything I want is mine. from Mank
I love the old guy, Mank. from Mank
I may be a loose cannon, from Mank
I mean, how do you hope to be done in 14… 13 days? from Mank
I mean, you know all kinds of things. from Mank
I met him after he started bankrolling his girlfriend's pictures. from Mank
I need a favor, from Mank
I need a status report. Boys, come on in. from Mank
I need prosperity. from Mank
I needed some air. from Mank
I never had much success with that, Herman. from Mank
I never thought one could care so much about a sled. from Mank
I never would've thought it possible. from Mank
I noted. from Mank
I read your little script. from Mank
I removed any distraction, eliminated every excuse, from Mank
I sat across from him at the Brown Derby once. from Mank
I say… from Mank
I see you more as Dulcinea. from Mank
I see. from Mank
I sensed that. I told him I had to see him at once. from Mank
I should've insisted she take some time. from Mank
I shouldn't have said that thing about the cabinet in front of Tugwell, from Mank
I shouldn't wonder. from Mank
I suppose because being married to you, Herman, from Mank
I tell you what, how about… from Mank
I think I'd rather stay upright. from Mank
I think it's safe to assume none of us here would welcome from Mank
I think what you mean, from Mank
I thought I told you, Mank. I have final cut, final everything. from Mank
I thought I was rejecting a humiliating handout, from Mank
I thought you said this was about something, this was different. from Mank
I thought you were still at MGM. from Mank
I thought you'd wanna know there's a rumor in town from Mank
I told you. Your obligation was canceled out of gratitude. from Mank
I understand plenty. I'll take that bet. from Mank
I understand we've 90 days. from Mank
I understand you're in touch with your Hollywood crowd? from Mank
I used to do it in five for you at the Mercury. This is leisurely. from Mank
I used to quote it word for word. from Mank
I used to. from Mank
I want credit. from Mank
I want you to go back and tell Mayer from Mank
I was cornered by a man who sold vacuum cleaners. from Mank
I was honored to come and read your latest. from Mank
I was only 16 when I was cast in Stop! Look! Listen! from Mank
I was taught by my parents to be straightforward, from Mank
I was tired of doing inserts and pick up shots. from Mank
I was unable to attend the Academy Awards from Mank
I was, uh, looking to get you paid. from Mank
I went to a party last night from Mank
I will be staying in town at a bucolic spa called, from Mank
I will do my editing there. from Mank
I will meet with Orson weekly. Keep him to date on our progress. from Mank
I won't break up this family over something like money. from Mank
I won't give you that. from Mank
I won't work with half the producers on the lot, from Mank
I would. Do you sing? from Mank
I would've imagined you in pajamas by now. from Mank
I would've loved to play me ten years ago. from Mank
I wouldn't let her do Marie Antoinette. from Mank
I'd be shocked to see me here, too, Irving, if only I knew where here was. from Mank
I'd call that a fair return on a one minute lecture from Mank
I'd know that whiskey gargle anywhere. from Mank
I'd like to have at least a couple dollars. from Mank
I'd refer you, for that, to the power of prayer. from Mank
I'd sneak aboard in Albuquerque and climb into your compartment naked. from Mank
I'd tell him you said that, only he'd think you were brownnosing. from Mank
I'll add the appropriate amount to your gambling debt from Mank
I'll get Raymond to drive you to the station. from Mank
I'll have to report the both of you. from Mank
I'll have to think about it. from Mank
I'll see you guys and bump you two big ones. from Mank
I'll show you those horses we talked about. from Mank
I'm 43, but that's very understanding. from Mank
I'm all ears. from Mank
I'm at a loss to even express how wealth and influence can crush a man. from Mank
I'm being burned at the stake, and I am dying for a ciggie boo. from Mank
I'm confused. I thought the invitation called for circus attire, not flea circus. from Mank
I'm going riding. from Mank
I'm going to throw up. from Mank
I'm going to vote for Frank Merriam. from Mank
I'm in. from Mank
I'm just surprised that a vaunted muckraker like yourself from Mank
I'm never bored. from Mank
I'm not interested in educating our customers. from Mank
I'm not sure the guild intends to cover games of chance. from Mank
I'm on my way. from Mank
I'm out. from Mank
I'm pleased and impressed. from Mank
I'm so sorry. from Mank
I'm sorry, John. from Mank
I'm sorry. I won't be bullied. You'll have my resignation in the morning. from Mank
I'm sorry. Instinct! from Mank
I'm sorry. It's your wife. from Mank
I'm sure he'll tell me himself. from Mank
I'm sure that I'm gonna vote for Mr. Sinclair. from Mank
I'm telling you, nothing's going to happen here. from Mank
I'm toiling with you in spirit, Mank. And I don't hear any typing. from Mank
I'm turning my full attention to our little project. from Mank
I'm washed up, Joe. from Mank
I've been a little sixes and sevens recently. from Mank
I've finished my test for Heart of Darkness. from Mank
I've got a great idea for a picture, Louis. from Mank
I've gotta run. Kiss the offspring. from Mank
I've just watched our Sinclair films. from Mank
I've never been fired. from Mank
I've put up with your suicidal drinking, from Mank
I've raised your kids kosher and all but by myself. from Mank
I've saved the best for last. from Mank
I've written worse. from Mank
Iambic pentameter, the words of the great poets. from Mank
Ian's alive! from Mank
Ideals that any dirt poor, from Mank
If anyone should ask, tell 'em you're adapting. from Mank
If at all possible. from Mank
If form follows function. from Mank
If I could swim, I'd be doing swimmingly. from Mank
If I could, I'd share with everyone. You know that, Mank. from Mank
If I ever go to the electric chair, I'd like him to be sitting in my lap. from Mank
If it catches fire tonight, you will let me know? from Mank
If it's bothering you, Shelly, why get involved? from Mank
If she continues to cooperate in this cheap ruse, from Mank
If she meant just "Ethel," she'd write just "Ethel," not "always." from Mank
If that happens, you'd better run from Mank
If they were serious, why have the brothers Warner broken ground from Mank
If Upton Sinclair wins this election, from Mank
If you can believe it, the Shoulder Arms. from Mank
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. from Mank
If you drive all the capital out of the country, who's gonna pay us? from Mank
If you fight this, it will go to what your new guild calls arbitration, from Mank
If you own that lovely home of yours, from Mank
Imagine a mad scientist, from Mank
In a private city of palaces and cathedrals, from Mank
In an emotional way, you can expect they'll do the right thing. from Mank
In certain echelons, it's common knowledge. from Mank
In communism, everyone shares the poverty. from Mank
In fact, I would venture to say, one of the most… from Mank
In fact, someone predicts that he will one day from Mank
In my expert opinion, you're hardly out of the first act. from Mank
In our little hillside home. Charlie. from Mank
In recognition of the outstanding work you've done so far, from Mank
In regards to? from Mank
In socialism, everyone shares the wealth. from Mank
In the beginning, we couldn't agree on an approach. from Mank
In the end, you'll do what you need to. from Mank
In the manner in which the screenplay was written, from Mank
In writing, on the back of the purchase check. from Mank
Inez, you are not to let the Brothers Marx wait in my office. Ever. from Mank
Instead, what do most studios give us? Gangster flicks, zanies. from Mank
Irving bought one of Sinclair's novels. from Mank
Irving G. Thalberg. from Mank