ALAKAZAM: [DEFENSIVE CHALLENGE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ALL POKEMON: [ATTACK GROWLS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ALL POKEMON: [STRUGGLE BATTLE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ALL POKEMON: [TEARFUL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
All right, go! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH, BROCK, AND MISTY'S POKEMON: [SURPRISE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: and refuse to fight. Just like Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Bulbasaur! Squirtle! Return! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: But a Pokémon battle isn't work! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: But where are the real ones? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: challenge me to a match! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Charizard! I didn't say start! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Charizard! Use your speed, not power, and you'll win! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Charizard. I choose you! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Charizard's in trouble! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Don't pick on Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Give me back my Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Great job, Bulbasaur! You did it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Guess you're right. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Ha! I'm afraid you're going to lose this one! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hey guys! How did we wind up in this place anyway? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hey look! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hey wait! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hey, I know! Mewtwo can't capture them if from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hey, watch where you're flying! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hey! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hey! What's that? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: How come? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: How'd you get here? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Huh? Something for me? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Hungry; need food. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I don't have time for your dumb motto today! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I guess the world's number one Trainer wants to from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I haven't eaten since breakfast. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I saw a really rare Pokémon. And just now, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I thought I saw another one! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I'm not giving up! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I'm saying yes! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I'm so glad you're okay! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: I'm too weak to work, Misty. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: It may not have a nickname but I do have... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: It's not going to end like this, Mewtwo! We won't let it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Keep running, Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Let go! Stupid machine! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Let's go! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Mewtwo, where are you going? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Mewtwo?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: No, Charizard! No! Are you okay? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Quit it! Please stop! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Run, Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Someone's got to say no from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Someone's got to take a stand. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Squirtle's back! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Stay together. It's our only hope! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Stop! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: That's right, I am too weak to work. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: The day I left home to start my Pokémon journey, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: The world's greatest Pokémon Master from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Then you wont mind proving it in a real match! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: There's only three of them. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: They mostly live in Minnesota! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: they're already inside their Poké Balls! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Those aren't Vikings! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Those aren't Vikings! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Uhh, here it is, miss! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: We did it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: We've got to stop this! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Well, maybe we'll see. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: What's that? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Whoa! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Wow! I heard it takes a lot of skill to train Gyarados! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Yeah, he's me. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Yeah, Mewtwo! We won't let you! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: Yeah! Let's eat! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: You bet it is! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: You can't do this! I won't let you! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: You're all okay! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: You're mine! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: You're not going to get Pikachu! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ASH: You've got to stop right now! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE CLONE: [EXCITED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [ANTICIPATION] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [AWE FLYING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [DETERMINED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [EAGER] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [EMERGING CRY] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [HYDRO PUMP] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [IMPACT SHOUT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BLASTOISE: [SAD] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: A stadium! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: about them besides the way they smell! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: All right! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: And you're going to destroy us to save Pokémon?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Aren't you the nurse who's missing from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Ash, wait! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Ash! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Ash! Misty! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: But how? All Mewtwo cares about is from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Do you mean that storm was some kind of test? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Except the sky! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: force Pokémon to battle this way?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: from the treatment center? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: I can't believe how fast the storm came up! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: I didn't know Vikings still existed. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: I don't think they'll ever stop! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: I knew I recognized that face! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: I see 'em. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: I should have known there was something fishy from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: I should have known there was something fishy from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: It's my lazy boy no juice stew! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: It's psychic! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Look out! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Mewtwo planned this all along! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
Brock: Never mind the Pokeballs carry them away! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Not yet! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are really great! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Nurse Joy! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Of course we should! I've got to meet her! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Oh no! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: proving how strong those superclones are! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: She sure looks familiar. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: She's cute! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: She's really small, but really pretty! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Shocking that Ash moves so fast. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: So you hate all humans?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: That's progress. At least his mouth is working. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: The clone is too fast! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: They just keep getting more beautiful every time from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: they're ready to fight to the death! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: This lunch is going to be just perfect for you, Ash! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Those Pokémon look like from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Uh oh! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Uhh, is there a rewind button? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Vulpix! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Vulpix! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Well, maybe he's not! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: What is that? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Who are you?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: Why can't Mewtwo understand it's not right to from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK: You can't do this! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BROCK/MISTY/ASH: [PANICKED SCREAMS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BULBASAUR: [AFFECTIONATE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BULBASAUR: [CONFUSED EMERGING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BULBASAUR: [DETERMINED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BULBASAUR: [HAPPY] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BULBASAUR: [HAPPY] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BULBASAUR: [SURPRISE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
BULBASAUR: [THANKFUL GROWLS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD CLONE: [CHALLENGING ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [APPEARING GRUNT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [BATTLE ROARING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [CHALLENGING ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [DEFIANT ROAR][EXHAUSTION] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [EMERGING ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [HAPPY ROARS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [IMPACT ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [OFFENDED GRUMBLE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [SAD GROWLS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [STRUGGLING] [COLLAPSING ROARS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [SURPRISE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
CHARIZARD: [UNDERSTANDING ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COMPUTER: Analysis complete. Pokémon identified. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COMPUTER: Analyzing Pokémon biomaterial sample... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COMPUTER: Begin replication sequence. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COMPUTER: Pokémon based on genetic analysis. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COMPUTER: Pokémon DNA sampling sequence: Now in progress. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COMPUTER: System activated. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COMPUTER: This is the Pokémon replication system. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Bruteroot! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: but that won't happen again! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Go, Bruteroot! Razor Leaf! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Go, Rhyhorn! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Hey guys! Say hello! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Hurricane winds are a breeze for Pidgeot here! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: I decided to fly over. It was easy! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: I underestimated you last time, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: If you are a Pokémon, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Mew and Mewtwo! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: No! Rhyhorn! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Right, Bruteroot? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: there is no reason I can't capture you! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: They're clones! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: What took you guys so long? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: What? The ferry is canceled? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY: Your fake Venusaur can't beat my real one. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
COREY'S POKEMON: [GREETING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DEWGONG: [EXCITED DIVE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DEWGONG: [MOURNFUL CRY] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DEWGONG: [UPSET SHOUTS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: And we succeeded. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: But you're the first specimen to survive. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: clone a Pokémon to prove our theories. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: For years we struggled to successfully from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: From its DNA we created you: from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: I hope we don't lose this one. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: Improved through the power of human ingenuity. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: it's just beginning. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: Let me see! She's right! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: Let's run another scan! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: Mewtwo. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: Oh, our experiment isn't over yet; from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: Quiet! Let us hear its psychic powers. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: That is Mew, the rarest of all Pokémon. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: We can't lose this one. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: We dreamed of creating the from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: We used the most advanced techniques to develop from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: What? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: You are greater than Mew. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DOCTOR FUJI: your awesome psychic powers. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DRAGONITE: [CONTENT ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DRAGONITE: [CURIOUS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DRAGONITE: [LIGHT RUMBLE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DRAGONITE: [SURPRISED REALIZATION] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
DRAGONITE: [THANKFUL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
Far stronger than the originals. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: A Pokémon can't be a Pokémon Master! No way! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: All my Pokémon are Water type! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: dependable Pokémon there is! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: dependable Pokémon there is! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: Gyarados, Hyper Beam attack! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: Gyarados! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: Gyarados! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: I rode over on Gyarados' back! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: It was no problem getting through that storm! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: Mew?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: Those are my Pokémon! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: We'll just swim over to that palace! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: We'll show you! Let's go, Gyarados! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: Well, I'm going to New Island anyway! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS: Yeah but once you train it, it's the most from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
FERGUS' POKEMON: [GREETING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: A wildfire destroys everything in its path. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: But I I see you as a valuable partner. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: focus your powers that will make you invincible. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: It will be the same with your powers unless you from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: learn to control them. I can help you do that. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: Learn to use them to accomplish your purpose. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: Patience, my friend. Your purpose will become clear. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: Stop this now! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: That is your purpose! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: They're being focused. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: Those fools thought you were a science experiment. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: To serve your master. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: together we can control the world. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: Trust me, and I'll show you a way to from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: With your psychic powers and my resources, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: You could never be our equal. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: You were created by humans to obey humans. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GIOVANNI: Your powers are not being suppressed. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GOLDUCK: [SURPRISE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [ATTACKING ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [DEFIANT ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [MOURNFUL ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [PAINED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [PROUD AGREEMENT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [SAD ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
GYARADOS: [THREATENING ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HITMONLEE: [AWE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HITMONLEE: [DEFENDING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: A chartered ferry will leave from from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: admitted to New Island. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: afternoon. Only Trainers who present this from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: Greetings, Pokémon Trainers. I bear an invitation. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: If you decide to attend, you must reply at once. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: invitation will be admitted. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: It will be hosted by my master, the world's greatest from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: My master awaits you. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: Old Shore Wharf to take you to the island this from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: Pokémon Trainer, at his palace on New Island. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: Pokémon Trainers at a special gathering from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: The bearers of this invitation may be from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
HOLOGRAM: You have been chosen to join a select group of from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
Is waiting for me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Are they real? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Do you have any sunscreen? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: I was prepared for trouble. But not for this! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: I wonder if they feel... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: I'd settle for a taste of that Pika chow. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: I'll promise never to fight again if you will! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: I'm scared! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Locked out! Now we'll never know what kind of party from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Make it double! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Meowth! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Now I can see how horrible fighting really is! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: So is the one in the tank! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: So this must be the lab. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Somebody rebuilt it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Something wrong, Jessie? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Sure does! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: There's another credit on Pikachu's charge account. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: This is paradise! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: we're missing! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Who's that Pokémon?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES: Yes? To what? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JAMES/JESSIE: Jessie! / James! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: [PANICKED SCREAMS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: But if Mewtwo destroyed it... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Don't worry, this ship won't let you down! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Even the best of friends will fight sometimes! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Grab him! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Ha! Prepare for trouble! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: I can cook something. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: I don't have a clue how we got here, but who cares. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: I think I'm going to have one! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: I was hoping there'd be a party. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: It's Meowth! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Look over there! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Look there! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Look! There's your hair! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Make that double, for me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Me too! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: No. Come on. Let's get going. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Pretend you're a catfish! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Sounds like a real Pokén stein. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: That's your clone! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: The copies are hatching! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: The Poké originals! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Then we'll just have to crash that party! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: They're awake! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: They're fabulous things! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Twerp trio's special delivery! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: We always sail into rough weather! Don't get upset! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: We didn't come here to steal a meal. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: We get you to New Island faster than from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: We Vikings are used to big wave. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: We want to know what's so special about the from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: We've got to grab it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: What's it saying? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: Yes... but who? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: you can say fahrvergnugen. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE: You want to cross maybe? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE/JAMES: Heave! Ho! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
JESSIE/JAMES: Heave! Ho! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
LADY: Doctor, look at this! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
LADY: Its brain waves; they're surging! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
LADY: Its mind is racing! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
LADY: Master, shall I extend an invitation to from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
LADY: these Trainers as well? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
Let's use our Pokémon to get to that island! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
Lose your heart. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MAGNETON: [IMPACT GRUNT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MAN: Radio Giovanni's helicopter! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MAN: Tell him what's happened! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MASTER: As you wish. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH CLONE: [AGREES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH CLONE: [GREETING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH CLONE: [HOPEFUL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH CLONE: [QUESTIONING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH CLONE: [SAD] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH CLONE: [THOUGHTFUL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH CLONE: [UPSET] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: [PANICKED SCREAMS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: [PANICKED SCREAMS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: a lot of special powers. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Ahh! But Jessie! How are we going to from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: And that a Pokémon's real from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: But how can I trust you? You was born different. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: But how do I know you're from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: But I'm Meowth! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: But me, I got a special place in my tail for this one. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Clonesome! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: For once a happy ending! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: for the Boss. But it wouldn't be such a bad idea from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Forget the motto, we're gonna have a wipeout! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Help me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Help! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Hey, look! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: I almost made a clawful mistake! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: I know we've got to grab some rare Pokémon from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: I made it! But just by a hair! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: I think this plan's all wet. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: I'm starving. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: if we grabbed a little bite to eat, would it? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: instead of always looking at what's different... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Let's get something straight, copycat! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Look at these! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Maybe if we started looking at what's the same, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Meowth! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Mew says you don't prove anything by showing off from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Mew's got a good point! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: not going to pull a fast one on me? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: One big cat! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: one of them catamarans! Ha ha! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Put me down! Let go! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Sandshrew! Nidoqueen! Vaporeon! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Send in the clones! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: strength comes from the heart! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: swim up that thing?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Tell my stomach! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Thanks, but the last time you cooked, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: The same Earth, the same air, the same sky! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: They're Pokémon. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: Well, who knows? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: What am I doing? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: What's happening? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: You know another way in? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: You know, I'd really like to go sailing in from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: You mean we don't have to fight with each other? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: You owth ain't gonna push Meowth around! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: you wiped out 8 of my 9 lives. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEOWTH: You're right! We do have a lot in common! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [AGREES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [AGREES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [AWAKENING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [CURIOUS CONCERN] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [CURIOUS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [CURIOUS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [DEFENSIVE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [EMPATHETIC MEW] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [ENJOYABLE DROPPING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [EVADES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [EVADES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [GREETING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [HAPPY LAUGHTER] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [IMPACT REACT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [INSISTENT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [INSISTENT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [LAUGHTER] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [LAUGHTER] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [MEWS][LEAVES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [PLAYFUL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [PLAYFUL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [SIGHING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [SURPRISE DROPPING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [SURPRISE][FLYING CRY] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEW: [UNHAPPY CONCERN] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: A human sacrificed himself to save the Pokémon. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: A laboratory specimen? This cannot be my destiny! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: and Bulbasaur. But for their evolved forms, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: And my creators have used and betrayed me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: And now I've cleansed your tiny human brain from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: And purge this planet of all who oppose me... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: As the victor, I now claim my prize! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Behold my powers. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: But I have no time for games. Destiny is at hand! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: But it suppresses my powers. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: But not until they set aside from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: But now I have my own purpose. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: But now I will prove that Mewtwo from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: But perhaps for you, these events are best forgotten. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: but they will never enslave me. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: But why am I here? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: by destroying yours! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Can it be? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: clone even more powerful copies. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Do not attempt to defy me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Finish it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Fool! Trying to stop our battle! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Fools! Your Pokémon attacks cannot weaken me. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Go! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: group of spineless, inferior Pokémon? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: How? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Human and Pokémon alike. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Humans and Pokémon can never be friends! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Humans may have created me, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I am in control now. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I am the new ruler of this world... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I am the strongest Pokémon in the world! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I do not need your help for that, human. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I may have been cloned from your DNA... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I pitted them against each other. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I see now that the circumstances from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I too began with Charmander, Squirtle, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I transported you here from the Pokémon Center. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I used their genetic material to from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I was not born a Pokémon; I was created. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I will block all the Pokémon's special abilities from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I will extract their DNA to make clones for myself. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: I will find my own purpose. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: is better than the original. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Is that a challenge?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Is that my purpose? Am I just an experiment? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: It is futile to try and escape my power! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: It is no use! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: It is useless to challenge me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: It is what you do with the gift of life from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Like most Pokémon Trainers, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Mew! So, finally, we meet. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Mewtwo? Am I only a copy? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: My clones don't need their powers to from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: My powers are too great! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: My storm will create my own world... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: no purpose but to be your slave. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: No Trainer can conquer me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: No. Your Pokémon will not be spared. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Nothing but Mew's shadow? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Now I fully perceive my power. But what is my purpose? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Now we shall see who triumphs! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: of memories from the past few weeks. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: of one's birth are irrelevant. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Partner? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: prove their worth! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: proved useful for my plan. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Psychic powers? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Show me. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: So I am simply the end result of your experiment. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: So I stand alone! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: So this is my power. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: So you do have some fight in you! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: So you say I am wrong? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Stronger even than Mew. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Superior to Mew! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: That cannot be. You said we were partners. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: that determines who you are. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: That you are not this human's servant? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: the clones shall inherit the world! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: The master of humans and Pokémon alike. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: The reign of Mewtwo will soon begin! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: The world will heed my warning! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: their differences did I see the from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: These humans... They care nothing for me. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: They have disgraced themselves by serving humans. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: They will remain safe on this island with me from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: They're outside. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: This cannot be my destiny! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: This is my world now! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: This is not the same. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: This world is too small for two of us! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Those Pokémon are nothing but slaves! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Those voices. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: true power they all shared deep inside. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: using my psychic powers! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Vine Whip. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Vine Whip. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Was everything before just a dream? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: We stood as equals! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: We were created with powers from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: What becomes of me now that your experiment is over? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: What is my true reason for being? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: What is that? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: What transpired here I will always remember. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: what yours knows so well. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: What? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Where am I? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Where I must be. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Where my heart can learn from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: which of us is greater?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Which of you will oppose me first? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: while my storm destroys the planet! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Who am I? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Who will rule? My super Pokémon? Or your pathetic from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Why do you flee from me? Are you afraid to find out from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Why? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: You are as pathetic as the rest! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: You are his friend? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: You brought me into your world with from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: You have been under my control. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: You humans are a dangerous species! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: You say this armor protects my body. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Your Charizard is poorly trained. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Your knowledge of Pokémon physiology from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Your Pokémon! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MEWTWO: Your usefulness has ended. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: all but a few Pokémon. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: all but a few Pokémon. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: And their sorrow, the water of their tears, somehow from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: But there are no Pokémon tears today. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: For years I have prayed that mankind would from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: For years I have prayed that mankind would from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: Good luck to all of you! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: I can't believe it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: I warn you! The waves will be savage! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: It's good to have things clear again! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: Just waters which no one can survive. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: Just waters which no one can survive. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: Listen to me! The prophets have predicted from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: never witness that deadly storm ever again. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: restored the lives lost in the storm. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: sets them apart and will make them Pokémon Masters. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: Some Trainers have no fear. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: The ancient writings tell of the storm wiping out from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: the return of the winds of water. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: They follow their hearts. That is what from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: To them, this is just one more challenge. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: You must listen to me. You have got to find shelter. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MIRANDA: You will never make it! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY AND BROCK: Ash! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: [groans] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: A huh! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Are you okay? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Aren't we going to wait for the others? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Ash, no! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Ash, our Pokémon aren't strong enough. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Ash, you just said you were too weak to work! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Ash! Are you okay? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Can't Charizard move any quicker?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Give back my Psyduck! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Have you seen Ash and Pikachu?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: How is it talking? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: I don't know. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: I don't see anything, Ash. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: It's all right, Togepi! We're going to be okay! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: It's Ash! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: It's Team Rocket! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Me too! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Oh Ash, you haven't done a thing all day! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Please no... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Psyduck! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Should we go? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Something's not right! Are you sure this boat is safe? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: That's a fight that nobody is going to win. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: They can't handle giant waves like this! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: They're all living creatures! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: This just proves that fighting is wrong! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Togepi's totally soaked! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Well I guess we're just here because we're here. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Well, maybe you're just seeing things, Ash! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Well, that sure was a shocking ending. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Well, we've got to let him know right away! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: What are you going to do with those Pokémon?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: What's what? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: Wow! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: You better forfeit, Ash! Those clones are too powerful! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: You do look just like her. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MISTY: You're just a bully! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN AND MEWTWO: Child's play. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN AND MEWTWO: I am the one who makes the rules. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN AND MEWTWO: Quiet, human! From now on, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: And soon the whole world! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: dwelt on this island and have always been from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: I fear you are mistaken. I have always from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: in my master's eyes. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: in the service of my master. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: intentions are clear. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: is also the most powerful Pokémon on Earth. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: It will not be long before my master's from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Mewtwo! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: My master awaits your arrival. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: My master bids you welcome to New Island. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Now that you are here, all Trainers worthy from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: of an audience with my master are present. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Only the Trainers capable of braving this from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Please come this way. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Please release your Pokémon from their from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Poké Balls and join the others. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: storm have proven themselves worthy from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: The time has come for your encounter from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: This is the ruler of New Island... from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: What? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Will you kindly present your invitation? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: with the greatest Pokémon Master on Earth! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: Yes, the world's greatest Pokémon Master from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
MYSTERY WOMAN: You are about to meet my master. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: and a will of steel. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: And just as many adventures await our from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: And, as always, he's ready to endure any hardship, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: As always, Ash is determined from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: bear any burden with strength, stamina, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: But none is stranger than this tale of the most from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: For Ash and his friends, from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: have searched for its meaning. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: Life: The great miracle and the great mystery. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: Many strange and wondrous legends evolved from from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: Many strange legends surround from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: powerful Pokémon of all. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: short break from their Pokémon adventures. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: Since the beginning, humans and Pokémon alike from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: the journey's just begun. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: the mysteries of Pokémon. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: the pursuit of life's mysteries. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: to become a Pokémon Master. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: Today, Ash, Brock, and Misty are taking a from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NARRATOR: young heroes as they continue on their quest. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: But I've got to get to New Island! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: Copies?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: It looks like I'm up! Go, Shellshocker! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: Nothing but pain! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: Shellshocker! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: Shellshocker! Hydro Pump! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: So Mewtwo was cloned from Mew! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: That's so weird! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: We'll blow away that Blastoise! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: Won't we, Shellshocker?! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA: You haven't met my Pokémon! Over there! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NEESHA'S POKEMON: [HAPPY GREETING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NIDOKING, ARCANINE: [FORCEFUL ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NIDOKING, ARCANINE: [PAINED STOP] [STRUGGLING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NIDOQUEEN: [HAPPY ROAR] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NIDOQUEEN: [MOURNFUL CRY] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NINETALES: [DEFIANT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
Nothing can change it. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
Now the serious testing begins. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: Anyone who needs a place to stay from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: Excuse me please! The Pokémon Treatment Center from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: I don't know what to do! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: I wish there was some way to stop them! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: I'd rather risk my life out in Mewtwo's storm from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: It's useless! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: Pokémon aren't meant to fight. Not like this. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: should come with me! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: than watch these Pokémon destroy each other. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: What can come out of it? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: Where am I? And how in the world did I get here? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
NURSE JOY: will be open as a shelter! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: And besides, if you tried that stunt and your from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: And if any of you see her, please contact me from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: And that's why your ferry to New Island from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: And that's why your ferry to New Island from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: at once! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: Because the nurse in charge of the Center from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: because we had to close down the Pokémon Center! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: Come back here, or I'll place you under arrest! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: Come back! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: disappeared last month! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: has been canceled. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: Isn't that just a legend? from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: It's more than just rain! The harbor manager from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: Pokémon got hurt, you'd be out of luck from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: That's a picture of her over there on the wall. from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: The storm disappeared! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: thinks this could be the worst storm ever! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
OFFICER JENNY: This could be the worst storm ever! from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ONIX: [GROWL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
ONIX: [PAINED GROWL] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIDGEOT: [COMFORTABLE PURRING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIDGEOT: [COURAGEOUS FLYING SQUAWK] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIDGEOT: [CRY] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU : [RESIGNED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU CLONE: [ACCUSING SHOUT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU CLONE: [ANGRY HIT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU CLONE: [ANGRY/SAD SLAPS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU CLONE: [ANGUISHED SLAPPING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU CLONE: [ANGUISHED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU CLONE: [TIRED PANTING] [VICTORIOUS] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU CLONE: [UPSET] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU, SQUIRTLE, BULBASAUR: [AMAZED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU, TOGEPI, SQUIRTLE, BULBASAUR: [SURPRISE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU, TOGEPI: [CONCERNED SHOCK] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [AGREES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [ANGRY AGREEMENT] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [AWE] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [BRACING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [CONCERN] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [CONCERN] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [CONCERN] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [CONCERN] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [CONCERNED CALLING OUT] [ECHOES] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [CONCERNED SCREAMING] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)
PIKACHU: [CONCERNED] from Pokemon: The First Movie (1999)