A home to wrappers, toys and fudge. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
A mum to tuck me in at night and chase the monsters away from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
A potty that squirts you back! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
According to lipschitz, dilly just gave you a gift. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Actually, finster, it's sort of my fault. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Actually, I was hoping that you had an idea, Tommy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
All this goo is giving me a diapie rash! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Allez hoop, little baby. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Alls I wants is a real mummy like you guys gots. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
An extra scoop for cunning. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And "is not allowed in the state of Kentucky". from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And a bunch of this stuff that I can't never get you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And ask me to take care of the boys who made your brother cry? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And bestest of all, we could live happily forever after. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And comes out between 'splosions. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And eggsackly how am I opposed to find the princess from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And how is this precious gherkin today? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And I'll be there for you, reptar from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And if I have a bad dream to hold me when I cry from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And keep him safe and loved for ever and ever. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And never go away. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And now the bride and groom will cut the cake. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And one of you must be mr pickles. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And she finds bureaucrats fascinating. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And she was gonna marry mr chuckie's daddy so she could be president. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And so is his new mummy. Come here, little boy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And that adorable misproportioned ragamuffin must be your son. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And this child is leaking from the mouth! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And to be the flower girl at your wedding. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And tucks me in at night and tells me stories. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And we gots to stop that wedding! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And who said Americans are greedy? I'll take care of it, angelique. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And you better not mess it up for me! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And...Who loves me. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Angelica, you show him no aspect! You can't talk to him like... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Angelica! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Angelica... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
As long as you're sure. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
At least we didn't have to walk back. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Au revoir! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Auntie sends her love. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Babies go round and round from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bad dog! Bad dog! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bad girl. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bad girl. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bad yucky! Bad! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Be careful, Kira, the knife is very sharp. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Because I can stick five raisins up my nose, and sing real good and... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Because you hate children and men find you to be a heartless shrew? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Behind the couch is a land of smudge. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Big bones, broad shoulders... And she can eat her weight in cheese! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Binky bye bye. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bobfather, we founded this in our crib. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bon appetit, petit chiens. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bonjour, everyone! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bonjour, everyone. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bonjour, mes amis. Let me show you to your seats. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bonjour? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bonjour. Welcome to euroreptar. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bonsoir, mademoiselle. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Boy, Lou and Lulu sure can boogie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bravo! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Bravo! Isn't she talented? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But aren't you rushing things? Marriage is a big step. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But I gets to come here all the time. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But I got so hungry I had to sit down. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But I gots to, susie. They just keep getting all tanglied up. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But I have made millions for this company! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But listen good, 'cause I'm tired of telling this story. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But not without the proper sauce. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But she made it all up! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But that's my wish. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But then I 'member that she's up there watching me from heaben. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But what about my float and my matching ponies? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But what if she doesn't like me? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But why does chuckie's daddy need a wife? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Cake? Game over! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Cakey! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Call me coco. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Call the dog catcher! The exterminator! Do something! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Call the dog catcher! The exterminator! Do something! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Can you see the church? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Charles would like to recite a poem to his bride. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chas, I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you about coco, but... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Cheri, cheri, oui. C"est ca. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Children are so easily amused. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie, what are you doing up? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie, would you like to dance with your new mummy? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie, you're my hero. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie! Chuckie! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie! You're not supposed to look at your feet when you're dancing. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie! You've got to get ready. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Chuckie? I have something that belongs to you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Coco labouche fires others! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Coco labouche is euroreptar. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Coco, the wedding is off. You are not the woman I thought you were. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Coco! Wait! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come along, children. Madame, mr pickles is here. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come back! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come here, my little pumpkin pies! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come on, chuckie! It's a wadey pool! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come on, chuckie. Granpa Lou's throwing the gardener. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come on, finster, don't cry. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come on, sweetie. Time to get changed. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come on! Give it some gas! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Come with my family and friends? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Crepe suzette, chicken cordon bleu. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Cynthia! That frosting flower has our names bitten all over it! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Dates is for people like mr chuckie's dad who don't got no wife. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Dear lord, I skipped a section! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Did I say child? I meant young adult. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Dilly's right! That's one of the worstest things you've ever done! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Do you know how much I paid for these lips? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Do you see those sticky fingers? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Do you think someone like me could ever learn to be brave. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Don't believe the lies you've been told. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Don't worry, lil, I gots your baggie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Don't you, Jean Claude? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Dumb baby. Can't even make a good wish. All right, kiss my ring. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Eating this goo is making my tummy bubbly. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
En garde, babies! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Enchantee. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Enough poetry! Marry us now! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Et voila! Our Parisian pied a terre. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Everbody"s gonna rock all day. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Everyone ran away from him except the beautiful princess. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Everyone, this is madame labouche. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Excellent! Now run along before you give me lice. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Except throw you out on the kerb. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Faster, Phillip! We gots to get to the peoples on top. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Finally we get to see an authentic Parisian landmark: Notre dame. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Finally. What? No! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Find out where our guests are dining tonight. Love is on the menu. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Finster! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
For eber and eber... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
For eber and eber... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
For feet's sake! Can't you see this is the 'no dumb babies' section? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Forever and a day! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Forever and a day. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Forever. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
France! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Gee, most hotels just leave mints. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Gee, Tommy, maybe I should take her a present. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Get excited, you"re invited there"s a party tonight. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Get moving babies I hope we're all packed. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Get off your derrieres and get this show on the road! Tout de suite! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Get us something good, dilly. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Get your stubby legs moving no time to pick your nose. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go ahead, chuckie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go ahead, chuckie. You'll never know unless you try. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go get her, chuckie. She's right inside. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go get him, spike! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go send the next one in, and tell him to bring a sponge. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go, chuckie! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Going somewhere, my reptilian friend? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Golly, Kira, you're a natural. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Good catch, chuckie! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Gosh, bobfather, I don't know what to wish for. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Gosh, you guys, I think chuckie and I are both in love. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Guess robosnail thought he could fly. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Gummi bears, balls ofl hair... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Guys! I'm gonna gets a mummy! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hang on to your diapies don't lose your bib. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hang on, you guys. I think I got a wedgie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He and I are a team, you know. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He makes bad guys say they"re sorry with the sight ofl his hand. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He may be rough on the outside from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He must be excited about the show. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He said his first word. He's talking! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He was lonely and unhappy. So she promised to take care of him from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He's a fire breathing child to me from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He's a lizard with a heart of gold. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He's got a sensitive stare. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He's the kindest monster I've ever met. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He"ll come slidin" to the rescue. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He"s always ready when there"s danger at hand. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hello, my toddling tourists. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hello! You are not horrible. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hello? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hello? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hello? Mr pickles? Are you still there? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Here we go on a big exciting trip. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Here. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, Dee, we're going to France. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, I wanted to press the button, Lillian! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, lady, ever hear of a thigh blaster? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, lady! Looks like your plan to trick mr yummy Sushi didn't work! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, pipsqueak, get your own float! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, susie! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, you dumb babies, wait for me! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey! What do I get out of this deal? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hi, mr chuckie's dad's girlfriend. How's my float coming along? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hi, robie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
His masterful karate kicks turn dragons into chopsticks. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hiya, reptar! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hold on, angelica! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
How are you gonna do that, chuckie? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
How dare you defy me! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
How delightful. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
How is coco's favourite boy? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Huh, little guy? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hurry, chuckie! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I already learned how to parsley voo francy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I barely know how to go forward. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I believe in the playground. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I bet she's gonna be clean and cuddly and nice. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I bet she's in heaven right now looking down on us. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I can no longer stand by and watch you destroy their lives. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I can't believe angelica saw that movie last night. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I can't help it, angelica. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I can't mother and merger at the same time. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I can't start without my little guy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I could accidentally tell someone why you want to marry mr chuckie's dad? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I decided I don't want a princess mummy no more. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I didn't get these plastic hips for nothing! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I didn't know she had a good flavour. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I don't get to squeeze no one's head or pull no one's hair? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I don't know about this, stu. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I don't know, you guys. I squirt myself enough already. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I don't mean your nose! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I don't need the magic and sparkly dust. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I don't think dil likes that lady too much. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I don't think she likes dil too much, either. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I feel bad. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I gots to be brave. I gots to be brave. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I guess I got caught up in the romance of Paris. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I guess I'm lucky. I got two mummies to look after me now. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I hate it when they sing. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I have a beautiful little girl to thank. Kimi. She's almost two. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I have that poem taped to the refrigerator! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I helped that lady trick your daddy into marrying her! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I hope you remember to pack your binky. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I know it was bad. Even for me. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I know somebody who needs a nap. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I know where you can find a spiny little man with a brat of his own. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I look florward to the wedding and seeing you with your new flamily. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I love the sound of panicked scurrying feet in the morning. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I love their fries, but this is advanced robotics. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I mean, at least we gots reptar to keep us company. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I must have one in a jar somewhere. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I never saw a mummy button before. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I never want to make this face again! Now get to work. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I never want to see it again. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I said you wanted a princess mum, and she promised me a pony float, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I see London, I see France! I see coco's underpants! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I see sweetness when I look from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I smell a ripey diapie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I still get the float if mr chuckie's dad marries a princess and not you? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I think he likes me. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I think I just made a friend. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I think I'm gonna scream. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I think I'm in love. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I thought you could only do that in the bathtub. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I told you I knowed a short cup! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I told you to get the piranha. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I tried that once, but I just thought of something scarier. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I used paper clips and rubber bands for a reason! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum that will last forever from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum that will last forever from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum that will last forever from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum that will love me whatever. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum to make it all better from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum to make it all better from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum to read me stories and sing a lullaby. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum to take my hand and make me feel like a holiday. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mum who will love me whatever from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want a mummy who smiles and talks nice to me from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I want that nincompoop inventor here within 24 hours, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I was just looking through some of our old things. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I was just thinking the same thing. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I will not have them ruining my wedding day! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I will tell chas the truth, there's nothing you can do to stop me. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I wonder where Jean Claude is with the kids. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I would like to hear what the little one has to say. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'd like to welcome the family and friends of monsieur and madame... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll be there for you, chuckie from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll be there for you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll just wait for the bobfather to bring her. Whenever that is. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll launch them from the ground. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll show you how it's done! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll take care of it personally. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll take that binky. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'll tell you about my sinus drainage when I get back from the restroom. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm a diapie man myself. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm coming, daddy! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm delighted that you've met someone special here in Paris. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm glad I didn't have to return the toaster oven this time. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm going to France and you're not. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm gonna get the real princess for my mummy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm gonna meet the princess! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm opposed to be at that wedding! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm really gonna get my wish? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm sorry to interrupt, but these need your signature. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm sorry, chuckie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm sorry, guys. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm sorry, little guy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm Tommy, and this is lil... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm...Working on it. And I almost had a good one, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I've been missing her so much, chuckie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I've never been on this ride before! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I"m stepping down as president ofl yamaguchi industries. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I"ve begun a search flor my replacement. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
If anyone objects to this union, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
If I didn't want a princess mummy so bad, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
If I you"ve been chased around by a kung fu choppin" clown. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
If I your rickshaw"s been attacked by a samurai pack. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Ignore that unemployed fool. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Imagine everyone in the world. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
In fact, I'm engaged to a wonderful man with a baby thing all his own. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Into those large yellow eyes. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Isn't this neat, chuckie? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It is my favourite. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It moves me deeply, madame. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It'll just be you and me and that adorable swarm of infants. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's a new century. Just go with ""le fllow"". from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's angelica. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's her love in here that helped this old geezer love again. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's karaoke time! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's like you say, Tommy: from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's my favouritest place in the whole wild world. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's not so terrible. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's okay, it's okay. Daddy's here. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's our favourite, remember? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's so simple, a child could work it. Right, champ? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's the most beautifullest potty I ever seed. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's time to meet ms labouche, the woman who made all this possible. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Jam covered mouths? Dirty little faces? Disinfect them! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Jean Claude, take those wretched dustmops away! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Just don't leave no fingerprints. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Just pick something already! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Just practising tying shoes. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Keep that Kira out until after the very last "l do"! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Kimi looks like a bug from here. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Kimi, no! You guys! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Kimi! Madame, the babies are gone! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Kimi? Sweetheart? May I have this dance? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Kira, remind me to eliminate whoever wrote this hideous song! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Kira! Madame labouche wants her pickles. Now! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Kira! They're staring at me, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let go! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let me at that cake! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let me put it this way, bobfather. We've been back home from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let me put it to you this way. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's begin! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's face it, lady, you're no princess. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's give a round of applause to this week's number one newly weds: from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's go ask her. She just sneaked behind that curtain. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's pick her up! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's see what kind of mummy your button gots, chuckie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's see. Not much. Just my own float in the reptarland parade from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's show these whippersnappers how it's done. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's take the babies to see the princess parade from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let"s get excited, you"re invited there"s a party tonight. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let"s get it started, get it started, get it started tonight. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Lifle is a party, oh yeah from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Lifle is a party. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Lifle is a party. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Lifle is a party. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Like a hairy toothbrush, a 'tato chip. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Like you, my daddy and reptar? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Listen up! I'm supposed to ride in my own parade from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Listen, lady! Nobody messes with my dumb babies 'cept me! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look at this one. She loves sunsets, long walks on Sandy beaches from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look, chuckie! I think they want us to stop. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look, mon cheri. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look, Phillip, party hats. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look, the castle! Let's go see that princess, chuckie! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look, up in the sky! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look! It's so soft and squishiful. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look! No hands! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look! The princess is coming. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Lookie! Reptar's house! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Looks like it's time for dessert. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Looks like our little mouse is up for the chase. Step on it. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Looks like spike found himself a little patootie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Madame kindly recommends that you... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Madame labouche! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Madame labouche? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Madame, the babies are on their way to the church. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Madame! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Mademoiselle. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Martial arts expert ofl reptarland. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Martial arts expert ofl reptarland. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Maybe we could use a mummy's touch around here. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Merci. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Mon cheri, I could listen to your fascinating health history all day. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Monsieur yamaguchi, so nice to see you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Mr and mrs Lou and Lulu pickles! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Mr chuckie's dad's girlfriend. The reptarland lady. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Mr yummyhoochie told the French lady you can't have joy without a heart. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Mummy just loves dancing with her handsome boys. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Must we repeat everything? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My boss is having a fit. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My chocolates are in her little American stomach! Get them back! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My daddy's helping your daddy catch some dates in a net. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My daddy's marrying a lady who doesn't like me from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My mummy says mr chuckie's dad is so desperate from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My pleasure, madame. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My shell! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My tummy is all bubbaly. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
My tummy's not been this happy in forever! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Next time I see the princess, I'm gonna be brave. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Nine, eleven, twenty... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No of fence, but could somebody maybe open a window? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No one else is being picked up by a guy in a reptar suit. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No one likes a show off, susie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No time to worry 'bout getting stinky from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No, no, no, it's my fault, Kira. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No, that way. Or that way. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No! No! No! No! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No. Dil just wants a new binky. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Not a princess? Well! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Not exactly. It's just me and my mummy, and we live in Paris. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Notre dame, and move it. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Now it's time for a special dance for all the kids and their mums. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Now let's go save my daddy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Now we know where to find your new princess mum, chuckie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Of course. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Off the gown, you revolting carpet mice! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh dear, they're getting fussy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh look, a toy that was already broken. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh stu, I'm too tired to dance. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh, chuckie, your mum was an amazing woman. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh, good. Send in the clown. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh, la! Ca va pas, non! Chien! Va t"en! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh, no! She's gone! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oh, the princess! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Okay then, don't stop. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Okay. Hello, guys! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Okey dokey. Here... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
On a float with pink tarnations and ponies from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Once upon a time there was a mighty dinosaur named reptar. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
One that can hypnotise. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Ooey gooey world! What a great idea! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Or another head will roll. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Or my favouritest moon rock? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Or my happy hippo blankie from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Or my wawa or my friends. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Or... or a new mummy? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Oui, madame. Kira! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Our kidnapping plot has failed! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Out in the street tonight. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Out of my way, slugface! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Out of my way! The prettiest, smartest girl gets the front seat. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Over my dead potty! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Paris. Oh yeah, the city of lights. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Pipe down, drooly! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Pokyo sure looks different on tb, huh? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Pokyo? Don't you know nothing? This is parrots! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Press a button, get a mummy! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Pretty flower girls should be seen, not heard. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Pretty posh digs! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Remember your wawa? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar, he's no ordinary monster. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar, I love you from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar, I'll hold you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar, I'll protect you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar, I'll protect you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar's a hit? That's great. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar's boogers look just like angelica. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Reptar's head! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sacrebleu! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Security, we have an emergency situation! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
See how nice his head stays on? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
See this face? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
See, dilly? You got your wish. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Seems kind of odd to have a Japanese theme park in the middle of Paris. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Shall we? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
She had one in a jar, but she needed a spiny man with a kid. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
She lives in that castle on that bowlcano from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
She only saw a scene or two. It couldn't have made an impression. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
She was not afraid, because she could see that reptar was not vicious. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
She's beautiful! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
She's not a very nice lady. She's too pointy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
She's real nice, she loves reptar. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So do l! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So I said: "Dilly, this is a job for the bobfather." from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So is the floor. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So that's where I left them! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So why is she in such a hurry? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So, if it isn't the brilliant designer. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So, kimi, do you and your mummy and daddy live in reptarland? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So, we meet again. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
So's my chuckie! Not a girl, I mean, but you know... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Some big boys took my brother's binky and buried it in the sandbox. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bread. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Somebody must have losted their lunch. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Something real nice, so she knows how much I want her to be my mummy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sometimes I just can't help myself. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sorry to call so late, but the reptar that you designed has broken down. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sorry to interrupt your episode, but it's the boss on the phone. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sorry, but chuckie was wondering when his new mummy was coming. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sorry, finster, game's over. Besides, I'm wanted on the dance floor. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sorry, I stopped listening after 'splosions. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Speak now or forever hold your peace. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Splendid! I accept. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Stewart, what a surprise! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Stop it, you dripping urchin! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Stop, in the name of France! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sure is gonna be great having my princess mummy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sure. Mechanical expertise is my middle name. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sweet dreams, chuckie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Tag! You're it! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Take a picture! This is the last time from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Take me to the church! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Take your hands off me, you big bully! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Talkin' 'bout the bad bad girl. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Talkin' 'bout the sad girl. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Tell auntie coco what you desire. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Thank you for flying air angelica. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Thank you for the inhaler, coco. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Thank you, Kira. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Thanks a lot, diaper bags! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Thanks, Betty, but cheese gives me hives. So does dating. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Thanks, I guess. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Thanks. My old mummy gived it to me. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That he'll marry the first lady that plops the question. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That is what videotape is for. Go ahead! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That koo koo lady told her boss she had a kid's heart in a jar, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That lady's not the princess. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That must be kimi! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That reptar is a nuisance he's a Thorn in our side. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That stu pickles! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That was the big idea. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That was the longest short cup I ever tooked. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That would be moi. And this is my good friend Charles finster. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That's a job for your mummy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That's got to be one stinky diapie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That's it? A binky? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That's my good friend chas finster. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That's too bad. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That's triple my lifetime record. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That's what you get for wiping your boogers on Cynthia. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
The beds are quite comfortable. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
The bobfather wants to see you now. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
The candidate should not be concerned only with money. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
The finster kid is planning on getting a princess for a mum. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
The kids would love that. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
The show's gonna start! Who gots the cookies? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
The way things are going our village will be fried. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Their mummies have a cow. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Then how come I don't feel so good? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Then your first name should be "l have no". from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There has to be a spineless little man with a brat of his own out there. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There it is! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There you are! Come on, the grown ups are giving away all the cake! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There you go, drooly. It fell off a truck. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There's my little guy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There's one. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There's something weird about a guy in a ponytail and a dress. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
They maked my brother cry. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
They must understand what it means to bring joy to children. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
They said to keep your hands and feet inside at all times. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
They will go flying now. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
They're so easy to trick and tease. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Think you'll ever tie the knot again? 'Cause I got a cousin who's lookin'. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
This is Kira watanabe from euroreptar. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
This is not the parade I wanted! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
This place gots the biggest babies I ever sawed. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
To ask me for Cynthia chateau and the matching ponies from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
To start it by party time. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Unfortunately, the union forbids me from picking it up. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Unfortunately, you just got ""le boot"". from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Viens ici. Viens ici. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wait for me! Do you know how hard it is to run in a flower girl dress? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wait, angelica! I think I know what I want to wish for. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wait! Get them back before wheezy finds out! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wait! You know that poem? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wake me if you spot a hunchback. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wasn't the wedding beautiful? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We don't know when we're gonna get back. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We gots to beat robosnail, or that mean lady's gonna be your mummy! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We need you to come to Paris on the next flight. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We wouldn't be in this terrible place. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're both lactose intolerant, love kids, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're heading out, babies we're on our way. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're heading up, up, up, up, up. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're off to the boutiques. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're on our way to France don't forget our underpants. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're on our way to France, Paris. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're taking off. Whee! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We're waiting for the ponies. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We've got stuff to do let's take spike too. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We"ll discuss the promotion then. Goodbye. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wee wee. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Welcome to euroreptar. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Welcome to Paris. I've been asked to take you directly to euroreptarland. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Well, do re mi! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Well, France, yes. But I've been to Paris, Texas, a number of times. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Well, I had dreams of eating with a fork. Pass the squid brains. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Well, Tommy, I guess this is how it's gonna be from now on. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Well... Maybe this thing is too tight. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What a coincidence! I planned to spend the day with her there myself. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What are they doing? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What are you doing with that mangy thing? Give me that! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What do you think you're doing? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What have you done to my priceless collection of koi fish? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What I have to put up with! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What now, Pinocchio? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What sweet children. Is this your first time in Paris? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What you doing? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What? You bumbling idiot, you disgust me! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What?! Why do you ask? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What's the big idea? Are you pottyheads trying to get rid of me? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What's this? A gold inhaler? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
When I came to France, I had dreams of bouillabaisse, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
When I seed the magic sprinklies in my hand, I knowed she was the one. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Whenever I wheeze, I'll think of you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Where did those filthy little bookends come from? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Where they going? There's lots of neat stuff down here. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Which, for your information, means "speak French". from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
While they get better acquainted. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Who do you babies think you are? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Who is this devastatingly handsome man you are trying to hide from me? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Who said Americans are not romantic? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why am I not some child's tender mother?! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why didn't you follow my design? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why don't you try thinking about stuff that makes you feel good? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why I should not lock you up for ever and ever. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why wait, deed? They're two crazy kids in love. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why wouldn't he? After all, children, they are my life! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why?! Why?! Why?! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
With matching ponies and my own fashion show from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
With my glasses all googlied up? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Would kimi like to come to the park with me and the kids tomorrow? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Would you mind holding dil? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wow, he's sharing wawa! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wow! My own web page! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Wow! Robosnail! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Yeah, it's good stuff. Let's stock up. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Yeah, reptarland! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Yeah, so long as you stay in my good flavour. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Yeah? Incoming! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Years of clawing my way to the top gone to waste. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Yep, she's a keeper! 'Course, no one will ever replace your mother. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You are going to be mine, you will do things my way! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You babies are as dumb here as you are at home. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You babies are in trouble now. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You babies cannot hide from Jean Claude, super escargot! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You cannot go through with this. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You come to me on the day of my daddy's wedding from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You come to me on the day of this wedding, from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You could try thinking of something else next time you feel a scared. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You did? But... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You don"t have to worry he"s got f lists ofl flury. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You got to love the Internet. Behold the future of dating. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You gots your mummy wish, so what do I get, snotfather? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You guys, I can't let that lady marry my daddy! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You have five seconds to come up with a reason from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You just put on the gear, and anything you do, reptar does. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You mean like my reptar nightlight from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You mean you want the princess to be your new mummy? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You seen one church, you seen them all. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You want a princess to be your mum? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You want the button, Phillip? You can't handle the button! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You will see coco or her underpants! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You're just a lawsuit waiting to happen, aren't you? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You're like family to me, finster. Name your wish. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You're right, Tommy. I'm gonna do it. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Your mummy made it for you. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Yup. She's everything I've been wishin' for. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Ze babies have been apprehended. On our way back to ooey gooey world. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Zere zey are! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"rosy lips and soft wet kisses" what?! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And she calls us dumb. Give me that cake right now! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
And this is my son, chuckie. Hi, chuckie. I like your bear. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Are you sure this is gonna work? Look, you already have 1 2 dates. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
But, madame! You never... ...Tire of taking care of kimi. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Can you join us for dinner? You're much too busy, Kira. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Darling, we'll tell him about it. I want to share this with my son. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Do you ever miss her? Sometimes. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Eat all the cookies in plain sight. Chewin' from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
For better or worse. Next! For richer or... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
For ever and ever is a long time! Tick tock... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go, chuckie, go! Hurry! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Go, go, go! Start. Coco, chuckie's not here yet. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Good frow, dilly. Prepare to meet your caker! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Goodness! Here comes the bride! Without the wedding march? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He'll break up the party. If he's not on the potty. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
He's crying. What do I do now? Comfort him. Gently bounce him. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hello? Mr pickles? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Here comes chuckie chan. Here comes chuckie chan. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Here comes chuckie chan. Here comes chuckie chan. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Here comes chuckie chan. Here comes chuckie chan. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hey, what's the big idea? Hi, angelica! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Hi, Kira. What?! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
How do we get out of here? I think it's that way. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
How do you work this thing? I don't know. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
How do you work this thing? I don't know. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I am! Yeah, that'll be the day! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I told you we could do it, chuckie. If we could just find the door. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I wouldn't say brilliant. Neither would l. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm really happy for you, pop. Yeah, Lulu's a great lady. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
I'm the flower girl! I feel your pain, mademoiselle. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
If the tiara fits, wear it. I smell trouble. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Isn't it? Of course it is, chuckie. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It looks like you, me and the kids. Oui, oui, mon ami. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It looks pretty complicated. Actually, it's not. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
It's a pickle with legs. It's reptar. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Let's try again. No, let's not, Lillian. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Listen, you traitor! Miss labouche, you are dismissed. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look what I found. Papie clips and bubber bands! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Look, chuckie, we're almost there! Yeah, there's the church. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Madame labouche! Burn this hideous moth eaten toy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Maybe you need a nap. Or cookies. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
No. Binky, peeze! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Of course not. This should be good. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Open wide. Say, "aah". No, wait! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Or cookies. And ice cream. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Pardon? "Children are my life", a classic. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
pickin' on the dumb babies. Always have to be right. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Ready to go, mon cheri? Let me just get dilly settled. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Right here! Yum! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Say brie! Brie! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Smile for the camera! What a holiday! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sounds great, chuckie. I hope she's not too clean. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Stop wobbling, chuckie! Don't tell me, tell my feet. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sure. But how, Tommy? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Sure. But how, Tommy? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Take them to ooey gooey world. Ooey gooey world? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That didn't stop her! I'll show you the short cup! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
That lady's the princess? She can't be! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
There's the princess! Isn't she beautiful? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
They look hungry. Must be lunchtime. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
This could be your chance. I'm gonna meet the princess? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Tommy, we forgetted angelica. You say that like it's a bad thing. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Tommy? Yeah, chuckie? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
We gots to go back. I don't know if I can, Tommy! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What about coco? Who? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What are dates? Big raisins that make you poop. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What are you waiting for? Great. Another Tommy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What do I do? Just smile and be nice. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What do you mean, angelica? Let me see, where do I start? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What is it with you babies and poop? Where do you want us to start? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
What you drawing, kimi? It's a green thumb. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Which happens to be in that kitchen! Be right back. Come on! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Who doesn't, you babe magnet! Just be careful, Charles. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Who? My daughter. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Why should I give you anything? I don't know... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Without the flower girl? Without chuckie? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Yeah, tasty. Looks like a booger. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You babies will miss the wedding. And don't forget the big mouth. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You did it, chuckie! Yeah, I did! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You don't love chas or chuckie. Which is which again? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You met the princess? Sure. Lots of times. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You shouldn't rush into anything. I won't, don't worry. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
You want a piece of me, sluggy? Move over, pipsqueak! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
...Poorer! Sickness... ...And in health. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
'Cause if his daddy gets a new wife, then chuckie gets a new mummy. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
'Cause they don't know a thing, baby. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
'Cause... well... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
'Cept him. He's speaking French already. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"A baby's got to do what a baby's got to do." from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Chad, you take my breath away." from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Chad"? from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Chas finster. Bureaucrat. Bachelor." from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Dappled laughter, patting feet"... from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"each time I hold my precious child" from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Forever yours, coco." from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Grasping fingers, dimpled chin" from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Joy and wonder, heaven's treat", it's one of my favourites! from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Joy and wonder, heaven's treat", it's one of my favourites. from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Oh, how my heart beats wild" from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"pudgy bellies, velvet skin" from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"Squeaky giggles, wiggly toes" from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
"teeny tiny button nose" from Rugrats in Paris: The Movie