A completely unique, self mobile microcomputer robotics system. from Short Circuit 2
A day, to rent. If you want to buy them wholesale... from Short Circuit 2
A life form's gotta do... from Short Circuit 2
A little muscle, a whole lot of hustle. from Short Circuit 2
A loan shark. from Short Circuit 2
A secret, sliding descending staircase. from Short Circuit 2
A totally mobile, independent robotics system! from Short Circuit 2
About this big. Looks like a metal grasshopper. from Short Circuit 2
Absolutely amazing. from Short Circuit 2
Absolutely not. from Short Circuit 2
Absolutely. from Short Circuit 2
Actually, I am based in that vehicle right over yonder. from Short Circuit 2
Aesthetic input. Sculpture. Modern art. from Short Circuit 2
Alive? from Short Circuit 2
All equal? Oh, but I'm different. I'm a from Short Circuit 2
All of them are gone. It's the only chance we'll get. from Short Circuit 2
All right, for Simpson's we'll forego the cash advance. from Short Circuit 2
All right, the two of us together. We can take it. from Short Circuit 2
All right! from Short Circuit 2
All right! from Short Circuit 2
All right. from Short Circuit 2
All right. from Short Circuit 2
All right. Fun's over. from Short Circuit 2
All the guys I ever met were the same way. from Short Circuit 2
Am I making myself completely transparent to you? from Short Circuit 2
Am I not telling you not to go outside of the doors? from Short Circuit 2
Am naive, gullible, schlemiel. from Short Circuit 2
Am not human, but am a life form. Have soul. from Short Circuit 2
Am passerby, man on street, average Joe. from Short Circuit 2
Amendment 2, right to have bare arms from Short Circuit 2
An after hours club. You up for it? from Short Circuit 2
An early Brancusi? from Short Circuit 2
And finally, it is my unique honor officially... from Short Circuit 2
And from this moment on... from Short Circuit 2
And how she's got your jeans steaming. from Short Circuit 2
And I really got to run, so why don't you go back to work, okay? from Short Circuit 2
And I thought Benjamin could use an escape tunnel... from Short Circuit 2
And I'll read it again later. from Short Circuit 2
And my Aunt Bertha is a toaster oven. Come on, get to work! from Short Circuit 2
And my left arm. Or both arms. Oh, wait. from Short Circuit 2
And now you're making toys for a living? from Short Circuit 2
And now, the next set of parts.... from Short Circuit 2
And someone has picked up. Now quickly, tell me the code. from Short Circuit 2
And then we put them back in the cars and everybody is happy. from Short Circuit 2
And this is a sure thing. With this, I am guaranteed in the black. from Short Circuit 2
And this time, I have great collateral: 55 Rolex watches. from Short Circuit 2
And we're really overworked. from Short Circuit 2
And we've got lots more on tap. Little Anthony and the Im from Short Circuit 2
And who would be foolish enough to loan money to you? from Short Circuit 2
And with a wave of my magic antenna... from Short Circuit 2
And you're going nowhere, bozos! from Short Circuit 2
And your money, your interest is in your pocket, in full. from Short Circuit 2
Andale! Arriba! from Short Circuit 2
Anyway, you should become accustomed... from Short Circuit 2
Are you able to hear me? from Short Circuit 2
Are you able to hear me? from Short Circuit 2
Are you kidding? from Short Circuit 2
Are you operational? Say something to me. from Short Circuit 2
Are you seeing how he is running around? He is programmed to be doing that. from Short Circuit 2
Are you wanting to purchase one? from Short Circuit 2
Arey. from Short Circuit 2
Arm yourself. from Short Circuit 2
Arriba! from Short Circuit 2
Arriba! Andale! Hola, dude. from Short Circuit 2
At night, they'll be augmented by 12 strategically placed... from Short Circuit 2
Attach serve linkage to motor and solder there. from Short Circuit 2
Attempt to look human, fit in, belong. from Short Circuit 2
Au contraire, mi amiga. Did I startle you? from Short Circuit 2
Backup power is going. from Short Circuit 2
Bad humans! from Short Circuit 2
Battery fluid, maybe. from Short Circuit 2
Be careful! from Short Circuit 2
Be careful. You really should cross at the crosswalk. from Short Circuit 2
Beautiful architecture. Edifice, Romanesque. from Short Circuit 2
Beautiful, huh? from Short Circuit 2
Before I arrived in this city, I was working in Oregon... from Short Circuit 2
Before the first thing is a question: from Short Circuit 2
Beginning final approach. from Short Circuit 2
Ben Jahrvi, wasn't he with Nova Robotics? from Short Circuit 2
Ben Jahrvi? from Short Circuit 2
Ben, don't go weird on me. Just tell me you are making the robots... from Short Circuit 2
Ben, hi. So, how's it going? from Short Circuit 2
Ben, the expense alone.... from Short Circuit 2
Ben, then, what is? from Short Circuit 2
Ben, what the hell is that? It looks like a giant one of your toys. from Short Circuit 2
Ben, you don't have to make small talk. from Short Circuit 2
Ben! from Short Circuit 2
Ben! from Short Circuit 2
Ben? from Short Circuit 2
Ben.... from Short Circuit 2
Benjamin, this is your home, domicile, flophouse? from Short Circuit 2
Benjamin! Come here. Give me a hug. from Short Circuit 2
Benjamin! I'll go with you. I'd love more input. from Short Circuit 2
Benjamin? from Short Circuit 2
Benjamin? Wake up call. from Short Circuit 2
Benjamin. from Short Circuit 2
Benny, grab your jacket. I'm taking you to lunch. from Short Circuit 2
Benny, I'd like you to meet your production staff. from Short Circuit 2
Benny, our first big score. Look at that. from Short Circuit 2
Benny, where did you get the idea for this? from Short Circuit 2
Benny? You're leaving me with my back to the wall here. from Short Circuit 2
Better hurry before I make a big hit on Broadway. from Short Circuit 2
Boosting. Ripping off from Short Circuit 2
Boring. from Short Circuit 2
Boring. The movie was better. from Short Circuit 2
Borrowing the blueprints, purchasing equipment. from Short Circuit 2
Branches. from Short Circuit 2
Broadway. It's gotta be it. Keep going. from Short Circuit 2
Broadway's a long street. from Short Circuit 2
Buildings, skysc****rs, urban habitats. I am impressed. from Short Circuit 2
Built by Heimdall. Completely custom. I must say we're really... from Short Circuit 2
Busters. from Short Circuit 2
Busters. Gangbusters. from Short Circuit 2
But for two of these humans to get together... from Short Circuit 2
But he me killed to try. from Short Circuit 2
But I am alive. Read my lip lights. "I think, therefore I am." from Short Circuit 2
But I am not equipment. from Short Circuit 2
But I've got such a headache. from Short Circuit 2
But in the bookstore, I scanned many megabytes... from Short Circuit 2
But it takes money to make money. from Short Circuit 2
But Oscar, cutting hole in bank vault is not damage? Vandalism? from Short Circuit 2
But Oscar, taking jewels without permission is stealing! from Short Circuit 2
But please wait for a beeping beep. Beep. from Short Circuit 2
But seriously, I mean, how long before you could deliver that many? from Short Circuit 2
But she isn't recognizing me when she is seeing me. from Short Circuit 2
But something's wrong. from Short Circuit 2
But the toy robot business, it's pathetic. from Short Circuit 2
But they cannot purchase me. Cannot. I am alive! from Short Circuit 2
But they said it's their job. They'll put them back! from Short Circuit 2
But this causes strange feeling, emotion. It's not good. from Short Circuit 2
But to whom are we to tell this earth quaking news? from Short Circuit 2
But we have no more money. And now we're having no equipment. from Short Circuit 2
But who would do this to struggling business persons... from Short Circuit 2
But, Benjamin, I can help you. from Short Circuit 2
But, Frederick, there are so many more. from Short Circuit 2
But, I.... from Short Circuit 2
By this ceremony, the United States government decrees... from Short Circuit 2
Call me "craphead"? from Short Circuit 2
Can someone direct me to the answers, please? from Short Circuit 2
Can you explain a little more explicitly, please? from Short Circuit 2
Can you say "thank you"? from Short Circuit 2
Can't you go any faster? If you get a ticket, I'll pay for it. from Short Circuit 2
Can't you just plug it into the wall? from Short Circuit 2
Can't you make something? Send them Morse code or something? from Short Circuit 2
Capable of doing anything, and a marvellous personality to boot. from Short Circuit 2
Certainly, Oscar. I'd detach my right arm for Benjamin. from Short Circuit 2
Check it out, man. Pretty nice, eh? from Short Circuit 2
Check it out! Major input! from Short Circuit 2
Christ. Lived from 1 to 33 AD. from Short Circuit 2
Citation Zebra Bravo is landing on runway 3 0, right. from Short Circuit 2
City? from Short Circuit 2
Close personal friend of mine. Comes by here all the time. from Short Circuit 2
Collecting mucho input. Urban input. from Short Circuit 2
Come on, J. Five. I got some people that are dying to meet you. from Short Circuit 2
Come on, Johnny Five! from Short Circuit 2
Come on, let's do it! from Short Circuit 2
Come on, now, man. These are serious guys. from Short Circuit 2
Come on, now. We got toys to make. from Short Circuit 2
Come on, you bug eyed geek! from Short Circuit 2
Come on, you gonna hold a grudge all your life? Be happy! from Short Circuit 2
Come on! from Short Circuit 2
Come on! from Short Circuit 2
Come on. from Short Circuit 2
Come on. from Short Circuit 2
Come on. from Short Circuit 2
Come on. I will clean you up. from Short Circuit 2
Come with me. Pardon me. from Short Circuit 2
Complaints? I did something wrong? from Short Circuit 2
Completed Number 74, Benjamin. from Short Circuit 2
Complicated? from Short Circuit 2
Congratulations to you all. from Short Circuit 2
Corporate secrets which I will explain in detail... from Short Circuit 2
Correct. Because out of all these humans, there is only one... from Short Circuit 2
Damn it! from Short Circuit 2
Dating Dos and Don'ts for Modern Teens. from Short Circuit 2
Definitely. from Short Circuit 2
Delivery boy. from Short Circuit 2
Department of Water, telephone company, city planners from Short Circuit 2
Derf, why did Racso lie to me? Try to disassemble me? from Short Circuit 2
Diamonds. The Vanderveer Collection. from Short Circuit 2
Do not be touching me, sir. from Short Circuit 2
Do you feel lucky, punk? from Short Circuit 2
Do you know what I'm standing in? from Short Circuit 2
Do you run it by remote control? from Short Circuit 2
Do you see them? from Short Circuit 2
Dock of the Bay! from Short Circuit 2
Does everybody get treated this way? from Short Circuit 2
Does that mean you're done? On time? Like I wanted? from Short Circuit 2
Don't be absurd! from Short Circuit 2
Don't be ridiculous. I own this vault. from Short Circuit 2
Don't forget the circuit tester. from Short Circuit 2
Don't make mistakes. They treat me like a machine. from Short Circuit 2
Don't rub it in. I had to go to a shark. from Short Circuit 2
Don't take it so hard. Welcome to life in the big city. from Short Circuit 2
Don't worry. My cousin was a Harley Davidson. from Short Circuit 2
Don't you get it? It's a witness that can identify us! from Short Circuit 2
Don't. No, wait. from Short Circuit 2
Doo Wah Diddy! Yes! from Short Circuit 2
Door is open. from Short Circuit 2
Door to door? In this town? You just fall off the banana boat... from Short Circuit 2
Dr. Ruth says, "Violence is an expression... from Short Circuit 2
Dream on, Johnny. Landing area, 6:00. from Short Circuit 2
Dubious. Hard to believe. from Short Circuit 2
Dummy, you were boosting car stereos! from Short Circuit 2
Easy. Wait a minute. Are you okay? from Short Circuit 2
Either you come out now or we're impounding this piece of equip from Short Circuit 2
Elevation! Altitude! Come on! from Short Circuit 2
Every time I am being near her, the sweat in the palms... from Short Circuit 2
Everybody can play, okay? Winners all the time. from Short Circuit 2
Everybody get a watch? from Short Circuit 2
Everybody is a winner. Follow the red card. from Short Circuit 2
Everything that I have been saying has been coming to you, not from me... from Short Circuit 2
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex. from Short Circuit 2
Everything you need for car systems at low prices! from Short Circuit 2
Everything you need is here. from Short Circuit 2
Exactly. There is no other plan. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me, but if you are worried for your friend to be safe... from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me, is this yours? from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me, sir, but we are not open to the public. Hello. Can l from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. Could you put your arms down? from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. I... from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. Listen to me. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. My friend and I were taking a meeting here. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. You are Maniac Mike who spotted the robot? from Short Circuit 2
Fabulous! from Short Circuit 2
Falling 32 feet per second. Unacceptable. from Short Circuit 2
Feels like desert, wasteland. from Short Circuit 2
Find them, I will. Activating spectro analyzer. from Short Circuit 2
First get soldering iron, iron, iron.... from Short Circuit 2
First things first. from Short Circuit 2
Five, if you blow this, I'll pull your head off. I swear to God I will. from Short Circuit 2
Five, what are you doing? You're gonna get us busted here! from Short Circuit 2
Five! from Short Circuit 2
Five! Come on, we gotta go. from Short Circuit 2
Five? from Short Circuit 2
Five? from Short Circuit 2
Follow the red card, not the black card. from Short Circuit 2
Follow the red card. Winners all the time. from Short Circuit 2
For Christmas, not Easter, got it? from Short Circuit 2
For very personal reasons. from Short Circuit 2
For you, from Stephanie. All natural granola brownies. from Short Circuit 2
Forget it. You can't swim! from Short Circuit 2
Francis Bacon said, "A crowd is not company... from Short Circuit 2
Fred Ritter. I'm in the entrepreneur business. from Short Circuit 2
Fred wants to sell me? from Short Circuit 2
Fred, check outside. from Short Circuit 2
Fred, Lady Luck, she is sitting in our laps today. from Short Circuit 2
Fred, will you hurry up? We'll be late. from Short Circuit 2
Fred. from Short Circuit 2
Frederick is not my friend. from Short Circuit 2
Frederick, I have an important question. Why do humans not like me? from Short Circuit 2
Frederick, I must read these two books very carefully. from Short Circuit 2
French now? from Short Circuit 2
From automobiles? from Short Circuit 2
From the Bombyx mori moth caterpillar, or silkworm. from Short Circuit 2
Garcon. Deux expressos, s'il vous plait. from Short Circuit 2
Garfield! Do I look like a mouse? from Short Circuit 2
Gentlemen, the Vanderveer Collection. from Short Circuit 2
Get a Rolex watch. from Short Circuit 2
Get in there! from Short Circuit 2
Get off! from Short Circuit 2
Get out of my face, you ugly mother! from Short Circuit 2
Get out of my way! from Short Circuit 2
Get this ugly mother out of my face! from Short Circuit 2
Get up! from Short Circuit 2
Get your lawyers on the paperwork. from Short Circuit 2
Give it to me! from Short Circuit 2
Give it up! from Short Circuit 2
Go back to your two bit computer scam you were doing so good. from Short Circuit 2
Go. Now! from Short Circuit 2
God, you can't even get a cab in this city. from Short Circuit 2
God! from Short Circuit 2
God? from Short Circuit 2
Gone. from Short Circuit 2
Good bye... from Short Circuit 2
Good game. Great game. from Short Circuit 2
Good morning. from Short Circuit 2
Got my favorite table reserved at McDonald's. from Short Circuit 2
Great fit! Fashion statement. from Short Circuit 2
Great! from Short Circuit 2
Great. from Short Circuit 2
Great. Why don't you go down and see my secretary... from Short Circuit 2
Greetings. Hello, I'm Sandy Banatoni. from Short Circuit 2
Guys just smile. from Short Circuit 2
Half those zeroes are yours. from Short Circuit 2
Harding? from Short Circuit 2
Hath not a robot hands, organs, dimensions, senses... from Short Circuit 2
Have a seat, gentlemen. from Short Circuit 2
Have you seen a robot? from Short Circuit 2
He did. from Short Circuit 2
He is delicate equipment. from Short Circuit 2
He is leaking. from Short Circuit 2
He is looking to you like a household appliance? from Short Circuit 2
He isn't alive. I'm alive. from Short Circuit 2
He locked up me and Benny in a room full of frozen Chinese squids. from Short Circuit 2
He locked you up? He did not smash, crush, dent, mangle you? from Short Circuit 2
He was Newton Crosby's partner. from Short Circuit 2
He went ape. from Short Circuit 2
He's a robotics engineer. He worked for the government. from Short Circuit 2
He's gonna find us. from Short Circuit 2
He's talking, man. from Short Circuit 2
He's very businesslike. A total professional. from Short Circuit 2
Headed south on Central Avenue, a man riding a motorcycle... from Short Circuit 2
Hello, baby! from Short Circuit 2
Hello, bozo. from Short Circuit 2
Hello, bozos! from Short Circuit 2
Hello, Fred. from Short Circuit 2
Hello, taxi! from Short Circuit 2
Hello, there, pedestrians, city dwellers, young urban professionals. from Short Circuit 2
Hello, there. from Short Circuit 2
Hello? from Short Circuit 2
Hello. from Short Circuit 2
Hello. from Short Circuit 2
Hello. Need input. from Short Circuit 2
Here I am. from Short Circuit 2
Here it is. Step right up. Take a chance. Place a bet. from Short Circuit 2
Here we go. Red to black, red to black. Red card. from Short Circuit 2
Here, let me show you. from Short Circuit 2
Here. from Short Circuit 2
Here. Give me that. from Short Circuit 2
Here's Johnny! from Short Circuit 2
Here's your budget for tools and parts and all that. from Short Circuit 2
Hey, Benny, can't you use that? from Short Circuit 2
Hey, come back here! from Short Circuit 2
Hey, come on now, guys! from Short Circuit 2
Hey, gently with the shirt. That's my Bisana. from Short Circuit 2
Hey, good morning out there. from Short Circuit 2
Hey, I'm telling you. from Short Circuit 2
Hey, life form! Cool it! from Short Circuit 2
Hey, no! No, wait! from Short Circuit 2
Hey, take it easy. You're okay now. from Short Circuit 2
Hey, those things can kill you! from Short Circuit 2
Hey, tough guy from Short Circuit 2
Hey, watch the silk! from Short Circuit 2
Hey, you! from Short Circuit 2
Hey, you're the expert. The jewels go to the museum in two days. from Short Circuit 2
Hey! How did you get in? from Short Circuit 2
Hey! Stop! from Short Circuit 2
Hi, neighbor. from Short Circuit 2
Hi, Oscar. from Short Circuit 2
Hi. from Short Circuit 2
Hisher is a ventriloquist's dummy. from Short Circuit 2
Hisher is made of papier mache and wood... from Short Circuit 2
Hit it! from Short Circuit 2
Hit it! Finish it off! from Short Circuit 2
Hola, dude! What's happening? from Short Circuit 2
Hold this. from Short Circuit 2
Hold this. Thank you. Sandy? from Short Circuit 2
Hop on, Derf. from Short Circuit 2
Hope so. from Short Circuit 2
Hot dogs! from Short Circuit 2
Hound of the Baskervilles. from Short Circuit 2
How am I supposed to know Morse code? from Short Circuit 2
How are you misplacing a 700 pound car key? from Short Circuit 2
How are you obtaining this financial funding? from Short Circuit 2
How do you control it, though? from Short Circuit 2
How does this sound? from Short Circuit 2
How many of these could there be? from Short Circuit 2
How much time? from Short Circuit 2
How will you build all those robots by yourself with no money? from Short Circuit 2
How you doing? Feeling better? from Short Circuit 2
How you gonna beat that? from Short Circuit 2
How? With what? from Short Circuit 2
How's your line moving, pal? from Short Circuit 2
Hubcaps, corn dog, soul. from Short Circuit 2
Human porcupines. from Short Circuit 2
Humans are so "pli comp cated." from Short Circuit 2
Hurry up, please! We may not have much time. from Short Circuit 2
Hurry up! We've gotta get him. from Short Circuit 2
Hurry, Fred! from Short Circuit 2
Hurry! Quickly! from Short Circuit 2
Hydraulic fluid? Brake fluid? Lighter fluid? from Short Circuit 2
Hypnotic blue eyes. from Short Circuit 2
I am Ben Jahrvi, Titanic Toy Corporation. from Short Circuit 2
I am confessing to you now, Sandy. from Short Circuit 2
I am endowed by my creator with certain inalienable rights! from Short Circuit 2
I am fascinated by your hypnotic blue eyes. from Short Circuit 2
I am gonna let you have half of my inventory. from Short Circuit 2
I am in a city? from Short Circuit 2
I am not stolen goods. from Short Circuit 2
I am really pissed off! from Short Circuit 2
I am thinking "all the world's a stage." from Short Circuit 2
I am thinking I will contact my friends Newton and Stephanie in Montana. from Short Circuit 2
I am wanting so much to be able to speak to you with my tongue untied. from Short Circuit 2
I am wishing to say there is a... from Short Circuit 2
I ask financial questions like, "where's your capital?" from Short Circuit 2
I called them. from Short Circuit 2
I can count on you, can't I? from Short Circuit 2
I can go take care of the store. You go for the groceries. from Short Circuit 2
I can let you have these rock bottom wholesale. You'll clean up. from Short Circuit 2
I can't believe it. from Short Circuit 2
I can't do this. I'm no good at this stuff. from Short Circuit 2
I can't. from Short Circuit 2
I cannot hear myself forgetting what I am studying. from Short Circuit 2
I choose many things for myself, but did not choose travelling in a box. from Short Circuit 2
I choose to fly tourist class, but they say I'm cargo. from Short Circuit 2
I come with a utility pack and gadgets for outdoor living. from Short Circuit 2
I could be done in 35 minutes. from Short Circuit 2
I could give you input. from Short Circuit 2
I deal in volume. from Short Circuit 2
I did it to help us. Give us our big break, you know? from Short Circuit 2
I did not lose him, first of all. He just ran out. from Short Circuit 2
I didn't say that. from Short Circuit 2
I don't believe it. from Short Circuit 2
I don't believe it. from Short Circuit 2
I don't care! Come on, we're gonna be late. from Short Circuit 2
I don't know why. from Short Circuit 2
I get it. Industrial espionage. from Short Circuit 2
I got a watch. from Short Circuit 2
I got radios! I got stereos! I got tape decks and CDs! from Short Circuit 2
I got three shifts working on them now. Not a lot I can do. from Short Circuit 2
I got you your big break. Tell me what you need. from Short Circuit 2
I gotta run. Contact me as soon as the complete shipment is ready. from Short Circuit 2
I had planned to make an entrance with a cutting torch... from Short Circuit 2
I happen to be the Membership Committee chairman. from Short Circuit 2
I have a good feeling about this. from Short Circuit 2
I have a need to explain. from Short Circuit 2
I have feelings. from Short Circuit 2
I have only told my friends in Montana. from Short Circuit 2
I have them, every single one. from Short Circuit 2
I just got to sell! I can't help it. Look at me. I'm in a panic. from Short Circuit 2
I just know it. from Short Circuit 2
I just thought I'd drop off that application for you. from Short Circuit 2
I knew he wasn't up to this. from Short Circuit 2
I knew I could count on you. from Short Circuit 2
I knew I should have stayed away from this. from Short Circuit 2
I knew it. from Short Circuit 2
I knew this guy once who started talking like you... from Short Circuit 2
I know about computers and we'd expect to pay no less than... from Short Circuit 2
I know an all night rock and roll place. from Short Circuit 2
I know the name, Fred. And your body is your collateral. from Short Circuit 2
I know they're gonna sell. from Short Circuit 2
I know what it's like for Benjamin working long hours... from Short Circuit 2
I know. I've spent my entire lifetime as one... from Short Circuit 2
I like Oscar. He's friendly. And he treats me with "R E S P E C T." from Short Circuit 2
I lost him. from Short Circuit 2
I mean that they are.... from Short Circuit 2
I mean you're a high tech kind of a guy. from Short Circuit 2
I mean, brown. from Short Circuit 2
I mean, especially at this stage in my career. from Short Circuit 2
I mean, I'd have to have them in, like, 30 days. from Short Circuit 2
I mean, it is making a lot of mistakes because it is alive. from Short Circuit 2
I mean, it's got everything we need. It's got... from Short Circuit 2
I mean, we go in there and we grovel. We look really pathetic. from Short Circuit 2
I mean, well, you can see for yourself. It's pretty dull, actually. from Short Circuit 2
I paid yesterday. Bill is picking it up today. from Short Circuit 2
I possess immortal soul? from Short Circuit 2
I promised our staff a three course dinner. from Short Circuit 2
I said, don't move! from Short Circuit 2
I say, you know, you have attractive shoes and earrings. from Short Circuit 2
I see, no answer to that one. from Short Circuit 2
I see. from Short Circuit 2
I seen it too. It's a Mitsubishi! from Short Circuit 2
I shall be damn sure telling you when the robots are... from Short Circuit 2
I should have known it wouldn't work. from Short Circuit 2
I solemnly swear... from Short Circuit 2
I solemnly swear... from Short Circuit 2
I still like this one. from Short Circuit 2
I think I got you bandaged. You gonna be okay now? from Short Circuit 2
I think I'd better go. from Short Circuit 2
I think it split, man. from Short Circuit 2
I think the chauffeur did it. from Short Circuit 2
I think this Mr. Diddley did more for this country... from Short Circuit 2
I thought this building had been vacated. from Short Circuit 2
I thought this would interest you. from Short Circuit 2
I told you I want high tech... from Short Circuit 2
I tried to cash in on you, too. from Short Circuit 2
I trust you, now. from Short Circuit 2
I understand it. It always hurt. We all want to be liked. from Short Circuit 2
I understand. from Short Circuit 2
I used to do this for a living. It'll be a controlled fire. from Short Circuit 2
I want to be your friend. Listen, you can open any car you want? from Short Circuit 2
I was spending the night with a friend... from Short Circuit 2
I was tricked? Flimflammed? Hornswoggled? from Short Circuit 2
I will make your day? Do not pass go? I'm underage, you know. from Short Circuit 2
I wish I were a bird. from Short Circuit 2
I work all day with other people's money. Look, but don't touch. from Short Circuit 2
I work at the bank. from Short Circuit 2
I worked it out in intricate detail. from Short Circuit 2
I wouldn't want you to strain yourself. from Short Circuit 2
I'll arrange to have them picked up tomorrow. This is terrific. from Short Circuit 2
I'll be back soon. from Short Circuit 2
I'll can the hat and keep looking. from Short Circuit 2
I'll get a new staff together. from Short Circuit 2
I'll get back on you when I return. from Short Circuit 2
I'll scramble your RAM! from Short Circuit 2
I'll unlock it. from Short Circuit 2
I'm a human being like you. from Short Circuit 2
I'm frantic and I'm manic! from Short Circuit 2
I'm going to take your batteries out. Bad boys. from Short Circuit 2
I'm just like you except I'm from out of town. from Short Circuit 2
I'm not here, but leave message at sound of tone. from Short Circuit 2
I'm not Slave O Matic. I'm Johnny Five. I'm alive. from Short Circuit 2
I'm now missing my second date with Sandy. from Short Circuit 2
I'm okay. Just a few Bugs Bunny to work out. from Short Circuit 2
I'm sightseeing, but many people are angry. from Short Circuit 2
I'm sorry I tried to sell your goddamned robot. from Short Circuit 2
I'm sorry. from Short Circuit 2
I'm studying popular music, so I can increase my relationships... from Short Circuit 2
I'm studying with fever to become citizen... from Short Circuit 2
I'm supposed to go to Simpson's to sign the papers. from Short Circuit 2
I'm talking about a robot worth $11,000,000 bucks? from Short Circuit 2
I'm telling you, it's a Nova robot. from Short Circuit 2
I'm telling you, we should take the robot, too! from Short Circuit 2
I'm telling you, you underestimate him. from Short Circuit 2
I'm with him. from Short Circuit 2
I'm worried about our friends, Benjamin and Frederick. from Short Circuit 2
I've been a salesman all my life. I finally got something that sells! from Short Circuit 2
I've been kicking around here for two days' time already. from Short Circuit 2
I've been thinking about you, and I thought you... from Short Circuit 2
I've got more brains in my nostril than he's got... from Short Circuit 2
I've never been able to figure it out. from Short Circuit 2
I've never seen a city. Time for sightseeing. from Short Circuit 2
I've never seen that happen before. from Short Circuit 2
If he is discovering he is in a city full of input... from Short Circuit 2
If he's just missing... from Short Circuit 2
If it loses power, I die, expire, "buck the kicket." from Short Circuit 2
If we have to stop digging for more than five days... from Short Circuit 2
If you act now, I'll throw in for free... from Short Circuit 2
If you don't pay them back right away... from Short Circuit 2
If you had a mouth, I'd wash it out with soap. from Short Circuit 2
Ignition system has fouled up somehow. Sorry, folks. from Short Circuit 2
Improvement on your design. Got the bugs out. from Short Circuit 2
In 30 days. from Short Circuit 2
In one day's time only, a man can go from a mean street corner... from Short Circuit 2
In out, in.... Perfectly functionality. from Short Circuit 2
Increased memory, 500 megabytes on line. from Short Circuit 2
Incredible adaptability. from Short Circuit 2
Input, input! from Short Circuit 2
Input! from Short Circuit 2
Input! from Short Circuit 2
Input! Treasure Island, Origin of the Species. from Short Circuit 2
Input? Well, that's what I'm here for, son. from Short Circuit 2
Input. Megabytes of input. from Short Circuit 2
Insert tab A into slot B. Put that down there... from Short Circuit 2
Interesting human. from Short Circuit 2
Is he naturally this... from Short Circuit 2
Is it loneliness? from Short Circuit 2
Is that it, Robby? from Short Circuit 2
Is that your car, man? You're looking out for it? from Short Circuit 2
Is the car moving? from Short Circuit 2
Is this thing for real? from Short Circuit 2
Isn't it strange we should be meeting like this? from Short Circuit 2
Isn't it wonderful? from Short Circuit 2
It always some guy just like you. I swear. from Short Circuit 2
It does not mean that your mother is sleeping with my dog. from Short Circuit 2
It doesn't help us save Number Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
It doesn't matter. from Short Circuit 2
It doesn't? from Short Circuit 2
It is time to tell you something which is very important. from Short Circuit 2
It is unfortunate we're not carrying a telephone with us. from Short Circuit 2
It is very boring out there. No input. from Short Circuit 2
It means the people that she's sleeping with... from Short Circuit 2
It must take batteries or something, you know? from Short Circuit 2
It rolled past my office. Listen from Short Circuit 2
It was stealing, okay? You were stealing! from Short Circuit 2
It's a $190 shirt. I got it for $45.50 off the truck. from Short Circuit 2
It's a better view. from Short Circuit 2
It's a breakthrough in artificial intelligence. from Short Circuit 2
It's a computer. It probably has custom operating systems from Short Circuit 2
It's a droid! from Short Circuit 2
It's a surprise, the kind of guys they go for. from Short Circuit 2
It's all right. We lost them now. from Short Circuit 2
It's an honor for all of us at the bank, and I'd like from Short Circuit 2
It's coming and it's smarter than I thought. Get ready! from Short Circuit 2
It's for you. Who even knows you're here? from Short Circuit 2
It's great up here. from Short Circuit 2
It's incredible! from Short Circuit 2
It's just that me and Ben Jahrvi, we've got from Short Circuit 2
It's just that when you owe as much money as I do... from Short Circuit 2
It's like Montana, only vertical. from Short Circuit 2
It's me! Isn't that special? from Short Circuit 2
It's not much of a place to see, really, is it? from Short Circuit 2
It's not that. from Short Circuit 2
It's okay, Ben. from Short Circuit 2
It's so good to see you! from Short Circuit 2
It's taken me a long time, let me tell you. from Short Circuit 2
It's unbelievable, isn't it? from Short Circuit 2
J. Five! from Short Circuit 2
Jahrvi, but you can call me B E N. I spell it Ben. from Short Circuit 2
Jahrvi. from Short Circuit 2
Jail is for human beings. They may be scum of the earth... from Short Circuit 2
Jesus! from Short Circuit 2
Johnny Five not a thing. from Short Circuit 2
Johnny Five total value: from Short Circuit 2
Johnny Five? from Short Circuit 2
Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
Johnny is a very cute name. from Short Circuit 2
Johnny? You have taken name for yourself? from Short Circuit 2
Johnny. from Short Circuit 2
Juicy Fruit... from Short Circuit 2
Just like animals in a jungle, I swear to God. from Short Circuit 2
Just tell me what to do. from Short Circuit 2
Just tell me, step by step. from Short Circuit 2
Just the facts. from Short Circuit 2
Keep that power on or I'll beat the living headlights out of you! from Short Circuit 2
Keep your eye on it. from Short Circuit 2
Kiss off, you bug eyed geek. Come on! from Short Circuit 2
Kissing, osculation, hot chotchkies. from Short Circuit 2
Leave it out there. from Short Circuit 2
Leningrad. Black market. Everything from Abba to ZZ Top. from Short Circuit 2
Lesson Number One: You can't trust anybody. from Short Circuit 2
Let me ask you something. How does that thing work? from Short Circuit 2
Let me deal with the robot. from Short Circuit 2
Let me get this straight. from Short Circuit 2
Let's get out of here. from Short Circuit 2
Let's get that craphead. from Short Circuit 2
Let's get them out. from Short Circuit 2
Let's party! from Short Circuit 2
Like a machine? from Short Circuit 2
Like a sweaty duck. from Short Circuit 2
Like car keys, sunglasses from Short Circuit 2
Like I said, it's the all new Radio Shack stereo... from Short Circuit 2
Like the ship. from Short Circuit 2
Listen up, now! We got complaints on this thing. from Short Circuit 2
Listen very carefully. I am thinking we should not tell him... from Short Circuit 2
Listen, Ben. What's going on with those robots? from Short Circuit 2
Listen, you nutcase! Give me that! from Short Circuit 2
Listen. from Short Circuit 2
Lithium argon liquid battery. Good for 500 hours. from Short Circuit 2
Loneliness, solitude. Yes! I have read about this in many books. from Short Circuit 2
Look at that thing over there. from Short Circuit 2
Look at that! from Short Circuit 2
Look at this place. It's amazing! from Short Circuit 2
Look out! from Short Circuit 2
Look out! from Short Circuit 2
Look up there. from Short Circuit 2
Look, I'm sorry for wasting your time. from Short Circuit 2
Look, it's a droid. from Short Circuit 2
Look, just get back to work! from Short Circuit 2
Look, see, they're hands. They clap. from Short Circuit 2
Look, you have no background in this field at all. from Short Circuit 2
Look. How about this? How about we... from Short Circuit 2
Los Locos kick your ass! Los Locos kick your face! from Short Circuit 2
Los Locos kick your ass! Los Locos kick your face! from Short Circuit 2
Los Locos kick your balls into outer space! from Short Circuit 2
Los Locos kick your balls into outer space! from Short Circuit 2
Lots of Greenpeace stickers and even a Nike swoosh! from Short Circuit 2
Louie, Louie! from Short Circuit 2
Low bridge. from Short Circuit 2
Madson steel alloy. from Short Circuit 2
Madson steel alloy. A 450. I'll dig around it. from Short Circuit 2
Main "wer po," power circuits are severed. from Short Circuit 2
Major metropolis! from Short Circuit 2
Making homemade contraption to protect my friends. from Short Circuit 2
Mane ghabarat thaychhe. from Short Circuit 2
Masks? from Short Circuit 2
Maybe a new wardrobe would help. from Short Circuit 2
Maybe I should be selling them door to door? from Short Circuit 2
Maybe that's where the answers are. from Short Circuit 2
Maybe you'd like to join the Neighborhood Merchants Association. from Short Circuit 2
Me, Chrome Breasted Input Eater. from Short Circuit 2
Me, Johnny. You, busted. from Short Circuit 2
Me? from Short Circuit 2
Me? Fix? from Short Circuit 2
Medical person, pay attention to your job! Come here! from Short Circuit 2
Meet, closeness, proximity, yes. from Short Circuit 2
Mid town, centrally located. Been here since 1902. from Short Circuit 2
Might we step inside, please? from Short Circuit 2
Minimum wage. from Short Circuit 2
Mixing in with all the other living bipeds. from Short Circuit 2
Mobile human. from Short Circuit 2
Montana? You got friends here. from Short Circuit 2
More! from Short Circuit 2
Mountain Lion Air Freight. We got a delivery for you. from Short Circuit 2
Mr. Benjamin Jarvee, right? from Short Circuit 2
Mr. De Ruyter, may I have a word with you? from Short Circuit 2
Mr. De Ruyter, welcome to the US, and welcome to First Federal Trust. from Short Circuit 2
Mr. Five, tell us how you feel. from Short Circuit 2
Mr. Manic, you are not knowing your fluids. from Short Circuit 2
Muchas gracias. from Short Circuit 2
Mug shots? from Short Circuit 2
Must "nnect reco," reconnect main battery. from Short Circuit 2
Must be Candid Camera! from Short Circuit 2
Must find policeman! Constable! Gendarme! from Short Circuit 2
Must repair wiring to memory. My memory is me. from Short Circuit 2
My boss loves it. Where did you get them? from Short Circuit 2
My boss wouldn't give a cash advance. from Short Circuit 2
My friend Newton Crosby and I designed and built... from Short Circuit 2
My friend. from Short Circuit 2
My friends trusted me and I lowered them down. from Short Circuit 2
My goodness. Well, I've been called a few names myself. from Short Circuit 2
My mind is not getting over that matter. That is for certain. from Short Circuit 2
My mother... from Short Circuit 2
My name is Oscar Baldwin. from Short Circuit 2
My partner! from Short Circuit 2
My special congratulations to you... from Short Circuit 2
My special price to you today, $39.95. from Short Circuit 2
My wife, Morgan Fairchild. from Short Circuit 2
Nah, no, it's doo doo something. "Da Doo Run Run" from Short Circuit 2
Next song, please. from Short Circuit 2
Nice going, ace. from Short Circuit 2
Nice place you got here. from Short Circuit 2
No grasshoppers today? from Short Circuit 2
No humor is involved. from Short Circuit 2
No movie, no magazine, no bag of peanuts. from Short Circuit 2
No perspiration, if the per unit price is attractive. from Short Circuit 2
No preservatives or additives. from Short Circuit 2
No problems. from Short Circuit 2
No, decorations. Multicolored petroleum by products. from Short Circuit 2
No, do not kill me! from Short Circuit 2
No, I am completely un helpable. I cannot be a... from Short Circuit 2
No, I will get it. Allow me, sir.... Ma'am. Pardon me. from Short Circuit 2
No, it can't be. from Short Circuit 2
No, it's a hang glider! from Short Circuit 2
No, it's okay. from Short Circuit 2
No, Oscar! from Short Circuit 2
No, please don't leave! from Short Circuit 2
No, sir, please don't touch that! from Short Circuit 2
No, sir, please! from Short Circuit 2
No, stop! from Short Circuit 2
No, they scammed you, see? They tricked your ass. from Short Circuit 2
No, you just talk to it. from Short Circuit 2
No! from Short Circuit 2
No! from Short Circuit 2
No! from Short Circuit 2
No! from Short Circuit 2
No! from Short Circuit 2
No! from Short Circuit 2
No! No way! from Short Circuit 2
No! Please! I'm alive! from Short Circuit 2
No! Stop! Please! from Short Circuit 2
No! We gotta lose that thing! from Short Circuit 2
No. from Short Circuit 2
No. from Short Circuit 2
No. from Short Circuit 2
No. Afraid. from Short Circuit 2
No. Don't tell me, please. from Short Circuit 2
No. He just wanted us out of the way. from Short Circuit 2
No. This is a fine from Short Circuit 2
No. What a moron. from Short Circuit 2
No. What matters is what you do, how you live... from Short Circuit 2
Not disassemble! Am alive! Can die! from Short Circuit 2
Not games. Have questions. Need answers. from Short Circuit 2
Not just machine! from Short Circuit 2
Not Mitsubishi. I'm Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
Not possible. We're the type of people... from Short Circuit 2
Not ripping, unscrewing. I helped my friends: from Short Circuit 2
Not the circuit tester! from Short Circuit 2
Now I wonder... from Short Circuit 2
Now we are un employers. from Short Circuit 2
Now we have to get a security system. from Short Circuit 2
Now you're expecting me to believe that you... from Short Circuit 2
Now, across the street out there is a little secret room... from Short Circuit 2
Now, get up! from Short Circuit 2
Now, how many chances am I supposed to give you? from Short Circuit 2
Now, out! Get out! from Short Circuit 2
Now, please, will you stay inside? from Short Circuit 2
Now, this is confession! You don't play games in the house of God! from Short Circuit 2
Now, with all the break ins, the vandalism... from Short Circuit 2
Now, you've been with us how long? Two months? from Short Circuit 2
Now... from Short Circuit 2
Number 25. from Short Circuit 2
Number Five! from Short Circuit 2
Number Five? from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five cannot be sold in any way howsoever. from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five, the date was... from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five, you had me so worried. from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five, you would be doing this for me? from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five! from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five! from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five! from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five! Johnny? from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five? from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five. Are you completely operational? from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five. Come on, Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
Of course you do, my son. You're human, right? from Short Circuit 2
Of course, if everybody was rich, then everybody would have a Bisana. from Short Circuit 2
Of course! Dock of the Bay! Good! Go towards the docks! from Short Circuit 2
Oh no, Johnny Five, you... from Short Circuit 2
Oh, baprai! Right here? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, but Yes, it does, doesn't it? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, but hath not a robot eyes? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, dear! from Short Circuit 2
Oh, God! What did they do to you? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, God. There's a problem, isn't there? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, good golly! I just remembered. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, like, I'm really scared. You know, for sure. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, my God! from Short Circuit 2
Oh, my God. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, my, how time is fun when you're having flies. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, my. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no, Fred. Not your "shilk sirt." Silk shirt. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no, I am only charging $19.95. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no! from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no! from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no. Fluid. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no. I mean, where's your assembly plant? Your offices? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no. Maaf karna. I am from Short Circuit 2
Oh, no.... from Short Circuit 2
Oh, now, Fred, get up! You're chicken? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, Oscar! from Short Circuit 2
Oh, shit. I'm scared. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, such excellent luck. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, yeah? from Short Circuit 2
Oh, yeah? Bull's eye! from Short Circuit 2
Oh, yeah? Watch this. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, yeah? Well, recycle this, you meshuggenah schmuck! from Short Circuit 2
Oh, yes. This is the secret room. from Short Circuit 2
Oh, yes. Yes, indeed. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, ace? If I get your arm working, you can do the rest yourself, right? from Short Circuit 2
Okay, all loaded. 1,000 toy robots. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, Ben. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, check diagram, right. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, find tread assembly, right. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, good. Totally professional. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, hold it there. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, I'll get back to you. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, jerk off. You're gonna get recycled. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, maybe. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, Oscar. I'll pass you off at the head. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, red to black, red to black. Red card. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, so we get rid of the robot. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, thank you. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, those are in now. from Short Circuit 2
Okay? It was a dirty trick. I'm a jerk. I'm a sleazeball. from Short Circuit 2
Okay. from Short Circuit 2
Okay. from Short Circuit 2
Okay. from Short Circuit 2
Okay. from Short Circuit 2
Okay. from Short Circuit 2
Okay. Good, well, so good luck with the rest of them and... from Short Circuit 2
Okay. Here we go! from Short Circuit 2
Okey dokey. from Short Circuit 2
On time, no bullshit. from Short Circuit 2
Once we get a cash advance, we'd be in high gear. from Short Circuit 2
One shot. Mind over matter. Ready? from Short Circuit 2
One whose person is under control of another as master, is a slave. from Short Circuit 2
One, two, three. from Short Circuit 2
Only, then I got greedy. I mean, come on... from Short Circuit 2
Open this box. from Short Circuit 2
Operating completely unsupervised. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar suckered me and I'm the big con man. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar, come here. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar, I do not understand this input. What language are you speaking, Oscar? from Short Circuit 2
Oscar, step aside. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar, thank you. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar, you will not get away. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar, you're such a friendly guy. I always enjoy talking to you. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar! from Short Circuit 2
Oscar? Hiding place is bank vault. Heimdall bank vault. from Short Circuit 2
Oscar? That shlup? from Short Circuit 2
Otis Redding. Dock of the Bay. from Short Circuit 2
Our gift to the Brazilian National Orphanage. from Short Circuit 2
Out of all the partners I could have picked, I get the one that doesn't wanna be rich. from Short Circuit 2
Out! from Short Circuit 2
Outdoor plumbing. from Short Circuit 2
Outside of doors is city. Awesome input. You did not tell me. from Short Circuit 2
Pardon me. from Short Circuit 2
Pardon. from Short Circuit 2
Parked. from Short Circuit 2
People dislike me. Call me droid, ugly mother. from Short Circuit 2
Perfectly, "kay o." from Short Circuit 2
Perhaps they can help me financially. from Short Circuit 2
Philosophy, art, religion, aerobics. from Short Circuit 2
Phone service. All the square footage you could ask for. from Short Circuit 2
Piece of corn. Can of cake. "Suck doup." from Short Circuit 2
Please allow me to demonstrate the law of centrifugal force. from Short Circuit 2
Please note. from Short Circuit 2
Please return your seatbacks and tray tables... from Short Circuit 2
Please say something. from Short Circuit 2
Please, call me Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
Please, darling, it is a Hankoff. It's gaunt, angular... from Short Circuit 2
Please, I am sorry. from Short Circuit 2
Please, someone let from Short Circuit 2
Please! from Short Circuit 2
Plenty of time. from Short Circuit 2
Police and security to full alert immediately. from Short Circuit 2
Police station! Which way? from Short Circuit 2
Pork snouts, nitrates, red dye number five. from Short Circuit 2
Precious stones. from Short Circuit 2
Prepare for launch. All systems are go. from Short Circuit 2
Pumping iron. from Short Circuit 2
Pursue, capture, incarcerate! from Short Circuit 2
Quickly! from Short Circuit 2
Quiet? Do you know what just floated past me? from Short Circuit 2
Quiet. from Short Circuit 2
Rasc.... Oh, Oscar! from Short Circuit 2
Rats. Can't lock on frequency. from Short Circuit 2
Really, Benny, that thing doesn't work so good. from Short Circuit 2
Really? from Short Circuit 2
Really? from Short Circuit 2
Red to black. from Short Circuit 2
Relax, get comfortable. You're gonna be here for a while. from Short Circuit 2
Right after lunch. I'm not that hungry myself. from Short Circuit 2
Right. from Short Circuit 2
Right. Simple words. from Short Circuit 2
Right. What I mean, is it remote controlled, or what? from Short Circuit 2
Ringing again. from Short Circuit 2
Ringing! It is ringing. from Short Circuit 2
Rip it apart! from Short Circuit 2
Ritter, Fred Ritter. Nice to meet you. from Short Circuit 2
Ritter, huh? You say it's not remote controlled... from Short Circuit 2
Rolex watch. You know the name, now own the watch. from Short Circuit 2
Rolex watch. You know the name, now own the watch. from Short Circuit 2
Rolex! from Short Circuit 2
Run! from Short Circuit 2
Saala gandu! Lundia! from Short Circuit 2
Sale. Contract by which ownership of property is transferred. from Short Circuit 2
Sandy Banatoni, the human. from Short Circuit 2
Sandy, that pogo stick guy is waiting for you upstairs. from Short Circuit 2
Sandy.... from Short Circuit 2
Saunders, are they moving out or not? from Short Circuit 2
Saunders, you bastard, help me! "Eep kay I'm hay usy bay!" from Short Circuit 2
Security system? Sure. from Short Circuit 2
See this guy? I know him. I know him. Fast reader. from Short Circuit 2
She is? I thought you said this thing misfunctioned on you. from Short Circuit 2
She's very knowledgeable in this field. from Short Circuit 2
Short cut. As the crow flies. Have seen utility maps in the bookstore. from Short Circuit 2
Sightseeing? You don't need to sightsee. from Short Circuit 2
Silence is better than Little Richard? from Short Circuit 2
Since I am leaving India, I, too, am having much loneliness... from Short Circuit 2
Sit. Please, sit down. from Short Circuit 2
Sixteenth Street! from Short Circuit 2
Slater tells us, "Don't take chances." from Short Circuit 2
Slow down, Saunders. from Short Circuit 2
Smash the damn thing! from Short Circuit 2
Smile! from Short Circuit 2
So get the police, the Lone Ranger, Dirty Harry, Mean Joe Green... from Short Circuit 2
So he ran away. So now he is living with my friend in Montana... from Short Circuit 2
So I don't. Then I take a chance and then.... from Short Circuit 2
So leave! from Short Circuit 2
So those two dickheads out there, if they smash Johnny Five up... from Short Circuit 2
So, Benny: from Short Circuit 2
So, come on, take advantage of Manic Mike's emotional problems. from Short Circuit 2
So, that's what's been going on. from Short Circuit 2
So, what do we talk about now? from Short Circuit 2
So, where is he now? from Short Circuit 2
So, you lost him? Oh, well. from Short Circuit 2
So? from Short Circuit 2
Somebody will let you out Monday morning. from Short Circuit 2
Sorry, I haven't heard of you. Where are you located? from Short Circuit 2
Soul? Yes, input from Bible, Koran, Upanishads. from Short Circuit 2
Sounds like a good idea to me. We sure as hell can't get rid of it. from Short Circuit 2
Split conductor cable, remember? from Short Circuit 2
Squid. I need squid. from Short Circuit 2
Stage. That's a good one. from Short Circuit 2
Stand apart, now! Do it now. I said, now! from Short Circuit 2
Stand back, please. My plasma cutter is dangerous to humans. from Short Circuit 2
Steady, watch the trim. from Short Circuit 2
Stealing? To take property without permission, unlawfully? from Short Circuit 2
Stolen goods warehouse? from Short Circuit 2
Subterranean excavation requires many permits. from Short Circuit 2
Sure, listen to yourself! You can't even talk straight! from Short Circuit 2
Sure, they all do that, man. Hey, what are you doing here? from Short Circuit 2
Sure. from Short Circuit 2
Sure. from Short Circuit 2
Sure. from Short Circuit 2
Sure. I'm just on my way to pick up the kids and my wife. from Short Circuit 2
Sure. Kidnap the humans... from Short Circuit 2
Sure. Why not? from Short Circuit 2
Suspect vehicle turning east on Lakeshore. from Short Circuit 2
Take it down to Stolen Goods. from Short Circuit 2
Take it easy! I just misplaced him. from Short Circuit 2
Take me to your leader. from Short Circuit 2
Tell her you find yourself fascinated by her hypnotic blue eyes. from Short Circuit 2
Thank God, are you okay now? from Short Circuit 2
Thank you for stopping. from Short Circuit 2
Thank you very much. from Short Circuit 2
Thank you, Fred. Sandy Banatoni. from Short Circuit 2
Thank you, friend. from Short Circuit 2
Thank you, Oscar. Adios. from Short Circuit 2
Thank you. from Short Circuit 2
Thanks. from Short Circuit 2
Thanks. from Short Circuit 2
Thanks. I'll get to it right away. from Short Circuit 2
That is him! That is Number Johnny Five! from Short Circuit 2
That makes you equal. from Short Circuit 2
That sounds good. from Short Circuit 2
That sounds good. You're on a roll. from Short Circuit 2
That thing ain't gonna work on this lock, sucker. from Short Circuit 2
That thing is remarkable! Is it yours? from Short Circuit 2
That thing ran me all over to hell and gone... from Short Circuit 2
That was good. I like that one. That one, too. from Short Circuit 2
That way. from Short Circuit 2
That! from Short Circuit 2
That's a falsity. What really happened was... from Short Circuit 2
That's all we need, a robot who's into equal rights. from Short Circuit 2
That's better. from Short Circuit 2
That's great. from Short Circuit 2
That's it! Good! from Short Circuit 2
That's it. Sixteenth Street! Go! Hurry! from Short Circuit 2
That's it. We gotta get out of here. from Short Circuit 2
That's nice, but I'm occupying myself from Short Circuit 2
That's right across the street. from Short Circuit 2
That's the real one! The real Number Two! from Short Circuit 2
That's the ticket. from Short Circuit 2
That's the whole idea, see? from Short Circuit 2
That's them? You did it. We got 'em! from Short Circuit 2
That's what I said. "Derf." from Short Circuit 2
That's wonderful! If you're even just helping me to... from Short Circuit 2
The cops have got him. from Short Circuit 2
The Department of Car Stereo Repair. from Short Circuit 2
The government is divided into three trees. from Short Circuit 2
The key is in the ignition. from Short Circuit 2
The Nova project was scrapped and the robots were destroyed. from Short Circuit 2
The people in this city, it's like back to the trees time. from Short Circuit 2
The purple wires? Twist them back together? from Short Circuit 2
The purple? from Short Circuit 2
The reason it is so difficult to control is because... from Short Circuit 2
The robot is working for us now, pal. from Short Circuit 2
The robots, sir. I found those. from Short Circuit 2
The soil density is lower than I thought. from Short Circuit 2
The truth is, it doesn't matter what people think of you. from Short Circuit 2
The ultimate Swiss craftsmanship. from Short Circuit 2
The valves? from Short Circuit 2
Then come to confession yourself. Don't send a machine! from Short Circuit 2
Then you move on to complimenting her shoes or her earrings. from Short Circuit 2
Then you move onto something more personal, you know? from Short Circuit 2
There are 2,312 taxicabs in this city. from Short Circuit 2
There are many people here, and people, they are very complicated. from Short Circuit 2
There is a telephone line here. I can wire in the telephone easily. from Short Circuit 2
There is no way to get that robot to do what we want. from Short Circuit 2
There is nothing outside. It's very boring out there. from Short Circuit 2
There is the address right there! We know where we are! from Short Circuit 2
There! Chrysler LeBaron, late model. from Short Circuit 2
There's a guy trying to sleep up here. from Short Circuit 2
There's no way we'll get to the jewels before from Short Circuit 2
There's one now. Hey, taxi! Cab! from Short Circuit 2
There's really nothing to see out there. from Short Circuit 2
There's Sandy. What a coincidence you are here. from Short Circuit 2
There's somebody at the door. from Short Circuit 2
These guys must be loaded. Why are they in that building? from Short Circuit 2
These two are wonderful. from Short Circuit 2
They are not selling like pancakes, that is for certain. from Short Circuit 2
They broke my alarm, but I didn't hear noise, and then they from Short Circuit 2
They could be ready for delivery in the middle of October. from Short Circuit 2
They have got a robot doing all the work for them. from Short Circuit 2
They like you. Craphead is a compliment. from Short Circuit 2
They probably bought it. from Short Circuit 2
They said technically, he's missing. from Short Circuit 2
They wanna take your books away. from Short Circuit 2
They were on sale at Woolworth's. Oscar said it didn't matter. from Short Circuit 2
They were supposed to be such hotshot engineers. from Short Circuit 2
They're brown. from Short Circuit 2
They're buying it. from Short Circuit 2
They're fast learners, they're hard workers. from Short Circuit 2
They're not gonna move. Not in this town. from Short Circuit 2
They're tearing it down soon, so I sweet talked them into a short lease. from Short Circuit 2
Thing? An object without life, a personal possession? Incorrect. from Short Circuit 2
This gives you bad emotion, loneliness, unhappiness. from Short Circuit 2
This is a ballpark figure, you know. We'll round it off. from Short Circuit 2
This is a hell of a way to treat a future American citizen. from Short Circuit 2
This is actually no place at all. from Short Circuit 2
This is battery fluid. He is bleeding to death. from Short Circuit 2
This is Charlie 6. 6 Charlie, we're on it. from Short Circuit 2
This is far too risky. I mean, broad daylight. from Short Circuit 2
This is for you. from Short Circuit 2
This is ground control. from Short Circuit 2
This is it. Your new factory, rented just for you. from Short Circuit 2
This is most pleasant deal. Pleasing. from Short Circuit 2
This is my friend, Fred. from Short Circuit 2
This is not my current discussion of topic. from Short Circuit 2
This is ridiculous! from Short Circuit 2
This is so weird. I was just thinking about you... from Short Circuit 2
This is the room, the hiding place for Benjamin. from Short Circuit 2
This is XL 7, over and out. from Short Circuit 2
This is your last chance. from Short Circuit 2
This is your old junk? from Short Circuit 2
This looks even better than your prototype. from Short Circuit 2
This Morse code. from Short Circuit 2
This one is Bo Diddley! Performed by Mr. Diddley himself! from Short Circuit 2
This place is a mess. from Short Circuit 2
This should be it. Right? from Short Circuit 2
This will be our only opportunity. Now, you two just keep... from Short Circuit 2
This, this is a highly sophisticated robot for $19.95, no tax. from Short Circuit 2
This'll get us through customs just fine. from Short Circuit 2
Time, in a sort of runic rhyme from Short Circuit 2
To assemble robots with our naked hands would be slower than... from Short Circuit 2
To the moon, Alice. from Short Circuit 2
Told you you could do it. from Short Circuit 2
Tony Romeo and the Crests. from Short Circuit 2
Transparent as hell. from Short Circuit 2
Trust me. from Short Circuit 2
Tu mama hace el amor con mi perro. from Short Circuit 2
Turn the power on to its top most capacity. from Short Circuit 2
Two excellent books. May I have these, craphead? from Short Circuit 2
Uncle, are you wanting to buy? There's no obligation. from Short Circuit 2
Unfortunately, the military got hold of him and decided to use him... from Short Circuit 2
Unpleasant, hollow, cold. from Short Circuit 2
Unsuccessful. from Short Circuit 2
Up and at 'em, Benjamin. Time for recharging. from Short Circuit 2
Vehicle is low on fuel. from Short Circuit 2
Vehicle tire tracks. Goodyear radials, 215 75 15. from Short Circuit 2
Voila, my man. from Short Circuit 2
Wait a minute, they screwed up! from Short Circuit 2
Wait a minute. Ben? from Short Circuit 2
Wait a minute. Fred has this weird idea. from Short Circuit 2
Wait a minute. What are you gonna do? from Short Circuit 2
Wait, I know a little Spanish. from Short Circuit 2
Wait, Mr. Slater, look. You haven't seen this. from Short Circuit 2
Wait! from Short Circuit 2
Wait. from Short Circuit 2
Was not told I was in a city. Why? from Short Circuit 2
Wash his socks, iron his shirts.... from Short Circuit 2
Washington, DC. from Short Circuit 2
Watch it, dink! You're out of your league. from Short Circuit 2
Watch out! from Short Circuit 2
Watch your toes. from Short Circuit 2
We are at Broadway. Is it a left or right that I would hang? from Short Circuit 2
We are not seeing the hide nor the head of them! from Short Circuit 2
We can't even get into the damn building. from Short Circuit 2
We could go maybe, $50 apiece? from Short Circuit 2
We danced. from Short Circuit 2
We deal in volume. I couldn't possibly order... from Short Circuit 2
We drank champagne. from Short Circuit 2
We got a hot toy, so the big boys want it, right? from Short Circuit 2
We got this big job, you know, where we go around looking... from Short Circuit 2
We got too many cars to do today. See all those cars? from Short Circuit 2
We gotta come up with something! from Short Circuit 2
We have a 10 34 between two men and a forklift? from Short Circuit 2
We have lift off. from Short Circuit 2
We have to do all those cars or we don't even get to go home... from Short Circuit 2
We have to get them out of here, or we can kiss those diamonds good bye. from Short Circuit 2
We may be too late already. We've been here for hours. from Short Circuit 2
We need a cab. from Short Circuit 2
We need to clear out all my old junk here. from Short Circuit 2
We should leave it out here or what? from Short Circuit 2
We still have the robot parts and the van. from Short Circuit 2
We thought it was that. from Short Circuit 2
We were nowhere near that tunnel. from Short Circuit 2
We will show up at your door October 15 this year... from Short Circuit 2
We work for the Department of Car Stereo Repair, right? from Short Circuit 2
We'll be out of here in under two minutes. from Short Circuit 2
We'll have to shore every five feet. from Short Circuit 2
We'll keep them here until one day before the exhibition is to open... from Short Circuit 2
We'll return to Tarzan the Fearless after these messages. from Short Circuit 2
We're already in business. What you have to make... from Short Circuit 2
We're finally making it! from Short Circuit 2
We're flat out of time, buddy. So what's your brilliant plan? from Short Circuit 2
We're getting close to the deadline. from Short Circuit 2
We're home free! It could build them all, right? from Short Circuit 2
We're in two different worlds here. from Short Circuit 2
We're not past the utility lines yet. from Short Circuit 2
We're on 59th, headed east. No sign of the suspect from Short Circuit 2
We're on a short term lease. We'll be gone in a month. from Short Circuit 2
We're using it to build this fine line of quality toys. from Short Circuit 2
Weapon is to kill, disassemble, make dead. Unacceptable. from Short Circuit 2
Well from Short Circuit 2
Well, all right. from Short Circuit 2
Well, come on, buddy. from Short Circuit 2
Well, do you like music? from Short Circuit 2
Well, excuse me for living. from Short Circuit 2
Well, Hungarian malts. Very good. from Short Circuit 2
Well, I am making them. from Short Circuit 2
Well, I lean towards the Bible myself. from Short Circuit 2
Well, I've always enjoyed talking to you. from Short Circuit 2
Well, let us just say that we were separated from our jobs. from Short Circuit 2
Well, okay, pilgrim... from Short Circuit 2
Well, that's an expression in my country, where... from Short Circuit 2
Well, the jewels, man. They must be worth, well, who knows? from Short Circuit 2
Well, the real Number Five, he malfunctioned and.... from Short Circuit 2
Well, there is something in which I have not told you also. from Short Circuit 2
Well, this is just great! from Short Circuit 2
Well, this is just great! from Short Circuit 2
Well, to be perfectly honest, I never liked him either. from Short Circuit 2
Well, wait a minute. from Short Circuit 2
Well, we are manufacturing them like gangbangers. from Short Circuit 2
Well, yes, of course, we are interested. from Short Circuit 2
Well, yes, of course. from Short Circuit 2
Well, yes. You're my friend. from Short Circuit 2
Well, you are also there. That's also my home. from Short Circuit 2
Well, you are hitting the nail right between the eyes. from Short Circuit 2
Well, you shouldn't. I wouldn't trust me. from Short Circuit 2
Well, you would not believe me. from Short Circuit 2
Well, you, I hope. from Short Circuit 2
Well... from Short Circuit 2
Well.... from Short Circuit 2
What about this new slogan: from Short Circuit 2
What are you doing here? I am not understanding. from Short Circuit 2
What are you really like? from Short Circuit 2
What are you talking about? Not the bank. from Short Circuit 2
What are you? Punishment from God? from Short Circuit 2
What do you think, Mr. Slater? We can call it Funny Fingers. from Short Circuit 2
What emotion is this? from Short Circuit 2
What happened? from Short Circuit 2
What is a 10 34? Why does he not speak English? from Short Circuit 2
What is it? from Short Circuit 2
What is that? from Short Circuit 2
What is that? How much you want for it? from Short Circuit 2
What is the time being? from Short Circuit 2
What is this, some type of stunt? A joke? from Short Circuit 2
What is this? from Short Circuit 2
What is this? from Short Circuit 2
What is wrong? Where is your auxiliary power? from Short Circuit 2
What kind of a genius are you if you don't know it? from Short Circuit 2
What property is for sale? from Short Circuit 2
What the hell am I looking at here? from Short Circuit 2
What the hell is this crap? from Short Circuit 2
What the hell? from Short Circuit 2
What the hell? Come back here! from Short Circuit 2
What the hell's a "Doo Wah Diddy"? from Short Circuit 2
What we smashed is worth nothing compared to that. from Short Circuit 2
What would you say to that? from Short Circuit 2
What year? from Short Circuit 2
What? from Short Circuit 2
What? from Short Circuit 2
What? from Short Circuit 2
What? from Short Circuit 2
What? No, it isn't. from Short Circuit 2
What? Oscar! from Short Circuit 2
What? Who are "we"? from Short Circuit 2
What's going on? from Short Circuit 2
What's he doing, anyway? from Short Circuit 2
What's this? from Short Circuit 2
What's this? from Short Circuit 2
Whatever happened to those guys? from Short Circuit 2
When he's finished, we'll turn him into aluminium siding. from Short Circuit 2
When people look at you, they see a machine... from Short Circuit 2
When you complete this robot, we will have 25. from Short Circuit 2
Where are they? You're dealing with a street hustler. from Short Circuit 2
Where did you learn this stuff? from Short Circuit 2
Where is he? from Short Circuit 2
Where is he? from Short Circuit 2
Where is he? He is leaking! He'll run out of power and he'll die! from Short Circuit 2
Where you going, Speedy? from Short Circuit 2
Which one human? from Short Circuit 2
Who are these masked men and what do they want? from Short Circuit 2
Who are you and what is your name? from Short Circuit 2
Who are you guys anyway? from Short Circuit 2
Who are you? from Short Circuit 2
Who is caring? This crap is moving! from Short Circuit 2
Who the hell are they? Nobody's supposed to be here. from Short Circuit 2
Whoever's running this, this is the police. from Short Circuit 2
Why are we killing ourselves making toys for a lousy $50,000? from Short Circuit 2
Why are you angry? Why try to disassemble Johnny Five? from Short Circuit 2
Why don't you see if you can hunt up some more of those cashew nuts? from Short Circuit 2
Why shouldn't we get the robot to help us out? from Short Circuit 2
Why try to disassemble Johnny Five? from Short Circuit 2
Why? from Short Circuit 2
Why'd you get dinosaurs? from Short Circuit 2
Will you please tell me what that thing is? from Short Circuit 2
Woman carrying a dead animal. from Short Circuit 2
Wow, nutso. from Short Circuit 2
Wreck it! from Short Circuit 2
Yep. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, and I'm proud of you. You removed your laser weapon. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, but it fell through. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, I am in all directions for it. Most definitely. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, J. Five! from Short Circuit 2
Yes, my child? from Short Circuit 2
Yes, right on Sandy's way home. Also remembered another great book: from Short Circuit 2
Yes, sir. High tech. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, there's only one of them and we've got it. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, turn here. I think. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, you see robotics is the only livelihood I am knowing. from Short Circuit 2
Yes, you! from Short Circuit 2
Yes. from Short Circuit 2
Yes. from Short Circuit 2
Yes. from Short Circuit 2
Yes. from Short Circuit 2
Yes. 1,000 robots, well from Short Circuit 2
Yes. Humans are everywhere, this is true. from Short Circuit 2
Yes. It is called Number Five. from Short Circuit 2
Yes. Please, I must escape this embarrassment. from Short Circuit 2
You already owe a substantial sum, Fred. from Short Circuit 2
You are appreciating my robots? from Short Circuit 2
You are having loneliness, too? But you're human. from Short Circuit 2
You are lonely because no one is believing you are alive and... from Short Circuit 2
You are risking your popular body parts to... from Short Circuit 2
You are saying this "we" word, sir. from Short Circuit 2
You betcha! It's the all new Johnny Five. Just look at these items! from Short Circuit 2
You can just look. from Short Circuit 2
You can mass produce at this quality and still meet... from Short Circuit 2
You can't confess by remote control. from Short Circuit 2
You can't vandalize something if it's already yours. from Short Circuit 2
You could have just told me. from Short Circuit 2
You enjoying Planet Earth? from Short Circuit 2
You gonna beat that? How are you gonna beat that? from Short Circuit 2
You got water cooled tubes? from Short Circuit 2
You have an alternative power supply? from Short Circuit 2
You have been vandalized all over yourself. from Short Circuit 2
You have come a long way from a Defense Department prototype. from Short Circuit 2
You have made many modifications upon your person. from Short Circuit 2
You have not known this one? from Short Circuit 2
You have removed 57 car stereos? from Short Circuit 2
You have selected an appropriate location for my date? from Short Circuit 2
You have some explaining to do, young man. from Short Circuit 2
You haven't seen this before. Check it out. from Short Circuit 2
You idiots! You don't even know what you're chasing. from Short Circuit 2
You jerk! from Short Circuit 2
You just gotta wait six months like everybody else. from Short Circuit 2
You just want a rough estimate of how long.... from Short Circuit 2
You know Shakespeare? from Short Circuit 2
You know that? from Short Circuit 2
You know the name, now own the watch. from Short Circuit 2
You know what you gotta do? You gotta break it up... from Short Circuit 2
You know, this is great for me, too. from Short Circuit 2
You know, we can get more personnel, a larger factory. from Short Circuit 2
You little rascal, running away like that. from Short Circuit 2
You mean this thing runs by itself? from Short Circuit 2
You mean, you can see their tire tracks? You can follow them? from Short Circuit 2
You mean, you make these yourself? In there? from Short Circuit 2
You mean, you've had someone prompting you? from Short Circuit 2
You must learn to defend yourself. from Short Circuit 2
You rang? from Short Circuit 2
You really saved our bacon there. Thanks a lot. from Short Circuit 2
You screw around with Johnny Five... from Short Circuit 2
You see the hands, they bend like that. from Short Circuit 2
You see these fine chronometers on sale at Tiffany's... from Short Circuit 2
You see, we have much in common. from Short Circuit 2
You snake in the glass! from Short Circuit 2
You start out by talking about the weather. from Short Circuit 2
You still haven't found one item I'd consider carrying. from Short Circuit 2
You stop backing up, you untrustworthy person. from Short Circuit 2
You talk about speed reading, he can really read. from Short Circuit 2
You think that's the who's it that trashed the bookstore? from Short Circuit 2
You tried to sell Number Johnny Five? from Short Circuit 2
You want 5,000, you got 5,000. from Short Circuit 2
You want my toys? Everybody wants my toys. from Short Circuit 2
You want to hand me the Labatts? from Short Circuit 2
You want to help us out? from Short Circuit 2
You were making these things for real? from Short Circuit 2
You were out ripping stuff off? from Short Circuit 2
You will book me, Danno? from Short Circuit 2
You won't be able to make the robots on time? from Short Circuit 2
You! from Short Circuit 2
You! from Short Circuit 2
You'd think it'd be someone like me, right? No hope. from Short Circuit 2
You're a crazy man, huh? from Short Circuit 2
You're getting warmer. from Short Circuit 2
You're incredible! from Short Circuit 2
You're jumping the gun here. Arnold said I got 29 more days. from Short Circuit 2
You're never gonna find 'em. They're long gone. from Short Circuit 2
You're not doing any drugs, are you? I mean from Short Circuit 2
You're not in top form and your backup battery's used up. from Short Circuit 2
You're ordering me? from Short Circuit 2
You're tuned to Daddy O's Patio with Stacks o' Wax... from Short Circuit 2
Your friends? What about me? What about this business? from Short Circuit 2
1,000? We could do 1,000. from Short Circuit 2
4 10! from Short Circuit 2
6 Charlie, this sounds like your baby. from Short Circuit 2
9 1 1. Oh, Bagwhan, please. from Short Circuit 2
10 4, good buddy. from Short Circuit 2
15 minutes you have to get good. from Short Circuit 2
24. from Short Circuit 2
30 days? from Short Circuit 2
30 days. from Short Circuit 2
37,862,000 "lar dols." I thought my friend he was. from Short Circuit 2
60 regular. from Short Circuit 2
100 percent intact? from Short Circuit 2
135 West Lafayette Boulevard. Usted comprende amigo? from Short Circuit 2
180, over here. from Short Circuit 2
1993. from Short Circuit 2
...it is just like you and I. What are you talking about? from Short Circuit 2
...to start our business? Yes. from Short Circuit 2
" Just two tablets brings natural...." Get off, Sylvester! from Short Circuit 2
"Act ay ared scay." Is your speech program scrambled? from Short Circuit 2
"R E S P E C T" Lower your volume. from Short Circuit 2
1,000? 1,000. from Short Circuit 2
8:37 a.m. And 17 seconds. Oh, my God. from Short Circuit 2
A 450. Well, of course. from Short Circuit 2
A hole. Yes! from Short Circuit 2
A life is hanging on a tightrope. Just got a 10 31. from Short Circuit 2
Afraid to be rejected. Rejection makes you lonely? from Short Circuit 2
All right, what's the deal here? What? from Short Circuit 2
Are you angry, too? No, man. from Short Circuit 2
Artificial intelligence automat Will you shut up! from Short Circuit 2
Back to the scene of the crime. Hey! This is crazy. from Short Circuit 2
Backup battery? Yes! from Short Circuit 2
Ben It is a small talk, chat chit to... from Short Circuit 2
Ben, it looks great. Thank you. from Short Circuit 2
Benjamin Jarvee? Jahrvi! from Short Circuit 2
Bombyx mori moth caterpillar. Forget it. from Short Circuit 2
But Benjamin is our friend, right? True blue. from Short Circuit 2
But isn't that We need to do just one more thing. from Short Circuit 2
But, Fred, l Do you see those two guys down there? from Short Circuit 2
Can't we just Give me a break. from Short Circuit 2
Come on out now. But I am out. from Short Circuit 2
Come on, it's just a figure of speech. Am not property, Frederick. from Short Circuit 2
Come on, Sandy. Get with it! He's not street hustler. from Short Circuit 2
Did you ask me a question? Benny, merchandise is running away. from Short Circuit 2
Do it! Okay. Lord Rama.... from Short Circuit 2
Do something! Oscar, enlighten me. from Short Circuit 2
Does she have an answering machine? Yes. from Short Circuit 2
Don't come any closer. You coward! from Short Circuit 2
Entrance. Portal. Right. from Short Circuit 2
Excellent. I'm glad you approve. from Short Circuit 2
Excuse me. Hi. Mr. Jarvee, right? from Short Circuit 2
Five? Number Johnny Five? from Short Circuit 2
Get back here, you are grounded! 'Bye now. from Short Circuit 2
Get back! Look out! from Short Circuit 2
Get it! The key! I got it! from Short Circuit 2
Got it? Yep. from Short Circuit 2
Guy was ripped off by a robot. This is America? from Short Circuit 2
Hands over your head! What is the meaning of.... from Short Circuit 2
He'll be dead? Lf he is losing his power, yes. from Short Circuit 2
He'll fire me. No, everything is okay. from Short Circuit 2
Here, please assemble. Sure. from Short Circuit 2
Hey, that's very nice. Isn't that cute? from Short Circuit 2
Hi, Bill. Fine young athlete. from Short Circuit 2
Hi, Fred. And you. from Short Circuit 2
Hi. Very impressive, Mr. from Short Circuit 2
How much time do we need? You gotta be kidding. from Short Circuit 2
Hurry up! Coming. from Short Circuit 2
I am requesting a helicopter immediately! Ben? from Short Circuit 2
I can't believe you Oh, dear. from Short Circuit 2
I did not win? Who's running this thing? from Short Circuit 2
I don't know it! What do you mean? from Short Circuit 2
I found one for you. Great. from Short Circuit 2
I got you some input, didn't I? But, l from Short Circuit 2
I know it will sell. Sandy, we don't sell novelty items here. from Short Circuit 2
I like it. Come here. Come on. from Short Circuit 2
I thought it was somebody I knew. No, wait, sir! from Short Circuit 2
I'll cover for you. Go for it. You think so? from Short Circuit 2
I've been thinking about Sandy. You have? from Short Circuit 2
Interested in upgrading your image? Up my image? from Short Circuit 2
Is it doing it? I don't see nothing. from Short Circuit 2
Is this gonna work? Yes. I think she will understand. from Short Circuit 2
It's dead! He used it up already! Goddamn it! from Short Circuit 2
It's due in 30 days. Mr. Arnold, I'm aware of that. from Short Circuit 2
J. Five! Number Johnny Five, are you okay? from Short Circuit 2
Jehovah, Krishna, Lord of Lords.... I think he needs coffee. from Short Circuit 2
Let's go, Saunders. God, I think I'm allergic to this stuff. from Short Circuit 2
Listen.... Hello. from Short Circuit 2
Look out! Stand back! from Short Circuit 2
Move, lady! Okay, rockin' baby. Sixteenth Street. from Short Circuit 2
Nineteen... ...fifty... from Short Circuit 2
No, I mean, you should go I mean, yes. from Short Circuit 2
No, over here. Right. Sorry. from Short Circuit 2
No, that's not a good idea. Trust me. from Short Circuit 2
No. No, that's not it. from Short Circuit 2
Now, you go back home. Okay. from Short Circuit 2
Number Johnny Five? Freeze! Hands in the air! from Short Circuit 2
Oh God! You're bleeding! Yes, battery fluid. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, Johnny Five, you're free to go. Okay. from Short Circuit 2
Okay, pick that card up. That one. I win. from Short Circuit 2
Or is this just an act, or what? Move those balloons! from Short Circuit 2
Oscar owns the Vanderveer Collection? Yes! from Short Circuit 2
Please, officer. Benjamin. from Short Circuit 2
Please. Excuse me. from Short Circuit 2
Read any good books lately? Yes. I covered many great subjects. from Short Circuit 2
Ready. On three? from Short Circuit 2
Really? Got it for a song. It'll work though, right? from Short Circuit 2
Sightseeing tips! Lots of input. from Short Circuit 2
Silk. Damn right. from Short Circuit 2
Stop! So long, sucker. from Short Circuit 2
Thank you. Congratulations, Johnny. from Short Circuit 2
Thank you. This is it, right? from Short Circuit 2
Thank you. You're welcome. from Short Circuit 2
Thanks. We are making a deal. from Short Circuit 2
That's not true. Listen. from Short Circuit 2
The Beach Boys, 1964, "Help Me, Rolla." Rhonda. from Short Circuit 2
The chief said to get a photo record. What are we supposed to do? from Short Circuit 2
These are great toys. Thank you. from Short Circuit 2
Today? Absolutely. from Short Circuit 2
We catch fish fresh everyday. No, those fish are old. from Short Circuit 2
We got a deal. We got a deal. Thank you. from Short Circuit 2
Well, give me five, hombre. Yes, and give me the three. from Short Circuit 2
Well, I left mine in the Mercedes. No, I am speaking seriously. from Short Circuit 2
What do you think? I think we ought to get in the car. from Short Circuit 2
What is that? What is what? from Short Circuit 2
What is that? Look at that thing! Some kind of a bird! from Short Circuit 2
What the hell? Go around them! from Short Circuit 2
What? "Act ay ared scay." from Short Circuit 2
What? His auxiliary power! from Short Circuit 2
What? I got an error message for you! from Short Circuit 2
What? I'd go see Sandy today. from Short Circuit 2
What? Look! from Short Circuit 2
What's going on? What are you doing now? from Short Circuit 2
Who? Hey, Bill. How you doing? from Short Circuit 2
Why are guys like that? Go on! from Short Circuit 2
Why don't we sell the big one? What? This is not possible. from Short Circuit 2
Would you do that for me? Come on in the car. from Short Circuit 2
Yes. You know what I'd do? from Short Circuit 2
Yes. Right. First one. from Short Circuit 2
You got fingerprints? No, he doesn't. from Short Circuit 2
You like McNuggets? Who is he? from Short Circuit 2
You lost Number Johnny Five? Hold it. from Short Circuit 2
You missed him! It's half busted. We'll finish it off. from Short Circuit 2
You still owe me everything. Absolutely. from Short Circuit 2
Your friends? This is a major screw up! from Short Circuit 2
...$500,000 for something like him. from Short Circuit 2
...a fast talking, socially type person. from Short Circuit 2
...a robot worth $11,000,000. I couldn't stand it. from Short Circuit 2
...about signing the papers? from Short Circuit 2
...affections, passions? If you prick us, do we not bleed? from Short Circuit 2
...against all enemies, foreign and domestic... from Short Circuit 2
...against all.... from Short Circuit 2
...and back to this, and that lower boom, and attach the screws here... from Short Circuit 2
...and communications with Sandy, who I'll probably never be seeing again. from Short Circuit 2
...and don't forget the nernies. Okay... from Short Circuit 2
...and everything is really okay, right? from Short Circuit 2
...and except for pretend, Hisher doesn't have feelings. from Short Circuit 2
...and golden oldie, platter chatter, too. from Short Circuit 2
...and I want it now. from Short Circuit 2
...and just look at these prices! I admit it... from Short Circuit 2
...and now here you are. from Short Circuit 2
...and repaired and stuff, and that's what we do. from Short Circuit 2
...and still I do not understand them. from Short Circuit 2
...and that I take this obligation freely... from Short Circuit 2
...and that I take this obligation freely... from Short Circuit 2
...and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same... from Short Circuit 2
...and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same... from Short Circuit 2
...and tighten A and B, and tighten C, D. Put the neck assembly down... from Short Circuit 2
...are those damn little robots, you know? from Short Circuit 2
...as a weapon of death and destruction. from Short Circuit 2
...as any other citizen in this nation. from Short Circuit 2
...at the museum. from Short Circuit 2
...attempting illegal entry here at 135... from Short Circuit 2
...Benjamin. from Short Circuit 2
...but from my friend who has been controlling remotely the sign. from Short Circuit 2
...but how can you get... from Short Circuit 2
...but perhaps you have a faster way? from Short Circuit 2
...but they're human beings. from Short Circuit 2
...could expand our operation. from Short Circuit 2
...destroy the machine! from Short Circuit 2
...direct your attention to the persons... from Short Circuit 2
...eccentric? from Short Circuit 2
...fifty five! from Short Circuit 2
...for $1,700. from Short Circuit 2
...for Nova Robotics. from Short Circuit 2
...for old car stereos that need to be, like, polished up... from Short Circuit 2
...for our friend Benjamin. from Short Circuit 2
...for very little compensation. from Short Circuit 2
...go to the lady at Simpson's and we beg for an advance? from Short Circuit 2
...great deal of weather today. from Short Circuit 2
...he has a mind of his own. So the government tried to destroy him. from Short Circuit 2
...he is in major metropolitan area. from Short Circuit 2
...he must be missing 24 hours before he's officially missing. from Short Circuit 2
...he will go insanely crazy. from Short Circuit 2
...he's gonna knock you into the next ZIP code, pal. from Short Circuit 2
...I am lonely because Sandy Banatoni is not knowing I am alive. from Short Circuit 2
...I found this machine across the street. from Short Circuit 2
...I need therapy. But till I'm cured, you can save big! from Short Circuit 2
...if you would help me... from Short Circuit 2
...in a cabin, in the woods, incognito. from Short Circuit 2
...in his whole erector set. from Short Circuit 2
...in this lifetime. from Short Circuit 2
...it puts you under pressure. from Short Circuit 2
...it's roundup time. from Short Circuit 2
...less than 1,000. from Short Circuit 2
...like this one, to a skyscraping building like that one. from Short Circuit 2
...like us? from Short Circuit 2
...might like to see Hisher Boot trunk. from Short Circuit 2
...Mr. Johnny Five. from Short Circuit 2
...must wait here. You stay here. from Short Circuit 2
...my all new multi frequency remote control! from Short Circuit 2
...of the United States of America... from Short Circuit 2
...of your country 'tis of thee. Yes, sir. from Short Circuit 2
...of your great country. from Short Circuit 2
...on male female relationships, courtship and dating rituals... from Short Circuit 2
...once we have a sale. That is, if you're interested. from Short Circuit 2
...or what? from Short Circuit 2
...our deadline? from Short Circuit 2
...presto! from Short Circuit 2
...quite proud of it. from Short Circuit 2
...repulsive. from Short Circuit 2
...right before he decided he was God. from Short Circuit 2
...romance novels, poetry. from Short Circuit 2
...security personnel. from Short Circuit 2
...she sure came through with the money. from Short Circuit 2
...Simpson's Toy Department. Okay? from Short Circuit 2
...so help me God. from Short Circuit 2
...so help me God. from Short Circuit 2
...so they are treating you like a machine. from Short Circuit 2
...sometimes we are speaking Spanish. from Short Circuit 2
...speak to Sandy, I am jumping with joy. from Short Circuit 2
...such a range of abilities? from Short Circuit 2
...such a success. from Short Circuit 2
...than moles' asses in January. from Short Circuit 2
...than Warren G. Hardon. Harding. from Short Circuit 2
...that he shall have the same rights and privileges... from Short Circuit 2
...that I happen to know about and it's a perfect hiding place. from Short Circuit 2
...that I will support and defend the Constitution and the laws... from Short Circuit 2
...that I will support and defend the Constitution and the laws... from Short Circuit 2
...that I'm wanting to be the yin for my yang. from Short Circuit 2
...that Indian fellow and his partner out of that building. from Short Circuit 2
...that looks like a robot? 6 Charlie, do you copy? from Short Circuit 2
...the duckbumps, I am so from Short Circuit 2
...the Green Berets, the Green Hornet. from Short Circuit 2
...the real Number Five robot. from Short Circuit 2
...the sudden attacks by those thugs... from Short Circuit 2
...they are like dogs. from Short Circuit 2
...they start removing popular parts of your anatomy. from Short Circuit 2
...this doesn't change our original contract. from Short Circuit 2
...thugs, bad dudes, desperados. from Short Circuit 2
...to be completed. To damn to be sure. from Short Circuit 2
...to hold the wire in place. from Short Circuit 2
...to increase the relationship with from Short Circuit 2
...to not to be lonely, it is very well from Short Circuit 2
...to recognize our first robotic citizen. from Short Circuit 2
...to split wire connectors, and attach at points X and Y.... from Short Circuit 2
...to that room in case those villains come back. from Short Circuit 2
...to their full, upright positions in preparation for landing. from Short Circuit 2
...to this feeling because this is the way life is being usually. from Short Circuit 2
...we are stuck inside of. from Short Circuit 2
...we could live with $50 apiece. from Short Circuit 2
...we were working on him and suddenly he was struck by lightning. from Short Circuit 2
...we'll never make it in time. from Short Circuit 2
...West Lafayette Boulevard. They are criminals... from Short Circuit 2
...what a life form's gotta do. Stand aside. from Short Circuit 2
...what the Lord thinks about you. We're all equal before Him. from Short Circuit 2
...which I deserve, I admit. from Short Circuit 2
...who have everything going against us. from Short Circuit 2
...why not call the police? from Short Circuit 2
...with 1,000 of these. You guarantee to buy them? from Short Circuit 2
...with a little small talk, you know? Small talk? from Short Circuit 2
...with your dog? from Short Circuit 2
...without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion... from Short Circuit 2
...without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion... from Short Circuit 2
...would they shut him down or something? from Short Circuit 2
...you and I have to make sure Benjamin is safe. from Short Circuit 2
...you are as deserving as anyone else. You possess the immortal soul. from Short Circuit 2
...you borrowed money from a fish. from Short Circuit 2
...you'll help us out of this predicament... from Short Circuit 2
" ...crazy he is for input, so keep an eye on him. Good luck. from Short Circuit 2
" ...was to send Number Five. from Short Circuit 2
" Dear Ben, we decided that the only way we could help... from Short Circuit 2
" He can build your robots, but you know how... from Short Circuit 2
" Love, Stephanie and Newton." from Short Circuit 2
" Please won't you be my neighbor?" from Short Circuit 2
" R E S P E C T from Short Circuit 2
" Say there, Sandy... from Short Circuit 2
" Tu mama hace el amor con mi perro." from Short Circuit 2
"...and faces are but a gallery of pictures." from Short Circuit 2
"...but people here get angry easily. from Short Circuit 2
"...is to achieve a double oneness on the metaphysical plane." from Short Circuit 2
"...isn't that a swell dress you're wearing tonight?" from Short Circuit 2
"...makes others happy." from Short Circuit 2
"...manic!" from Short Circuit 2
"...of sexual frustration." from Short Circuit 2
"...would you like to go to a malt shop for a cheeseburger?" from Short Circuit 2
"7 8 7, 8 8 9 7 4." from Short Circuit 2
"All the world's a stage." from Short Circuit 2
"Are you troubled by irregularity?" from Short Circuit 2
"But I'm feeling so sad from Short Circuit 2
"Camptown robots sing this song Doo dah, doo dah from Short Circuit 2
"Dear Stephanie, the toys are almost done. The city is nice... from Short Circuit 2
"Doo Wah's Chinese Restaurant and Deli." from Short Circuit 2
"Et gay ehind bay I'm hay!" from Short Circuit 2
"Et gay ehind bay I'm hay!" from Short Circuit 2
"Ew scray ou yay, ozo bay." from Short Circuit 2
"Gonna dig all night, gonna" from Short Circuit 2
"Help me, Rhonda Help, help me, Rhonda" from Short Circuit 2
"I can't help it. I'm in a panic. from Short Circuit 2
"I can't help it. Look at me. I'm in a panic. from Short Circuit 2
"I cracked that case hours ago." from Short Circuit 2
"I long to try something I've...." from Short Circuit 2
"I'm frantic and I'm manic!" from Short Circuit 2
"I'm frantic and I'm... from Short Circuit 2
"If it is okay with your Mom and Pop... from Short Circuit 2
"It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken." from Short Circuit 2
"Johnny Five. You know the name, now own the toy." from Short Circuit 2
"Johnny's in the tunnel with Oscar Digging ten feet below from Short Circuit 2
"Johnny's in the tunnel with Oscar" from Short Circuit 2
"Kay o, Derf." from Short Circuit 2
"Lo hel," bozo. Hello, "zo bo." from Short Circuit 2
"Love, Johnny. from Short Circuit 2
"Lucy, I'm home!" from Short Circuit 2
"Maybe they need more fiber in their diet. Or maybe it's just me. from Short Circuit 2
"Oh, where can you be?" from Short Circuit 2
"Opportunity is waiting. from Short Circuit 2
"P.S. Enclosed is something called a chilidog." from Short Circuit 2
"Pen o," open. Quick, like a bunny. from Short Circuit 2
"Robot ejects prowlers. Film at 11 p.m." from Short Circuit 2
"Say, doll, this mug's got more moves than you got curves. from Short Circuit 2
"Sixteen Candles" from Short Circuit 2
"Sock it to me, sock it to me" from Short Circuit 2
"That is what I'd like for me from Short Circuit 2
"The goal of two ones who share proximity on a physical plane... from Short Circuit 2
"The warmth in your heart... from Short Circuit 2
"They say the neon lights are bright On Broadway" from Short Circuit 2
"Think this tunnel's five miles long Oh, Doo Dah Day from Short Circuit 2
"You can always go Downtown" from Short Circuit 2
"You need but to open the door." from Short Circuit 2
$11,000,000, you see? And well worth it! from Short Circuit 2
$11,002,076.17. from Short Circuit 2
$50 apiece, COD? from Short Circuit 2