A brand new, streamlined... from Out Cold
A condom... from Out Cold
A kind of drink. It's called... from Out Cold
A lot of drinking and a lot of thinking. from Out Cold
A lot of thinking about why I act the way I do. from Out Cold
A slice of heaven... from Out Cold
A suit. from Out Cold
About a good "Planet of the Apes" film... from Out Cold
About how you're still on the rebound? from Out Cold
Actually, he was Mr. Mankowicz, but you can call me... from Out Cold
Actually, I have to turn in. from Out Cold
Actually, I'll catch up to you guys later. from Out Cold
Actually, Rick's got a pretty heavy workload tomorrow... from Out Cold
Adults kick other adults' asses all the time. from Out Cold
After all, you're practically family now. from Out Cold
Afternoon, everybody. from Out Cold
All I'm saying is that if we play ball... from Out Cold
All my friends get to stay on board, right? from Out Cold
All right, fine. You win. I'll go. from Out Cold
All right, guys, you know what to do. from Out Cold
All right, I'm down. from Out Cold
All right, then. One... two... three! from Out Cold
All right! Beautiful! from Out Cold
All right. from Out Cold
All right. from Out Cold
All right. At my signal... from Out Cold
And a fire hydrant. from Out Cold
And a picture of his grandma... no! from Out Cold
And be the new manager of Snownook. from Out Cold
And blazing down that mountain bare assed... from Out Cold
And by dice, I mean testicles. from Out Cold
And cut me some limes? from Out Cold
And don't give me this broken heart rigamarole. from Out Cold
And FDR was runnin' this country into the ground. from Out Cold
And five shots of Goldschlager, please. from Out Cold
And he said, "Don't go changin'." from Out Cold
And I have a super duper surprise for all of you... from Out Cold
And I love him, Rick. I really do. from Out Cold
And I love you more than any man's ever loved a woman... from Out Cold
And I might need a little help. from Out Cold
And I need to stop talking for a second. from Out Cold
And I really did fall for you. from Out Cold
And I say, let's do somethin' about it. from Out Cold
And I think it's due to the fact that I'm... from Out Cold
And I think it's time that we do something... from Out Cold
And I'm gonna look at him and tell him... from Out Cold
And if he doesn't like it... from Out Cold
And if you don't believe me, by God... from Out Cold
And it's awful. The dogs survived, though. from Out Cold
And leave town with our tail between our legs. from Out Cold
And let me know? from Out Cold
And lnga's mother was Swiss. from Out Cold
And not much else. from Out Cold
And not that bogus Majors Resort "family"... from Out Cold
And now, the three peat champion of King of the Mountain... from Out Cold
And Papa loved to drink... from Out Cold
And Pig Pen, my poor excuse for a brother. from Out Cold
And somebody's gonna buy it anyway. from Out Cold
And staked his claim to it the old fashioned way... from Out Cold
And steal a few street signs... from Out Cold
And tell you everything... from Out Cold
And ten pounds of salt. from Out Cold
And that is, he who has the gold card makes the rules. from Out Cold
And that time, it wasn't even a threat. from Out Cold
And the year before, and both years before that. from Out Cold
And their blue ropes. from Out Cold
And then I just sneaked in, and... from Out Cold
And then I saw her. from Out Cold
And then, one day, she asked me... from Out Cold
And then, poof! She disappears. from Out Cold
And tie them together. from Out Cold
And to publicize my purchase of the mountain... from Out Cold
And to run the day to day operations... from Out Cold
And we went right up to her hotel room... from Out Cold
And when I met you... I don't know, I just... from Out Cold
And you got freaky deaky with her... from Out Cold
And you know why? We're your friends. from Out Cold
And you will be back at the plate in no time. from Out Cold
And you're about to dip your skis... from Out Cold
And you're all fired! Every one of you! from Out Cold
And you're gonna side with Majors... from Out Cold
And, as an added bonus... from Out Cold
And... I think that you should tell Barry... from Out Cold
And... it sucks. from Out Cold
And... this Barry guy is lucky. from Out Cold
Anna has told me a lot about you. from Out Cold
Anna, I don't know why you're here, but leave him alone, OK? from Out Cold
Anna, I love you. from Out Cold
Anna's getting married. from Out Cold
Anthony, come on. What are you doing? from Out Cold
Anthony, is that you? from Out Cold
Anthony, Luke, Pierre... from Out Cold
Any questions you might have... from Out Cold
Anybody who ever tells you that money won't buy you love... from Out Cold
Are we about to have another conversation... from Out Cold
Are we done with this crap? from Out Cold
Are we still makin' this movie? from Out Cold
Are you all so wild? from Out Cold
Are you from around here'? from Out Cold
Are you hurt'? from Out Cold
Are you saying that I have to kiss your ass now? from Out Cold
Are you sniffing me? from Out Cold
Are you still hung up on Anna? from Out Cold
As long as you shave. from Out Cold
As my employees, you're expected to behave... from Out Cold
As the inheritor of his estate... from Out Cold
At least Stewart has his act together enough to ask me out. from Out Cold
At the same time. from Out Cold
Ate a yard sale and barfed it out. from Out Cold
Attention, all guests... from Out Cold
Babe, I love chicks. from Out Cold
Barry is flying the guys to Anchorage. from Out Cold
Be mature about this. from Out Cold
Beautiful. from Out Cold
Because you're getting on that plane. from Out Cold
Beer? I got beer! I got it! from Out Cold
Before my fist makes an appointment with your ass? from Out Cold
Before she becomes Mrs. Doctor Asswipe. from Out Cold
Better put somethin' on that. from Out Cold
Bring it on, big man! from Out Cold
Bull Mountain is not just our job, it's our home. from Out Cold
Bull Mountain is our home... from Out Cold
Bull Mountain will have new management. from Out Cold
Bull Mountain, don't go changin'! from Out Cold
Bull Mountain, that was our town. from Out Cold
Bull Mountain! Don't go changin'! from Out Cold
But a little change, it's not gonna hurt this place. from Out Cold
But as the new manager... from Out Cold
But at least it was familiar to me. from Out Cold
But first, I'm gonna whomp your ass! from Out Cold
But have you seen the women from Aspen? from Out Cold
But how does that help me? from Out Cold
But I am not gonna take romantic advice from somebody... from Out Cold
But I do believe in the golden rule... from Out Cold
But I don't want to make a habit... from Out Cold
But I thought about it, and it all adds up to one thing... from Out Cold
But I wanted you to know that I want you to stay on... from Out Cold
But I would be delighted to show you around the mountain. from Out Cold
But I'm ready... how do you say... to schlafenzeit. from Out Cold
But it's either this, or he won't buy the mountain. from Out Cold
But it's not like you get to pick your parents. from Out Cold
But it's time to move on. from Out Cold
But most importantly... from Out Cold
But most of all, Papa loved to ski and drink... from Out Cold
But she never showed up. from Out Cold
But there's something that I have to say to you. from Out Cold
But this is the best vanilla latte... from Out Cold
But this is the ground floor you're gettin' in on today. from Out Cold
But we stole it fair and square. from Out Cold
But when the time came to do it... from Out Cold
But you couldn't drink the water. from Out Cold
Buy yourself a drink at the bar. from Out Cold
By droppin' his britches... from Out Cold
Calm down, Lance. from Out Cold
Can I ask you something? from Out Cold
Can I talk to you? from Out Cold
Can you get an STD from a polar bear? from Out Cold
Can you go get some ice from the bar? from Out Cold
Can you hear me? from Out Cold
Cancun, Mexico. from Out Cold
Carpe the Diem! from Out Cold
Check it out! from Out Cold
Cheers, everybody! from Out Cold
Cheers! from Out Cold
Cheers. from Out Cold
Chicken! from Out Cold
Chicks love me, so it's all good. from Out Cold
Chop chop with them bags there. from Out Cold
Come here, kid. Give me a hug. from Out Cold
Come here! from Out Cold
Come on, baby. Twenty one. from Out Cold
Come on, boys! You're workin' on my time now. from Out Cold
Come on, get 'em off! from Out Cold
Come on, guys! from Out Cold
Come on, man. from Out Cold
Come on! from Out Cold
Come on! from Out Cold
Come on! Get out of the way! from Out Cold
Come on! We're gonna beat him! from Out Cold
Come on. from Out Cold
Come on. Let's move. from Out Cold
Come on. Not you. Him in his white tuxedo. from Out Cold
Coming through. from Out Cold
Condominiums, eateries, shopping, wine bars, cigar bars. from Out Cold
Cool. from Out Cold
Cut the music off! from Out Cold
Cut! from Out Cold
Damn him! from Out Cold
Damn, what was that? from Out Cold
Damn! from Out Cold
Damn! What the hell was that? from Out Cold
Damn. You ski that? from Out Cold
Dance with Tito there. He loves to boogie. from Out Cold
Definitely. from Out Cold
Did I ever tell you how I invented snowboarding? from Out Cold
Did somebody just say... from Out Cold
Did you enjoy your nap? from Out Cold
Do it! Call me retard one more time! from Out Cold
Do not interrupt! from Out Cold
Do you have $100 million? I don't. You? from Out Cold
Does that mean... is Rick around? from Out Cold
Doesn't mean things change between us, OK? from Out Cold
Don't flatter yourself. from Out Cold
Don't let him pass! from Out Cold
Don't sweat having to pay for 'em. from Out Cold
Don't thank me. You deserve it. from Out Cold
Don't touch me! from Out Cold
Don't wipe out. from Out Cold
Don't you eyeball me! from Out Cold
Don't you worry, little brother. I got your back on this one. from Out Cold
Drink up, half pint. from Out Cold
Drink! from Out Cold
Duck! from Out Cold
Each year, Papa would say thank you... from Out Cold
Effective immediately. I'm sorry. from Out Cold
Eric, you ever notice that you're always... from Out Cold
Ever since I was a little kid... from Out Cold
Ever since they took my bar away from me... from Out Cold
Everybody ready? from Out Cold
Everybody, pants at half mast. from Out Cold
Everyone must have a beer. from Out Cold
Everything is fine! from Out Cold
Everything's just fine! from Out Cold
Everywhere. from Out Cold
Expansion and contraction. from Out Cold
Expiration date 1997... from Out Cold
Fire! from Out Cold
First floor, Alaska. from Out Cold
Five... from Out Cold
For a hell mooch stuck in a hot tub. from Out Cold
For being a prick. from Out Cold
For every six months you were together... from Out Cold
For lots and lots of American dollars... from Out Cold
Four dogsled pileup. from Out Cold
Four... from Out Cold
From the moment we caught eyes... from Out Cold
From their 19 hour work day in the freezing sleet... from Out Cold
Gay? from Out Cold
Gay? from Out Cold
Get away from my head! from Out Cold
Get him in. from Out Cold
Get in! from Out Cold
Get off our mountain, asshole! from Out Cold
Get out of here. You're welcome. from Out Cold
Get out of my way! from Out Cold
Get that sign straight, guys! from Out Cold
Get that statue out of here! from Out Cold
Get those guys out of here! Bunch of losers! from Out Cold
Get! from Out Cold
Get' em off! from Out Cold
Go grand, Anthony! from Out Cold
Go make tinkle, or it's your job. from Out Cold
Go! from Out Cold
Go! Get out of here! from Out Cold
Go. from Out Cold
Go. from Out Cold
God, here she comes. from Out Cold
God! from Out Cold
God! from Out Cold
God! Can't you see this is a dejected man? from Out Cold
God. from Out Cold
God. You know, maybe... from Out Cold
Goin' to drink, everybody! from Out Cold
Good boy... I mean, girl. from Out Cold
Good evening. from Out Cold
Good girl. from Out Cold
Good morning, ladies. The name's Pen. from Out Cold
Good night. from Out Cold
Good night. from Out Cold
Good night. from Out Cold
Good night. from Out Cold
Good. from Out Cold
Good. First thing in the morning. from Out Cold
Got a little surprise for you boys. from Out Cold
Got him, Lance? from Out Cold
Got you a little gift. I'll see you out there. from Out Cold
Guys on oil rigs get laid a lot, right? from Out Cold
Guys, a little sensitivity here! from Out Cold
Guys, I love Bull Mountain as much as anyone else... from Out Cold
Guys, if this is gonna be it, let's make it count. from Out Cold
Guys, look. from Out Cold
Guys, stop! from Out Cold
Guys, you know, more girls? from Out Cold
Hang on. from Out Cold
Has been bitching and moaning all week long... from Out Cold
Have sex with me? from Out Cold
He doesn't feel that. from Out Cold
He held up his beer, he looked at the mountain that he loves... from Out Cold
He knows that we're leaving... from Out Cold
He stole it from the Eskimos. from Out Cold
He thinks you're all totally incompetent. from Out Cold
He's a pilot, too? He's a doctor and a pilot? from Out Cold
He's coming in day after tomorrow. from Out Cold
He's flying up in a couple of days to see me. from Out Cold
He's given me no choice. You're fired. from Out Cold
He's gonna kill me. from Out Cold
He's had a crush on that bench for a long time. from Out Cold
Hell, they ain't ever been to Reno. from Out Cold
Hell, they only got eight words for snow. from Out Cold
Hello there. from Out Cold
Hello, stranger. from Out Cold
Help me! from Out Cold
Help! from Out Cold
Help! Retard? Short Stack? Anybody? from Out Cold
Here for the anniversary festival. from Out Cold
Here I come, baby! from Out Cold
Here's what I don't get, all right, is... from Out Cold
Hey there, Rick. Welcome to the winning team. from Out Cold
Hey, Anna, you made it! from Out Cold
Hey, boss, I'm gonna call in sick tomorrow, OK? from Out Cold
Hey, boys, look good in those uniforms. from Out Cold
Hey, boys. from Out Cold
Hey, come on, kids. from Out Cold
Hey, everybody! from Out Cold
Hey, everybody. from Out Cold
Hey, fellas! from Out Cold
Hey, fellas. Great day, isn't it? from Out Cold
Hey, girlfriend. What you drinkin'? from Out Cold
Hey, girls, it's bedtime. from Out Cold
Hey, it's no problem. Don't worry about it. from Out Cold
Hey, Jenny, you think you could tie up my boots? from Out Cold
Hey, Lance. from Out Cold
Hey, listen. from Out Cold
Hey, Luke, why don't you mind your own beeswax... from Out Cold
Hey, man, don't fret! from Out Cold
Hey, no fair! from Out Cold
Hey, retard. from Out Cold
Hey, Rick, come on over here. from Out Cold
Hey, Rick, lookin' good. Money suits you. from Out Cold
Hey, stop those guys! from Out Cold
Hey, thanks a lot. from Out Cold
Hey, there, Rick. Nice monkey suit. from Out Cold
Hey, there. from Out Cold
Hey, Toby. from Out Cold
Hey, Village Person, why don't you be a macho man... from Out Cold
Hey, you're dribbling! Watch the shoes! from Out Cold
His first wife was English, my mother was French... from Out Cold
His last words were from a Billy Joel song? from Out Cold
His mug's empty. from Out Cold
Hold up! I can explain it! I can explain everything. from Out Cold
Honey... from Out Cold
Horny maker. from Out Cold
Hot friggin' chicks. from Out Cold
Hot sluts with tits. from Out Cold
How did you guys get in? from Out Cold
How you doin', ladies? from Out Cold
How you doing tonight? from Out Cold
How's that for irony? from Out Cold
How's the hot tub, Luke? from Out Cold
How's there a problem with that? from Out Cold
I am to be here today. from Out Cold
I appreciate that, I really do, but I just quit. from Out Cold
I assure you everything's completely under control. from Out Cold
I barely even recognize this place. from Out Cold
I bet each one has its own exciting story, no? from Out Cold
I can do it without the song, you know. from Out Cold
I can fly you guys down to Anchorage if you want. from Out Cold
I can see it now, huh? Can't you see it? from Out Cold
I can't believe I was so stupid! from Out Cold
I can't tell you how happy and excited... from Out Cold
I could sue you for sexual harassment now. from Out Cold
I deserved it. It's OK. from Out Cold
I didn't know what to do. from Out Cold
I didn't know you were here, Rick. I'm really sorry. from Out Cold
I didn't mean to leave you like that in Mexico. from Out Cold
I didn't think I'd be able to, so I left. from Out Cold
I don't even care anymore. from Out Cold
I don't have to write a test to tell you that I take drugs. from Out Cold
I don't know how to say this. I'm... from Out Cold
I don't know if I know... from Out Cold
I don't know where to start. from Out Cold
I don't know, Rick. Why would we even want this place to change? from Out Cold
I don't know. Maybe this guy will be cool. from Out Cold
I don't like the coffee. from Out Cold
I don't think he's coming, Jenny. from Out Cold
I don't think Muntz has the pull around here... from Out Cold
I don't want credit for it, but they keep givin' it to me. from Out Cold
I fell in love with you, too, I guess. from Out Cold
I get it. You're right. It's stupid. from Out Cold
I got fag practice in the morning, so I understand. from Out Cold
I got him, OK? from Out Cold
I got it. from Out Cold
I got trained. from Out Cold
I got work to do. from Out Cold
I gotta refuel the tanks. from Out Cold
I guess it's the moonlight and a bottle of Goldschlager... from Out Cold
I guess not. from Out Cold
I had ten other engaged chicks fall for me that week, too... from Out Cold
I have ever had in my entire life. from Out Cold
I have not. from Out Cold
I have to give Mr. Mays a snowboard lesson. from Out Cold
I have to... nice to meet you. from Out Cold
I just... I want you to know that I am happy for you. from Out Cold
I kind of like the song, Stewart. from Out Cold
I kind of like the way you do it. from Out Cold
I knew she wasn't like the other girls there. from Out Cold
I know it sucks... from Out Cold
I know you want to defend your title. from Out Cold
I know. from Out Cold
I like this place exactly the way it is. from Out Cold
I love men! from Out Cold
I love that smell. from Out Cold
I mean, this is all that we have. from Out Cold
I mean, you've never even told me it... from Out Cold
I mean, your hotel looks like a Motel 6... from Out Cold
I met her at the most beautiful romantic place on earth... from Out Cold
I might let you. from Out Cold
I need everybody to be calm and take your tops off. from Out Cold
I need to borrow Fred Astaire here for one hot minute. from Out Cold
I never met an American boy before. from Out Cold
I never saw Anna again. from Out Cold
I quit! from Out Cold
I really am. I've nothing against you... from Out Cold
I seem to have a thing for immature boys. from Out Cold
I skateboarded off a truck into a fire hydrant. from Out Cold
I swear to God, he's runnin' this country! from Out Cold
I take full legal responsibility. from Out Cold
I think I want to have sex with this guy. from Out Cold
I think Rick here'll do just fine. from Out Cold
I think that if we put a lift to the top... from Out Cold
I think that's you. from Out Cold
I think we're checking out a movie... from Out Cold
I thought I fired your ass! from Out Cold
I told you. You look great. from Out Cold
I want to fight for you. from Out Cold
I wanted to be either a doctor or a blooper... from Out Cold
I wanted to see if you wanted to dance. from Out Cold
I was at the buffet table. from Out Cold
I was bummin' in a hole in the wall town... from Out Cold
I was engaged when I met you. from Out Cold
I was just gonna say that I was adopted, but... from Out Cold
I was there. from Out Cold
I was wondering if you can make... from Out Cold
I will have a beer, then. from Out Cold
I will have your ass! from Out Cold
I will make it up to you any way that I can. from Out Cold
I will wait here with him. from Out Cold
I won't be long. from Out Cold
I... no. from Out Cold
I'd be gettin' with every dude on this mountain. from Out Cold
I'll get over it, though. from Out Cold
I'll have to work on that one. from Out Cold
I'll need you to fill these cups. from Out Cold
I'll take a Geritol so I can keep up. from Out Cold
I'm a genius. from Out Cold
I'm all right. from Out Cold
I'm coming! from Out Cold
I'm doing my laundry. from Out Cold
I'm down, but if we're stayin'... from Out Cold
I'm Eric Montclair. from Out Cold
I'm goin' in! from Out Cold
I'm gonna do her. from Out Cold
I'm gonna get me some. from Out Cold
I'm gonna go let him know. from Out Cold
I'm gonna have to polish this turd... from Out Cold
I'm gonna need a bucket, a paint brush... from Out Cold
I'm gonna stay here, so your dad doesn't know where you went. from Out Cold
I'm gonna take Kung Fu and kick your friggin' ass. from Out Cold
I'm good. from Out Cold
I'm good. from Out Cold
I'm having second thoughts about kicking this guy's ass. from Out Cold
I'm hot! from Out Cold
I'm in. from Out Cold
I'm in. from Out Cold
I'm likin' that. Come on, man. Give me a break. What's up? from Out Cold
I'm not an easy guy. from Out Cold
I'm not gonna let Anna get away again. from Out Cold
I'm not gonna wear this unitard... period. from Out Cold
I'm not good at anything else. from Out Cold
I'm only gonna offer this once. from Out Cold
I'm Queen of the Mountain, baby. from Out Cold
I'm selling it... from Out Cold
I'm sleepy. from Out Cold
I'm sorry, guys. My dad can be a jerk, I know... from Out Cold
I'm sorry. from Out Cold
I'm sorry. from Out Cold
I'm sorry. I just... Believe me, I had to. from Out Cold
I'm supposed to my schtrepsister be meeting here. from Out Cold
I'm taking some steps to clean this place up. from Out Cold
I'm the new Team Snownook patrol leader. from Out Cold
I'm your father. from Out Cold
I've always wanted to be a flight attendant. from Out Cold
I've been doing a lot of thinking. from Out Cold
I've been practicing. from Out Cold
I've got one thing to say to you. from Out Cold
I've got some unfinished business to take care of! from Out Cold
I've had worse. from Out Cold
I've invited my board members... from Out Cold
I've never been a man of words... from Out Cold
I've seen it all before. from Out Cold
If I must. from Out Cold
If I tell you, will you promise to shut up about it? from Out Cold
If I want to sell my investors on it. from Out Cold
If this deal's gonna go through... from Out Cold
If you ain't on the list... from Out Cold
If you haven't kissed up to the king, let me know. from Out Cold
If you weren't gay, you'd be a pretty weird guy. from Out Cold
If you're planning on coming up... from Out Cold
In a manner consistent with a world class resort. from Out Cold
In one of his famous "moon shine" runs. from Out Cold
In that case, hop on. from Out Cold
In the entire country. from Out Cold
In the intro for "Sports Bloopers"? from Out Cold
In what is now called Utah. from Out Cold
Inga, get your clothes on! from Out Cold
Inga, I love you! from Out Cold
Inga, I've loved you from the first time that I saw you... from Out Cold
Inga, will you... from Out Cold
Into some soft, deep powder... from Out Cold
Is it me, or do you even fight like a retard? from Out Cold
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? from Out Cold
Is that I think... I know that I'm in love with her. from Out Cold
Is the new manager of the mountain, y'all! from Out Cold
Isn't that Anthony? from Out Cold
It all started when a young buck named Herbert Muntz... from Out Cold
It doesn't really allow my dice to roll down there... from Out Cold
It got so bad that a fellow that liked to... from Out Cold
It happened at the X Games a couple of years ago. from Out Cold
It looks like they were painted on. from Out Cold
It might give him a heart attack. from Out Cold
It sounded like you were asking me out on a date. from Out Cold
It was like heaven... from Out Cold
It would be the most popular snowboard park... from Out Cold
It's a little too... from Out Cold
It's a long story. from Out Cold
It's a pleasure to meet you. I wipe out all the time. from Out Cold
It's a race to the bottom. from Out Cold
It's almost impossible to hike. from Out Cold
It's Anna. from Out Cold
It's been a long time. from Out Cold
It's gonna be OK, ladies. Jiggle more! from Out Cold
It's just that I was a little... bummed out. from Out Cold
It's no mystery. from Out Cold
It's not "Alive," is it'? from Out Cold
It's OK. You know? I mean... from Out Cold
It's our home! from Out Cold
It's show time, baby, come on! from Out Cold
It's time to destroy this little celebration! from Out Cold
It's time to get back on that board, man. from Out Cold
Jeez. He's way too into this. from Out Cold
Jenny, what's going on? from Out Cold
Jiggle it. from Out Cold
Jiggle it. from Out Cold
John Majors of Major Resorts. from Out Cold
John Majors! from Out Cold
Just 'cause we're incompetent. from Out Cold
Just a sec. from Out Cold
Just call me "John." from Out Cold
Just give me a second here. from Out Cold
Just jiggle it! from Out Cold
Just kidding, Short Stack. from Out Cold
Just one beautiful... from Out Cold
Just so we can "hook up"... from Out Cold
Just the way I like it! from Out Cold
Just to let her punch your lift ticket all over again. from Out Cold
King of the Mountain? from Out Cold
King of the Mountain. from Out Cold
Knock, knock. from Out Cold
Ladies, how you doing? from Out Cold
Ladies, you're missing out. from Out Cold
Ladies. from Out Cold
Lance, can I get a drink for... from Out Cold
Lance, everybody knows. Nobody cares. from Out Cold
Lance, get his pants. from Out Cold
Lance, you don't have to do that anymore, buddy. from Out Cold
Lance, you don't have to do that, either. from Out Cold
Last year, he died with his boots on... from Out Cold
Later. from Out Cold
Let me check your boot. from Out Cold
Let me get some of that. from Out Cold
Let me go! from Out Cold
Let me show you out. from Out Cold
Let's do it. from Out Cold
Let's do this. from Out Cold
Let's get a drink. Come on. from Out Cold
Let's give Lance a chance, all right? from Out Cold
Let's go. Come on, guys. All right. from Out Cold
Let's kick his ass! from Out Cold
Let's move it! from Out Cold
Let's put Papa Muntz back where he belongs. from Out Cold
Let's see. from Out Cold
Let's... play safe, all right? from Out Cold
Like a sensible mature adult... from Out Cold
Listen, I've had it with these jackass employees of yours. from Out Cold
Listen, man, I just want to hear the story, that's all. from Out Cold
Lock 'em and load 'em, boys! from Out Cold
Lock her in the Humvee till he's gone. from Out Cold
Look alive, Eric. from Out Cold
Look at him. from Out Cold
Look out! Watch out! from Out Cold
Look out. from Out Cold
Look, I don't do this pining thing well... from Out Cold
Look, I know. I was just... from Out Cold
Look, I really am sorry. from Out Cold
Look, I'd like to apologize if you'll let me. from Out Cold
Look, I'm not gonna lose you again. from Out Cold
Look, I'm really sorry about that. from Out Cold
Look, I'm sorry, too, OK? from Out Cold
Look, if worse comes to worse... from Out Cold
Look, just because I'm your boss... from Out Cold
Look, last night we both said a lot of things. from Out Cold
Look, Muntz is gonna sell this mountain... from Out Cold
Look, Rick, I feel for you, 'cause I've been through it... from Out Cold
Look, we'll always have Pedro O'Horny's, right? from Out Cold
Look, your personal life is none of my business... from Out Cold
Looks pretty hairy, sir. from Out Cold
Lord. from Out Cold
Lower. Nice. from Out Cold
Luke, I thought I told you to never play that... from Out Cold
Luke, if you would do the honors, please. from Out Cold
Majors is really pissed. from Out Cold
Majors is your father? from Out Cold
Make sure you bundle up because it's freezing out there, OK? from Out Cold
Make yourself at home. Just don't hit me anymore in my nuts. from Out Cold
Man, who the hell are you? from Out Cold
Man, you must be proud, huh? from Out Cold
Man. If I was her... from Out Cold
Maybe challenge the mayor's son to a gentleman's duel... from Out Cold
Maybe the buyer can supply... from Out Cold
Me and Luke, see, we had just shown up... from Out Cold
More like bad real estate values. from Out Cold
Morning, Mr. Majors. from Out Cold
Most people can't do the whole mountain in one day. from Out Cold
Mr. Majors, this is Rick Rambis... from Out Cold
Mr. Majors? What happened to John? from Out Cold
Mr. October batting for the other team? from Out Cold
Muntz is selling the mountain. from Out Cold
Muntz, there's some really pissed off Eskimos... from Out Cold
Muntz! How can you do this? from Out Cold
My ass is numb! from Out Cold
My brother. from Out Cold
My daddy was Mr. Majors. Actually, he was Mr. Mankowicz. from Out Cold
My schtepsister. from Out Cold
Needed burnin'. from Out Cold
Nestled in the cleavage of Alaska's high country. from Out Cold
News flash. from Out Cold
Nice place. When's his lease up? from Out Cold
Nice work, Lance. from Out Cold
Nice! from Out Cold
Nice! from Out Cold
Nineteen. from Out Cold
No brains, no headache. from Out Cold
No offense, Short Stack, but you give me the creeps. from Out Cold
No problem. from Out Cold
No problem. from Out Cold
No swimsuit... from Out Cold
No tan lines. from Out Cold
No, let's handle ourselves like adults. from Out Cold
No, man, we just talked. from Out Cold
No, not really. from Out Cold
No, stay. We'll cuddle. from Out Cold
No, wait. Better yet... from Out Cold
No, you didn't. from Out Cold
No. I got molested by a hot tub last night. from Out Cold
No. I'm just a really lazy guy. from Out Cold
No. Remind me. from Out Cold
No. Snownook. from Out Cold
No. We're not models. from Out Cold
No. We're not models. from Out Cold
No. What are you doing? from Out Cold
No. You didn't hear'? from Out Cold
No. You know what? You guys are right. from Out Cold
Not at all. Go on, have fun. from Out Cold
Not even once. from Out Cold
Not King of the No ball Pussy Losers. from Out Cold
Not really. You've seen what they've done to the place. from Out Cold
Not that I was good at this, whatever this whole thing was... from Out Cold
Not that you're being... from Out Cold
Not tonight, Pig Pen! from Out Cold
Nothing would piss off my schtepfather more. from Out Cold
Now you can run this place to your full potential. from Out Cold
Now, how in the hell does that happen? from Out Cold
Now, I know we're all gonna be homies... from Out Cold
Now, there's something I have to tell you, though. from Out Cold
Now, with my signature and your money... from Out Cold
Now! Move! I don't have time to discuss this! from Out Cold
Now... you didn't help me out, and now I can't help you out. from Out Cold
Nowadays, Papa's boy runs the mountain. from Out Cold
Of all the bars in all the ski towns in Alaska... from Out Cold
Of course I'm serious. Here's your contract. from Out Cold
Of Papa's life. from Out Cold
Oh, God! Please! from Out Cold
Oh, God. I'm sorry. from Out Cold
Oh, my God, guys. from Out Cold
Oh, my God! from Out Cold
Oh, my God! from Out Cold
Oh, my God! from Out Cold
Oh, my God! from Out Cold
Oh, my God. from Out Cold
Oh, sorry. from Out Cold
Oh, you can't get to heaven on rollerskates from Out Cold
OK, come on. from Out Cold
OK, John. Well, where do you want to start? from Out Cold
OK, then $40. All the locals in free. Come on. from Out Cold
OK, they're packed. Let's skedaddle. from Out Cold
OK. As most of you have heard, by next week... from Out Cold
OK. Here's how it works. from Out Cold
OK. How about I do up one, and you do the other. from Out Cold
OK. Three weeks. So, then that means... from Out Cold
OK. Well, I think I could play it once. from Out Cold
OK. Whatever. from Out Cold
Old habits die hard. from Out Cold
On their occasional break... from Out Cold
On your marks, get set... from Out Cold
Once I get in the driver's seat. from Out Cold
One after the other... from Out Cold
One fuzzy navel for the lady. from Out Cold
One more fuzzy navel for the lady. from Out Cold
One of our low to mid level employees. from Out Cold
One, two, three! from Out Cold
One. from Out Cold
One... two... three... from Out Cold
Open the door, Pig Pen! from Out Cold
Open the door! from Out Cold
Or bong. from Out Cold
Or drink a little ripple, crow like a rooster... from Out Cold
Or maybe how to get the resin... from Out Cold
Other than the occasional girl... from Out Cold
Otherwise, you're gonna regret it your whole life. from Out Cold
Ouch! from Out Cold
Our boy Rick here... from Out Cold
Our friend little Rick Rambis... from Out Cold
Our uncle works on one in Nome, and we'd be great at that. from Out Cold
Out of being your little shoulder to cry on, OK? from Out Cold
Out of my bong, I'll come to you, OK? from Out Cold
Outside right now, man. They say they want their land back. from Out Cold
Papa loved to ski... from Out Cold
Papa Muntz wanted you to run this mountain. from Out Cold
Papa Muntz! from Out Cold
Papa... from Out Cold
Particularly charming or anything. from Out Cold
Passe. Done that, took pictures. from Out Cold
Passed out again. from Out Cold
People. from Out Cold
Perhaps tonight is the night that we crown this year's... from Out Cold
Pierre? Your name's Pierre? from Out Cold
Pig Pen, if you would. from Out Cold
Pig Pen, put her down! from Out Cold
Pig Pen, what are you doing? from Out Cold
Pig Pen, when I want advice... from Out Cold
Pig Pen, you go to the bathroom in the cup! from Out Cold
Pig Pen, you're on fire. from Out Cold
Piled into a fence. Pretty messy. from Out Cold
Pipe down, retard. from Out Cold
Play it once for old time's sake. from Out Cold
Please play it. Come on. from Out Cold
Please, I wanted to say good bye to you... from Out Cold
Please, the whole cabin is freezing! from Out Cold
Please. from Out Cold
Plus, she wasn't puking. from Out Cold
Poured out a perfectly good beer. from Out Cold
Pretty well for our friends up here on Bull Mountain. from Out Cold
Private party tonight, guys. from Out Cold
Pushing, shoving, and cheating are encouraged. from Out Cold
Really. from Out Cold
Relax. I stopped by the bar last night, and Pig Pen told me. from Out Cold
Retard, walk me out. from Out Cold
Richard, be careful what you wish for. from Out Cold
Rick and Jenny? from Out Cold
Rick perished in a dogsled accident. from Out Cold
Rick Rambis of Rick Rambis. from Out Cold
Rick Rambis. Richard? from Out Cold
Rick, check it, the doctor is in! from Out Cold
Rick, don't. from Out Cold
Rick, I'd like you and retard to show me the kitchen. from Out Cold
Rick, these scuba outfits make us look ridiculous. from Out Cold
Rick, this is Barry. from Out Cold
Rick, this is my stepdaughter Inga. from Out Cold
Rick, you are an idiot not to go for Jenny... from Out Cold
Rick, you ungrateful jerk! from Out Cold
Rick! Jeez, I've been looking everywhere for you. from Out Cold
Ride 'em, cowboy! from Out Cold
Ride, Papa! from Out Cold
Right after his nap time. from Out Cold
Right before he died? from Out Cold
Right here. from Out Cold
Right now I have to go seize the carp. from Out Cold
Rough night? from Out Cold
Rule number one... from Out Cold
Rule number two... there are no rules. from Out Cold
Saw the promise of a new life... from Out Cold
Say hello to the new manager... of the mountain. from Out Cold
Say, 8:00? from Out Cold
Schlafenzeit. Sleepy time. I'm going to bed now. from Out Cold
Schtepdaughter. from Out Cold
See, I just started training for the biathalon. from Out Cold
See, those guys are just dead weight. from Out Cold
Seize the... carp! from Out Cold
Set! from Out Cold
Shall be proclaimed this year's King of the Mountain. from Out Cold
She had her top on. from Out Cold
She has a fiance, Rick. from Out Cold
She was French. from Out Cold
She's gonna kill me. from Out Cold
Shit! from Out Cold
Shit! from Out Cold
Shitty. from Out Cold
Shoo! from Out Cold
Since we're having this conversation... from Out Cold
Skateboard... from Out Cold
Slow down there, Nanook. from Out Cold
Smells like money. from Out Cold
Snownook's not our town, Rick. from Out Cold
So I barely even... which one were you, the brunette? from Out Cold
So it's basically win win for me except now I can't feel my legs. from Out Cold
So it's some mountain, huh? from Out Cold
So my daughter's a whore! This is a hell of a deal! from Out Cold
So that means you're not mad at me? from Out Cold
So there's a few bad apples! from Out Cold
So why don't you figure out what the hell it is you want... from Out Cold
So you were together, what, two weeks? from Out Cold
So you're, like, Major's daughter? from Out Cold
So, anyway, what the hell does a guy gotta do... from Out Cold
So, are you, like, a crippled guy? from Out Cold
So, Rick, did you hit it last night or what? from Out Cold
So, what does this mean, selling the mountain? from Out Cold
So, you girls like Porsches? from Out Cold
So, you still want to hook up? from Out Cold
So... from Out Cold
So... we have to do the honorable thing... from Out Cold
So... your fiance... from Out Cold
Solid Gold Dancers trapped on Beaver Mountain. from Out Cold
Some fella from Colorado shows up... from Out Cold
Some of 'em were true, most of them weren't... from Out Cold
Some slammin' bods with pants so tight... from Out Cold
Somebody help us! from Out Cold
Song. from Out Cold
Sorry about that, folks. from Out Cold
Sorry. from Out Cold
Sorry. Oh, my God. from Out Cold
Speaking of testicles, let me get a beer. from Out Cold
Speech! from Out Cold
Spin him! from Out Cold
Staff room, right now, or so help me, I will get my... from Out Cold
Starts makin' so called improvements, right? from Out Cold
State of the art gondola ride away. Hit it! from Out Cold
Stay low, don't hit any kids, and most of all... from Out Cold
Stewart, I think you can do up your own boots. from Out Cold
Stop talking. Effective immediately... from Out Cold
Stop! from Out Cold
Stop! from Out Cold
Stop! Thief! from Out Cold
Strap 'em in. from Out Cold
Stumpy had to go! from Out Cold
Stumpy's right. You can't let them do that to this place. from Out Cold
Sure. from Out Cold
Sweetheart, I got a little work to do. from Out Cold
Sweetheart, this is Muntz. from Out Cold
Sweetheart. from Out Cold
Take a gander. from Out Cold
Take these twice a day... from Out Cold
Talk to the horn! from Out Cold
Talking about putting something up my ass? from Out Cold
Technically, it belonged to the Eskimos... from Out Cold
Technically, that was flirting. from Out Cold
Ted Muntz. It's so good to finally meet you in person. from Out Cold
Tell Inga where it hurts. from Out Cold
Tell me, where did you get these scars? from Out Cold
Thank you and good morning. from Out Cold
Thank you, Rick. from Out Cold
Thank you. from Out Cold
Thank you. from Out Cold
Thank you. from Out Cold
Thank you. from Out Cold
Thank you. Would you like to dance? from Out Cold
Thank you. You look amazing. from Out Cold
Thanks a lot. from Out Cold
Thanks, John. from Out Cold
Thanks, Luke, I really appreciate that. from Out Cold
Thanks, Mr. Majors. from Out Cold
Thanks. from Out Cold
Thanks. from Out Cold
That and "Everybody Wang Chung Tonight." from Out Cold
That he's never actually spoken to. from Out Cold
That I tell the minimum wagers they're in, either. from Out Cold
That is the right answer. from Out Cold
That just brings out the romance in a girl. from Out Cold
That made you King of the Mountain. from Out Cold
That they're ruining the town and everything... from Out Cold
That things are over between you two. from Out Cold
That was my dad! from Out Cold
That would be really nice. from Out Cold
That'd be nice. from Out Cold
That's a $300 hat, bitch! from Out Cold
That's a hot tub, Pig Pen. from Out Cold
That's gonna be a little tricky unless he's a pilot, too. from Out Cold
That's Hangman's Peak. from Out Cold
That's him right there! from Out Cold
That's more of a guideline than a rule. from Out Cold
That's Nancy Reagan. from Out Cold
That's the board of directors and my investors... from Out Cold
That's the name my people say tests the best. from Out Cold
That's the smell of you all getting fired. from Out Cold
That's what I wanted to talk to you about. from Out Cold
That's why I left. from Out Cold
The back door was unlocked. from Out Cold
The beer! from Out Cold
The door's stuck! from Out Cold
The entire mountain'? from Out Cold
The Eskimos around here have a saying... from Out Cold
The first one to the statue of Papa Muntz... from Out Cold
The general rule of thumb is one week of mourning... from Out Cold
The ground floor of a dream. from Out Cold
The hot tub, the drug test... from Out Cold
The mountain will still be ours. from Out Cold
The mountain with what it really needs... from Out Cold
The rabbit and the loops... from Out Cold
The streets are runnin' with latte. from Out Cold
The suits are not that bad, guys. from Out Cold
Then he's gonna throw it all away. from Out Cold
Then you pay your twenty bucks... from Out Cold
There are gonna be some homes... from Out Cold
There was this little cantina called Pedro O'Horny's. from Out Cold
There we go. from Out Cold
There you are! Come inside. You look so beautiful tonight... from Out Cold
There you go, Jenny. Enjoy it. from Out Cold
There you go. from Out Cold
There, I said what I had to say, so I'm going now. from Out Cold
There's gonna be a lot more changes goin' on here. from Out Cold
There's gonna be some big changes on the mountain... from Out Cold
There's no business like snow business! from Out Cold
There's nothing I can do for you, buddy. from Out Cold
There's things about me you don't know, Rick. from Out Cold
They already have their own king... from Out Cold
They call him that... from Out Cold
They could do mighty well by one another. from Out Cold
They even tore down the statue of Papa Muntz. from Out Cold
They got wine, if you want wine. from Out Cold
They show the clip on ESPN all the time. from Out Cold
They're gone, Rick. Business 101. from Out Cold
They're right, Rick. Bull Mountain's gone. from Out Cold
Think this is funny, retard? from Out Cold
This gal comes up to me, and I flash them dimes... from Out Cold
This guy's really bad for business. from Out Cold
This is a diamond in the rough. That's good. from Out Cold
This is Alaska. You're sittin' on ice, little leprechaun. from Out Cold
This is gonna be rightly stupid. from Out Cold
This is good? from Out Cold
This is how it all starts. from Out Cold
This is how you repay me? from Out Cold
This is the good one. from Out Cold
This is what you want to do. You're staying, period. from Out Cold
This is what you're gonna do to Bull Mountain? from Out Cold
This making out is a lot of fun. from Out Cold
This morning, there was a boy... from Out Cold
This outfit is suffocating my... from Out Cold
This place has got some serious potential. from Out Cold
This place is a sausage factory. from Out Cold
This thing weighs a ton! from Out Cold
This uniform makes my nuts rageous. from Out Cold
This uniform's really cramping my Hardy Boys. from Out Cold
This whole town's gonna have to play ball. from Out Cold
Those bastards. from Out Cold
Three weeks. from Out Cold
Three! from Out Cold
To an old fart like me, would you? from Out Cold
To check this place out, and, well, they spook easily. from Out Cold
To cheer him up. Don't you agree? from Out Cold
To do that, but... from Out Cold
To get a drink in this town? from Out Cold
To go on one of them tandem bike rides... from Out Cold
To some rich asswipe doctor dude named Barry. from Out Cold
To your future boss Mr. John Majors. from Out Cold
Top of the line, high performance uniform! from Out Cold
Truck accident... from Out Cold
Try not to wipe out like you did last year... from Out Cold
Try to hold up his fat ass. from Out Cold
Twenty. from Out Cold
Two bucks... from Out Cold
Two sweet kids like that... from Out Cold
Two. from Out Cold
Unleash hell. from Out Cold
Used to be my bar, but they kind of took it away. from Out Cold
Very funny, Rambis. from Out Cold
Very nice, though. Please. from Out Cold
Wait a second. from Out Cold
Wait! from Out Cold
Wait! from Out Cold
Wait! Don't leave! from Out Cold
Wait! Last night you said... from Out Cold
Wait. from Out Cold
Walk me home, Your Highness. from Out Cold
Want a drinkie poo? from Out Cold
Was it worth it? from Out Cold
Was that a bottle? from Out Cold
Was uncouth, against God. from Out Cold
Watch your hands, mister. from Out Cold
We can always get jobs on an oil rig. from Out Cold
We can make this dream come true. from Out Cold
We could meet at the inn. from Out Cold
We don't need their fancy shmancy shit... from Out Cold
We don't want it to turn into Aspen. from Out Cold
We gonna shave his eyebrows? from Out Cold
We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Come on, Inga. from Out Cold
We got him, Jenny! from Out Cold
We got plenty of room for you if we throw out one of the kegs. from Out Cold
We have a saying in Switzerland, too. from Out Cold
We have another saying around here. from Out Cold
We may be 10,000 feet above sea level... from Out Cold
We rule. from Out Cold
We say stuff like that, too, but not to your face. from Out Cold
We should clarify something. from Out Cold
We should go and say good bye to Rick. from Out Cold
We spent every day together for three weeks. from Out Cold
We'd lost that until you came here. from Out Cold
We'll have the party at our place. from Out Cold
We'll just deduct the cost from your first paycheck. from Out Cold
We'll kick his ass. from Out Cold
We'll put him in Rick's car. from Out Cold
We'll see about that. from Out Cold
We're cool, man. We're regulars here. from Out Cold
We're getting out of here. from Out Cold
We're not the locals anymore... they are. from Out Cold
We're saved! from Out Cold
We're stopping! from Out Cold
Welcome to Bull Mountain. from Out Cold
Welcome to Bull Mountain... from Out Cold
Welcome to our local cantina. I like to stop in and have a... from Out Cold
Welcome to the El Matador... from Out Cold
Welcome to the Major Resort family! from Out Cold
Welcome to the team, pard. from Out Cold
Welcome to your first random drug test. from Out Cold
Welcome, friends and investors. from Out Cold
Welcome, girlfriend. from Out Cold
Well, 'fore we knew what hit us... from Out Cold
Well, boys, what's it gonna be tonight? from Out Cold
Well, I ain't most people. from Out Cold
Well, it was a car. from Out Cold
Well, listen, you've got to do it before it's too late. from Out Cold
Well, my investors, they're coming... from Out Cold
Well, the jets can feel quite nice... from Out Cold
Well, what do you know? Just the two of us! from Out Cold
Well, who asked you? from Out Cold
What about rule number one? from Out Cold
What are we gonna do now? from Out Cold
What are we gonna do? from Out Cold
What did they do to the bar? from Out Cold
What do we got, Whitey? from Out Cold
What I have to say isn't really gonna take that much time. from Out Cold
What is the word in English for this? from Out Cold
What is your brother doing? from Out Cold
What my friend's trying to say is... from Out Cold
What part of "private party" did you miss? from Out Cold
What the hell is Captain Cripple doing here? from Out Cold
What the hell is going on here? from Out Cold
What the hell you got to say for yourself? from Out Cold
What the hell... bar bars! from Out Cold
What the hell's he doin' up there? from Out Cold
What the... from Out Cold
What, are you drinking without me? from Out Cold
What, fired? from Out Cold
What? from Out Cold
What? from Out Cold
What? from Out Cold
What? from Out Cold
What? from Out Cold
What? from Out Cold
What? from Out Cold
What's going on here? from Out Cold
What's Pierre gonna do? He's very stupid. from Out Cold
What's up, guys? from Out Cold
What's up, guys? It's great to finally meet you. from Out Cold
What's up, man? from Out Cold
What's up, Rick? Hey, guys. from Out Cold
What's wrong with you? from Out Cold
What's wrong with you? from Out Cold
Whatever the lady would like, just put it on my tab. from Out Cold
When this Barry guy gets here, I'm gonna have to face him. from Out Cold
When this country went off the gold standard... from Out Cold
When you won the race last night... from Out Cold
Whenever I say it is. from Out Cold
Where are all my friends? from Out Cold
Where are you going with the bull? from Out Cold
Where are you taking him? Come on! from Out Cold
Where are you taking the bull? from Out Cold
Where did he come from? from Out Cold
Where's Anna? from Out Cold
Where's Inga going? from Out Cold
Where's Jenny? I don't want to go! from Out Cold
Where's your boot? from Out Cold
Which are, Luke? from Out Cold
Which is Spanish for the matador. from Out Cold
Which numbnuts here is gonna pass out. from Out Cold
Who calls you a retard to your face? from Out Cold
Who cannot spell romantic or advice. from Out Cold
Who comes here on the weekend trip... from Out Cold
Who does this Majors asshole think he is? from Out Cold
Who is this guy? from Out Cold
Who is under my table? from Out Cold
Who put a farting machine under my table? from Out Cold
Who wants me'? from Out Cold
Who'? from Out Cold
Who's the jacuzzi Casanova? from Out Cold
Why did you take me around this way? from Out Cold
Why I feel the need to have countless sexual conquests... from Out Cold
Why would he want to get rid of this place? from Out Cold
Why, those dirty little bastards. from Out Cold
Why? Some other guy come sweep you off your feet'? from Out Cold
Why'd she have to come to this one? from Out Cold
Wicked! from Out Cold
Wicked! from Out Cold
Will be answered in your new rule book... from Out Cold
Will these make it bigger? from Out Cold
Will you smell that, boys? from Out Cold
With his little Elvis stuck in my hot tub. from Out Cold
With some lame ass excuse to get into my house... from Out Cold
With the most beer in your glass... Pig Pen... from Out Cold
Women or no women, we gotta stand on it... from Out Cold
Working his way across Europe. from Out Cold
Would I... from Out Cold
Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? from Out Cold
Would you... from Out Cold
Write that down for the brochure. from Out Cold
Yeah, but the name "Bull Mountain"... from Out Cold
Yeah, I think so. from Out Cold
Yeah, physics, really. from Out Cold
Yeah, they get laid all the time, Pig Pen. from Out Cold
Yeah, they got together, and then some! from Out Cold
Yeah, we can totally sell this whole rustic bit. from Out Cold
Yeah? What for? from Out Cold
Yeah. Go. Get outta here. from Out Cold
Yeah. It was called the eighties. from Out Cold
Yeah. Schlafenzeit. Anything you say. from Out Cold
Yeah. Something good. from Out Cold
Yeah. We have a saying around here. from Out Cold
Yes, it is. from Out Cold
Yes, sir. The future is ours. from Out Cold
Yes, this is very good. from Out Cold
Yes. Go, Anthony. from Out Cold
Yes. He likes to think he's Napoleon... from Out Cold
You all know the rules of King of the Mountain. from Out Cold
You also win the contents of Eric's stolen wallet... from Out Cold
You any good on that board there, son'? from Out Cold
You are good. from Out Cold
You better enjoy your reign as King now, because next year... from Out Cold
You better learn some manners, little lady. from Out Cold
You big lug! from Out Cold
You broke up with your boyfriend this summer, right? from Out Cold
You can actually taste the vanilla beans that these... from Out Cold
You can come with us if you want to. from Out Cold
You can't leave. from Out Cold
You can't with this dress. from Out Cold
You clean up pretty nice, Rambis. from Out Cold
You could say that this mountain's a lot like a woman. from Out Cold
You did. from Out Cold
You do not talk about King of the Mountain. from Out Cold
You do. from Out Cold
You don't even have to say it, Eric. I know. from Out Cold
You don't have to leave. from Out Cold
You don't mind, do you Rick? from Out Cold
You drive a hard bargain, son, but done deal. from Out Cold
You ever been on one of those lesbian chat rooms? from Out Cold
You foolish boys. from Out Cold
You go talk to Alan Greenspan! from Out Cold
You got a plan? from Out Cold
You got it, Stump. from Out Cold
You got two broke legs, cracked ribs... from Out Cold
You gotta try a lot harder than that, Rick. from Out Cold
You guys are just gonna leave? from Out Cold
You guys brought this on yourselves. from Out Cold
You guys can get rides from there to wherever. from Out Cold
You guys remember Papa Muntz's last toast... from Out Cold
You have to jiggle the handle. from Out Cold
You know what I really hate about this chick... from Out Cold
You know what song I'm talking about. Please. from Out Cold
You know what? Hold that thought. from Out Cold
You know what? You're right. from Out Cold
You know, Rick, what I'll do... I'll think on that. from Out Cold
You know, smoke a little grass... from Out Cold
You know, the Eskimo have nine words... from Out Cold
You know, things worked out... from Out Cold
You know? Sort of a ski thing. from Out Cold
You met this chick... from Out Cold
You must be the big hotshot who's gonna buy the mountain. from Out Cold
You need help don't you? from Out Cold
You on the roof, knock off the grab ass. from Out Cold
You see that up there? from Out Cold
You serious? from Out Cold
You showing a movie today? from Out Cold
You straight? from Out Cold
You try and keep up there, hotshot. from Out Cold
You used to be a much better liar. from Out Cold
You want me? Here I come! from Out Cold
You want some coffee or something? from Out Cold
You want to get a drink with me later? from Out Cold
You want to rename the mountain? from Out Cold
You were born to run this mountain. from Out Cold
You were the other guy. from Out Cold
You will be restored to your rightful place. from Out Cold
You wouldn't mind playing tour guide... from Out Cold
You, get the door! from Out Cold
You. Grab me around my waist. from Out Cold
You'll make a boatload. Maybe you'll marry my daughter. from Out Cold
You're absolutely right. from Out Cold
You're disrupting the whole town. from Out Cold
You're gettin' on that plane where you belong... with Barry. from Out Cold
You're going back in line. from Out Cold
You're gonna give yourself an aneurysm. from Out Cold
You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, Ricky. from Out Cold
You're good now. from Out Cold
You're just like your mother. from Out Cold
You're killin' me! from Out Cold
You're messing with... from Out Cold
You're not gonna throw your life down the tubes... from Out Cold
You're not wearing underwear. from Out Cold
You're pretty good on that thing, son. from Out Cold
You're pretty good with these kids, Jenny. from Out Cold
You're really not making my life easy, you know that? from Out Cold
Your excuse is better than mine. from Out Cold
Your paper is paper, nothin' more than paper... from Out Cold
A little face lift. Can I get a beer? from Out Cold
And this bright young man is... We've met. from Out Cold
Are they good? I don't know. from Out Cold
Boys, watch confidence at work. Be strong. from Out Cold
Come on! You sure this is a good idea? from Out Cold
don't sit down. Why not'? from Out Cold
Have you told her this? No, not really. from Out Cold
Hey, congratulations, boss! Thank you. from Out Cold
Hi, John! Hi, boys. from Out Cold
How are you? I'm fine. from Out Cold
I don't understand. Come on. from Out Cold
I don't understand. I'm engaged. from Out Cold
I will. All right? from Out Cold
I'm good. Mind if we join you? from Out Cold
In Alaska? I like cold beer. from Out Cold
Let's do it. Come on. Unpack your bags. from Out Cold
Let's do somethin'! It is our town! from Out Cold
Me, too. Same here. from Out Cold
Ouch! Thanks, man. from Out Cold
Play what once? Well, the song. from Out Cold
Retard! I hate you! from Out Cold
See you tomorrow. Later. from Out Cold
Shave what? My ass! from Out Cold
So, do you ever miss her'? Who? from Out Cold
So, what's up? Guard duty. from Out Cold
Song! Please, play it. from Out Cold
Suckers! Cheater! from Out Cold
Thank you, Stumpy. No problem! from Out Cold
Thanks, Jenny. You're welcome. from Out Cold
That's a big number. Not bad. from Out Cold
Want to go for a ride? Where are we going? from Out Cold
Want to see my piece? What? from Out Cold
What are you doing here? I was having a beer. from Out Cold
What do you mean? They're leaving, Rick. Come on. from Out Cold
What's that? I don't know. from Out Cold
What's up, Rick? What's up, dude? from Out Cold
Wish me luck. I'll see you there. from Out Cold
You're that dude? I'm that dude. from Out Cold
' Got it! from Out Cold
'cause he had himself up in it, you know, lovin' it strong. from Out Cold
'Cause I like your style... from Out Cold
'Cause we're doin' this Papa Muntz style, baby. from Out Cold
'Cause you'll roll right past... from Out Cold
'Round these parts, he became known as "Papa." from Out Cold
"Black diamond in the rough." from Out Cold
"Don't go changin'." from Out Cold
"Duck." from Out Cold
"Finders keepers, losers weepers, pal." from Out Cold
"Got you a little gift. I'll see you out there." from Out Cold
"Hey there, Rick. Welcome to the winning team. from Out Cold
"Keepin' it real while keepin' it safe." from Out Cold
"No regrets." That's my motto. from Out Cold