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The Rescuers Down Under The Rescuers Down Under is an animated adventure film that was released in 1990, produced by Walt

The Rescuers Down Under

The Rescuers Down Under is an animated adventure film that was released in 1990, produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation. This delightful movie is a sequel to the original film, The Rescuers, and it takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through the Australian outback.

The cast of The Rescuers Down Under features a fantastic ensemble of voice actors who bring the characters to life with their exceptional performances. Bob Newhart lends his voice to the timid yet lovable Bernard, while Eva Gabor voices the elegant and resourceful Miss Bianca. John Candy brings his comedic talent to the role of Wilbur, the clumsy albatross. The villainous McLeach is portrayed by George C. Scott, whose deep and menacing voice adds an extra layer of intensity to the movie. With such a talented cast, it's no wonder that the characters in The Rescuers Down Under are so captivating and endearing.

The film follows the incredible adventures of Bernard and Miss Bianca as they embark on a mission to save a young boy named Cody, who has been kidnapped by McLeach. Along the way, they encounter a host of colorful and memorable characters, including Jake, a kangaroo mouse who becomes Cody's loyal friend and helps the rescuers in their quest.

The Rescuers Down Under is filled with breathtaking visuals and exhilarating action sequences that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The animation beautifully captures the vast and diverse landscapes of the Australian Outback, from soaring mountains to lush forests. The film also incorporates thrilling aerial sequences as the characters navigate the vast skies on their daring rescue mission.

If you're a fan of this beloved movie, you can now immerse yourself in its enchanting world by playing and downloading the sounds from The Rescuers Down Under. Relive the excitement of the characters' daring escapades, the heartwarming moments of friendship, and the thrilling climax that will have you cheering for our heroes.

In conclusion, The Rescuers Down Under is a timeless animated adventure that captivates viewers with its engaging story, memorable characters, and stunning animation. So gather your friends and family, and get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through the Australian outback with Bernard, Miss Bianca, and their brave companions. Discover the magic of The Rescuers Down Under and experience the excitement for yourself by playing and downloading the sounds of this beloved film.
A boy needs our help. He's in trouble!
A code red! A code red!
A dangerous mission to Australia.
A dingo, a fat old razorback...
A map's no good in the outback.
Aah! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!
Ah, there you are!
Ah, what are you doing out of your cage?
Ain't that right, mate? Now git!
Alba Albatro It's It's a jumbo!
Albatross? Let's see.
All delegates please report immediately to the main assembly hall!
All I gotta do is offer him whatever he wants...
All mine!
All right, ladies, snap to it!
All right, quiet now, please. Everyone pay attention.
Allow me, madam. I will tell him immediately.
Always runnin' around with crazy little mamas
And 300 of these ferocious mouse eating dingoes.
And 400 of these big, giant possums.
And a couple of these.
And dead ahead is home sweet home.
And enjoyyour stay in Australia.
And get your tail up here! Move it!
And I I I I I I'll scan the coastline!
And I know we are all thinking of the same two mice.
And I say again, mate, I'm comin' in!
And I'll pick the lock, like this!
And it's all in the timing, you see. You just push a little bit.
And local Rangers believe he was yet another victim of crocodile attack.
And now you're gonna get it.
And our dear Frank
And our wonderful partnership.
And some of the surrounding gullies.
And the next day I do it again
And then not give it to him.
And then you pull a little bit back. And then you push a little bit forward.
And then you push a little bit farther, and you take it back a little bit...
And then you take it back, and then you
And then you turn a little bit this way.
And then you turn it once more around.
And you're as live as they come.
And you're gonna take us there.
And you're not gonna give us any trouble about it.
And, Esmerelda, there you are.
Anybody! Bernard!
Are you guys crazy? You can't do that to me!
Are you ready, boy? It's time you learned how to fish for crocs.
As well as the finest in flight accommodations.
At your service! Here. Better take my arm, miss.
Attention all Rescue Aid Society delegates!
Australia? The land down under? That's a fabulous idea!
Authorities in Mugwomp Flats have called offthe search for the missing boy.
Aw, Frank, give it a rest.
Aw, nuts!
Ayoung boy needs our help.
B But aren't aren't you supposed to wait 45 minutes?
Been gone a long time.
Bernard and I have decided...
Bernard, Bianca! Here, catch!
Bernard, do something. He can't hear us.
Bernard, the boy!
Bernard, this is no time to play in the snow!
Big time! Big time!
Black slacks I'm the cat's pyjamas
Blast it!
Bloke oughta have his wings clipped.
Boo hoo hoo! Let's go, boy.
Boy, this is some headwind, huh? Whew! Ooh.
Boy? You mean, little kid kind of boy?
Breaker, breaker, little mate.
Bring me the epidermal tissue disrupter!
But I want you to stay away from my
But the boy's only got one weak spot, and that is the eagle.
But tomorrow...
But wait! He's right!
Calm down, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Can't go down, can't go up. Oh! Take the bags, take the bags.
Captain, is this a nonstop flight to Australia?
Cinch up your seat belts, mates. We're comin' in for a landing.
Clear the way! Pull over, madam!
Cody! Cody!
Come on, boy.
Come on, darling. Let's get a move out.
Come on, everybody. Get some more stuff!
Come on, little wombats! Hurry!
Come on, Marahute. Let's all go home.
Come on,Joanna, you thickheaded chunk of fish bait!
Come on. You're kiddin' me, right?
Crazy Yank. Quick, Sparky, we gotta find a way to extend the runway!
Custom designed for "a romantic weekend getaway"...
Cut it out! Get off!
Darling, you'll be just fine.
Delegates, we have an important announcement.
Did we lose anyone back there?
Did ya? Did ya? There was a razorback in my truck!
Did you know there was a razorback in my truck?
Did you see that?
Did you take one of my eggs?
Doctor, will he be all right?
Does she want to make sure that bird stays rare?
Does that mean you'll take us?
Don't ever do that to me again!
Don't look at me like that. You're getting "no" from me.
Don't worry, ma'am. I'll handle this.
Don't worry! I'm comin', you little mice!
Don't you realize a bird that size is worth a fortune?
Du Duty? I I never thought of it
Dumb lizard's always tryin' to bury squirrels out here.
Easy, easy!
Easy. Easy does it. Now
Egg suckin' salamander!
Everybody! Home, home on the range
Everyone's got his price.
Everything's going our way.
Excuse us for interrupting. We are from the Rescue Aid Society.
Fancy that. Looks like McLeach has begun trapping his own kind.
Filthy rich.
Finch, wren, scrub bird, lorikeet, freckled duck...
Frank, over here! Give us the keys!
Free to have cookies and milk a and get those little white moustaches, you know.
Free to run wild through the house on Saturday mornings...
Galah, kookaburra, parrot, cockatoo, albatr
Gangway! Comin' through! Mice on board!
Get Get off of me!
Get between the treads!
Get movin'!
Get out of here! Go on! Git!
Get, get away. Get away! Get Aah!
Girls? Girls, I'm here!
Go on, git!
Good choice. More snakes, but less quicksand.
Good girl,Joanna.
Got it! M M Miss Miss Bianca, y you can do it!
Got one!
Got your hand caught in the cookie jar, didn't you?
Gotta have eggs!
Gotta learn to be more assertive.
H Hey, what are you doin'? Hey, w what's goin' on?
Has anyone considered trying "open sesame"?
Has finally decided to smile on us.
Have you looked outside? It's suicide out there! Ho ho!
He can handle himself.
He doesn't even know how to fold a map.
He took a little boy! Send for help!
He's goin' down the cliff. Come on. We gotta warn him.
Heavens no! We must act immediately, tonight!
Hello, hello, Frank. How are you? Nice to see you.
Help, help, help! Send for help! McLeach took a boy!
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
Help! Help! Help!
Her name is Marahute, the great golden eagle.
Here Here, Miss Bianca. Start digging.
Here we come!
Here we go again!
Here we go!
Here we go! Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!
Here we go! Let's walk!
Here you go. Grab on.
Here, let me give you a hand with those bags, pal. All part of the friendly service here at Albatross
Hey, hey, hey! What do ya got? What do ya got? What do ya got?
Hey, I didn't adjust for the wind! All right, we're gonna make it!
Hey, look, Krebbs! Frank's out.
Hey, well, that's, that's terrible.
Hey, what Are you
Hey, what happened to them keys?
Hey, where are ya goin'? I I mean it. I'm looking for two little mice.
Hey, you're kind of a cute little feller.
Hey! Get, get off of me! Joanna, what are you Yah! What?
Hiding under a nest while Miss Bianca needs our help.
Hiking boots?
His backpack was found near Crocodile Falls...
Hold Hold it! Not Not yet!
Hold this for me, will ya, pal?
Hold tight, you two. We're goin' for a ride.
Home, home on the range
Hop on, Miss B.
Hop to it, ladies. We've got a bent bird on our hands.
How 'bout some great big triple A jumbo eagle eggs?
How about a nice Mango Maui Cooler? Very, very nice. Very tasty.
Howdy, howdy, howdy!
Huh? You want 'em? Huh? You want 'em? Go get 'em!
Hurry! We need something to tie it together.
Hustle up, Nelson. Faloo is sounding the call!
I Miss Bianca, would you
I almost forgot.
I can Hey, it works! I'm cured!
I can't hear you! La, la, Mathilda, waltzing
I could get him to tell me where the eagle is.
I cut through their sides And I rip off their hides
I didn't make it all the way through third grade for nothing.
I don't believe it. My brother Orville told me all about you.
I don't know where he's going, but we can't let him get away.
I don't see any any of that that stuff on the map.
I don't think it's a matter of wanting, it's a matter of duty.
I don't want to go as a purse!
I feel like I got my head in a vice.
I forgot to tellyou. Around here, you need to be quiet!
I give up!
I give you snake eggs. Why, I'll even give you eagle eggs.
I got her! I got her!
I got little umbrellas for each one of them, in a little coconut thing.
I got what I want.
I have never been more relaxed in my life!
I heard it on the radio this morning. And she could have been mine if it weren't for you.
I I I I You should start searching the desert for her.
I I'm even ready to mambo.
I just had to duck down a little lower, that's all, go under the wind, go under it. Here we go!
I just insert my tail like this, and I turn it like this...
I know exactly what you're going to say. Francois told me all about it.
I know that you would say he's gone Black slacks
I know what you're thinkin', and you're wrong. Don't even No!
I know! I'm coming.
I mean, don't you at least need a a gown or something?
I remember the time, Miss B, it was just me...
I say again, mate, our runway is too short.
I still gotta get that boy to talkin', huh?
I think it's a marvellous idea.
I thinkyou've been down in that hole for too long.
I want the eagle. The boy won't give me the eagle.
I wasn't playing in the snow. It It was an avalanche.
I whooped ya! I whooped you all!
I would be most honoured if you
I'll get a pole, matey
I'll give you a night down here to think it over.
I'll never get this. We're doomed!
I'll never tell you where she is! Never! Never!
I'll split the money with you fifty fifty. You can't get a better offer than that, boy.
I'll tell the Rangers where you are!
I'm an American citizen, buddy!
I'm dreamin'! I'm dreamin'! Come on, Wilbur! Wake up, boy! Wake up!
I'm feelin' much better now. I I'm even ready to hit the beaches.
I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!
I'm gone. I am gone!
I'm gonna get rid of him for good.
I'm gonna kill her.
I'm gonna kill that dumb, slimy...
I'm hungry. Can't think on an empty stomach. Gotta have protein.
I'm not convinced. Sixty milligrams!
I've already missed tea, Mr Albatross.
I've got tons of exotic destinations, faraway places...
I've, uh I've got a lot of, uh, luggage here.
If anyone can get us out of this sc****, it's ol' Berno.
If I could just find the boy's weak spot...
If I were any more relaxed, I'd be dead!
If we could get these long pieces of wood
In fact, we're, uh we're here on a a top, uh, secret mission.
In the middle at Croc Falls!
Ioving care!
Is it something I said?
Is she on Satan's Ridge...
It don't look good, Miss B. I can't see any way out of this one.
It was a present.
It's a little nippy outside, but we won't let that stop us, will we?
It's a secret.
It's all over, boy.
It's all right, Bernard.
It's gonna be a treacherous hike.
It's It's a play on Never mind.
It's okay.
It's okay. Come on.
It's the last you'll ever see of 'em.
It's the only way to travel, eh, Berno?
Jake has everything under control.
Jake's been gone Ow!
Joanna, I give you platypus eggs.
Joanna, you been diggin' holes out here again?
Joanna, you hurry up and eat those eggs!
Joanna. Joanna! Joanna!
Just a quarter turn to the left, and then I push it a little bit further.
Just leave it to me, all right?
Just look at her. Look at the size of her.
Kids should be free...
Ladies and gentlemen, flight 12 is now approaching Sydney Airport.
Let go! Hey, get off of me!
Let me go! Let go! Let go!
Let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in!
Let me out of here! Let me go! You can't do this!
Let's see. The boy's got the eagle.
Listen, you can't let these radarjockeys push you around!
Look out!
Look out! Excuse me
Looks like the coast is clear.
Make sure your seat belts are fastened and the tables secured...
Man, you oughta see me with a derby on
Marahute! No! Turn back!
Marahute? It can't be.
Maybe I should go Oh!
Maybe if I stuck him in a giant anthill...
Maybe we could
Miss Bianca, before anything else happens...
Miss Bianca, f from now on, can't can't we just take the train?
Miss Bianca, I
Miss Bianca, I'm not sure it's such a good idea to to fly this soon after eating!
Miss Bianca,Jake, catch!
Miss Bianca? Miss Bianca's in trouble? Whoa!
Mostly in the head, black slacks Well, that's what I say
Move, move, move. Bustle, bustle, bustle. That's it.
Mr Albatross, please!
Mr Albatross, we must return you to the operating room!
Mugwomp tower! Mugwomp tower!
Must be around here somewhere. It couldn't just get up and walk away.
My My back. Hey.
My back!
My mental facilities are twice what yours are, you pea brain!
My mom will call the Rangers!
My name's Jake, and if there's any way I can make your stay more pleasant, don't hesitate to ask.
My poor baby boy got eaten by the crocodiles!
Negative, 1 3. You'll have to turn back. Our runway isn't long enough for a bird your size.
Next stop, Mugwomp Flats!
No is no is no. Hey! Quit movin' in there.
No mice for you, Twister, not today! There!
No more Mr Nice Guy!
No worries, Mom.
No, no, no, no Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no
No, no, no, no, monsieur! You don't
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no. You'll thank me when you're free. Look, look, oh.
No, no. No. Get back. Get back!
No! It's urgent that we leave immediately!
No! No! I
No! No! No! No!
No! Please!
No. Just a pair of khaki shorts and some hiking boots.
Nobody's gonna take a kid's freedom away while I'm around! Nobody! You hear me?
Nonstop? What do I look like, Charles Lindbergh?
Not long enough? Look, pal! I can land this thing on a dime!
Not now, Francois! I'm busy!
Nothin' but abandoned opal mines as far as the eye can see.
Nothing personal, boy, but I wouldn't want to disappoint the Rangers.
Now come along, come along, come along.
Now don't force me to take drastic measures.
Now don't try and tell me the runway's too short.
Now git!
Now listen. There are some chicks right here that need your help.
Now look. We got a long way to go...
Now sit down and relax. Enjoy the view.
Now we just gotta figure out how to get there.
Now where is Bernard? I must tell him at once.
Now you better get out of here before I change my mind!
Now you just tell me where Mama and those little eggs are.
Now, go get the keys.
Now, look! I've got a long way to go.
Now, now, Cody. We mustn't lose hope.
Now, now, my dear, keep a stiff upper lip.
Now, this is my idea of fun!
Now, what does Joanna want?
Now, you must fly out immediately!
Now, you quit playing around and do your job, you four legged python!
Of course I will.
Off with you now. Leave everything to me.
Oh, a all right. I'll I'll get him up.
Oh, a lovely ladies' purse.
Oh, Bernard, please hurry.
Oh, Bernard, you are magnificent.
Oh, boy!
Oh, boy! I gotta I gotta go on a diet when I get home.
Oh, boy! I lost a lot of feathers on that one.
Oh, boy! This is an honour to have
Oh, Cody! Cody, wait!
Oh, here he goes again.
Oh, just knock on the door and and see if Orville is there.
Oh, let me see here.
Oh, look, Bernard!
Oh, Mr Jake, will you guide us?
Oh, my gosh! I hope I know what I'm doing.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, no, no. We're not married.
Oh, no! Not the Rangers! What'll I do?
Oh, no! Oh, no! I'm afraid your jolly little holiday will have to wait.
Oh, no! Oh, no!Jump!
Oh, no.
Oh, no. No! No!
Oh, no. Stay in those eggs.
Oh, no. Wait a minute. Hold it.
Oh, no. We must leave tonight!
Oh, no. What now?
Oh, pea soup!
Oh, please don't do this to me!
Oh, that that's awful, lockin' up a little kid.
Oh, that's real nice. Who gave it to you?
Oh, the Coconut Guava Nectar. It's carbonated, very nice.
Oh, the poor boy. This is dreadful.
Oh, there is no time to explain. You are in great danger.
Oh, there's a way out, all right.
Oh, well. Survival of the fittest, I guess.
Oh, whoa!
Oh, whoa!
Oh, you get a line
Oh, you get a line and I'll get a pole
Oh! Cowabunga!
Oh! I must've been sleepin' on a bolt.
Oh! Okay, one's enough. There we go.
Oh! Ow! Yeah, that feels better! Oh, baby!
Oh. Gonna rescue that kid McLeach nabbed, eh?
Oh. My dad's gone too.
Okay, that's it. I'm outta here. This is ridiculous.
Okay, you guys. She fell for it.
Ooh, that smarts.
Ooh! Yeah, I got it!
Oops. Aaah!
Open your mouth.
Or a nice big... boy?
Or Nightmare Canyon?
Order! Order!
Orthe Rangers might hear you.
Ow, this is cold!
Ow! Oh oh! Big time hurt!
Pal ofmine
Pardonnez moi, Mademoiselle Bianca. I have important news.
Passengers are requested to please fasten their seat belts and secure all carry ons.
Passengers, please remain seated...
Pea soup!
Perfect shot. Perfect shot!
Pick it, boy! Pick it! Yeah!
Please don't do this!
Please, please, don't let him do it.
Prepare the albatross for medication.
Quick, Sparky! We need to make a dragline!
Righto! Hop on! No time to lose.
S Say, you lovely ladies wouldn't have seen...
Say goodbye to your little friends.
Say, where'd you get this pretty feather, boy?
She's caught, high on a cliff in a poacher's trap.
She's mine.
She's up on top of that ridge. Be careful, little friend.
Shhh! Listen.
Shoelaces, oh.
Shoo shoo. Off you go.
Shot her, right out of the sky! Bang!
Show him who's boss, Berno!
Sixty milligrams.
So when can I pencil you in? Uh, after spring thaw? You know, mid June would be very nice.
So, uh huh, you and your, um, uh, husband here on a little outback excursion?
So, um, which way you takin', uh
Someone who knows the territory.
Something weird's going on around here. I smell a big, fat rat.
Sparky, you watch the tower. We gotta get this bird to the hospital.
Speaking of which, what can I get you?
Storm or no storm, Albatross Airlines at your service!
Surprise! If I didn't know any better, I'd thinkyou didn't like it here.
Take it easy, mate. You don't want to hurt yourself again.
Thanks, little mate.
That bird's gonna make me rich.
That is, until, uh, Dead Dingo Pass.
That meddlin' brat!
That would loosen his tongue, and then I got him!
That's a direct order.
That's a girl. Stay still.
That's all I need, five more minutes.
That's great! Just a little more, a little further.
That's it! You've got it!
That's no secret, boy.
That's right, babies! Supper time!
That's right. Just a little more. There!
That's the boy's weak spot!
The box.
The eagle's eggs. That's it!
The epidermal what?
The keys, Frank! Give us the keys!
The keys. Yeah, yeah. Keys, keys, keys, keys, keys.
The kid's right. What are we waiting for?
The kidnapper took the boy and Jake and Miss Bianca.
The rarest bird in the world.
Then once you cross Bloodworm Creek, you're scot free.
There has been a kidnapping in Australia!
There is no time to waste. We must try to get in.
There she is,Joanna.
There you go! Comin' through, sir! Thankyou!
There you go.
There, I got it!
There's no hope for any of us now.
There's something that I've, I've been wanting to, um, t to askyou.
These are not Joanna eggs!
They all come in with a whimper and leave with a grin.
They had me surrounded. The sight of their teeth...
They like it when you use live bait.
They was looking so hard for you, and now they're gonna find ya.
They'll never survive without their mother.
They're perfectly harmless once you look 'em in the eye and let 'em know who's boss.
They're very warm. Are they gonna hatch soon?
Think you're pretty smart, don't ya? Huh?
This is a mission requiring our very finest.
This is a poacher's trap, and you're a poacher!
This is Albatross 1 3 requesting permission to land. Over.
This is an emergency meeting! I repeat, this is a code red emergency meeting!
This is how we get around in the outback, Miss B.
This is rusted tight. I wouldn't dream of using such a tool.
This is the finest fleet on two webbed feet!
Throw another shrimp on the barbie, girls, 'cause here I come!
Thundershowers are expected in the Crocodile Falls area...
Tie your kangaroos down, sports fans!
To accept the mission to Australia.
To my dear Bernard...
To refresh that rusty old memory of yours.
Tonight? But But, uh, wait!
Too bad about those eggs, eh, Joanna?
Trap? Where'd you get an idea like that, boy?
Turn back! Stay away! It's a trap!
Two little mice running around down there, would you?
Uh oh!
Uh uh, it's a trap, and poachin's against the law.
Uh, Bianca, this is so sudden.
Uh, excuse me.
Uh, uh Ahem, ahem!
Uh, Wilbur, if if the runway isn't long enough
Uh, Wilbur?
Uh, yeah, yeah. It's just a little b a little, uh, bumpy back here.
Uh, yeah, yeah. Uh, wond wonderful.
Until the aircraft comes to a full and complete stop.
Very, very hush hush.
W W Wait! Hey, wait a minute! Don't leave me here, please!
W We got to do something. Bernard, I'm disappointed in you.
Wait a minute. What the heck are you doin' up here, anyway?
Wait, wait, wait a minute. I don't
Wait! Hey, wait a minute! Just stop everything!
Was like a wall of ivory.
We got a loose end to tie up, haven't we, girl?
We got ice! We got ice! Whoa! Hang on now! Whoa!
We must find Bernard and Miss Bianca at once!
We'll be departing following our standard preflight maintenance.
We'll get you out of this little old lizard hole, and you can just run along home.
We'll go fishing in the crocodile hole buddy, pal ofmine
We're gonna have to make connections with a bigger bird.
Welcome to Albatross Air. "A Fair Fare From Here To There."
Welcome to Australia, ma'am.
Well done, mate.
Well, boy, let's see if we can do something...
Well, come on, grab a hold.
Well, it's, uh, it's like this.
Well, Joanna, what'd we get today?
Well, n nobody's home. Let's go.
Well, Sparky, you've had this comin' for a long time...
Well, that's better.
Well, the girls all look when I go by 'Cause wh
Well, then, we'd better start packing our bags.
Well, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Well, uh, not exactly, no. Uh, I could definitely say no.
Well, um, actually, I, uh
Well, um, all ri All right. H How does How does next, uh next April sound to you?
Well, well, well.
Well,Joanna, it looks like lady luck...
What did I tell ya? Look at me! I'm free!
What do you think,Joanna?
What the blaze is going on here?
What you really need is someone
What'll I do? Don't let your ma call the Rangers, please!
What's this? Gone?
When I put 'em on I'm a rarin' to go
Where are you, you little chickies, you?
Where are you?
Where critters are tied up in chains
Where is she?
Where's the daddy eagle?
Who do you thinkyou're messing with, you dumb animal?
Who outsmarted who? Who Who outsmarted who, huh?
Whoa! Hey! Whoa! Hey, slippery! Ice! Ice!
Whoa! I've been skewered!
Whoa! Wait! I'm gonna help you!
Why, that's right! How did you know?
Why, whatever's the matter,Joanna?
Wilbur, am I glad to see you.
Wilbur, don't worry. We'll come back the moment we find the boy.
Wilbur? Wilbur!
Wilbur? Wilbur!
Wise fly.
Wood! Yeah, wood, wood, wood! Good! Good!
Would you Would y Would you excuse me for a minute?
Yahoo! Howdy, howdy, howdy!
Yeah, I I noticed.
Yeah, loosen up, get the blood flowin' up to the head.
Yeah, that's it. Right smack dab...
Yeah, we'll never tell!
Yeah, yeah. Stand on. Stand on. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah! Let's go for it! Whoa! Hey! Ho!
Yeah. If we all put our heads together, I'm sure we'll think of something.
Yeah. There was this one time it was just me...
Yee haa! Ride 'im, Frank!
Yes, Francois? What is it?
Yes, what is it?
Yes, yes, I know it's late, but I'm Oh, really! Pyjamas!
Yoo hoo, Mr Wilbur.
You and Bernard have been asked to accept...
You are absolutely the hero of the day.
You can't do this! You're gonna get in big trouble!
You can't leave me here alone.
You do? I mean, you You really want to?
You don't know Bernard like I do. He'll never give up.
You get a line and I'll get a pole, friend
You get it? "A fair fare."
You know, Miss Bianca, truth be told, I used to be quite a dingo wrestler.
You know, now that we're alone, there's
You know, perhaps we should wake up Wilbur.
You see, I already got the father.
You stupid lizard. Get off of me, you idiot!
You understand? No, I will not ever sit on those eggs.
You won't have any money after the Rangers get through with you.
You'll find it's tough to keep secrets in the outback, miss.
You'll go as a wallet, you'll go as a belt...
You'll have to drag it out of us!
You'll never take me alive!
You'll think twice before messin' with Percival C. McLeach!
You're a mom!
You're comin' with me, boy.
You're free! No!
You're, you're gonna take me there, and you're not gonna give me any trouble about it, right?
You've been very quiet this evening. Is there something on your mind?
Your bird's dead. Someone shot her.
Your captain thanks you for flying Albatross Airlines.
Your spine needs tender...
A little further. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
A purse. Oh, no!
Ah, back! Oh, it's out! Wilbur, are you all right?
Ah, I'm stuck! I'm stuck! I'm stuck! I'm stuck! I'm stuck! Shh! Keep quiet!
All we gotta do is get the keys! Oh, is that all?
Am I gettin' warm? I told you, I don't remember.
Are we ready, nurse? Ready, doctor.
Are we there yet? Yes.
Are you all right? Yeah, I think so.
Artery router. Mother!
Australia? Oh, good show!
Bernard is still out there. That's right.
Bernard, did you talk to Francois? Ah, yes, but, uh, there's some There's something I want
Better double it! Double?
Bianca! Bernard!
Bird? Eggs?
Cody? Huh? Who are you?
Don't give up, Cody! There.
Don't worry. We're gonna get out of here. We are?
Double or nothing, he's caught in five minutes. I'm free! I'm free, free, free, free!
Double, coming up. No!
Fire! Ow! Whoa!
Forceps! Forceps!
Frank, Frank, you're free! I'm free?
Frank, get the keys. I I should get the keys!
Frank! Frank! Huh?
Free, free, free, free, free! Calm down, little mate!
Get away! Get away! It's a trap! It's a trap! Be careful! No! Don't worry, I'll get you loose.
Get down there, son! Hello!
Give me a hand with these eggs, will ya? Yeah, sure.
He did? H H How did he know? Oh, it doesn't matter.
He was kidnapped! Kidnapped?
Help! I'm slipping! Cody, don't move.
Here we go! We'll We'll never make it!
Hey, I can't reach 'em. Quick, get something to stand on.
Hey, little fella, what happened to you? Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Hey, where did you come from? Um, the desert?
Hey, who killed the music? That's better.
How about a cream soda? Now look! We need a flight to Australia!
Hurry up, you two! Quickly, Bernard, now!
I am Miss Bianca and this is my Miss Bianca? The Miss Bianca?
I got the joke! Down two degrees!
I gotta talk to you, mister. Wilbur.
I I was wondering Yes, darling?
I must speak with you. Miss Bianca, will you please marry me?
I've got some sandwiches in my pack. Be home for supper.
It's okay. Let's try again. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Launch the back brace! Hey! Hey, wait! Wait!
Look, Bernard. It's the boy! And McLeach.
Look! It's Bernard. I don't believe it. Way to go, mate!
M Miss Bianca! I've been lookin' all over for you.
Maybe I should go look for him. Oh, don't you worry about Jake.
Miss Bianca, will you marry me? Quickly, Monsieur Bernard!
Mr Albatross, we haven't operated yet! Ya gotta catch me first, Doc!
Nice bluff, Miss B. I wasn't bluffing.
No hope? No hope? No! But there must be a way out of here.
No, no, no! I don't want to hear it! Frank will go as
No, thankyou. Or a, uh
No! Joanna, sic him!
No! What do you mean, no? You callin' me a liar?
Nothing? Nothing at all? Wilbur!
Oh, how kind. Allow me to get that bag for you.
Oh, no! Don't go down two degrees! Down two degrees.
Okay, I'm up, I'm up. Watch out! You're
Okey dokey! Wait! Hey, come back!
Please gather all carry ons. Crazy Yanks. They think they can do any fool thing without regard for
Quiet, ya fool! I'm stuck! I'm stuck! Take it easy. I'll get you loose.
Ready! No, I'm not ready! Don't, please!
She's alive! Cody, please!
Shh! Be quiet. But these darn things are heavy.
Shh! Joanna will hear! Free, free! Free, free, free, free!
Spinal streculator. Oh! That's gonna hurt!
Suicide Trail through Nightmare Canyon or the short cut at Satan's Ridge?
There is? There is? Absolutely!
Three degrees right! Come on! Three degrees right!
Use the box. Climb up on the box. Box. The box. Of course, the box.
We did it! You got it! You got it! You got it!
We need to charter a flight. Well, you've come to the right place, buddy boy.
What a bunch of jokers! But you don't understand.
Who's caught this time? You don't know her, Cody.
Whoa! Hey, it worked!
Why is he letting him go? It's gotta be a trick.
Wilbur, are you awake? Get Get up! We're there!
Wilbur! Huh? What?
Wilbur. That's what I'll do. I'll let the chicks on the beach
Will it Will it hurt, Doc? Dear boy, you won't feel a thing.
Will somebody shut him up! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
will you marry me? Bernard.
Yeah, I I noticed. I am just sure he'll be back in no time.
Yeah, Mom? What about your breakfast?
Yeah, something, something, something. Uh, yeah, yeah, uh Frank, what's wrong?
Yeah, stand on. Somethin' to stand on. This ought to be rich.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah. Huh?
Yeah. Just five more minutes, Ma. Wilbur!
You must listen. That's ri That's right. Mc McLeach is on the cliff.
You must relax. Relax?
You're the only one who can reach her. I'll get her loose. these particular areas. In other news...
"Under new management. See Wilbur."
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