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Sunshine (2007) Sunshine is a visually stunning and thought-provoking science fiction thriller film released in 2007.

Sunshine (2007)

Sunshine is a visually stunning and thought-provoking science fiction thriller film released in 2007. Directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland, the movie takes the audience on a thrilling journey into the depths of space.

Set in the year 2057, Sunshine tells the story of a desperate mission to reignite the dying sun. Earth is suffering from an apocalyptic Ice Age, and a team of eight astronauts is sent aboard the spaceship Icarus II to deliver a massive bomb into the sun, hoping to jump-start the star and save humanity. The crew must navigate through treacherous challenges and face their own internal conflicts as they approach their ultimate destination.

The ensemble cast of Sunshine is composed of talented actors who bring depth and complexity to their roles. The main crew members of Icarus II are led by Cillian Murphy, who portrays Robert Capa, the ship's physicist and the mission's expert on the bomb's activation. Other notable cast members include Chris Evans as Mace, the engineer with a rebellious streak, and Michelle Yeoh as Corazon, the ship's botanist. Other crew members include Rose Byrne as Cassie, the ship's pilot, and Hiroyuki Sanada as Kaneda, the mission's fearless captain. Cliff Curtis, Troy Garity, and Benedict Wong complete the crew, each with their unique skills and personalities.

Danny Boyle's masterful direction combined with Alex Garland's thought-provoking screenplay creates a visually stunning and intellectually engaging experience. Sunshine beautifully depicts the vastness of space, stunningly capturing the awe-inspiring beauty and the perilous nature of the cosmic void. The film's visual effects are breathtaking, from the intense brightness of the sun to the haunting emptiness of the spaceship's exterior.

The story dives deep into existential themes, exploring the fragility of human existence and the lengths we will go to ensure our survival. As the crew faces numerous challenges and sacrifices, the movie raises questions about the ethics of playing god, the human desire for immortality, and the consequences of tampering with nature. Sunshine is a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition amidst the vastness of the universe.

The film's score, composed by John Murphy and Underworld, adds another layer of intensity and emotion. The pulsating electronic sounds create a sense of urgency and enhance the film's suspenseful moments. From its epic opening track "Welcome to Icarus II" to the hauntingly beautiful "Adagio in D Minor," the music perfectly complements the film's themes and imagery.

If you are intrigued by the subject of Sunshine, you can immerse yourself in its sounds. The film's score is available for download and offers the opportunity to relive the cinematic experience from the comfort of your own home. With its mesmerizing visuals, engaging performances, and profound exploration of humanity, Sunshine is a must-watch for science fiction enthusiasts and those who appreciate intellectually stimulating films.

Play and download the sounds of Sunshine here: [link to download page]
A baby.
A beautiful baby.
A big bang on a small scale.
A hole hasn't burnt in the side of the ship.
A new star born out of a dying one.
A payload. Singular.
Accuracy unknown.
Actually, no.
Affirmative, Icarus. Four crew: Mace, Cassie, Corazon and me.
Affirmative. Four crew could survive on current reserves...
Affirmative. Good image.
Air is low. We need to limit our exertions.
Airlock's destroyed. There's only one suit. Capa's taking it.
All crew are dying.
All crew back to the airlock.
All our science...
All right, guys.
All right, if no one's gonna say it, I'm going to.
All right.
All right. Icarus, I'm gonna reset...
All right. We only got one shot at this.
All these deaths.
All you have to do is look out for a little extra brightness in the sky.
Am I supposed to tell you about my childhood?
Am I that man?
And four minutes after separation, boosters automatically fire.
And I think we can all assume it wasn't Harvey.
And I was with Capa and Searle.
And I'll see you in a couple of years.
And if it dies, we die.
And in any case...
And it's the same results.
And me.
And so will we.
And then a spark will pop into existence...
And then knowing that you won't.
And there was no malfunction on the airlock hardware.
And those will split again...
And to this dust, we will return.
Anyone afraid of the dark?
Anyone got any better ideas?
Approaching the first panel.
Are you an angel?
Are you scared?
Are you suggesting we let Trey kill himself?
As are our own lives.
As is the payload.
As it stands now...
As long as we can live long enough to deliver the payload...
As second in command, I am now the captain of Icarus II.
As second in command, you're not going anywhere.
As you pointed out, Mace, we have a payload to deliver.
Ashes to ashes.
At least now we know what happened on Icarus I.
At minus 273 degrees Celsius.
At the end of time...
At this distance of 36 million miles...
Be careful, watch your step.
Because I know everything you wanna say.
Being afraid that you won't make it back home.
Between the boosters and the gravity of the sun...
Breathe, Mace. Just breathe.
Bring back the waves.
But all the sensors up there are burned out.
But if any of you are planning on sending a final message home...
But if I had to make a guess right now, I'd say we could adjust our trajectory.
But in truth, we have the reserves to make it there and a quarter way back.
But it changes our angle of approach to the sun by 1.1 degrees.
But it's possible that within 24 hours we won't be able to communicate at all.
But that mission was lost before it reached the star.
But the oxygen garden is totally destroyed.
But there is.
But they could be. Oxygen is self replenishing.
But this means that you won't be able to send a message back.
But total light, it envelops you.
But we'll make it.
But we're not gonna do that.
But what we do know is this...
By doping him up more?
By the time you get this message, I'll be in the dead zone.
Can anyone survive?
Can you guys see this?
Can you see this?
Can you show me 4 percent?
Can't leave upright panels.
Capa returning to airlock.
Capa returning to airlock. Do you copy?
Capa, aim for the payload.
Capa, check, helmet cam fully operational.
Capa, go back.
Capa, I order you to remove that suit.
Capa, it's me.
Capa, take it easy. You're going through your O2 pretty fast.
Capa, warning.
Capa? Capa?
Capa. It's me. I'm the one apologizing, all right?
Captain, it's right on you.
Captain, move.
Captain, you must leave now. Captain?
Captain? Captain? I'm at the edge of the shield.
Cassie and I were on the Flight Deck.
Cassie, are you getting this on the feed?
Cassie, there's not much time. I need to know.
Check oxygen consumption.
Clearly it's not impossible because you can hear it.
Come on, guys. We were expecting this.
Come on.
Come on.
Commander of the Icarus I.
Copy command 0 0 0.
Copy that, Cory.
Copy that.
Copy, Capa. Hurry.
Copy, Icarus. Loss of towers 3 and 4. Cancel alarm.
Copy, Mace.
Cory, get the hell out of there.
Cory, look at the ferns.
Crew and living section have four minutes...
Crew detected in airlock.
Crew priority is to protect the payload.
Detach the payload.
Detonation beyond all imagining.
Do I have to spell it out for you?
Do it how?
Do it, Capa.
Do it.
Do you copy?
Do you copy?
Does the risk of a detour outweigh the benefits of an extra payload?
Don't fight.
Don't fight.
Don't kill yourself, man. We got this, okay?
Door sealed by operating superior comms officer.
Double checked it. Cory triple checked it.
Dr. Searle has diagnosed him as a suicide risk.
Dr. Searle's prescription specifies a peaceful module.
Eight astronauts strapped to the back of a bomb.
Eighty nine percent of shield in full sunlight.
Eighty percent of all dust is human skin.
End file.
Entering coronal hole in South Polar Cap.
Establishing new alignment to sun.
Even if we knew that some or even all of that crew are still alive...
Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same.
Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same.
Everybody get here now.
Everything dies.
Everything will distort, everything will be unquantifiable.
Everything's set.
Exiting airlock with maintenance modules.
Fatal damage to Comms Towers 3 and 4.
Filter up or down, Dr. Searle?
Final panel closing. The shield is secure.
Find a kindness.
Finish it.
Fire in oxygen garden.
Fire will burn for six hours.
Five crew members.
For psych tests on deep space, I ran sensory deprivation trials.
For seven years I spoke with God.
For the moment we can still send package messages back.
Force the bomb into the sun.
Found the crew.
Four percent would result in irreversible damage to your retinas.
Fourteen hours before crew will be unable to perform basic tasks.
From inside.
From now on...
Fuck you.
Get my hand. Get my hand.
Get out of the suit.
Get the fire out.
Getting what?
Go ahead, Mace?
Go ahead.
Good dream?
Got water.
Gotta tell you, Moon Base, it was...
Gotta tell you, Moon Base, it was...
Great job.
Harvey said there's not enough oxygen to get us to the delivery point.
Harvey, Capa's the only person outside of Icarus who can operate the payload.
Harvey, comms officer, confirm back up o o o.
Harvey, keep your eyes shut and exhale slowly.
Has the time come?
Hazard diagnostic complete.
He cut his wrists.
He sleeps for 23 hours a day. And he blames himself for everything.
He told me to take us all to heaven.
He took responsibility.
He's trying to destroy the mission. He's insane.
Helmet cam operational.
Hey, Capa.
Hi, sis.
High frequency bursts will rise above interference...
However, you could observe 3. 1 percent...
Human skin.
I am Pinbacker.
I am the captain.
I am.
I assure you, when I'm onboard Icarus II that I'll do everything within my power...
I can hold our position but we aren't gonna be able to dock again.
I can't lower the mainframe panels.
I can't send my package, the wind is too high.
I can't talk to Icarus.
I cannot locate your biometric signs.
I don't know how, just do it. Just do it.
I don't know if I can get her back online.
I don't think any of us are about to question that diagnosis.
I forgot.
I fucked up, all right?
I fucked up.
I have something to say.
I hope you're proud of your son...
I just want you to know that this...
I just wanted to let you know...
I know I fucked up.
I know it.
I know the logic.
I know what caused the distress signal.
I know what it is, flyboy.
I lost Harvey. I lost Harvey.
I probably know more about your childhood than you do.
I recommend it.
I see. I get it.
I suspect the observation filter is fully open.
I think it'll be beautiful.
I think we're venting O2.
I volunteer Capa.
I watched them hit us from the Observation Room.
I'd need to look at all of this pretty carefully. Very carefully.
I'll check the garden.
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
I'll finish this.
I'll get suited up.
I'm gonna be taking control for a while.
I'm gonna do this.
I'm gonna rotate us so the damage is facing away from the sun.
I'm guessing you've been talking to Searle.
I'm not a low priority.
I'm not passing any bucks.
I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
I'm opening up.
I'm saying you can't have it.
I'm signing out.
I'm signing out.
I'm sorry, Cassie.
I've been through Icarus's activity file and I checked it.
I've been waiting so long.
Icarus I is a big ship. We can't search it effectively in one group.
Icarus is gonna burn out.
Icarus leaving Mercury orbit.
Icarus tried to reset the shields independently when the alarm triggered.
Icarus, continue procedure.
Icarus, dial it down a little, will you?
Icarus, how close is this to full brightness?
Icarus, open the O2 tanks.
Icarus, override computer to manual control.
Icarus, patch me through to Mace. I have something...
Icarus, please adjust shield to allow for rotation.
Icarus, please play audio file 7 5/B.
Icarus, take control of the ship.
Icarus, why are we in orbit?
Icarus. Full sunlight.
Icarus. Stabilizers.
If the shield is intact.
If Trey dies...
If we weren't behind the screen of Icarus II, we'd join them.
If we're gonna complete the mission...
If you don't like it, you take my shift next time.
If you open your airlock and we line it up right, he'll fire inside.
In addition, a large amount of O2 was burned in the fire.
In order to change the route, I had to manually override Icarus.
In other words, unless Icarus is deleting her own files, she didn't do it.
In the face of this...
In the helmet.
In the meantime, I'm gonna try and give them as much shadow as I can.
In the Observation Room.
In the suit.
Is anyone else getting silence from Icarus?
Is anyone here seriously considering otherwise?
Is it the surface of the sun?
It appeared as we flew into the dark side of Mercury.
It becomes you.
It came a little sooner than we thought.
It is not our place...
It is.
It sounds like she's tearing apart.
It was a sequence of contact reports on the top left shield quadrant...
It was lost in the background light and noise.
It was...
It was...
It will trail off dramatically when we get nearer.
It would, of course...
It'll take a while, but...
It's a risk assessment.
It's a two man job.
It's an ecosystem working beautifully after all this time.
It's been sabotaged.
It's different.
It's gonna be cold.
It's like flipping a coin and asking me to decide whether it'll be heads or tails.
It's like taking a shower in light.
It's me.
It's me. That's what you're all thinking?
It's not you. It's my responsibility.
It's pretty impressive.
It's the Icarus I.
It's the time.
It's time.
It's too far.
It's very strange. I don't...
It's wonderful.
Jesus Christ, Harvey.
Jesus Christ, Trey.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ. The mainframe is out of the coolant.
Jesus, Mace, I don't know.
Jesus. They almost made it.
Journey time to delivery point:
Just remember it takes eight minutes for light to travel from sun to Earth.
Just to make it absolutely clear, there's no way we're gonna do that.
Kaneda, Capa, get back to the airlock now.
Kaneda, Searle, report to Flight Deck.
Kaneda, what can you see?
Kill him.
Kiss the kids.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Let alone to survive the return journey.
Let me guess.
Let me in.
Let's do it.
Let's get this closed.
Let's get you out of here.
Let's keep in contact, guys.
Let's say 25. Set at 25.
Like the other crew.
Listen up, everybody.
Listen. We can't depressurize when we open the airlock.
Look, what is it, beef?
Lost a little vapor. Nothing serious.
Lots of smiling faces in this room, guys.
Lt'll cause a flashover. Make it burn itself out.
Mace doesn't and I'm guessing Harvey and Trey don't either.
Mace, come in.
Mace, head up for the Flight Deck, see if you can't get her to fly.
Mace, I'm sorry. I should have let you go first.
Mace, listen. I'm locked in the airlock.
Mace, repeat, please.
Mace, we're lined up.
Made by the person best qualified to understand the complexities...
Made by you, by any chance?
Magnetic field structure open.
Mankind faces extinction.
Manual control returned.
Maybe you should talk to Dr. Searle about that.
Might get picked off one at a time by aliens.
Moving down to investigate damaged area.
Moving to next panel.
My bomb.
My God, Pinbacker?
My God.
My God.
My God.
My head was full of velocities and fuel calculations and a million different...
My leg.
Negative, Cassie. Computer control.
Negative, Icarus. Manual control.
Negative. Mission in jeopardy.
Negative. State reason immediately.
Nice and easy.
Nice and easy.
Ninety four percent of shield in full sunlight.
Ninety one percent of shield in full sunlight.
Ninety seven percent of shield in full sunlight.
No bodies.
No crew.
No great drama. We're flying into the dead zone...
No shit.
No surprise.
No, Harvey.
No, there's no choice for you.
No, we won't.
No, we're not.
No. I'm not scared.
None bigger than a raindrop...
None of them would have happened if you hadn't diverted the mission.
Not on the outward journey, at any rate.
Not your God.
Now plot the source of the Icarus I beacon.
Now, everything about the delivery and effectiveness of that payload...
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my.
Okay, guys.
Okay, Icarus, run the math on the successful delivery of the payload.
Okay, Icarus.
Okay, let's go.
Okay, Mace.
Okay, payload delivery point reached.
Okay, that make sense to anyone?
Okay. You're right.
Once we break that seal, how are we gonna re pressurize?
One of us has to manually operate the seal.
One of us isn't, anyway.
One problem.
Only dream I ever have.
Only dream I ever have.
Only way we're gonna know is if we go out there.
Opening O2 tanks.
Or Cassie or Capa.
Our last best hope.
Our payload...
Our physicist.
Our purpose...
Our star is dying.
Our sun is dying.
Our survival depends on what we can salvage from Icarus I.
Override command confirmed.
Override command statement to manual flight controls removed.
Override Icarus. Cassie, pilot...
Payload boosters will automatically fire after four minute delay.
Payload is fully operational.
People do shit.
Pinbacker is onboard. He's trying to stop the mission.
Please clarify.
Please identify yourself.
Please plot our trajectory following the slingshot around Mercury.
Please re filter the Observation Room portal.
Please return the panels to the coolant.
Please, I can do this.
Recommend sealing outer airlock door.
Relaxed movement.
Reliability of projection has dropped below 45 percent.
Remaining projection is not open to useful speculation.
Repeat, we are floating free.
Resuming computer control of Icarus II.
Returning vessel to original rotation.
Right here.
Rotate by that much, we're gonna lose comm towers three and four.
Run an update on biometric signs for all crew.
Say again, Capa?
Seal oxygen feed.
Sealing outer airlock door.
Searle, are you ready?
Searle, Capa, they're waiting for you.
Searle, check the social area and the sleeping quarters.
Searle, do you copy?
Searle, tell our captain to move.
Searle. Harvey.
Searle's argument is sound.
See if he can help you out.
Separate the payload.
Seven years ago, the Icarus Project sent a mission to restart the sun.
Seventy five percent chance of collateral damage to life support systems.
Shield rotation complete.
Shut down sensor to Comms Tower 3 and 4.
Simply put...
Sixteen hours until death.
Sixteen months ago, I, Robert Capa, and a crew of seven...
Sixteen months, you can get used to anything.
Sixty percent chance of containment failure.
Slingshot complete.
So cancel the ticker tape parade.
So do you.
So how does this work?
So I just wanted to let you know that I don't need the message.
So I made all the calculations myself. And I double and triple checked them.
So I set the new coordinates and put us on our way.
So if you wake up one morning...
So that is our mission. There is nothing...
So the force of the gas is gonna fire him out, right?
So we have no idea of the state of the affected area.
So we're gonna make the most informed decision available to us.
So you know where I stand.
So, if you wake up one morning, and it's a particularly beautiful day...
So, whatever happens, one of us is staying behind.
Sprinkler system failing.
Stardust to stardust.
Stellar bomb initiated and detached.
Subsystems are fine. Solar harvest is fine.
Technically, he made a mistake.
Temperature, 37,000.
Testing total darkness on flotation tanks.
Thank you.
Thanks both to Kaneda...
That depends.
That is a direct order.
That should be the time they were supposed to deliver the payload.
That signal is their distress beacon.
That we weigh the life of one against the future of mankind?
That would be after they entered the non com zone.
That's a four year shortfall. Hell of a diet.
That's between me and Trey.
That's great news. Looks like we got what we came for.
That's impossible. It's been seven years.
That's it.
That's it.
That's it. Slow down the breathing.
That's strange.
That's the first one closed.
That's the problem right there.
That's the temperature change on the shields.
That's why no one picked up the signal until now.
The air. It's full of dust.
The airlock is ripped in half.
The breakdown is as follows.
The computer's down.
The fact is, we're still alive.
The hydraulics are burnt out.
The iron content of the planet...
The last man, alone with God.
The locking system on Icarus I is totally ripped open.
The man will be gone.
The mechanism is disabled.
The metal's just contracting and expanding.
The mission needs a captain to hold it together.
The O2 productivity is good. In fact, if anything, we're over producing.
The one we carry is our last chance.
The only way to do that...
The payload is fully operational. It's A okay.
The possibility remains that it was him and we gotta take that seriously.
The question is:
The ship should be running except I'm getting nothing from the flight computer.
The ship will burn up if the shields are not repaired.
The ship's moving.
The solar wind reading is much higher than we'd anticipated at this distance.
The surface of the sun?
The trajectory is good.
The waves make me feel peaceful.
Then the moment will pass.
There are four damaged panels.
There is no choice.
There is something else too.
There just isn't enough oxygen to get all of us there.
There might have been an accident.
There might not have been eight people to feed.
There will be nothing to show as if we were ever here...
There's a coolant failure of some kind. The bottom line is...
There's another thing, guys.
There's high background interference, but the signal is clear enough.
There's not gonna be another payload.
They all worked out.
They burned themselves.
They get stressed...
They had an epiphany.
They had stock to cover eight people for three years.
They have the solar power they need.
They saw the light.
They're about 300 meters out.
This isn't just about the possibility whether he sabotaged the airlock.
Three out of seven. That's a lot of short straws.
Three to go.
To what? Shuttle back with more suits?
Took three alpha shifts to patch it up.
Transmission code is six and a half years ago.
Trey is dead. There are only four crew members.
Trey is sedated in the Med Centre.
Trey is so doped up he can hardly walk or feed himself.
Twelve hours before crew will be unable to perform complex tasks.
Twenty three hours ago, on the comms systems...
Two hours?
Two last hopes are better than one.
Two percent?
Unlock the airlock, do you copy? Unlock the airlock.
Use the hard link.
Variables infinite.
Wait, Cassie.
Warning, you do not have authority to remove...
Water is recycled.
We already lost it.
We are floating free from you.
We are not a democracy.
We can do it.
We can see it.
We could fly straight to them.
We don't have a 1 o, ooo degree climate.
We don't know what happened to Icarus I.
We don't know why.
We don't need them now, we're gonna need them to go home.
We have a major incident.
We have a payload to deliver to the heart of our nearest star.
We have abandoned our mission.
We have an excess of manliness breaking out in the Comms Center.
We have remaining oxygen to keep four crew alive.
We know we're dying.
We love you.
We need to lose two more.
We now have no choice but to rendezvous with Icarus I.
We should never have gone off the mission.
We should split up.
We were lucky.
We'll be able to see them?
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
We'll finally be on our own.
We'll have a vote this time. Unanimous decision required.
We'll lose the whole garden.
We're 55 million miles from Earth. I'd say we're already on our own.
We're a collection of astronauts and scientists.
We're all thinking of you, Searle.
We're doing it because that star is dying.
We're flying into the sun.
We're gonna complete the mission.
We're gonna die out here.
We're gonna go now.
We're gonna pass right by them.
We're in orbit. The computer is down.
We're leaving now.
We're only stardust.
We're screwed.
We're venting O2. Shit.
We've mined all Earth's fissile materials for this bomb.
Welcome to Icarus II.
Well, I should have a few words to say...
Well, it's a good thing we don't need them, then.
Well, it's invigorating.
Well, Mom and Dad.
Well, whatever it was that tripped them up...
What about food? Their supplies couldn't last.
What are we gonna do?
What are you asking?
What are you trying to remind us of? Our lost humanity?
What are you trying to say, Cory?
What do we do?
What do you see?
What happened?
What happened?
What is it?
What's going on, guys?
What's strange, Searle, is that you're the psych officer...
What's the problem? The trajectory is wrong?
What's up?
When he chooses for us to die.
When Searle and Harvey died, we lost two breathers.
When the stellar bomb is triggered...
Where is he? Is he here?
Where is the fifth crew member?
Which leaves one possibility.
Which means the airlock was decoupled manually.
Which means you'll know we've succeeded...
While listening to your space music?
Who am I?
Who are you?
Who's the fifth crew member?
Why isn't he moving?
Within 1 o or 15 thousand miles.
Without suits?
Without the mainframe, we can't fly.
Yeah, probably right.
Yes, captain.
Yes, Cassie.
Yes, Corazon.
Yes, Dr. Searle?
Yes, Harvey.
You and the darkness are distinct from each other...
You can do it?
You can hardly walk, it's so thick.
You didn't reset the shields to the new angle.
You gotta be kidding.
You gotta see this. Seven years of unchecked growth.
You guys, come on.
You have to break us out of orbit manually.
You have to come down on one side or the other.
You have to move now.
You have to move now.
You just...
You make it easy for him.
You motherfucker.
You okay?
You seeing this readout, O2, everybody.
You should see it up here, guys.
You son of a bitch.
You will not live long enough to deliver the payload.
You'll have to get to the bomb and detonate manually.
You're a comms officer on a ship that has no communication.
You're assuming we'd be able to pilot Icarus I.
You're gonna be fine.
You're okay, Mace. You're okay, Mace. Please, breathe.
You're right.
You're saying you need my vote.
You're thinking about Icarus I.
You've done this a thousand times in Earth orbit training.
You've got a breach, I can see it. You're losing atmosphere.
Your maintenance program allows a further 14 minutes...
Affirmative, captain. Damn it.
And get a haircut, Mace. Yeah.
Are you ready? Ready.
Back me up. Copy, Mace.
Breathe, Mace. Capa?
Calm down. I'm sorry, all right? Jesus.
Capa, are you all right? Yeah. Yeah.
Capa. Mace?
Captain, do we know where they are? Well done, Capa. That is the question.
Cassie. I know the argument.
Cassie. The airlock has decoupled.
Consider it accepted. Okay.
Do we understand each other? Yes, Cassie.
Exactly. However...
Fireguard perimeter. Sealing sector. Sealing feed.
Flood it with O2. What?
Fuck. Relax. Put it down.
Fucker took an hour in there. Stop.
Get as close as you can. You'll have 2o meters to cover.
Get the alarm. What's going on? I screwed up.
Great job. I love you, captain.
Harvey's gone. Crew detected in airlock.
He's right. He's right. Of course I'm right.
I need a decision. It's not a decision, it's a guess.
I volunteer. No, I volunteer.
Icarus? Yes, Capa?
Kaneda's not gonna make it. You have to move.
Let me in. Please. Negative.
Mace? Yeah.
Mace. Mace.
May I put a counter argument? No.
Nineteen hours. Impossible. Corazon was certain.
No lights? No.
Okay, Cassie. I'm gonna be cutting speed.
Returning vessel to original rotation. What?
Seal sections five through nine. Sealing five through nine.
Second human confirmation required. Copy.
So, do you have that report for me? Yeah.
So, what's the actual damage? We don't know.
The same thing that's happening here. Fuck you, Capa.
They're gonna burn. They are not.
They're gonna die. Don't.
They're still alive? We don't know.
Was that the apology? Yeah.
We shouldn't be straying. Trey, cut to it.
We'll have a vote. No, no.
What are you doing? Come on.
What do you want me to say? I don't want you to say shit.
What the hell is going on? Mace?
What was that? Guys, get back to the airlock, now.
While scanning the frequencies, I heard a transmission.
Why Capa? The rest of us are lower priority.
Why would he do it? We don't know.
Why? Negative, Icarus.
Yes? You are dying.
Yes. It's a lot of assumptions.
Yes. Which is assuming...
You lose yourself a little. Like a flotation tank.
...a moment will come when just one man remains.
...a stellar bomb with the mass equivalent to Manhattan Island.
...about eight minutes after we deliver the payload.
...all our hopes...
...and a secondary contact to the engine compartment.
...and again and again.
...and Capa, our shields are intact.
...and fuck up.
...and I'm clearly a lot saner than you are.
...and it will hang for an instant, hovering in space. And then...
...and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know we made it.
...and the Moon Stations will be able to pick them up. absurd to alter our trajectory to assist the crew of the Icarus I.
...because darkness is an absence of something, it's a vacuum.
...belongs here.
...but I do.
...but on reflection...
...but stardust.
...but we had 19 punctures...
...dust. Nothing more.
...Earth Room.
...emergency command 0 0 0.
...for a period of not longer than 30 seconds.
...for the mainframe panel to remain out of coolant tank.
...I don't think it was a lack of oxygen.
...I think you made the right decision.
...I'm not gonna lose track again.
...if we had two bombs, we'd have two chances. acting as an antenna. entirely theoretical. separate the payload. Do you get it, Capa? doesn't matter that Capa has his payload. will split into two.
...left Earth frozen in a solar winter.
...lose track.
...of a payload delivery.
...our dreams, are foolish.
...saving mankind and so on. days sooner than we thought. and time will become smeared together.
...that whatever stopped them wasn't a fault or a damage to the spacecraft.
...the filter to 3.1 percent.
...the Icarus I is our only hope.
...the mainframe panels from the coolant.
...the velocity will be so great...
...their lives are expendable when seen in the context of our mission.
...there is something onboard the Icarus I that may be worth the detour. challenge God. clear and commence homeward journey. create a star within a star.
...Trey wouldn't be enough.
...very little will happen at first.
...we are...
...we don't have enough oxygen reserves to get us to our payload delivery point.
...we don't know if it's gonna work.
...we'll have the oxygen to make it to the delivery point.
...we're okay with it.
...what can one say?
...which, by 1700, had turned into a minor asteroid storm.
...wonderful to show him. are observing the sun at 2 percent of full brightness. should do it now. wanna see something?'ll know we made it.
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