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Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is a animated movie based on the beloved children's

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is a animated movie based on the beloved children's book of the same name by Judi Barrett and Ron Barrett. First hitting the big screen in 2009, this film quickly became a favorite for both kids and adults alike with its imaginative story and colorful characters.

Directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" boasts an impressive voice cast. The protagonist, Flint Lockwood, is voiced by Bill Hader, who brings his quirky humor and charm to the character. Anna Faris lends her voice to the intelligent weather reporter, Sam Sparks, while James Caan portrays Flint's practical father, Tim Lockwood.

Other notable voice actors include Mr. T as the tough, but lovable, town cop Earl Devereaux, and the legendary Bruce Campbell as the eccentric mayor of Swallow Falls, Shelbourne. Throughout the film, these talented actors breathe life into their animated counterparts, infusing them with humor, heart, and a touch of nostalgia.

The story revolves around Flint Lockwood, a young inventor with big dreams of creating something that will change the world. Frustrated with his small town's reliance on sardines as the main source of economic stability, Flint invents a machine that can turn water into food. Much to his surprise, the contraption actually works, but it spirals out of control, raining down all kinds of delectable foods on the town.

As the townspeople revel in this newfound food paradise, things quickly take a turn for the worse. Giant food tornadoes, spaghetti twisters and oversized meatballs threaten to engulf the town, causing chaos and disaster. Together, Flint, Sam, and their friends must find a way to shut down the machine and save Swallow Falls before it becomes a culinary catastrophe.

"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is not just a feast for the eyes but also for the ears. With a lively and energetic soundtrack, the film's music perfectly complements the crazy and imaginative world it brings to life. From the catchy theme song "Raining Sunshine" by Miranda Cosgrove to the humorous rap by Mr. T's character, the musical moments add an extra layer of fun to the movie.

If you're a fan of the film's music or just want to relive the culinary adventures of Flint Lockwood, you're in luck! You can now play and download the sounds of "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" to enjoy anytime, anywhere. Immerse yourself in the world of delicious chaos and relish in the delightful tunes that perfectly capture the spirit of this beloved animated movie.

So gather your popcorn and get ready to be whisked away to the wacky world of "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" where food literally falls from the sky. Experience the magic of this culinary adventure with its unforgettable characters, hilarious moments, and mouthwatering soundtrack right at your fingertips. Play and download the sounds of this deliciously entertaining film now!
A future in which you don't ruin our town's day...
A pizza stuffed inside a turkey...
A professional grade lab coat.
A shenaniganizer.
A toast. To Flint and his delicious steaks.
A tomfool.
A town that is truly topped with ice cream.
A Vegas style all you can eat buffet.
Act like, "Hey, whoa."
Activity with me tomorrow.
Actually, I'm not entirely allergic to peanuts.
After I plug my phone into the FLDSMDFR and destroy it...
All right, here's the skinny:
All right, kid, it's all gonna be okay.
All right, then.
All right, this probably won't explode.
All right, you guys. Sardines, yeah.
All right.
All right.
All you have to do is make it rain food three meals a day...
Allow your kids to eat all the junk food they want...
Along with all these dumb inventions.
Also I think there's some Canadians here.
America, hi. I didn't see you there.
And bigger is better.
And bon app�tit.
And designing the ice cream to accumulate into scoops...
And everyone, everywhere...
And featuring Shamo, the world's largest sardine...
And I even made it rain your favourite:
And I know that you're gonna do big things someday.
And I still need these glasses, but I never wear them.
And I was about to invent a machine...
And I'm finally contributing to society.
And I'm gonna be so proud of you tomorrow when you cut that ribbon...
And I've arranged for live coverage from a major network...
And if she were alive today, she'd tell us both:
And if you don't make it...
And in four hours the entire northern hemisphere will be one big potluck.
And me.
And Mom did too.
And nobody out.
And now it's time for all of us to pay the bill.
And now, here to cut the ceremonial ribbon...
And now, the reveal.
And on they go.
And that's why this has to work.
And then you could sell food in the shop...
And this is the molecular structure of a hot dog that fell today.
And when the fun is done...
And without further ado...
And your lab is breathtaking.
And, the pitch is in.
Anybody order pizza?
Anyways, who wants to watch me cut the ribbon...
Aren't you proud of me?
As long as we stay on course, it should be a straight shot to the
As your mayor, I know it's time to put our sardine canning past behind us...
Baby Brent Sardines.
Baby Brent?
Because I don't want to go for it and then get shut down again.
Beginning conversion of water...
Belly flop.
Billy, just play dead.
Blueprints, awesome. Begin nano mutation.
Bon voyage.
Brent, get out of that pie.
Brent, that's okay.
Brent, we're gonna need you to hand over the ceremonial scissors.
Brent, you need to take Sam back to the plane to get her an allergy shot.
But about you.
But about you.
But all the kids used to taunt me with this lame song.
But how did you ?
But I have a plan.
But I took care of that problem and disposed of them.
But it was all just an illusion.
But not me, right?
But that could only mean...
But that never stopped them.
But this time, sure, yeah.
But what if things go
But when all seemed lost, I stared at defeat...
But you can't run away from your own feet.
Button, on. Memory, activate.
Cal, get back here.
Calibrating flavour panel.
Can I count on your help?
Can it, Patrick.
Can you believe it, Manny?
Can you keep a secret?
Can you look me in the eye and tell me you've got this under control...
Car upside down, go.
Cheeseburger. Pretzel. Egg salad. Strawberry. Marshmallow.
Come on, Dad.
Come on, Sam, what are you waiting for?
Come on, Steve. We've got diem to carpe.
Come on.
Come on. Let's open the shop.
Come with us. We'll start over.
Computer, boot.
Condiments? Salt? Pepper?
Coolness enhancement, complete.
Could still use your help around here, though, you know.
Crotch kick.
Cute report, Nancy. Hey. Hey. Four eyes.
Dad, I almost kissed a girl.
Dad, I know I can do this.
Dad, I'm surrounded by man eating chickens right now.
Dad, you came. I have so much to tell you.
Dad, you know I don't understand fishing metaphors
Dad? Dad? Can you hear me?
Dad. Oh, okay, great.
Danger. Danger. Danger.
Delight in our nacho cheese hot springs.
Deploy hatch.
Did he say hot tea?
Did you even hear what I just said?
Did you get a new haircut?
Do you know how hard it is to break into the weather game?
Do you like it?
Do you think so?
Don't worry, Dad, I get it.
Don't worry. I have a Dangeometer that lets us know...
Don't you think it's time to give up this inventing thing, get a real job?
Dr. Manny's got the medicine for your face.
Drag it across the desktop.
Earl, wait.
Engage coffee break.
Especially to you, Sam.
Everybody except you.
Everybody head south. We gotta stay ahead of that storm.
Everybody loves you.
Everyone is going to love this.
Everyone just thinks I'm a weirdo.
Everyone's gonna love these new portion sizes.
Everyone's in danger because of me.
Everything's made of Jell O.
Excited. Excited.
Featuring a live appearance by Baby Brent himself.
Fight the power!
Fight the power!
Figured it out a little late, I guess.
First, it'll hit New York...
Flint Lockwood?
Flint Lockwood?
Flint Lockwood.
Flint Lockwood.
Flint, my boy. Can you do lunch?
Flint, the Fliminadifiserser's right down there!
Flint, this is amazing.
Flint, this is the best breakfast ever.
Flint, those burgers were awesome.
Flint, what's the problem?
Flint, you don't keep throwing your net where there aren't any fish.
Flint, you have a
Flint, you have a call
Flint, you have a call
Flint, you have a call.
Flint, you'll be stuck down there.
Flint. No.
Flying Car 2.
Flying Car.
Food synthesis, go.
For a town stuck eating sardines, this is totally manna from heaven.
For the first time in my life, everybody loves something that I've done.
Foster still at the plate.
Four eyes, four eyes
From that moment on...
From which we're protected by a presumably indestructible dam.
Geniuses like us are never understood by their fathers, Flint.
Get Flint.
Get with the times, man.
Glad I'm wearing a diaper.
Go ahead, Flint.
Go ahead, Flint.
Go into my lab, get on my computer and e mail a file to my cell phone.
Go on.
Go, go, go.
Go, go, go.
Go, go, go.
Good job. That's what I'm talking about. Everybody head to the docks.
Good luck, son.
Goodbye, Sam.
Got it.
Got to get the button.
Great. Okay, I'm good.
Gummi Bears.
Gummi bears.
Hair Un Balder.
Hand packed in Swallow Falls.
Hang on, Sam.
Happy birthday, son.
Have you ever felt like you were a little bit different?
He just wants to take anything good I do and just smoosh it.
He said my invention saved the town.
He'd also like to invite everyone in the world to catch a cruise liner...
He's got me!
He's in a food coma.
He's still got it, folks.
Hello, America, Sam Sparks here.
Hello, Sam Sparks, I'm America.
Help me, please.
Help, somebody.
Here you go.
Here's what I heard:
Hey, aren't you a weathergirl?
Hey, Dad, I'm headed back to the lab.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, everybody.
Hey, Flint.
Hey, Flint. It's been nice to beet you.
Hey, give me that phone back.
Hey, guys?
Hey, how's it going?
Hey, I had a weird dream like this once.
Hey, me too.
Hey, what's going on, little guy?
Hoist those sails. Toast that bread.
Hold on tight, Calvin.
Hold on.
Holy crap balls.
Honey, I think your shoes are wonderful.
Hot tea?
How about...
How did you get in here?
How is he, doc?
How would you like to do a weather report from a rinky dink island...
How you gonna get them off, nerd?
Hungry. Gummi Bears. Gummi Bears. Gummi Bears. Steve hungry. Hungry.
Hurry up, guys.
Hydrating protein matrix.
I admire your quirkiness, dude.
I am a doctor.
I am also a comedian.
I asked for extra mustard.
I came here for a better life.
I can still stop the order with the kill code.
I can turn it off.
I can't let you do this alone.
I didn't get hurt, but that does not mean that I'm not still mad at you.
I do...
I don't know what to do.
I don't know, Cal.
I don't know.
I don't know. But that'll never happen.
I don't know. I think they're kind of cute.
I don't understand fishing metaphors.
I got my eye on you.
I guess I'll just get out of your way.
I have a macaroni on my head.
I have an important announcement.
I just have to hook it up to the power station and give it power and it'll work.
I just wanted Cal to see how much his father loves him.
I knew I could.
I know Flint Lockwood made the food, but it was made to order.
I know I do.
I know so.
I know, Dad. You tell me every day.
I know, it's great. Bigger portion sizes. Everyone loves it.
I know, kid.
I know.
I love him so much. This is my only son.
I love it!
I love Jell O too. Oh, and peanut butter, right?
I love Jell O.
I love my son.
I love spending time with you, Dad.
I love you too, Dad.
I love you, son.
I love you, son.
I made it rain Jell O, then I gathered it up with the Outtasighter...
I mean, bigger is better...
I mean, the town's grand reopening is in, like, a week.
I mean, there's no pleasing that guy.
I mean, this is the real you, right?
I mean, this isn't that bad.
I mean, this one just walked right up to me and
I mean, you were okay before...
I mean...
I mean...
I mean...
I might have just said that to get you to like me.
I need a celery, stat.
I need a favour. The fate of the world depends on it!
I really shouldn't be running with these.
I said I was sorry.
I scream, you scream...
I should've just quit when you said.
I spent my entire life building up to that moment.
I think that's why the food is getting bigger.
I thought you would understand.
I wanna be big.
I want him to have a bright future.
I want people to look at me and say, "That is one big mayor."
I want to apologize.
I wanted a Doppler Weather Radar 2000 Turbo.
I wanted to run away that day.
I was right.
I was saving this for your birthday, but here.
I was wondering if you would like to go on a da "
I was, back in Guatemala.
I will fly up into that food storm, plug it into the machine...
I'll be back in half an hour, skipper.
I'll be using these bad boys to help save the town.
I'm amazed that someone as ordinary as me...
I'm Baby Brent.
I'm Chicken Brent.
I'm circling the blowhole.
I'm coming with you.
I'm gonna go build a boat.
I'm just a piece of junk.
I'm not an inventor.
I'm not Baby Brent anymore.
I'm not gonna lose you again.
I'm not sure this is good for people.
I'm not sure we're doing the right thing here.
I'm proud of you, Flint.
I'm sorry, son.
I'm sorry.
I'm the best person in the whole town.
I'm thinking pasta.
I'm working with the mayor now, Dad.
I've always felt that you were like a son to me, Flint.
I've been coasting on my fame since I was a baby.
I've been ordering dinner for the last 10 minutes.
I've calculated the Coriolis acceleration of the storm system.
I've got an idea.
I've got jellybeans for teeth.
I've got this under control, and it's not gonna end in disaster.
I've never actually been in a snowball fight.
If either one of us touches it, we'll go into anaphylactic shock.
If we go this way, the Flamidabager should be right down this air shaft.
If you wanna come, I could show you how I make the food.
In fact, when he gets out of that car, I'm gonna slap him in the face.
Incredible. Did you make all of this stuff?
Inside a giant meatball.
Is anyone here a doctor? Anyone?
Is that what that rocket was?
Is there like a point system or is it...
Is your phone ringing?
It fits perfect.
It had been almost 10 years since Mom died...
It has to work.
It is going to be so awesome.
It is if it means I don't have to lose you.
It looks like the food storm is following an unusual pattern...
It really works!
It should be right down this hole.
It wasn't even clever.
It'll be just one time...
It's a Jell O scrunchie.
It's a solid, it's a liquid...
It's almost as if it's...
It's called the Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating...
It's going to spread across the globe.
It's just a scratch.
It's making everybody happy.
It's me, Sam Sparks.
It's me, the mayor.
It's my son Cal's birthday tomorrow...
It's my son.
It's not dragging.
It's not ideal, no.
It's so cute.
It's Swallow Falls degrees and Well, let's just go to the mayor.
It's working.
It's your choice.
Jeez. See you, Dad.
Jell O's my favourite.
Jellybean. Watermelon. Marshmallow. Pretzel. Sushi.
Join me.
Jump, jump, jump, run, run, jump, jump, run.
Just There were chickens
Just a second.
Just a second. I'm in the middle of a
Just before then.
Just holding my hands behind my back respectfully, sir.
Just like the real guys wear.
Keep an eye on the lab for me.
Kids? What's going on?
Kill code downloading.
Ladies first?
Let's move out. Go, go, go.
Let's rock his car back and forth.
Lick. Lick. Lick.
Lick. Lick. Lick.
Life became gray and flavourless.
Like Like, as a friend?
Like you do as friends.
Like you had something unique to offer the world...
Like, "like you" like you.
Listen, you Maybe you wanna go to that unveiling?
Lockwood! Lockwood! Lockwood!
Lockwood! Lockwood! Lockwood!
Look out, Baby Brent!
Look, I like you, okay?
Look, I'm as mad at Flint as you are.
Look, when you When you cast your line...
Looks like everything turned out okay.
Looks pretty cloudy there, intern.
Manny, get your camera.
Manny, hit the wipers.
Manny, make sure you get this. He's gonna make the food now.
Manny, you and Steve stay on the plane. Don't spray that.
Manny. Where are you?
Maybe up there I'll find out who I really am.
Maybe with hot fudge.
Maybe you should think about turning this thing off.
Me either.
Me too.
Me, I didn't even protect my own son.
Mom was wrong about me.
Monkey Thought Translator.
Mr. Lockwood, may I please have waffles?
My chest hairs are tingling. Something's wrong.
My coat.
My dad thinks I should turn it off.
My dream was to help my hometown...
My forecast?
My invention could save the whole town.
My machine works.
My name is Flint Lockwood.
My tummy hurts.
My whole career was ruined by some crazy jerk riding a homemade rocket.
Nailed it. Gotta go, Steve.
Networking power grid.
No more inventing.
No school!
No, harder than that.
No, I'm not. I can't go out in public like this.
No, it's not okay.
No, no, no.
No, Steve. No, no, no, no, no! No, please! Leave it
No, thanks.
No, why?
Not a problem with Flint Lockwood's latest invention, the Outtasighter...
Not every sardine is meant to swim, son.
Not to mention that little cutlet, Sam Sparks.
Not yet, it hasn't.
Now go, you crazy kids, and save the world.
Now that's what I call poultry in motion.
Now we're over to Swallow Falls...
Now with wings.
Now, look, when I take this thing off...
Now, when she gets here, I wanna see a lot of smiling faces.
Oh, boy.
Oh, for crying out loud.
Oh, it can't be that bad.
Oh, it's the mayor. Do you mind if I take this?
Oh, just send the intern. She's cute, and she's super perky.
Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. Are you okay?
Oh, my, what's that?
Oh, no, no, no, I am severely allergic to peanuts.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, not you, Brent. No. You've always been like a son to me.
Oh, nowhere. I just thought it'd be nice...
Oh, son. Listen, when your boat is, when it's listing...
Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Oh, wait.
Oh, wow. Thank you.
Oh, yeah.
Okay, bye.
Okay, here's the plan:
Okay, Manny, what about this?
Okay, then, skipper. What do you need?
Okay. Bye.
Okay. I knew it was a long shot.
Okay. Well, it was a really long time ago, but I, too, was...
On my way across the ocean.
On the screen there's a file marked "kill code."
Once my dad e mails me the kill code, we'll destroy the machine...
Or should I say, first gray on the job.
Or you can turn it off...
Or, for short:
Orange juice.
Other girls wanted a Barbie.
Otherwise, I'm just a tiny mayor of a tiny town...
Patrick, several children are stranded in the path of this tomato tornado.
Pea soup fog.
People probably thought that these guys were weirdoes too.
Pizza. Pizza. Pizza.
Play with us, play with us. Eat us, eat us.
Play. Fun. Fun. Play.
Please, I'm so close with this one.
Please, please, please.
Plus, you're always mean to me.
Poached, fried, boiled, dried, candied and juiced.
Pretty great decision, eh?
Priming chow plopper.
Pushing. Folding. Connecting.
Put your clothes back on.
Radiation matrix, secure.
Re energizing tower unit.
Really? You sure you can handle it?
Redesigning. Virtualizing.
Regretting. Re psyching.
Remote Control Television.
Researching. Role playing.
Right after everyone in the world realized that sardines...
Right, right. That's why I did that.
Right? Okay. Great. Okay, great.
Right. Got it.
Salt and pepper wind?
Sam and I will enter the meteoroid through the intake here...
Sam, hey, we love a good storm over here, but you look like a nerd.
Sam, that's not a very good plan.
Sam, wait. No, I can turn it off.
Sardine Land.
Sardine tourism!
Say something super smart and then bail from it.
Saying what I'm doing.
Scanning hand.
See you, suckers.
Sentient food? That's impossible.
Snowball and snowball.
Snowball. Snowball, snowball, snowball.
Snowball. Snowball.
So here's how it works.
So here's the cheese:
So I got a new look...
So I threw myself away.
So if this is goodbye...
So like this?
So no roof.
So where were we?
So you know how the grand reopening of the town is tomorrow?
So you really thought having allergies would make you more attractive?
So you're sure this is safe?
Some light apps. I know you won't let us down.
Son, look around.
Soon, all of us were stuck eating the sardines that no one else wanted.
Sorry, Dad.
Sorry, I'm not myself today.
Sorry, old friend. The kitchen's closed.
Sounds great.
Spaghetti. Asparagus. Celery. Garlic bread. Meatball. Shrimp.
Spray On Shoes.
Spray On Shoes. They don't come off.
Steve starving. Hungry. Hungry. Starving.
Steve, keep working.
Steve, my best friend and trusted colleague.
Steve, we just have to upload the kill code and then we'll shut down the
Still nothing, nothing in the bottom of the third inning.
Strawberry's my favourite.
Sunny side up.
Tackle is a good career.
Taping. Turning. Painting. Switching.
Temporary professional meteorologist.
Thank goodness you only caused minimal damage to Sardine Land.
Thank you and welcome, national television audience.
Thank you, Earl.
Thank you. Thank you, everyone.
Thanks, Patrick. Okay, everybody, you are not gonna believe this one...
That is one big mayor.
That techno food, it's too complicated for an old fisherman.
That twister was an amuse bouche compared to what's on the way.
That was close. I mean, can you imagine if we lost this kill code?
That was the only way to communicate with the machine.
That's a radish.
That's a really weird dude.
That's actually a really smart observation.
That's been genetically engineered to protect the FLDSMDFR.
That's fry oil.
That's it!
That's peanut brittle.
That's weird. Someone must've changed my ring.
That's why, without consulting anyone...
The car's pretty full, so...
The clouds probably have water in them...
The Dangeometer is in the yellow.
The entire town's fate is resting on your food weather.
The machine uses a principle of hydro genetic mutation.
The machine uses microwave radiation...
The more we ask it to make, the more clouds it takes in...
The pizza's chasing us?
The producer called and he was like, "Everybody loves that food weather."
The ratbirds, yes, they escaped and bred at a surprising rate.
The world needs your originality, Flint.
Then you know exactly how it felt...
There he is! Get him!
There's a problem. The food's getting bigger.
There's massive gastro precipitation accumulated around the machine.
These are big hot dogs.
Think about what you're saying, and if it's a food, yes.
This could be bigger than Sardine Land.
This could solve the untied shoes epidemic.
This doesn't look safe!
This flash drive contains a kill code.
This food weather was created intentionally...
This hellhole is too small for me, Brent.
This is a great idea.
This is all his fault. Get him.
This is going to be big.
This is junk.
This is junk.
This is junk.
This is just amazing. Look at this.
This is Sam Sparks, live from Chew And Swallow...
This is the greatest weather phenomenon in history.
This is the molecular structure of a hot dog that fell last week.
This is your day. Go have fun.
This just in: Our humiliated weather intern is apparently back for more.
This mess we're in is all our faults.
This piano, those sconces...
This tastes significantly better than sardines.
This was not well thought out.
Those cheeseburgers were only the beginning...
Those of you in the splash zone, look out.
Tim and Son Sardine Bait and Tackle.
To the computer.
Tomorrow's the big day, Flint.
Too much junk food.
Touch. Touch. Touch.
Tying. Throwing.
Under this tarp is the greatest tourist attraction ever built by humans.
Unless its molecular structure's mutated into super food!
Untied shoelaces.
Uploading cool machine voice.
Use the mouse to drag it.
Wait a minute.
Wait for me.
Wait, wait.
Water goes in the top, and food comes out the bottom.
Water goes in the top...
Water molecules are bombarded with microwave radiation...
We are about to be in the epicentre of a perfect food storm.
We are running out of time.
We both know how you get around Gummi Bears.
We can do it. Come on, move it, move it.
We just need 17,000 more gigajoules.
We need a doctor.
We were famous for sardines...
We'll live underground. Use bacon for clothes.
We're a team.
We've got people here today from all around the world...
We've landed here in some kind of exhaust vent.
Weather news happens...
Weather News Network.
Welcome, America, I'm Sam Sparks.
Welcome, Flint.
Welcome, Flint.
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